def test(self): result = ["A b ", "a B "] self.assertEqual(wave("a b "), result) result = ["This is a few words", "tHis is a few words", "thIs is a few words", "thiS is a few words", "this Is a few words", "this iS a few words", "this is A few words", "this is a Few words", "this is a fEw words", "this is a feW words", "this is a few Words", "this is a few wOrds", "this is a few woRds", "this is a few worDs", "this is a few wordS"] self.assertEqual(wave("this is a few words"), result) result = [] self.assertEqual(wave(""), result) result = [" Gap ", " gAp ", " gaP "] self.assertEqual(wave(" gap "), result)
def __init__(self,H=None,T=None,numFreq=10001): self.sim = simulation.simulation() self.waves = wave.wave(H,T,numFreq) self.desiredRespAmp = 0.0 # [-] Desired response amplitude. M_d in documentation. self.waveHeightDesired = None # [m] Height of wave desired if renormalizing amplitudes # calculated variables self._RAO = None # [-] Complex RAO array N x 6 self._RAOdataReadIn = np.zeros(6,dtype=bool) # [-] What RAO dimensions did we read in? self._RAOdataFileName = ['','','','','',''] # [-] Name of the data file read in for RAO self._CoeffA_Rn = None # [ ] MLER coefficients A_{R,n} self._S = None # [m^2-s] Conditioned wave spectrum vector self._A = None # [m^2-s] 2*(conditioned wave spectrum vector) self._phase = 0.0 # [rad] Wave phase self._Spect = None # [-] Spectral info self._rescaleFact = None # [-] Rescaling factor for renormalizing the amplitude self._animation = None # Object storing animation information self._respExtremes = None # [m] Array containing min/max of the simulated response
def process_wave(filenames, classes, classes_io, classes_nums, fname_base_len, val=False): data_x = [] data_y = [] data_y_io = [] for i, filename in enumerate(filenames): printProgressBar(i+1, len(filenames)) img = cv2.imread(filename, 0) im = img.copy() h = wave.wave(im) index = classes.index(filename[fname_base_len:-13]) data_x.append(h) if val: inout = int(classes_io[int(classes[i].split(" ")[1])]) data_y.append(int(classes[i].split(" ")[1])) data_y_io.append(inout) else: data_y.append(int(classes_nums[index])) data_y_io.append(int(classes_io[index])) data_x_scaled = preprocessing.scale(data_x) return data_x_scaled, data_y, data_y_io
def test_rand(self): from random import randint def wave2(str): result = [] str = list(str) for b in range(0,len(str)): if str[b] != " ": temp = [] for i in range(0, len(str)): if i == b: temp.append(str[i].upper()) else: temp.append(str[i]) result.append("".join(temp)) return result letters = list("abcd efghi jklmno pqrstu vwxyz") for _ in range (1,97): word = [] for _ in range(0,randint(0,100)): word.append(letters[randint(0,len(letters)-1)]) word = "".join(word) result = wave2(word) self.assertEqual(wave(word), result)
qNour = defaultFill(1,dtNourish,500,10*dtNourish,T+dtNourish) # initialize time steps # loop through and update wave accordingly t = 0 while t<T: #interpolate waves hs = interpParam(t,Hs,dtWave) tp = interpParam(t,Tp,dtWave) d = interpParam(t,D,dtWave) qN = interpParam(t,qNour,dtNourish) dStore.append(d) # print(d) #use the offshore contour to calculate wave refraction wv = wave(hs,tp,d,test.normalsOff) #wave angle relative to offshore contour wv.orient() #refract and shoal waves -> still need to add difraction hb = wv.iteration() #init morphology bed = morph(test.x,test.y,test.yInit,test.xPoints,test.qPoints,test.swl, test.yStr,test.xStr,hs,tp,1) #calculate potential LST Q = bed.CERC(wv.thetaB,hb,wv.Cgb,wv.sgn,rot,test.normals) #quantify erosion and accretion Q,qAn = bed.orient(wv.thetaB,test.normals,rot,Q,wv.sgn) #add source and sinks bed.source_sinks(qi=qN) Dg = bed.A*test.yAdd**(2/float(3)) dyPot,dy = bed.update(6,2,dt,Q,Q,hb,rot,d,Dg,0.8)
