Ejemplo n.º 1
def load_list_of_modules_in_database(request):
    function to load list of weboob modules in database
    :param request:
    w = Weboob()

    listbanks = w.repositories.get_all_modules_info(CapBank)

    db_wm_list = WeboobModules.objects.all()

    list_of_db_modules = []
    for key in db_wm_list:

    list_of_banks = []
    for key, val in listbanks.items():
        wm = WeboobModules()
        data_bank = {}

        data_bank['module'] = key
        wm.name_of_module = key

        data_bank['description'] = val.description
        wm.description_of_module = val.description

        if wm.name_of_module not in list_of_db_modules:

    list_of_banks.sort(key=lambda k: k['module'])

    db_wm_list = WeboobModules.objects.all()

    # context = {'list_of_banks': list_of_banks}
    context = {'list_of_banks': db_wm_list, 'load': True}

    return render(request, 'ManageWeboob/list_of_available_modules.html', context)
Ejemplo n.º 2
class Connector(object):
    Connector is a tool that connects to common websites like bank website,
    phone operator website... and that grabs personal data from there.
    Credentials are required to make this operation.

    Technically, connectors are weboob backend wrappers.
    def version():
        Get the version of the installed Weboob.
        return Weboob.VERSION

    def __init__(self, weboob_data_path):
        Create a Weboob instance.

        :param weboob_data_path: Weboob path to use.
        # By default, consider we don't need to update the repositories.
        self.needs_update = False

        if not os.path.isdir(weboob_data_path):

        # Set weboob data directory and sources.list file.
        self.weboob_data_path = weboob_data_path

        # Create a Weboob object.
        self.weboob = Weboob(workdir=weboob_data_path,
        self.backends = collections.defaultdict(dict)

        # Update the weboob repos only if new repos are included.
        if self.needs_update:

    def write_weboob_sources_list(self):
        Ensure the Weboob sources.list file contains the required entries from
        sources_list_path = os.path.join(self.weboob_data_path, 'sources.list')

        # Read the content of existing sources.list, if it exists.
        original_sources_list_content = []
        if os.path.isfile(sources_list_path):
            with io.open(sources_list_path, encoding="utf-8") as fh:
                original_sources_list_content = fh.read().splitlines()

        # Determine the new content of the sources.list
        new_sources_list_content = []
        if ('WEBOOB_SOURCES_LIST' in os.environ
                and os.path.isfile(os.environ['WEBOOB_SOURCES_LIST'])):
            # Read the new content from the sources.list provided as env variable.
            with io.open(os.environ['WEBOOB_SOURCES_LIST'],
                         encoding="utf-8") as fh:
                new_sources_list_content = fh.read().splitlines()
            # The default content of the sources.list
            new_sources_list_content = [
                unicode('file://%s/fakemodules/' %

        # Update the source.list content and update the repository, only if the
        # content has changed.
        if set(original_sources_list_content) != set(new_sources_list_content):
            with io.open(sources_list_path, 'w',
                         encoding="utf-8") as sources_list_file:
            self.needs_update = True

    def update(self):
        Update Weboob modules.
        # Weboob has an offending print statement when it "Rebuilds index",
        # which happen at every run if the user has a local repository. We need
        # to silence it, hence the temporary redirect of stdout.
        sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
        except ConnectionError as exc:
            # Do not delete the repository if there is a connection error.
            raise exc
        except Exception:
            # Try to remove the data directory, to see if it changes a thing.
            # This is especially useful when a new version of Weboob is
            # published and/or the keyring changes.

