Ejemplo n.º 1
    def iter_bills(self):
        table = self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="releveCompteMensuel"]')[0].xpath('.//tr')
        for tr in table:
            list_tds = tr.xpath('.//td')
            if len(list_tds) == 0:

            date_str = tr.xpath('.//td[@class="cAlignGauche"]')[0].text
            month_str = date_str.split()[0]
            date = datetime.strptime(re.sub(month_str, str(FRENCH_MONTHS.index(month_str) + 1), date_str), "%m %Y").date()
            amount = tr.xpath('.//td[@class="cAlignDroite"]')[0].text
            amount = re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', amount)
            for format in ('CSV', 'PDF'):
                bil = Bill()
                bil.id = date.strftime("%Y%m") + format
                bil.date = date
                clean_amount = amount.strip().replace(',','.')
                if clean_amount != '':
                    bil.price = Decimal('-'+clean_amount)
                    bil.price = 0
                bil.label = u''+date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
                bil.format = u''+format
                filedate = date.strftime("%m%Y")
                bil._url = '/PortailPS/fichier.do'
                bil._data = {'FICHIER.type': format.lower()+'.releveCompteMensuel',
                            'dateReleve': filedate,
                            'FICHIER.titre': 'Releve' + filedate
                yield bil
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def iter_bills(self, sub):
         table = self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="relevesMensuels"]')[0].xpath('.//tr')
     # When no operations was done in the last month, there is no table. That is fine.
     except IndexError:
     for tr in table:
         list_tds = tr.xpath('.//td')
         if len(list_tds) == 0:
         date_str = list_tds[0].text
         month_str = date_str.split()[0]
         date = datetime.strptime(re.sub(month_str, str(FRENCH_MONTHS.index(month_str) + 1), date_str), "%m %Y").date()
         amount = list_tds[1].text
         if amount is None:
         amount = re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', amount)
         bil = Bill()
         bil.id = sub._id + "." + date.strftime("%Y%m")
         bil.date = date
         bil.price = Decimal('-'+amount.strip().replace(',','.'))
         bil.format = u'pdf'
         bil.label = date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
         bil._url = '/PortailAS/PDFServletReleveMensuel.dopdf?PDF.moisRecherche='+date.strftime("%m%Y")
         yield bil
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def iter_bills(self, sub):
     table = self.document.xpath('//table[@id="tableauDecompte"]')[0].xpath(
     for tr in table:
         list_tds = tr.xpath('.//td')
         if len(list_tds) == 0:
         date_str = list_tds[0].text
         month_str = date_str.split()[0]
         date = datetime.strptime(
             re.sub(month_str, str(FRENCH_MONTHS.index(month_str) + 1),
                    date_str), "%m %Y").date()
         amount = list_tds[1].text
         if amount is None:
         amount = re.sub(' euros', '', amount)
         bil = Bill()
         bil.id = sub._id + "." + date.strftime("%Y%m")
         bil.date = date
         bil.label = u'' + amount.strip()
         bil.format = u'pdf'
         filedate = date.strftime("%m%Y")
         bil._url = '/PortailAS/PDFServletReleveMensuel.dopdf'
         bil._args = {'PDF.moisRecherche': filedate}
         yield bil
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def iter_bills(self, sub):

        years = [None] + self.document.xpath('//ul[@class="years"]/li/a')

        for year in years:
            if year is not None and year.attrib['href']:

            tables = self.browser.page.document.xpath('//table[contains(@summary, "factures")]')
            for table in tables:
                for tr in table.xpath('.//tr'):
                    list_tds = tr.xpath('.//td')
                    if len(list_tds) == 0:
                    url = re.sub('[\r\n\t]', '', list_tds[0].xpath('.//a')[0].attrib['href'])
                    date_search = re.search('dateFactureQE=(\d+/\d+/\d+)', url)
                    if not date_search:

                    date = datetime.strptime(date_search.group(1), "%d/%m/%Y").date()
                    amount = self.parser.tocleanstring(list_tds[2])
                    if amount is None:

                    bill = Bill()
                    bill.id = sub._id + "." + date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
                    bill.price = Decimal(FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(amount))
                    bill.currency = bill.get_currency(amount)
                    bill.date = date
                    bill.label = self.parser.tocleanstring(list_tds[0])
                    bill.format = u'pdf'
                    bill._url = url
                    yield bill
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def iter_bills(self):
        table = self.document.xpath(
        for tr in table:
            list_tds = tr.xpath('.//td')
            if len(list_tds) == 0:

            date_str = tr.xpath('.//td[@class="cAlignGauche"]')[0].text
            month_str = date_str.split()[0]
            date = datetime.strptime(
                re.sub(month_str, str(FRENCH_MONTHS.index(month_str) + 1),
                       date_str), "%m %Y").date()
            amount = tr.xpath('.//td[@class="cAlignDroite"]')[0].text
            for format in ('CSV', 'PDF'):
                bil = Bill()
                bil.id = date.strftime("%Y%m") + format
                bil.date = date
                bil.label = u'' + amount.strip()
                bil.format = u'' + format
                filedate = date.strftime("%m%Y")
                bil._url = '/PortailPS/fichier.do'
                bil._args = {
                    'FICHIER.type': format.lower() + '.releveCompteMensuel',
                    'dateReleve': filedate,
                    'FICHIER.titre': '',
                yield bil
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def iter_documents(self, sub):
         table = self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="relevesMensuels"]')[0].xpath(
     # When no operations was done in the last month, there is no table. That is fine.
     except IndexError:
     for tr in table:
         list_tds = tr.xpath('.//td')
         if len(list_tds) == 0:
         date_str = list_tds[0].text
         month_str = date_str.split()[0]
         date = datetime.strptime(
             re.sub(month_str, str(FRENCH_MONTHS.index(month_str) + 1),
                    date_str), "%m %Y").date()
         amount = list_tds[1].text
         if amount is None:
         amount = re.sub('[^\d,-]+', '', amount)
         bil = Bill()
         bil.id = sub._id + "." + date.strftime("%Y%m")
         bil.date = date
         bil.price = Decimal('-' + amount.strip().replace(',', '.'))
         bil.format = u'pdf'
         bil.type = u'bill'
         bil.label = date.strftime("%Y%m%d")
         bil._url = '/PortailAS/PDFServletReleveMensuel.dopdf?PDF.moisRecherche=' + date.strftime(
         yield bil
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _create_bill(self, date, price, link):
     bill = Bill()
     bill.id = date.__str__().replace('-', '')
     bill.date = date
     bill._price = price
     bill._url = link
     bill.format = u'pdf'
     bill.label = unicode(price)
     return bill
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def date_bills(self, parentid):
     max = 1
     while len(self.document.xpath('//li[@id="liMois%s"]' % max)) > 0:
         li = self.document.xpath('//li[@id="liMois%s"]' % max)[0]
         max += 1
         link = li.xpath('a')[0]
         bill = Bill()
         bill._url = link.attrib['href']
         bill.label = link.text
         bill.format = u"pdf"
         bill.id = parentid + bill.label.replace(' ', '')
         yield bill
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def iter_bills(self, subscription):
     orders = self.iter_orders()
     for o in orders:
         b = Bill()
         b._url = o._bill['url']
         b.id = '%s.%s' % (subscription.id, o.id)
         b.date = o.date
         b.price = o.total
         b.format = o._bill['format']
         b.currency = b.get_currency(self.get_currency())
         b.vat = o.tax
         yield b
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def iter_bills(self, subscription):
     orders = self.iter_orders()
     for o in orders:
         b = Bill()
         b._url = o._bill['url']
         b.id = '%s.%s' % (subscription.id, o.id)
         b.date = o.date
         b.price = o.total
         b.format = o._bill['format']
         b.currency = b.get_currency(self.get_currency())
         b.vat = o.tax
         yield b
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def date_bills(self, parentid):
     max = 1
     while len(self.document.xpath('//li[@id="liMois%s"]' % max)) > 0:
         li = self.document.xpath('//li[@id="liMois%s"]' % max)[0]
         max += 1
         link = li.xpath('a')[0]
         bill = Bill()
         bill._url = link.attrib['href']
         bill.label = unicode(link.text)
         bill.format = u"pdf"
         bill.id = parentid + bill.label.replace(' ', '')
         yield bill
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def on_loaded(self):
        self.details = {}
        self.datebills = []
        for div in self.document.xpath('//div[@class="infosLigne pointer"]'):
            phonenumber = div.text
            phonenumber = phonenumber.split("-")[-1].strip()
            virtualnumber = div.attrib['onclick'].split('(')[1][1]
            self.details['num' + str(phonenumber)] = virtualnumber

        for div in self.document.xpath('//div[@class="infosConso"]'):
            num = div.attrib['id'].split('_')[1][0]
            self.details[num] = []