for t in test_names: fn = os.path.join(directory, t[7:]) img = cv2.imread(fn) # print(fn) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # GBP start = time.time() gbp.gbp(gray) gbp_times.append(time.time() - start) # CENTRIST start = time.time() centrist.centrist_im(cl, gray) centrist_times.append(time.time() - start) # WHGO start = time.time() whgo.whgo(gray, 16) whgo_times.append(time.time() - start) # WAVE start = time.time() wave.wave(gray) wave_times.append(time.time() - start) print("GBP time", np.mean(gbp_times)) print("CENTRIST time", np.mean(centrist_times)) print("WHGO time", np.mean(whgo_times)) print("WAVE time", np.mean(wave_times))
#symulate full system import wave as wv wave = wv.wave(80000, 0.00001, 'results/solution.pvd', 'meshes/cracked_beam.xml', "full", "dontcare", 80) print('Initializing FEM...') wave.initiate_fem() print('Time integrating...') wave.mid_point() print('Genearting the weight matrix...') wave.generate_X_matrix() print('Saving snapshots...') wave.save_snapshots() print('complete.') # genearate reduced basis print('Generateing reduced basis...') import mor as mr mor = mr.Mor() #mor.set_basis_size(100) #mor.POD_energy() mor.initiate_greedy() mor.greedy(100, 100) mor.save_basis() print('complete.') # simulate reduced system print('simulating Iweighted reduced system...') import wave as wv
frequency = 440.0 * STEP**note volume = volume_step * (MAX_VOLUME / 20) stdscr.addstr(1, 2, NOTES[note % 12] + ' ' * 80) stdscr.addstr(3, 2, str(score) + ' points') stdscr.addstr(4, 2, str(health) + ' health') stdscr.move(10, 2) if target_position >= TARGET_FRAMES: if frequency >= target_frequency / STEP and frequency <= target_frequency * STEP: score += 1 wave_bytes, target_position, time = wave(frames=FRAMES * 2, left=score_tones, right=score_tones, position=1, max_position=1, volume=MAX_VOLUME, bitrate=BITRATE, time=time) else: health -= 1 wave_bytes, target_position, time = wave( frames=FRAMES * 4, left=health_tones[:health], right=health_tones[:health], position=1, max_position=1, volume=MAX_VOLUME, bitrate=BITRATE, time=time) target_frequency = 440.0 * STEP**random.randint(
dsun_meters = i0.meta['dsun_obs'], occultation = True) for line in lonlatgc] pxcoord = [np.array(np.round(np.nan_to_num(wcs.convert_data_to_pixel(line[0], line[1], i0.scale.values(), i0.reference_pixel.values(), [0,0]))), #i0.reference_coordinate.values()))), dtype = for line in xycoord] pxcoord_arr = np.array(pxcoord) # shape for default -> (360,2,180) # Convert the values from physical to pixel values deltaX = wcs.rsun_meters * np.deg2rad(step) / 1e3 # km velocity_px = velocity / deltaX deltaT = 1 / velocity_px # sec cadencewave = int(cadence / deltaT) front = int(150e3 / deltaX) # Create the wave wavearr, tsteps = wave.wave(len(line[0]), velocity = velocity_px, cadence = cadencewave, wave_func = wave.square, wave_args = {'size': front }) messa = \ """The velocity used is: {velocity} km/s with a front size of: {front} km and a cadence of: {cadence} s""".format(velocity = velocity, front = front * deltaX, cadence = cadencewave * deltaT) print messa # Create t-x-y array for all the images mask_series = np.zeros((wavearr.shape[0],) + i0.shape) time0 = stime.parse_time(i0.meta['date-obs']) times_str = [(time0 + datetime.timedelta(0,deltaT * ts + cadence)).isoformat() for ts in tsteps] # the first image is at dt = cadence from i0. for ind, mask in enumerate(mask_series): for line in pxcoord_arr:
def test_string2(self): result = [ "Codewars", "cOdewars", "coDewars", "codEwars", "codeWars", "codewArs", "codewaRs", "codewarS" ] self.assertEqual(wave("codewars"), result)
def test_string1(self): result = ["Hello", "hEllo", "heLlo", "helLo", "hellO"] self.assertEqual(wave("hello"), result)
def test_string5(self): result = [" Gap ", " gAp ", " gaP "] self.assertEqual(wave(" gap "), result)
def test_string4(self): result = [ "Two words", "tWo words", "twO words", "two Words", "two wOrds", "two woRds", "two worDs", "two wordS" ] self.assertEqual(wave("two words"), result)
def test_string3(self): result = [] self.assertEqual(wave(""), result)