def test_get_weather(self): """ The 'weather' variable is manually written each day to match with getWeather() return value """ curr_forecast = getWeather(zipcode) weather = "The weather in Greenville, NC is clear sky.\nThe temperature is currently 49 *F with a high of 50 *F and a low of 28 *F.\nThe wind speed is 6 MPH.\n" self.assertEqual(weather, getWeather(zipcode)) self.assertNotEqual("The weather today is", curr_forecast)
def pogoda(): if (0, 0, 0) == weather.getWeather( print("Нет погоды") return temp, perc, wind = weather.getWeather( print( "Сегодняшняя средняя погода: T: %.1f Осадки: %.1f Ветер: %.1f м/c" % (temp, perc, wind)) #print("погода в Сочи: T: {:.1f} Осадки: {:.1f} Ветер: {:.1f} м/c".format(weather.getWeather(weather.place2))) print("Запишу погоду на сегодня для статистики в ~/weather.cvs") dmy = exc('date +%d.%m.%Y') with open(weather_csv, 'at') as fout: fout.write(dmy + "|%.1f|%.1f|%.1f\n" % (temp, perc, wind))
def alert(classList): global alarmRangDate isTrueEating = list(filter(lambda x: x == 1, classList)) alarmDidNotRingToday = True if ( alarmRangDate != else False if (alarmDidNotRingToday and (len(isTrueEating) > 4)): alarmRangDate = log([ 'Alert sound............', 'classList=', classList, 'isTrueEating=', isTrueEating ]) play_mp3() weather.getWeather()
def get_data(self): data_set = np.empty([self.id_time_map[1].shape[0], 3]) for i in range(0, data_set[:,0].size): data_set[i,0] = weekday(self.id_time_map[1][i]) data_set[i,1] = hour_of_day(self.id_time_map[1][i]) data_set[i,2] = getWeather(self.id_time_map[1][i],'London') return data_set
def format_status(): symbolLookup = { 'clear':u'\u263C', 'partly sunny':u'\u2600', 'scattered thunderstorms':u'\u2602', 'showers':u'\u2602', 'scattered showers':u'\u2602', 'overcast':u'\u2601', 'chance of rain':u'\u2601', 'sunny':u'\u2600', 'mostly sunny':u'\u2600', 'partly cloudy':u'\u2601', 'mostly cloudy':u'\u2601', 'chance of storm':u'\u2601', 'rain':u'\u2602', 'chance of snow':u'\u2603', 'cloudy':u'\u2601', 'mist':u'\u2601', 'storm':u'\u2601', 'thunderstorm':u'\u2602', 'chance of tstorm':u'\u2602', 'light rain':u'\u2602' } weatherString = weather.getWeather("Kochi") return symbolLookup[weatherString.lower()]
def update_weather(self): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate dict_weather = None try: dict_weather = getWeather() except Exception as err: print(repr(err)) if dict_weather: self.today_temp.setText(_translate("MainWindow",dict_weather['now']['tmp']+chr(0x2103))) # python2:unichr() self.curr_city.setText(_translate("MainWindow",dict_weather['city'])) self.today_weather.setText(_translate("MainWindow",dict_weather['now']['cond_txt'])) self.today_weather_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow",dict_weather['now']['tmp_min']+'/'+ \ dict_weather['now']['tmp_max']+' '+dict_weather['now']['wind_dir']+' '+ \ dict_weather['now']['wind_sc'])) for i in range(len(dict_weather['three_day'])): if i == 0: self.day_1.setText(_translate("MainWindow", dict_weather['three_day'][i]['date']+' '+ \ dict_weather['three_day'][i]['cond_txt_d']+' '+ \ dict_weather['three_day'][i]['tmp_min']+'/'+ \ dict_weather['three_day'][i]['tmp_max']+' '+ \ dict_weather['three_day'][i]['wind_dir']+ \ dict_weather['three_day'][i]['wind_sc'])) elif i == 1: self.day_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", dict_weather['three_day'][i]['date']+' '+ \ dict_weather['three_day'][i]['cond_txt_d']+' '+ \ dict_weather['three_day'][i]['tmp_min']+'/'+ \ dict_weather['three_day'][i]['tmp_max']+' '+ \ dict_weather['three_day'][i]['wind_dir']+ \ dict_weather['three_day'][i]['wind_sc'])) timer3 = threading.Timer(3600, self.update_weather) timer3.start()
