Ejemplo n.º 1
 def generate_write_at(addr):
     res = x86.MultipleInstr()
     res += x86.Mov(x86.deref(addr), "EAX")
     res += x86.Ret()
     return res.get_code()
Ejemplo n.º 2
print("Allocating memory in our calc")
addr = calc.virtual_alloc(0x1000)
print("Allocated memory is at <{0}>".format(hex(addr)))
print("Writing 'SOME STUFF' in allocated memory")
calc.write_memory(addr, "SOME STUFF")
print("Reading allocated memory : <{0}>".format(repr(calc.read_memory(addr, 20))))

# Remote Execution

print("Execution some native code in our calc (write 0x424242 at allocated address + return 0x1337)")

if calc.bitness == 32:
    # Let's generate some native code
    code =  x86.MultipleInstr()
    code += x86.Mov(x86.deref(addr), 0x42424242)
    code += x86.Mov("EAX", 0x1337)
    code += x86.Ret()
    code =  x64.MultipleInstr()
    code += x64.Mov('RAX', addr)
    code += x64.Mov(x64.mem("[RAX]"), 0x42424242)
    code += x64.Mov("RAX", 0x1337)
    code += x64.Ret()

print("Executing native code !")
t = calc.execute(code.get_code())
print("Return code = {0}".format(hex(t.exit_code)))
print("Reading allocated memory : <{0}>".format(repr(calc.read_memory(addr, 20))))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def generate_read_at(addr):
     res = x86.MultipleInstr()
     res += x86.Mov("EAX", x86.deref(addr))
     res += x86.Ret()
     return res.get_code()
    def trigger(self, dbg, exc):
        fault_addr = exc.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[1]
        eip = dbg.current_thread.context.pc
        print("Instruction at <{0:#x}> wrote at <{1:#x}>".format(
            eip, fault_addr))
        dbg.single_step_counter = 4
        return dbg.single_step()

calc = windows.test.pop_calc_32(dwCreationFlags=DEBUG_PROCESS)
d = MyDebugger(calc)

code = calc.virtual_alloc(0x1000)
data = calc.virtual_alloc(0x1000)

injected = x86.MultipleInstr()
injected += x86.Mov("EAX", 0)
injected += x86.Mov(x86.deref(data), "EAX")
injected += x86.Add("EAX", 4)
injected += x86.Mov(x86.deref(data + 4), "EAX")
injected += x86.Add("EAX", 8)
injected += x86.Mov(x86.deref(data + 8), "EAX")
injected += x86.Nop()
injected += x86.Nop()
injected += x86.Ret()

calc.write_memory(code, injected.get_code())
d.add_bp(SingleStepOnWrite(data, size=8, events="W"))
calc.create_thread(code, 0)
    def trigger(self, dbg, exc):
        fault_addr = exc.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionInformation[1]
        eip = dbg.current_thread.context.pc
        print("Instruction at <{0:#x}> wrote at <{1:#x}>".format(eip, fault_addr))
        dbg.single_step_counter = 4
        return dbg.single_step()

calc = windows.test.pop_calc_32(dwCreationFlags=DEBUG_PROCESS)
d = MyDebugger(calc)

code = calc.virtual_alloc(0x1000)
data = calc.virtual_alloc(0x1000)

injected = x86.MultipleInstr()
injected += x86.Mov("EAX", 0)
injected += x86.Mov(x86.deref(data), "EAX")
injected += x86.Add("EAX", 4)
injected += x86.Mov(x86.deref(data + 4), "EAX")
injected += x86.Add("EAX", 8)
injected += x86.Mov(x86.deref(data + 8), "EAX")
injected += x86.Nop()
injected += x86.Nop()
injected += x86.Ret()

calc.write_memory(code, injected.get_code())
d.add_bp(SingleStepOnWrite(data, size=8, events="W"))
calc.create_thread(code, 0)

Ejemplo n.º 6
def hook_ntcreatefile(kdbg, ignore_jump_space_check=False):
    """Hook NtCreateFile, the hook write the filename to a shared memory page"""
    nt_create_file = kdbg.resolve_symbol("nt!NtCreateFile")
    if not ignore_jump_space_check:
        # Check that function begin with mov edi, edi for the hook short jump
        if kdbg.read_word(nt_create_file) != 0xff8b:  # mov edi, edi
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot hook fonction that doest not begin with <mov edi,edi> (/f to force if hook already in place)"
        # Check there is 5 bytes free before for the hook long jump
        if kdbg.read_virtual_memory(nt_create_file - 5,
                                    5) not in ["\x90" * 5, "\xCC" * 5
                                               ]:  #NOP * 5 ; INT 3 * 5
            print(kdbg.read_virtual_memory(nt_create_file - 5, 5))
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot hook fonction that is not prefixed with 5 nop/int 3")