            # Recreate the Weboob object as the directories are created
            # on creating the Weboob object.
            self.weboob = Weboob(workdir=self.weboob_data_path,

            # Rewrite sources.list file

            # Retry update
            # Restore stdout
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

    def create_backend(self, modulename, parameters):
        Create a Weboob backend for a given module, ready to be used to fetch

        :param modulename: The name of the module from which backend should be
        :param parameters: A dict of parameters to pass to the module. It
        should at least contain ``login`` and ``password`` fields, but can
        contain additional values depending on the module.
        # Install the module if required.
        repositories = self.weboob.repositories
        minfo = repositories.get_module_info(modulename)
        if (minfo is not None and not minfo.is_installed()
                and not minfo.is_local()):
            # We cannot install a locally available module, this would
            # result in a ModuleInstallError.
                repositories.install(minfo, progress=DummyProgress())
            except ModuleInstallError:
                     "Unable to install module %s." % bank_module,

        # Initialize the backend.
        login = parameters['login']
        self.backends[modulename][login] = self.weboob.build_backend(
            modulename, parameters)

    def delete_backend(self, modulename, login=None):
        Delete a created backend for the given module.

        :param modulename: The name of the module from which backend should be
        :param login: An optional login to delete only a specific backend.
        Otherwise delete all the backends from the given module name.
        def _deinit_backend(backend):
            Deinitialize a given Weboob loaded backend object.
            # This code comes directly from Weboob core code. As we are
            # building backends on our side, we are responsible for
            # deinitialization.
            with backend:

            # Deinit matching backend objects and remove them from loaded
            # backends dict.
            if login:
                del self.backends[modulename][login]
                for backend in self.backends:
                del self.backends[modulename]
            gc.collect()  # Force GC collection, better than nothing.
        except KeyError:
            logging.warning('No matching backends for module %s and login %s.',
                            modulename, login)

    def get_all_backends(self):
        Get all the available built backends.

        :returns: A list of backends.
        backends = []
        for modules_backends in self.backends.values():
        return backends

    def get_bank_backends(self, modulename):
        Get all the built backends for a given bank module.

        :param modulename: The name of the module from which the backend should
        be created.
        :returns: A list of backends.
        if modulename in self.backends:
            return self.backends[modulename].values()

        logging.warning('No matching built backends for bank module %s.',
        return []

    def get_backend(self, modulename, login):
        Get a specific backend associated to a specific login with a specific
        bank module.

        :param modulename: The name of the module from which the backend should
        be created.
        :param login: The login to further filter on the available backends.
        :returns: A list of backends (with a single item).
        if not modulename:
            # Module name is mandatory in this case.
            logging.error('Missing bank module name.')
            return []

        if modulename in self.backends and login in self.backends[modulename]:
            return [self.backends[modulename][login]]

            'No matching built backends for bank module %s with login %s.',
            modulename, login)
        return []

    def get_backends(self, modulename=None, login=None):
        Get a list of backends matching criterions.

        :param modulename: The name of the module from which the backend should
        be created.
        :param login: The login to further filter on the available backends. If
        passed, ``modulename`` cannot be empty.
        :returns: A list of backends.
        if login:
            # If login is provided, only return backends matching the
            # module name and login (at most one).
            return self.get_backend(modulename, login)

        if modulename:
            # If only modulename is provided, returns all matching
            # backends.
            return self.get_bank_backends(modulename)

        # Just return all available backends.
        return self.get_all_backends()

    def get_accounts(backend):
        Fetch accounts data from Weboob.

        :param backend: The Weboob built backend to fetch data from.

        :returns: A list of dicts representing the available accounts.
        results = []
        for account in backend.iter_accounts():
            iban = None
            if not empty(account.iban):
                iban = account.iban
            currency = None
            if not empty(account.currency):
                currency = unicode(account.currency)

                'accountNumber': account.id,
                'title': account.label,
                'balance': unicode(account.balance),
                'iban': iban,
                'currency': currency
        return results

    def get_operations(backend):
        Fetch operations data from Weboob.

        :param backend: The Weboob built backend to fetch data from.