def insertarDatos(filename): # SETEOS cargados, fallidos = 0, 0 last_date = '' # BUSCO ULTIMOS DATOS query = "SELECT * FROM SOLAR.MEDICION ORDER BY FECHA DESC,HORA DESC LIMIT 1" data = db.makeQuery(query) print(data[0]["HORA"]) data_anterior = { 'AccumulatedDischargerPower': data[0]["ACM_DESCARGA"], 'AccumulatedLoadPower': data[0]["ACM_CARGA"], 'AccumulatedSelfusePower': data[0]["ACM_USO_PROPIO"], 'AccumulatedPvPower': data[0]["ACM_PV"] } #ABRO EL CSV FILE dir_path = os.getcwd() + '/CSVFiles' + "/" + filename with open(dir_path, newline='') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) # PROCESO CADA REGISTRO for row in reader: # SI CAMBIA EL DIA PEGALE A LA API-WEATHER current_date = row['RecordTime'][0:21].replace("\n", "") if last_date != current_date[0:10]: clima_por_hora = weather.getWeather(current_date) last_date = current_date[0:10] try: # PROCESO DE A 1 REGISTRO data_anterior = procesarUno(row, clima_por_hora, data_anterior) cargados += 1 except: fallidos += 1 return cargados, fallidos
def index(request): if "userID" not in request.session: # Prevent user from going to the success page if not logged in. return redirect(reverse('useradmin:index')) # User is logged in. userID = request.session['userID'] # userCity = request.session['userCity'] #questionable....maybe use session? Up for discussion current_weather = {} try: current_weather = weather.getWeather(User.objects.get(id=userID).city) except Exception as e: # This might fail due to an API key issue. # Ignoring errors for now. pass context = { "name": User.objects.get(id=userID).name, "stories": [], "city": User.objects.get(id=userID).city, "weather_status": current_weather[2], "weather_temp": current_weather[3], "weather_humidity": current_weather[4], "coords": [current_weather[5], current_weather[6]] } return render(request, 'infohub/index.html', context)
def showWeather(self):"Getting weather") weatherForecast = weather.getWeather() if weatherForecast: (weatherData, rainData) = weatherForecast weatherCode = int(weatherData['W']) weatherType = weather.getWeatherType( weatherCode) #returns tuple of name and image filename self.weatherGraphic.SetBitmap(wx.Bitmap(weatherType[1])) weatherText = "{0} - {1}℃ (feels like {2}℃) - {3}MPH {4} - {5}%".format( weatherType[0], weatherData['T'], weatherData['F'], weatherData['S'], weatherData['D'], weatherData['H']) self.weatherText.SetLabelText(weatherText) chanceOfRain = rainData[1] if chanceOfRain > 0: logger.debug("Rain: {0}% at {1}".format( chanceOfRain, rainData[0])) if (rainData[0] - == 1: day = "tomorrow" else: day = "today" rainLabel = "{0}% chance of rain predicted {1} at {2}".format( chanceOfRain, day, rainData[0].strftime('%H:%M')) else: rainLabel = "No rain predicted" self.rainText.SetLabelText(rainLabel) else: logger.error("Unable to display weather")
