Ejemplo n.º 1
def aggregate_target_results(result_id):
    # Check that we've completed the background tasks at least once. We need
    # this data in order to make a configuration recommendation (until we
    # implement a sampling technique to generate new training data).
    latest_pipeline_run = PipelineRun.objects.get_latest()
    newest_result = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id)
    if latest_pipeline_run is None or newest_result.session.tuning_session == 'randomly_generate':
        result = Result.objects.filter(pk=result_id)
        knobs_ = KnobCatalog.objects.filter(dbms=result[0].dbms, tunable=True)
        knobs_catalog = {k.name: k for k in knobs_}
        knobs = {k: v for k, v in list(knobs_catalog.items())}
        # generate a config randomly
        random_knob_result = gen_random_data(knobs)
        agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(result)
        agg_data['newest_result_id'] = result_id
        agg_data['bad'] = True
        agg_data['config_recommend'] = random_knob_result
        return agg_data

    # Aggregate all knob config results tried by the target so far in this
    # tuning session and this tuning workload.
    target_results = Result.objects.filter(session=newest_result.session,
    if len(target_results) == 0:
        raise Exception(
            'Cannot find any results for session_id={}, dbms_id={}'.format(
                newest_result.session, newest_result.dbms))
    agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(target_results)
    agg_data['newest_result_id'] = result_id
    agg_data['bad'] = False
    return agg_data
Ejemplo n.º 2
def aggregate_target_results(result_id):
    # Check that we've completed the background tasks at least once. We need
    # this data in order to make a configuration recommendation (until we
    # implement a sampling technique to generate new training data).
    latest_pipeline_run = PipelineRun.objects.get_latest()

    if latest_pipeline_run is None:
        result = Result.objects.filter(pk=result_id)
        knobs_ = KnobCatalog.objects.filter(dbms=result[0].dbms, tunable=True)
        knobs_catalog = {k.name: k for k in knobs_}
        knobs = {k: v for k, v in
        # generate a config randomly
        random_knob_result = gen_random_data(knobs)
        agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(result)
        agg_data['newest_result_id'] = result_id
        agg_data['bad'] = True
        agg_data['config_recommend'] = random_knob_result
        return agg_data

    # Aggregate all knob config results tried by the target so far in this
    # tuning session and this tuning workload.
    newest_result = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id)
    target_results = Result.objects.filter(session=newest_result.session,
    if len(target_results) == 0:
        raise Exception('Cannot find any results for session_id={}, dbms_id={}'
                        .format(newest_result.session, newest_result.dbms))
    agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(target_results)
    agg_data['newest_result_id'] = result_id
    agg_data['bad'] = False
    return agg_data
Ejemplo n.º 3
def aggregate_target_results(result_id, algorithm):
    # Check that we've completed the background tasks at least once. We need
    # this data in order to make a configuration recommendation (until we
    # implement a sampling technique to generate new training data).
    newest_result = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id)
    has_pipeline_data = PipelineData.objects.filter(
    if not has_pipeline_data or newest_result.session.tuning_session == 'randomly_generate':
        if not has_pipeline_data and newest_result.session.tuning_session == 'tuning_session':
                "Background tasks haven't ran for this workload yet, picking random data."

        result = Result.objects.filter(pk=result_id)
        knobs = SessionKnob.objects.get_knobs_for_session(

        # generate a config randomly
        random_knob_result = gen_random_data(knobs)
        agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(result)
        agg_data['newest_result_id'] = result_id
        agg_data['bad'] = True
        agg_data['config_recommend'] = random_knob_result
        LOG.debug('%s: Finished generating a random config.\n\ndata=%s\n',
                  JSONUtil.dumps(agg_data, pprint=True))

        # Aggregate all knob config results tried by the target so far in this
        # tuning session and this tuning workload.
        target_results = Result.objects.filter(session=newest_result.session,
        if len(target_results) == 0:
            raise Exception(
                'Cannot find any results for session_id={}, dbms_id={}'.format(
                    newest_result.session, newest_result.dbms))
        agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(target_results)
        agg_data['newest_result_id'] = result_id
        agg_data['bad'] = False

