Ejemplo n.º 1
def overrideLatestTweetOUT(latesttweetid):
    sudo = request.args.get('sudo', default=0, type=int)

    response = ''
    latesttweetid = int(latesttweetid)

    #get value from Redis
        print "Reading from Redis - LATEST_TWEET_OUT_PROCESSED: %d" % LATEST_TWEET_REDIS

        if latesttweetid > LATEST_TWEET_REDIS or sudo == 1:
            #set value to Redis
            conn.set('LATEST_TWEET_OUT_PROCESSED', latesttweetid)
            response += "OK -- set %d as latest tweet OUT on Redis" % latesttweetid
            response += "Equally or more recent tweet OUT found on Redis: %d" % LATEST_TWEET_REDIS

    #if couldn't find latest tweet, set it anyway
    except Exception as err:
        conn.set('LATEST_TWEET_OUT_PROCESSED', latesttweetid)
        response += "Couldn't retrieve latest tweet OUT from Redis -- %s" % str(
        response += "<hr>"
        response += "Set %d as latest tweet OUT on Redis" % latesttweetid

    return response
Ejemplo n.º 2
def setLatestTweetOutToRedis(latesttweetid):
        conn.set('LATEST_TWEET_OUT_PROCESSED', latesttweetid)
        print "Writing to Redis - LATEST_TWEET_OUT_PROCESSED: %d" % latesttweetid
        return None
    except Exception as err:
        print "Unable to set latest tweet OUT to Redis -- %s" % str(err)
        return None
Ejemplo n.º 3
def check_email():
    """Check the mail account and lint new mail."""
    server = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587)
    server.login(user, password)

    g = gmail.login(user, password)

    # Check for unread messages.
    unread = g.inbox().mail(unread=True)

    # Submit a job to lint each email sent to [email protected]. Record the
    # resulting job_ids somewhere (in Redis, I suppose), keyed by a hash of the
    # email.
    for u in unread:


        signature = u.fr.decode("utf-8") + u.subject.decode("utf-8") + u.body.decode("utf-8")

        hash = hashlib.sha256(signature.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()

        if user_to in u.to or user_to in u.headers.get("Cc", []):

            job_id = conn.get(hash)

            if not job_id:
                # If the email hasn't been sent for processing, send it.
                r = requests.post(api_url, data={"text": u.body})
                conn.set(hash, r.json()["job_id"])

                # Otherwise, check whether the results are ready, and if so,
                # reply with them.
                r = requests.get(api_url, params={"job_id": job_id})

                if r.json()["status"] == "success":

                    reply = quoted(u.body)
                    errors = r.json()["data"]["errors"]
                    reply += "\r\n\r\n".join([json.dumps(e) for e in errors])

                    msg = MIMEMultipart()
                    msg["From"] = "{} <{}>".format(name, user)
                    msg["To"] = u.fr
                    msg["Subject"] = "Re: " + u.subject

                    msg.add_header("In-Reply-To", u.headers["Message-ID"])
                    msg.add_header("References", u.headers["Message-ID"])

                    body = reply + "\r\n\r\n--\r\n" + tagline + "\r\n" + url
                    msg.attach(MIMEText(body, "plain"))

                    text = msg.as_string()
                    server.sendmail(user, u.fr, text)

                    # Mark the email as read.
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_email():
    """Check the mail account and lint new mail."""
    server = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587)
    server.login(user, password)

    g = gmail.login(user, password)

    # Check for unread messages.
    unread = g.inbox().mail(unread=True)

    # Submit a job to lint each email sent to [email protected]. Record the
    # resulting job_ids somewhere (in Redis, I suppose), keyed by a hash of the
    # email.
    for u in unread:


        signature = (u.fr.decode('utf-8') +
                     u.subject.decode('utf-8') +

        hash = hashlib.sha256(signature.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

        if user_to in u.to or user_to in u.headers.get('Cc', []):

            job_id = conn.get(hash)

            if not job_id:
                # If the email hasn't been sent for processing, send it.
                r = requests.post(api_url, data={"text": u.body})
                conn.set(hash, r.json()["job_id"])
                print("Email {} sent for processing.".format(hash))

                # Otherwise, check whether the results are ready, and if so,
                # reply with them.
                r = requests.get(api_url, params={"job_id": job_id})

                if r.json()["status"] == "success":

                    reply = quoted(u.body)
                    errors = r.json()['data']['errors']
                    reply += "\r\n\r\n".join([json.dumps(e) for e in errors])

                    msg = MIMEMultipart()
                    msg["From"] = "{} <{}>".format(name, user)
                    msg["To"] = u.fr
                    msg["Subject"] = "Re: " + u.subject

                    if u.headers.get('Message-ID'):
                        msg.add_header("In-Reply-To", u.headers['Message-ID'])
                        msg.add_header("References", u.headers['Message-ID'])

                    body = reply + "\r\n\r\n--\r\n" + tagline + "\r\n" + url
                    msg.attach(MIMEText(body, "plain"))

                    text = msg.as_string()
                    server.sendmail(user, u.fr, text)

                    # Mark the email as read.

                    print("Email {} has been replied to.".format(hash))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def getFolloweeData(user_id, client_id, access_token):

	# Try the cache first
	cache_try = conn.get('ig_cache:'+user_id)
	if cache_try is not None:
		results = pickle.loads(cache_try)
		results['from_cache'] = True
		return results

	results = {}

	# Call the IG servers
	payload = { 
		'client_id': client_id,
		'access_token': access_token,
	r = requests.get('https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/'+user_id+'/media/recent/', params=payload)

	# Extract recent media from the response
	recent_media = []

	if r.status_code == 200: # If not, this user is probably visible to followers only
		for item in r.json()['data']:
			recent_media.append({'time':float(item['created_time']), 'user': item['user']['username'], 'likes': int(item['likes']['count'])})

	results['last_photo_time'] = recent_media[0]['time']

	# Calculate photos per day

	days = {}
	most_days_back = datetime.now().date()-datetime.fromtimestamp(recent_media[-1]['time']).date()
	most_days_back = most_days_back.days

	for day in xrange(0,most_days_back):
		days[day] = 0

	for photo in recent_media:
		photo_day = datetime.now().date()-datetime.fromtimestamp(photo['time']).date()
		photo_day = photo_day.days
		if photo_day < most_days_back:
			days[photo_day] += 1

	num_of_photos = 0
	for day in xrange(0,most_days_back):
		num_of_photos += days[day]

	results['photos_per_day'] = format(num_of_photos / float(most_days_back), '.2f')

	# Calculate likes per photo

	likes = 0
	for photo in recent_media:
		likes += photo['likes']

	results['likes_per_photo'] = format(likes / float(len(recent_media)), '.2f')

	# Additional metadata

	results['username'] = recent_media[0]['user']

	results['user_id'] = user_id

	conn.set('ig_cache:'+user_id ,pickle.dumps(results))
	conn.expire('ig_cache:'+user_id, os.environ['CACHE_LIFE'])

	return results
Ejemplo n.º 6
def set_job_request_for_user(user, job_id):
	conn.set(get_last_work_request_key(user.id), job_id)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def set_job_for_user(user, name, job_id, work_status):
	if(work_status == JOB_WORKER):
		conn.set(get_has_work_key(user), "yes")
	conn.set(get_redis_key(user.id, name), str(job_id) + ":" + str(work_status))