        :returns: A list of dicts representing the available operations.
        results = []
        for account in list(backend.iter_accounts()):
            # Get operations for all accounts available.
                history = backend.iter_history(account)

                # Build an operation dict for each operation.
                for line in history:
                    # Handle date
                    if line.rdate:
                        # Use date of the payment (real date) if available.
                        date = line.rdate
                    elif line.date:
                        # Otherwise, use debit date, on the bank statement.
                        date = line.date
                            'No known date property in operation line: %s.',
                        date = datetime.now()

                    if line.label:
                        title = unicode(line.label)
                        title = unicode(line.raw)

                    isodate = date.isoformat()
                    debit_date = line.date.isoformat()

                        'account': account.id,
                        'amount': unicode(line.amount),
                        'raw': unicode(line.raw),
                        'type': line.type,
                        'date': isodate,
                        'debit_date': debit_date,
                        'title': title
            except NotImplementedError:
                # Weboob raises a NotImplementedError upon iteration, not upon
                # method call. Hence, this exception should wrap the whole
                # iteration.
                logging.error(('This account type has not been implemented by '
                               'weboob: %s.'), account.id)
        return results

    def fetch(self, which, modulename=None, login=None):
        Wrapper to fetch data from the Weboob connector.

        This wrapper fetches the required data from Weboob and returns it. It
        handles the translation between Weboob exceptions and Kresus error
        codes stored in the JSON response.

        :param which: The type of data to fetch. Can be either ``accounts`` or

        :param modulename: The name of the module from which data should be
        fetched. Optional, if not provided all available backends are used.

        :param login: The login to further filter on the available backends.
        Optional, if not provided all matching backends are used.

        :returns: A dict of the fetched data, in a ``values`` keys. Errors are
        described under ``error_code``, ``error_short`` and ``error_content``
        results = {}
            results['values'] = []
            backends = self.get_backends(modulename, login)

            if which == 'accounts':
                fetch_function = self.get_accounts
            elif which == 'operations':
                fetch_function = self.get_operations
                raise Exception('Invalid fetch command.')

            for backend in backends:
                with backend:  # Acquire lock on backend

        except NoAccountsException:
            results['error_code'] = NO_ACCOUNTS
        except ModuleLoadError:
            results['error_code'] = UNKNOWN_MODULE
        except BrowserPasswordExpired:
            results['error_code'] = EXPIRED_PASSWORD
        except ActionNeeded as exc:
            # This `except` clause is not in alphabetic order and cannot be,
            # because BrowserPasswordExpired (above) inherits from it in
            # Weboob 1.4.
            results['error_code'] = ACTION_NEEDED
            results['error_content'] = unicode(exc)
        except BrowserIncorrectPassword:
            # This `except` clause is not in alphabetic order and cannot be,
            # because BrowserPasswordExpired (above) inherits from it in
            # Weboob 1.3.
            results['error_code'] = INVALID_PASSWORD
        except Module.ConfigError as exc:
            results['error_code'] = INVALID_PARAMETERS
            results['error_content'] = unicode(exc)
        except ConnectionError as exc:
            results['error_code'] = CONNECTION_ERROR
            results['error_content'] = unicode(exc)
        except Exception as exc:
            fail(GENERIC_EXCEPTION, 'Unknown error: %s.' % unicode(exc),
        return results
Ejemplo n.º 3
class Connector(object):

    Connector is a tool that connects to common websites like bank website,
    phone operator website... and that grabs personal data from there.
    Credentials are required to make this operation.

    Technically, connectors are weboob backend wrappers.

    def version():
        Get the version of the installed Weboob.
        return Weboob.VERSION

    def __init__(self, weboob_data_path, fakemodules_path, sources_list_content, is_prod):
        Create a Weboob instance.

