def run(self): global cnt while True: lock.acquire() try: d = except: lock.release() break sp = d.strip().split() dirname = "down/%s" % sp[1] try: os.makedirs(dirname) except: pass cnt += 1 if cnt % 10000 == 0: print "downloading %d" % cnt lock.release() try:[2], out=dirname, bar=None) except: print("error downloading %s" % sp[2]) if(cnt >= 100): break
def DownloadData(): """ Downloads the shapefiles """ tar_dir = "./tars" for dir in [shape_dir, tar_dir]: if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) base_url = "" files_list = ["England_ct_2011_gen_clipped.tar.gz", "England_ol_2011_gen_clipped.tar.gz", "Wales_ct_1991_gen3.tar.gz", "Wales_ol_2011_gen_clipped.tar.gz", "Scotland_dt_1991.tar.gz", "Scotland_ol_1991.tar.gz", "Gb_dt_2009_10.tar.gz", "Gb_wpc_2010_05.tar.gz" ] print("Downloading shape files...") for f in files_list: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(tar_dir, f)): url = base_url + f print("Downloading {}".format(url)), out=tar_dir) print() print("Unpacking {}".format(f)) tar =, f)) tar.extractall(path=shape_dir) tar.close() print("Done, all shape-files stored in {}".format(shape_dir))
def load_sqlite(table, dbase, url=False, out=False): """ Retrieve triples from an sqlite3 database. """ if url: # check for short path to url if url.startswith('http://') or url.startswith('https://'): pass else: url = ''+url print(url) # check if file already exists if os.path.isfile(dbase): os.rename( dbase, dbase+'-backup-'+str('.')[0] ), out=dbase) db = sqlite3.connect(dbase) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute('select * from '+table+';') data = cursor.fetchall() return lingpy.basic.ops.triple2tsv(data, output='dict')
def __make_icon_osx(): lisa_shortcut = op.expanduser("~/Desktop/lisa") if not os.path.exists(lisa_shortcut): with open(lisa_shortcut, 'w') as outfile: outfile.write( "\ #!/bin/bash\n\ export PATH=$HOME/miniconda2/bin:$HOME/anaconda2/bin:$HOME/miniconda/bin:$HOME/anaconda/bin:$PATH\n\ lisa" ) os.chmod(lisa_shortcut, stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXOTH | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IWGRP ) import wget lisa_icon_path= op.expanduser("~/lisa_data/.lisa/LISA256.icns") if not os.path.exists(lisa_icon_path): try: "", out=lisa_icon_path ) except: logger.warning('logo download failed') pass
def updateFiles(self): print "Update Files" # Clean out file array = [] # Always assume that the most up to date runtime is not yet available runtime = ((self.current_time.hour-6) / 6) * 6 # Get the Model Runtime if runtime < 0: runtime = 0 launch_time_offset = self.launch_time - self.current_time # For now, if the prediction take place in the past... don't if launch_time_offset < timedelta(0): launch_time_offset = timedelta(0) prediction_offset = (launch_time_offset.seconds / 3600 / 3) * 3 ### NOTE THIS ISN'T DONE!"./wind/49-43-290-294-%04d%02d%02d%02d-gfs.t%02dz.mastergrb2f%02d" % (self.current_time.year, self.current_time.month,, prediction_offset, runtime, prediction_offset)) if not os.path.isfile("./wind/49-43-290-294-%04d%02d%02d%02d-gfs.t%02dz.mastergrb2f%02d" % (self.current_time.year, self.current_time.month,, prediction_offset, runtime, prediction_offset)): download_url = "" % (runtime, prediction_offset, self.launch_time.year, self.launch_time.month,, runtime) print download_url print (runtime, prediction_offset, self.current_time.year, self.current_time.month,, runtime) file = shutil.move(file, './wind/49-43-290-294-%04d%02d%02d%02d-%s' % (self.current_time.year, self.current_time.month,, prediction_offset, file))"./wind/49-43-290-294-%04d%02d%02d%02d-gfs.t%02dz.mastergrb2f%02d" % (self.current_time.year, self.current_time.month,, prediction_offset+3, runtime, prediction_offset+3)) if not os.path.isfile("./wind/49-43-290-294-%04d%02d%02d%02d-gfs.t%02dz.mastergrb2f%02d" % (self.current_time.year, self.current_time.month,, prediction_offset+3, runtime, prediction_offset+3)): download_url = "" % (runtime, prediction_offset+3, self.current_time.year, self.current_time.month,, runtime) file = shutil.move(file, './wind/49-43-290-294-%04d%02d%02d%02d-%s' % (self.current_time.year, self.current_time.month,, prediction_offset+3, file))
def download_song(self, songTitle, song_ID, download_dir): song_ID = str(song_ID) download_url = (musicCrawler.music_download_url + song_ID + ".mp3") song_local_path = os.path.join(download_dir, songTitle) print(30 * "-") print("Downloading Song: " + songTitle) # handle exception if mp3 file is not found on url source try:, download_dir) # download the mp3 file from url to download directory except Exception: print("Song ", songTitle + " Not Found") pass # join the song Id with the download dir to get the song tittle path song_ID = (song_ID+".mp3") song_ID_path = os.path.join(download_dir, song_ID) song_title_path = os.path.join(download_dir, songTitle) try: print("\n""Parsing Song: " + songTitle) shutil.move(song_ID_path, song_title_path) # parse the song id with actual song name print(30 * "-") except FileNotFoundError: print("Song ID ", song_ID + " Not Found") pass
def download_file(filename, destination): """Download remote file using the `wget` Python module.""" destdir = os.path.split(destination)[0] if not os.path.isdir(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) url = get_remote_url(filename), out=destination)
def _download(self, url, checksum, dst): import wget retries = 0 while retries < 2: if not os.path.exists(dst): retries += 1 try:, out=dst) print except Exception as e: print print 'error', e continue h = hashlib.sha1() with open(dst, 'rb') as fp: while True: d = * 1024 * 1024) if not d: break h.update(d) if h.hexdigest() == checksum: break print 'sha1 does not match: %s instead of %s' % (h.hexdigest(), checksum) os.unlink(dst) assert os.path.exists(dst), 'could not successfully retrieve %s' % url
def download_gif(self, term, slide_num): # If we have at least 3 local gifs, use one of those if (term in self.gifs) and (len(self.gifs[term]) > 3): return os.path.join("GIFs", "%s.gif" % random.choice(self.gifs[term])) try: # Download the gif #img = translate(term, app_key=self.GIPHY_API_KEY) img = translate(term) image_path = os.path.join(self.resources_dir, "%d.gif" % slide_num), image_path) if not (term in self.gifs): self.gifs[term] = [] if not ( in self.gifs[term]): self.gifs[term].append( shutil.copy(image_path, os.path.join("GIFs", "%s.gif" % with open(os.path.join("GIFs", "hashes.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(self.gifs, f, indent=2) return image_path except: return None