def evaluate(self, csvFile=''): #get the weather dictionary yourMom.update(self.getLocation()) wDict = yourMom.getWeather() ## weatherJson = "./jsons/" + str(self.getLocation()) + "weather.json" ## with open (weatherJson,'w') as f: ## f.write(jsonify(wDict)) return jsonify(wDict)
def c_weather(self,data,sender,channel): city = "Tampere" if len(data.split(" ",1)) > 1: city = data.split(" ",1)[1] city = city.title() w = weather.getWeather(city) if w is not None: self.say(w,channel) else: self.say("Can't get weather, sorry.",channel)
def handle_get_weather(message): cityWeatherList = weather.getWeather(message.text) if cityWeatherList[0] == "404": bot.send_message(, "City not found") return True cityWeather = "" for i in cityWeatherList: cityWeather += i bot.send_message(, cityWeather)
def say_hello(): # #Return a suitable greeting, along with weather. print("say hello message is triggered...") card_title = "Greeting Message" greeting_string = "Hello Abhinav and Vidhyuth. How are you doing?" + weather.getWeather( ) return build_response({}, build_speechlet_response(card_title, greeting_string, "Ask me to greet the kids", True))
def sendWeatherMsg(): data = weather.getWeather() msg = '''======{}====== 播报今天的天气情况: 天气:{} 温度:{} 湿度:{} 温馨提醒:{} =========天气播报========='''.format(nowDate, data['skycon'], data['temperature'], data['humidity'], data['forecast_keypoint']) sendSMS.postData("3151351506", msg)
def handle_message(event): word = event.message.text if(word=="weather" or word=="Weather"): result = weather.getWeather() else: result = dictionary.getMeaning(word) line_bot_api.reply_message( event.reply_token, TextSendMessage(text=result) )
def tick(): #print(database.addMessage("", "online", "Script is still working.")) global tryCounter tryCounter = tryCounter + 1 print("Next event triggers at " + str(getNextTime(True))) pause.until(getNextTime(True)) event = database.nextEvent() if getNextTime(False) < print(event) try: if (event["eventType"] == "localWeather"): print(event["location"]) sendDM(event["twitterAccount"], weather.getWeather(str(event["location"]))) database.updateEventTimeAuto(event["id"]) print("Run localWeather event #" + event["id"]) elif (event["eventType"] == "dailyStock"): #TODO Call dailyStock function print("Run dailyStock #" + event["id"]) elif (event["eventType"] == "dailyQuote"): print(int(event["twitterAccount"])) sendDM(event["twitterAccount"], getDailyQuote.get_daily_quote()) database.updateEventTimeAuto(event["id"]) print("Run daily quote #" + event["id"]) elif (event["eventType"] == "dailyWord"): sendDM(event["twitterAccount"], word.getWordOfDay()) database.updateEventTimeAuto(event["id"]) print("Run word event #" + event["id"]) elif (event["eventType"] == "remindMe"): sendDM(event["twitterAccount"], "REMINDER: " + event["message"]) database.updateEventTimeAuto(event["id"]) tryCounter = 0 database.addMessage("", "online", "Event #" + event["id"] + " was sent.") except Exception: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) print(lines) if tryCounter <= 3: time.sleep(10) else: database.updateEventTimeAuto(event["id"]) print("Event " + event["id"] + " failed 3 times. It was skipped.") database.addMessage( "", "error", "Event #" + event["id"] + " failed 3 times. It was skipped.")
