Ejemplo n.º 1
    def get_func_and_var_info():
        needed = []
        for n in loopnode.dfg.get_nodes_deep():
            if isinstance(n, DataFlowGraph.ExtCallNode):
                needed.append(NeededInfo(loopnode.dfg.stmt_sequence, n.line.stmt_idx, n.ast_node.func.as_string(), n))

            elif isinstance(n.ast_node, astroid.Name):
                needed.append(NeededInfo(loopnode.dfg.stmt_sequence, n.line.stmt_idx, n.ast_node.name, n,
                    transform=lambda x: (type(x), x.dtype, x.shape) if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else (type(x), None, None)))

        return watcher.get_runtime_info(func, needed)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        def get_dot_shapes(funccall_info):
            #print "In get dot shapes with funccall_info", funccall_info
            need_arg_shapes = []
            #print "got funccall_info"
            for (ni, f) in funccall_info.iteritems():
                #print "ni, f, ", ni, f
                if f == np.dot:
                            ni.stmt_sequence, ni.stmt_idx, '[' + (','.join([
                                a.as_string() + '.shape'
                                for a in ni.dfg_node.ast_node.args
                            ])) + ']', ni.dfg_node))

            #print "get_dot_shapes needs ", need_arg_shapes
            return watcher.get_runtime_info(func, need_arg_shapes)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        def get_dot_shapes(funccall_info):
            # print "In get dot shapes with funccall_info", funccall_info
            need_arg_shapes = []
            # print "got funccall_info"
            # pprint(funccall_info)
            for (ni, f) in funccall_info.iteritems():
                # print "ni, f, ", ni, f
                if f == np.dot:
                            "[" + (",".join([a.as_string() + ".shape" for a in ni.dfg_node.ast_node.args])) + "]",

            # print "get_dot_shapes needs ", need_arg_shapes
            return watcher.get_runtime_info(func, need_arg_shapes)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def get_func_and_var_info():
        needed = []
        for n in loopnode.dfg.get_nodes_deep():
            if isinstance(n, DataFlowGraph.ExtCallNode):
                    NeededInfo(loopnode.dfg.stmt_sequence, n.line.stmt_idx,
                               n.ast_node.func.as_string(), n))

            elif isinstance(n.ast_node, astroid.Name):
                               transform=lambda x: (type(x), x.dtype, x.shape)
                               if isinstance(x, np.ndarray) else
                               (type(x), None, None)))

        return watcher.get_runtime_info(func, needed)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def optimize_matrix_chain(self, func, dfg):
        Look for (effectively) nested calls to dot.
        The meat of this function is
        1) get information about all external calls - to filter those which are to np.dot
        2) get information on the shapes of the arguments to each np.dot (get_dot_shapes)
        3) find chained dot calls
        4) for each chain, calculate the optimal order, generate a new expression, and
           call replace_subgraph_and_code to put it in.
        print "optimize_matrix_chain called with", func, dfg
        assumptions = {}

        done_chains = {}
        subchains = set(
        )  # Chains that are reachable recursively; these are not full chains

        def chain_for(dfg_node, shape, dot_shapes):
            """ For a given call to dot (represented by dfg_node), move up the data flow graph
            and find other dot calls that are chained together and whose intermediate results
            are not used elsewhere (so we can freely change the order of multiplications).

            When this function completes the full chain will be stored in done_chains."""
            cprint("chain_for called with " + str(dfg_node), 'red')
            cprint("dot_shapes is " + str(dot_shapes), 'red')
            res = []
            a_inp = dfg.get_callarg_value_node(dfg_node, 'a', 0)
            b_inp = dfg.get_callarg_value_node(dfg_node, 'b', 1)
            assert a_inp is not None and b_inp is not None
            for i, arg in enumerate((a_inp, b_inp)):
                # Ensure that we don't need the intermediate result elsewhere
                arg_source = dfg.last_transform(arg)
                print "arg source for ", arg, "is", arg_source
                if (arg_source in dot_shapes
                        and len(dot_shapes[arg_source]) == 2
                        and not (dfg.has_nonlocal_scope(arg)
                                 or dfg.fanout(arg_source) > 1)):
                    if arg_source in done_chains:
                        res += done_chains[arg_source]
                        res += chain_for(arg_source, dot_shapes[arg_source],
                    res += [(arg_source, shape[i])]
            done_chains[dfg_node] = res
            print "chain_for returning", res
            return res

