Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_weather_update_temp():
    checks that the weather_update function gives a temperature in Hannestad between -55 and 55 
    pattern = r'temp:([-\d.]+)'
    match = re.search(pattern, weather_update('Hannestad'))
    if match:
        temp = int(match.group(1))
    assert -55 < temp < 55
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test44(capfd):
    out, err = capfd.readouterr()
    assert "Retrieving data for cache" in out
    #Making dummy file
    data = cache[u'Hannestad0']
    tmp = data[0:10] #splitting the data
    expired_timestamp=int(tmp)-21600     #Making the timestamp expire(Subtracting 1 day)
    tmp = str(expired_timestamp) + data[10:12] #concatenating the data again
    pickle.dump(cache,open('cached_data.p','wb')) #writing it to the dummy file
    weather.weather_update(u'Hannestad',15,0) #Do the weather call again. This also makes a new dummy file, a correct one.
    cache=pickle.load(open('cached_data.p','r+b')) #reading it again.
    data = cache[u'Hannestad0']
    tmp = data[0:10] #splitting the data
    assert expired_timestamp != tmp #check expired one is replaced
    weather.weather_update(u'Hannestad',15,0) #Do the weather call again
    data = cache[u'Hannestad0']
    new_tmp = data[0:10] #splitting the data
    assert new_tmp == tmp #check expired one is replaced
Ejemplo n.º 3
Simple script to find extremes from weather data given by yr.no using our
previously written weather functions.

The script attempts to find the hottest and the coldest temperatures in a small
subset of Norwegian places (we limit it to 100 forecast requests to not spam
yr.no too much) at the next 13:00.

As a note it would probably be easier to just use the weather data given by
fetch_forecast(), however this also works.
import weather
import re

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Get forecast string for as many places as we can (100).
    forecast = weather.weather_update("*", 13, 00)

    # Regexp string and get location names and temperatures.
    # Iterate over matches and determine the hottest and the coldest location.
    matches = re.finditer(r"^(.*?)\:.*?temp\:(\S*)", forecast, re.M | re.U)

    if matches:
        match = matches.next()
        hottest = (match.group(1), int(match.group(2)))
        coldest = (match.group(1), int(match.group(2)))
    for match in matches:
        name = match.group(1)
        temp = int(match.group(2))
        if temp > hottest[1]:
            hottest = (name, temp)
        elif temp < coldest[1]:
Ejemplo n.º 4
def output_return(tag, address):
    if tag == "weather_value":
        address = address[3:]
        return weather_update(address)
        return " "
Ejemplo n.º 5
def commands(usernick, msg, chan, ircsock):
    global watch_enabled
    # First of all, check if it is a command
    if chan[0] == "#":
        # If message starts in trigger
        if msg[:len(cfg.cmdsym())] == cfg.cmdsym():
            # Strip trigger
            msg = msg[len(cfg.cmdsym()):]
        # else it is not a command

    cmd = msg.split(' ')
    # Stats
    if cmd[0].lower() in commandsavail or cmd[0].lower() in lastfm.commandsavail_short or cmd[0].lower() in \
            watch.commandsavail_short or cmd[0].lower() in cfg.lst_command_option() or cmd[0].lower() in \
        print "stats: matched regular command"
        stats.update_cmd(cmd[0], 1)
        stats.update_user(usernick, cmd[0], 1)
    elif len(cmd) > 1:
        if cmd[0].lower() == "stats":
            print "stats: matched stats module command"
            if cmd[1] in lastfm.commandsavail:
                stats.update_cmd(('stats ' + cmd[1]), 1)
                stats.update_user(usernick, ('stats ' + cmd[1]), 1)
        elif cmd[0].lower() == "lastfm":
            print "stats: matched lastfm module command"
            if cmd[1] in lastfm.commandsavail:
                stats.update_cmd(('lastfm ' + cmd[1]), 1)
                stats.update_user(usernick, ('lastfm ' + cmd[1]), 1)
        elif cmd[0].lower() == "watch":
            print "stats: matched watch module command"
            if cmd[1] in watch.commandsavail:
                stats.update_cmd(('watch ' + cmd[1]), 1)
                stats.update_user(usernick, ('watch ' + cmd[1]), 1)
        elif cmd[0].lower() == "samba":
            print "stats: matched samba module command"
            if cmd[1] in samba.commandsavail:
                stats.update_cmd(('samba ' + cmd[1]), 1)
                stats.update_user(usernick, ('samba ' + cmd[1]), 1)

