Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_post_list_html(group, view, limit_start=0, limit_length=20):
	access = get_access(group)
	if isinstance(view, basestring):
		view = get_views()[view]
	view = webnotes._dict(view)
	# verify permission for paging
	if webnotes.local.form_dict.cmd == "get_post_list_html":
		if not access.get("read"):
			return webnotes.PermissionError
	if view.name == "feed":
		order_by = "p.creation desc"
		now = get_datetime_str(now_datetime())
		order_by = """(p.upvotes + post_reply_count - (timestampdiff(hour, p.creation, \"{}\") / 2)) desc, 
			p.creation desc""".format(now)
	posts = webnotes.conn.sql("""select p.*, pr.user_image, pr.first_name, pr.last_name,
		(select count(pc.name) from `tabPost` pc where pc.parent_post=p.name) as post_reply_count
		from `tabPost` p, `tabProfile` pr
		where p.website_group = %s and pr.name = p.owner and ifnull(p.parent_post, '')=''
		order by {order_by} limit %s, %s""".format(order_by=order_by),
		(group, int(limit_start), int(limit_length)), as_dict=True)
	context = {"posts": posts, "limit_start": limit_start, "view": view}
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/post_list.html").render(context)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_parent_post_html(post, access):
	profile = webnotes.bean("Profile", post.owner).doc
	for fieldname in ("first_name", "last_name", "fb_username", "fb_hometown", "fb_location"):
		post.fields[fieldname] = profile.fields[fieldname]
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/inline_post.html", filters={"scrub_url": scrub_url})\
		.render({"post": post.fields, "write": access.get("write")})
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_post_list_html(group, view, limit_start=0, limit_length=20):
	access = get_access(group)
	if isinstance(view, basestring):
		view = get_views()[view]
	view = webnotes._dict(view)
	# verify permission for paging
	if webnotes.local.form_dict.cmd == "get_post_list_html":
		if not access.get("read"):
			return webnotes.PermissionError
	if view.name=="upcoming":
		condition = "and p.event_datetime >= %s"
		order_by = "p.event_datetime asc"
		condition = "and p.event_datetime < %s"
		order_by = "p.event_datetime desc"
	# should show based on time upto precision of hour
	# because the current hour should also be in upcoming
	now = now_datetime().replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
	posts = webnotes.conn.sql("""select p.*, pr.user_image, pr.first_name, pr.last_name,
		(select count(pc.name) from `tabPost` pc where pc.parent_post=p.name) as post_reply_count
		from `tabPost` p, `tabProfile` pr
		where p.website_group = %s and pr.name = p.owner and ifnull(p.parent_post, '')=''
		and p.is_event=1 {condition}
		order by {order_by} limit %s, %s""".format(condition=condition, order_by=order_by),
		(group, now, int(limit_start), int(limit_length)), as_dict=True)
	context = {"posts": posts, "limit_start": limit_start, "view": view}
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/post_list.html").render(context)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def prepare_daily_summary(user, unit_post_map, render_opts=None):
	allowed_units = []
	event_post_map = {
		"posts": [],
		"lft": 0,
		"unit_title": "Events on {}".format(render_opts.get("formatted_event_date")),
		"public": 1
	for unit in sorted(unit_post_map, key=lambda u: unit_post_map.get(u, {}).get("lft")):
		if get_access(unit, profile=user).get("read"):
			event_post_map["posts"] += unit_post_map[unit].get("events") or []
	if event_post_map["posts"]:
		allowed_units = ["Events"] + allowed_units
	if allowed_units:
		if not render_opts: render_opts = {}
			"allowed_units": allowed_units,
			"unit_post_map": unit_post_map,
			"event_post_map": event_post_map
		return webnotes.get_template("templates/emails/daily_summary.html").render(render_opts)
		return ""
Ejemplo n.º 5
def add_post(unit, content, picture, picture_name, parent_post=None):
	access = get_access(unit)
	if not access.get("write"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError
	post = webnotes.bean({
		"content": markdown2.markdown(content),
		"unit": unit,
		"parent_post": parent_post or None
	post.ignore_permissions = True

