Ejemplo n.º 1
    def searchSingle(self, message = None, group = None):
        if not group: group = {}
        if self.isDisabled() or len(group['files']['trailer']) > 0: return

        trailers = fireEvent('trailer.search', group = group, merge = True)
        if not trailers or trailers == []:
            log.info('No trailers found for: %s', getTitle(group))
            return False

        for trailer in trailers.get(self.conf('quality'), []):

            ext = getExt(trailer)
            filename = self.conf('name').replace('<filename>', group['filename']) + ('.%s' % ('mp4' if len(ext) > 5 else ext))
            destination = os.path.join(group['destination_dir'], filename)
            if not os.path.isfile(destination):
                trailer_file = fireEvent('file.download', url = trailer, dest = destination, urlopen_kwargs = {'headers': {'User-Agent': 'Quicktime'}}, single = True)
                if trailer_file and os.path.getsize(trailer_file) < (1024 * 1024):  # Don't trust small trailers (1MB), try next one
                log.debug('Trailer already exists: %s', destination)


            # Download first and break

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def getPoster(self, media, image_urls):
        if 'files' not in media:
            media['files'] = {}

        existing_files = media['files']

        image_type = 'poster'
        file_type = 'image_%s' % image_type

        # Make existing unique
        unique_files = list(set(existing_files.get(file_type, [])))

        # Remove files that can't be found
        for ef in unique_files:
            if not os.path.isfile(ef):

        # Replace new files list
        existing_files[file_type] = unique_files
        if len(existing_files) == 0:
            del existing_files[file_type]

        images = image_urls.get(image_type, [])
        for y in ['SX300', 'tmdb']:
            initially_try = [x for x in images if y in x]
            images[:-1] = initially_try

        # Loop over type
        for image in images:
            if not isinstance(image, (str, unicode)):

            # Check if it has top image
            filename = '%s.%s' % (md5(image), getExt(image))
            existing = existing_files.get(file_type, [])
            has_latest = False
            for x in existing:
                if filename in x:
                    has_latest = True

            if not has_latest or file_type not in existing_files or len(existing_files.get(file_type, [])) == 0:
                file_path = fireEvent('file.download', url = image, single = True)
                if file_path:
                    existing_files[file_type] = [toUnicode(file_path)]
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def download(self, url = '', dest = None, overwrite = False, urlopen_kwargs = None):
        if not urlopen_kwargs: urlopen_kwargs = {}

        # Return response object to stream download
        urlopen_kwargs['stream'] = True

        if not dest:  # to Cache
            dest = os.path.join(Env.get('cache_dir'), ss('%s.%s' % (md5(url), getExt(url))))

        dest = sp(dest)

        if not overwrite and os.path.isfile(dest):
            return dest

            filedata = self.urlopen(url, **urlopen_kwargs)
            log.error('Failed downloading file %s: %s', (url, traceback.format_exc()))
            return False

        self.createFile(dest, filedata, binary = True)
        return dest
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def guess(self, files, extra = None, size = None, use_cache = True):
        if not extra: extra = {}

        # Create hash for cache
        cache_key = str([f.replace('.' + getExt(f), '') if len(getExt(f)) < 4 else f for f in files])
        if use_cache:
            cached = self.getCache(cache_key)
            if cached and len(extra) == 0:
                return cached

        qualities = self.all()

        # Start with 0
        score = {}
        for quality in qualities:
            score[quality.get('identifier')] = {
                'score': 0,
                '3d': {}

        # Use metadata titles as extra check
        if extra and extra.get('titles'):

        for cur_file in files:
            words = re.split('\W+', cur_file.lower())
            name_year = fireEvent('scanner.name_year', cur_file, file_name = cur_file, single = True)
            threed_words = words
            if name_year and name_year.get('name'):
                split_name = splitString(name_year.get('name'), ' ')
                threed_words = [x for x in words if x not in split_name]

            for quality in qualities:
                contains_score = self.containsTagScore(quality, words, cur_file)
                threedscore = self.contains3D(quality, threed_words, cur_file) if quality.get('allow_3d') else (0, None)

                self.calcScore(score, quality, contains_score, threedscore, penalty = contains_score)

        size_scores = []
        for quality in qualities:

            # Evaluate score based on size
            size_score = self.guessSizeScore(quality, size = size)
            loose_score = self.guessLooseScore(quality, extra = extra)

            if size_score > 0:

            self.calcScore(score, quality, size_score + loose_score)

        # Add additional size score if only 1 size validated
        if len(size_scores) == 1:
            self.calcScore(score, size_scores[0], 7)
        del size_scores

