Ejemplo n.º 1
def generate_session_pool(language="EN"):
    """Generate a single session pool for catFR experiments.

    :param str language: Language to load words in.
    :param int num_lists: Number of lists to assign.
    :param int listno_start: Where to start numbering from.
    :returns: Shuffled, categorized word pool.

    # validate language
    if language.lower() not in ["en", "sp"]:
        raise exc.LanguageError(
            "Language must be 'EN' or 'SP'".format(language))

    # Load and shuffle order of words in categories
    filename = "ram_categorized_{:s}.txt".format(language.lower())
    pool = wordpool.shuffle_within_groups(
    words = sort_pairs(assign_list_numbers(assign_word_numbers(pool)))

    all_words = wordpool.load('practice_cat_{:s}.txt'.format(language.lower()))
    all_words['listno'] = 0
    all_words['type'] = "PRACTICE"
    all_words['wordno'] = range(12)
    all_words['category'] = "X"
    all_words['category_num'] = -999
    all_words = wordpool.shuffle_words(all_words)

    return all_words.append(words).reset_index(drop=True)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_create(pool, catpool):
    assert "word" in pool
    assert "word" in catpool
    assert "category" in catpool
    output = subprocess.check_output("git rev-parse --show-toplevel".split())
    root = output.decode().strip()
    other = wordpool.load(osp.join(root, "wordpool", "data", "ram_wordpool_en.txt"), False)
    assert "word" in other
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_write_wordpool(tmpdir):
    fn = listgen.write_wordpool_txt

    # unsupported language
    with pytest.raises(exc.LanguageError):
        fn(tmpdir, "DA")

    # missing rec words for supported language
    with pytest.raises(exc.LanguageError):
        fn(tmpdir, "SP", True)

    # writing without lures
    with subdir(tmpdir) as path:
        ret = fn(path, "EN")
        assert len(os.listdir(path)) == 1
        assert len(ret) == 1
        assert ret[0] == osp.join(path, "RAM_wordpool.txt")

        with open(ret[0]) as f:
            words = pd.Series([l.strip() for l in f.readlines()])
            assert (words == wordpool.load("ram_wordpool_en.txt").word).all()

    # Writing with lures
    with subdir(tmpdir) as path:
        ret = fn(path, "EN", True)
        assert len(os.listdir(path)) == 2
        assert len(ret) == 2
        assert ret[0] == osp.join(path, "RAM_wordpool.txt")
        assert ret[1] == osp.join(path, "RAM_lurepool.txt")

        # targets
        with open(ret[0]) as f:
            words = pd.Series([l.strip() for l in f.readlines()])
            assert (words == wordpool.load("ram_wordpool_en.txt").word).all()

        # lures
        with open(ret[1]) as f:
            words = pd.Series([l.strip() for l in f.readlines()])
            assert (words == wordpool.load("REC1_lures_en.txt").word).all()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_generate_rec1_blocks(self):
        pool = listgen.fr.generate_session_pool()
        assigned = listgen.assign_list_types(pool, 3, 6, 16, 0)
        lures = wordpool.load("REC1_lures_en.txt")
        blocks = listgen.generate_rec1_blocks(assigned, lures)

        assert isinstance(blocks, pd.DataFrame)
        assert not all(
            [s == u for s, u in zip(sorted(blocks.listno), blocks.listno)])

        blocks2 = listgen.generate_rec1_blocks(assigned, lures)
        for n in range(len(blocks.word)):
            if blocks.word.iloc[0] != blocks2.word.iloc[0]:
        assert n < len(blocks.word)

        # this should be the original index before being reset
        assert "index" in blocks.columns
Ejemplo n.º 5
def catpool(language="en"):
    yield wordpool.load("ram_categorized_{:s}.txt".format(language))
Ejemplo n.º 6
def pool(language="en"):
    yield wordpool.load("ram_wordpool_{:s}.txt".format(language))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def catpool(self):
     return wordpool.load("ram_categorized_en.txt")
Ejemplo n.º 8
"""FR list generation."""

import pandas as pd
import wordpool

RAM_LIST_EN = wordpool.load("ram_wordpool_en.txt")
RAM_LIST_SP = wordpool.load("ram_wordpool_sp.txt")

PRACTICE_LIST_EN = wordpool.load("practice_en.txt")
PRACTICE_LIST_SP = wordpool.load("practice_sp.txt")

def generate_session_pool(words_per_list=12, num_lists=25, language="EN"):
    """Generate the pool of words for a single task session. This does *not*
    assign stim, no-stim, or PS metadata since this part depends on the

    :param int words_per_list: Number of words in each list.
    :param int num_lists: Total number of lists excluding the practice list.
    :param str language: Session language (``EN`` or ``SP``).
    :returns: Word pool
    :rtype: pd.DataFrame

    assert language in ("EN", "SP")

    practice = PRACTICE_LIST_EN if language == "EN" else PRACTICE_LIST_SP
    practice["type"] = "PRACTICE"
    practice["listno"] = 0
    practice = wordpool.shuffle_words(practice).reset_index(drop=True)
Ejemplo n.º 9
"""List generation and I/O."""

import random
import os.path as osp
import numpy.random as npr
import pandas as pd
import wordpool

from .. import exc
from . import fr
from . import catfr
from . import pal

RAM_LIST_EN = wordpool.load("ram_wordpool_en.txt")
RAM_LIST_SP = wordpool.load("ram_wordpool_sp.txt")

CAT_LIST_EN = wordpool.load("ram_categorized_en.txt")
CAT_LIST_SP = wordpool.load("ram_categorized_sp.txt")

PRACTICE_LIST_EN = wordpool.load("practice_en.txt")
PRACTICE_LIST_SP = wordpool.load("practice_sp.txt")

LURES_LIST_EN = wordpool.load("REC1_lures_en.txt")

def write_wordpool_txt(path,
    """Write `RAM_wordpool.txt` or `CatFR_WORDS.txt` to a file (why the naming
    is so inconsistent is beyond me). This is used in event post-processing.