    # Allocate memory for the shared buffer kernel<->user
    # the format is:
    # [addr] -> size of size already taken
    # then:
    #   DWORD string_size
    #   char[string_size] filename
    data_kernel_addr = kdbg.alloc_memory(0x1000)
    kdbg.write_pfv_memory(data_kernel_addr, "\x00" * 0x1000)
    # Map the shared buffer to userland
    data_user_addr = kdbg.map_page_to_userland(data_kernel_addr, 0x1000)
    # Allocate memory for the hook
    shellcode_addr = kdbg.alloc_memory(0x1000)
    # shellcode
    shellcode = x86.MultipleInstr()
    # Save register
    shellcode += x86.Push('EAX')
    shellcode += x86.Push('ECX')
    shellcode += x86.Push('EDI')
    shellcode += x86.Push('ESI')
    # Check that there is space remaining, else don't write it
    shellcode += x86.Cmp(x86.deref(data_kernel_addr), 0x900)
    shellcode += x86.Jnb(":END")
    # Get 3rd arg (POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes)
    shellcode += x86.Mov('EAX', x86.mem('[ESP + 0x1c]'))  # 0xc + 0x10 for push
    shellcode += x86.Mov('EAX', x86.mem('[EAX + 0x8]'))
    shellcode += x86.Xor('ECX', 'ECX')
    # Get PUNICODE_STRING.Length
    shellcode += x86.Mov('CX', x86.mem('[EAX + 0]'))
    # Get PUNICODE_STRING.Buffer
    shellcode += x86.Mov('ESI', x86.mem('[EAX + 4]'))
    # Get the next free bytes in shared buffer
    shellcode += x86.Mov('EDI', data_kernel_addr + 4)
    shellcode += x86.Add('EDI', x86.deref(data_kernel_addr))
    # Write (DWORD string_size) in our 'struct'
    shellcode += x86.Mov(x86.mem('[EDI]'), 'ECX')
    # update size taken in shared buffer
    shellcode += x86.Add(x86.deref(data_kernel_addr), 'ECX')
    shellcode += x86.Add(x86.deref(data_kernel_addr), 4)
    # Write (char[string_size] filename) in our 'struct'
    shellcode += x86.Add('EDI', 4)
    shellcode += x86.Rep + x86.Movsb()
    shellcode += x86.Label(":END")
    # Restore buffer
    shellcode += x86.Pop('ESI')
    shellcode += x86.Pop('EDI')
    shellcode += x86.Pop('ECX')
    shellcode += x86.Pop('EAX')
    # Jump to NtCreateFile
    shellcode += x86.JmpAt(nt_create_file + 2)

    # Write shellcode
    kdbg.write_pfv_memory(shellcode_addr, shellcode.get_code())
    long_jump = x86.Jmp(shellcode_addr - (nt_create_file - 5))
    # Write longjump to shellcode
    kdbg.write_pfv_memory(nt_create_file - 5, long_jump.get_code())
    # Write shortjump  NtCreateFile -> longjump
    short_jmp = x86.Jmp(-5)
    kdbg.write_pfv_memory(nt_create_file, short_jmp.get_code())
    # Return address of shared buffer in userland
    return data_user_addr
Ejemplo n.º 7
def hook_ntcreatefile(kdbg, ignore_jump_space_check=False):
    """Hook NtCreateFile, the hook write the filename to a shared memory page"""
    nt_create_file = kdbg.resolve_symbol("nt!NtCreateFile")
    if not ignore_jump_space_check:
        # Check that function begin with mov edi, edi for the hook short jump
        if kdbg.read_word(nt_create_file) != 0xff8b:  # mov edi, edi
            raise ValueError("Cannot hook fonction that doest not begin with <mov edi,edi> (/f to force if hook already in place)")
        # Check there is 5 bytes free before for the hook long jump
        if kdbg.read_virtual_memory(nt_create_file - 5, 5) not in ["\x90" * 5, "\xCC" * 5]:  #NOP * 5 ; INT 3 * 5
            print(kdbg.read_virtual_memory(nt_create_file - 5, 5))
            raise ValueError("Cannot hook fonction that is not prefixed with 5 nop/int 3")