def callback_inline(call): try: if call.message: if == 'good': bot.send_message(, 'Вот и отличненько 😊') elif == 'weather.home': weather.getWeather(call.message, 'Киевский', bot) elif == 'weather.another': weather.getWeather(call.message, 'Красноярск', bot) elif == 'bad': bot.send_message(, 'Бывает 😢') # remove inline buttons # bot.edit_message_text(, message_id=call.message.message_id, text="😊 Как дела?", # reply_markup=None) # show alert # bot.answer_callback_query(, show_alert=False, # text="ЭТО ТЕСТОВОЕ УВЕДОМЛЕНИЕ!!11") except Exception as e: print(repr(e))
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(AppContainer, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.runTime = 0 self.oldTime = 0 self.captionBox = None self.weatherString = weather.getWeather(self.weatherLocation) self.appWidgets = {} self.slideWidgets = {} self.frameStartTime = 0
def handletxt(txt): txt = txt.strip() try: txt = txt.decode("utf-8") except: pass if txt.find(u"天气") > 1 and len(txt) < 8: ret = weather.getWeather(txt) elif txt.find(u"行情") > 0: ret = "" elif txt.find(u"几点") >= 0 or txt.find(u"报时") >= 0: ret = else: ret = "" return ret
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(MainScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.info_prompt = "Take a picture to login!" self.logged_in = False self.img1 = "main_blank.png" self.img2 = "main_blank.png" self.ig_img1 = "main_blank.png" self.ig_img2 = "main_blank.png" self.ig_img3 = "main_blank.png" self.ig_img4 = "main_blank.png" w = weather.getWeather() self.weather_info = "Weather: " + w['weather'] + "\n" + \ "Temperature (now): " + str(w['temp']) + "\n" + \ "Temperature (min): " + str(w['temp_min']) + "\n" + \ "Temperature (max): " + str(w['temp_max']) + "\n"
def main(): data=open('keys','r').readlines() sdata=[] for x in data: sdata.append(x.rstrip('\n')) # print(sdata) weathr=weather.getWeather(sdata[0]) forcast=weathr.getreq() weathr.parseweather(forcast) weathr.getcode() text=weathr.createtext() password=sdata[1] eserver=emaill.emaill(text,password,sdata[2]) # print('ok') eserver.sendmsg()
def getOutfit(): weather_data = weather.getWeather() print(weather_data) clothing_encode = [] clothing_weather = [] clothing_type = [] clothing_db = db.getClothingDatabase() for _, entry in clothing_db.items(): img = cv2.imread(entry['path']) enc = style.getStyleEncodeFromImg(img) clothing_encode.append(enc) if 'pants' in entry['tags']: clothing_type.append('lower') elif 'shirt' in entry['tags']: clothing_type.append('upper') else: clothing_type.append('-----') if 'pants' in entry['tags']: clothing_weather.append('cold') elif 'shorts' in entry['tags']: clothing_weather.append('hot') else: clothing_weather.append('warm') ig_clothing_encode = [] ig_clothing_type = [] follow = db.getIgFollowing() for user in follow: img_files = os.listdir('ig_img/' + user + '/') for img_file in img_files: path = 'ig_img/' + user + '/' + img_file img = cv2.imread(path) img_upper, img_lower = img_util.split_clothing(img) enc = style.getStyleEncodeFromImg(img_upper) ig_clothing_encode.append(enc) ig_clothing_type.append('upper') enc = style.getStyleEncodeFromImg(img_lower) ig_clothing_encode.append(enc) ig_clothing_type.append('lower') print(clothing_encode) print(clothing_type) print(ig_clothing_encode) print(ig_clothing_type)
def home(): #trains = [, mta2.ffs(),, mta2.ace(), mta2.bdfm(), mta2.g(), mta2.jz(), mta2.l(), mta2.nqr(), mta2.s(), mta2.sir()] temp = weather.getTemp() sky = weather.getWeather() events = utils.upNext(session["username"]) events = events[:5] if "username" in session: #if logged in already nick = utils.getNickName(session["username"]) return render_template("homepage.html", nickname = nick, temperature = temp, weather = sky, ott =, ffs = mta2.ffs(), seven =, ace = mta2.ace(), bdfm = mta2.bdfm(), g = mta2.g(), jz = mta2.jz(), l = mta2.l(), nqr = mta2.nqr(), s = mta2.s(), sir = mta2.sir(), events=events) #greeting = utils.getName(username) #if not logged in else: return redirect("/")
