Ejemplo n.º 1
def statistics(request, statisticsType):
    if request.method == "GET" or not "visualization" in request.POST \
        or not "domainId" in request.POST:
        raise Http404

    visualization = request.POST['visualization']
    domainId = int(request.POST['domainId'])

    domain = get_object_or_404(Domain, id=domainId)

    #TODO: Test if user has permission to the domain

    data = {
        "status":           200,
        "statusMessage":    _("OK")

    monitor = Monitor()
    if not monitor.isRunning():
        data['status'] = 503,
        data['statusMessage'] = _("Monitor is not running")
        return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(data))

    if visualization.lower() == "gauge":
        stats = domain.statistics_set.order_by("-datetime")[0]
        if statisticsType.lower() == "cpu":
            data['data'] = "%.2f" % (stats.percentage_cpu)
        elif statisticsType.lower() == "memory":
            data['data'] =  "%.2f" % (stats.percentage_memory)
    elif visualization.lower() == "areachart":
        lastId = int(request.POST['lastId'])

        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        # Select only last 1,5 minute
        stats = domain.statistics_set.filter(datetime__range=(now - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), now))\
        if statisticsType.lower() == "cpu":
            data['data'] = [ {
                "time":     time.mktime(stat.datetime.timetuple()),
                "value":    "%.2f" % (stat.percentage_cpu),
                "id":       stat.id
                } for stat in stats ]
        elif statisticsType.lower() == "memory":
            data['data'] = [ {
                "time":     time.mktime(stat.datetime.timetuple()),
                "value":    "%.2f" % (stat.percentage_memory),
                "id":       stat.id
                } for stat in stats ]
        data['status'] == 404
        data['statusMessage'] = _("Unsupported visualization")

    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(data))
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def handle_noargs(self, **options):
        daemon = options.get("daemon", True)
        interval = options.get("interval", 3)

            monitor = Monitor(daemon, interval)
        except Exception, e:
            import traceback
            logging.debug("Monitor exception:\n%s" % (traceback.format_exc()))
            print unicode(e)