Ejemplo n.º 1
pre(gist#240887). See Gist #240887 (http://gist.github.com/240887) on GitHub.""" ; default.save()

about = Folder(name="about", title="About", owner=admin, default="default") ; about.save() ; about.attach(root)

_ = Page(name="default", title="About the Site", owner=admin, content=u"""h1(primary). About the WebCore Website

The WebCore website is powered by the "Contentment":http://github.com/GothAlice/Contentment content management system, the "WebCore":http://www.web-core.org/ web application development framework, and "Python":http://www.python.org/, a high-level general purpose scripting language.

Portions of the code are copyright their respective authors and distributed under various licenses.  For more information, please see the specific project websites and respective dependant packages.

p(tc). Developed by "Alice Bevan-McGregor":http://www.gothcandy.com/

p(tc). Contentment Copyright © 2010 Alice Bevan-McGregor
WebCore Copyright © 2009-2010 Alice Bevan-McGregor, Alex Grönholm, and Contributors
Python Copyright © 1990-2010 Python Software Foundation""") ; _.save() ; _.attach(about)

_ = Page(name="privacy", title="Privacy Policy", owner=admin, description=u"This privacy policy sets out how WebCore uses and protects any information that you voluntarily or involuntarily provide when you use this website.", content=u"""h1(primary). WebCore Privacy Policy

WebCore is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.

WebCore may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes. The date this policy was last modified is available in the footer. (You can hover your mouse over the relative date to view the absolute one.)

bq. This privacy policy sets out how WebCore uses and protects any information that you voluntarily or involuntarily provide when you use this website.

h1. What We Collect

We may collect the following information:

* Your name,
* Contact information including email address,
Ejemplo n.º 2
password = PasswordCredential(identity="admin")
password.password = "******"

user = Identity(name="jrh", title="Example User", email="*****@*****.**")
password = PasswordCredential(identity="jrh")
password.password = "******"

header = Page(name="header", title="Global Site Header", content="""h1. "Contentment":/""")

menu = Page(
    title="Main Menu",
<menu class="container">
    <li class="nav-home"><a href="/">Home<br><label>&nbsp;</label></a></li
    ><li class="nav-start"><a href="/start">Get Started<br><label>Getting Started with Contentment</label></a></li>
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def post(self):
        print("Bootstrapping default site content...")
        from web.extras.contentment.components.asset.model import db, Asset, AdvancedACLRule, OwnerACLRule, UserACLRule, AllUsersACLRule, InheritACLRules
        from web.extras.contentment.components.page.model import Page
        from web.extras.contentment.components.folder.model import Folder
        from web.extras.contentment.components.identity.model import PasswordCredential, Identity
        from web.extras.contentment.components.authenticator.model import Authenticator
        from web.extras.contentment.components.search.model import Search
        from web.extras.contentment.components.settings.model import Settings
        from web.extras.contentment.themes.default.model import DefaultTheme
        settings = self.options
        scheme, parts = settings.db.split('://', 1)
        parts, db = parts.split('/', 1)
        auth, host = parts.split('@', 1) if '@' in parts else (None, parts)
        connection = dict()
        connection[b'host'], connection[b'port'] = host.split(':') if ':' in host else (host, '27017')
        connection[b'port'] = int(connection[b'port'])
        if auth:
            connection[b'username'], _, connection[b'password'] = auth.partition(':')
        mongoengine.connect(db, **connection)
        if Asset.objects().count() > 0:
            print("Existing content found, bootstrap cancelled.")
            # TODO: Interactively ask to overwrite data.
        root = Asset(name="", path="/", title=settings['title'], default="default", immutable=True, properties={
                'org-contentment-formats-date': '%B %e, %G at %H:%M:%S',
                'org-contentment-theme': 'web.extras.contentment.themes.default',
                'org-contentment-option-attribution': True,
                'org-contentment-option-showdates': True,
                'org-contentment-lang': 'en',
                'org-contentment-cache': True
        admin = Identity(name=settings['admin.name'], title=settings['admin.title'], email=settings['admin.email']) ; admin.save()
        root.acl.append(AdvancedACLRule(allow=False, permission="action:delete", attributes={'immutable': True}))
        root.acl.append(OwnerACLRule(allow=True, permission="*"))
        root.acl.append(UserACLRule(allow=True, permission="*", reference=admin))
        root.acl.append(AllUsersACLRule(allow=False, permission="view:acl"))
        root.acl.append(AllUsersACLRule(allow=True, permission="view:*"))
        root.acl.append(AllUsersACLRule(allow=False, permission="*"))
        settings_ = Settings(name="settings", title="Site Settings", immutable=True, default="view:contents")
        settings_.acl.append(UserACLRule(allow=False, permission="*", inverse=True, reference=admin))
        settings_.save() ; settings_.attach(root)
        extensions = Folder(name="extensions", title="Site Extensions", immutable=True) ; extensions.save() ; extensions.attach(settings_)
        templates = Folder(name="templates", title="Site Templates", immutable=True) ; templates.save() ; templates.attach(settings_)
        custom = Folder(name="custom", title="Custom Page Templates", immutable=True) ; custom.save() ; custom.attach(templates)
        theme = DefaultTheme(name="theme", title="Default Theme", immutable=True); theme.save() ; theme.attach(root)
        users = Authenticator(name="users", title="Users", immutable=True)
        users.acl.append(AllUsersACLRule(allow=True, permission="action:authenticate"))
        users.acl.append(AllUsersACLRule(allow=True, permission="action:expire"))
        users.save() ; users.attach(root)
        password = PasswordCredential(identity=settings['admin.name'])
        password.password = settings['admin.password']
        admin.credentials.append(password) ; admin.save() ; admin.attach(users)
        header = Page(name="header", title="Global Site Header", content="""h1. "%s":/""" % (settings['title'], )) ; header.save() ; header.attach(templates)
        menu = Page(name="menu", title="Main Menu", engine="raw", content="""
<menu class="container">
    <li class="nav-default"><a href="/">Home<br><label>&nbsp;</label></a></li
    ><li class="nav-start"><a href="/start">Get Started<br><label>Getting Started with Contentment</label></a></li>
</menu>""") ; menu.save() ; menu.attach(templates)
        footer = Page(name="footer", title="Global Site Footer", engine="raw", content="""<p class="fr">© %s %s</p>

    <li><a href="/about">About the Site</a></li
    ><li><a href="/about/privacy">Privacy Policy</a></li
    ><li><a href="/about/colophon">Colophon</a></li>
</menu>""" % (datetime.datetime.now().year, settings['admin.title'])) ; footer.save() ; footer.attach(templates)
        search = Search(name="search", title="Site Search") ; search.save() ; search.attach(root)
        default = Page(name="default", title="Welcome", owner=admin, content="""h1. Welcome to Contentment

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum."""
) ; default.save() ; default.attach(root)
        print("Finished bootstrapping the default site.")