Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_options(worker_model):
    option_list = (manager_worker_broker.runtime_options() +
                   printing.print_options() +
                   [optparse.make_option("--experimental-fully-parallel", default=False),
                    optparse.make_option("--child-processes", default='2')])
    parser = optparse.OptionParser(option_list=option_list)
    options, args = parser.parse_args(args=['--worker-model', worker_model])
    return options
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def get_printer(self, args=None, tty=False):
        args = args or []
        printing_options = printing.print_options()
        option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(option_list=printing_options)
        options, args = option_parser.parse_args(args)
        self._port = port.get('test', options)
        nproc = 2

        regular_output = array_stream.ArrayStream(tty=tty)
        buildbot_output = array_stream.ArrayStream()
        printer = printing.Printer(self._port, options, regular_output,
                                   buildbot_output, configure_logging=True)
        return printer, regular_output, buildbot_output
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def get_printer(self, args=None, single_threaded=False, is_fully_parallel=False):
        printing_options = printing.print_options()
        option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(option_list=printing_options)
        options, args = option_parser.parse_args(args)
        self._port = port.get("test", options)
        nproc = 2
        if single_threaded:
            nproc = 1

        regular_output = array_stream.ArrayStream()
        buildbot_output = array_stream.ArrayStream()
        printer = printing.Printer(
            self._port, options, regular_output, buildbot_output, single_threaded, is_fully_parallel
        return printer, regular_output, buildbot_output
    def get_printer(self, args=None, single_threaded=False,
        printing_options = printing.print_options()
        option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(option_list=printing_options)
        options, args = option_parser.parse_args(args)
        self._port = port.get('test', options)
        nproc = 2
        if single_threaded:
            nproc = 1

        regular_output = array_stream.ArrayStream()
        buildbot_output = array_stream.ArrayStream()
        printer = printing.Printer(self._port, options, regular_output,
                                   buildbot_output, single_threaded,
        return printer, regular_output, buildbot_output
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_options(args):
    print_options = printing.print_options()
    option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(option_list=print_options)
    return option_parser.parse_args(args)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_options(args):
    print_options = printing.print_options()
    option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(option_list=print_options)
    return option_parser.parse_args(args)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def parse_args(args=None):
    """Provides a default set of command line args.

    Returns a tuple of options, args from optparse"""

    # FIXME: All of these options should be stored closer to the code which
    # FIXME: actually uses them. configuration_options should move
    # FIXME: to WebKitPort and be shared across all scripts.
    configuration_options = [
        optparse.make_option("-t", "--target", dest="configuration",
        # FIXME: --help should display which configuration is default.
        optparse.make_option('--debug', action='store_const', const='Debug',
                             help='Set the configuration to Debug'),
        optparse.make_option('--release', action='store_const',
                             const='Release', dest="configuration",
                             help='Set the configuration to Release'),
        # old-run-webkit-tests also accepts -c, --configuration CONFIGURATION.

    print_options = printing.print_options()

    # FIXME: These options should move onto the ChromiumPort.
    chromium_options = [
        optparse.make_option("--chromium", action="store_true", default=False,
            help="use the Chromium port"),
        optparse.make_option("--startup-dialog", action="store_true",
            default=False, help="create a dialog on DumpRenderTree startup"),
        optparse.make_option("--gp-fault-error-box", action="store_true",
            default=False, help="enable Windows GP fault error box"),
            type="string", help="JavaScript flags to pass to tests"),
        optparse.make_option("--stress-opt", action="store_true",
            help="Enable additional stress test to JavaScript optimization"),
        optparse.make_option("--stress-deopt", action="store_true",
            help="Enable additional stress test to JavaScript optimization"),
        optparse.make_option("--nocheck-sys-deps", action="store_true",
            help="Don't check the system dependencies (themes)"),
            help="Use hardware-accelerated compositing for rendering"),
            help="Don't use hardware-accelerated compositing for rendering"),
            help="Use hardware-accelerated 2D Canvas calls"),
            help="Don't use hardware-accelerated 2D Canvas calls"),
            help="Run graphics tests on real GPU hardware vs software"),

    webkit_options = [
        optparse.make_option("--gc-between-tests", action="store_true", default=False,
            help="Force garbage collection between each test"),
        optparse.make_option("--complex-text", action="store_true", default=False,
            help="Use the complex text code path for all text (Mac OS X and Windows only)"),
        optparse.make_option("--threaded", action="store_true", default=False,
            help="Run a concurrent JavaScript thead with each test")