        # Clean knob data
        cleaned_agg_data = clean_knob_data(agg_data['X_matrix'],
        agg_data['X_matrix'] = np.array(cleaned_agg_data[0])
        agg_data['X_columnlabels'] = np.array(cleaned_agg_data[1])

        LOG.debug('%s: Finished aggregating target results.\n\ndata=%s\n',
                  JSONUtil.dumps(agg_data, pprint=True))

    return agg_data, algorithm
Ejemplo n.º 4
def configuration_recommendation_ddpg(result_info):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    LOG.info('Use ddpg to recommend configuration')
    result_id = result_info['newest_result_id']
    result = Result.objects.filter(pk=result_id)
    session = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id).session
    agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(result)
    metric_data = agg_data['y_matrix'].flatten()
    metric_scalar = MinMaxScaler().fit(metric_data.reshape(1, -1))
    normalized_metric_data = metric_scalar.transform(metric_data.reshape(
        1, -1))[0]
    cleaned_knob_data = clean_knob_data(agg_data['X_matrix'],
                                        agg_data['X_columnlabels'], session)
    knob_labels = np.array(cleaned_knob_data[1]).flatten()
    knob_num = len(knob_labels)
    metric_num = len(metric_data)

    ddpg = DDPG(n_actions=knob_num, n_states=metric_num)
    if session.ddpg_actor_model is not None and session.ddpg_critic_model is not None:
        ddpg.set_model(session.ddpg_actor_model, session.ddpg_critic_model)
    if session.ddpg_reply_memory is not None:
    knob_data = ddpg.choose_action(normalized_metric_data)

    knob_bounds = np.vstack(DataUtil.get_knob_bounds(knob_labels, session))
    knob_data = MinMaxScaler().fit(knob_bounds).inverse_transform(
        knob_data.reshape(1, -1))[0]
    conf_map = {k: knob_data[i] for i, k in enumerate(knob_labels)}
    conf_map_res = {}
    conf_map_res['status'] = 'good'
    conf_map_res['result_id'] = result_id
    conf_map_res['recommendation'] = conf_map
    conf_map_res['info'] = 'INFO: ddpg'
    return conf_map_res
Ejemplo n.º 5
def configuration_recommendation_ddpg(result_info):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    LOG.info('Use ddpg to recommend configuration')
    result_id = result_info['newest_result_id']
    result = Result.objects.filter(pk=result_id)
    session = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id).session
    agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(result)
    metric_data = agg_data['y_matrix'].flatten()
    cleaned_agg_data = clean_knob_data(agg_data['X_matrix'], agg_data['X_columnlabels'],
    knob_labels = np.array(cleaned_agg_data[1]).flatten()
    knob_num = len(knob_labels)
    metric_num = len(metric_data)

    ddpg = DDPG(n_actions=knob_num, n_states=metric_num, alr=ACTOR_LEARNING_RATE,
                clr=CRITIC_LEARNING_RATE, gamma=GAMMA, batch_size=DDPG_BATCH_SIZE, tau=TAU)
    if session.ddpg_actor_model is not None and session.ddpg_critic_model is not None:
        ddpg.set_model(session.ddpg_actor_model, session.ddpg_critic_model)
    if session.ddpg_reply_memory is not None:
    knob_data = ddpg.choose_action(metric_data)
    LOG.info('recommended knob: %s', knob_data)