	if picture_name and picture:
		file_data = save_file(picture_name, picture, "Post", post.doc.name, decode=True)
		post.doc.picture_url = file_data.file_name or file_data.file_url
		webnotes.conn.set_value("Post", post.doc.name, "picture_url", post.doc.picture_url)
	post.doc.fields.update(webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", webnotes.session.user, 
		["first_name", "last_name", "fb_username"], as_dict=True))
	webnotes.cache().delete_value("unit_html:" + unit)
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/inline_post.html").render({"post":post.doc.fields,
		"write": access.get("write")})
Ejemplo n.º 6
def get_user_details(unit, fb_access_token=None):
	if fb_access_token:
		fb_userid = get_fb_userid(fb_access_token)
		profile = webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", {"fb_userid": fb_userid})
		if not profile:
			raise webnotes.AuthenticationError
		# login
		webnotes.local.login_manager.user = profile
	out = {
		"fb_username": get_fb_username(),
		"task_count": get_task_count()
	access = None
	if unit != "tasks":
		access = get_access(unit)
	out["access"] = access
	if access and access.get("read"):
		out["private_units"] = webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/unit_list.html")\
			.render({"children": get_child_unit_items(unit, public=0)})
	return out
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_parent_post_html(post, view):
	profile = webnotes.bean("Profile", post.owner).doc
	for fieldname in ("first_name", "last_name", "user_image", "fb_hometown", "fb_location"):
		post.fields[fieldname] = profile.fields[fieldname]
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/inline_post.html")\
		.render({"post": post.fields, "view": view})
Ejemplo n.º 8
	def send_login_mail(self, subject, template, add_args):
		"""send mail with login details"""
		from webnotes.profile import get_user_fullname
		from webnotes.utils import get_url
		mail_titles = webnotes.get_hooks().get("login_mail_title", [])
		title = webnotes.conn.get_default('company') or (mail_titles and mail_titles[0]) or ""
		full_name = get_user_fullname(webnotes.session['user'])
		if full_name == "Guest":
			full_name = "Administrator"
		args = {
			'first_name': self.doc.first_name or self.doc.last_name or "user",
			'user': self.doc.name,
			'title': title,
			'login_url': get_url(),
			'user_fullname': full_name
		sender = webnotes.session.user not in ("Administrator", "Guest") and webnotes.session.user or None
		webnotes.sendmail(recipients=self.doc.email, sender=sender, subject=subject, 
Ejemplo n.º 9
def get_formatted_html(subject, message, footer=None):
	message = scrub_urls(message)

	return inline_css(webnotes.get_template("templates/emails/standard.html").render({
		"content": message,
		"footer": get_footer(footer),
		"title": subject
Ejemplo n.º 10
def build_page(page_name):
	context = get_context(page_name)
	html = webnotes.get_template(context.base_template_path).render(context)
	if can_cache(context.no_cache):
		webnotes.cache().set_value("page:" + page_name, html)
	return html
Ejemplo n.º 11
def add_comment(args=None):
		args = {
			'comment': '',
			'comment_by': '',
			'comment_by_fullname': '',
			'comment_doctype': '',
			'comment_docname': '',
			'page_name': '',

    if not args:
        args = webnotes.local.form_dict
    args['doctype'] = "Comment"

    page_name = args.get("page_name")
    if "page_name" in args:
        del args["page_name"]
    if "cmd" in args:
        del args["cmd"]

    comment = webnotes.bean(args)
    comment.ignore_permissions = True

    # since comments are embedded in the page, clear the web cache

    # notify commentors
    commentors = [
        d[0] for d in webnotes.conn.sql(
            """select comment_by from tabComment where
		comment_doctype=%s and comment_docname=%s and
		ifnull(unsubscribed, 0)=0""", (comment.doc.comment_doctype,