def get_astrometry(self): """ Interact with to get the WCS for our image, using the astrometry client code. """ # connect to supernova_key = 'jhvrmcmwgufgmsrw' supernova_url = '' nova_key = 'tugzsuwnbcykkeuy' nova_url = '' new_image = self.image.replace('.fits','.wcs.fits') # The short routines below are pulled from astrometryClient/ in the __main__ c = anClient(apiurl=nova_url) c.login(nova_key) # upload the image print '\n\nUploading image to\n\n' kwargs = {'publicly_visible': 'y', 'allow_modifications': 'd', 'allow_commercial_use': 'd'} upres = c.upload(self.image, **kwargs) stat = upres['status'] if stat != 'success': raise IOError('Upload failed: status %s\n %s\n' %(str(stat), str(upres))) subID = upres['subid'] print '\n\nUpload successful. Submission id:',subID,'\n\n' # Wait for the response while True: stat = c.sub_status(subID, justdict=True) jobs = stat.get('jobs', []) if len(jobs): for j in jobs: if j is not None: break if j is not None: print '\n\nReceived job id',j,'\n\n' jobID = j break time.sleep(5) # wait for the calculation to finish success = False while True: stat = c.job_status(jobID, justdict=True) if stat.get('status','') in ['success']: success = (stat['status'] == 'success') break time.sleep(5) if not success: raise IOError(' query failed: status %s'%str(stat)) # download the new image print '\n\nGrabbing solved image\n\n' url = nova_url.replace('api','new_fits_file/%i' %jobID) try: os.remove( new_image ) except OSError: pass url, out=new_image ) self.image = new_image
def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv print('Creating simple wiki serialized corpus') # Download the raw file if we do not have it already if not os.path.isfile(WIKIFILE): # Get the file wiki = WikiCorpus(WIKIFILE, lemmatize=False) i = 0 article_dict = {} for text in wiki.get_texts(meta=True): url_string = '{}' article_dict[i] = (url_string.format(text[0]), text[1]) i += 1 with open(ARTICLEDICT, 'w') as f: json.dump(article_dict, f) wiki.dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=20, no_above=0.1, keep_n=DEFAULT_DICT_SIZE) MmCorpus.serialize(MMFILE, wiki, progress_cnt=10000, ) wiki.dictionary.save_as_text(DICTFILE) print('Simple wiki serialized corpus created') # Now run LSI dictionary = Dictionary.load_from_text(DICTFILE) mm = MmCorpus(MMFILE) tfidf = TfidfModel(mm, id2word=dictionary, normalize=True) MmCorpus.serialize(TDIFFILE, tfidf[mm], progress_cnt=10000) mm_tdif = MmCorpus(TDIFFILE) lsi = LsiModel(mm_tdif, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=300) index = similarities.MatrixSimilarity(lsi[mm_tdif]) print("LSI model and index created")
def run(argv): if not os.path.exists(clean_filepath): print('dbsnp will be stored at {!r}'.format(clean_filepath)) if not os.path.exists(raw_filepath): # dbSNP downloads are described at <> # This file includes chr-pos-ref-alt-rsid and 4X a bunch of useless columns: dbsnp_url = '{}_GRCh37p13/VCF/00-All.vcf.gz'.format(dbsnp_version) print('Downloading dbsnp!') make_basedir(raw_filepath) raw_tmp_filepath = get_tmp_path(raw_filepath), out=raw_tmp_filepath) print('') os.rename(raw_tmp_filepath, raw_filepath) print('Done downloading.') print('Converting {} -> {}'.format(raw_filepath, clean_filepath)) make_basedir(clean_filepath) clean_tmp_filepath = get_tmp_path(clean_filepath) run_script(r''' gzip -cd '{raw_filepath}' | grep -v '^#' | perl -F'\t' -nale 'print "$F[0]\t$F[1]\t$F[2]\t$F[3]\t$F[4]"' | # Gotta declare that it's tab-delimited, else it's '\s+'-delimited I think. gzip > '{clean_tmp_filepath}' '''.format(raw_filepath=raw_filepath, clean_tmp_filepath=clean_tmp_filepath)) os.rename(clean_tmp_filepath, clean_filepath) print("dbsnp is at '{clean_filepath}'".format(clean_filepath=clean_filepath))
def download_if_needed(url, filename): """ Downloads the data from a given URL, if not already present in the directory, or displays any of the following: 1. The file already exists 2. URL does not exist 3. Server is not responding """ if os.path.exists(filename): explanation = filename+ ' already exists' return explanation else: try: r = urlopen(url) except URLError as e: r = e if r.code < 400: explanation = 'downloading' return explanation elif r.code>=400 and r.code<500: explanation = 'Url does not exist' return explanation else: explanation = 'Server is not responding' return explanation
def download_bigbird_models(): if not os.path.exists(RAW_DOWNLOAD_DIR): os.mkdir(RAW_DOWNLOAD_DIR) url = "" req = urllib2.Request(url) res = urllib2.urlopen(req) html_split = model_names = [] for txt in html_split: if "/bigbird/images" in txt: model_names.append(txt[29:-5]) for model_name in model_names: print "" print model_name if not os.path.exists(RAW_DOWNLOAD_DIR + '/' + model_name): if os.path.exists(os.getcwd() + '/' + TAR_FILE_NAME): os.remove(os.getcwd() + '/' + TAR_FILE_NAME) download_url = "" + model_name + "/" + TAR_FILE_NAME t = + '/' + TAR_FILE_NAME, 'r') t.extractall(RAW_DOWNLOAD_DIR)
def _parse_page_urls_and_make_url_list(url_list, credentials, downloaddir, file_extns_of_intrest): for url in url_list: if credentials != None: page_url = _convert_url_to_url_with_password(url, credentials) else: page_url = url"downloading " + page_url) try: # remove any previously existing temp file, this is needed because if a file exists then # wget does some name mangling to create a file with a different name and then that would # need to be passed to BS4 and then ultimately that file would also be deleted, so just delete # before hand. if os.path.exists(TEMP_DOWNLOAD_FILE): os.remove(TEMP_DOWNLOAD_FILE), TEMP_DOWNLOAD_FILE, bar=_download_progress_bar) soup = BeautifulSoup(open(TEMP_DOWNLOAD_FILE)) links = soup.findAll(ANCHOR_TAG) _make_list_of_download_candidates(page_url, links, downloaddir, file_extns_of_intrest) except Exception, e: logger.error("Exception: " + str(e))
def download_videos(m3u8_obj): print '[log] downloading videos' base_uri = m3u8_obj._base_uri for file in m3u8_obj.files: video_url = base_uri + "/" + file
def gdb(): try: gdb = dict() pre1 = "" pre2 = "" gdb[1] = pre1 + "gdb.pdf.gz" gdb[2] = pre2 + "paper.pdf" gdb[3] = pre2 + "slides.pdf" print stringa print "GDB Documentation" print "GDB User Manual" filename =[1]) print "\nThe Heisenberg Debugging Technology" print "Slides/Paper/Enter(for both)" decision = raw_input() if decision == "Paper": filename =[2]) elif decision == "Slides": filename =[3]) else: for key in range(2,4): # print key filename =[key]) print "\nCompleted\n" except: print "\n Did something else happen ? \n"
def get_sdss_dr7_frame(run, camcol, field, band, rerun=40): url, psfield_url, calib_url = \ get_sdss_dr7_frame_url(run, camcol, field, band, rerun) # download files if necessary import wget if not os.path.exists(img_filename): img_filename = if not os.path.exists(ps_filename): ps_filename = # load calibration data to get sky noise ps_data = fitsio.FITS(ps_filename)[6].read() # create fitsfile img_data = fitsio.FITS(img_filename)[0].read() img_header = fitsio.read_header(img_filename) import CelestePy.fits_image as fits_image reload(fits_image) imgfits = fits_image.FitsImage(band, timg=imgs[band], calib=1., gain=gain, darkvar=darkvar, sky=0.)