            # National parsing
            divnat = div.xpath('div[@class="national"]')[0]
            self.parse_div(divnat, "National : %s | International : %s", num,

            # International parsing
            divint = div.xpath('div[@class="international hide"]')[0]
            self.parse_div(divint, u"Appels émis : %s | Appels reçus : %s",
                           num, True)

        divbill = self.document.xpath('//div[@class="facture"]')[0]
        for trbill in divbill.xpath('table/tr'):
            mydate = unicode(trbill.find('td').text.split(":")[1].strip())
            bill = Bill()
            bill.label = unicode(mydate)
            billid = mydate.replace('-', '')
            billid = billid[4:8] + billid[2:4] + billid[0:2]
            bill.id = phonenumber + "." + billid
            bill.date = date(*reversed([int(x) for x in mydate.split("-")]))
            alink = trbill.find('td/a')
            if alink.attrib.get("class") == "linkModal tips":
                bill.format = u'html'
                bill._url = alink.attrib.get('data-link')
                bill.format = u"pdf"
                bill._url = alink.attrib.get('href')
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def on_loaded(self):
        self.details = {}
        self.datebills = []
        for div in self.document.xpath('//div[@class="infosLigne pointer"]'):
            phonenumber = div.text
            phonenumber = phonenumber.split("-")[-1].strip()
            virtualnumber = div.attrib['onclick'].split('(')[1][1]
            self.details['num' + str(phonenumber)] = virtualnumber

        for div in self.document.xpath('//div[@class="infosConso"]'):
            num = div.attrib['id'].split('_')[1][0]
            self.details[num] = []

            # National parsing
            divnat = div.xpath('div[@class="national"]')[0]
            self.parse_div(divnat, "National : %s | International : %s", num, False)

            # International parsing
            divint = div.xpath('div[@class="international hide"]')[0]
            self.parse_div(divint, u"Appels émis : %s | Appels reçus : %s", num, True)

        divbill = self.document.xpath('//div[@class="facture"]')[0]
        for trbill in divbill.xpath('table/tr'):
            mydate = unicode(trbill.find('td').text.split(":")[1].strip())
            bill = Bill()
            bill.label = unicode(mydate)
            billid = mydate.replace('-', '')
            billid = billid[4:8] + billid[2:4] + billid[0:2]
            bill.id = phonenumber + "." + billid
            bill.date = date(*reversed([int(x) for x in mydate.split("-")]))
            alink = trbill.find('td/a')
            if alink.attrib.get("class") == "linkModal tips":
                bill.format = u'html'
                bill._url = alink.attrib.get('data-link')
                bill.format = u"pdf"
                bill._url = alink.attrib.get('href')
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def iter_documents(self, subscription):
        docs, docs_len, check, month_back, date = list(), -1, 0, 6, None
        # First request is known
        bills = self.request('pnrs')
        while check < month_back:
            # If not first
            if docs_len > -1 and date:
                if check > 0:
                    # If nothing, we try 4 weeks back
                    date = (datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') -
                    # Add 8 weeks to last date to be sure to get all
                    date = (datetime.combine(date, datetime.min.time()) +
                bills = self.request('pnrs?date=%s' % date)

            docs_len = len(docs)
            for proof, pnr, trip in zip(bills['proofs'], bills['pnrs'],
                # Check if not already in docs list
                for doc in docs:
                    if vars(doc)['id'].split('_', 1)[1] == pnr['id']:
                    b = Bill()
                    b.id = '%s_%s' % (subscription.id, pnr['id'])
                    b._url = proof['url']
                    b.date = Date().filter(proof['created_at'])
                    b.format = u"pdf"
                    b.label = u'Trajet du %s' % Date().filter(
                    b.type = DocumentTypes.BILL
                    b.vat = CleanDecimal().filter('0')
                    if pnr['cents']:
                        b.price = CleanDecimal().filter(
                            format(pnr['cents'] / float(100), '.2f'))
                    b.currency = pnr['currency']