    owner = webnotes.conn.get_value(comment.doc.comment_doctype,
                                    comment.doc.comment_docname, "owner")

    from webnotes.utils.email_lib.bulk import send
    send(recipients=list(set(commentors + [owner])),
         subject='New Comment on %s: %s' %
         (comment.doc.comment_doctype, comment.doc.title
          or comment.doc.comment_docname),
         message='%(comment)s<p>By %(comment_by_fullname)s</p>' % args,

    template = webnotes.get_template(

    return template.render({"comment": comment.doc.fields})
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_task_list_html(tasks=None, limit_start=0, limit_length=20):
	if not tasks:
		tasks = get_task_list(limit_start, limit_length)
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/post_list.html", filters={"scrub_url": scrub_url})\
			"posts": tasks, 
			"with_unit": True, 
			"unit_map": get_unit_map(tasks), 
			"write": 1
Ejemplo n.º 13
def get_child_posts_html(post, view):
	posts = webnotes.conn.sql("""select p.*, pr.user_image, pr.first_name, pr.last_name
		from tabPost p, tabProfile pr
		where p.parent_post=%s and pr.name = p.owner
		order by p.creation asc""", (post.name,), as_dict=True)
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/post_list.html")\
			"posts": posts,
			"parent_post": post.name,
			"view": view
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_unit_settings_html(unit):
	if not get_access(unit).get("admin"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError
	unit_profiles = webnotes.conn.sql("""select pr.first_name, pr.last_name, 
		pr.fb_username, pr.fb_location, pr.fb_hometown, up.profile,
		up.`read`, up.`write`, up.`admin`
		from tabProfile pr, `tabUnit Profile` up where up.profile = pr.name and up.parent=%s""", (unit,), as_dict=1)
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/unit_settings.html").render({
		"public": webnotes.conn.get_value("Unit", unit, "public"),
		"unit_profiles": unit_profiles
Ejemplo n.º 15
def notify(arg=None):
	from webnotes.utils import cstr, get_fullname, get_url
		recipients=[webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", arg["contact"], "email") or arg["contact"]],
		sender= webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", webnotes.session.user, "email"),
		subject="New Message from " + get_fullname(webnotes.user.name),
			"from": get_fullname(webnotes.user.name),
			"message": arg['txt'],
			"link": get_url()
Ejemplo n.º 16
def add_comment(args=None):
		args = {
			'comment': '',
			'comment_by': '',
			'comment_by_fullname': '',
			'comment_doctype': '',
			'comment_docname': '',
			'page_name': '',
	if not args: 
		args = webnotes.local.form_dict
	args['doctype'] = "Comment"

	page_name = args.get("page_name")
	if "page_name" in args:
		del args["page_name"]
	if "cmd" in args:
		del args["cmd"]

	comment = webnotes.bean(args)
	comment.ignore_permissions = True
	# since comments are embedded in the page, clear the web cache

	# notify commentors 
	commentors = [d[0] for d in webnotes.conn.sql("""select comment_by from tabComment where
		comment_doctype=%s and comment_docname=%s and
		ifnull(unsubscribed, 0)=0""", (comment.doc.comment_doctype, comment.doc.comment_docname))]
	owner = webnotes.conn.get_value(comment.doc.comment_doctype, comment.doc.comment_docname, "owner")
	from webnotes.utils.email_lib.bulk import send
	send(recipients=list(set(commentors + [owner])), 
		subject='New Comment on %s: %s' % (comment.doc.comment_doctype, 
			comment.doc.title or comment.doc.comment_docname), 
		message='%(comment)s<p>By %(comment_by_fullname)s</p>' % args,
		ref_doctype=comment.doc.comment_doctype, ref_docname=comment.doc.comment_docname)
	template = webnotes.get_template("lib/website/templates/includes/comment.html")
	return template.render({"comment": comment.doc.fields})
Ejemplo n.º 17
def render_blocks(context):
	"""returns a dict of block name and its rendered content"""
	from jinja2.utils import concat
	out = {}
	template = webnotes.get_template(context["template_path"])
	# required as per low level API
	context = template.new_context(context)
	# render each block individually
	for block, render in template.blocks.items():
		out[block] = concat(render(context))

