Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setup_bootinfo_pools(self, namespace, pools):
        Map elfweaver pools into iguana pools.
        for pool in pools.get_virtual_pools():
            boot_pool = \

            # New namespace for the memory pool's caps.
            new_namespace = namespace.add_namespace(pool.get_name())
            if pool.get_name() == "direct":
                master = weaver.cells.iguana.bootinfo.Cap("master", ["master"])
                new_namespace.add(master.get_name(), master)
                # Add the standard caps for the pool.
                create_standard_caps(boot_pool, new_namespace)

        for pool in pools.get_physical_pools():
            boot_pool = \
            # New namespace for the memory pool's caps.
            new_namespace = namespace.add_namespace(pool.get_name())

            # Add the standard caps for the pool.
            create_standard_caps(boot_pool, new_namespace)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def collect_thread(elf, el, ignore_name, namespace, image, machine,
                   pools, space, entry, name = None,
                   namespace_thread_name = None, cell_create_thread = False):
    """Collect the attributes of a thread element."""
    if entry is None:
        raise MergeError, "No entry point specified for thread %s" % name

    # el can be a program element or a thread element.
    if name is None:
        name = el.name

    user_main = getattr(el, 'start', None)

    # HACK:  There is no easy way for a PD to specify the main thread,
    # so is the user entry point is '_start' (the traditional entry
    # point symbol), then start there rather then the thread entry
    # point.
    if user_main == "_start":
        user_main = None

    entry = start_to_value(entry, elf)
    user_main = start_to_value(user_main, elf)

    # XXX: Iguana only runs on Micro, so default prio is 100!
    priority = getattr(el, 'priority', 100)
    physpool = getattr(el, 'physpool', None)
    virtpool = getattr(el, 'virtpool', None)

    # New namespace for objects living in the thread.
    if namespace_thread_name is None:
        namespace_thread_name = name
    new_namespace = namespace.add_namespace(namespace_thread_name)

    # Push the overriding pools for the thread.
    image.push_attrs(virtual = virtpool,
                     physical = physpool)

    # Create the thread desription object.
    thread = Thread(name, entry, user_main, priority)

    utcb = image.new_attrs(new_namespace.add_namespace("utcb"))
    # Create the cell thread and assign the entry point
    cell_thread = space.register_thread(entry, user_main, utcb,
                                        create = cell_create_thread)
    cell_thread.ip = entry

    # Add the standard caps for the thread.
    create_standard_caps(thread, new_namespace)

    # Collect the stack.  Is there no element, create a fake one for
    # the collection code to use.
    stack_el = el.find_child('stack')

    if stack_el is None:
        stack_el = ParsedElement('stack')

    stack_ms = collect_memsection_element(stack_el, ignore_name,
                                          new_namespace, image,
                                          machine, pools)
    # Setup the stack for the new cell thread
    cell_thread.stack = stack_ms.get_ms().attrs

    # Collect any command line arguments.
    commandline_el = el.find_child('commandline')

    if commandline_el is not None:
        for arg_el in commandline_el.find_children("arg"):


    return thread