def test_get_random_word():
    eng_word = get_random_word()
    assert eng_word != 'not found'
    assert isinstance(eng_word, str)

    pattern = str_compile(r'^[a-zA-Z\-.`&]+$')
    assert pattern.match(eng_word)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def play_hangman():
    """Play a game of hangman.     At the end of the game, returns if the player wants to retry.     """
    # Let player specify difficulty
    print('Starting a game of Hangman...')
    attempts_remaining = get_num_attempts()
    min_word_length = get_min_word_length()

    # Randomly select a word
    print('Selecting a word...')
    word = get_random_word(min_word_length)
    # Initialize game state variables
    idxs = [letter not in ascii_lowercase for letter in word]
    remaining_letters = set(ascii_lowercase)
    wrong_letters = []
    word_solved = False
    # Main game loop
    while attempts_remaining > 0 and not word_solved:
        # Print current game state
        print('Word: {0}'.format(get_display_word(word, idxs)))
        print('Attempts Remaining: {0}'.format(attempts_remaining))
        print('Previous Guesses: {0}'.format(' '.join(wrong_letters)))

        # Get player's next letter guess
        next_letter = get_next_letter(remaining_letters)

        # Check if letter guess is in word
        if next_letter in word:
            # Guessed correctly
            print('{0} is in the word!'.format(next_letter))

            # Reveal matching letters
            for i in range(len(word)):
                if word[i] == next_letter:
                    idxs[i] = True
            # Guessed incorrectly
            print('{0} is NOT in the word!'.format(next_letter))

            # Decrement num of attempts left and append guess to wrong guesses
            attempts_remaining -= 1

        # Check if word is completely solved
        if False not in idxs:
            word_solved = True

    # The game is over: reveal the word
    print('The word is {0}'.format(word))

    # Notify player of victory or defeat
    if word_solved:
        print('Congratulations! You won!')
        print('Try again next time!')

    # Ask player if he/she wants to try again
    try_again = input('Would you like to try again? [y/Y] ')
    return try_again.lower() == 'y'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def play_hangman():

    print('Starting a game of Hangman...')
    attempts_remaining = get_num_attempts()
    min_word_length = get_min_word_length()

    print('Selecting a word...')
    word = get_random_word(min_word_length)

    idxs = [letter not in ascii_lowercase for letter in word]
    remaining_letters = set(ascii_lowercase)
    wrong_letters = []
    word_solved = False

    while attempts_remaining > 0 and not word_solved:
        print('Word: {0}'.format(get_display_word(word, idxs)))
        print('Attempts Remaining: {0}'.format(attempts_remaining))
        print('Previous Guesses: {0}'.format(' '.join(wrong_letters)))

        next_letter = get_next_letter(remaining_letters)

        if next_letter in word:
            print('{0} is in the word!'.format(next_letter))

            for i in range(len(word)):
                if word[i] == next_letter:
                    idxs[i] = True


            print('{0} is NOT in the word!'.format(next_letter))

            attempts_remaining -= 1

        if False not in idxs:
            word_solved = True

    print('The word is {0}'.format(word))
    # Notify player of victory or defeat
    if word_solved:
        print('Congratulations! You won!')
        print('Boo you suck!')

# Ask player if he/she wants to try again
    try_again = input('Would you like to try again? [y/Y] ')
    return try_again.lower() == 'y'
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_random_songs():
    Search for random songs on spotify and returns list of dictionaries of the
    following form:
    {'uri', 'artist', 'name', 'image'}
    items = []
    while len(items) is 0:
        results =
        items = results['tracks']['items']
    songs = [{'uri': item['uri'], 'artist': item['artists'][0]['name'],
              'name': item['name'], 'image': item['album']['images'][0]['url']}
              for item in items]
    return songs
Ejemplo n.º 5
def play_hangman():
    """Play a game of hangman.At the end of the game, returns if the player wants to retry. """
    print("Starting a game of Hangman... ")
    attempts_remaining = get_num_attempts()
    min_word_length = get_min_word_length()

    print("Selecting a word...")
    word = get_random_word(min_word_length)

    idxs = [letter not in ascii_lowercase for letter in word]
    remaining_letters = set(ascii_lowercase)
    wrong_letters = []
    word_solved = False

    while attempts_remaining > 0 and not word_solved:
        print("Word: {0}".format(get_display_word(word, idxs)))
        print("Attempts Remaining: {0}".format(attempts_remaining))
        print("Previous Guesses: {0}".format(" ".join(wrong_letters)))

        next_letter = get_next_letter(remaining_letters)

        if next_letter in word:
            print("{0} is in the word!".format(next_letter))

            for i in range(len(word)):
                if word[i] == next_letter:
                    idxs[i] = True

            print("{0} is NOT in the word!".format(next_letter))

            attempts_remaining -= 1

        if False not in idxs:
            word_solved = True

    print("The word is {0}".format(word))

    if word_solved:
        print("Congrats! You Won!")