            check += 1
            # If a new bill is found, we reset check
            if docs_len < len(docs):
                date = b.date
                check = 0

        return iter(docs)
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def iter_bills(self, subscriptionid):
     ul = self.document.xpath('//ul[@id="statements_form:statementsel"]')
     lis = ul[0].xpath('li')
     lis.pop(0)  # Select alls
     for li in lis:
         acheck = li.xpath('a')[0]
         adirect = li.xpath('a')[1]
         label = unicode(acheck.text_content())
         id = subscriptionid + '-' + label.replace(' ', '-')
         bill = Bill()
         bill.id = id
         bill.label = label
         bill.format = u"pdf"
         onmouse = adirect.attrib['onmouseover']
         bill._localid = onmouse.split("'")[5]
         bill._url = adirect.attrib['href']
         yield bill
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def iter_bills(self, subscriptionid):
     ul = self.document.xpath('//ul[@id="statements_form:statementsel"]')
     lis = ul[0].xpath('li')
     lis.pop(0)  # Select alls
     for li in lis:
         acheck = li.xpath('a')[0]
         adirect = li.xpath('a')[1]
         label = unicode(acheck.text_content())
         id = subscriptionid + '-' + label.replace(' ', '-')
         bill = Bill()
         bill.id = id
         bill.label = label
         bill.format = u"pdf"
         onmouse = adirect.attrib['onmouseover']
         bill._localid = onmouse.split("'")[5]
         bill._url = adirect.attrib['href']
         yield bill
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def on_loaded(self):
        self.details = {}
        self.datebills = {}
        for div in self.document.xpath('//div[@class="infosLigne pointer"]'):
            phonenumber = div.text
            phonenumber = phonenumber.split("-")[-1].strip()
            virtualnumber = div.attrib['onclick'].split('(')[1][1]
            self.details['num' + str(phonenumber)] = virtualnumber

        for div in self.document.xpath('//div[@class="infosConso"]'):
            num = div.attrib['id'].split('_')[1][0]
            self.details[num] = []

            # National parsing
            divnat = div.xpath('div[@class="national"]')[0]
            self.parse_div(divnat, "National : %s | International : %s", num,

            # International parsing
            divint = div.xpath('div[@class="international hide"]')[0]
            if divint.xpath('div[@class="detail"]'):
                self.parse_div(divint, u"Appels émis : %s | Appels reçus : %s",
                               num, True)

        for divbills in self.document.xpath('//div[@id="factContainer"]'):
            for divbill in divbills.xpath('.//div[@class="factLigne hide "]'):
                alink = divbill.xpath('.//div[@class="pdf"]/a')[0]
                localid = re.search('&l=(?P<id>\d*)&id',
                mydate_str = re.search('&date=(?P<date>\d*)$',
                mydate = datetime.strptime(mydate_str, "%Y%m%d").date()

                bill = Bill()
                bill.label = unicode(mydate_str)
                bill.id = unicode(mydate_str)
                bill.date = mydate
                bill.format = u"pdf"
                bill._url = alink.attrib.get('href')
                if "pdfrecap" in alink.attrib.get('href'):
                    bill.id = "recap-" + bill.id
                if localid not in self.datebills:
                    self.datebills[localid] = []
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def iter_documents(self, subscription):
        docs, docs_len, check, month_back, date = list(), -1, 0, 6, None
        # First request is known
        bills = self.request('pnrs')
        while check < month_back:
            # If not first
            if docs_len > -1 and date:
                if check > 0:
                    # If nothing, we try 4 weeks back
                    date = (datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') - relativedelta(weeks=4)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                    # Add 8 weeks to last date to be sure to get all
                    date = (datetime.combine(date, datetime.min.time()) + relativedelta(weeks=8)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                bills = self.request('pnrs?date=%s' % date)

            docs_len = len(docs)
            for proof, pnr, trip in zip(bills['proofs'], bills['pnrs'], bills['trips']):
                # Check if not already in docs list
                for doc in docs:
                    if vars(doc)['id'].split('_', 1)[1] == pnr['id']:
                    b = Bill()
                    b.id = '%s_%s' % (subscription.id, pnr['id'])
                    b._url = proof['url']
                    b.date = Date().filter(proof['created_at'])
                    b.format = u"pdf"
                    b.label = u'Trajet du %s' % Date().filter(trip['departure_date'])
                    b.type = u"bill"
                    b.vat = CleanDecimal().filter('0')
                    if pnr['cents']:
                        b.price = CleanDecimal().filter(format(pnr['cents']/float(100), '.2f'))
                    b.currency = pnr['currency']