        :param weboob_data_path: Weboob path to use.
        :param fakemodules_path: Path to the fake modules directory in user
        :param sources_list_content: Optional content of the sources.list file,
        as an array of lines, or None if not present.
        :param is_prod: whether we're running in production or not.
        # By default, consider we don't need to update the repositories.
        self.needs_update = False

        self.fakemodules_path = fakemodules_path
        self.sources_list_content = sources_list_content

        if not os.path.isdir(weboob_data_path):

        # Set weboob data directory and sources.list file.
        self.weboob_data_path = weboob_data_path

        # Create a Weboob object.
        self.weboob = Weboob(workdir=weboob_data_path,
        self.backend = None
        self.storage = None

        # To make development more pleasant, always copy the fake modules in
        # non-production modes.
        if not is_prod:

        # Update the weboob repos only if new repos are included.
        if self.needs_update:

    def copy_fakemodules(self):
        Copies the fake modules files into the default fakemodules user-data

        When Weboob updates modules, it might want to write within the
        fakemodules directory, which might not be writable by the current
        user. To prevent this, first copy the fakemodules directory in
        a directory we have write access to, and then use that directory
        in the sources list file.
        fakemodules_src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'fakemodules')
        if os.path.isdir(self.fakemodules_path):
        shutil.copytree(fakemodules_src, self.fakemodules_path)

    def write_weboob_sources_list(self):
        Ensure the Weboob sources.list file contains the required entries from
        sources_list_path = os.path.join(self.weboob_data_path, 'sources.list')

        # Determine the new content of the sources.list file.
        new_sources_list_content = []
        if self.sources_list_content is not None:
            new_sources_list_content = self.sources_list_content
            # Default content of the sources.list file.
            new_sources_list_content = [
                unicode('file://%s' % self.fakemodules_path)

        # Read the content of existing sources.list, if it exists.
        original_sources_list_content = []
        if os.path.isfile(sources_list_path):
            with io.open(sources_list_path, encoding="utf-8") as fh:
                original_sources_list_content = fh.read().splitlines()

        # Update the source.list content and update the repository, only if the
        # content has changed.
        if set(original_sources_list_content) != set(new_sources_list_content):
            with io.open(sources_list_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as sources_list_file:
            self.needs_update = True

    def update(self):
        Update Weboob modules.

        # Weboob has an offending print statement when it "Rebuilds index",
        # which happen at every run if the user has a local repository. We need
        # to silence it, hence the temporary redirect of stdout.
        sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")
        except ConnectionError as exc:
            # Do not delete the repository if there is a connection error.
            raise exc
        except Exception:
            # Try to remove the data directory, to see if it changes a thing.
            # This is especially useful when a new version of Weboob is
            # published and/or the keyring changes.

            # Recreate the Weboob object as the directories are created
            # on creating the Weboob object.
            self.weboob = Weboob(workdir=self.weboob_data_path,

            # Rewrite sources.list file

            # Retry update
            # Restore stdout
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__

    def create_backend(self, modulename, parameters, session):
        Create a Weboob backend for a given module, ready to be used to fetch

        :param modulename: The name of the module from which backend should be
        :param parameters: A dict of parameters to pass to the module. It
        should at least contain ``login`` and ``password`` fields, but can
        contain additional values depending on the module.
        :param session: an object representing the browser state.
        # Install the module if required.
        repositories = self.weboob.repositories
        minfo = repositories.get_module_info(modulename)
        if (
                minfo is not None and not minfo.is_installed() and
                not minfo.is_local()
            # We cannot install a locally available module, this would
            # result in a ModuleInstallError.
                repositories.install(minfo, progress=DummyProgress())
            except ModuleInstallError:
                    "Unable to install module %s." % modulename,

        # Initialize the Storage.
        self.storage = DictStorage(session)

        # Initialize the backend.
        self.backend = self.weboob.build_backend(

    def delete_backend(self):
        Delete a created backend for the given module.
        if self.backend:
            with self.backend:

        self.backend = None
        self.storage = None

    def get_accounts(self):
        Fetch accounts data from Weboob.

        :param backend: The Weboob built backend to fetch data from.

