Ejemplo n.º 1
def sync_ride_weather():
    Synchronize rides from strava with the database.
    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("--clear", action="store_true", dest="clear", default=False, 
                      help="Whether to clear data before fetching.")
    parser.add_option("--cache-only", action="store_true", dest="cache_only", default=False, 
                      help="Whether to only use existing cache.")
    parser.add_option("--limit", type="int", dest="limit", default=0, 
                      help="Limit how many rides are processed (e.g. during development)")
    parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False, 
                      help="Whether to log at debug level.")
    parser.add_option("--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, 
                      help="Whether to suppress non-error log output.")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    if options.quiet:
        loglevel = logging.ERROR
    elif options.debug:
        loglevel = logging.DEBUG
        loglevel = logging.INFO
    logger = logging.getLogger('sync')
    sess = db.session
    if options.clear:
        logger.info("Clearing all weather data!")
    if options.limit:
        logger.info("Fetching weather for first {0} rides".format(options.limit))
        logger.info("Fetching weather for all rides")
    # Find rides that have geo, but no weather 
    q = text("""
        select R.id from rides R
        join ride_geo G on G.ride_id = R.id
        left join ride_weather W on W.ride_id = R.id
        where W.ride_id is null
        and date(R.start_date) < CURDATE()
        and time(R.start_date) != '00:00:00' -- Exclude bad entries. 
    c = wu_api.Client(api_key=app.config['WUNDERGROUND_API_KEY'],
                      pause=7.0, # Max requests 10/minute for developer license
    rx = re.compile('^POINT\((.+)\)$')
    rows = db.engine.execute(q).fetchall() # @UndefinedVariable
    num_rides = len(rows)

    for i,r in enumerate(rows):
        if options.limit and i > options.limit:
            logging.info("Limit ({0}) reached".format(options.limit))
        ride =  sess.query(model.Ride).get(r['id'])
        logger.info("Processing ride: {0} ({1}/{2})".format(ride.id, i, num_rides))
            start_geo_wkt = db.session.scalar(ride.geo.start_geo.wkt) # @UndefinedVariable
            (lat,lon) = rx.match(start_geo_wkt).group(1).split(' ')
            hist = c.history(ride.start_date, us_city=ride.location, lat=lat, lon=lon)
            ride_start = ride.start_date.replace(tzinfo=hist.date.tzinfo)
            ride_end = ride_start + timedelta(seconds=ride.elapsed_time)
            # NOTE: if elapsed_time is significantly more than moving_time then we need to assume
            # that the rider wasn't actually riding for this entire time (and maybe just grab temps closest to start of
            # ride as opposed to averaging observations during ride.
            ride_observations = hist.find_observations_within(ride_start, ride_end)
            start_obs = hist.find_nearest_observation(ride_start)
            end_obs = hist.find_nearest_observation(ride_end)
            def avg(l):
                no_nulls = [e for e in l if e is not None]
                if not no_nulls:
                    return None
                return sum(no_nulls) / len(no_nulls) * 1.0 # to force float
            rw = model.RideWeather()
            rw.ride_id = ride.id
            rw.ride_temp_start = start_obs.temp
            rw.ride_temp_end = end_obs.temp
            if len(ride_observations) <= 2:
                # if we dont' have many observations, bookend the list with the start/end observations
                ride_observations = [start_obs] + ride_observations + [end_obs]
            rw.ride_temp_avg = avg([o.temp for o in ride_observations])  
            rw.ride_windchill_start = start_obs.windchill
            rw.ride_windchill_end = end_obs.windchill
            rw.ride_windchill_avg = avg([o.windchill for o in ride_observations])
            rw.ride_precip = sum([o.precip for o in ride_observations if o.precip is not None])
            rw.ride_rain = any([o.rain for o in ride_observations])
            rw.ride_snow = any([o.snow for o in ride_observations])
            rw.day_temp_min = hist.min_temp
            rw.day_temp_max = hist.max_temp
            ride.weather_fetched = True
            ride.timezone = hist.date.tzinfo.zone 
            if lat and lon:
                    sun = Sun(lat=lat, lon=lon)
                    rw.sunrise = sun.sunrise(ride_start)
                    rw.sunset = sun.sunset(ride_start)
                    logger.exception("Error getting sunrise/sunset for ride {0}".format(ride))
                    # But soldier on ...
            logger.exception("Error getting weather data for ride: {0}".format(ride))
            # But soldier on ...
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def execute(self, options, args):
        sess = db.session

        if options.clear:
            self.logger.info("Clearing all weather data!")