	return out
Ejemplo n.º 18
def suggest_user(term, group):
	profiles = webnotes.conn.sql("""select pr.name, pr.first_name, pr.last_name, 
		pr.user_image, pr.fb_location, pr.fb_hometown
		from `tabProfile` pr 
		where (pr.first_name like %(term)s or pr.last_name like %(term)s)
		and pr.user_image is not null and pr.enabled=1
		and not exists(select wsp.name from `tabWebsite Sitemap Permission` wsp 
			where wsp.website_sitemap=%(group)s and wsp.profile=pr.name)""", 
		{"term": "%{}%".format(term), "group": group}, as_dict=True)
	template = webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/profile_display.html")
	return [{
		"value": "{} {}".format(pr.first_name, pr.last_name), 
		"profile_html": template.render({"profile": pr}),
		"profile": pr.name
	} for pr in profiles]
Ejemplo n.º 19
def suggest_user(group, term):
	"""suggest a user that has read permission in this group tree"""
	profiles = webnotes.conn.sql("""select 
		pr.name, pr.first_name, pr.last_name, 
		pr.user_image, pr.fb_location, pr.fb_hometown
		from `tabProfile` pr
		where (pr.first_name like %(term)s or pr.last_name like %(term)s)
		and pr.name not in ("Guest", "Administrator") is not null and pr.enabled=1""", 
		{"term": "%{}%".format(term), "group": group}, as_dict=True)
	template = webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/profile_display.html")
	return [{
		"value": "{} {}".format(pr.first_name or "", pr.last_name or "").strip(), 
		"profile_html": template.render({"profile": pr}),
		"profile": pr.name
	} for pr in profiles]
Ejemplo n.º 20
def suggest_user(term, unit):
	profiles = webnotes.conn.sql("""select pr.name, pr.first_name, pr.last_name, 
		pr.fb_username, pr.fb_location, pr.fb_hometown
		from `tabProfile` pr 
		where (pr.first_name like %(term)s or pr.last_name like %(term)s)
		and pr.fb_username is not null
		and not exists(select up.parent from `tabUnit Profile` up 
			where up.parent=%(unit)s and up.profile=pr.name)""", 
		{"term": "%{}%".format(term), "unit": unit}, as_dict=True)
	template = webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/profile_display.html")
	return [{
		"value": "{} {}".format(pr.first_name, pr.last_name), 
		"profile_html": template.render({"unit_profile": pr}),
		"profile": pr.name
	} for pr in profiles]
Ejemplo n.º 21
	def _get_unit_html(unit):
		unit = webnotes.doc("Unit", unit)
		parents = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, unit_title from tabUnit 
			where lft < %s and rgt > %s order by lft asc""", (unit.lft, unit.rgt), as_dict=1)

		context = {
			"name": unit.name,
			"public": unit.public,
			"forum": unit.forum,
			"title": unit.unit_title,
			"parents": parents,
			"children": get_child_unit_items(unit.name, public=1),
			"post_list_html": get_post_list_html(unit.name)
		return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/unit.html").render(context)
Ejemplo n.º 22
def write_docs(data, build_sitemap=None, domain=None):
    from webnotes.utils import global_date_format
    if webnotes.session.user != "Administrator":
        raise webnotes.PermissionError

    if isinstance(data, basestring):
        data = json.loads(data)

    template = webnotes.get_template("app/docs/templates/docs.html")

    data["index"] = data["docs"]
    data["docs"] = None
    for name, d in data.items():
        if d:
            if not d.get("title"):
                d["title"] = d["_label"]
            if d.get("_parent_page") == "docs.html":
                d["_parent_page"] = "index.html"
            if not d.get("_icon"):
                d["_icon"] = "icon-file-alt"
            if not d["_icon"].startswith("icon-"):
                d["_icon"] = "icon-" + d["_icon"]
            if d.get("_modified"):
                d["_modified"] = global_date_format(d["_modified"])

