Ejemplo n.º 1
def wathen_test09():

    ## WATHEN_TEST09 uses SPY to display the sparsity of the Wathen matrix.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    31 August 2014
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
    from matplotlib.pyplot import show
    from matplotlib.pyplot import savefig
    from wathen_ge import wathen_ge
    from wathen_order import wathen_order

    print ''
    print 'WATHEN_TEST09'
    print '  Display the sparsity of the Wathen matrix.'

    fig = figure()
    nx = 1
    ny = 1
    n = wathen_order(nx, ny)
    seed = 123456789
    a, seed = wathen_ge(nx, ny, n, seed)
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(231)
    ax1.spy(a, markersize=4)

    nx = 2
    ny = 2
    n = wathen_order(nx, ny)
    seed = 123456789
    a, seed = wathen_ge(nx, ny, n, seed)
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(232)
    ax2.spy(a, markersize=4)

    nx = 3
    ny = 3
    n = wathen_order(nx, ny)
    seed = 123456789
    a, seed = wathen_ge(nx, ny, n, seed)
    ax3 = fig.add_subplot(233)
    ax3.spy(a, markersize=4)

    nx = 4
    ny = 4
    n = wathen_order(nx, ny)
    seed = 123456789
    a, seed = wathen_ge(nx, ny, n, seed)
    ax4 = fig.add_subplot(234)
    ax4.spy(a, markersize=4)

    nx = 5
    ny = 5
    n = wathen_order(nx, ny)
    seed = 123456789
    a, seed = wathen_ge(nx, ny, n, seed)
    ax5 = fig.add_subplot(235)
    ax5.spy(a, markersize=4)

    nx = 6
    ny = 6
    n = wathen_order(nx, ny)
    seed = 123456789
    a, seed = wathen_ge(nx, ny, n, seed)
    ax6 = fig.add_subplot(236)
    ax6.spy(a, markersize=4)

    fig.suptitle('WATHEN Matrix Sparsity Pattern')


    filename = 'wathen_spy.png'
    print ''
    print '  Graphics file saved as "%s"' % (filename)

Ejemplo n.º 2
def wathen_test08 ( ):

## WATHEN_TEST08 assemble, factor and solve using WATHEN_ST + CG_ST.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    31 August 2014
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  import numpy as np

  from cg_st import cg_st
  from mv_st import mv_st
  from numpy.linalg import norm
  from r8vec_uniform_01 import r8vec_uniform_01
  from wathen_order import wathen_order
  from wathen_st import wathen_st
  from wathen_st_size import wathen_st_size

  print ''
  print 'WATHEN_TEST08'
  print '  Assemble, factor and solve a Wathen system'
  print '  defined by WATHEN_ST and CG_ST.'
  print ''

  nx = 1
  ny = 1
  print '  Elements in X direction NX = %d' % ( nx )
  print '  Elements in Y direction NY = %d' % ( ny )
  print '  Number of elements = %d' % ( nx * ny )
#  Compute the number of unknowns.
  n = wathen_order ( nx, ny )
  print '  Number of nodes N = %d' % ( n )
#  Compute the matrix size.
  nz_num = wathen_st_size ( nx, ny )
  print '  Number of nonzeros = %d\n' % ( nz_num )
#  Set up a random solution X1.
  seed = 123456789
  x1, seed = r8vec_uniform_01 ( n, seed )
#  Compute the matrix.
  seed = 123456789
  row, col, a, seed = wathen_st ( nx, ny, nz_num, seed )
#  Compute the corresponding right hand side B.
  b = mv_st ( n, n, nz_num, row, col, a, x1 )
#  Solve the linear system.
  x2 = np.ones ( n )
  x2 = cg_st ( n, nz_num, row, col, a, b, x2 )
#  Compute the solution error norm.
  e = norm ( x1 - x2 )
  print '  Maximum solution error is %g' % ( e )

Ejemplo n.º 3
def wathen_test06():

    ## WATHEN_TEST06 assembles, factor and solves using WATHEN_GE + CG_GE.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    31 August 2014
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    import numpy as np

    from cg_ge import cg_ge
    from numpy.linalg import norm
    from r8vec_uniform_01 import r8vec_uniform_01
    from wathen_ge import wathen_ge
    from wathen_order import wathen_order

    print ''
    print 'WATHEN_TEST06'
    print '  Assemble, factor and solve a Wathen system'
    print '  defined by WATHEN_GE and CG_GE.'
    print ''

    nx = 2
    ny = 2
    print '  Elements in X direction NX = %d' % (nx)
    print '  Elements in Y direction NY = %d' % (ny)
    print '  Number of elements = %d' % (nx * ny)
    #  Compute the number of unknowns.
    n = wathen_order(nx, ny)
    print '  Number of nodes N = %d' % (n)
    #  Set up a random solution X1.
    seed = 123456789
    x1, seed = r8vec_uniform_01(n, seed)
    #  Compute the matrix.
    seed = 123456789
    a, seed = wathen_ge(nx, ny, n, seed)
    #  Compute the corresponding right hand side B.
    b = np.dot(a, x1)
    #  Solve the linear system.
    x2 = np.ones(n)
    x2 = cg_ge(n, a, b, x2)
    #  Compute the maximum solution error.
    e = norm(x1 - x2)

    print '  Maximum solution error is %g' % (e)