def on_post(self, req, resp, userId): try: result = weather.getWeather(["postalCode"],["measurement"] ) except: logger.error( f"Exception. userId: {userId}", exc_info=True, extra={"area": "weather"}, ) raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest( "Bad Request", "The request can not be completed." ) = result
def handleClientMessage(address, message, action): # Register client if action == 104: origin = message['origin'] if origin in ServerData.clients: sock.sendto(createJsonStr(106, 'Invalid', message['destiny'], message['id'], 'Invalid User Name'), address) else: ServerData.clients[origin] = address[0] + ':' + str(address[1]) # Send ACK sock.sendto(createJsonStr(105, message['origin'], message['destiny'], message['id'], message['payload']), address) else: # Send ACK sock.sendto(createJsonStr(105, message['origin'], message['destiny'], message['id'], message['payload']), address) # Private message if action == 101: to = message['destiny'] for key, gen in ServerData.clients.items(): if key == to: parts = ServerData.clients[to].split(':') sock.sendto(data, (parts[0], int(parts[1]))) # Public message elif action == 100: origin = message['origin'] for key, gen in ServerData.clients.items(): if key != origin: parts = ServerData.clients[key].split(':') sock.sendto(data, (parts[0], int(parts[1]))) # Disconnect message elif action == 103: sock.sendto(data, address) ServerData.clients.pop(message['origin']) # List users message elif action == 102: users = '' for key, gen in ServerData.clients.items(): users += key + ', ' sock.sendto(createJsonStr(102, 'SERVER', message['destiny'], message['id'], users[:-2]), address) elif action == 107: weather = getWeather() gdlWeather = 'Check your internet connection and try again.' if weather is not None: gdlWeather = 'The wind for GDL is going to have a speed of: ' + weather['query']['results']['channel']['wind']['speed'] sock.sendto(createJsonStr(107, 'SERVER', message['destiny'], message['id'], gdlWeather), address) elif action == 108: response = postTwitter(message['origin'] + ': ' + message['payload']) sock.sendto(createJsonStr(108, 'SERVER', message['destiny'], message['id'], response), address)
def update_info(self): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate # data weather # August 16, Wednesday weather_data = getWeather() now_tmp = " " + weather_data[-1] + "° " rangeoftemp = " " + weather_data[0][4] + "°/ " + weather_data[0][ 3] + "°" self.td_temp.setText(_translate("MainWindow", now_tmp)) self.today_weather.setText(_translate("MainWindow", weather_data[0][0])) self.today_weather_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", rangeoftemp))"MainWindow", weather_data[0][1][5:19])) self.tmr.setText(_translate("MainWindow", weather_data[1][1][5:19])) self.dat.setText(_translate("MainWindow", weather_data[2][1][5:19])) self.td_weather.setText(_translate("MainWindow", weather_data[0][0])) self.td_tmp.setText( _translate("MainWindow", weather_data[0][4] + "/" + weather_data[0][3] + "°")) self.td_wind.setText(_translate("MainWindow", weather_data[0][2] + "%")) self.tmr_weather.setText(_translate("MainWindow", weather_data[1][0])) self.tm_tmp.setText( _translate("MainWindow", weather_data[1][4] + "/" + weather_data[1][3] + "°")) self.tm_wind.setText(_translate("MainWindow", weather_data[1][2] + "%")) self.dat_weather.setText(_translate("MainWindow", weather_data[2][0])) self.dat_tmp.setText( _translate("MainWindow", weather_data[2][4] + "/" + weather_data[2][3] + "°")) self.dat_wind.setText( _translate("MainWindow", weather_data[2][2] + "%")) day_information = getDate() self.label_day.setText(_translate("MainWindow", day_information)) timer1 = threading.Timer(14400, self.update_info) timer1.start()