    # General commands
    if cmd[0].lower() == "awesome":
        sendmsg("Everything is awesome!", chan, ircsock)
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "version":
        sendmsg("%s" % version(), chan, ircsock)
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "nyaa":
        sendmsg("Nyaa~", chan, ircsock)
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "date":
        sendmsg(date(), chan, ircsock)
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "ddate":
        sendmsg(ddate(), chan, ircsock)
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "dump":
            if cmd[1] == "cmd":
                if len(cmd) > 1:
                    if cmd[2] == "ignorednicks":
                        sendmsg("Ignored nicks: %s" % cfg.commands_ignorednicks(), chan, ircsock)
            elif cmd[1] == "trg":
                if len(cmd) > 1:
                    if cmd[2] == "ignorednicks":
                            sendmsg("Ignored nicks: %s" % cfg.triggers_ignorednicks(), chan, ircsock)
                        except TypeError:
                            sendmsg("An error occurred, sue me", chan, ircsock)
            elif cmd[1] == "lastfm":
                if len(cmd) > 1:
                    if cmd[2] == "alias":
                        # try:
                        da_list = lastfm.cfg.list_alias()
                        # for i in range(len(da_list[0])):
                        #    for item in da_list:
                        #        print item[i]
                        # print da_list
                        sendmsg(da_list, chan, ircsock)
                        # except:
                        #    sendmsg("An error occurred, sue me", chan, ircsock)
                sendmsg("Available parameters for this debug function:"
                        " {cmd ignorednicks, trg ignorednicks, lastfm alias}", chan, ircsock)
        except IndexError:
            sendmsg("INFODUMP: Invalid argument(s)", chan, ircsock)
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "kick":

        # Make sure that it is an actual user
        if ignored_nick("commands", usernick) is True:
            sendmsg("%s: Abuse by proxy? Nice try... ಠ_ಠ" % usernick, chan, ircsock)

        # Check if user is authorised to do so
        for u in cfg.su().lower().split(","):
            if usernick.lower() == u:
                        # KICK <user> <reason>
                        sendraw("KICK %s %s %s\n" % (chan, cmd[1], cmd[2]), ircsock)
                    except IndexError:
                        # KICK <user> <static reason> (fallback if no reason given)
                        sendraw("KICK %s %s *shove*\n" % (chan, cmd[1]), ircsock)
                except IndexError:
                    print("IndexError in authorisation check")

        # If all else fails, user was probably not authorised and must be punished for abuse
        sendraw("KICK %s %s Backfired, oh the irony! ~\n" % (chan, usernick), ircsock)

    elif cmd[0].lower() == "replay":
        # TODO not 100% sure here, debug the backlog list a little and find out if this is safe
        if len(cmd) > 2 and ian(cmd[1]) and int(cmd[1]) <= maxbacklog:
                if cmd[2] == "duplex":
                    replay(int(cmd[1]), chan, 0, ircsock)
                elif cmd[2] == "recv":
                    replay(int(cmd[1]), chan, 1, ircsock)
                elif cmd[2] == "send":
                    replay(int(cmd[1]), chan, 2, ircsock)
            except IndexError:
                sendmsg("WHOA! IndexError in cmd[2] o_0", chan, ircsock)
                replay(int(cmd[1]), chan, 0, ircsock)
            replay(maxbacklog, chan, 0, ircsock)
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "say":
        if len(cmd) > 1:
            # Secure outgoing message
            if (re.match(r"^\x01[^\s]*", cmd[1]) is None) and (re.match(r"^![^\s]+", cmd[1]) is None):
                sendmsg(" ".join(cmd[1:]), chan, ircsock)
            sendmsg("Syntax: %ssay <string>" % cfg.cmdsym(), chan, ircsock)
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "act":
        sendmsg("\x01ACTION %s\x01" % " ".join(cmd[1:]), chan, ircsock)
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "join":
        # Ability to join multiple channels
        newchans = cmd[1:]
        for newchan in newchans:
            if newchan[0] == '#':
                ircsock.send("JOIN %s\r\n" % newchan)
                ircsock.send("JOIN #%s\r\n" % newchan)
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "quit" and usernick in cfg.su():  # and cmd[1] == cfg.quitpro():

    elif cmd[0].lower() == "host":
        if len(cmd) > 1:
                retval = check_output("host %s" % cmd[1], shell=True)
                # for line in retval:
                #   sendmsg(line, chan)
                sendmsg(retval, chan, ircsock)
            except CalledProcessError:
                sendmsg("Invalid argument.... (and you *know* it)", chan, ircsock)