            with open(get_path("public", "docs", name + ".html"),
                      "w") as docfile:
                if not d.get("description"):
                    d["description"] = "Help pages for " + d["title"]
                html = template.render(d)
                docfile.write(html.encode("utf-8", errors="ignore"))

    if build_sitemap and domain:
        if not domain.endswith("/"):
            domain = domain + "/"
        content = ""
        for fname in os.listdir(get_path("public", "docs")):
            fname = cstr(fname)
            if fname.endswith(".html"):
                content += sitemap_link_xml % (
                    domain + fname,
                    get_timestamp(get_path("public", "docs", fname)))

        with open(get_path("public", "docs", "sitemap.xml"), "w") as sitemap:
            sitemap.write(sitemap_frame_xml % content)
Ejemplo n.º 23
def suggest_user(unit, term):
	"""suggest a user that has read permission in this unit tree"""
	profiles = webnotes.conn.sql("""select 
		pr.name, pr.first_name, pr.last_name, 
		pr.fb_username, pr.fb_location, pr.fb_hometown
		from `tabProfile` pr
		where (pr.first_name like %(term)s or pr.last_name like %(term)s)
		and pr.fb_username is not null""", 
		{"term": "%{}%".format(term), "unit": unit}, as_dict=True)
	template = webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/profile_display.html")
	return [{
		"value": "{} {}".format(pr.first_name, pr.last_name), 
		"profile_html": template.render({"unit_profile": pr}),
		"profile": pr.name
	} for pr in profiles]

Ejemplo n.º 24
def get_post_list_html(unit, limit_start=0, limit_length=20):
	access = get_access(unit)
	if webnotes.local.form_dict.cmd=="get_post_list_html":
		# for paging
		if not access.get("read"):
			raise webnotes.PermissionError
	posts = webnotes.conn.sql("""select p.name, p.unit, p.status,
		p.assigned_to, p.event_datetime, p.assigned_to_fullname, p.picture_url,
		p.creation, p.content, pr.fb_username, pr.first_name, pr.last_name,
		(select count(pc.name) from `tabPost` pc where pc.parent_post=p.name) as post_reply_count
		from tabPost p, tabProfile pr
		where p.unit=%s and pr.name = p.owner and ifnull(p.parent_post, '')=''
		order by p.creation desc limit %s, %s""", 
			(unit, limit_start, limit_length), as_dict=True)
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/post_list.html", filters={"scrub_url": scrub_url})\
		.render({"posts": posts, "limit_start":limit_start, "write": access.get("write")})
Ejemplo n.º 25
def get_post_settings(unit, post_name):
	if not get_access(unit).get("write"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError
	post = webnotes.bean("Post", post_name).doc
	if post.unit != unit:
		raise webnotes.ValidationError("Post does not belong to unit.")
	profile = None
	if post.assigned_to:
		profile = webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", post.assigned_to, 
			["first_name", "last_name", "fb_username", "fb_location", "fb_hometown"], as_dict=True)
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/post_settings.html").render({
		"post": post,
		"unit_profile": profile,
		"status_options": (webnotes.get_doctype("Post").get_options("status") or "").split("\n")
Ejemplo n.º 26
def write_docs(data, build_sitemap=None, domain=None):
    from webnotes.utils import global_date_format

    if webnotes.session.user != "Administrator":
        raise webnotes.PermissionError

    if isinstance(data, basestring):
        data = json.loads(data)

    template = webnotes.get_template("app/docs/templates/docs.html")