def download_gif(self, term, slide_num): # If we have at least 3 local gifs, use one of those if (term in self.gifs) and (len(self.gifs[term]) > 3): return os.path.join("GIFs", "%s.gif" % random.choice(self.gifs[term])) try: # Download the gif img = translate(term) image_path = os.path.join(self.resources_dir, "%d.gif" % slide_num), image_path) file_hasher = hashlib.md5() with open(image_path, "rb") as f: file_hasher.update( file_md5 = file_hasher.hexdigest() if not (term in self.gifs): self.gifs[term] = [] if not (file_md5 in self.gifs[term]): self.gifs[term].append(file_md5) shutil.copy(image_path, os.path.join("GIFs", "%s.gif" % file_md5)) with open(os.path.join("GIFs", "hashes.json"), "w") as f: json.dump(self.gifs, f, indent=2) return image_path except: return None
def get_webapi_brand_image_link_per_country_lang(csku, lang=None, directory=None): """ Accesses the Zalando Website API and pulls information for article brand, as well as a link for an article picture. :param csku: The csku name to pull data for :param lang: The country to access :type csku: str :type lang: str-str :return: The url of the csku picture, and the brand name of the csku :rtype: dictionary_object """ try: web_request = \ '{c}?fields=media.images.largeHdUrl'.format(c=csku) webapi_brand_image_url = requests.get(web_request, headers={'x-client-name': 'Team AIS Preorder PQRS API'}) result = json.loads(webapi_brand_image_url.text) # In case of 404 http error or any http error. # the result will be assigned here with the error message. # Then the default values are returned. if 'status' in result.keys(): raise DataNotFound elif result is not None: # Get the brand if 'media' in result.keys() and 'images' in result['media'].keys(): for x in result['media']['images']: if 'largeHdUrl' in x.keys(): pic_url = x['largeHdUrl'], out=directory) except DataNotFound: pass
def get_tles(): # GetTLEs(): returns a list of tuples of kepler parameters for each satellite. resource = '' weather = '' try: os.remove('resource.txt') except OSError: pass try: os.remove('weather.txt') except OSError: pass file_names = ['weather.txt', 'resource.txt'] with open('tles.txt', 'w') as outfile: for fname in file_names: with open(fname) as infile: for line in infile: outfile.write(line) tles = open('tles.txt', 'r').readlines() print "retrieving TLE file.........." # strip off the header tokens and newlines tles = [item.strip() for item in tles] # clean up the lines tles = [(tles[i], tles[i+1], tles[i+2]) for i in xrange(0, len(tles)-2, 3)] return tles
def _download(self): if os.path.exists(self._target_file): if self.overwrite:"Chose to overwrite old files.") self._clean() elif not self.verify(): log.error("Previous download seems corrupted.") self._clean() else:"Using previously downloaded %s" % self.filename) return self.filename elif not os.path.exists( log.debug("Creating %s" % os.mkdir( try: for filename in [self.filename, self.filename + self.CHECKSUM_SUFFIX]: log.debug("Downloading %s" % filename) + filename,, bar=None) if self.verify():"Successfully downloaded: %s" % filename)) return self._target_file else: return None except Exception as e: log.debug("Failed to download %s: %s" % (filename, e))
def doTask(self, tstamp): """Download image.""" tstamp = coils.string2time(tstamp) fname = coils.time2fname(tstamp) + '.jpg' dest_dir = os.path.join(self._config['pics_dir'], coils.time2dir(tstamp)) dest_fname = os.path.join( dest_dir, fname, ) if os.path.exists(dest_fname): print('Skipping {}'.format(dest_fname)) return try: os.makedirs(dest_dir) except os.error: pass saved = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dest_dir) url = '{}/pics/{}.jpg'.format( self._url, coils.time2fname(tstamp, full=True), ) print(url), bar=None) os.chdir(saved) # Propagate timestamp downstream. return tstamp
def foo(): fin=open(sys.argv[1],'r') for line in fin: a,b=line.strip().rstrip('\n').split(',') c=b.strip('"')+'_'+a.strip('"')+'.pdf' makeurl='{}'.format(c)
def download(url): """Copy the contents of a file from a given URL to a local file. """ wf = urllib2.urlopen(url) # print html flist=[] mhdf = re.findall('\"M.*\.hdf\"', html) mhdfs =[f for f in mhdf if 'h08v04' in f or 'h08v05' in f or 'h09v04' in f] # print mhdfs for line in mhdfs: # print 'a line', line.replace('\"', '') fileUrl=url+line.replace('\"', '') print fileUrl xhdf = re.findall('\"M.*\.hdf.xml\"', html) xhdfs =[f for f in xhdf if 'h08v04' in f or 'h08v05' in f or 'h09v04' in f] for line in xhdfs: # print 'a line', line.replace('\"', '') xfileUrl=url+line.replace('\"', '') print xfileUrl
def download_img(url): text = requests.get(url).text soup = bs(text, "lxml") # total total = soup.find('span', {'style': 'color: #DB0909'}).text total = total[: -3] total = int(total) # title title = soup.find('h1', {'id': 'htilte'}).text url_pattern = soup.find('ul', {'id': 'hgallery'}) url_pattern = url_pattern.img.get('src').replace('/0.jpg', '/{:03d}.jpg') print title if os.path.exists(title): return os.mkdir(title) for i in xrange(total): file_url = url_pattern.format(i) file_name = "{:03d}.jpg".format(i) output_file = os.path.join(title, file_name) if i == 0: file_url = file_url.replace("000", "0"), out=output_file)
def download_files(answer, download_list): if answer == 'y' or answer == 'yes': for item in download_list: print item[item]) else: print 'Thank you and have a really great day!'
def update(): print("Downloading Update")'<zip>', '') try: shutil.rmtree(dir+'\config') except: print("Continuing") try: shutil.rmtree(dir+'\mods') except: print("Continuing") try: shutil.rmtree(dir+'\jarmods') except: print("Continuing") with zipfile.ZipFile('') as myzip: myzip.extractall(dir) myzip.close() os.remove('svn.txt') os.remove('') os.rename('svnnew.txt', 'svn.txt') print("Update Complete")
def create_lisa_data_dir_tree(oseg=None): odp = op.expanduser('~/lisa_data/.lisa/') if not op.exists(odp): os.makedirs(odp) import wget lisa_icon_path= path(".lisa/LISA256.png") if not op.exists(lisa_icon_path): try: "", out=lisa_icon_path) except: import traceback logger.warning('logo download failed') logger.warning(traceback.format_exc()) if oseg is not None: # used for server sync oseg._output_datapath_from_server = op.join(oseg.output_datapath, 'sync', oseg.sftp_username, "from_server/") # used for server sync oseg._output_datapath_to_server = op.join(oseg.output_datapath, 'sync', oseg.sftp_username, "to_server/") odp = oseg.output_datapath if not op.exists(odp): os.makedirs(odp) odp = oseg._output_datapath_from_server if not op.exists(odp): os.makedirs(odp) odp = oseg._output_datapath_to_server if not op.exists(odp): os.makedirs(odp)
def get_ipr_hierarchy(): if not os.path.isfile('interpro.xml.gz'): print 'downloading interpro data''') #if os.path.isfile('interpro.hierarchy.p'): # with open('interpro.hierarchy.p','rU') as filehandle: # ipr_hierarchy = pickle.load(filehandle) # return ipr_hierarchy print 'preparing interpro data' ipr_hierarchy = IprHierarchy() with'interpro.xml.gz','rb') as filehandle: #filecontent = soup = BeautifulSoup(filehandle,'xml') for domain in soup.find_all('interpro'): name = str(domain.find('name').string) parents_list = [] contains_list = [] child_list = [] found_in_list = [] domain_features = get_domain_features(domain) ipr = IprObject(ID=domain['id'],name=name,domain_type=domain['type'],domain_features=domain_features) ipr_hierarchy.update(ipr) ipr_hierarchy.set_contained_by() #print ipr_hierarchy with open('interpro.hierarchy.p','w') as filehandle: pickle.dump(ipr_hierarchy,filehandle) return ipr_hierarchy
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # coding: utf-8 import os.path as osp from collections import OrderedDict import gdown import torch import tvm import wget from tvm import relay'') # noqa from BCNN import BCNN def fix_model_state_dict(state_dict): new_state_dict = OrderedDict() for k, v in state_dict.items(): name = k if name.startswith('module.'): name = name[7:] # remove 'module.' of dataparallel new_state_dict[name] = v return new_state_dict current_dir = osp.dirname(osp.abspath(__file__)) data_dir = osp.join(current_dir, 'data') pretrained_model = osp.join(data_dir, '') if not osp.exists(pretrained_model): print('Downloading %s' % pretrained_model)
doc = open('/mnt/ddnfs/data_users/cxkttwl/ICL/BASS/err_stop_mzls.txt', 'w') for kk in range(3): if kk == 0: lo = 180 else: lo = 0 for jj in range(lo, len(z)): ra_g = ra[jj] dec_g = dec[jj] z_g = z[jj] try: url_load = '' % ( ra_g, dec_g, band[kk]) out_file = '/mnt/ddnfs/data_users/cxkttwl/ICL/BASS/mzls_img/mzls_img_ra%.3f_dec%.3f_z%.3f_%s_band.fits' % ( ra_g, dec_g, z_g, band[kk]), out_file) print('**********-----') print('finish--', jj / len(z)) except: s = '%s, %d, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f' % (band[kk], jj, ra_g, dec_g, z_g) print( s, file=doc, ) doc.close() print('Done!')