    knob_bounds = np.vstack(DataUtil.get_knob_bounds(knob_labels, session))
    knob_data = MinMaxScaler().fit(knob_bounds).inverse_transform(knob_data.reshape(1, -1))[0]
    conf_map = {k: knob_data[i] for i, k in enumerate(knob_labels)}
    conf_map_res = {}
    conf_map_res['status'] = 'good'
    conf_map_res['result_id'] = result_id
    conf_map_res['recommendation'] = conf_map
    conf_map_res['info'] = 'INFO: ddpg'
    for k in knob_labels:
        LOG.info('%s: %f', k, conf_map[k])
    return conf_map_res
Ejemplo n.º 6
def aggregate_results():
    unique_clusters = WorkloadCluster.objects.all()
    unique_clusters = filter(lambda x: x.isdefault is False, unique_clusters)
    all_data = {}
    all_labels = {}
    for cluster in unique_clusters:
        results = ResultData.objects.filter(cluster=cluster)
        if len(results) < 2:
        if cluster.dbms.pk not in all_labels:
            knob_labels = np.asarray(
            metric_labels = np.asarray(
            all_labels[cluster.dbms.pk] = (knob_labels, metric_labels)
            knob_labels, metric_labels = all_labels[cluster.dbms.pk]
        entry = DataUtil.aggregate_data(results, knob_labels, metric_labels)
        key = (cluster.dbms.pk, cluster.hardware.pk)
        if key not in all_data:
            all_data[key] = {}
        all_data[key][cluster.pk] = entry

    ts = now()
    tsf = ts.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
    for (dbkey, hwkey), cluster_data in all_data.iteritems():
        task_name = PipelineTaskType.TYPE_NAMES[
            PipelineTaskType.AGGREGATED_DATA].replace(' ', '').upper()
        savepaths = {}
        for clusterkey, entry in cluster_data.iteritems():
            fname = '{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.npz'.format(task_name, dbkey, hwkey,
                                                clusterkey, tsf)
            savepath = os.path.join(PIPELINE_DIR, fname)
            savepaths[clusterkey] = savepath
            np.savez_compressed(savepath, **entry)

        value = {'data': savepaths}

        new_res = PipelineResult()
        new_res.dbms = DBMSCatalog.objects.get(pk=dbkey)
        new_res.hardware = Hardware.objects.get(pk=hwkey)
        new_res.creation_timestamp = ts
        new_res.task_type = PipelineTaskType.AGGREGATED_DATA
        new_res.value = JSONUtil.dumps(value)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def configuration_recommendation_ddpg(result_info):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    start_ts = time.time()
    LOG.info('Use ddpg to recommend configuration')
    result_id = result_info['newest_result_id']
    result_list = Result.objects.filter(pk=result_id)
    result = result_list.first()
    session = result.session
    params = JSONUtil.loads(session.hyperparameters)
    agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(result_list)
    metric_data, _ = clean_metric_data(agg_data['y_matrix'],
                                       agg_data['y_columnlabels'], session)
    metric_data = metric_data.flatten()
    metric_scalar = MinMaxScaler().fit(metric_data.reshape(1, -1))
    normalized_metric_data = metric_scalar.transform(metric_data.reshape(
        1, -1))[0]
    cleaned_knob_data = clean_knob_data(agg_data['X_matrix'],
                                        agg_data['X_columnlabels'], session)
    knob_labels = np.array(cleaned_knob_data[1]).flatten()
    knob_num = len(knob_labels)
    metric_num = len(metric_data)

    ddpg = DDPG(n_actions=knob_num,
    if session.ddpg_actor_model is not None and session.ddpg_critic_model is not None:
        ddpg.set_model(session.ddpg_actor_model, session.ddpg_critic_model)
    if session.ddpg_reply_memory is not None:
    knob_data = ddpg.choose_action(normalized_metric_data)

    knob_bounds = np.vstack(DataUtil.get_knob_bounds(knob_labels, session))
    knob_data = MinMaxScaler().fit(knob_bounds).inverse_transform(
        knob_data.reshape(1, -1))[0]
    conf_map = {k: knob_data[i] for i, k in enumerate(knob_labels)}

    conf_map_res = create_and_save_recommendation(recommended_knobs=conf_map,
                                                  info='INFO: ddpg')

    save_execution_time(start_ts, "configuration_recommendation_ddpg", result)
    return conf_map_res
Ejemplo n.º 8
def aggregate_data(workload):
    # Aggregates both the knob & metric data for the given workload.
    # Parameters:
    #   workload: aggregate data belonging to this specific workload
    # Returns: two dictionaries containing the knob & metric data as
    # a tuple

