Ejemplo n.º 1
def CopyIcons(dstpath, srcpath):
    import os.path, string
    index = None
        srcpath, index = map(string.strip, string.split(srcpath, ','))
        index = int(index)
    print "I: PATH, INDEX", srcpath, index
    srcext = os.path.splitext(srcpath)[1]
    if string.lower(srcext) == '.ico':
        return CopyIcons_FromIco(dstpath, srcpath)
    if index is not None:
        print "I: Updating icons from", srcpath, ", %d to" % index, dstpath
        print "I: Updating icons from", srcpath, "to", dstpath
    import win32api  #, win32con
    hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(dstpath, 0)
    hsrc = win32api.LoadLibraryEx(srcpath, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)
    if index is None:
        grpname = win32api.EnumResourceNames(hsrc, RT_GROUP_ICON)[0]
    elif index >= 0:
        grpname = win32api.EnumResourceNames(hsrc, RT_GROUP_ICON)[index]
        grpname = -index
    data = win32api.LoadResource(hsrc, RT_GROUP_ICON, grpname)
    win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RT_GROUP_ICON, grpname, data)
    for iconname in win32api.EnumResourceNames(hsrc, RT_ICON):
        data = win32api.LoadResource(hsrc, RT_ICON, iconname)
        win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RT_ICON, iconname, data)
    win32api.EndUpdateResource(hdst, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def CopyIcons(dstpath, srcpath):
    import os.path

    if type(srcpath) in StringTypes:
        srcpath = [srcpath]

    def splitter(s):
            srcpath, index = s.split(',')
            return srcpath.strip(), int(index)
        except ValueError:
            return s, None

    srcpath = list(map(splitter, srcpath))
    logger.info("SRCPATH %s", srcpath)

    if len(srcpath) > 1:
        # At the moment, we support multiple icons only from .ico files
        srcs = []
        for s in srcpath:
            e = os.path.splitext(s[0])[1]
            if e.lower() != '.ico':
                raise ValueError(
                    'Multiple icons supported only from .ico files')
            if s[1] is not None:
                raise ValueError('index not allowed for .ico files')
        return CopyIcons_FromIco(dstpath, srcs)

    srcpath, index = srcpath[0]
    srcext = os.path.splitext(srcpath)[1]
    if srcext.lower() == '.ico':
        return CopyIcons_FromIco(dstpath, [srcpath])
    if index is not None:
        logger.info("Updating icons from %s, %d to %s", srcpath, index,
        logger.info("Updating icons from %s to %s", srcpath, dstpath)
    import win32api  #, win32con
    hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(dstpath, 0)
    hsrc = win32api.LoadLibraryEx(srcpath, 0, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)
    if index is None:
        grpname = win32api.EnumResourceNames(hsrc, RT_GROUP_ICON)[0]
    elif index >= 0:
        grpname = win32api.EnumResourceNames(hsrc, RT_GROUP_ICON)[index]
        grpname = -index
    data = win32api.LoadResource(hsrc, RT_GROUP_ICON, grpname)
    win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RT_GROUP_ICON, grpname, data)
    for iconname in win32api.EnumResourceNames(hsrc, RT_ICON):
        data = win32api.LoadResource(hsrc, RT_ICON, iconname)
        win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RT_ICON, iconname, data)
    win32api.EndUpdateResource(hdst, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def CopyIcons_FromIco(dstpath, srcpath):
    f = IconFile(srcpath)
    print "I: Updating icons from", srcpath, "to", dstpath
    import win32api  #, win32con
    hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(dstpath, 0)
    data = f.grp_icon_dir()
    data = data + f.grp_icondir_entries()
    win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RT_GROUP_ICON, 1, data)
    print "I: Writing RT_GROUP_ICON resource with %d bytes" % len(data)
    i = 1
    for data in f.images:
        win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RT_ICON, i, data)
        print "I: Writing RT_ICON resource with %d bytes" % len(data)
        i = i + 1
    win32api.EndUpdateResource(hdst, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def UpdateResources(dstpath, data, type_, names=None, languages=None):
    Update or add resource data in dll/exe file dstpath.
    type_ = resource type to update
    names = a list of resource names to update (None = all)
    languages = a list of resource languages to update (None = all)
    # look for existing resources
    res = GetResources(dstpath, [type_], names, languages)
    # add type_, names and languages not already present in existing resources
    if not type_ in res and type_ != "*":
        res[type_] = {}
    if names:
        for name in names:
            if not name in res[type_] and name != "*":
                res[type_][name] = []
                if languages:
                    for language in languages:
                        if not language in res[type_][name] and language != "*":
    # add resource to destination, overwriting existing resources
    hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(dstpath, 0)
    for type_ in res:
        for name in res[type_]:
            for language in res[type_][name]:
                if not silent:
                    print "I: Updating resource type", type_, "name", name, \
                          "language", language
                win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, type_, name, data, language)
    win32api.EndUpdateResource(hdst, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def UpdateResources(dstpath, data, type_, names=None, languages=None):
    Update or add resource data in dll/exe file dstpath.