    # Help calls
    if cmd[0].lower() == "help":
            if cmd[1] == "triggers":
                sendmsg("%s: Syntax: <trigger> %s" % (usernick, cfg.nick()), chan, ircsock)
                sendmsg("Available triggers: %s " % cfg.triggers_words(), chan, ircsock)
            elif cmd[1] == "replay":
                sendmsg("%s: Syntax: %sreplay <lines> <direction>" % (usernick, cfg.cmdsym()), chan, ircsock)
                sendmsg("Available commands: recv, send, duplex", chan, ircsock)
            elif cmd[1] == "kick":
                sendmsg("%s: Syntax: %skick <user>" % (usernick, cfg.cmdsym()), chan, ircsock)
            elif cmd[1] == "samba":
                if len(cmd) > 2:
                    if cmd[2] == "logins":
                        sendmsg("%s: Syntax: %ssamba logins <user>" % (usernick, cfg.cmdsym()), chan, ircsock)
                    for item in xrange(len(samba.helpcmd(cfg.cmdsym()))):
                        sendmsg(str(samba.helpcmd(cfg.cmdsym())[item]), chan, ircsock)
            elif cmd[1] == "lastfm":
                if len(cmd) > 2:
                    if cmd[2] == "recent":
                        sendmsg("%s: Syntax: %slastfm recent <user> <num>" % (usernick, cfg.cmdsym()), chan, ircsock)
                    for item in xrange(len(lastfm.helpcmd(cfg.cmdsym()))):
                        sendmsg(str(lastfm.helpcmd(cfg.cmdsym())[item]), chan, ircsock)
        except IndexError:
            helpcmd(usernick, chan, ircsock)

    # module lastfm
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "lastfm":
        if len(cmd) > 1:
            if cmd[1] == "bio":
                if len(cmd) > 2:
                    feedback = lastfm.artist_bio(cmd[2])
                    if isinstance(feedback, str):
                        sendmsg(str(feedback), chan, ircsock)
                    # elif isinstance(feedback, list):
                        for i in feedback:
                            sendmsg(str(i), chan, ircsock)
            elif cmd[1] == "status":
                auth = lastfm.test_connection()
                print auth
                print type(auth)

                if type(auth) is Exception:
                    sendmsg(str(auth.message), chan, ircsock)
                    sendmsg(str(auth.details), chan, ircsock)
                    auth = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', auth).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
                    print auth
                    print type(auth)
                    net = lastfm.network.name
                    print net
                    print type(net)

                    # if type(auth) is str and type(net) is str:
                    if type(auth) is str and type(net) is str:
                        sendmsg("I am currently authenticated as " + auth + " on " + net, chan, ircsock)
                    elif type(auth) is str:
                            "I am currently authenticated as " + auth + " on *NO NETWORK*, how does that even work? =/",
                            chan, ircsock)
                    elif net is str:
                        sendmsg("I am somehow connected to " + net + ", but not authenticated... Okay then!", chan,
                        sendmsg("I am unable to query the network, is LastFM throwing a fit?", chan, ircsock)
            elif cmd[1] == "set":
                if len(cmd) > 2:
                    if cmd[2] == "alias":
                        if len(cmd) > 3:
                            tmp = lastfm.add_alias(usernick, cmd[3])
                            sendmsg(tmp, chan, ircsock)

            elif cmd[1] == "recent":
                default_num = 3
                # !lastfm recent nick num
                if len(cmd) > 3:
                    num = cmd[3]
                    nick = cmd[2]
                    # !lastfm recent nick num
                        if 0 > num <= 10:
                            test = lastfm.recently_played(nick, num)
                        # !lastfm recent nick 3 (num was out of bounds)
                            test = lastfm.recently_played(nick, default_num)
                    except TypeError:
                        test = lastfm.recently_played(nick, default_num)
                # !lastfm recent num
                elif len(cmd) > 2:
                    num = cmd[2]
                    nick = usernick
                    test = lastfm.recently_played(nick, num)
                # !lastfm recent
                    nick = usernick
                    test = lastfm.recently_played(nick, default_num)