        :returns: A list of dicts representing the available accounts.
        results = []
        with self.backend:
            for account in list(self.backend.iter_accounts()):
                # The minimum dict keys for an account are :
                # 'id', 'label', 'balance' and 'type'
                # Retrieve extra information for the account.
                account = self.backend.fillobj(account, ['iban', 'currency'])

                iban = None
                if not empty(account.iban):
                    iban = account.iban
                currency = None
                if not empty(account.currency):
                    currency = unicode(account.currency)

                    'vendorAccountId': account.id,
                    'label': account.label,
                    'balance': account.balance,
                    'iban': iban,
                    'currency': currency,
                    'type': account.type,

        return results

    def get_operations(self):
        Fetch operations data from Weboob.

        :param backend: The Weboob built backend to fetch data from.

        :returns: A list of dicts representing the available operations.
        results = []
        with self.backend:
            for account in list(self.backend.iter_accounts()):
                # Get all operations for this account.
                nyi_methods = []
                operations = []

                    operations += list(self.backend.iter_history(account))
                except NotImplementedError:

                    operations += [
                        op for op in self.backend.iter_coming(account)
                        if op.type in [
                except NotImplementedError:

                for method_name in nyi_methods:
                        ('%s not implemented for this account: %s.'),

                # Build an operation dict for each operation.
                for operation in operations:
                    label = None
                    if not empty(operation.label):
                        label = unicode(operation.label)

                    raw_label = None
                    if not empty(operation.raw):
                        raw_label = unicode(operation.raw)
                    elif label:
                        raw_label = label

                    if raw_label and not label:
                        label = raw_label

                    # Handle date
                    if operation.rdate:
                        # Use date of the payment (real date) if available.
                        date = operation.rdate
                    elif operation.date:
                        # Otherwise, use debit date, on the bank statement.
                        date = operation.date
                            'No known date property in operation line: %s.',
                            raw_label or "no label"
                        date = datetime.now()

                    isodate = date.isoformat()
                    debit_date = operation.date.isoformat()

                        'account': account.id,
                        'amount': operation.amount,
                        'rawLabel': raw_label,
                        'type': operation.type,
                        'date': isodate,
                        'debit_date': debit_date,
                        'label': label

        return results

    def fetch(self, which):
        Wrapper to fetch data from the Weboob connector.

        This wrapper fetches the required data from Weboob and returns it. It
        handles the translation between Weboob exceptions and Kresus error
        codes stored in the JSON response.

        :param which: The type of data to fetch. Can be either ``accounts`` or

        :param modulename: The name of the module from which data should be
        fetched. Optional, if not provided all available backends are used.

        :param login: The login to further filter on the available backends.
        Optional, if not provided all matching backends are used.

        :returns: A dict of the fetched data, in a ``values`` keys. Errors are
        described under ``error_code``, ``error_short`` and ``error_message``
        results = {}
            if which == 'accounts':
                results['values'] = self.get_accounts()
            elif which == 'operations':
                results['values'] = self.get_operations()
                raise Exception('Invalid fetch command.')

        except NoAccountsException:
            results['error_code'] = NO_ACCOUNTS
        except ModuleLoadError:
            results['error_code'] = UNKNOWN_MODULE
        except BrowserPasswordExpired:
            results['error_code'] = EXPIRED_PASSWORD
        except BrowserQuestion:
            results['error_code'] = BROWSER_QUESTION
        except AuthMethodNotImplemented:
            results['error_code'] = AUTH_METHOD_NYI
        except ActionNeeded as exc:
            # This `except` clause is not in alphabetic order and cannot be,
            # because BrowserPasswordExpired and AuthMethodNotImplemented
            # (above) inherits from it in Weboob 1.4.
            results['error_code'] = ACTION_NEEDED
            results['error_message'] = unicode(exc)
        except BrowserIncorrectPassword:
            # This `except` clause is not in alphabetic order and cannot be,
            # because BrowserPasswordExpired (above) inherits from it in
            # Weboob 1.3.
            results['error_code'] = INVALID_PASSWORD
        except Module.ConfigError as exc:
            results['error_code'] = INVALID_PARAMETERS
            results['error_message'] = unicode(exc)
        except ConnectionError as exc:
            results['error_code'] = CONNECTION_ERROR
            results['error_message'] = unicode(exc)
        except Exception as exc:
                'Unknown error: %s.' % unicode(exc),