async def ytmusic(client, message: Message): global is_downloading if is_downloading: await message.reply_text("دانلود دیگری در جریان است بعدا تلاش کن") return urlissed = get_text(message) pablo = await client.send_message(, f"`{urlissed} در حال بارگیری`") if not urlissed: await pablo.edit("خطا") return search = SearchVideos(f"{urlissed}", offset=1, mode="dict", max_results=1) mi = search.result() mio = mi["search_result"] mo = mio[0]["link"] thum = mio[0]["title"] fridayz = mio[0]["id"] thums = mio[0]["channel"] kekme = f"{fridayz}/hqdefault.jpg" await asyncio.sleep(0.6) url = mo sedlyf = opts = { "format": "best", "addmetadata": True, "key": "FFmpegMetadata", "prefer_ffmpeg": True, "geo_bypass": True, "nocheckcertificate": True, "postprocessors": [{ "key": "FFmpegVideoConvertor", "preferedformat": "mp4" }], "outtmpl": "%(id)s.mp4", "logtostderr": False, "quiet": True, } try: is_downloading = True with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(opts) as ytdl: infoo = ytdl.extract_info(url, False) duration = round(infoo["duration"] / 60) if duration > 8: await pablo.edit( f" دقیقه است{duration}ویدیو های بیشتر از 8دقیقه دانلود نمیشوند. این مورد" ) is_downloading = False return ytdl_data = ytdl.extract_info(url, download=True) except Exception: # await pablo.edit(event, f"**Failed To Download** \n**Error :** `{str(e)}`") is_downloading = False return c_time = time.time() file_stark = f"{ytdl_data['id']}.mp4" capy = f"**عنوان ➠** `{thum}` **درخواست :** `{urlissed}` **چنل :** `{thums}` **لینک :** `{mo}`" await client.send_video(, video=open(file_stark, "rb"), duration=int(ytdl_data["duration"]), file_name=str(ytdl_data["title"]), thumb=sedlyf, caption=capy, supports_streaming=True, progress=progress, progress_args=( pablo, c_time, f"`از یوتیوب {urlissed} در حال آپلود", file_stark, ), ) await pablo.delete() is_downloading = False for files in (sedlyf, file_stark): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)
Path(download_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) prophet_analysis_path = "/AURN_prophet_analysis" Path(prophet_analysis_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) meta_data_url = "" data_url = "" # Do you want to check the sites listed in the meta data file? # Does the metadatafile exist? meata_data_filename = 'AURN_metadata.RData' if os.path.isfile(meata_data_filename) is True: print("Meta data file already exists in this directory, will use this") else: print("Downloading Meta data file") # Read the RData file into a Pandas dataframe metadata = pyreadr.read_r(meata_data_filename) # In the following we now download the data. Here we have a number of options # - Specify the years to download data for # - Specify the local authority[ies] to download data for # - Download data for all authorities # Downloading site data for a specific year or years years = [2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020] # If a single year is passed then convert to a list with a single value if type(years) is int: years = [years] current_year =
pass elif url[0] == "/": url = baseURL + url else: url = baseURL + "/" + url urllist.add(url) for url in urllist: filename = url.split("/")[-1] if not os.path.isfile(filename.replace(" ", "%20")): time.sleep(1) if url[-3:] == "pdf": response = requests.get(url) if not response.status_code > 400: url = url.replace(" ", "%20") print("Downloading: " + url) else: print("404 for this guy: " + url) elif url[-3:] == "html": print(url) response = requests.get(url) if not response.status_code > 400: url = url.replace(" ", "%20") print("Downloading: " + url) else: print("404 for this guy: " + url) elif url[-1] == "/": p = re.compile("(crd\d{4})") m =
async def ytmusic(client, message: Message): global is_downloading if is_downloading: await message.reply_text( "Another download is in progress, try again after sometime.") return urlissed = get_text(message) pablo = await client.send_message(, f"`Getting {urlissed} From Youtube Servers. Please Wait.`") if not urlissed: await pablo.edit( "Invalid Command Syntax, Please Check Help Menu To Know More!") return search = SearchVideos(f"{urlissed}", offset=1, mode="dict", max_results=1) mi = search.result() mio = mi["search_result"] mo = mio[0]["link"] thum = mio[0]["title"] fridayz = mio[0]["id"] thums = mio[0]["channel"] kekme = f"{fridayz}/hqdefault.jpg" await asyncio.sleep(0.6) url = mo sedlyf = opts = { "format": "best", "addmetadata": True, "key": "FFmpegMetadata", "prefer_ffmpeg": True, "geo_bypass": True, "nocheckcertificate": True, "postprocessors": [{ "key": "FFmpegVideoConvertor", "preferedformat": "mp4" }], "outtmpl": "%(id)s.mp4", "logtostderr": False, "quiet": True, } try: is_downloading = True with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(opts) as ytdl: infoo = ytdl.extract_info(url, False) duration = round(infoo["duration"] / 60) if duration > 8: await pablo.edit( f"❌ Videos longer than 8 minute(s) aren't allowed, the provided video is {duration} minute(s)" ) is_downloading = False return ytdl_data = ytdl.extract_info(url, download=True) except Exception as e: #await pablo.edit(event, f"**Failed To Download** \n**Error :** `{str(e)}`") is_downloading = False return c_time = time.time() file_stark = f"{ytdl_data['id']}.mp4" capy = f"**Video Name ➠** `{thum}` \n**Requested For :** `{urlissed}` \n**Channel :** `{thums}` \n**Link :** `{mo}`" await client.send_video(, video=open(file_stark, "rb"), duration=int(ytdl_data["duration"]), file_name=str(ytdl_data["title"]), thumb=sedlyf, caption=capy, supports_streaming=True, progress=progress, progress_args=(pablo, c_time, f'`Uploading {urlissed} Song From YouTube Music!`', file_stark)) await pablo.delete() is_downloading = False for files in (sedlyf, file_stark): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)
import pandas as pd import wget from os import path from time import strftime, sleep # chk if file exist, if not download from LSE url tmpfilename = 'tmp-' + str(strftime("%Y-%m")) + '-issues-IPOs.xlsx' if path.exists('tmpdir/' + tmpfilename) == False: ## web UI = # url1 = '' filexlsx = 'New issues and IPOs_1.xlsx' + filexlsx, out='tmpdir/' + tmpfilename) sleep(2) dataexcel = pd.read_excel( 'tmpdir/' + tmpfilename, sheet_name='New Issues and IPOs', skiprows=range(6), usecols=['Company', 'Date', 'Issue Price', 'Currency']) comp_list = dataexcel['Company'].tolist() date_list = dataexcel['Date'].tolist() price_list = dataexcel['Issue Price'].fillna(0).tolist() currc_list = dataexcel['Currency'].replace('GBX', 'GBP').fillna('PENCE').tolist() company = [x for x in comp_list][::-1] datejoin = [ for x in date_list][::-1] priceone = [x for x in price_list][::-1] currency = [x for x in currc_list][::-1]
def __init__(self, config): "", "model") self.model = fasttext.load_model("model")
