Ejemplo n.º 1
def hotlist_item_cb(data, item, window):
    priorities = {}
    titles = {}

    hdata_hotlist = w.hdata_get('hotlist')
    ptr_hotlist = w.hdata_get_list(hdata_hotlist, 'gui_hotlist')
    while ptr_hotlist:
        priority = w.hdata_integer(hdata_hotlist, ptr_hotlist, 'priority')
        buffer = w.hdata_pointer(hdata_hotlist, ptr_hotlist, 'buffer')
        count = w.hdata_integer(
            hdata_hotlist, ptr_hotlist, '%d|count' % GUI_HOTLIST_MESSAGE)
        number = w.buffer_get_integer(buffer, 'number')
        name = w.buffer_get_string(buffer, 'short_name')

        if priority != GUI_HOTLIST_LOW:
            priorities[number] = priority
            titles[number] = '%d:%s' % (number, name)
            if count:
                titles[number] += '(%d)' % count

        ptr_hotlist = w.hdata_move(hdata_hotlist, ptr_hotlist, 1)

    items = []
    for number, priority in sorted(priorities.items()):
        items.append('%s %s %s' % (
    return ' '.join(items)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def count_lines(ptr_window,ptr_buffer):
    global filter_status

    hdata_buf = weechat.hdata_get('buffer')
    hdata_lines = weechat.hdata_get('lines')
    lines = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata_buf, ptr_buffer, 'lines') # own_lines, mixed_lines
    lines_count = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_lines, lines, 'lines_count')

    hdata_window = weechat.hdata_get('window')
    hdata_winscroll = weechat.hdata_get('window_scroll')
    window_scroll = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata_window, ptr_window, 'scroll')
    lines_after = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_winscroll, window_scroll, 'lines_after')
    window_height = weechat.window_get_integer(weechat.current_window(), 'win_chat_height')

    filtered = 0
    filtered_before = 0
    filtered_after = 0
    # if filter is disabled, don't count.
    if (OPTIONS['count_filtered_lines'].lower() == 'off') and filter_status == 1:
        filtered, filtered_before,filtered_after = count_filtered_lines(ptr_buffer,lines_count,lines_after)
        lines_count = lines_count - filtered
#        lines_after = lines_after - filtered_after

    if lines_count > window_height:
        differential = lines_count - window_height
        percent = max(int(round(100. * (differential - lines_after) / differential)), 0)
        percent = 100

    # get current position
    current_line = lines_count - lines_after

    return lines_after,lines_count,percent,current_line, filtered, filtered_before, filtered_after
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_merged_buffers(ptr):
	Get a list of buffers which are merged with "ptr".

    hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
    buffers = weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata, "gui_buffers")
    buffer = weechat.hdata_search(
        hdata, buffers,
        "${buffer.number} == %i" % weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, ptr, "number"),
    nbuffer = weechat.hdata_move(hdata, buffer, 1)

    ret = []
    while buffer:
        ret.append(weechat.hdata_string(hdata, buffer, "full_name"))

        if (weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer,
                                  "number") == weechat.hdata_integer(
                                      hdata, nbuffer, "number")):
            buffer = nbuffer
            nbuffer = weechat.hdata_move(hdata, nbuffer, 1)
            buffer = None

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 4
def count_lines(ptr_window, ptr_buffer):
    global filter_status

    hdata_buf = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
    hdata_lines = weechat.hdata_get("lines")
    lines = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata_buf, ptr_buffer, "lines")  # own_lines, mixed_lines
    lines_count = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_lines, lines, "lines_count")

    hdata_window = weechat.hdata_get("window")
    hdata_winscroll = weechat.hdata_get("window_scroll")
    window_scroll = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata_window, ptr_window, "scroll")
    lines_after = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_winscroll, window_scroll, "lines_after")
    window_height = weechat.window_get_integer(weechat.current_window(), "win_chat_height")

    filtered = 0
    filtered_before = 0
    filtered_after = 0
    # if filter is disabled, don't count.
    if (OPTIONS["count_filtered_lines"].lower() == "off") and filter_status == 1:
        filtered, filtered_before, filtered_after = count_filtered_lines(ptr_buffer, lines_count, lines_after)
        lines_count = lines_count - filtered
    #        lines_after = lines_after - filtered_after

    if lines_count > window_height:
        differential = lines_count - window_height
        percent = max(int(round(100.0 * (differential - lines_after) / differential)), 0)
        percent = 100