        # Return session information for future use.
        results['session'] = self.storage.dump()

        return results
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Connector():

    Connector is a tool that connects to common websites like bank website,
    phone operator website... and that grabs personal data from there.
    Credentials are required to make this operation.

    Technically, connectors are weboob backend wrappers.

    def version():
        Get the version of the installed Weboob.
        return Weboob.VERSION

    def __init__(self, weboob_data_path, fakemodules_path, sources_list_content, is_prod):
        Create a Weboob instance.

        :param weboob_data_path: Weboob path to use.
        :param fakemodules_path: Path to the fake modules directory in user
        :param sources_list_content: Optional content of the sources.list file,
        as an array of lines, or None if not present.
        :param is_prod: whether we're running in production or not.
        # By default, consider we don't need to update the repositories.
        self.needs_update = False

        self.fakemodules_path = fakemodules_path
        self.sources_list_content = sources_list_content

        if not os.path.isdir(weboob_data_path):

        # Set weboob data directory and sources.list file.
        self.weboob_data_path = weboob_data_path
        self.weboob_backup_path = os.path.normpath('%s.bak' % weboob_data_path)

        # Create a Weboob object.
        self.weboob = Weboob(workdir=weboob_data_path,
        self.backend = None
        self.storage = None

        # To make development more pleasant, always copy the fake modules in
        # non-production modes.
        if not is_prod:

        # Update the weboob repos only if new repos are included.
        if self.needs_update:

    def copy_fakemodules(self):
        Copies the fake modules files into the default fakemodules user-data

        When Weboob updates modules, it might want to write within the
        fakemodules directory, which might not be writable by the current
        user. To prevent this, first copy the fakemodules directory in
        a directory we have write access to, and then use that directory
        in the sources list file.
        fakemodules_src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'fakemodules')
        if os.path.isdir(self.fakemodules_path):
        shutil.copytree(fakemodules_src, self.fakemodules_path)

    def write_weboob_sources_list(self):
        Ensure the Weboob sources.list file contains the required entries from
        sources_list_path = os.path.join(self.weboob_data_path, 'sources.list')

        # Determine the new content of the sources.list file.
        new_sources_list_content = []
        if self.sources_list_content is not None:
            new_sources_list_content = self.sources_list_content
            # Default content of the sources.list file.
            new_sources_list_content = [
                unicode('file://%s' % self.fakemodules_path)

        # Read the content of existing sources.list, if it exists.
        original_sources_list_content = []
        if os.path.isfile(sources_list_path):
            with io.open(sources_list_path, encoding="utf-8") as fh:
                original_sources_list_content = fh.read().splitlines()

        # Update the source.list content and update the repository, only if the
        # content has changed.
        if set(original_sources_list_content) != set(new_sources_list_content):
            with io.open(sources_list_path, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as sources_list_file:
            self.needs_update = True

    def backup_data_dir(self):
        Backups modules.
        # shutil.copytree expects the destination path to not exist.
        if os.path.isdir(self.weboob_backup_path):

        shutil.copytree(self.weboob_data_path, self.weboob_backup_path)

    def restore_data_dir(self):
        Restores modules to their initial path.
        if os.path.isdir(self.weboob_backup_path):
            # Ensure the target directory is clean.
            if os.path.isdir(self.weboob_data_path):
            # Replace the invalid data with the backup.
            shutil.move(os.path.join(self.weboob_backup_path), self.weboob_data_path)

    def clean_data_dir_backup(self):
        Cleans the backup.
        if os.path.isdir(self.weboob_backup_path):

    def update(self):
        Update Weboob modules.

