Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_GetPreprocessedFullPixelPlane( self ):
        """Exercise pixel intensity mean/std shift, and downsample"""

        debug = False
        if debug:
            from wndcharm import package_versions
            print package_versions
            print '==========================='

        img = wndchrm_test_dir + sep + "t1_s01_c05_ij.tif"
        # px plane	min	max	mean	std
        # np orig:	411.00	1465.00	912.19	129.31

        samp = FeatureVector( source_filepath=img )
        orig = samp.GetOriginalPixelPlane( cache=True )
        orig_np = orig.as_ndarray()

        target_mean = 1000
        target_std = 100

        if debug:
            frmt = "{}:\t{:0.2f}\t{:0.2f}\t{:0.2f}\t{:0.2f}"
            print "target mean: {}, target std: {}".format( target_mean, target_std )
            print "px plane\tmin\tmax\tmean\tstd"
            d = "np orig", orig_np.min(), orig_np.max(), orig_np.mean(), orig_np.std(),
            print frmt.format( *d )

        # Mean shift only
        samp.pixel_intensity_mean = target_mean
        mean_shifted = samp.GetPreprocessedFullPixelPlane( cache=False )
        mean_shifted_np = mean_shifted.as_ndarray()
        if debug:
            d = ( "mean   ", mean_shifted_np.min(), mean_shifted_np.max(), mean_shifted_np.mean(), mean_shifted_np.std() )
            print frmt.format( *d )
        self.assertEqual( target_mean, int( mean_shifted_np.mean() ) )

        # Mean and std shift
        samp.pixel_intensity_stdev = target_std
        mean_std_shifted = samp.GetPreprocessedFullPixelPlane( cache=False )
        mean_std_shifted_np = mean_std_shifted.as_ndarray()
        if debug:
            d = ( "mean&std", mean_std_shifted_np.min(), mean_std_shifted_np.max(),
            mean_std_shifted_np.mean(), mean_std_shifted_np.std() )
            print frmt.format( *d )

        self.assertEqual( target_mean, int( round( mean_std_shifted_np.mean() ) ) )
        self.assertEqual( target_std, int( round( mean_std_shifted_np.std() ) ) )

        # downsample
        samp.pixel_intensity_mean = None
        samp.pixel_intensity_std = None

        w = orig.width
        h = orig.height

        downsample = 25
        samp.downsample = downsample
        target_w = int( w * float( downsample ) / 100 )
        target_h = int( h * float( downsample ) / 100 )

        ds = samp.GetPreprocessedFullPixelPlane( cache=False )
        ds_np = ds.as_ndarray()

        new_h, new_w = ds_np.shape

        if debug:
            print "orig dimensions: {}x{}".format( w, h )
            print "downsample {}%: {}x{}".format( downsample, new_w, new_h )

        self.assertEqual( target_w, new_w )
        self.assertEqual( target_h, new_h )