    # get current position
    current_line = lines_count - lines_after

    return lines_after, lines_count, percent, current_line, filtered, filtered_before, filtered_after
Ejemplo n.º 5
def count_lines(winpointer, bufpointer):

    hdata_buf = weechat.hdata_get('buffer')
    hdata_lines = weechat.hdata_get('lines')
    lines = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata_buf, bufpointer,
                                  'lines')  # own_lines, mixed_lines
    lines_count = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_lines, lines, 'lines_count')

    hdata_window = weechat.hdata_get('window')
    hdata_winscroll = weechat.hdata_get('window_scroll')
    window_scroll = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata_window, winpointer, 'scroll')
    lines_after = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_winscroll, window_scroll,
    window_height = weechat.window_get_integer(weechat.current_window(),

    if lines_count > window_height:
        differential = lines_count - window_height
        percent = max(
            int(round(100. * (differential - lines_after) / differential)), 0)
        percent = 100
    #weechat.prnt('', " : lines_count "+str(lines_count)+" window_height "+str(window_height)+" lines after "+str(lines_after))
    current_line = lines_count - lines_after
    return lines_after, lines_count, percent, current_line
Ejemplo n.º 6
def buffer_build_regex(buffer):
	Build a regex according to "buffer"'s search settings.

	hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
	input = weechat.hdata_string(hdata, buffer, "input_buffer")
	exact = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "text_search_exact")
	where = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "text_search_where")
	regex = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "text_search_regex")

	if not regex:
		input = re.escape(input)

	if exact:
		input = "(?-i)%s" % input

	filter_regex = None
	if where == 1: # message
		filter_regex = input
	elif where == 2: # prefix
		filter_regex = "%s\\t" % input
	else: # prefix | message
		filter_regex = input # TODO: impossible with current filter regex

	return "!%s" % filter_regex
Ejemplo n.º 7
def buffer_build_regex(buffer):
    Build a regex according to "buffer"'s search settings.

    hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
    input = weechat.hdata_string(hdata, buffer, "input_buffer")
    exact = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "text_search_exact")
    where = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "text_search_where")
    regex = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "text_search_regex")

    if not regex:
        input = re.escape(input)

    if exact:
        input = "(?-i)%s" % input

    filter_regex = None
    if where == 1:  # message
        filter_regex = input
    elif where == 2:  # prefix
        filter_regex = "%s\\t" % input
    else:  # prefix | message
        filter_regex = input  # TODO: impossible with current filter regex

