Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(result_file):
    Appends the last execution time of a makefile to ``result_file``

    Please make sure the execution actually ended before running this
    with open(result_file, 'a+') as stream:
        duration = float(RED.get(END_TIME)) - float(RED.get(START_TIME))
        stream.write(str(duration) + "\n")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    Runs a makefile on several nodes
    # Flush the database, from one execution to another

    # The makefile to use in case none is provided
    default_makefile = None
    for makefile in ("GNU-makefile", "makefile", "Makefile"):
        if exists(makefile):
            default_makefile = makefile

    # Parse the args from the command line
    parser = ArgumentParser(description="Distributed make")
        "-f", "--file", nargs="?", dest="makefile", default=default_makefile, type=FileType("r"), help="the file to use"
    parser.add_argument("-a", "--async", action="store_true", help="do not wait for tasks completion")
    parser.add_argument("target", nargs="?", default="", help="the makefile's target to create")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    if args.makefile is None:
        print "No makefile was found. Stopping."

    # Initialize the start_time and the end_time (for the measures)
    RED.set(START_TIME, time())
    RED.set(END_TIME, time())

    # Parse the makefile
    makefile_parser = Parser()

    # Fetch the target
    task = makefile_parser.get_task(args.target)

    # Create a dependency tree and launch all the leaves
    # in parrallel
    dep_tree = DepTree(task)
    RED.set(TASK_NUM, dep_tree.nodes_num)
    group((run_task.s(leaf) for leaf in dep_tree.leaves))()
    if not args.async:
        # Wait for the last task to return