                # Test returned data integrity
                # If the returned data is a string it is most likely an exception and should be handled as one
                if type(test) is str:
                    sendmsg(test, chan, ircsock)
                elif test is None:
                    sendmsg("%s has not played anything in the given period" % nick, chan, ircsock)
                elif test == "None":
                    sendmsg("%s: No user named '%s' was found =/" % (nick, test), chan, ircsock)
                    sendmsg("%s has recently played:" % nick, chan, ircsock)
                    for item in xrange(len(test)):
                        sendmsg(str(test[item]), chan, ircsock)
            # Print help
                for item in xrange(len(lastfm.helpcmd(cfg.cmdsym()))):
                    sendmsg(str(lastfm.helpcmd(cfg.cmdsym())[item]), chan, ircsock)

    elif cmd[0].lower() == "ragequit":
        raise Exception("spam", "eggs")

    # Module: lastfm - shortcuts
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "np":
            test = lastfm.now_playing(cmd[1])
            if test is None:
                sendmsg("%s is not currently playing anything" % cmd[1], chan, ircsock)
            elif test == "None":
                sendmsg("No user named '%s' was found =/" % cmd[1], chan, ircsock)
            elif test == "timeout":
                sendmsg("Request timed out =/", chan, ircsock)
                sendmsg("%s is currently playing: %s" % (cmd[1], test), chan, ircsock)
        except IndexError:
            test = lastfm.now_playing(usernick)
            if test is None:
                sendmsg("%s is not currently playing anything" % usernick, chan, ircsock)
            elif test == "None":
                sendmsg("%s: No user named '%s' was found =/ "
                        "You can set an alias with !lastfm set alias <lastfmuser>" % (usernick, test), chan, ircsock)
            elif test == "timeout":
                sendmsg("Request timed out =/", chan, ircsock)
                sendmsg("%s is currently playing: %s" % (usernick, test), chan, ircsock)

    elif cmd[0].lower() == "npt":
            sendmsg("%s is currently playing; %s" % (usernick, lastfm.test_playing(cmd[1])), chan, ircsock)
        except IndexError:
            sendmsg("Index derp", chan, ircsock)

    # Module: samba
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "samba":
        if len(cmd) > 1:
            if cmd[1] == "logins":
                sendmsg(samba.get_logins(cmd[2:]), chan, ircsock)
            elif cmd[1] == "np":
                if usernick.lower() == "bluabk":
                    sendmsg(samba.get_playing(), chan, ircsock)
                    sendmsg("%s: Get your own damn service, leech!" % usernick, chan, ircsock)
            elif cmd[1] == "np2":
                if usernick.lower() == "bluabk":
                    sendmsg(samba.get_playing2(), chan, ircsock)
                    sendmsg("%s: Get your own damn service, leech!" % usernick, chan, ircsock)
            for item in xrange(len(samba.helpcmd(cfg.cmdsym()))):
                sendmsg(str(samba.helpcmd(cfg.cmdsym())[item]), chan, ircsock)

    # Debug commands
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "debug":
        if len(cmd) >= 2 and cmd[1] == "logins":
            dbg = samba.get_logins(cmd[2:])
            debug("Passed variable of length:" + str(len(dbg)), ircsock)
            for itr in range(len(dbg)):
                debug("Iteration: %s/%s" % (str(itr), str(len(dbg))), ircsock)
                debug(dbg[itr], ircsock)

    # Custom commands
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "addcommand":
        if ignored_nick("commands", usernick) is True:
            sendmsg("%s:ಠ_ಠ" % usernick, chan, ircsock)
        if len(cmd) > 1:
            arg = list()
            for item in xrange(len(cmd)):
                if item > 1:
                    if item != "\n":
                        print "arg = %s" % arg
            fstr = " ".join(str(x) for x in arg)
            ret = add_custom_cmd(str(cmd[1]), fstr, usernick)
            sendmsg(ret, chan, ircsock)

    elif cmd[0].lower() == "removecommand":
        if ignored_nick("commands", usernick) is True:
            sendmsg("%s:ಠ_ಠ" % usernick, chan, ircsock)
        if len(cmd) > 1:
            ret = del_custom_cmd(str(cmd[1]), usernick)
            sendmsg(ret, chan, ircsock)

    elif cmd[0].lower() == "addrawcommand" and usernick.lower() == "bluabk":
        if len(cmd) > 1:
            arg = list()
            for item in xrange(len(cmd)):
                if item > 1:
                    if item != "\n":
                        print "arg = %s" % arg
            fstr = " ".join(str(x) for x in arg)
            ret = add_custom_rawcmd(str(cmd[1]), fstr, usernick)
            sendmsg(ret, chan, ircsock)

    elif cmd[0].lower() == "removerawcommand" and usernick.lower() == "bluabk":
        if len(cmd) > 1:
            ret = del_custom_rawcmd(str(cmd[1]), usernick)
            sendmsg(ret, chan, ircsock)

    elif cmd[0].lower() == "listcustom":
        string_list = ""
        for item in cfg.lst_command():
            string_list += (item[0] + " ")
        for item in cfg.lst_rawcommand():
            string_list += (item[0] + "* ")
        sendmsg(string_list, chan, ircsock)