# получаем url и скачиваем картинку p_url_img ='.series__img-wrap') string = p_url_img[0] print(p_url_img) ser_img = re.findall(fnd_src, str(p_url_img)) # Вынимаем название серии и дату p_tit ='.series__item .series__item-title') p_dat ='.series__month-day .series__item-month') # получаем адрес серии p_block ='.series__link-block') for ser in range(ser_num): print(ser, ser_img[ser]) filename =[ser]) os.rename(filename, u'' + os.getcwd() + '/' + filename) ser_title = p_tit[ser].getText() ser_dat = p_dat[ser].getText() print('Серия: ' + str(ser) + ' ' + ser_title + ' дата:' + ser_dat) result = re.findall(fnd_href, str(p_block[ser])) # скачиваем s1 = requests.get('' + result[0]) p = bs4.BeautifulSoup(s1.text, "html.parser") # получаем анонс p_anons ='.brand__anons-text') ser_anons = p_anons[0].getText() print( 'Анонс: \n для ют. Православная энциклопедия ТВЦ \n для фб. #Православная_энциклопедия\n'
import argparse import wget # download dependencies if not os.path.exists('data'): DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) DATA_DIR = os.path.join(DIRNAME, 'data') os.mkdir(DATA_DIR) ANNOTATIONS_TO_DOWNLOAD = [ ('','nq-annotations.jsonl'), ('', 'triviaqa-annotations.jsonl'), ('','webquestions-annotations.jsonl') ] for link, dest in ANNOTATIONS_TO_DOWNLOAD:, os.path.join(DATA_DIR, dest)) ANNOTATIONS = [ 'total', 'question_overlap', 'no_question_overlap', 'answer_overlap', 'no_answer_overlap', 'answer_overlap_only' ] DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ANNOTATION_PATHS = { 'triviaqa': os.path.join(DIRNAME, 'data/triviaqa-annotations.jsonl'),
print('Его нельзя: ' + link) elif link.find('youtube') != -1: print('Его нельзя: ' + link) elif link.find('') != -1: print('Яма: ' + link) else: print(link) response = requests.get(link) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser').find('div', class_='download') print(soup) if soup != None: soup = soup.__str__() for i in BeautifulSoup(soup, 'html.parser').find_all('a', href=True):['href'], 'Oxxymiron_where_test.mp3') audio = MP3("Oxxymiron_where_test.mp3") print("Track: " + audio.get("TIT2").text[0]) #try:print("Text: " + audio.get("USLT")) #except AttributeError: print('Нет текста') print('Lenght: ' + str( print('Info: ' + audio2 = MP3("Oxxymiron_where.mp3") if audio2.get("TIT2") == audio.get( "TIT2" ) and == and ) == print("Это подлинный") else:
def download(zip_path, path, to_download=True): with ZipFile(, path), 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(path)
# Where did you save your output from the Cross Validation fits? #prophet_analysis_path = "/AURN_prophet_analysis" prophet_analysis_path= 'C:/Users/Dave/Documents/Code/AURN_prophet_analysis' #Path(prophet_analysis_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) meta_data_url = "" data_url = "" # Do you want to check the sites listed in the meta data file? # Does the metadatafile exist? meata_data_filename = 'AURN_metadata.RData' if os.path.isfile(meata_data_filename) is True: print("Meta data file already exists in this directory, will use this") else: print("Downloading Meta data file") # Read the RData file into a Pandas dataframe metadata = pyreadr.read_r(meata_data_filename) # We do not download any AURN data in this script, since this will have taken # place during the Prophet fitting process # Nonetheless we can still choose to look at individual authorities manual_selection = True save_to_csv = False site_data_dict=dict() site_data_dict_name=dict() diurnal_plot = True if manual_selection is True:
def main(argv): global logger, resultsFile, requiresAuth, user, pwd, queryListTxt, queries, runs, outliers, warmups, parallell, endpoint configfile = False config = False # Read Config file try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hc:",["config="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print (' -c <configfile>') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print (' -c <configfile>') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-c", "--config"): configfile = arg if not configfile: print ('No config file given, usage:') print (' -c <configfile>') sys.exit(2) else: print ('Config file is "', configfile) config = yaml.safe_load(open(configfile)) if not config or config is None: print ('Invalid config file given, try again or check the path to the config file, usage:') print (' -c <configfile>') sys.exit(2) else: print ('Loaded config') print (config) ##Set Benchmarker Parameters #Log file logger = logging.getLogger('Logger') fhandler = logging.FileHandler(filename='output.log', mode='a') formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') fhandler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(fhandler) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.propagate = False #Store under test store = config['storeUnderTest'] #Runner url = "" fname = "sparql-query-bm-distribution.tar.gz" dirname = "sparql-query-bm-2.1.0" totalRuns = config['totalRuns'] #1 immediate, one after fixed time, one control run after same time interval timeInterval = config['timeInterval'] #in seconds checkDataLoaded = config['check_data_loaded'] #Target Endpoint endpoint = config['endpoint'] sparqlEndpoint = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint) requiresAuth = config['requiresAuth'] user = config['user'] pwd = config['pwd'] if requiresAuth: sparqlEndpoint.setCredentials(user, pwd) #Dataset firstTriple = config['firstTriple'] lastTriple = config['lastTriple'] #Queries queryListName = config['queryListName'] queryList = config['queryListSource'] + queryListName queryListTxt = queryListName[:-3]+"txt" queriesName = config['queriesName'] queries = config['queryListSource'] + queriesName + ".tar.gz" #Benchmark runs = config['runs'] outliers = config['outliers'] warmups = config['warmups'] parallell = config['parallell'] resultsFile = "results_"+store #Install if necessary the Benchmarker Software if not os.path.isfile(fname): print ("Downloading: " + str(fname)) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): print ("Untarring to dir: " + str(dirname)) untar(fname) else: print ("SPARQL Benchmarker already present in dir: " + str(dirname)) #Retrieve the queries if not os.path.isfile(queryListName): print ("Downloading: " +str(queryListName)) print("wget: " + str(queryList)) else: print ("Query list already present: " + str(queryListName)) if not os.path.isfile(queryListTxt): shutil.copyfile(queryListName, queryListTxt) if not os.path.isfile(queriesName + ".tar.gz"): print ("Downloading: " + str(queriesName)) if not os.path.isdir(queriesName): print ("Untarring to dir: " + str(queriesName)) extract(str(queriesName) + ".tar.gz") else: print ("Queries already present in dir: " + str(queriesName)) #Test if the endpoint is up and data is loaded and execute run time.sleep(30) if checkDataLoaded: while ( not hasTriple(sparqlEndpoint, firstTriple) ) or (not hasTriple(sparqlEndpoint, lastTriple) ):"This polls once a minute until data is loaded.") time.sleep(60)"All data is loaded.") print("All data is loaded.")"Running Queries") print("Running Queries") for x in range(0, totalRuns):"Run %s of %s" % (x, totalRuns)) print("Run %s of %s" % (x, totalRuns)) rProc = run(x) trace(rProc)"Waiting %s for next run" % (timeInterval)) print("Waiting %s for next run" % (timeInterval)) time.sleep(timeInterval)