        # Return nothing if all scores are <= 0
        has_non_zero = 0
        for s in score:
            if score[s]['score'] > 0:
                has_non_zero += 1

        if not has_non_zero:
            return None

        heighest_quality = max(score, key = lambda p: score[p]['score'])
        if heighest_quality:
            for quality in qualities:
                if quality.get('identifier') == heighest_quality:
                    quality['is_3d'] = False
                    if score[heighest_quality].get('3d'):
                        quality['is_3d'] = True
                    return self.setCache(cache_key, quality)

        return None
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test(s):
     return getExt(s.lower()) in ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'tbn']
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def getNfo(self, files):
     return set(filter(lambda s: getExt(s.lower()) in self.extensions['nfo'], files))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def getSubtitlesExtras(self, files):
     return set(filter(lambda s: getExt(s.lower()) in self.extensions['subtitle_extra'], files))
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def getMovieExtras(self, files):
     return set(filter(lambda s: getExt(s.lower()) in self.extensions['movie_extra'], files))
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test(s):
     return self.filesizeBetween(s, self.file_sizes['movie']) and getExt(s.lower()) in self.extensions['movie'] and not self.isSampleFile(s)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def scan(self, folder = None, files = None, release_download = None, simple = False, newer_than = 0, return_ignored = True, check_file_date = True, on_found = None):

        folder = sp(folder)

        if not folder or not os.path.isdir(folder):
            log.error('Folder doesn\'t exists: %s', folder)
            return {}

        # Get movie "master" files
        movie_files = {}
        leftovers = []

        # Scan all files of the folder if no files are set
        if not files:
                files = []
                for root, dirs, walk_files in os.walk(folder, followlinks=True):
                    files.extend([sp(os.path.join(sp(root), ss(filename))) for filename in walk_files])

                    # Break if CP wants to shut down
                    if self.shuttingDown():

                log.error('Failed getting files from %s: %s', (folder, traceback.format_exc()))

            log.debug('Found %s files to scan and group in %s', (len(files), folder))
            check_file_date = False
            files = [sp(x) for x in files]

        for file_path in files:

            if not os.path.exists(file_path):

            # Remove ignored files
            if self.isSampleFile(file_path):
            elif not self.keepFile(file_path):

            is_dvd_file = self.isDVDFile(file_path)
            if self.filesizeBetween(file_path, self.file_sizes['movie']) or is_dvd_file: # Minimal 300MB files or is DVD file

                # Normal identifier
                identifier = self.createStringIdentifier(file_path, folder, exclude_filename = is_dvd_file)
                identifiers = [identifier]

                # Identifier with quality
                quality = fireEvent('quality.guess', files = [file_path], size = self.getFileSize(file_path), single = True) if not is_dvd_file else {'identifier':'dvdr'}
                if quality:
                    identifier_with_quality = '%s %s' % (identifier, quality.get('identifier', ''))
                    identifiers = [identifier_with_quality, identifier]

                if not movie_files.get(identifier):
                    movie_files[identifier] = {
                        'unsorted_files': [],
                        'identifiers': identifiers,
                        'is_dvd': is_dvd_file,


            # Break if CP wants to shut down
            if self.shuttingDown():

        # Cleanup
        del files

        # Sort reverse, this prevents "Iron man 2" from getting grouped with "Iron man" as the "Iron Man 2"
        # files will be grouped first.
        leftovers = set(sorted(leftovers, reverse = True))

        # Group files minus extension
        ignored_identifiers = []
        for identifier, group in movie_files.items():
            if identifier not in group['identifiers'] and len(identifier) > 0: group['identifiers'].append(identifier)

            log.debug('Grouping files: %s', identifier)

            has_ignored = 0
            for file_path in list(group['unsorted_files']):
                ext = getExt(file_path)
                wo_ext = file_path[:-(len(ext) + 1)]
                found_files = set([i for i in leftovers if wo_ext in i])
                leftovers = leftovers - found_files

                has_ignored += 1 if ext == 'ignore' else 0

            if has_ignored == 0:
                for file_path in list(group['unsorted_files']):
                    ext = getExt(file_path)
                    has_ignored += 1 if ext == 'ignore' else 0

            if has_ignored > 0:

            # Break if CP wants to shut down
            if self.shuttingDown():

        # Create identifiers for all leftover files
        path_identifiers = {}
        for file_path in leftovers:
            identifier = self.createStringIdentifier(file_path, folder)

            if not path_identifiers.get(identifier):
                path_identifiers[identifier] = []


        # Group the files based on the identifier
        delete_identifiers = []
        for identifier, found_files in path_identifiers.items():
            log.debug('Grouping files on identifier: %s', identifier)

            group = movie_files.get(identifier)
            if group:

                # Remove the found files from the leftover stack
                leftovers = leftovers - set(found_files)

            # Break if CP wants to shut down
            if self.shuttingDown():

        # Cleaning up used
        for identifier in delete_identifiers:
            if path_identifiers.get(identifier):
                del path_identifiers[identifier]
        del delete_identifiers

        # Group based on folder
        delete_identifiers = []
        for identifier, found_files in path_identifiers.items():
            log.debug('Grouping files on foldername: %s', identifier)

            for ff in found_files:
                new_identifier = self.createStringIdentifier(os.path.dirname(ff), folder)

                group = movie_files.get(new_identifier)
                if group:

                    # Remove the found files from the leftover stack
                    leftovers -= leftovers - set([ff])

            # Break if CP wants to shut down
            if self.shuttingDown():

        # leftovers should be empty
        if leftovers:
            log.debug('Some files are still left over: %s', leftovers)

        # Cleaning up used
        for identifier in delete_identifiers:
            if path_identifiers.get(identifier):
                del path_identifiers[identifier]
        del delete_identifiers

        # Make sure we remove older / still extracting files
        valid_files = {}
        while True and not self.shuttingDown():
                identifier, group = movie_files.popitem()

            # Check if movie is fresh and maybe still unpacking, ignore files newer than 1 minute
            if check_file_date:
                files_too_new, time_string = self.checkFilesChanged(group['unsorted_files'])
                if files_too_new:
                    log.info('Files seem to be still unpacking or just unpacked (created on %s), ignoring for now: %s', (time_string, identifier))

                    # Delete the unsorted list
                    del group['unsorted_files']


            # Only process movies newer than x
            if newer_than and newer_than > 0:
                has_new_files = False
                for cur_file in group['unsorted_files']:
                    file_time = self.getFileTimes(cur_file)
                    if file_time[0] > newer_than or file_time[1] > newer_than:
                        has_new_files = True

                if not has_new_files:
                    log.debug('None of the files have changed since %s for %s, skipping.', (time.ctime(newer_than), identifier))

                    # Delete the unsorted list
                    del group['unsorted_files']


            valid_files[identifier] = group

        del movie_files

        total_found = len(valid_files)

        # Make sure only one movie was found if a download ID is provided
        if release_download and total_found == 0:
            log.info('Download ID provided (%s), but no groups found! Make sure the download contains valid media files (fully extracted).', release_download.get('imdb_id'))
        elif release_download and total_found > 1:
            log.info('Download ID provided (%s), but more than one group found (%s). Ignoring Download ID...', (release_download.get('imdb_id'), len(valid_files)))
            release_download = None

        # Determine file types
        processed_movies = {}
        while True and not self.shuttingDown():
                identifier, group = valid_files.popitem()

            if return_ignored is False and identifier in ignored_identifiers:
                log.debug('Ignore file found, ignoring release: %s', identifier)
                total_found -= 1

            # Group extra (and easy) files first
            group['files'] = {
                'movie_extra': self.getMovieExtras(group['unsorted_files']),
                'subtitle': self.getSubtitles(group['unsorted_files']),
                'subtitle_extra': self.getSubtitlesExtras(group['unsorted_files']),
                'nfo': self.getNfo(group['unsorted_files']),
                'trailer': self.getTrailers(group['unsorted_files']),
                'leftover': set(group['unsorted_files']),

            # Media files
            if group['is_dvd']:
                group['files']['movie'] = self.getDVDFiles(group['unsorted_files'])
                group['files']['movie'] = self.getMediaFiles(group['unsorted_files'])

            if len(group['files']['movie']) == 0:
                log.error('Couldn\'t find any movie files for %s', identifier)
                total_found -= 1

            log.debug('Getting metadata for %s', identifier)
            group['meta_data'] = self.getMetaData(group, folder = folder, release_download = release_download)

            # Subtitle meta
            group['subtitle_language'] = self.getSubtitleLanguage(group) if not simple else {}

            # Get parent dir from movie files
            for movie_file in group['files']['movie']:
                group['parentdir'] = os.path.dirname(movie_file)
                group['dirname'] = None

                folder_names = group['parentdir'].replace(folder, '').split(os.path.sep)

                # Try and get a proper dirname, so no "A", "Movie", "Download" etc
                for folder_name in folder_names:
                    if folder_name.lower() not in self.ignore_names and len(folder_name) > 2:
                        group['dirname'] = folder_name


            # Leftover "sorted" files
            for file_type in group['files']:
                if not file_type is 'leftover':
                    group['files']['leftover'] -= set(group['files'][file_type])
                    group['files'][file_type] = list(group['files'][file_type])
            group['files']['leftover'] = list(group['files']['leftover'])

            # Delete the unsorted list
            del group['unsorted_files']

            # Determine movie
            group['media'] = self.determineMedia(group, release_download = release_download)
            if not group['media']:
                log.error('Unable to determine media: %s', group['identifiers'])
                group['identifier'] = getIdentifier(group['media']) or group['media']['info'].get('imdb')

            processed_movies[identifier] = group

            # Notify parent & progress on something found
            if on_found:
                on_found(group, total_found, len(valid_files))

            # Wait for all the async events calm down a bit
            while threading.activeCount() > 100 and not self.shuttingDown():
                log.debug('Too many threads active, waiting a few seconds')

        if len(processed_movies) > 0:
            log.info('Found %s movies in the folder %s', (len(processed_movies), folder))
            log.debug('Found no movies in the folder %s', folder)

        return processed_movies