        def mult_order_to_expr(inputs, order, func):
            if isinstance(order, Number):
                return inputs[order]  #.ast_node.as_string()
                return (func + "(" +
                        mult_order_to_expr(inputs, order[0], func) + ", " +
                        mult_order_to_expr(inputs, order[1], func) + ")")

        def optimize_chain_inner(dot_shapes):
            print "In optimize_chain_inner!  Looking to optimize these dot calls/shapes ", dot_shapes

            dot_call_dfg_nodes = {
                dotcall_ni.dfg_node: shape
                for (dotcall_ni, shape) in dot_shapes.items()
            for (dotcall_ni, shape) in dot_shapes.iteritems():
                if len(shape) == 2:
                    chain_for(dotcall_ni.dfg_node, shape, dot_call_dfg_nodes)

            # Remove incomplete chains
            for d in subchains:
                done_chains.pop(d, None)

            print "And here are the chains: "

            for (end, inputs) in done_chains.iteritems():
                for (source, shape) in inputs:
                    assumptions[source] = "{1}.shape == %s" % str(shape)

                chain_inputs = [inp for (inp, shp) in inputs]
                chain_shapes = [shp for (inp, shp) in inputs]
                optimal_order = matrix_chain.matrix_chain_tree(chain_shapes)
                print "Optimal order", optimal_order
                placeholders = ['{%i}' % i for i in range(len(chain_inputs))]
                new_chain_expr = mult_order_to_expr(
                    placeholders, optimal_order, end.ast_node.func.as_string())

                nodes_to_replace, edges_to_replace = dfg.subgraph_between(
                    chain_inputs, end)

                    "Going to replace a subgraph, saved as 'last_subgraph', with %s"
                    % new_chain_expr, 'red')
                mainvar('last_subgraph', nodes_to_replace)
                mainvar('input_nodes', chain_inputs)
                mainvar('new_chain_expr', new_chain_expr)
                mainvar('assumptions', assumptions)
                if not DRYRUN:
                    modcode.replace_subgraph_and_code(dfg, nodes_to_replace,
                #print "func is", func

        def get_dot_shapes(funccall_info):
            #print "In get dot shapes with funccall_info", funccall_info
            need_arg_shapes = []
            #print "got funccall_info"
            for (ni, f) in funccall_info.iteritems():
                #print "ni, f, ", ni, f
                if f == np.dot:
                            ni.stmt_sequence, ni.stmt_idx, '[' + (','.join([
                                a.as_string() + '.shape'
                                for a in ni.dfg_node.ast_node.args
                            ])) + ']', ni.dfg_node))

            #print "get_dot_shapes needs ", need_arg_shapes
            return watcher.get_runtime_info(func, need_arg_shapes)

        # Get (references to) all the function calls in the graph
        print "Nodes", dfg.nodes
        func_calls = [
            NeededInfo(dfg.stmt_sequence, n.line.stmt_idx,
                       n.ast_node.func.as_string(), n) for n in dfg.nodes
            if isinstance(n, DataFlowGraph.ExtCallNode)
        print "func_calls looking for info for "
        p = watcher.get_runtime_info(
                None, onError)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def optimize_matrix_chain(self, func, dfg):
        Look for (effectively) nested calls to dot.
        The meat of this function is
        1) get information about all external calls - to filter those which are to np.dot
        2) get information on the shapes of the arguments to each np.dot (get_dot_shapes)
        3) find chained dot calls
        4) for each chain, calculate the optimal order, generate a new expression, and
           call replace_subgraph_and_code to put it in.
        print "optimize_matrix_chain called with", func, dfg
        assumptions = {}

        done_chains = {}
        subchains = set()  # Chains that are reachable recursively; these are not full chains

        def chain_for(dfg_node, shape, dot_shapes):
            """ For a given call to dot (represented by dfg_node), move up the data flow graph
            and find other dot calls that are chained together and whose intermediate results
            are not used elsewhere (so we can freely change the order of multiplications).

