Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_delete_eqh(self):
        emm = factory.EmmFactory(eqt=models.EqtEquipmentTypeCode.objects.get(pk=4))
        eqh = factory.EqhFactory(emm=emm)
        test_url = reverse_lazy(self.signature, args=[eqh.emm.pk, ])
        self.assert_success_url(test_url, user=self.user)

        # for delete views...
        self.assertEqual(models.EmmMakeModel.objects.filter(pk=eqh.emm.pk).count(), 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_emm_eqh_hydrophones(self):
        eqt = models.EqtEquipmentTypeCode.objects.get(pk=4)
        emm = Factory.EmmFactory(eqt=eqt)
        # create an Eqh object from the factory, in theory it should share the emm object
        # when emm.hydrophone is called there should be a single matching entry
        eqh = Factory.EqhFactory(emm=emm)

        hydrophone = emm.hydrophone
        self.assertEquals(eqh, hydrophone)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def setUp(self):

        self.data = Factory.EqhFactory.get_valid_data()

        emm = Factory.EmmFactory(pk=4)
        obj = Factory.EqhFactory(emm=emm)

        self.test_url = reverse_lazy('whalesdb:update_eqh', args=(obj.pk, 'pop',))

        # Since this is intended to be used as a pop-out form, the html file should start with an underscore
        self.test_expected_template = 'shared_models/shared_entry_form.html'

        self.expected_view = views.EqhUpdate

        self.expected_form = forms.EqhForm