Ejemplo n.º 1
def solveTrajectoryCAMS(meteor_list, output_dir, solver='original', **kwargs):
    """ Feed the list of meteors in the trajectory solver. """

    # Normalize the observations to the same reference Julian date and precess them from J2000 to the 
    # epoch of date
    jdt_ref, meteor_list = prepareObservations(meteor_list)

    if meteor_list is not None:

        for meteor in meteor_list:

        # Init the trajectory solver
        if solver == 'original':
            traj = Trajectory(jdt_ref, output_dir=output_dir, meastype=1, **kwargs)

        elif solver.lower().startswith('gural'):
            velmodel = solver.lower().strip('gural')
            if len(velmodel) == 1:
                velmodel = int(velmodel)
                velmodel = 0

            traj = GuralTrajectory(len(meteor_list), jdt_ref, velmodel=velmodel, meastype=1, verbose=1, 

            print('No such solver:', solver)

        # Add meteor observations to the solver
        for meteor in meteor_list:

            if solver == 'original':

                traj.infillTrajectory(meteor.ra_data, meteor.dec_data, meteor.time_data, meteor.latitude, 
                    meteor.longitude, meteor.height, station_id=meteor.station_id, \

                # traj.infillTrajectory(meteor.azim_data, meteor.elev_data, meteor.time_data, meteor.latitude, 
                #      meteor.longitude, meteor.height, station_id=meteor.station_id, \
                #      magnitudes=meteor.mag_data)

            elif solver == 'gural':

                traj.infillTrajectory(meteor.ra_data, meteor.dec_data, meteor.time_data, meteor.latitude, 
                    meteor.longitude, meteor.height)

                # traj.infillTrajectory(meteor.azim_data, meteor.elev_data, meteor.time_data, meteor.latitude, 
                #     meteor.longitude, meteor.height)

        # Solve the trajectory

        return traj
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def initTrajectory(self, ref_dt, mc_runs):
        """ Initialize the Trajectory solver. 
            ref_dt: [datetime] Reference datetime.
            mc_runs: [int] Number of Monte Carlo runs.

            traj: [Trajectory]

        traj = Trajectory(datetime2JD(ref_dt), \
            max_toffset=self.traj_constraints.max_toffset, meastype=1, \
            v_init_part=self.v_init_part, monte_carlo=self.traj_constraints.run_mc, \
            mc_runs=mc_runs, show_plots=False, verbose=False, save_results=False, \
            reject_n_sigma_outliers=2, mc_cores=self.traj_constraints.mc_cores)

        return traj
Ejemplo n.º 3
def solveTrajectoryMet(met, solver='original', velmodel=3, **kwargs):
        """ Runs the trajectory solver on points of the given type. 

        Keyword arguments:
            solver: [str] Trajectory solver to use:
                - 'original' (default) - "in-house" trajectory solver implemented in Python
                - 'gural' - Pete Gural's PSO solver
            velmodel: [int] Velocity propagation model for the Gural solver
                0 = constant   v(t) = vinf
                1 = linear     v(t) = vinf - |acc1| * t
                2 = quadratic  v(t) = vinf - |acc1| * t + acc2 * t^2
                3 = exponent   v(t) = vinf - |acc1| * |acc2| * exp( |acc2| * t ) (default)

        # Check that there are at least two stations present
        if len(met.sites) < 2:
            print('ERROR! The .met file does not contain multistation data!')

            return False

        time_data = {}
        theta_data = {}
        phi_data = {}
        mag_data = {}

        # Go through all sites
        for site in met.sites:

            time_picks = []
            theta_picks = []
            phi_picks = []
            mag_picks = []

            # Go through all picks
            for pick in met.picks_objs[site]:

                # Add the pick to the picks list

                # Add the time of the pick to a list

                # Add magnitude

            # Add the picks to the list of picks of both sites
            time_data[site] = np.array(time_picks).ravel()
            theta_data[site] = np.array(theta_picks).ravel()
            phi_data[site] = np.array(phi_picks).ravel()
            mag_data[site] = np.array(mag_picks).ravel()

        # Take the earliest time of all sites as the reference time
        ref_unix_time = min([time_data[key][0] for key in time_data.keys()])

        # Normalize all times with respect to the reference times
        for site in met.sites:
            time_data[site] = time_data[site] - ref_unix_time