    # Find the results for this workload
    wkld_results = Result.objects.filter(workload=workload)

    # Now call the aggregate_data helper function to combine all knob &
    # metric data into matrices and also create row/column labels
    # (see the DataUtil class in website/utils.py)
    # The aggregate_data helper function returns a dictionary of the form:
    #   - 'X_matrix': the knob data as a 2D numpy matrix (results x knobs)
    #   - 'y_matrix': the metric data as a 2D numpy matrix (results x metrics)
    #   - 'rowlabels': list of result ids that correspond to the rows in
    #         both X_matrix & y_matrix
    #   - 'X_columnlabels': a list of the knob names corresponding to the
    #         columns in the knob_data matrix
    #   - 'y_columnlabels': a list of the metric names corresponding to the
    #         columns in the metric_data matrix
    aggregated_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(wkld_results)

    # Separate knob & workload data into two "standard" dictionaries of the
    # same form
    knob_data = {
        'data': aggregated_data['X_matrix'],
        'rowlabels': aggregated_data['rowlabels'],
        'columnlabels': aggregated_data['X_columnlabels']

    metric_data = {
        'data': aggregated_data['y_matrix'],
        'rowlabels': copy.deepcopy(aggregated_data['rowlabels']),
        'columnlabels': aggregated_data['y_columnlabels']

    # Return the knob & metric data
    return knob_data, metric_data
Ejemplo n.º 9
def aggregate_data(workload):
    # Aggregates both the knob & metric data for the given workload.
    # Parameters:
    #   workload: aggregate data belonging to this specific workload
    # Returns: two dictionaries containing the knob & metric data as
    # a tuple

    # Find the results for this workload
    wkld_results = Result.objects.filter(workload=workload)

    # Now call the aggregate_data helper function to combine all knob &
    # metric data into matrices and also create row/column labels
    # (see the DataUtil class in website/utils.py)
    # The aggregate_data helper function returns a dictionary of the form:
    #   - 'X_matrix': the knob data as a 2D numpy matrix (results x knobs)
    #   - 'y_matrix': the metric data as a 2D numpy matrix (results x metrics)
    #   - 'rowlabels': list of result ids that correspond to the rows in
    #         both X_matrix & y_matrix
    #   - 'X_columnlabels': a list of the knob names corresponding to the
    #         columns in the knob_data matrix
    #   - 'y_columnlabels': a list of the metric names corresponding to the
    #         columns in the metric_data matrix
    aggregated_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(wkld_results)

    # Separate knob & workload data into two "standard" dictionaries of the
    # same form
    knob_data = {
        'data': aggregated_data['X_matrix'],
        'rowlabels': aggregated_data['rowlabels'],
        'columnlabels': aggregated_data['X_columnlabels']

    metric_data = {
        'data': aggregated_data['y_matrix'],
        'rowlabels': copy.deepcopy(aggregated_data['rowlabels']),
        'columnlabels': aggregated_data['y_columnlabels']

    # Return the knob & metric data
    return knob_data, metric_data
Ejemplo n.º 10
def aggregate_data(wkld_results):
    # Aggregates both the knob & metric data for the given workload.
    # Parameters:
    #   wkld_results: result data belonging to this specific workload
    # Returns: two dictionaries containing the knob & metric data as
    # a tuple

    # Now call the aggregate_data helper function to combine all knob &
    # metric data into matrices and also create row/column labels
    # (see the DataUtil class in website/utils.py)
    # The aggregate_data helper function returns a dictionary of the form:
    #   - 'X_matrix': the knob data as a 2D numpy matrix (results x knobs)
    #   - 'y_matrix': the metric data as a 2D numpy matrix (results x metrics)
    #   - 'rowlabels': list of result ids that correspond to the rows in
    #         both X_matrix & y_matrix
    #   - 'X_columnlabels': a list of the knob names corresponding to the
    #         columns in the knob_data matrix
    #   - 'y_columnlabels': a list of the metric names corresponding to the
    #         columns in the metric_data matrix
    start_ts = time.time()
    aggregated_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(
        wkld_results, ignore=['range_test', 'default', '*'])