def texty(): """Respond to incoming calls with a simple text message.""" #from_number = request.values.get('From', None) from_body = request.values.get('Body', None) body_string = str(from_body) actual_content = re.split('\s*@',body_string) message = "unchanged" if len(actual_content) > 1: if actual_content[1].lower() == "translate": lang_from = actual_content[2] lang_to = actual_content[3] text = actual_content[4] message = "0" + translate.filler(lang_from, lang_to, text) #message = lang_from + " " + lang_to + " " + text elif actual_content[1].lower() == "currency": conversion_rate = currency.getConversionRate(actual_content[2], actual_content[3]) converted_amount = float(conversion_rate) * float(actual_content[4]) message = "1" + str(format(converted_amount, '.2f')) elif actual_content[1].lower() == "weather" or actual_content[1].lower() == "temperature": city = re.split(',\s*',actual_content[3].lower()) message = "2" + weather.getWeather(actual_content[2], city[0]) elif actual_content[1].lower() == "stock": message = "3" + str(stocks.getQuote(actual_content[2].upper())) elif actual_content[1].lower() == "define": message = "4" + str(dictionaryDef.getDefinition(actual_content[2].lower())) elif actual_content[1].lower() == "time": message = timezone.getTime(actual_content[2].lower()) elif actual_content[1].lower() == "thesaurus": message = "5" + str(thesaurus.getSynonyms(actual_content[2])) elif actual_content[1].lower() == "help": message = "Available commands:\n\n@currency @(convert-from) @(convert-to) @(amount)\n\n@weather @(units) @(city)\n\n@stock @(stock ticker)\n\n@define @(word)\n\n@time @(city)\n\n@thesaurus @(word)" else: message = "Please type in @help for a list of commands!" else: message = "Please type in @help for a list of commands!" resp = twilio.twiml.Response() resp.message(str(message)) return str(resp)
def mainLoop(): GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(SENSOR_PORT, GPIO.IN) lights.setRandom() printLED() try: while True: if GPIO.input(SENSOR_PORT): if tod.checkTimer(): time_of_day = tod.getTOD() weather_conditions = weather.getWeather() greet_text = greetText(time_of_day, weather_conditions["current_observation"]["weather"]) print(greet_text + "\n") speech.playText(greet_text) lights.fade(weather.getColor(weather_conditions)) printLED() tod.setTimer(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: GPIO.cleanup()
def generate_image(): weather_data = weather.getWeather(_LATITUDE, _LONGITUDE) nextbus_data = [] nextbus_data.append( nextbus.getPredictions(_NEXTBUS_AGENCY, _NEXTBUS_LINE1, _NEXTBUS_STOP1)) nextbus_data.append( nextbus.getPredictions(_NEXTBUS_AGENCY, _NEXTBUS_LINE2, _NEXTBUS_STOP2)) # Open SVG to process svg ='preprocess.svg', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read() # Insert day svg = svg.replace('CURRENT_DAY', datetime.strftime(, '%A - %B %d - %Y')) # insert weather svg = svg.replace('ICON_ONE', weather_data['day_1']['icon']) svg = svg.replace('HIGH_ONE', str(weather_data['day_1']['maximum'])) svg = svg.replace('LOW_ONE', str(weather_data['day_1']['minimum'])) # insert bus predictions for x in range(1, 3): svg = svg.replace('LINE_' + str(x) + '_LABEL', nextbus_data[x - 1]['route']) for y in range(1, 3): #print nextbus_data[x-1]['predictions'][y-1]['datetime'] #prediction_time = datetime.strptime(nextbus_data[x-1]['predictions'][y-1]['datetime'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if len(nextbus_data[x - 1]['predictions']) >= y: prediction_time = datetime.strftime( nextbus_data[x - 1]['predictions'][y - 1]['datetime'], '%-I:%M %p') svg = svg.replace('LINE_' + str(x) + '_TIME_' + str(y), prediction_time) else: svg = svg.replace('LINE_' + str(x) + '_TIME_' + str(y), 'N/A')'output.svg', 'w', encoding='utf-8').write(svg)