def get_nvd_feed(): url = '' # NVD Feed URL command = 'unzip -o' # Unzip json.gz file os.system(command)
imgplot.set_cmap('gray') image = Image.fromarray( tile_raster_images(X=W.numpy().T[10:11], img_shape=(28, 28), tile_shape=(1, 1), tile_spacing=(1, 1))) ### Plot image plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (4.0, 4.0) imgplot = plt.imshow(image) imgplot.set_cmap('gray') #>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Evaluation<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< if os.path.isfile('destructed3.jpg') is False: url = '', 'destructed3.jpg') img ='destructed3.jpg') # convert the image to a 1d numpy array sample_case = np.array(img.convert('I').resize((28, 28))).ravel().reshape( (1, -1)) / 255.0 sample_case = tf.cast(sample_case, dtype=tf.float32) hh0_p = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(sample_case, W) + hb) hh0_s = tf.round(hh0_p) print("Probability nodes in hidden layer:", hh0_p) print("activated nodes in hidden layer:", hh0_s) # reconstruct
# Setup folders print("Setting up install directories at /opt/caai") if not os.path.exists('/opt/caai'): Path('/opt/caai').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.exists('/opt/caai/share'): Path('/opt/caai/share').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.exists('/opt/caai/bin'): Path('/opt/caai/bin').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.exists('/opt/caai/rhscripts'): Path('/opt/caai/rhscripts').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Download models if not os.path.exists(''): print('Downloading models for DeepMRAC') url = "", '') print("") # Unzip models if not os.path.exists('/opt/caai/share/DeepMRAC'): print("Extracting models") with zipfile.ZipFile('', 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall('/opt/caai/share/DeepMRAC') # Install scripts print("Installing run scripts") copyfile('scripts/', '/opt/caai/bin/') copymode('scripts/', '/opt/caai/bin/')
# downloads the .bz2 file from the internet import wget, os if not os.path.isfile('first_actual_attempt/2015-12.bz2'):'', 'first_actual_attempt/2015-12.bz2')
import pandas as pd import os import wget import zipfile import glob file = '/home/UA/jschroder/Downloads/ned_111.csv' df = pd.read_csv(file,index_col=0) DL_NED1 = '/workspace/Shared/Users/jschroder/TMP/DL_YQ' if not os.path.exists(DL_NED1): os.makedirs(DL_NED1) for i,k in zip(df.downloadURL , range(1,len(df.downloadURL)+1)) : print 'downloading %s out of %s' %(k , len(df.downloadURL)),out=DL_NED1) for j in os.listdir(DL_NED1): zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(DL_NED1,j)) zfile.extractall(DL_NED1) a = DL_NED1 ls = [ os.path.join(a,i) for i in glob.glob(os.path.join(a,'*.img')) ] tiles = ' '.join(map(str,ls)) full = os.path.join(a,'full.img') full2 = os.path.join(a,'full3.img') fulltiff =os.path.join(a,'full3.tif')
if __name__ == '__main__': # 判断是否有新版本,没有新版本退出 ver_url = '' ver_fname = '/var/www/deploy/live_ver' if not has_new_ver(ver_url, ver_fname): print('未发现新版本。') exit(1) # 下载新版本文件 r = requests.get(ver_url) ver_num = r.text.strip() # 去掉结尾的\n down_dir = '/var/www/download' app_url = '' % ver_num, down_dir) # 校验文件是否损坏,如果文件已损坏,则删除损坏文件并退出 app_fname = app_url.split('/')[-1] app_fname = os.path.join(down_dir, app_fname) md5_url = app_url + '.md5' if not file_ok(app_fname, md5_url): os.remove(app_fname) print('文件已损坏') exit(2) # 部署新版本 deploy_dir = '/var/www/deploy' dest = '/var/www/html/nsd1907' deploy(app_fname, deploy_dir, dest)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import wget url = '', '/c/SDE-JS/Python/mycode/credmaker/csv_users.txt') outFile = open("admin.rc", "a") osAUTH = input("What is the OS_AUTH_URL?") print("export OS_AUTH_URL=" + osAUTH, file=outFile) print("export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=3", file=outFile) osPROJ = input("What is the OS_PROJECT_NAME?") print("export OS_PROJECT_NAME=" + osPROJ, file=outFile) osPROJDOM = input("What is the OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME?") print("export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=" + osPROJDOM, file=outFile) osUSER = input("What is the OS_USERNAME?") print("export OS_USERNAME="******"What is the OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME?") print("export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=" + osUSERDOM, file=outFile) osPASS = input("What is the OS_PASSWORD?") print("export OS_PASSWORD=" + osPASS, file=outFile) outFile.close()
import requests n = 2 for i in range(n): API_URL = '' #API_KEY = 'i0cgsdYL3hpeOGkoGmA2TxzJ8LbbU1HpbkZo8B3kFG2bRKjx3V' #headers = {'UserAPI-Key': API_KEY} response = requests.get('{}'.format(API_URL)) data = response.json() print(str(i) + " " + data['status'] + "-" + data['message']) if (data['status'] == "success"): fileurl = data['message'] urlsplit = fileurl.split('/') breed = urlsplit[4] fname = urlsplit[5] newfilename = "images/" + breed + "---" + fname # print(breed+"---"+fname) # print(newfilename) import wget file_name = import os os.rename(fname, newfilename)
async def ytmusic(client, message: Message): global is_downloading if is_downloading: await message.reply_text( "Downloadan yang lain sedang berlangsung, coba lagi nanti") return urlissed = get_text(message) pablo = await client.send_message(, f"`Mendapatkan {urlissed} Dari Youtube. Tunggu Sebentar.`") if not urlissed: await pablo.edit( "Sintaks Perintah Tidak Valid, Silakan Periksa Menu Help Untuk Mengetahui Lebih Lanjut!" ) return search = SearchVideos(f"{urlissed}", offset=1, mode="dict", max_results=1) mi = search.result() mio = mi["search_result"] mo = mio[0]["link"] thum = mio[0]["title"] fridayz = mio[0]["id"] thums = mio[0]["channel"] kekme = f"{fridayz}/hqdefault.jpg" await asyncio.sleep(0.6) url = mo sedlyf = opts = { "format": "best", "addmetadata": True, "key": "FFmpegMetadata", "prefer_ffmpeg": True, "geo_bypass": True, "nocheckcertificate": True, "postprocessors": [{ "key": "FFmpegVideoConvertor", "preferedformat": "mp4" }], "outtmpl": "%(id)s.mp4", "logtostderr": False, "quiet": True, } try: is_downloading = True with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(opts) as ytdl: infoo = ytdl.extract_info(url, False) duration = round(infoo["duration"] / 60) if duration > 10: await pablo.edit( f"❌ Video berdurasi lebih dari 10 menit tidak diperbolehkan, video yang disediakan diperbolehkan {duration} minute(s)" ) is_downloading = False return ytdl_data = ytdl.extract_info(url, download=True) except Exception as e: #await pablo.edit(event, f"**Failed To Download** \n**Error :** `{str(e)}`") is_downloading = False return c_time = time.time() file_stark = f"{ytdl_data['id']}.mp4" capy = f"**Nama Video ➠** `{thum}` \n**Requested For :** `{urlissed}` \n**Channel :** `{thums}` \n**Link :** `{mo}`" await client.send_video(, video=open(file_stark, "rb"), duration=int(ytdl_data["duration"]), file_name=str(ytdl_data["title"]), thumb=sedlyf, caption=capy, supports_streaming=True, progress=progress, progress_args=(pablo, c_time, f'`Uploading {urlissed} Song From YouTube Music!`', file_stark)) await pablo.delete() is_downloading = False for files in (sedlyf, file_stark): if files and os.path.exists(files): os.remove(files)