    return "!%s" % filter_regex
Ejemplo n.º 8
def cb_exec_cmd(data, remaining_calls):
    """Translate and execute our custom commands to WeeChat command."""
    # Process the entered command.
    data = list(data)
    del data[0]
    data = "".join(data)
    # s/foo/bar command.
    if data.startswith("s/"):
        cmd = data
        parsed_cmd = next(csv.reader(StringIO(cmd), delimiter="/",
        pattern = re.escape(parsed_cmd[1])
        repl = parsed_cmd[2]
        repl = re.sub(r"([^\\])&", r"\1" + pattern, repl)
        flag = None
        if len(parsed_cmd) == 4:
            flag = parsed_cmd[3]
        count = 1
        if flag == "g":
            count = 0
        buf = weechat.current_buffer()
        input_line = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "input")
        input_line = re.sub(pattern, repl, input_line, count)
        weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", input_line)
    # Shell command.
    elif data.startswith("!"):
        weechat.command("", "/exec -buffer shell %s" % data[1:])
    # Commands like `:22`. This should start cursor mode (``/cursor``) and take
    # us to the relevant line.
    # TODO: look into possible replacement key bindings for: ← ↑ → ↓ Q m q.
    elif data.isdigit():
        line_number = int(data)
        hdata_window = weechat.hdata_get("window")
        window = weechat.current_window()
        x = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_window, window, "win_chat_x")
        y = (weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_window, window, "win_chat_y") +
             (line_number - 1))
        weechat.command("", "/cursor go {},{}".format(x, y))
    # Check againt defined commands.
        data = data.split(" ", 1)
        cmd = data[0]
        args = ""
        if len(data) == 2:
            args = data[1]
        if cmd in VI_COMMANDS:
            weechat.command("", "%s %s" % (VI_COMMANDS[cmd], args))
        # No vi commands defined, run the command as a WeeChat command.
            weechat.command("", "/{} {}".format(cmd, args))
    return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
Ejemplo n.º 9
def cb_exec_cmd(data, remaining_calls):
    """Translate and execute our custom commands to WeeChat command."""
    # Process the entered command.
    data = list(data)
    del data[0]
    data = "".join(data)
    # s/foo/bar command.
    if data.startswith("s/"):
        cmd = data
        parsed_cmd = next(
            csv.reader(StringIO(cmd), delimiter="/", escapechar="\\"))
        pattern = re.escape(parsed_cmd[1])
        repl = parsed_cmd[2]
        repl = re.sub(r"([^\\])&", r"\1" + pattern, repl)
        flag = None
        if len(parsed_cmd) == 4:
            flag = parsed_cmd[3]
        count = 1
        if flag == "g":
            count = 0
        buf = weechat.current_buffer()
        input_line = weechat.buffer_get_string(buf, "input")
        input_line = re.sub(pattern, repl, input_line, count)
        weechat.buffer_set(buf, "input", input_line)
    # Shell command.
    elif data.startswith("!"):
        weechat.command("", "/exec -buffer shell %s" % data[1:])
    # Commands like `:22`. This should start cursor mode (``/cursor``) and take
    # us to the relevant line.
    # TODO: look into possible replacement key bindings for: ← ↑ → ↓ Q m q.
    elif data.isdigit():
        line_number = int(data)
        hdata_window = weechat.hdata_get("window")
        window = weechat.current_window()
        x = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_window, window, "win_chat_x")
        y = (weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_window, window, "win_chat_y") +
             (line_number - 1))
        weechat.command("", "/cursor go {},{}".format(x, y))
    # Check againt defined commands.
        data = data.split(" ", 1)
        cmd = data[0]
        args = ""
        if len(data) == 2:
            args = data[1]
        if cmd in VI_COMMANDS:
            weechat.command("", "%s %s" % (VI_COMMANDS[cmd], args))
        # No vi commands defined, run the command as a WeeChat command.
            weechat.command("", "/{} {}".format(cmd, args))
    return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
Ejemplo n.º 10
def buffer_update(buffer):
    Refresh filtering in "buffer" by updating (or removing) the filter and update the bar item.

    hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")

    buffers = ",".join(get_merged_buffers(buffer))
    name = "%s_%s" % (SCRIPT_NAME, buffers)

    if buffer_searching(buffer):
        if buffer_filtering(buffer):
            filter_addreplace(name, buffers, "*", buffer_build_regex(buffer))
        elif not buffer_filtering(buffer) and filter_exists(name):
    elif filter_exists(name):

    where = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "text_search_where")
        "localvar_set_%s_warn" % SCRIPT_LOCALVAR,
        "1" if where == 3 else "0",
    )  # warn about incorrect filter

Ejemplo n.º 11
def fill_last_lines(buffer):
    last_lines.append(get_input_line(buffer, -1))
    hdata = w.hdata_get("buffer")
    lines = w.hdata_pointer(hdata, buffer, "own_lines")

    found = 0
    processed = 0
    lines_limit = int(w.config_get_plugin("lines"))
    raw_lines_limit = int(w.config_get_plugin("raw_lines"))
    line  = w.hdata_pointer(w.hdata_get('lines'), lines, "last_line")

    while found < lines_limit and processed < raw_lines_limit and line != "":
        line_data = w.hdata_pointer(w.hdata_get('line'), line, "data")

        count = w.hdata_integer(w.hdata_get("line_data"), line_data, "tags_count")
        if count == 0:
            processed += 1

        tag = w.hdata_string(w.hdata_get('line_data'), line_data, "0|tags_array")
        if tag == 'irc_privmsg':
            message = w.hdata_string(w.hdata_get('line_data'), line_data, "message")
            found += 1
        line = w.hdata_pointer(w.hdata_get('line'), line, "prev_line")
        processed += 1