        # Convert the reference Unix time to Julian date
        ts = int(ref_unix_time)
        tu = (ref_unix_time - ts)*1e6
        ref_JD = unixTime2JD(ts, tu)

        if solver == 'original':

            # Init the new trajectory solver object
            traj = Trajectory(ref_JD, output_dir=met.dir_path, **kwargs)

        elif solver == 'gural':

            # Select extra keyword arguments that are present only for the gural solver
            gural_keys = ['max_toffset', 'nummonte', 'meastype', 'verbose', 'show_plots']
            gural_kwargs = {key: kwargs[key] for key in gural_keys if key in kwargs}

            # Init the new Gural trajectory solver object
            traj = GuralTrajectory(len(met.sites), ref_JD, velmodel, verbose=1, output_dir=met.dir_path, 

        # Infill trajectories from each site
        for site in met.sites:

            theta_picks = theta_data[site]
            phi_picks = phi_data[site]
            time_picks = time_data[site]
            mag_picks = mag_data[site]

            if not np.any(mag_picks):
                mag_picks = None

            lat = met.lat[site]
            lon = met.lon[site]
            elev = met.elev[site]

            # MC solver
            if solver == 'original':

                traj.infillTrajectory(phi_picks, theta_picks, time_picks, lat, lon, elev, \
                    station_id=str(site), magnitudes=mag_picks)
            # Gural solver
                traj.infillTrajectory(phi_picks, theta_picks, time_picks, lat, lon, elev)

        print('Filling done!')

        # # Dump measurements to a file
        # traj.dumpMeasurements(self.met.dir_path.split(os.sep)[-1] + '_dump.txt')

        # Solve the trajectory
        traj = traj.run()

        return traj
Ejemplo n.º 4
def solveTrajectoryPickle(dir_path,
    """ Rerun the trajectory solver on the given trajectory pickle file. """

    # Load the pickles trajectory
    traj_p = loadPickle(dir_path, file_name)

    # Run the PyLIG trajectory solver
    if solver == 'original':

        # Given the max time offset from the pickle file and input, use the larger one of the two
        max_toffset = traj_p.max_toffset
        if "max_toffset" in kwargs:

            if (kwargs["max_toffset"] is not None) and (traj_p.max_toffset
                                                        is not None):

                max_toffset = max(traj_p.max_toffset, kwargs["max_toffset"])

            # Remove the max time offset from the list of keyword arguments
            kwargs.pop("max_toffset", None)

        # Preserve the trajectory ID
        if hasattr(traj_p, "traj_id"):
            traj_id = traj_p.traj_id
            traj_id = None

        # Reinitialize the trajectory solver
        meastype = 2
        traj = Trajectory(traj_p.jdt_ref, output_dir=dir_path, max_toffset=max_toffset, \
            meastype=meastype, traj_id=traj_id, **kwargs)

        # Fill the observations
        for obs in traj_p.observations:
            traj.infillWithObs(obs, meastype=meastype)

    elif solver == 'gural':

        # Init the Gural solver
        traj = GuralTrajectory(len(traj_p.observations), traj_p.jdt_ref, velmodel=3, \
            max_toffset=traj_p.max_toffset, meastype=2, output_dir=dir_path, verbose=True)

        # Fill the observations
        for obs in traj_p.observations:

            traj.infillTrajectory(obs.azim_data, obs.elev_data, obs.time_data,
                                  obs.lat, obs.lon, obs.ele)

        print('Unrecognized solver:', solver)

    if only_plot:

        # Set saving results
        traj_p.save_results = True

        # Override plotting options with given options
        traj_p.plot_all_spatial_residuals = kwargs[
        traj_p.plot_file_type = kwargs["plot_file_type"]

        # Show the plots

    # Recompute the trajectory

        # Run the trajectory solver

    return traj
Ejemplo n.º 5
def solveTrajectoryUWOEvent(station_data_dict, solver='original', velmodel=3, **kwargs):
        """ Runs the trajectory solver on points of the given type. 