    # Allocate memory for the shared buffer kernel<->user
    # the format is:
    # [addr] -> size of size already taken
    # then:
    #   DWORD string_size
    #   char[string_size] filename
    data_kernel_addr = kdbg.alloc_memory(0x1000)
    kdbg.write_pfv_memory(data_kernel_addr, "\x00" * 0x1000)
    # Map the shared buffer to userland
    data_user_addr = kdbg.map_page_to_userland(data_kernel_addr, 0x1000)
    # Allocate memory for the hook
    shellcode_addr = kdbg.alloc_memory(0x1000)
    # shellcode
    shellcode = x86.MultipleInstr()
    # Save register
    shellcode += x86.Push('EAX')
    shellcode += x86.Push('ECX')
    shellcode += x86.Push('EDI')
    shellcode += x86.Push('ESI')
    # Check that there is space remaining, else don't write it
    shellcode += x86.Cmp(x86.deref(data_kernel_addr), 0x900)
    shellcode += x86.Jnb(":END")
    # Get 3rd arg (POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes)
    shellcode += x86.Mov('EAX', x86.mem('[ESP + 0x1c]')) # 0xc + 0x10 for push
    shellcode += x86.Mov('EAX', x86.mem('[EAX + 0x8]'))
    shellcode += x86.Xor('ECX', 'ECX')
    # Get PUNICODE_STRING.Length
    shellcode += x86.Mov('CX', x86.mem('[EAX + 0]'))
    # Get PUNICODE_STRING.Buffer
    shellcode += x86.Mov('ESI', x86.mem('[EAX + 4]'))
    # Get the next free bytes in shared buffer
    shellcode += x86.Mov('EDI', data_kernel_addr + 4)
    shellcode += x86.Add('EDI', x86.deref(data_kernel_addr))
    # Write (DWORD string_size) in our 'struct'
    shellcode += x86.Mov(x86.mem('[EDI]'), 'ECX')
    # update size taken in shared buffer
    shellcode += x86.Add(x86.deref(data_kernel_addr), 'ECX')
    shellcode += x86.Add(x86.deref(data_kernel_addr), 4)
    # Write (char[string_size] filename) in our 'struct'
    shellcode += x86.Add('EDI', 4)
    shellcode += x86.Rep + x86.Movsb()
    shellcode += x86.Label(":END")
    # Restore buffer
    shellcode += x86.Pop('ESI')
    shellcode += x86.Pop('EDI')
    shellcode += x86.Pop('ECX')
    shellcode += x86.Pop('EAX')
    # Jump to NtCreateFile
    shellcode += x86.JmpAt(nt_create_file + 2)

    # Write shellcode
    kdbg.write_pfv_memory(shellcode_addr, shellcode.get_code())
    long_jump = x86.Jmp(shellcode_addr - (nt_create_file - 5))
    # Write longjump to shellcode
    kdbg.write_pfv_memory(nt_create_file - 5, long_jump.get_code())
    # Write shortjump  NtCreateFile -> longjump
    short_jmp = x86.Jmp(-5)
    kdbg.write_pfv_memory(nt_create_file, short_jmp.get_code())
    # Return address of shared buffer in userland
    return data_user_addr
Ejemplo n.º 8
print("Allocating memory in our notepad")
addr = notepad.virtual_alloc(0x1000)
print("Allocated memory is at <{0}>".format(hex(addr)))
print("Writing 'SOME STUFF' in allocated memory")
notepad.write_memory(addr, "SOME STUFF")
print("Reading allocated memory : <{0}>".format(repr(notepad.read_memory(addr, 20))))

# Remote Execution

print("Execution some native code in our notepad (write 0x424242 at allocated address + return 0x1337)")

if notepad.bitness == 32:
    # Let's generate some native code
    code =  x86.MultipleInstr()
    code += x86.Mov(x86.deref(addr), 0x42424242)
    code += x86.Mov("EAX", 0x1337)
    code += x86.Ret()
    code =  x64.MultipleInstr()
    code += x64.Mov('RAX', addr)
    code += x64.Mov(x64.mem("[RAX]"), 0x42424242)
    code += x64.Mov("RAX", 0x1337)
    code += x64.Ret()

print("Executing native code !")
t = notepad.execute(code.get_code())
print("Return code = {0}".format(hex(t.exit_code)))
print("Reading allocated memory : <{0}>".format(repr(notepad.read_memory(addr, 20))))