async def mudapk(client, message): pablo = await edit_or_reply(message, "`Searching For Mod App.....`") sgname = get_text(message) if not sgname: await pablo.edit( "`Please Give Me A Valid Input. You Can Check Help Menu To Know More!`" ) return PabloEscobar = ( f"{sgname}&do=search&subaction=search") r = requests.get(PabloEscobar) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "html5lib") mydivs = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "search-results"}) Pop = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "title"}) try: sucker = mydivs[0] except IndexError: await pablo.edit("**404 Mod App Not Found!") return pH9 = sucker.find("a").contents[0] file_name = pH9 pH = sucker.findAll("img") imme =[0]["src"]) Pablo = Pop[0].a["href"] ro = requests.get(Pablo) soup = BeautifulSoup(ro.content, "html5lib") mydis = soup.find_all("a", {"class": "get-product"}) Lol = mydis[0] lemk = "" + Lol["href"] print(lemk) rr = requests.get(lemk) soup = BeautifulSoup(rr.content, "html5lib") script = soup.find("script", type="text/javascript") leek ='href=[\'"]?([^\'" >]+)', script.text).group() dl_link = leek[5:] r = requests.get(dl_link) await pablo.edit("Downloading Mod App") ca = f"**App Name :** `{file_name}` \n\n**Uploaded Using @cpbotOT**" open(f"{file_name}.apk", "wb").write(r.content) c_time = time.time() await pablo.edit(f"`Downloaded {file_name}! Now Uploading APK...`") await client.send_document(, document=open(f"{file_name}.apk", "rb"), thumb=imme, caption=ca, progress=progress, progress_args=( pablo, c_time, f"`Uploading {file_name} Mod App`", f"{file_name}.apk", ), ) os.remove(f"{file_name}.apk") os.remove(imme) await pablo.delete()
def phibase_mapping(base): phi_base_blast_raw_df = pd.read_csv( f"{base}/phibase/phibase_blast_raw.out", sep="\t", header=None) phi_base_blast_mapping_df = pd.read_csv( f"{base}/phibase/f_culmorum_phi_mapping.txt", sep="\t") phi_base_blast_mapping_df.columns = ['Gene', 'Protein ID'] phi_fn = '', out=f"{base}/phibase/") phi_df = pd.read_csv(phi_fn, sep=",") # Remove unamed columns phi_df.drop(phi_df.columns[phi_df.columns.str.contains('unnamed', case=False)], axis=1, inplace=True) col_names = phi_df.columns col_names_list = list(col_names) phenotype_names = [x for x in col_names_list if 'phenotype' in x.lower()] phi_series = phi_df['Pathogen species'].str.upper() fusarium_index = phi_series[phi_series.str.contains( "FUSARIUM")].index # 26 instances of Fusarium fusarium_phi = phi_df[phi_df.index.isin( fusarium_index)] # fusarium specific Phi results updated_fusarium_df = fusarium_phi[[ 'Gene', 'Gene ID', 'Protein ID', 'Host species', 'Pathogen species', 'Disease', 'Mutant Phenotype' ]] updated_fusarium_df.reset_index(inplace=True) del updated_fusarium_df['index'] disease_df = phibase_aggregate(updated_fusarium_df, 'Disease') disease_df.to_csv(f"{base}/phibase/fusarium-phibase-disease.txt", sep="\t", index=None) phenotype_df = phibase_aggregate(updated_fusarium_df, 'Mutant Phenotype') phenotype_df.to_csv(f"{base}/phibase/fusarium-phibase-phenotype.txt", sep="\t", index=None) gene_mapping_fusarium_phi_df = fusarium_phi[[ 'Gene', 'Gene ID', 'Protein ID' ]] gene_mapping_fusarium_phi_df.columns = [ 'Gene name', 'Gene ID', 'Protein ID' ] phi_base_blast_mapping_df = phi_base_blast_mapping_df.drop_duplicates( subset='Gene', keep='first') gene_name_phibase_merged = pd.merge(phi_base_blast_mapping_df, gene_mapping_fusarium_phi_df, on="Protein ID", how='inner') gene_name_phibase_merged = gene_name_phibase_merged[['Gene', 'Gene name']] gene_name_phibase_merged = gene_name_phibase_merged.drop_duplicates( subset='Gene name', keep='first') updated_gene_names = [] for name in gene_name_phibase_merged['Gene name']: if name.startswith("("): updated_gene_names.append(name.replace("(", "").replace(")", "")) elif "(" in name: updated_gene_names.append(name.split('(', 1)[0]) else: updated_gene_names.append(name) gene_name_phibase_merged['Gene name'] = updated_gene_names gene_name_phibase_merged['Gene'] = gene_name_phibase_merged[ 'Gene'].str.replace("T", "G") gene_name_phibase_merged.to_csv( f"{base}/phibase/fusarium-phi-gene-mapping.txt", sep="\t", index=None) phi_base_blast_raw_df = phi_base_blast_raw_df.drop_duplicates(subset=0, keep='first') phi_base_blast_raw_df.to_csv(f"{base}/phibase/phibase-blast-filtered.txt", sep="\t", index=None)
import os os.getcwd() import time import selenium from selenium import webdriver from import By driver = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='/home/jerry/Documents/Develop/chromedriver') import wget import urllib.request url = '' driver.get(url=url) #elements=driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, '//img[@class="search-product-wrap-img"]') elements = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, '//img[@class="rg_i Q4LuWd"]') down_path = '/home/jerry/Documents/Develop/pictures/' for element in elements: src = element.get_attribute('src') #img_txt = src.split('/')[-1] image_name = down_path #+img_txt, out=image_name) #islrg > div.islrc > div:nth-child(4) > a.wXeWr.islib.nfEiy.mM5pbd > div.bRMDJf.islir > img # 한글 지원 # 잘되네 well done
print("Directory " + folderName + " already exists") if not os.path.exists(fileFolderName): os.mkdir(fileFolderName) print("Directory " + fileFolderName + " Created ") else: print("Directory " + fileFolderName + " already exists") i = 0 for doc_id in doc_id_list: url_final = url_descarga_1 + doc_id + url_descarga_2 file_path = os.path.join( fileFolderName, date_name + "&" + number_list[i] + "&" + entry_number_list[i]) print("\n" + file_path) file_extension = utils.get_extension(url_final) file_complete_path = file_path + "." + file_extension if os.path.exists(file_complete_path): os.remove(file_complete_path) file_name =, file_complete_path) if (file_extension != "pdf"): utils.convert_to_pdf(file_name) i = i + 1 input("\nPress any key to close")