            When this function completes the full chain will be stored in done_chains."""
            cprint("chain_for called with " + str(dfg_node), "red")
            cprint("dot_shapes is " + str(dot_shapes), "red")
            res = []
            a_inp = dfg.get_callarg_value_node(dfg_node, "a", 0)
            b_inp = dfg.get_callarg_value_node(dfg_node, "b", 1)
            assert a_inp is not None and b_inp is not None
            for i, arg in enumerate((a_inp, b_inp)):
                # Ensure that we don't need the intermediate result elsewhere
                arg_source = dfg.last_transform(arg)
                print "arg source for ", arg, "is", arg_source
                if (
                    arg_source in dot_shapes
                    and len(dot_shapes[arg_source]) == 2
                    and not (dfg.has_nonlocal_scope(arg) or dfg.fanout(arg_source) > 1)
                    if arg_source in done_chains:
                        res += done_chains[arg_source]
                        res += chain_for(arg_source, dot_shapes[arg_source], dot_shapes)
                    res += [(arg_source, shape[i])]
            done_chains[dfg_node] = res
            print "chain_for returning", res
            return res

        def mult_order_to_expr(inputs, order, func):
            if isinstance(order, Number):
                return inputs[order]  # .ast_node.as_string()
                return (
                    + "("
                    + mult_order_to_expr(inputs, order[0], func)
                    + ", "
                    + mult_order_to_expr(inputs, order[1], func)
                    + ")"

        def optimize_chain_inner(dot_shapes):
            print "In optimize_chain_inner!  Looking to optimize these dot calls/shapes ", dot_shapes

            dot_call_dfg_nodes = {dotcall_ni.dfg_node: shape for (dotcall_ni, shape) in dot_shapes.items()}
            for (dotcall_ni, shape) in dot_shapes.iteritems():
                if len(shape) == 2:
                    chain_for(dotcall_ni.dfg_node, shape, dot_call_dfg_nodes)

            # Remove incomplete chains
            for d in subchains:
                done_chains.pop(d, None)

            print "And here are the chains: "

            for (end, inputs) in done_chains.iteritems():
                for (source, shape) in inputs:
                    assumptions[source] = "{1}.shape == %s" % str(shape)

                chain_inputs = [inp for (inp, shp) in inputs]
                chain_shapes = [shp for (inp, shp) in inputs]
                optimal_order = matrix_chain.matrix_chain_tree(chain_shapes)
                print "Optimal order", optimal_order
                placeholders = ["{%i}" % i for i in range(len(chain_inputs))]
                new_chain_expr = mult_order_to_expr(placeholders, optimal_order, end.ast_node.func.as_string())

                nodes_to_replace, edges_to_replace = dfg.subgraph_between(chain_inputs, end)

                cprint("Going to replace a subgraph, saved as 'last_subgraph', with %s" % new_chain_expr, "red")
                mainvar("last_subgraph", nodes_to_replace)
                mainvar("input_nodes", chain_inputs)
                mainvar("new_chain_expr", new_chain_expr)
                mainvar("assumptions", assumptions)
                if not DRYRUN:
                    modcode.replace_subgraph_and_code(dfg, nodes_to_replace, chain_inputs, new_chain_expr, assumptions)
                # print "func is", func

        def get_dot_shapes(funccall_info):
            # print "In get dot shapes with funccall_info", funccall_info
            need_arg_shapes = []
            # print "got funccall_info"
            # pprint(funccall_info)
            for (ni, f) in funccall_info.iteritems():
                # print "ni, f, ", ni, f
                if f == np.dot:
                            "[" + (",".join([a.as_string() + ".shape" for a in ni.dfg_node.ast_node.args])) + "]",

            # print "get_dot_shapes needs ", need_arg_shapes
            return watcher.get_runtime_info(func, need_arg_shapes)

        # Get (references to) all the function calls in the graph
        print "Nodes", dfg.nodes
        func_calls = [
            NeededInfo(dfg.stmt_sequence, n.line.stmt_idx, n.ast_node.func.as_string(), n)
            for n in dfg.nodes
            if isinstance(n, DataFlowGraph.ExtCallNode)
        print "func_calls looking for info for "
        p = (
            watcher.get_runtime_info(func, func_calls)
            .done(None, onError)