Ejemplo n.º 4
def wathen_test07 ( ):

## WATHEN_TEST06 assembles, factor and solves using WATHEN_CSC + CG_CSC.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    04 September 2014
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  import numpy as np

  from cg_csc import cg_csc
  from numpy.linalg import norm
  from r8vec_uniform_01 import r8vec_uniform_01
  from wathen_csc import wathen_csc
  from wathen_order import wathen_order

  print ''
  print 'WATHEN_TEST07'
  print '  Assemble, factor and solve a Wathen system'
  print '  defined by WATHEN_CSC and CG_CSC.'
  print ''

  nx = 2
  ny = 2
  print '  Elements in X direction NX = %d' % ( nx )
  print '  Elements in Y direction NY = %d' % ( ny )
  print '  Number of elements = %d' % ( nx * ny )
#  Compute the number of unknowns.
  n = wathen_order ( nx, ny )
  print '  Number of nodes N = %d' % ( n )
#  Set up a random solution X1.
  seed = 123456789
  x1, seed = r8vec_uniform_01 ( n, seed )
#  Compute the matrix.
  seed = 123456789
  a, seed = wathen_csc ( nx, ny, seed )
#  Compute the corresponding right hand side B.
  b = a.dot ( x1 )
#  Solve the linear system.
  x2 = np.ones ( n )
  x2 = cg_csc ( n, a, b, x2 )
#  Compute the maximum solution error.
  e = norm ( x1 - x2 )
  print '  Maximum solution error is %g' % ( e )

Ejemplo n.º 5
def wathen_test03 ( ):

## WATHEN_TEST03 times WATHEN_GE assembly and solution.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    04 September 2014
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  import numpy as np
  import scipy.linalg as la
  import time

  from numpy.linalg import norm
  from r8vec_uniform_01 import r8vec_uniform_01
  from wathen_ge import wathen_ge
  from wathen_order import wathen_order
  print ''
  print 'WATHEN_TEST03'
  print '  For various problem sizes,'
  print '  time the assembly and factorization of a Wathen system'
  print '  using the WATHEN_GE function.'
  print ''
  print '    NX  Elements   Nodes   Storage    Assembly      ',
  print 'Factor      Error'
  print ''

  nx = 1
  ny = 1

  for test in range ( 0, 6 ):
#  Compute the number of unknowns.
    n = wathen_order ( nx, ny )
    storage_ge = n * n
#  Set up a random solution X1.
    seed = 123456789
    x1, seed = r8vec_uniform_01 ( n, seed )
#  Compute the matrix.
    seed = 123456789
    t0 = time.clock ( )
    a, seed = wathen_ge ( nx, ny, n, seed )
    t1 = ( time.clock ( ) - t0 )
#  Compute the corresponding right hand side B.
    b = np.dot ( a, x1 )
#  Solve the system.
    t0 = time.clock ( )
    x2 = la.solve ( a, b )
    t2 = ( time.clock ( ) - t0 )
#  Compute the norm of the solution error.
    e = norm ( x1 - x2 )
#  Report.
    print '  %4d      %4d  %6d  %8d  %10.2e  %10.2e  %10.2e' % \
      ( nx, nx * ny, n, storage_ge, t1, t2, e )
#  Ready for next iteration.
    nx = nx * 2
    ny = ny * 2

Ejemplo n.º 6
def wathen_test04():

    ## WATHEN_TEST04 times WATHEN_CSC assembly and solution.
    #  Licensing:
    #    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    #  Modified:
    #    04 September 2014
    #  Author:
    #    John Burkardt
    import numpy as np
    import scipy.sparse.linalg as ssl
    import time

    from numpy.linalg import norm
    from r8vec_uniform_01 import r8vec_uniform_01
    from wathen_csc import wathen_csc
    from wathen_order import wathen_order

    print ''
    print 'WATHEN_TEST04'
    print '  For various problem sizes,'
    print '  time the assembly and factorization of a Wathen system'
    print '  using the WATHEN_CSC function.'
    print ''
    print '    NX  Elements   Nodes    Assembly      ',
    print 'Factor      Error'
    print ''