    last_lines.append(get_input_line(buffer, 1))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def get_last_message_time(buffer):
    lines = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("buffer"), buffer,
    line = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("lines"), lines,
    while line:
        line_data = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("line"), line,
        tags_count = weechat.hdata_integer(weechat.hdata_get("line_data"),
                                           line_data, "tags_count")
        tags = [
            weechat.hdata_string(weechat.hdata_get("line_data"), line_data,
            for i in range(tags_count)
        irc_tags = [t for t in tags if t.startswith("irc_")]
        if len(irc_tags) > 0:
        line = weechat.hdata_pointer(weechat.hdata_get("line"), line,
    if not line:
        return None
    # TODO: get timestamp with millisecond granularity
    ts = weechat.hdata_time(weechat.hdata_get("line_data"), line_data, "date")
    t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, tz=datetime.timezone.utc)
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 13
def buffer_searching(buffer):
	Check whether "buffer" is in search mode.

	hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")

	return bool(weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "text_search"))
Ejemplo n.º 14
def buffer_searching(buffer):
    Check whether "buffer" is in search mode.

    hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")

    return bool(weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "text_search"))
Ejemplo n.º 15
def hdata_server(server_to_search):
    hdata = weechat.hdata_get('irc_server')
    hdata_servers = weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata,'irc_servers')
    server = weechat.hdata_search(hdata, hdata_servers,'${irc_server.name} =* %s' % server_to_search, 1)
    if server:
        is_connected = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, server, 'is_connected')
        nick_modes = weechat.hdata_string(hdata, server, 'nick_modes')
        buffer_ptr = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata, server, 'buffer')
Ejemplo n.º 16
def hdata_server(server_to_search):
    hdata = weechat.hdata_get('irc_server')
    hdata_servers = weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata, 'irc_servers')
    server = weechat.hdata_search(
        hdata, hdata_servers, '${irc_server.name} =* %s' % server_to_search, 1)
    if server:
        is_connected = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, server, 'is_connected')
        nick_modes = weechat.hdata_string(hdata, server, 'nick_modes')
        buffer_ptr = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata, server, 'buffer')
Ejemplo n.º 17
def get_merged_buffers(ptr):
    Get a list of buffers which are merged with "ptr".

    weechat_version = int(weechat.info_get("version_number", "") or 0)

    hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
    buffers = weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata, "gui_buffers")
    if weechat_version >= 0x03040000:
        buffer = weechat.hdata_search(
            "${buffer.number} == ${value}",
            {"value": str(weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, ptr, "number"))},
        buffer = weechat.hdata_search(
            "${buffer.number} == %i" %
            weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, ptr, "number"),
    nbuffer = weechat.hdata_move(hdata, buffer, 1)

    ret = []
    while buffer:
        ret.append(weechat.hdata_string(hdata, buffer, "full_name"))

        if weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer,
                                 "number") == weechat.hdata_integer(
                                     hdata, nbuffer, "number"):
            buffer = nbuffer
            nbuffer = weechat.hdata_move(hdata, nbuffer, 1)
            buffer = None

    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 18
def get_buffers():
	''' Get a list of all the buffers in weechat. '''
	hdata  = weechat.hdata_get('buffer')
	buffer = weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata, "gui_buffers");

	result = []
	while buffer:
		number = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, 'number')
		result.append((number, buffer))
		buffer = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata, buffer, 'next_buffer')
	return hdata, result
Ejemplo n.º 19
def count_lines(ptr_window, ptr_buffer):
    global filter_status

    hdata_buf = weechat.hdata_get('buffer')
    hdata_lines = weechat.hdata_get('lines')
    lines = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata_buf, ptr_buffer,
                                  'lines')  # own_lines, mixed_lines
    lines_count = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_lines, lines, 'lines_count')

    hdata_window = weechat.hdata_get('window')
    hdata_winscroll = weechat.hdata_get('window_scroll')
    window_scroll = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata_window, ptr_window, 'scroll')
    lines_after = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_winscroll, window_scroll,
    window_height = weechat.window_get_integer(weechat.current_window(),

    filtered = 0
    filtered_before = 0
    filtered_after = 0
    # if filter is disabled, don't count.
    if (OPTIONS['count_filtered_lines'].lower()
            == 'off') and filter_status == 1:
        filtered, filtered_before, filtered_after = count_filtered_lines(
            ptr_buffer, lines_count, lines_after)
        lines_count = lines_count - filtered