        Keyword arguments:
            solver: [str] Trajectory solver to use:
                - 'original' (default) - "in-house" trajectory solver implemented in Python
                - 'gural' - Pete Gural's PSO solver
            velmodel: [int] Velocity propagation model for the Gural solver
                0 = constant   v(t) = vinf
                1 = linear     v(t) = vinf - |acc1| * t
                2 = quadratic  v(t) = vinf - |acc1| * t + acc2 * t^2
                3 = exponent   v(t) = vinf - |acc1| * |acc2| * exp( |acc2| * t ) (default)

        # Check that there are at least two stations present
        if len(station_data_dict["station_data"]) < 2:
            print('ERROR! The event.txt file does not contain multistation data!')

            return False

        if solver == 'original':

            # Init the new trajectory solver object
            traj = Trajectory(station_data_dict["jd_ref"], output_dir=station_data_dict["dir_path"], \
                meastype=4, **kwargs)

        elif solver.startswith('gural'):

            # Extract velocity model is given
                velmodel = int(solver[-1])

                # Default to the exponential model
                velmodel = 3

            # Select extra keyword arguments that are present only for the gural solver
            gural_keys = ['max_toffset', 'nummonte', 'meastype', 'verbose', 'show_plots']
            gural_kwargs = {key: kwargs[key] for key in gural_keys if key in kwargs}

            # Init the new Gural trajectory solver object
            traj = GuralTrajectory(len(station_data_dict["station_data"]), station_data_dict["jd_ref"], \
                velmodel, verbose=1, output_dir=station_data_dict["dir_path"], meastype=4, \

        # Infill trajectories from each site
        for stat_data in station_data_dict["station_data"]:

            # MC solver
            if solver == 'original':

                traj.infillTrajectory(stat_data.phi_data, stat_data.theta_data, stat_data.time_data, \
                    stat_data.lat, stat_data.lon, stat_data.height, \
                    station_id=stat_data.station_id, magnitudes=stat_data.mag_data)
            # Gural solver
                traj.infillTrajectory(stat_data.phi_data, stat_data.theta_data, stat_data.time_data, \
                    stat_data.lat, stat_data.lon, stat_data.height)

        print('Filling done!')

        # Solve the trajectory

        return traj
Ejemplo n.º 6
def solveTrajectoryEv(ev_file_list, solver='original', velmodel=3, **kwargs):
        """ Runs the trajectory solver on UWO style ev file. 
            ev_file_list: [list] A list of paths to ev files.

        Keyword arguments:
            solver: [str] Trajectory solver to use:
                - 'original' (default) - "in-house" trajectory solver implemented in Python
                - 'gural' - Pete Gural's PSO solver
            velmodel: [int] Velocity propagation model for the Gural solver
                0 = constant   v(t) = vinf
                1 = linear     v(t) = vinf - |acc1| * t
                2 = quadratic  v(t) = vinf - |acc1| * t + acc2 * t^2
                3 = exponent   v(t) = vinf - |acc1| * |acc2| * exp( |acc2| * t ) (default)

            traj: [Trajectory instance] Solved trajectory

        # Check that there are at least two stations present
        if len(ev_file_list) < 2:
            print('ERROR! The list of ev files does not contain multistation data!')

            return False

        # Load the ev file
        station_data_list = []
        for ev_file_path in ev_file_list:
            # Store the ev file contants into a StationData object
            sd = readEvFile(*os.path.split(ev_file_path))

            # Skip bad ev files
            if sd is None:
                print("Skipping {:s}, bad ev file!".format(ev_file_path))


        # Check that there are at least two good stations present
        if len(station_data_list) < 2:
            print('ERROR! The list of ev files does not contain at least 2 good ev files!')

            return False

        # Normalize all times to earliest reference Julian date
        jdt_ref = min([sd_temp.jd_ref for sd_temp in station_data_list])
        for sd in station_data_list:
            for i in range(len(sd.time_data)):
                sd.time_data[i] += (sd.jd_ref - jdt_ref)*86400
            sd.jd_ref = jdt_ref

        for sd in station_data_list:

        # Get the base path of these ev files
        root_path = os.path.dirname(ev_file_list[0])

        # Create a new output directory
        dir_path = os.path.join(root_path, jd2Date(jdt_ref, dt_obj=True).strftime("traj_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.%f"))

        if solver == 'original':

            # Init the new trajectory solver object
            traj = Trajectory(jdt_ref, output_dir=dir_path, meastype=4, **kwargs)

        elif solver.startswith('gural'):

            # Extract velocity model is given
                velmodel = int(solver[-1])

                # Default to the exponential model
                velmodel = 3

            # Select extra keyword arguments that are present only for the gural solver
            gural_keys = ['max_toffset', 'nummonte', 'meastype', 'verbose', 'show_plots']
            gural_kwargs = {key: kwargs[key] for key in gural_keys if key in kwargs}