        # Weboob has an offending print statement when it "Rebuilds index",
        # which happen at every run if the user has a local repository. We need
        # to silence it, hence the temporary redirect of stdout.
        sys.stdout = open(os.devnull, "w")

        # Create the backup before doing anything.

        except (ConnectionError, HTTPError) as exc:
            # Do not delete the repository if there is a connection error or the repo has problems.
            raise exc
        except Exception:
            # Try to remove the data directory, to see if it changes a thing.
            # This is especially useful when a new version of Weboob is
            # published and/or the keyring changes.

            # Recreate the Weboob object as the directories are created
            # on creating the Weboob object.
            self.weboob = Weboob(workdir=self.weboob_data_path,

            # Rewrite sources.list file

            # Retry update
            except Exception as exc:
                # If it still fails, just restore the previous state.
                # Re-throw the exception so that the user is warned of the problem.
                raise exc
            # Restore stdout
            sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
            # Clean the backup.

    def create_backend(self, modulename, parameters, session):
        Create a Weboob backend for a given module, ready to be used to fetch

        :param modulename: The name of the module from which backend should be
        :param parameters: A dict of parameters to pass to the module. It
        should at least contain ``login`` and ``password`` fields, but can
        contain additional values depending on the module.
        :param session: an object representing the browser state.
        # Install the module if required.
        repositories = self.weboob.repositories
        minfo = repositories.get_module_info(modulename)
        if (
                minfo is not None and not minfo.is_installed() and
                not minfo.is_local()
            # We cannot install a locally available module, this would
            # result in a ModuleInstallError.
                repositories.install(minfo, progress=DummyProgress())
            except ModuleInstallError:
                    "Unable to install module %s." % modulename,

        # Initialize the Storage.
        self.storage = DictStorage(session)

        # Initialize the backend.
        self.backend = self.weboob.build_backend(

    def delete_backend(self):
        Delete a created backend for the given module.
        if self.backend:
            with self.backend:

        self.backend = None
        self.storage = None

    def get_accounts(self):
        Fetch accounts data from Weboob.

        :param backend: The Weboob built backend to fetch data from.

        :returns: A list of dicts representing the available accounts.
        results = []
        with self.backend:
            for account in list(self.backend.iter_accounts()):
                # The minimum dict keys for an account are :
                # 'id', 'label', 'balance' and 'type'
                # Retrieve extra information for the account.
                account = self.backend.fillobj(account, ['iban', 'currency'])

                iban = None
                if not empty(account.iban):
                    iban = account.iban
                currency = None
                if not empty(account.currency):
                    currency = unicode(account.currency)

                    'vendorAccountId': account.id,
                    'label': account.label,
                    'balance': account.balance,
                    'iban': iban,
                    'currency': currency,
                    'type': account.type,

        return results

    def get_operations(self, from_date=None):
        Fetch operations data from Weboob.

        :param from_date: The date until (in the past) which the transactions should be fetched.
        Optional, if not provided all transactions are returned.

        :returns: A list of dicts representing the available operations.
        results = []
        with self.backend:
            for account in list(self.backend.iter_accounts()):
                # Get all operations for this account.
                nyi_methods = []
                operations = []

                    for histop in self.backend.iter_history(account):

                        # Ensure all the dates are datetime objects, so that we can compare them.
                        op_date = histop.date
                        if isinstance(op_date, date):
                            op_date = datetime(op_date.year, op_date.month, op_date.day)

                        op_rdate = histop.rdate
                        if isinstance(op_rdate, date):
                            op_rdate = datetime(op_rdate.year, op_rdate.month, op_rdate.day)

                        if op_rdate and op_rdate > op_date:
                            op_date = op_rdate