    # Separate knob & workload data into two "standard" dictionaries of the
    # same form
    knob_data = {
        'data': aggregated_data['X_matrix'],
        'rowlabels': aggregated_data['rowlabels'],
        'columnlabels': aggregated_data['X_columnlabels']

    metric_data = {
        'data': aggregated_data['y_matrix'],
        'rowlabels': copy.deepcopy(aggregated_data['rowlabels']),
        'columnlabels': aggregated_data['y_columnlabels']

    # Return the knob & metric data
    save_execution_time(start_ts, "aggregate_data")
    return knob_data, metric_data
Ejemplo n.º 11
def aggregate_target_results(result_id):
    # Check that we've completed the background tasks at least once. We need
    # this data in order to make a configuration recommendation (until we
    # implement a sampling technique to generate new training data).
    latest_pipeline_run = PipelineRun.objects.get_latest()
    if latest_pipeline_run is None:
        raise Exception("No previous data available. Implement me!")

    # Aggregate all knob config results tried by the target so far in this
    # tuning session.
    newest_result = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id)
    target_results = Result.objects.filter(
        session=newest_result.session, dbms=newest_result.dbms)
    if len(target_results) == 0:
        raise Exception('Cannot find any results for session_id={}, dbms_id={}'
                        .format(newest_result.session, newest_result.dbms))
    agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(target_results)
    agg_data['newest_result_id'] = result_id
    return agg_data
Ejemplo n.º 12
def aggregate_target_results(result_id):
    newest_result = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id)
    target_results = Result.objects.filter(
        application=newest_result.application, dbms=newest_result.dbms)
    if len(target_results) == 0:
        raise Exception(
            'Cannot find any results for app_id={}, dbms_id={}'.format(
                newest_result.application, newest_result.dbms))
    target_result_datas = [
        ResultData.objects.get(result=tres) for tres in target_results

    knob_labels = np.asarray(
    metric_labels = np.asarray(
    agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(target_result_datas, knob_labels,
    agg_data['newest_result_id'] = result_id
    return agg_data
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def test_aggregate(self):

        workload2 = Result.objects.filter(workload=2)
        num_results = Result.objects.filter(workload=2).count()
        knobs = list(JSONUtil.loads(workload2[0].knob_data.data).keys())
        metrics = list(JSONUtil.loads(workload2[0].metric_data.data).keys())
        num_knobs = len(knobs)
        num_metrics = len(metrics)

        test_result = DataUtil.aggregate_data(workload2)

        self.assertTrue('X_matrix' in list(test_result.keys()))
        self.assertTrue('y_matrix' in list(test_result.keys()))
        self.assertTrue('rowlabels' in list(test_result.keys()))
        self.assertTrue('X_columnlabels' in list(test_result.keys()))
        self.assertTrue('y_columnlabels' in list(test_result.keys()))

        self.assertEqual(test_result['X_columnlabels'], knobs)
        self.assertEqual(test_result['y_columnlabels'], metrics)
        self.assertEqual(test_result['X_matrix'].shape[0], num_results)
        self.assertEqual(test_result['y_matrix'].shape[0], num_results)
        self.assertEqual(test_result['X_matrix'].shape[1], num_knobs)
        self.assertEqual(test_result['y_matrix'].shape[1], num_metrics)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def test_aggregate(self):

        workload2 = Result.objects.filter(workload=2)
        num_results = Result.objects.filter(workload=2).count()
        knobs = list(JSONUtil.loads(workload2[0].knob_data.data).keys())
        metrics = list(JSONUtil.loads(workload2[0].metric_data.data).keys())
        num_knobs = len(knobs)
        num_metrics = len(metrics)

        test_result = DataUtil.aggregate_data(workload2)