    # Missing Mac-specific old-run-webkit-tests options:
    # FIXME: Need: -g, --guard for guard malloc support on Mac.
    # FIXME: Need: -l --leaks    Enable leaks checking.
    # FIXME: Need: --sample-on-timeout Run sample on timeout

    old_run_webkit_tests_compat = [
        # NRWT doesn't generate results by default anyway.
        # NRWT doesn't sample on timeout yet anyway.
        # FIXME: NRWT needs to support remote links eventually.

    results_options = [
        # NEED for bots: --use-remote-links-to-tests Link to test files
        # within the SVN repository in the results.
        optparse.make_option("-p", "--pixel-tests", action="store_true",
            dest="pixel_tests", help="Enable pixel-to-pixel PNG comparisons"),
        optparse.make_option("--no-pixel-tests", action="store_false",
            dest="pixel_tests", help="Disable pixel-to-pixel PNG comparisons"),
            help="Ignore image differences less than this percentage (some "
                "ports may ignore this option)", type="float"),
        optparse.make_option("--results-directory", help="Location of test results"),
            help="Path to the directory under which build files are kept (should not include configuration)"),
        optparse.make_option("--new-baseline", action="store_true",
            default=False, help="Save all generated results as new baselines "
                 "into the platform directory, overwriting whatever's "
                 "already there."),
        optparse.make_option("--reset-results", action="store_true",
            default=False, help="Reset any existing baselines to the "
                 "generated results"),
        optparse.make_option("--additional-drt-flag", action="append",
            default=[], help="Additional command line flag to pass to DumpRenderTree "
                 "Specify multiple times to add multiple flags."),
        optparse.make_option("--additional-platform-directory", action="append",
            default=[], help="Additional directory where to look for test "
                 "baselines (will take precendence over platform baselines). "
                 "Specify multiple times to add multiple search path entries."),
        optparse.make_option("--no-show-results", action="store_false",
            default=True, dest="show_results",
            help="Don't launch a browser with results after the tests "
                 "are done"),
        # FIXME: We should have a helper function to do this sort of
        # deprectated mapping and automatically log, etc.
        optparse.make_option("--noshow-results", action="store_false",
            help="Deprecated, same as --no-show-results."),
        optparse.make_option("--no-launch-safari", action="store_false",
            help="old-run-webkit-tests compat, same as --noshow-results."),
        # old-run-webkit-tests:
        # --[no-]launch-safari    Launch (or do not launch) Safari to display
        #                         test results (default: launch)
        optparse.make_option("--full-results-html", action="store_true",
            help="Show all failures in results.html, rather than only "
        optparse.make_option("--clobber-old-results", action="store_true",
            default=False, help="Clobbers test results from previous runs."),
            help="Override the platform for expected results"),
        optparse.make_option("--no-record-results", action="store_false",
            default=True, dest="record_results",
            help="Don't record the results."),
        # old-run-webkit-tests also has HTTP toggle options:
        # --[no-]http                     Run (or do not run) http tests
        #                                 (default: run)