def jarvis(data): if "how are you" in data: speak("I am fine") #LABEL = Label(ROOT, text="I am fine") #LABEL.pack() # previously it was if "joke" or "jokes" in data # thus caused the joke case to run every time! Deleting or "jokes" fixed the issue if "joke" in data: # get a random number between 0 and 75 to get a random joke ranNum = random.randint(0, 75) # preload joke before request jokeDict = eval(open("dict.txt").read()) setUpline = jokeDict[ranNum]["setup"] punchy = jokeDict[ranNum]["punchline"] speak(setUpline) speak(punchy) if "time" in data: tm = speak("The time is " + tm.strftime("%I:%M%p")) #LABEL = Label(ROOT, text=tm.strftime("%I:%M%p")) #LABEL.pack() if "date" in data: now = speak("Today is " + now.strftime("%A,%d %B,%Y")) #LABEL = Label(ROOT, text=now.strftime("%A,%d %B,%Y")) #LABEL.pack() if "news" in data: speak("Coming right up") #LABEL = Label(ROOT, text="Coming right up") #LABEL.pack()'') if "weather" in data: speak(str(getWeather()))
def main(): city = request.form["cityname"] fname = "static/good.jpg" message = "Today" x = weather.getWeather(city) temps = x[0] dates = x[1] bestDay = weather.forcast(temps, dates) if bestDay == 0: message += "'s temperature is just right!" elif weather.checkTemp(temps[0]) == 1: fname = "static/cold.jpg" if bestDay == 7: message += " is too cold, and it will never get better." else: message += " is a too cold. But " + dates[bestDay] + " will be better!" else: fname = "static/hot.jpg" if bestDay == 7: message += " is too hot, and it will never get better." else: message += " is too hot! But " + dates[bestDay] + " will be better!" return render_template("base.html", fileName = fname, text = message)
def update(self, *args): for child in self.ids.Carousel.slides: updateFN = getattr(child, "update", None) if callable(updateFN): child.update(self.runTime) slide = self.ids.Carousel.current_slide if not hasattr(slide,"length") or slide.length == -1: slide.length = self.transitionTime if (self.captionBox != None): self.captionBox.headline = slide.headline self.captionBox.caption = slide.caption day = time.strftime("%d").lstrip("0") month = time.strftime("%m").lstrip("0") year = time.strftime("%Y") date = month + "/" + day + "/" + year = self.weatherString + " | " +date + ", " + str(time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")).lstrip("0") if (int(time.time()) != self.oldTime): self.oldTime = int(time.time()) self.runTime += 1 if self.runTime - self.frameStartTime >= slide.length: self.ids.Carousel.load_next() self.frameStartTime = self.runTime if self.runTime % self.weatherUpdate == 0:"AppContainer: Loading weather") self.weatherUpdated = True self.weatherString = weather.getWeather(self.weatherLocation)"AppContainer: Weather String: "+self.weatherString) else: self.weatherUpdated = False
def data(): zip = int(request.args.get('zip')) crop_list = request.args.get('crops').split(',') barleyPriceData = "/data/barley_price.csv" cottonPriceData = "/data/cotton_price.csv" cornPriceData = "/data/corn_price.csv" soybeanPriceData = "/data/soybean_price.csv" wheatPriceData = "/data/wheat_price.csv" cropDict = { "Corn": '', "Cotton": '', "Barley": '', "Soybean": '', "Wheat": '' } #the dropdown in the UI should use these keys exactly data = { "Corn": cornPriceData, "Cotton": cottonPriceData, "Barley": barleyPriceData, "Soybean": soybeanPriceData, "Wheat": wheatPriceData } for crop in crop_list: #get the correct evaluator for each type of crop builder = DataEvalBuilder(zip, data[crop]) evaluator = builder.get("prices") # the evaluator prettifys the data dirr = "." + data[crop] cropDict[crop] = evaluator.evaluate(dirr) # do something with the json file ## with open("./jsons/" + str(zip) + str(data[crop]) + "price.json") as f: ## cropDict[data[crop]] = weatherDict = weather.getWeather(zip) output = {'cropPrice': cropDict, 'weather': weatherDict} return jsonify(output)