        if options.limit:
            self.logger.info("Fetching weather for first {0} rides".format(options.limit))
            self.logger.info("Fetching weather for all rides")

        # Find rides that have geo, but no weather
        q = text("""
            select R.id from rides R
            join ride_geo G on G.ride_id = R.id
            left join ride_weather W on W.ride_id = R.id
            where W.ride_id is null
            and date(R.start_date) < CURDATE()
            and time(R.start_date) != '00:00:00' -- Exclude bad entries.

        c = wu_api.Client(api_key=app.config['WUNDERGROUND_API_KEY'],
                          pause=7.0,  # Max requests 10/minute for developer license

        rows = db.engine.execute(q).fetchall()  # @UndefinedVariable
        num_rides = len(rows)

        for i, r in enumerate(rows):

            if options.limit and i > options.limit:
                logging.info("Limit ({0}) reached".format(options.limit))

            ride = sess.query(model.Ride).get(r['id'])
            self.logger.info("Processing ride: {0} ({1}/{2})".format(ride.id, i, num_rides))


                start_geo_wkt = db.session.scalar(ride.geo.start_geo.wkt)  # @UndefinedVariable

                point = parse_point_wkt(start_geo_wkt)
                lon = point.lon
                lat = point.lat
                # We are doing only lat/lon now instead of us_city, since us_city seems to resolve to regional weather stations
                # rather than the closest weather stations ...
                # hist = c.history(ride.start_date, us_city=ride.location, lat=lat, lon=lon)
                hist = c.history(ride.start_date, lat=lat, lon=lon)

                ride_start = ride.start_date.replace(tzinfo=hist.date.tzinfo)
                ride_end = ride_start + timedelta(seconds=ride.elapsed_time)

                # NOTE: if elapsed_time is significantly more than moving_time then we need to assume
                # that the rider wasn't actually riding for this entire time (and maybe just grab temps closest to start of
                # ride as opposed to averaging observations during ride.

                ride_observations = hist.find_observations_within(ride_start, ride_end)
                start_obs = hist.find_nearest_observation(ride_start)
                end_obs = hist.find_nearest_observation(ride_end)

                def avg(l):
                    no_nulls = [e for e in l if e is not None]
                    if not no_nulls:
                        return None
                    return sum(no_nulls) / len(no_nulls) * 1.0  # to force float

                rw = model.RideWeather()
                rw.ride_id = ride.id
                rw.ride_temp_start = start_obs.temp
                rw.ride_temp_end = end_obs.temp
                if len(ride_observations) <= 2:
                    # if we dont' have many observations, bookend the list with the start/end observations
                    ride_observations = [start_obs] + ride_observations + [end_obs]

                rw.ride_temp_avg = avg([o.temp for o in ride_observations])

                rw.ride_windchill_start = start_obs.windchill
                rw.ride_windchill_end = end_obs.windchill
                rw.ride_windchill_avg = avg([o.windchill for o in ride_observations])

                rw.ride_precip = sum([o.precip for o in ride_observations if o.precip is not None])
                rw.ride_rain = any([o.rain for o in ride_observations])
                rw.ride_snow = any([o.snow for o in ride_observations])

                rw.day_temp_min = hist.min_temp
                rw.day_temp_max = hist.max_temp

                # ride.weather_fetched = True  # (We don't have such an attribute, actually.)
                # (We get this from the activity now.)
                # ride.timezone = hist.date.tzinfo.zone


                if lat and lon:
                        sun = Sun(lat=lat, lon=lon)
                        rw.sunrise = sun.sunrise(ride_start)
                        rw.sunset = sun.sunset(ride_start)
                        self.logger.exception("Error getting sunrise/sunset for ride {0}".format(ride))
                        # But soldier on ...
                self.logger.exception("Error getting weather data for ride: {0}".format(ride))
                # But soldier on ...