print("MODEL_URL: " + MODEL_URL) assert MODEL_URL is not None # Get an unique ID ID = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Create an empty dir MODEL_FOLDER = join('models', ID) if exists(MODEL_FOLDER): shutil.rmtree(MODEL_FOLDER) makedirs(MODEL_FOLDER) print("MODEL_FOLDER: " + MODEL_FOLDER) print("Downloading...") filename =, MODEL_FOLDER) print("FILENAME: " + filename) print("OK") print("Extracting...") dataset_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filename) dataset_zip.extractall(MODEL_FOLDER) dataset_zip.close() remove(filename) print("OK") MODEL_PATH = None LABELS_PATH = None TEXT_PATH = None for file in listdir(MODEL_FOLDER): if file.endswith(".pt") or file.endswith(".pth") or file.endswith(".weights"):
input_manager.start() QueueManager.register('get_output_queue', callable=lambda: output_queue) output_manager = QueueManager(address=(HOST, OUTPUT_PORT), authkey=OUTPUT_AUTH) output_manager.start() model_file = 'efficientnet-edgetpu-M_quant_edgetpu.tflite' model_name = 'efficientnet-edgetpu-M' model_path = 'data/models/' + model_name + '/' + model_file base_url = '' url = base_url + model_name + '/' + model_file if not os.path.isfile(model_path): print('model does not exist, downloading from ', url), model_path) def main(): interpreter = Interpreter( model_path, experimental_delegates=[load_delegate("")]) interpreter.allocate_tensors() input_details = interpreter.get_input_details() output_details = interpreter.get_output_details() input_queue = input_manager.get_input_queue() output_queue = output_manager.get_output_queue() print(
def retrieve_fasta_files(): # Fusarium oxysporum fn_f_oxy_ensembl = '', f'{base}/ensembl/fusarium_oxysporum.pep.fa.gz') fn_f_oxy_ensembl = unzip_tidy(fn_f_oxy_ensembl, f'{base}/ensembl/') # Read fasta file then filter it with open(f'{fn_f_oxy_ensembl}', "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_ensembl_records(fn_f_oxy_ensembl), handle, "fasta") # A nidulans agdb fn_f_nidulans_agdb = '', f'{base}/agdb/a_nidulans_orf.fa.gz') fn_f_nidulans_agdb = unzip_tidy(fn_f_nidulans_agdb, '') with open(f'{fn_f_nidulans_agdb}', "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_ensembl_records(fn_f_nidulans_agdb), handle, "fasta") # A nidulans Ensembl fn_a_nid_ensembl = '', f'{base}/ensembl/a_nidulans.pep.fa.gz') fn_a_nid_ensembl = unzip_tidy(fn_a_nid_ensembl, '') with open(f'{fn_a_nid_ensembl}', "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_ensembl_records(fn_a_nid_ensembl), handle, "fasta") # A nidulans UniProt fn_a_nidulans_uniprot = '', f'{base}/uniprot/a_nidulans_uniprot.fa') with open(fn_a_nidulans_uniprot, "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_records(fn_a_nidulans_uniprot, '|'), handle, "fasta") # Fusarium graminearum fn_gram_ensembl = '', f'{base}/ensembl/fusarium_graminearum.pep.fa.gz') fn_gram_ensembl = unzip_tidy(fn_gram_ensembl, f'{base}/ensembl/') with open(f'{fn_gram_ensembl}', "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_ensembl_records(fn_gram_ensembl), handle, "fasta") # Fusarium gram UniProt fn_gram_uniprot = '', f'{base}/uniprot/fusarium_gram_uniprot.fa') with open(fn_gram_uniprot, "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_records(fn_gram_uniprot, '|'), handle, "fasta") # Fusarium lang Ensembl fn_lang_ensembl = '', f'{base}/ensembl/fusarium_lang_uniprot.fa.gz') fn_lang_ensembl = unzip_tidy(fn_lang_ensembl, f'') with open(f'{fn_lang_ensembl}', "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_ensembl_records(fn_lang_ensembl), handle, "fasta") # Fusarium pesudo Ensembl fn_psuedo_ensembl = '', f'{base}/ensembl/fusarium_pseudogram.pep.fa.gz') fn_psuedo_ensembl = unzip_tidy(fn_psuedo_ensembl, '') with open(f'{fn_psuedo_ensembl}', "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_ensembl_records(fn_psuedo_ensembl), handle, "fasta") # Fusarium pesudo uniprot fn_pesudo_uniprot = '', f'{base}/uniprot/fusarium_pseudogram_uniprot.fa') with open(fn_pesudo_uniprot, "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_records(fn_pesudo_uniprot, '|'), handle, "fasta") # Fusarium venenatum Ensembl fn_venea_ensembl = '', f'{base}/ensembl/fusarim_venenatum.fa.gz') fn_venea_ensembl = unzip_tidy(fn_venea_ensembl, '') with open(f'{fn_venea_ensembl}', "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_ensembl_records(fn_venea_ensembl), handle, "fasta") # Fusarium evenen UniProt fn_venea_uniprot = '', f'{base}/uniprot/fusarium_evenen_uniprot.fa') with open(fn_venea_uniprot, "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_records(fn_venea_uniprot, '|'), handle, "fasta") # Magna Oryzae Ensembl fn_magna_oryzae_ensembl = '', f'{base}/ensembl/magna_oryzae_ensembl.pep.all.fa.gz') fn_magna_oryzae_ensembl = unzip_tidy(fn_magna_oryzae_ensembl, '') with open(f'{fn_magna_oryzae_ensembl}', "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_ensembl_records(fn_magna_oryzae_ensembl), handle, "fasta") # Magna Oryzae UniProt fn_magna_oryzae_uniprot = '', f'{base}/uniprot/magna_oryzae_uniprot.fa') with open(fn_magna_oryzae_uniprot, "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_records(fn_magna_oryzae_uniprot, '|'), handle, "fasta") # Ncrassa UniProt fn_ncrassa_uniprot = '', f'{base}/uniprot/ncrassa_uniprot.fa') with open(fn_ncrassa_uniprot, "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_records(fn_ncrassa_uniprot, '|'), handle, "fasta") # Secrev UniProt fn_s_cerevisiae_uniprot = '', f'{base}/uniprot/s_cerevisiae_uniprot.fa') with open(fn_s_cerevisiae_uniprot, "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_records(fn_s_cerevisiae_uniprot, '|'), handle, "fasta") # Secrev YGD fn_s_cerevisiae_YGD = '', f'{base}/YGD/s_cerevisiae_YGD.fa.gz') fn_s_cerevisiae_YGD = unzip_tidy(fn_s_cerevisiae_YGD, '') ygd_id, hgnc = [], [] with open(fn_s_cerevisiae_YGD, "r+") as handle: for v in handle: if ">" in v: ygd_id.append(v.split(" ")[0].replace(">", "")) hgnc.append(v.split(" ")[1]) ygd_mapping_df = pd.DataFrame({'YGD ID': ygd_id, 'HGNC': hgnc}) ygd_mapping_df.to_csv(f'{base}/mapping/ygd_hgnc_mapping.txt', sep="\t", index=None) with open(f'{fn_s_cerevisiae_YGD}', "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_ensembl_records(fn_s_cerevisiae_YGD), handle, "fasta") # Zymo Ensembl fn_z_trici = '', f'{base}/ensembl/zymoseptoria_tritici.fa.gz') fn_z_trici = unzip_tidy(fn_z_trici, '') with open(f'{fn_z_trici}', "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_ensembl_records(fn_z_trici), handle, "fasta") # Zymo UniProt fn_z_trici_uniprot = '[1276529]%22', f'{base}/uniprot/zymoseptoria_tritici_uniprot.fa') with open(fn_z_trici_uniprot, "r+") as handle: SeqIO.write(yield_records(fn_z_trici_uniprot, '|'), handle, "fasta")