            # Init the new Gural trajectory solver object
            traj = GuralTrajectory(len(station_data_list), jdt_ref, velmodel, verbose=1, \
                output_dir=dir_path, meastype=4, **gural_kwargs)

        # Infill trajectories from each site
        for sd in station_data_list:

            # MC solver
            if solver == 'original':

                traj.infillTrajectory(sd.phi_data, sd.theta_data, sd.time_data, sd.lat, sd.lon, sd.height, \
                    station_id=sd.station_id, magnitudes=sd.mag_data)
            # Gural solver
                traj.infillTrajectory(sd.phi_data, sd.theta_data, sd.time_data, sd.lat, sd.lon, sd.height)

        print('Filling done!')

        # Solve the trajectory
        traj = traj.run()

        # Copy the ev files into the output directory
        for ev_file_path in ev_file_list:
            shutil.copy2(ev_file_path, os.path.join(dir_path, os.path.basename(ev_file_path)))

        return traj
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def solveTrajectory(self,
        """ Runs the trajectory solver on points of the given type. 

        Keyword arguments:
            pick_type: [str] Can be:
                - 'original' (default) original manual picks
                - 'gc' original picks projected onto a great circle
                - 'draw' picks drawn from a probability distribution
            velmodel: [int] Velocity propagation model
                0 = constant   v(t) = vinf
                1 = linear     v(t) = vinf - |acc1| * t
                2 = quadratic  v(t) = vinf - |acc1| * t + acc2 * t^2
                3 = exponent   v(t) = vinf - |acc1| * |acc2| * exp( |acc2| * t ) (default)
            solver: [str] Trajectory solver to use:
                - 'original' (default) - "in-house" trajectory solver implemented in Python
                - 'gural' - Pete Gural's PSO solver

        time_data = {}
        theta_data = {}
        phi_data = {}

        # Go through all sites
        for site in self.met.sites:

            # Extract picks of the given type
            time_picks, theta_picks, phi_picks = self.extractPicks(
                site, pick_type=pick_type)

            # Add the picks to the list of picks of both sites
            time_data[site] = np.array(time_picks).ravel()
            theta_data[site] = np.array(theta_picks).ravel()
            phi_data[site] = np.array(phi_picks).ravel()

        # Take the earliest time of all sites as the reference time
        ref_unix_time = min([time_data[key][0] for key in time_data.keys()])

        # Normalize all times with respect to the reference times
        for site in self.met.sites:
            time_data[site] = time_data[site] - ref_unix_time

        # Convert the reference Unix time to Julian date
        ts = int(ref_unix_time)
        tu = (ref_unix_time - ts) * 1e6
        ref_JD = unixTime2JD(ts, tu)

        if solver == 'original':

            # Init the new trajectory solver object
            traj_solve = Trajectory(ref_JD,

        elif solver == 'gural':

            # Init the new Gural trajectory solver object
            traj_solve = GuralTrajectory(len(self.met.sites),

        # Infill trajectories from each site
        for site in self.met.sites:

            theta_picks = theta_data[site]
            phi_picks = phi_data[site]
            time_picks = time_data[site]

            lat = self.met.exact_plates[site].lat
            lon = self.met.exact_plates[site].lon
            elev = self.met.exact_plates[site].elev

            traj_solve.infillTrajectory(phi_picks, theta_picks, time_picks,
                                        lat, lon, elev)

        print('Filling done!')

        # # Dump measurements to a file
        # traj_solve.dumpMeasurements(self.met.dir_path.split(os.sep)[-1] + '_dump.txt')

        # Solve the trajectory

        return traj_solve
Ejemplo n.º 8
def solveTrajectoryGeneric(jdt_ref, meteor_list, dir_path, solver='original', **kwargs):
    """ Feed the list of meteors in the trajectory solver and run it. 
        jdt_ref: [float] Reference Julian date for all objects in meteor_list.
        meteor_list: [list] A list of MeteorObservation objects.
        dir_path: [str] Path to the data directory.

    Keyword arguments:
        solver: [str] Solver choice:
            - "original" is the Monte Carlo solver
            - "gural" is the Gural solver (through C++ bindings)
        **kwargs: Keyword arguments for the trajectory solver.


