Ejemplo n.º 1
# re-shaping the data a lot easier to manage.
uwnd, uwnd_info = prep_data(uwnd, 'tyx')
vwnd, vwnd_info = prep_data(vwnd, 'tyx')

# It is also required that the latitude dimension is north-to-south. Again the
# bundled tools make this easy.
lats, uwnd, vwnd = order_latdim(lats, uwnd, vwnd)

# Create a VectorWind instance to handle the computation of streamfunction and
# velocity potential.
w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd)

# Compute the streamfunction and velocity potential. Also use the bundled
# tools to re-shape the outputs to the 4D shape of the wind components as they
# were read off files.
sf, vp = w.sfvp()
sf = recover_data(sf, uwnd_info)
vp = recover_data(vp, uwnd_info)

# Pick out the field for December and add a cyclic point (the cyclic point is
# for plotting purposes).
sf_dec, lons_c = addcyclic(sf[11], lons)
vp_dec, lons_c = addcyclic(vp[11], lons)

# Plot streamfunction.
m = Basemap(projection='cyl', resolution='c', llcrnrlon=0, llcrnrlat=-90,
            urcrnrlon=360.01, urcrnrlat=90)
x, y = m(*np.meshgrid(lons_c, lats))
clevs = [-120, -100, -80, -60, -40, -20, 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120]
m.contourf(x, y, sf_dec*1e-06, clevs, cmap=plt.cm.RdBu_r,
Ejemplo n.º 2
# re-shaping the data a lot easier to manage.
uwnd, uwnd_info = prep_data(uwnd, 'tyx')
vwnd, vwnd_info = prep_data(vwnd, 'tyx')

# It is also required that the latitude dimension is north-to-south. Again the
# bundled tools make this easy.
lats, uwnd, vwnd = order_latdim(lats, uwnd, vwnd)

# Create a VectorWind instance to handle the computation of streamfunction and
# velocity potential.
w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd)

# Compute the streamfunction and velocity potential. Also use the bundled
# tools to re-shape the outputs to the 4D shape of the wind components as they
# were read off files.
sf, vp = w.sfvp()
sf = recover_data(sf, uwnd_info)
vp = recover_data(vp, uwnd_info)

# Pick out the field for December and add a cyclic point (the cyclic point is
# for plotting purposes).
sf_dec, lons_c = add_cyclic_point(sf[11], lons)
vp_dec, lons_c = add_cyclic_point(vp[11], lons)

# Plot streamfunction.
ax1 = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree(central_longitude=180))
clevs = [-120, -100, -80, -60, -40, -20, 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120]
sf_fill = ax1.contourf(lons_c,
                       sf_dec * 1e-06,
Ejemplo n.º 3
#---           dimensions of the input wind components, and that wind components must be       ----
#---              either 2D or 3D arrays. The data read in is 3D and has latitude and          ----
#---                               longitude as the last dimensions.                           ----
#---         It is also required that the latitude dimension is north-to-south. Again the      ----
#---                               bundled tools make this easy.                               ----

lats_r, uwnd, vwnd = order_latdim(lats,UE_mean_pin,VE_mean_pin)

#- Create a VectorWind instance to handle the computation of streamfunction and velocity potential-

w = VectorWind(uwnd, vwnd)

#---                          fonction de courant (sf ; streamfunction)                        ----
#---                          potentiel de vitesse (vp ; velocity potential)                   ----

sf, vp = w.sfvp()

#---             partie divergente du champ = gradient du potentiel de vitesses                ----

grad_vp = w.irrotationalcomponent()

#---     on masque les continents parce que les valeurs sur les continents sont trop fortes    ----

pourcter_ma = ma.array(pourcter,mask=pourcter>0.1)

#---   attention on a re-inverse les latitudes pour pouvoir utiliser VectorWind pour calculer  ----
#---                le potentiel de vitesse. Donc il faut que le masque colle bien             ----

grad_vp_x_ma = ma.array(grad_vp[0],mask=pourcter_ma.mask[::1,:]) 
grad_vp_y_ma = ma.array(grad_vp[1],mask=pourcter_ma.mask[::1,:])