Ejemplo n.º 1
def def_get():
    start_time = time.time()
    args = args_parse(request)
    cr = copy.deepcopy(result)
    utils.logger.debug(' '.join(['Search Document', args['field'], args['words']]))
    def_indexer = get_definition_indexer('definition')
    def_search = Searcher(def_indexer)
    with def_search.open() as searcher:
        r = def_search.search(searcher, args['field'], args['words'], args['page_num'], args['page_size'])
        r.results.fragmenter = my_frag
        cr['data']['schema'] = ['title']
        for h in r:
            hr = dict([(s, h[s].encode('utf-8') if type(h[s]) is unicode else str(h[s])) for s in cr['data']['schema'] if s in h])
            with open(os.path.join(def_indexer.dir, h['path']), 'r') as file:
                hr['content'] = json.loads(file.read())['content']
            hr['content'] = h.highlights('content', text=hr['content'])
        # get definition score
        scores = definition_service(CONFIG['DEFINITION_SERVICE_URL'], [h['content'] for h in cr['data']['hits']])
        if len(scores) != len(cr['data']['hits']):
            raise Exception('return %d scores for %d results' % (len(scores), len(cr['data']['hits'])))
        for i in range(len(cr['data']['hits'])):
            cr['data']['hits'][i]['score'] = scores[i]
        cr['data']['hits'] = sorted(cr['data']['hits'], key=lambda x:x['score'], reverse=True)
        cr['data']['schema'] = ['title', 'content', 'score']
        cr['data']['info']['hits'] = r.results.scored_length()
    cr['data']['info']['time'] = time.time() - start_time
    return json.dumps(cr)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def sen_search():
    args = args_parse(request)
    cr = copy.deepcopy(result)
    utils.logger.debug(' '.join(['Search Sentence', args['field'], args['words']]))
    sen_searcher = Searcher(get_eng_indexer(session['qq_openid'], 'sen'))
    with sen_searcher.open() as searcher:
        r = sen_searcher.search(searcher, args['field'], args['words'], args['page_num'], args['page_size'])
        cr['data']['schema'] = ['id', 'content', 'tags', 'categories', 'date', 'comments']
        for h in r:
            cr['data']['hits'].append({s:h[s].encode('utf-8') if type(h[s]) is unicode else str(h[s]) for s in cr['data']['schema']})
    return json.dumps(cr)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def iter_search(index_type, field, words):
    search = Searcher(get_eng_indexer(session['qq_openid'], index_type))
    with search.open() as searcher:
        pn = 1
        while True:
            r = search.search(searcher, field, words, pn, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)
            count = 0
            for h in r:
                count += 1
                yield h
            if count < DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE:
            pn += 1
Ejemplo n.º 4
def doc_search():
    args = args_parse(request)
    cr = copy.deepcopy(result)
    utils.logger.debug(' '.join(['Search Document', args['field'], args['words']]))
    doc_search = Searcher(get_eng_indexer(session['qq_openid'], 'doc'))
    with doc_search.open() as searcher:
        r = doc_search.search(searcher, args['field'], args['words'], args['page_num'], args['page_size'])
        cr['data']['schema'] = ['id', 'title', 'comments', 'categories', 'tags', 'date']
        for h in r:
            hr = {s:h[s].encode('utf-8') if type(h[s]) is unicode else str(h[s]) for s in cr['data']['schema']}
            with open(h['path'], 'r') as file:
                hr['content'] = json.loads(file.read())['content']
    return json.dumps(cr)