#        lines_after = lines_after - filtered_after

    if lines_count > window_height:
        differential = lines_count - window_height
        percent = max(
            int(round(100. * (differential - lines_after) / differential)), 0)
        percent = 100

    # get current position
    current_line = lines_count - lines_after

    return lines_after, lines_count, percent, current_line, filtered, filtered_before, filtered_after
Ejemplo n.º 20
def get_merged_buffers(ptr):
	Get a list of buffers which are merged with "ptr".

	hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
	buffers = weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata, "gui_buffers")
	buffer = weechat.hdata_search(hdata, buffers, "${buffer.number} == %i" % weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, ptr, "number"), 1)
	nbuffer = weechat.hdata_move(hdata, buffer, 1)

	ret = []
	while buffer:
		ret.append(weechat.hdata_string(hdata, buffer, "full_name"))

		if (weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "number") == weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, nbuffer, "number")):
			buffer = nbuffer
			nbuffer = weechat.hdata_move(hdata, nbuffer, 1)
			buffer = None

	return ret
Ejemplo n.º 21
def count_lines(winpointer, bufpointer):

    hdata_buf = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")
    hdata_lines = weechat.hdata_get("lines")
    lines = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata_buf, bufpointer, "lines")  # own_lines, mixed_lines
    lines_count = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_lines, lines, "lines_count")

    hdata_window = weechat.hdata_get("window")
    hdata_winscroll = weechat.hdata_get("window_scroll")
    window_scroll = weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata_window, winpointer, "scroll")
    lines_after = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_winscroll, window_scroll, "lines_after")
    window_height = weechat.window_get_integer(weechat.current_window(), "win_chat_height")

    if lines_count > window_height:
        differential = lines_count - window_height
        percent = max(int(round(100.0 * (differential - lines_after) / differential)), 0)
        percent = 100
    # weechat.prnt('', " : lines_count "+str(lines_count)+" window_height "+str(window_height)+" lines after "+str(lines_after))
    current_line = lines_count - lines_after
    return lines_after, lines_count, percent, current_line
Ejemplo n.º 22
def buffer_update(buffer):
	Refresh filtering in "buffer" by updating (or removing) the filter and update the bar item.

	hdata = weechat.hdata_get("buffer")

	buffers = ",".join(get_merged_buffers(buffer))
	name = "%s_%s" % (SCRIPT_NAME, buffers)

	if buffer_searching(buffer):
		if buffer_filtering(buffer):
			filter_addreplace(name, buffers, "*", buffer_build_regex(buffer))
		elif not buffer_filtering(buffer) and filter_exists(name):
	elif filter_exists(name):

	where = weechat.hdata_integer(hdata, buffer, "text_search_where")
	weechat.buffer_set(buffer, "localvar_set_%s_warn" % SCRIPT_LOCALVAR, "1" if where == 3 else "0") # warn about incorrect filter

Ejemplo n.º 23
def buffer_open_full_name_irc_cb(data, signal, hashtable):
    full_name = hashtable["full_name"]
    noswitch = bool(int(hashtable.get("noswitch", "0")))

    m = IRC_SERVER_RE.match(full_name)
    if m:
        server = m.group(1)
        irc_server_open(server, noswitch)
        return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    m = IRC_BUFFER_RE.match(full_name)
    if m:
        server = m.group(1)
        name = m.group(2)

        hdata_irc_server = weechat.hdata_get("irc_server")
        irc_servers = weechat.hdata_get_list(hdata_irc_server, "irc_servers")
        irc_server = weechat.hdata_search(hdata_irc_server, irc_servers,
                                          "${irc_server.name} == " + server, 1)
        if irc_server:
            is_connected = bool(
                weechat.hdata_integer(hdata_irc_server, irc_server,
            is_connecting = bool(
                weechat.hdata_pointer(hdata_irc_server, irc_server,
            if is_connected:
                irc_buffer_open(server, name, noswitch)
                irc_server_connected_opens[server].add((name, noswitch))
                if not is_connecting:
                    irc_server_open(server, noswitch)
            error("unknown server {}".format(server))

