Ejemplo n.º 1
def GetWaveDataR(configFileName,
    startTime = time.time()
    print("Running GetWaveData!")
    print("Starting at " + time.strftime('%H:%M:%S'))
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    # Setup data info
    # Directories

    data_directory = directoryName  # New

    data_file_name = config['Directories']['data_file_name']
    #pywaves_directory = config['Directories']['pywaves_directory']

    # Digitizer
    dataFormatStr = config['Digitizer']['dataFormat']
    nSamples = int(config['Digitizer']['samples_per_waveform'])
    ns_per_sample = int(config['Digitizer']['ns_per_sample'])
    number_of_bits = int(config['Digitizer']['number_of_bits'])
    dynamic_range_volts = float(config['Digitizer']['dynamic_range_volts'])
    polarity0 = int(
        config['Digitizer']['polarity0'])  # Polarity of first several channels
    p0ch = int(config['Digitizer']
               ['p0ch'])  # Number of channels to apply first polarity to
    polarity1 = int(
        config['Digitizer']['polarity1'])  # Polarity of remaining channels
    baselineOffset = int(config['Digitizer']['baseline_offset'])
    nBaselineSamples = int(config['Digitizer']['baseline_samples'])
    nCh = int(config['Digitizer']['number_of_channels'])

    # nWavesPerLoad = int(config['Data Management']['waves_per_load'])
    nWavesPerLoad = 10000  # Chosen pretty arbitrarily
    # nWaves = int(config['Data Management']['waves_per_folder']) # per folder
    nWaves = 1000000  # Large number
    # Let's just do all of the folders!
    startFolder = int(config['Data Management']['start_folder'])
    nFolders = fileNum
    # nFolders = int(config['Data Management']['number_of_folders'])

    unevenFactor = int(config['Data Management']['uneven_factor'])
    cfdFraction = float(config['Pulse Processing']['cfd_fraction'])
    integralEnd = int(config['Pulse Processing']['integral_end'])
    totalIntegralStart = int(
        config['Pulse Processing']['total_integral_start'])
    tailIntegralStart = int(config['Pulse Processing']['tail_integral_start'])
    applyCRRC4 = bool(int(config['Pulse Processing']['apply_crrc4']))
    CRRC4Tau = float(config['Pulse Processing']['crrc4_shaping_time'])

    # Load pywaves
    # sys.path.extend([pywaves_directory])
    from dataloader import DataLoader
    from waveform import Waveform

    # Pre-calc
    if dataFormatStr == 'DPP_MIXED':
        dataFormat = DataLoader.DAFCA_DPP_MIXED
    elif dataFormatStr == 'STANDARD':
        dataFormat = DataLoader.DAFCA_STD
    if platform.system() is 'Windows':
        directory_separator = '\\'
        directory_separator = '/'

    # Initialize data arrays
    dataFile1 = data_directory + directory_separator + str(
        1) + directory_separator + data_file_name
    datloader1 = DataLoader(dataFile1, dataFormat, nSamples)
    nWavesIn1 = datloader1.GetNumberOfWavesInFile()
    # print(str(nWavesIn1))

    nLoads = int(nWavesIn1 / nWavesPerLoad)
    if nLoads < 1:
        nLoads = 1
    chBufferSize = int(nFolders * nWavesIn1 * unevenFactor / nCh)
    VperLSB = dynamic_range_volts / (2**number_of_bits)
    fileTimeGap = 2**43  # Note: no more than 3 hours per measurement!

    # Setup channel queues
    ph = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize))
    amp = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize))
    tailInt = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize))
    totalInt = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize))
    rms = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize))
    ttt = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize), dtype=np.uint32)
    extras = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize), dtype=np.uint32)
    fullTime = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize), dtype=np.uint64)
    cfd = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize))
    chCount = np.zeros(nCh, dtype=np.uint32)
    flags = np.zeros((nCh, chBufferSize), dtype=np.uint32)

    # Setup data loader
    waveform = Waveform(np.zeros(nSamples), polarity0, baselineOffset,
    print('polarity0 =' + str(polarity0))
    print('p0ch = ' + str(p0ch))
    print('polarity1 =' + str(polarity1))

    # Queue up waves
    for f in range(startFolder, startFolder + nFolders):
        print('Folder {}:'.format(f))
        fullDFileName = data_directory + directory_separator + str(
            f) + directory_separator + data_file_name
        datloader = DataLoader(fullDFileName, dataFormat, nSamples)
        nWavesInFile = datloader.GetNumberOfWavesInFile()
        nWaves = nWavesInFile + 1
        if (nWavesInFile < nWaves):
            print('Warning: requested more waves than exists in file!')
            loadsInFile = int(np.ceil(nWavesInFile / nWavesPerLoad))
            print('Loading all {} waves instead...'.format(nWavesInFile))
            lastLoad = nWavesInFile - (loadsInFile - 1) * nWavesPerLoad
            loadsInFile = nLoads
            lastLoad = nWavesPerLoad
        if nWavesInFile % 2 == 0 or nWavesInFile % 2 == 1 or int(nCh) == 2:
            for load in range(loadsInFile):
                if (load == loadsInFile - 1):
                    wavesThisLoad = lastLoad
                    wavesThisLoad = nWavesPerLoad
                waves = datloader.LoadWaves(wavesThisLoad)
                for w in range(wavesThisLoad):
                    ch = waves[w]['Channel']
                    if (ch >= p0ch):
                    #print(str( waveform.polarity))
                    if applyCRRC4:
                        waveform.ApplyCRRC4(ns_per_sample, CRRC4Tau)
                    if getZeroCrossingIntegral:
                            chCount[ch]] = waveform.GetIntegralToZeroCrossing(
                            ) * VperLSB * ns_per_sample
                    amp[ch][chCount[ch]] = waveform.GetMax()
                    tailInt[ch][chCount[ch]] = waveform.GetIntegralFromPeak(
                        integralEnd) * VperLSB * ns_per_sample
                    totalInt[ch][chCount[ch]] = waveform.GetIntegralFromPeak(
                        integralEnd) * VperLSB * ns_per_sample
                    cfd[ch][chCount[ch]] = waveform.GetCFDTime(
                        cfdFraction) * ns_per_sample
                    ttt[ch][chCount[ch]] = waves[w]['TimeTag']
                    rms[ch][chCount[ch]] = waveform.GetRMSbls(nBaselineSamples)
                    if dataFormatStr == 'DPP_MIXED':
                        extras[ch][chCount[ch]] = waves[w]['Extras']
                        #                    fullTime[ch][chCount[ch]] = ((waves[w]['TimeTag'] +
                        #                                                ((waves[w]['Extras'] & 0xFFFF0000)
                        #                                                << 15)))*ns_per_sample
                        fullTime[ch][chCount[ch]] = (
                            (waves[w]['TimeTag'] +
                             ((waves[w]['Extras'] & 0xFFFF0000) << 15)) +
                            fileTimeGap * f) * ns_per_sample
                    chCount[ch] += 1
    endTime = time.time()
    runTime = endTime - startTime
    print("GetWaveDataR took {} s".format(runTime))
    return chCount, ph, amp, tailInt, totalInt, cfd, ttt, extras, fullTime, flags, rms