                        if from_date and op_date and op_date < from_date:
                                'Stopped fetch because op date (%s) is before from_date (%s)',

                except NotImplementedError:

                    operations += [
                        op for op in self.backend.iter_coming(account)
                        if op.type in [
                except NotImplementedError:

                for method_name in nyi_methods:
                        ('%s not implemented for this account: %s.'),

                # Build an operation dict for each operation.
                for operation in operations:
                    label = None
                    if not empty(operation.label):
                        label = unicode(operation.label)

                    raw_label = None
                    if not empty(operation.raw):
                        raw_label = unicode(operation.raw)
                    elif label:
                        raw_label = label

                    if raw_label and not label:
                        label = raw_label

                    # Handle date
                    if operation.rdate:
                        # Use date of the payment (real date) if available.
                        op_date = operation.rdate
                    elif operation.date:
                        # Otherwise, use debit date, on the bank statement.
                        op_date = operation.date
                            'No known date property in operation line: %s.',
                            raw_label or "no label"
                        op_date = datetime.now()

                    isodate = op_date.isoformat()
                    debit_date = operation.date.isoformat()

                        'account': account.id,
                        'amount': operation.amount,
                        'rawLabel': raw_label,
                        'type': operation.type,
                        'date': isodate,
                        'debit_date': debit_date,
                        'label': label

        return results

    def fetch(self, which, from_date=None):
        Wrapper to fetch data from the Weboob connector.

        This wrapper fetches the required data from Weboob and returns it. It
        handles the translation between Weboob exceptions and Kresus error
        codes stored in the JSON response.

        :param which: The type of data to fetch. Can be either ``accounts`` or

        :param from_date: The date until (in the past) which the transactions should be fetched.
        Optional, if not provided all transactions are returned.

        :returns: A dict of the fetched data, in a ``values`` keys. Errors are
        described under ``error_code``, ``error_short`` and ``error_message``
        results = {}
            if which == 'accounts':
                results['values'] = self.get_accounts()
            elif which == 'operations':
                results['values'] = self.get_operations(from_date)
                raise Exception('Invalid fetch command.')

        except NoAccountsException:
            results['error_code'] = NO_ACCOUNTS
        except ModuleLoadError:
            results['error_code'] = UNKNOWN_MODULE
        except BrowserPasswordExpired:
            results['error_code'] = EXPIRED_PASSWORD
        except BrowserQuestion as question:
            results['action_kind'] = "browser_question"
            # Fields are Weboob Value()s: has fields id/label?/description.
            results['fields'] = [{"id": f.id, "label": f.label} for f in question.fields]
        except AuthMethodNotImplemented:
            results['error_code'] = AUTH_METHOD_NYI
        except ActionNeeded as exc:
            # This `except` clause is not in alphabetic order and cannot be,
            # because BrowserPasswordExpired and AuthMethodNotImplemented
            # (above) inherits from it in Weboob 1.4.
            results['error_code'] = ACTION_NEEDED
            results['error_message'] = unicode(exc)
        except BrowserIncorrectPassword:
            # This `except` clause is not in alphabetic order and cannot be,
            # because BrowserPasswordExpired (above) inherits from it in
            # Weboob 1.3.
            results['error_code'] = INVALID_PASSWORD
        except NeedInteractiveFor2FA:
            results['error_code'] = REQUIRES_INTERACTIVE
        except DecoupledValidation as validation:
            results['action_kind'] = "decoupled_validation"
            results['message'] = unicode(validation.message)
            results['fields'] = []
        except Module.ConfigError as exc:
            results['error_code'] = INVALID_PARAMETERS
            results['error_message'] = unicode(exc)
        except ConnectionError as exc:
            results['error_code'] = CONNECTION_ERROR
            results['error_message'] = unicode(exc)
        except Exception as exc:
                'Unknown error: %s.' % unicode(exc),

        # Return session information for future use.
        results['session'] = self.storage.dump()

        return results