        self.assertTrue('X_matrix' in list(test_result.keys()))
        self.assertTrue('y_matrix' in list(test_result.keys()))
        self.assertTrue('rowlabels' in list(test_result.keys()))
        self.assertTrue('X_columnlabels' in list(test_result.keys()))
        self.assertTrue('y_columnlabels' in list(test_result.keys()))

        self.assertEqual(test_result['X_columnlabels'], knobs)
        self.assertEqual(test_result['y_columnlabels'], metrics)
        self.assertEqual(test_result['X_matrix'].shape[0], num_results)
        self.assertEqual(test_result['y_matrix'].shape[0], num_results)
        self.assertEqual(test_result['X_matrix'].shape[1], num_knobs)
        self.assertEqual(test_result['y_matrix'].shape[1], num_metrics)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def train_ddpg(result_id):
    LOG.info('Add training data to ddpg and train ddpg')
    result = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id)
    session = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id).session
    session_results = Result.objects.filter(
        session=session, creation_time__lt=result.creation_time)
    result_info = {}
    result_info['newest_result_id'] = result_id
    if len(session_results) == 0:
        LOG.info('No previous result. Abort.')
        return result_info

    # Extract data from result
    result = Result.objects.filter(pk=result_id)
    base_result_id = session_results[0].pk
    base_result = Result.objects.filter(pk=base_result_id)

    agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(result)
    metric_data = agg_data['y_matrix'].flatten()
    base_metric_data = (
    metric_scalar = MinMaxScaler().fit(metric_data.reshape(1, -1))
    normalized_metric_data = metric_scalar.transform(metric_data.reshape(
        1, -1))[0]

    # Clean knob data
    cleaned_knob_data = clean_knob_data(agg_data['X_matrix'],
                                        agg_data['X_columnlabels'], session)
    knob_data = np.array(cleaned_knob_data[0])
    knob_labels = np.array(cleaned_knob_data[1])
    knob_bounds = np.vstack(
        DataUtil.get_knob_bounds(knob_labels.flatten(), session))
    knob_data = MinMaxScaler().fit(knob_bounds).transform(knob_data)[0]
    knob_num = len(knob_data)
    metric_num = len(metric_data)
    LOG.info('knob_num: %d, metric_num: %d', knob_num, metric_num)

    # Filter ys by current target objective metric
    result = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id)
    target_objective = result.session.target_objective
    target_obj_idx = [
        i for i, n in enumerate(agg_data['y_columnlabels'])
        if n == target_objective
    if len(target_obj_idx) == 0:
        raise Exception(('Could not find target objective in metrics '
    elif len(target_obj_idx) > 1:
        raise Exception(
            ('Found {} instances of target objective in '
             'metrics (target_obj={})').format(len(target_obj_idx),
    objective = metric_data[target_obj_idx]
    base_objective = base_metric_data[target_obj_idx]
    metric_meta = db.target_objectives.get_metric_metadata(
        result.session.dbms.pk, result.session.target_objective)

    # Calculate the reward
    objective = objective / base_objective
    if metric_meta[target_objective].improvement == '(less is better)':
        reward = -objective
        reward = objective
    LOG.info('reward: %f', reward)

    # Update ddpg
    ddpg = DDPG(n_actions=knob_num,
    if session.ddpg_actor_model and session.ddpg_critic_model:
        ddpg.set_model(session.ddpg_actor_model, session.ddpg_critic_model)
    if session.ddpg_reply_memory:
    ddpg.add_sample(normalized_metric_data, knob_data, reward,
    for _ in range(25):
    session.ddpg_actor_model, session.ddpg_critic_model = ddpg.get_model()
    session.ddpg_reply_memory = ddpg.replay_memory.get()
    return result_info
Ejemplo n.º 16
def train_ddpg(result_id):
    LOG.info('Add training data to ddpg and train ddpg')
    result = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id)
    session = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id).session
    params = JSONUtil.loads(session.hyperparameters)
    session_results = Result.objects.filter(
        session=session, creation_time__lt=result.creation_time)
    result_info = {}
    result_info['newest_result_id'] = result_id