    # Module: Watch
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "watch":
        if len(cmd) > 1:
            if cmd[1] == "enable":
                watch_enabled = True
                sendmsg("Watch notifications enabled.", chan, ircsock)

            elif cmd[1] == "disable":
                watch_enabled = False
                sendmsg("Watch notifications disabled.", chan, ircsock)

            elif cmd[1] == "limit":
                print "watch: Setting watchlimit to %s" % cmd[2]
                sendmsg("Watch notifications limit set to %s" % cmd[2], chan, ircsock)
            for item in xrange(len(watch.helpcmd(cfg.cmdsym()))):
                sendmsg(str(watch.helpcmd(cfg.cmdsym())[item]), chan, ircsock)

    # Module: Stats
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "stats":
        if len(cmd) > 1:
            if cmd[1] == "cmd" or cmd[1] == "command":
                if len(cmd) > 2:
                    sendmsg(stats.get_cmd(cmd[2]), chan, ircsock)
                    for item in stats.get_cmd_all():
                        sendmsg("%s = %s" % (item[0], item[1]), chan, ircsock)

            elif cmd[1] == "user":
                # TODO: Code user stats get command
                sendmsg("Dummy function", chan, ircsock)
            for item in xrange(len(stats.helpcmd(cfg.cmdsym()))):
                sendmsg(str(stats.helpcmd(cfg.cmdsym())[item]), chan, ircsock)

    elif cmd[0].lower() in cfg.lst_command_option():
        print "Executing custom command"
        custom_command(cmd[0].lower(), chan, ircsock)

    elif cmd[0].lower() in cfg.lst_rawcommand_option() and usernick in cfg.su():
        print "Executing custom rawcommand"
        custom_rawcommand(cmd, usernick, chan, ircsock)

    # Module: YouTube
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "ytt" and module_exists("modules.youtube"):
        global youtube_url, ytt_trigger
        if len(cmd) > 1:
            if cmd[1].lower() == "trigger":
                if ytt_trigger is False:
                    ytt_trigger = True
                    sendmsg("YouTube Title: Changing to [trigger mode]", chan, ircsock)
                    ytt_trigger = False
                    sendmsg("YouTube Title: Changing to [command mode]", chan, ircsock)
        if youtube_url != "" and ytt_trigger is False:
            ytt_print(chan, ircsock)

    # Private Module: yr
    elif cmd[0].lower() == "yr" and module_exists("weather"):
        kittens = True
        if len(cmd) > 1:
            if cmd[1] == "extreme":
                if len(cmd) > 2:
                    extreme = yr.find_extreme_places(info=True, limit=int(cmd[2]))

                    extreme = yr.find_extreme_places(info=True, limit=10)

                sendmsg("%s: %02d C & %s: %02d C" % (
                    extreme[0][0], extreme[0][1], extreme[1][0], extreme[1][1]), chan, ircsock)

                forecast = yr.weather_update(" ".join(map(str, cmd[1:])), hour=time.localtime().tm_hour,
                                             minute=time.localtime().tm_min, debug=kittens)
                for item in cmd:
                    if '@' in item:
                        loc = " ".join(map(str, cmd[1:]))
                        t = re.sub(r'\s+', "", loc[loc.find('@') + 1:len(loc)])[0:5].split(':')
                        forecast = yr.weather_update(loc[0:loc.find('@')].strip(' '),
                                                     hour=int(t[0]), minute=int(t[1]), debug=kittens)

                prev = forecast
                print forecast
                if forecast is not None:
                    sendmsg(forecast, chan, ircsock)
                elif prev is not None:
                    sendmsg(forecast, chan, ircsock)
                    sendmsg("No such weather station", chan, ircsock)
                sendmsg("https://www.konata.us/nope.gif", chan, ircsock)