    test_options = [
        optparse.make_option("--build", dest="build",
            action="store_true", default=True,
            help="Check to ensure the DumpRenderTree build is up-to-date "
        optparse.make_option("--no-build", dest="build",
            action="store_false", help="Don't check to see if the "
                                       "DumpRenderTree build is up-to-date."),
        optparse.make_option("-n", "--dry-run", action="store_true",
            help="Do everything but actually run the tests or upload results."),
        # old-run-webkit-tests has --valgrind instead of wrapper.
            help="wrapper command to insert before invocations of "
                 "DumpRenderTree; option is split on whitespace before "
                 "running. (Example: --wrapper='valgrind --smc-check=all')"),
        # old-run-webkit-tests:
        # -i|--ignore-tests               Comma-separated list of directories
        #                                 or tests to ignore
        optparse.make_option("--test-list", action="append",
            help="read list of tests to run from file", metavar="FILE"),
        # old-run-webkit-tests uses --skipped==[default|ignore|only]
        # instead of --force:
        optparse.make_option("--force", action="store_true", default=False,
            help="Run all tests, even those marked SKIP in the test list"),
        optparse.make_option("--use-apache", action="store_true",
            default=False, help="Whether to use apache instead of lighttpd."),
            help="Set the timeout for each test"),
        # old-run-webkit-tests calls --randomize-order --random:
        optparse.make_option("--randomize-order", action="store_true",
            default=False, help=("Run tests in random order (useful "
                                "for tracking down corruption)")),
            help=("Run a specified chunk (n:l), the nth of len l, "
                 "of the layout tests")),
        optparse.make_option("--run-part", help=("Run a specified part (n:m), "
                  "the nth of m parts, of the layout tests")),
        # old-run-webkit-tests calls --batch-size: --nthly n
        #   Restart DumpRenderTree every n tests (default: 1000)
            help=("Run a the tests in batches (n), after every n tests, "
                  "DumpRenderTree is relaunched."), type="int", default=0),
        # old-run-webkit-tests calls --run-singly: -1|--singly
        # Isolate each test case run (implies --nthly 1 --verbose)
        optparse.make_option("--run-singly", action="store_true",
            default=False, help="run a separate DumpRenderTree for each test"),
            help="Number of DumpRenderTrees to run in parallel."),
        # FIXME: Display default number of child processes that will run.
        optparse.make_option("--worker-model", action="store",
            default=None, help=("controls worker model. Valid values are "
                                "'inline', 'threads', and 'processes'.")),
            action="store_true", default=False,
            help="run all tests in parallel"),
        optparse.make_option("--exit-after-n-failures", type="int", default=500,
            help="Exit after the first N failures instead of running all "
        optparse.make_option("--exit-after-n-crashes-or-timeouts", type="int",
            default=20, help="Exit after the first N crashes instead of "
            "running all tests"),
        # FIXME: consider: --iterations n
        #      Number of times to run the set of tests (e.g. ABCABCABC)
        optparse.make_option("--print-last-failures", action="store_true",
            default=False, help="Print the tests in the last run that "
            "had unexpected failures (or passes) and then exit."),
        optparse.make_option("--retest-last-failures", action="store_true",
            default=False, help="re-test the tests in the last run that "
            "had unexpected failures (or passes)."),
        optparse.make_option("--retry-failures", action="store_true",
            help="Re-try any tests that produce unexpected results (default)"),
        optparse.make_option("--no-retry-failures", action="store_false",
            help="Don't re-try any tests that produce unexpected results."),

    misc_options = [
        optparse.make_option("--lint-test-files", action="store_true",
        default=False, help=("Makes sure the test files parse for all "
                            "configurations. Does not run any tests.")),

    # FIXME: Move these into json_results_generator.py
    results_json_options = [
        optparse.make_option("--master-name", help="The name of the buildbot master."),
        optparse.make_option("--builder-name", default="DUMMY_BUILDER_NAME",
            help=("The name of the builder shown on the waterfall running "
                  "this script e.g. WebKit.")),
        optparse.make_option("--build-name", default="DUMMY_BUILD_NAME",
            help=("The name of the builder used in its path, e.g. "
        optparse.make_option("--build-number", default="DUMMY_BUILD_NUMBER",
            help=("The build number of the builder running this script.")),
        optparse.make_option("--test-results-server", default="",
            help=("If specified, upload results json files to this appengine "

    option_list = (configuration_options + print_options +
                   chromium_options + webkit_options + results_options + test_options +
                   misc_options + results_json_options + old_run_webkit_tests_compat)
    option_parser = optparse.OptionParser(option_list=option_list)

    return option_parser.parse_args(args)