        print("Try again next time!")

    try_again = input("Would you like to try again? [y/Y]: ")
    return try_again.lower() == "y"
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def new_game(self, request):
     """Creates new game"""
     user = User.query( == request.user_name).get()
     if not user:
         raise endpoints.NotFoundException(
             'A User with that name does not exist!')
     word = words.get_random_word()
     word_length = len(word)
     user_word = "".join('-' for i in range(word_length))
     print user_word
     game = Game.new_game(user.key, word, user_word)
     num = str(len(
     msg = 'Good luck playing Hangman! {} letters, to find the word'.format(
     return game.to_form(msg)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def play_hangman():
     """Play a game of hangman.     At the end of the game, returns if the player wants to retry.     """
     # Let player specify difficulty
     print('Starting a game of Hangman...')
     attempts_remaining = get_num_attempts()
     min_word_length = get_min_word_length()
     # Randomly select a word
     print('Selecting a word...')
     word = get_random_word(min_word_length)
     # Initialize game state variables
     idxs = [
         letter not in ascii_lowercase for letter in word
     remaining_letters = set(ascii_lowercase)
     wrong_letters = []
     word_solved = False
Ejemplo n.º 8
def play_hangman():
    print("Starting a new game of Hangman...")
    attempts_remaining = get_num_attempts()
    min_word_length = get_min_word_length()
    print("Selecting a word...")
    word = get_random_word(min_word_length)

    idxs = [letter not in ascii_lowercase for letter in word]
    remaining_letters = set(ascii_lowercase)
    wrong_letters = []
    word_solved = False
    # Shows the current state of the game
    while attempts_remaining > 0 and not word_solved:
        print("Word: {0}".format(get_display_word(word, idxs)))
        print("attempts Remaining: {0}".format(attempts_remaining))
        print("Previous Guesses: {0}".format(' '.join(wrong_letters)))

        next_letter = get_next_letter(remaining_letters)
        # Checking if the guessed letter is in the word
        if next_letter in word:
            print("{0} is in the word!".format(next_letter))
            # Reveals matching letters
            for i in range(len(word)):
                if word[i] == next_letter:
                    idxs[i] = True
            print("{0} is Not in the word!".format(next_letter))

            attempts_remaining -= 1
        # Checking if the word is completely solved
        if False not in idxs:
            word_solved = True

    print("The word is {0}!".format(word))

    if word_solved:
        print("Congratulations! You are the best!")
        print("Better luck next time!")
    # Ask player if they want to try again
    try_again = input("Would you like to play again? [Y] ")
    return try_again.lower() == "y"
Ejemplo n.º 9
def play_hangman():
    print(' THE GAME IS ABOUT TO BEING ....')
    attempts_remaining = get_attempts()

    print('SELECTING A WORD...')
    word = get_random_word()

    idxs = [letter not in ascii_lowercase for letter in word]
    remaining_letters = set(ascii_lowercase)
    wrong_letters = []
    word_solved = False

    while attempts_remaining > 0 and not word_solved:
        print('Word:{0}'.format(get_display_word(word, idxs)))
        print('Attempts reminaing: {0}'.format(attempts_remaining))
        print('Previous Guesses: {0}'.format(' '.join(wrong_letters)))

        next_letter = get_next_letter(remaining_letters)

        if next_letter in word:
            print('{0} is in the word'.format(next_letter))
            for i in range(len(word)):
                if word[i] == next_letter:
                    idxs[i] = True
            print('{0} is not in the word'.format(next_letter))
            attempts_remaining -= 1
        if False not in idxs:
            word_solved = True

    print('The word is {0}'.format(word))

    if word_solved:
        print('Congrats you have won the game')
        print('better luck next time loser')

    try_again = input('Would you like to try again? [y/Y]')
    return try_again.lower() == 'y'
Ejemplo n.º 10
def get_word():
    '''Get minimim and maximum word length for guess'''
    while True:
        min_word_length = input(
            "What is the minimum word length you want? [>3]: ")
        max_word_length = input(
            "What is the maximum word length you want? [<16]: ")
            min_word_length = int(min_word_length)
            max_word_length = int(max_word_length)

            if min_word_length > 3 and max_word_length < 16:
                return get_random_word(min_word_length, max_word_length)
                    f"Values must be between greater than 3 and less than 16!")
        except ValueError:
            print(f"Values must be between greater than 3 and less than 16!")
        except Exception as err:
                f"Exception Type: {type(err).__name__}, Arguments: {err.args}")
Ejemplo n.º 11
def play_hangman():
    """play the Game

    At the end of the game, return if player wants ta play again"""

    #Let player specify the difficulty

    print('Starting a game of Hangman...')
    attempts_remaining = get_num_attempts()
    min_word_length = get_min_word_length()