    # Create name of output directory
    output_dir = os.path.join(dir_path, jd2Date(jdt_ref, dt_obj=True).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f"))

    # Init the trajectory solver
    if solver == 'original':
        traj = Trajectory(jdt_ref, output_dir=output_dir, meastype=1, **kwargs)

    elif solver.lower().startswith('gural'):
        velmodel = solver.lower().strip('gural')
        if len(velmodel) == 1:
            velmodel = int(velmodel)
            velmodel = 0

        traj = GuralTrajectory(len(meteor_list), jdt_ref, velmodel=velmodel, meastype=1, verbose=1, 

        print('No such solver:', solver)

    # Add meteor observations to the solver
    for meteor in meteor_list:

        if solver == 'original':

            comment = ''
            if hasattr(meteor, "ff_name"):
                comment = meteor.ff_name

            traj.infillTrajectory(meteor.ra_data, meteor.dec_data, meteor.time_data, meteor.latitude, 
                meteor.longitude, meteor.height, station_id=meteor.station_id, \
                magnitudes=meteor.mag_data, comment=comment)

        elif solver.lower().startswith('gural'):

            # Extract velocity model is given
                velmodel = int(solver[-1])

                # Default to the exponential model
                velmodel = 3

            traj.infillTrajectory(meteor.ra_data, meteor.dec_data, meteor.time_data, meteor.latitude, 
                meteor.longitude, meteor.height)

    # Solve the trajectory
    traj = traj.run()

    return traj
Ejemplo n.º 9
def solveTrajectoryRMS(json_list, dir_path, solver='original', **kwargs):
    """ Feed the list of meteors in the trajectory solver. """

    # Normalize the observations to the same reference Julian date and precess them from J2000 to the
    # epoch of date
    jdt_ref, meteor_list = initMeteorObjects(json_list)

    # Create name of output directory
    output_dir = os.path.join(
        jd2Date(jdt_ref, dt_obj=True).strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f"))

    # Init the trajectory solver
    if solver == 'original':
        traj = Trajectory(jdt_ref, output_dir=output_dir, meastype=1, **kwargs)

    elif solver.lower().startswith('gural'):
        velmodel = solver.lower().strip('gural')
        if len(velmodel) == 1:
            velmodel = int(velmodel)
            velmodel = 0

        traj = GuralTrajectory(len(meteor_list),

        print('No such solver:', solver)

    # Add meteor observations to the solver
    for meteor in meteor_list:

        if solver == 'original':

            traj.infillTrajectory(meteor.ra_data, meteor.dec_data, meteor.time_data, meteor.latitude,
                meteor.longitude, meteor.height, station_id=meteor.station_id, \

        elif solver.lower().startswith('gural'):

            # Extract velocity model is given
                velmodel = int(solver[-1])

                # Default to the exponential model
                velmodel = 3

            traj.infillTrajectory(meteor.ra_data, meteor.dec_data,
                                  meteor.time_data, meteor.latitude,
                                  meteor.longitude, meteor.height)

    # Solve the trajectory

    return traj
Ejemplo n.º 10
    ## METEOR 5
    inf_files = ["M_2018012122VIB0002.inf"]

    ftp_meteor = ftp[7]

    output_dir = "C:\\Users\\delorayn1\\Desktop\\ImplementCorrection\\FF_HR0002_20180121_191911_939_0254720"

    # reference JD
    jdt_ref = ftp_meteor.jdt_ref - (ftp_meteor.time_data[0] - 10.0) / 86400
    ftp_meteor.time_data -= ftp_meteor.time_data[0]

    # Init the new trajectory
    traj = Trajectory(jdt_ref,

    # Precess RA/Dec from J2000 to epoch of date
    ra_data, dec_data = equatorialCoordPrecession_vect(
        J2000_JD.days, ftp_meteor.jdt_ref + ftp_meteor.time_data / 86400,
        ftp_meteor.ra_data, ftp_meteor.dec_data)

    ra_data, dec_data = ftp_meteor.ra_data, ftp_meteor.dec_data
    # Infill trajectory with RMS data
    traj.infillTrajectory(ra_data, dec_data, ftp_meteor.time_data, \
     ftp_meteor.latitude, ftp_meteor.longitude, ftp_meteor.height, station_id=ftp_meteor.station_id)

