Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        Implements the WSGI specification for Pecan applications, utilizing

        # create the request and response object
        req = self.request_cls(environ)
        resp = self.response_cls()
        state = RoutingState(req, resp, self)
        environ['pecan.locals'] = {'request': req, 'response': resp}
        controller = None

        # handle the request
            # add context and environment to the request
            req.context = environ.get('pecan.recursive.context', {})
            req.pecan = dict(content_type=None)

            controller, args, kwargs = self.find_controller(state)
            self.invoke_controller(controller, args, kwargs, state)
        except Exception as e:
            # if this is an HTTP Exception, set it as the response
            if isinstance(e, exc.HTTPException):
                # if the client asked for JSON, do our best to provide it
                best_match = acceptparse.MIMEAccept(
                    getattr(req.accept, 'header_value', '*/*')).best_match(
                        ('text/plain', 'text/html', 'application/json'))
                state.response = e
                if best_match == 'application/json':
                    json_body = dumps({
                        'code': e.status_int,
                        'title': e.title,
                        'description': e.detail
                    if isinstance(json_body, six.text_type):
                        e.text = json_body
                        e.body = json_body
                    state.response.content_type = best_match
                environ['pecan.original_exception'] = e

            # if this is not an internal redirect, run error hooks
            on_error_result = None
            if not isinstance(e, ForwardRequestException):
                on_error_result = self.handle_hooks(
                    self.determine_hooks(state.controller), 'on_error', state,

            # if the on_error handler returned a Response, use it.
            if isinstance(on_error_result, WebObResponse):
                state.response = on_error_result
                if not isinstance(e, exc.HTTPException):

            # if this is an HTTP 405, attempt to specify an Allow header
            if isinstance(e, exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed) and controller:
                allowed_methods = _cfg(controller).get('allowed_methods', [])
                if allowed_methods:
                    state.response.allow = sorted(allowed_methods)
            # handle "after" hooks
            self.handle_hooks(self.determine_hooks(state.controller), 'after',


        # get the response
        return state.response(environ, start_response)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def find_controller(self, state):
        The main request handler for Pecan applications.
        # get a sorted list of hooks, by priority (no controller hooks yet)
        req = state.request
        pecan_state = req.pecan

        # store the routing path for the current application to allow hooks to
        # modify it
        pecan_state['routing_path'] = path = req.path_info

        # handle "on_route" hooks
        self.handle_hooks(self.hooks, 'on_route', state)

        # lookup the controller, respecting content-type as requested
        # by the file extension on the URI
        pecan_state['extension'] = None

        # attempt to guess the content type based on the file extension
        if self.guess_content_type_from_ext \
                and not pecan_state['content_type'] \
                and '.' in path:
            _, extension = splitext(path.rstrip('/'))

            # preface with a letter to ensure compat for 2.5
            potential_type = guess_type('x' + extension)[0]

            if extension and potential_type is not None:
                path = ''.join(path.rsplit(extension, 1))
                pecan_state['extension'] = extension
                pecan_state['content_type'] = potential_type

        controller, remainder = self.route(req, self.root, path)
        cfg = _cfg(controller)

        if cfg.get('generic_handler'):
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound

        # handle generic controllers
        im_self = None
        if cfg.get('generic'):
            im_self = six.get_method_self(controller)
            handlers = cfg['generic_handlers']
            controller = handlers.get(req.method, handlers['DEFAULT'])
            handle_security(controller, im_self)
            cfg = _cfg(controller)

        # add the controller to the state so that hooks can use it
        state.controller = controller

        # if unsure ask the controller for the default content type
        content_types = cfg.get('content_types', {})
        if not pecan_state['content_type']:
            # attempt to find a best match based on accept headers (if they
            # exist)
            accept = getattr(req.accept, 'header_value', '*/*')
            if accept == '*/*' or (accept.startswith('text/html,') and list(
                    content_types.keys()) in self.SIMPLEST_CONTENT_TYPES):
                pecan_state['content_type'] = cfg.get('content_type',
                best_default = acceptparse.MIMEAccept(accept).best_match(

                if best_default is None:
                    msg = "Controller '%s' defined does not support " + \
                          "content_type '%s'. Supported type(s): %s"
                        msg %
                        (controller.__name__, pecan_state['content_type'],
                    raise exc.HTTPNotAcceptable()

                pecan_state['content_type'] = best_default
        elif cfg.get('content_type') is not None and \
                pecan_state['content_type'] not in content_types:

            msg = "Controller '%s' defined does not support content_type " + \
                  "'%s'. Supported type(s): %s"
            logger.error(msg %
                         (controller.__name__, pecan_state['content_type'],
            raise exc.HTTPNotFound

        # fetch any parameters
        if req.method == 'GET':
            params = req.GET
        elif req.content_type in ('application/json',
                if not isinstance(req.json, dict):
                    raise TypeError('%s is not a dict' % req.json)
                params = NestedMultiDict(req.GET, req.json)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                params = req.params
            params = req.params

        # fetch the arguments for the controller
        args, varargs, kwargs = self.get_args(state, params.mixed(), remainder,
                                              cfg['argspec'], im_self)
        state.arguments = Arguments(args, varargs, kwargs)

        # handle "before" hooks
        self.handle_hooks(self.determine_hooks(controller), 'before', state)

        return controller, args + varargs, kwargs