    nx = 1
    ny = 1

    for test in range(0, 7):
        #  Compute the number of unknowns.
        n = wathen_order(nx, ny)
        #  Set up a random solution X1.
        seed = 123456789
        x1, seed = r8vec_uniform_01(n, seed)
        #  Compute the matrix.
        seed = 123456789
        t0 = time.clock()
        a, seed = wathen_csc(nx, ny, seed)
        t1 = (time.clock() - t0)
        #  Compute the corresponding right hand side B.
        b = a.dot(x1)
        #  Solve the system.
        t0 = time.clock()
        x2 = ssl.spsolve(a, b)
        t2 = (time.clock() - t0)
        #  Compute the norm of the solution error.
        e = norm(x1 - x2)
        #  Report.
        print '  %4d      %4d  %6d  %10.2e  %10.2e  %10.2e' % \
          ( nx, nx * ny, n, t1, t2, e )
        #  Ready for next iteration.
        nx = nx * 2
        ny = ny * 2

Ejemplo n.º 7
def wathen_test09 ( ):

## WATHEN_TEST09 uses SPY to display the sparsity of the Wathen matrix.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    31 August 2014
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  from matplotlib.pyplot import figure
  from matplotlib.pyplot import show
  from matplotlib.pyplot import savefig
  from wathen_ge import wathen_ge
  from wathen_order import wathen_order

  print ''
  print 'WATHEN_TEST09'
  print '  Display the sparsity of the Wathen matrix.'

  fig = figure ( )
  nx = 1
  ny = 1
  n = wathen_order ( nx, ny )
  seed = 123456789
  a, seed = wathen_ge ( nx, ny, n, seed )
  ax1 = fig.add_subplot ( 231 )
  ax1.spy ( a, markersize = 4 )

  nx = 2
  ny = 2
  n = wathen_order ( nx, ny )
  seed = 123456789
  a, seed = wathen_ge ( nx, ny, n, seed )
  ax2 = fig.add_subplot ( 232 )
  ax2.spy ( a, markersize = 4 )

  nx = 3
  ny = 3
  n = wathen_order ( nx, ny )
  seed = 123456789
  a, seed = wathen_ge ( nx, ny, n, seed )
  ax3 = fig.add_subplot ( 233 )
  ax3.spy ( a, markersize = 4 )

  nx = 4
  ny = 4
  n = wathen_order ( nx, ny )
  seed = 123456789
  a, seed = wathen_ge ( nx, ny, n, seed )
  ax4 = fig.add_subplot ( 234 )
  ax4.spy ( a, markersize = 4 )

  nx = 5
  ny = 5
  n = wathen_order ( nx, ny )
  seed = 123456789
  a, seed = wathen_ge ( nx, ny, n, seed )
  ax5 = fig.add_subplot ( 235 )
  ax5.spy ( a, markersize = 4 )

  nx = 6
  ny = 6
  n = wathen_order ( nx, ny )
  seed = 123456789
  a, seed = wathen_ge ( nx, ny, n, seed )
  ax6 = fig.add_subplot ( 236 )
  ax6.spy ( a, markersize = 4 )

  fig.suptitle ( 'WATHEN Matrix Sparsity Pattern' )

  show ( )

  filename = 'wathen_spy.png'
  fig.savefig ( filename )
  print ''
  print '  Graphics file saved as "%s"' % ( filename )

Ejemplo n.º 8
def wathen_test01 ( ):

## WATHEN_TEST01 assembles, factor and solve using WATHEN_GE.
#  Licensing:
#    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
#  Modified:
#    04 September 2014
#  Author:
#    John Burkardt
  import numpy as np
  import scipy.linalg as la

  from numpy.linalg import norm
  from r8vec_uniform_01 import r8vec_uniform_01
  from wathen_ge import wathen_ge
  from wathen_order import wathen_order

  print ''
  print 'WATHEN_TEST01'
  print '  Assemble, factor and solve a Wathen system'
  print '  defined by WATHEN_GE.'
  print ''

  nx = 4
  ny = 4
  print '  Elements in X direction NX = %d' % ( nx )
  print '  Elements in Y direction NY = %d' % ( ny )
  print '  Number of elements = %d' % ( nx * ny )
#  Compute the number of unknowns.
  n = wathen_order ( nx, ny )
  print '  Number of nodes N = %d' % ( n )
#  Set up a random solution X1.
  seed = 123456789
  x1, seed = r8vec_uniform_01 ( n, seed )
#  Compute the matrix.
  seed = 123456789
  a, seed = wathen_ge ( nx, ny, n, seed )
#  Compute the corresponding right hand side B.
  b = np.dot ( a, x1 )
#  Solve the linear system.
  x2 = la.solve ( a, b )
#  Compute the norm of the solution error.
  e = norm ( x1 - x2 )
  print '  Norm of solution error is %g' % ( e )