    # Load INF files
    for inf in inf_files:
Ejemplo n.º 11
file_name = "C:\\Users\\lmcfd\\Documents\\Fireballs\\BC\\metsimtraj.csv"

jdt_ref = date2JD(2017, 9, 5, 5, 11, 27, millisecond=0)

station = [50.0635, -117.0855, 36927.4988]
station_id = "GLM-16"

# 1 = Right Ascension for meas1, declination for meas2, NOTE: epoch of date, NOT J2000!
# 2 = Azimuth +east of due north for meas1, Elevation angle above the horizon for meas2
# 3 = Azimuth +west of due south for meas1, Zenith angle for meas2
# 4 = Azimuth +north of due east for meas1, Zenith angle for meas2
meastype = 2

# Init new trajectory solving
traj_solve = Trajectory(jdt_ref, meastype=meastype, save_results=True,\
 monte_carlo=False, show_plots=False, output_dir="C:\\Users\\lmcfd\\Desktop\\denis_output\\Crawford_Bay")

data = []
with open(file_name, "r+") as f:

	for line in f:
		a = line.split(",")
		data.append([float(a[0]), float(a[1]), float(a[2])])

data = np.array(data)

traj_solve.infillTrajectory(np.radians(data[:, 1]), np.radians(data[:, 2]), data[:, 0], \
			np.radians(station[0]), np.radians(station[1]), station[2], station_id=station_id)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def solveTrajectoryMILIG(dir_path, file_name, solver='original', **kwargs):
    """ Run the trajectory solver on data provided in the MILIG format input file. 

        dir_path: [str] Directory where the MILIG input file is located.
        file_name: [str] Name of the MILIG input file.

    Keyword arguments:
        **kwargs: [dict] Additional keyword arguments will be directly passed to the trajectory solver.



    # Load data from the MILIG input file
    jdt_ref, stations = loadMiligInput(os.path.join(dir_path, file_name))

    print('JD', jdt_ref)

    # Init the trajectory solver
    if solver == 'original':
        traj = Trajectory(jdt_ref, output_dir=dir_path, meastype=3, **kwargs)

    elif solver.startswith('gural'):

        # Extract velocity model is given
            velmodel = int(solver[-1])

            # Default to the exponential model
            velmodel = 3

        traj = GuralTrajectory(len(stations),

    # Infill data from each station to the solver
    for station in stations:


        if solver == 'original':

            excluded_time = None

            # ### ADD A TIME OF EXCLUSION ###
            # # Add a time range for the given station for which there are not measurements (possibly due to
            # # saturation). This way the calculation of length residuals will not be affected.

            # if station.station_id == "1":
            #     print('EXCLUDED POINTS')
            #     #excluded_time = [0.580001, 0.859983]
            #     #excluded_time = [1.7, 3.2]


            traj.infillTrajectory(station.azim_data, station.zangle_data, station.time_data, station.lat,
                station.lon, station.height, station_id=station.station_id, excluded_time=excluded_time, \

        elif 'gural' in solver:

                                  np.array(station.time_data), station.lat,
                                  station.lon, station.height)

            print('Solver: {:s} is not a valid solver!'.format(solver))

    # for obs in traj.observations:
    #     print(np.degrees(obs.lat), np.degrees(obs.lon))

    # Run the trajectory solver

    return traj
Ejemplo n.º 13
            for traj_solver in traj_solvers:

                if (traj_solver == 'los') or (traj_solver
                                              == 'planes') or (traj_solver
                                                               == 'milig'):

                    # If just the LoS is running without MC, then save the results
                    if (traj_solver == 'los') and ('monte_carlo'
                                                   not in traj_solvers):
                        save_results = True
                        save_results = False

                    # Init the trajectory (LoS or intersecing planes)
                    traj = Trajectory(sim_met.jdt_ref, output_dir=output_dir, max_toffset=t_max_offset, \
                        meastype=2, show_plots=False, save_results=save_results, monte_carlo=False, \
                        gravity_correction=gravity_correction, traj_id=unique_id)

                elif traj_solver == 'monte_carlo':

                    # Init the trajectory
                    traj = Trajectory(sim_met.jdt_ref, output_dir=output_dir, max_toffset=t_max_offset, \
                        meastype=2, show_plots=False, mc_runs=100, gravity_correction=gravity_correction,\

                elif 'gural' in traj_solver:

                    # Extract the velocity model
                        velmodel = traj_solver.replace('gural', '')