        return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK_EAT

    return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
Ejemplo n.º 24
def build_list(data, item, window):
    # Setup variables
    # First retrieve the `hdata`s, then get relevant lists
    buffer_hdata = weechat.hdata_get('buffer')
    server_hdata = weechat.hdata_get('irc_server')
    hotlist_hdata = weechat.hdata_get('hotlist')
    buffer_pointer = weechat.hdata_get_list(buffer_hdata, 'gui_buffers')
    server_pointer = weechat.hdata_get_list(server_hdata, 'irc_servers')
    bar_width = weechat.config_integer(
    buflist = ''

    # Start looping through the buffers
    while buffer_pointer:
        # Grab the hotlist and priority level for the current buffer
        hotlist_pointer = weechat.hdata_pointer(buffer_hdata, buffer_pointer,
        if hotlist_pointer:
            priority = weechat.hdata_integer(hotlist_hdata, hotlist_pointer,
            priority = 0

        # Setup the info variables for the current buffer
        nick = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer_pointer, "localvar_nick")
        name = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer_pointer, "short_name")
        full_name = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer_pointer, "name")
        plugin = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer_pointer, "plugin")
        buffer_type = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer_pointer,
        server = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer_pointer, 'localvar_server')
        icon_color = weechat.buffer_get_string(buffer_pointer,
                                               "localvar_icon_color") or 0
        current_buffer = 1 if weechat.current_buffer() == buffer_pointer else 0

        # Setup info variables for next buffer
        next_pointer = weechat.hdata_move(buffer_hdata, buffer_pointer, 1)
        next_type = weechat.buffer_get_string(next_pointer, "plugin")

        # Start building!

        # Draw icons for non-IRC buffers - core, script, fset, etc
        # You can set an `icon_color` localvar to override the `color.icon` option for a particular buffer when it's active
        # This isn't exactly ideal. Another option would be to use a localvar for each buffer that gets an icon, and then do a check for that
        if plugin != 'irc':
            if current_buffer:
                if icon_color:
                    buflist += weechat.color(icon_color)
                    buflist += weechat.color(option_values['color.icon'])
                buflist += weechat.color(option_values['color.default_fg'])

            buflist += "●  "
            buflist += weechat.color(option_values['color.default_fg'])

            # Add a newline if the next buffer is the start of IRC buffers
            if next_type == 'irc':
                buflist += '\n'
        # Start adding other buffers
            # Add separator between servers
            if option_values[
                    'look.server_separator'] == '1' and buffer_type == 'server':
                buflist += '─' * bar_width + '\n'
            # Print the appropriate color for the current buffer, as well as an icon for the current buffer
            if current_buffer:
                buflist += weechat.color(option_values['color.current_fg'])
                buflist += "●"
            elif priority == 1:
                buflist += weechat.color(
            elif priority == 2:
                buflist += weechat.color(
            elif priority == 3:
                buflist += weechat.color(
                buflist += weechat.color(option_values['color.default_fg'])

            # Spacing between icon and name
            if current_buffer:
                buflist += ' '
                buflist += '  '
            if buffer_type != 'server':
                buflist += '   '
            if buffer_type == 'private':
                buflist += '  '

            # Add the nick prefix (@, +, etc)
            nick_prefix = get_nick_prefix(buffer_pointer)
            buflist += nick_prefix

            # Add the buffer name
            buflist += name

            # Add nick modes next to server buffers, if any are set
            if buffer_type == 'server':
                # Search for and retrieve a pointer for the server
                pointer = weechat.hdata_search(
                    server_hdata, server_pointer,
                    '${irc_server.name} == ' + server, 1)

                # Then get the nick modes for that server
                nick_modes = weechat.hdata_string(server_hdata, pointer,

                if nick_modes:
                    buflist += ' (+{})'.format(nick_modes)

            # Add the newline after each buffer
            buflist += '\n'

        # Move to the next buffer
        buffer_pointer = weechat.hdata_move(buffer_hdata, buffer_pointer, 1)

    # All done. Return the list
    return buflist