    type_ = resource type to update
    names = a list of resource names to update (None = all)
    languages = a list of resource languages to update (None = all)
    # Look for existing resources.
    res = GetResources(dstpath, [type_], names, languages)
    # add type_, names and languages not already present in existing resources
    if not type_ in res and type_ != "*":
        res[type_] = {}
    if names:
        for name in names:
            if not name in res[type_] and name != "*":
                res[type_][name] = []
                if languages:
                    for language in languages:
                        if not language in res[type_][name] and language != "*":
    # add resource to destination, overwriting existing resources
    hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(dstpath, 0)
    for type_ in res:
        for name in res[type_]:
            for language in res[type_][name]:
                logger.info("Updating resource type %s name %s language %s",
                            type_, name, language)
                win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, type_, name,
                                        data.encode('UTF-8'), language)
    win32api.EndUpdateResource(hdst, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def updateExecutableIcon(executablePath, iconPath):
    Updates the icon of a Windows executable file.
    import win32api, win32con

    handle = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(executablePath, False)

    icon = open(iconPath, "rb")

    fileheader = icon.read(6)

    # Read icon data
    image_type, image_count = struct.unpack("xxHH", fileheader)

    icon_group_desc = struct.pack("<HHH", 0, image_type, image_count)
    icon_sizes = []
    icon_offsets = []

    # Read data of all included icons
    for i in range(1, image_count + 1):
        imageheader = icon.read(16)
        width, height, colors, panes, bits_per_pixel, image_size, offset = struct.unpack("BBBxHHLL", imageheader)

        icon_group_desc = icon_group_desc + struct.pack("<BBBBHHIH",
            width,          # Icon width
            height,         # Icon height
            colors,         # Colors (0 for 256 colors)
            0,              # Reserved2 (must be 0)
            panes,          # Color planes
            bits_per_pixel, # Bits per pixel
            image_size,     # ImageSize
            i               # Resource ID

    # Read icon content and write it to executable file
    for i in range(1, image_count + 1):
        icon_content = icon.read(icon_sizes[i - 1])
        win32api.UpdateResource(handle, win32con.RT_ICON, i, icon_content)

    win32api.UpdateResource(handle, win32con.RT_GROUP_ICON, "MAINICON", icon_group_desc)

    win32api.EndUpdateResource(handle, False)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def SetVersion(exenm, versionfile):
    if isinstance(versionfile, VSVersionInfo):
        vs = versionfile
        txt = open(versionfile, 'rU').read()
        vs = eval(txt)
    hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(exenm, 0)
    win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RT_VERSION, 1, vs.toRaw())
    win32api.EndUpdateResource (hdst, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def add_icon_to_exe(source_icon_file: Path, target_exe_file: Path):
    target_exe_file = target_exe_file.absolute().resolve()
    if not target_exe_file.is_file():
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f"The target executable file could not be found or is not a valid file: {target_exe_file}"
    source_icon_file = source_icon_file.absolute().resolve()
    if not source_icon_file.is_file():
        raise FileNotFoundError(
            f"The icon file could not be found or is not a valid file: {source_icon_file}"
    icon = Icon(file_name=source_icon_file)
    ur_handle = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(str(target_exe_file), 0)
        ur_handle, RT_GROUP_ICON, 0, icon.get_header_and_group_icon_dir_data()
    for i, icon_data in enumerate(icon.get_icon_data()):
        win32api.UpdateResource(ur_handle, RT_ICON, i + 1, icon_data)
    win32api.EndUpdateResource(ur_handle, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def CopyIcons_FromIco(dstpath, srcpath, id=1):
    import win32api #, win32con
    icons = map(IconFile, srcpath)
    logger.info("Updating icons from %s to %s", srcpath, dstpath)

    hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(dstpath, 0)

    iconid = 1
    for i, f in enumerate(icons):
        data = f.grp_icon_dir()
        data = data + f.grp_icondir_entries(iconid)
        win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RT_GROUP_ICON, i, data)
        logger.info("Writing RT_GROUP_ICON %d resource with %d bytes", i, len(data))
        for data in f.images:
            win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RT_ICON, iconid, data)
            logger.info("Writing RT_ICON %d resource with %d bytes", iconid, len(data))
            iconid = iconid + 1

    win32api.EndUpdateResource(hdst, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def SetVersion(exenm, versionfile):
    if isinstance(versionfile, VSVersionInfo):
        vs = versionfile
        fp = codecs.open(versionfile, 'rU', 'utf-8')
        txt = fp.read()
        vs = eval(txt)
    hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(exenm, 0)
    win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RESOURCE_TYPE['RT_VERSION'], 1, vs.toRaw())
    win32api.EndUpdateResource (hdst, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def set_icon(exe_filename, ico_filename):
    Set the icon on a windows executable.
    # Icon file
    icon = Icon(ico_filename)

    # Begin update of executable
    hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(exe_filename, 0)

    # Update entries
    data = icon._header + reduce(str.__add__, icon._entries)
    win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, 14, 1, data)

    # Update images
    for i, image in enumerate(icon._images):
        win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, 3, i + 1, image)

    # Done
    win32api.EndUpdateResource(hdst, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def CopyIcons_FromIco(dstpath, srcpath, id=1):
    import win32api  #, win32con
    icons = map(IconFile, srcpath)
    print "I: Updating icons from", srcpath, "to", dstpath

    hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(dstpath, 0)

    iconid = 1
    for i in range(len(icons)):
        f = icons[i]
        data = f.grp_icon_dir()
        data = data + f.grp_icondir_entries(iconid)
        win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RT_GROUP_ICON, i, data)
        print "I: Writing RT_GROUP_ICON %d resource with %d bytes" % (
            i, len(data))
        for data in f.images:
            win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RT_ICON, iconid, data)
            print "I: Writing RT_ICON %d resource with %d bytes" % (iconid,
            iconid = iconid + 1

    win32api.EndUpdateResource(hdst, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def UpdateResourceData(self, res_type, res_lang, res_name, data):
        """Inserts or updates a given resource with the given data.

      res_type: the type of the resource, e.g. "B7".
      res_lang: the language id of the resource, e.g. 1033.
      res_name: the name of the resource, e.g. "SETUP.EXE".
      data: the new resource data.
        _LOGGER.info('Writing resource "%s:%s"', res_type, res_name)
        win32api.UpdateResource(self.update_handle, res_type, res_name, data,
        self._modified = True
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def UpdateResource(self, res_type, res_lang, res_name, file_path):
        """Inserts or updates a given resource with the contents of a file.

      res_type: the type of the resource, e.g. "B7".
      res_lang: the language id of the resource, e.g. 1033.
      res_name: the name of the resource, e.g. "SETUP.EXE".
      file_path: path to the file containing the new resource data.
        _LOGGER.info('Writing resource "%s:%s" from file %s.', res_type,
                     res_name, file_path)

        with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
            win32api.UpdateResource(self.update_handle, res_type, res_name,
                                    f.read(), res_lang)

        self._modified = True
Ejemplo n.º 15
def SetVersion(exenm, versionfile):
    txt = open(versionfile, 'r').read()
    vs = eval(txt + '\n', globals())
    hdst = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(exenm, 0)
    win32api.UpdateResource(hdst, RT_VERSION, 1, vs.toRaw())
    win32api.EndUpdateResource(hdst, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def update_manifest(dll, rnum, manifest):
    import win32api
    h = win32api.BeginUpdateResource(dll, 0)
    win32api.UpdateResource(h, 24, rnum, manifest)
    win32api.EndUpdateResource(h, 0)