            check += 1
            # If a new bill is found, we reset check
            if docs_len < len(docs):
                date = b.date
                check = 0

        return iter(docs)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def on_loaded(self):
        self.details = {}
        self.datebills = {}
        for div in self.document.xpath('//div[@class="infosLigne pointer"]'):
            phonenumber = div.text
            phonenumber = phonenumber.split("-")[-1].strip()
            virtualnumber = div.attrib['onclick'].split('(')[1][1]
            self.details['num' + str(phonenumber)] = virtualnumber

        for div in self.document.xpath('//div[@class="infosConso"]'):
            num = div.attrib['id'].split('_')[1][0]
            self.details[num] = []

            # National parsing
            divnat = div.xpath('div[@class="national"]')[0]
            self.parse_div(divnat, "National : %s | International : %s", num, False)

            # International parsing
            divint = div.xpath('div[@class="international hide"]')[0]
            if divint.xpath('div[@class="detail"]'):
                self.parse_div(divint, u"Appels émis : %s | Appels reçus : %s", num, True)

        for divbills in self.document.xpath('//div[@id="factContainer"]'):
            for divbill in divbills.xpath('.//div[@class="factLigne hide "]'):
                alink = divbill.xpath('.//div[@class="pdf"]/a')[0]
                localid = re.search('&l=(?P<id>\d*)&id',
                mydate_str = re.search('&date=(?P<date>\d*)$',
                mydate = datetime.strptime(mydate_str, "%Y%m%d").date()

                bill = Bill()
                bill.label = unicode(mydate_str)
                bill.id = unicode(mydate_str)
                bill.date = mydate
                bill.format = u"pdf"
                bill._url = alink.attrib.get('href')
                if "pdfrecap" in alink.attrib.get('href'):
                    bill.id = "recap-" + bill.id
                if localid not in self.datebills:
                    self.datebills[localid] = []
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def iter_bills(self, sub):
     table = self.document.xpath('//table[@id="tableauDecompte"]')[0].xpath('.//tr')
     for tr in table:
         list_tds = tr.xpath('.//td')
         if len(list_tds) == 0:
         date_str = list_tds[0].text
         month_str = date_str.split()[0]
         date = datetime.strptime(re.sub(month_str, str(FRENCH_MONTHS.index(month_str) + 1), date_str), "%m %Y").date()
         amount = list_tds[1].text
         if amount is None:
         amount = re.sub(' euros', '', amount)
         bil = Bill()
         bil.id = sub._id + "." + date.strftime("%Y%m")
         bil.date = date
         bil.label = u''+amount.strip()
         bil.format = u'pdf'
         filedate = date.strftime("%m%Y")
         bil._url = '/PortailAS/PDFServletReleveMensuel.dopdf'
         bil._args = {'PDF.moisRecherche': filedate}
         yield bil
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def iter_bills(self):
        table = self.document.xpath('//table[@id="releveCompteMensuel"]')[0].xpath('.//tr')
        for tr in table:
            list_tds = tr.xpath('.//td')
            if len(list_tds) == 0:

            date_str = tr.xpath('.//td[@class="cAlignGauche"]')[0].text
            month_str = date_str.split()[0]
            date = datetime.strptime(re.sub(month_str, str(FRENCH_MONTHS.index(month_str) + 1), date_str), "%m %Y").date()
            amount = tr.xpath('.//td[@class="cAlignDroite"]')[0].text
            for format in ('CSV', 'PDF'):
                bil = Bill()
                bil.id = date.strftime("%Y%m") + format
                bil.date = date
                bil.label = u''+amount.strip()
                bil.format = u''+format
                filedate = date.strftime("%m%Y")
                bil._url = '/PortailPS/fichier.do'
                bil._args = {'FICHIER.type': format.lower() + '.releveCompteMensuel',
                             'dateReleve': filedate,
                             'FICHIER.titre': '',
                yield bil