    #Randomly select a word
    print('Selecting a word')
    word = get_random_word(min_word_length)

    #Initialize the game state variables

    idxs = [letter not in ascii_lowercase for letter in word]
    remaining_letters = set(ascii_lowercase)
    wrong_letters = []
    word_solved = False

    #main game loop

    while attempts_remaining > 0 and not word_solved:
        #print current game status

        print('Word: {0}'.format(get_display_word(word, idxs)))
        print('Attempts remaining: {0}'.format('').join(wrong_letters))

        #Get the players next letter guess
        next_letter = get_next_letter(remaining_letters)

        #check if letter guessed is in word
        if next_letter in word:
            #guessed correctly
            print('{0} is in the word!'.format(next_letter))

            #reveal matching letter
            for i in range(len(word)):
                if word[i] == next_letter:
                    idxs[i] = True

            #guessed incorrectly
            print('{0} is NOT in the word!'.format(next_letter))

            #decrease number of attempts and append guess towrong guesses
            attempts_remaining -= 1

        #check if word is completely solved
        if False not in idxs:
            word_solved = True

    #the game is over: reveal the word
    print('The word is {0}'.format(word))

    #notify player victory or defeat
    if word_solved:
        print('Congratulations, You Won!')
        print('Sorry, Try again next time!')

    #ask player if the want totry again
    try_again = input('Would you like to try again? [Y/y]')
    return try_again.lower() == 'y'
Ejemplo n.º 12
        if len(next_letter) != 1:
            print ('{0} is not a single character'.format(next_letter))
        elif next_letter not in ascii_lowercase:
            print ('{0} is not a letter'.format(next_letter))
            return next_letter

print ('Starting a game of Hangman...')
 attempts_remaining = get_num_attempts()
 min_word_length = get_min_word_length()

 print ('Selecting a word...')
 word = get_random_word(min_word_length)

idxs = [letter not in ascii_lowercase for letter in word]
remaining_letters = set(ascii_lowercase)
wrong_letters = []
word_solved = False

while attempts_remaining > 0 and not word_solved:
    print('Word: {0}'.format(get_display_word(word, idx)))
    print('Attempts Remaining: {0}'.format(attempts_remaining))
    print('Previous Guesses: {0}'.format(''.join(wrong_letters)))

    next_letter = get_next_letter(remaining_letters)

    if next_letter in word:
Ejemplo n.º 13
import turtle

import hangman
import words

def write_word(word):
    writer = turtle.Turtle()
    writer.goto(100, 200)
    writer.write(word, font=('Arial', 16, 'bold'))

# Иницилизация
original_word = words.get_random_word()
word = '_' * len(original_word)
errors = 0

def on_key_press(key):
    global errors
    global word
    if errors <= hangman.MAX_ERRORS:
        if key in original_word:
            word = words.fill_char(key, word, original_word)
            if word == original_word:
                print('You win')
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_words():
    word = words.get_random_word(4)
    with open("wordlist.txt", "r") as f:
        file_content = f.readlines()
        content = [x.strip() for x in file_content]
    assert (word in content) is True
Ejemplo n.º 15
def play_hangman():
    """Start game"""
    # Get attempts and word length
    print('Starting a game of Hangman...')
    attempts_remaining = get_num_attempts()
    min_word_length = get_min_word_length()

    # Randomly choose word
    print('Selecting a word...')
    word = get_random_word(min_word_length)

    # Game state vars
    idxs = [letter not in ascii_lowercase for letter in word]
    remaining_letters = set(ascii_lowercase)
    wrong_letters = []
    word_solved = False

    # Main loop
    while attempts_remaining > 0 and not word_solved:
        # Print game state
        print('Word: {0}'.format(get_display_word(word, idxs)))
        print('Attempts Remaining: {0}'.format(attempts_remaining))
        print('Previous Guesses: {0}'.format(' '.join(wrong_letters)))

        # Get next guess
        next_letter = get_next_letter(remaining_letters)

        # Check if guessed letter is in the word
        if next_letter in word:
            # Correct guess
            print('{0} is in the word!'.format(next_letter))

            # Show guessed letter
            for i in range(len(word)):
                if word[i] == next_letter:
                    idxs[i] = True
            # Incorrect guess
            print('{0} is NOT in the word!'.format(next_letter))

            # Decrement remaining attempts and maintain list of incorrect guesses
            attempts_remaining -= 1

        # Is word solved?
        if False not in idxs:
            word_solved = True

    # Game over, reveal word
    print('The word is {0}'.format(word))

    # Win or loss?
    if word_solved:
        print('Congratulations! You won!')
        print('Try again next time!')

    # Play again?
    try_again = input('Would you like to try again? [y/Y] ')
    return try_again.lower() == 'y'