    data["index"] = data["docs"]
    data["docs"] = None
    for name, d in data.items():
        if d:
            if not d.get("title"):
                d["title"] = d["_label"]
            if d.get("_parent_page") == "docs.html":
                d["_parent_page"] = "index.html"
            if not d.get("_icon"):
                d["_icon"] = "icon-file-alt"
            if not d["_icon"].startswith("icon-"):
                d["_icon"] = "icon-" + d["_icon"]
            if d.get("_modified"):
                d["_modified"] = global_date_format(d["_modified"])

            with open(get_path("public", "docs", name + ".html"), "w") as docfile:
                if not d.get("description"):
                    d["description"] = "Help pages for " + d["title"]
                html = template.render(d)
                docfile.write(html.encode("utf-8", errors="ignore"))

    if build_sitemap and domain:
        if not domain.endswith("/"):
            domain = domain + "/"
        content = ""
        for fname in os.listdir(get_path("public", "docs")):
            fname = cstr(fname)
            if fname.endswith(".html"):
                content += sitemap_link_xml % (domain + fname, get_timestamp(get_path("public", "docs", fname)))

        with open(get_path("public", "docs", "sitemap.xml"), "w") as sitemap:
            sitemap.write(sitemap_frame_xml % content)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def add_sitemap_permission(sitemap_page, profile):
	if not get_access(sitemap_page).get("admin"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError
	permission = webnotes.bean({
		"doctype": "Website Sitemap Permission",
		"website_sitemap": sitemap_page,
		"profile": profile,
		"read": 1
	profile = permission.doc.fields
	profile.update(webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", profile.profile, 
		["name", "first_name", "last_name", "user_image", "fb_location", "fb_hometown"], as_dict=True))
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/sitemap_permission.html").render({
		"profile": profile
Ejemplo n.º 28
def get_child_posts_html(post, limit_start=0, limit_length=20):
	if isinstance(post, basestring):
		post = webnotes.bean("Post", post).doc
	access = get_access(post.unit)
	if webnotes.local.form_dict.cmd=="get_child_posts_html":
		# for paging
		if not access.get("read"):
			raise webnotes.PermissionError
	posts = webnotes.conn.sql("""select p.name, p.unit, p.status, p.is_task,
		p.assigned_to, p.event_datetime, p.assigned_to_fullname, p.picture_url,
		p.creation, p.content, p.parent_post, pr.fb_username, pr.first_name, pr.last_name
		from tabPost p, tabProfile pr
		where p.parent_post=%s and pr.name = p.owner
		order by p.creation desc limit %s, %s""", 
			(post.name, limit_start, limit_length), as_dict=True)
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/post_list.html", filters={"scrub_url": scrub_url})\
		.render({"posts": posts, "limit_start":limit_start, "write": access.get("write")})
Ejemplo n.º 29
def add_unit_profile(unit, profile):
	if not get_access(unit).get("admin"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError
	unit = webnotes.bean("Unit", unit)
		"doctype": "Unit Profile",
		"parentfield": "unit_profiles",
		"profile": profile,
		"read": 1
	unit.ignore_permissions = True
	unit_profile = unit.doclist[-1].fields
	unit_profile.update(webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", unit_profile.profile, 
		["first_name", "last_name", "fb_username", "fb_location", "fb_hometown"], as_dict=True))
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/unit_profile.html").render({
		"unit_profile": unit_profile
Ejemplo n.º 30
	def _get_unit_html(unit, view=None):
		unit = webnotes.doc("Unit", unit)
		parents = webnotes.conn.sql("""select name, unit_title from tabUnit 
			where lft < %s and rgt > %s order by lft asc""", (unit.lft, unit.rgt), as_dict=1)
		title = unit.unit_title
		if view:
			title += ": {}".format(view.title())
			parents += [{"name": unit.name, "unit_title": unit.unit_title}]

		context = {
			"name": unit.name,
			"public": unit.public,
			"title": title,
			"parents": parents,
			"children": get_child_unit_items(unit.name, public=1),
			"post_list_html": get_post_list_html(unit.name, view=view),
			"view": view
		return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/unit.html").render(context)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def get_item_for_list_in_html(context):
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/product_in_grid.html").render(context)