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def execute(self, options, args):
        sess = db.session

        if options.clear:
            self.logger.info("Clearing all weather data!")

        if options.limit:
            self.logger.info("Fetching weather for first {0} rides".format(
            self.logger.info("Fetching weather for all rides")

        # Find rides that have geo, but no weather
        q = text("""
            select R.id from rides R
            join ride_geo G on G.ride_id = R.id
            left join ride_weather W on W.ride_id = R.id
            where W.ride_id is null
            and date(R.start_date) < CURDATE()
            and time(R.start_date) != '00:00:00' -- Exclude bad entries.

        c = wu_api.Client(
            pause=7.0,  # Max requests 10/minute for developer license

        rows = db.engine.execute(q).fetchall()  # @UndefinedVariable
        num_rides = len(rows)

        for i, r in enumerate(rows):

            if options.limit and i > options.limit:
                logging.info("Limit ({0}) reached".format(options.limit))

            ride = sess.query(model.Ride).get(r['id'])
            self.logger.info("Processing ride: {0} ({1}/{2})".format(
                ride.id, i, num_rides))


                start_geo_wkt = db.session.scalar(
                    ride.geo.start_geo.wkt)  # @UndefinedVariable

                point = parse_point_wkt(start_geo_wkt)
                lon = point.lon
                lat = point.lat
                # We are doing only lat/lon now instead of us_city, since us_city seems to resolve to regional weather stations
                # rather than the closest weather stations ...
                # hist = c.history(ride.start_date, us_city=ride.location, lat=lat, lon=lon)
                hist = c.history(ride.start_date, lat=lat, lon=lon)

                ride_start = ride.start_date.replace(tzinfo=hist.date.tzinfo)
                ride_end = ride_start + timedelta(seconds=ride.elapsed_time)

                # NOTE: if elapsed_time is significantly more than moving_time then we need to assume
                # that the rider wasn't actually riding for this entire time (and maybe just grab temps closest to start of
                # ride as opposed to averaging observations during ride.

                ride_observations = hist.find_observations_within(
                    ride_start, ride_end)
                start_obs = hist.find_nearest_observation(ride_start)
                end_obs = hist.find_nearest_observation(ride_end)

                def avg(l):
                    no_nulls = [e for e in l if e is not None]
                    if not no_nulls:
                        return None
                    return sum(no_nulls) / len(
                        no_nulls) * 1.0  # to force float

                rw = model.RideWeather()
                rw.ride_id = ride.id
                rw.ride_temp_start = start_obs.temp
                rw.ride_temp_end = end_obs.temp
                if len(ride_observations) <= 2:
                    # if we dont' have many observations, bookend the list with the start/end observations
                    ride_observations = [start_obs
                                         ] + ride_observations + [end_obs]

                rw.ride_temp_avg = avg([o.temp for o in ride_observations])

                rw.ride_windchill_start = start_obs.windchill
                rw.ride_windchill_end = end_obs.windchill
                rw.ride_windchill_avg = avg(
                    [o.windchill for o in ride_observations])

                rw.ride_precip = sum([
                    o.precip for o in ride_observations if o.precip is not None
                rw.ride_rain = any([o.rain for o in ride_observations])
                rw.ride_snow = any([o.snow for o in ride_observations])

                rw.day_temp_min = hist.min_temp
                rw.day_temp_max = hist.max_temp

                # ride.weather_fetched = True  # (We don't have such an attribute, actually.)
                # (We get this from the activity now.)
                # ride.timezone = hist.date.tzinfo.zone


                if lat and lon:
                        sun = Sun(lat=lat, lon=lon)
                        rw.sunrise = sun.sunrise(ride_start)
                        rw.sunset = sun.sunset(ride_start)
                            "Error getting sunrise/sunset for ride {0}".format(
                        # But soldier on ...
                    "Error getting weather data for ride: {0}".format(ride))
                # But soldier on ...