def weather(bot, update): chat_id = update.message.chat_id message = str(update.message.text) lst = message.split(" ", 1) location = lst[1] bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=getWeather(location=str(location)))
def weather(): if request.method == 'GET': return jsonify(getWeather(request.args.get('city')))
def _weather(cityy): return weather.getWeather(cityy)
def weather(request): result = w.getWeather('02139', 'static/img/weather/') jsonout = json.dumps(result, sort_keys=True, indent=4) return HttpResponse(jsonout, mimetype="application/json")
def index(): return render_template("index.html", title = 'Home', weather = getWeather(), tripData = checkTrains(), myEvents = myCal.getEvents())
'genre':u'classic,thriller' }, { 'title':u'World in White', 'synopsis':u'Surrounded by dark forces who suppress and ridicule him, the Hero slowly blossoms into a mature figure who ultimately gets riches, a kingdom, and the perfect mate.', 'imgurl':u'', 'trailerurl':u'', 'genre':u'classic,thriller' } ] }, ] meta = { 'location': u'London, UK', 'weather': weather.getWeather(2882, 'London'), 'trends': twitter().get_trends() } def get_lists(recommendation): ts = int(time.time()) datapoint = np.array([weekday(ts), hour_of_day(ts), 1]) #print datapoint #datapoint = np.array([6,10,1]) list_of_rec = recommendation.get_kmeans_recommendations(datapoint) return jsonify({'lists': mapping.programs_to_data(list_of_rec, recommendation.get_meta_data())}) def get_trending_concepts(recommendation): list_of_rec = recommendation.get_trend_recommendations() return jsonify({'lists': mapping.programs_to_data(list_of_rec, recommendation.get_meta_data())})
def search(shelve_name, pickle_name): print("Reading shelved data...") sh = dic = sh["dic"] sh.close() query=input("\nSearch Query: ") query = query.strip().lower() #normalize, remove spacing, go to lower case tokens = query.split(" "); #parse into tokens by spaces results = [] #find operator if "or" in tokens: if "and" in tokens: operator = "AND" #if user enters both 'and' and 'or', then 'and' else: operator = "OR" else: operator = "AND" #remove operator from tokens while("and" in tokens): tokens.remove("and") while("or" in tokens): tokens.remove("or") #remove duplicates using a set unique_tokens = set() for x in tokens: unique_tokens.add(x) #======================================= print("Performing: " + operator + " search for: " + str(unique_tokens) + "\n") dt1 = if(operator == "OR"): bigset = set() biglist = [] for x in unique_tokens: if dic.get(x) != None: bigset = set(bigset).union(set(dic[x])) #adding all the sets up to get a unique list of line numbers biglist = list(bigset) biglist.sort() results = biglist else: andlist = [] for x in unique_tokens: if dic.get(x) != None: newlist = [] smlist = [] if(len(andlist) == 0): andlist = list(dic[x]) #initialize the set from the first find. else: smlist = list(dic[x]) #keep removing from the first found set. for j in smlist: if j in andlist: newlist.append(j) andlist = newlist andlist.sort() results = andlist #read pickled data p = open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), pickle_name), "br") file_list = pickle.load(p) p.close() getWeather(query) for i, x in enumerate(results): print("================================================================================") print("Result " + str(i + 1) + ": " + x) #print the first 100 characters from the original text for i in range(len(file_list)): if(file_list[i][0] == x): print("\t Text Found: " + str(file_list[i][1])[:50] + "...") #only show first 100 characters break dt2 = print("\nExecution Time: " + str(dt2.microsecond - dt1.microsecond))
def getInfo(host, usr, pas): getWeather() sunRise() sunSet() read(host, usr, pas)