    # Extract data from result and previous results
    result = Result.objects.filter(pk=result_id)
    if len(session_results) == 0:
        base_result_id = result_id
        prev_result_id = result_id
        base_result_id = session_results[0].pk
        prev_result_id = session_results[len(session_results) - 1].pk
    base_result = Result.objects.filter(pk=base_result_id)
    prev_result = Result.objects.filter(pk=prev_result_id)

    agg_data = DataUtil.aggregate_data(result)
    base_metric_data = (
    prev_metric_data = (

    result = Result.objects.get(pk=result_id)
    target_objective = result.session.target_objective
    prev_obj_idx = [
        i for i, n in enumerate(agg_data['y_columnlabels'])
        if n == target_objective

    # Clean metric data
    metric_data, metric_labels = clean_metric_data(agg_data['y_matrix'],
    metric_data = metric_data.flatten()
    metric_scalar = MinMaxScaler().fit(metric_data.reshape(1, -1))
    normalized_metric_data = metric_scalar.transform(metric_data.reshape(
        1, -1))[0]

    # Clean knob data
    cleaned_knob_data = clean_knob_data(agg_data['X_matrix'],
                                        agg_data['X_columnlabels'], session)
    knob_data = np.array(cleaned_knob_data[0])
    knob_labels = np.array(cleaned_knob_data[1])
    knob_bounds = np.vstack(
        DataUtil.get_knob_bounds(knob_labels.flatten(), session))
    knob_data = MinMaxScaler().fit(knob_bounds).transform(knob_data)[0]
    knob_num = len(knob_data)
    metric_num = len(metric_data)
    LOG.info('knob_num: %d, metric_num: %d', knob_num, metric_num)

    # Filter ys by current target objective metric
    target_obj_idx = [
        i for i, n in enumerate(metric_labels) if n == target_objective
    if len(target_obj_idx) == 0:
        raise Exception(('Could not find target objective in metrics '
    elif len(target_obj_idx) > 1:
        raise Exception(
            ('Found {} instances of target objective in '
             'metrics (target_obj={})').format(len(target_obj_idx),
    objective = metric_data[target_obj_idx]
    base_objective = base_metric_data[prev_obj_idx]
    prev_objective = prev_metric_data[prev_obj_idx]
    metric_meta = db.target_objectives.get_metric_metadata(
        result.session.dbms.pk, result.session.target_objective)

    # Calculate the reward
    if params['DDPG_SIMPLE_REWARD']:
        objective = objective / base_objective
        if metric_meta[target_objective].improvement == '(less is better)':
            reward = -objective
            reward = objective
        if metric_meta[target_objective].improvement == '(less is better)':
            if objective - base_objective <= 0:  # positive reward
                reward = (np.square((2 * base_objective - objective) / base_objective) - 1)\
                    * abs(2 * prev_objective - objective) / prev_objective
            else:  # negative reward
                reward = -(np.square(objective / base_objective) -
                           1) * objective / prev_objective
            if objective - base_objective > 0:  # positive reward
                reward = (np.square(objective / base_objective) -
                          1) * objective / prev_objective
            else:  # negative reward
                reward = -(np.square((2 * base_objective - objective) / base_objective) - 1)\
                    * abs(2 * prev_objective - objective) / prev_objective
    LOG.info('reward: %f', reward)

    # Update ddpg
    ddpg = DDPG(n_actions=knob_num,
    if session.ddpg_actor_model and session.ddpg_critic_model:
        ddpg.set_model(session.ddpg_actor_model, session.ddpg_critic_model)
    if session.ddpg_reply_memory:
    ddpg.add_sample(normalized_metric_data, knob_data, reward,
    for _ in range(params['DDPG_UPDATE_EPOCHS']):
    session.ddpg_actor_model, session.ddpg_critic_model = ddpg.get_model()
    session.ddpg_reply_memory = ddpg.replay_memory.get()
    return result_info