Ejemplo n.º 1
    def delete(self, request, workspace_id, tab_id):
        user = get_user_authentication(request)

        #set new order
        tabs = Tab.objects.filter(workspace__pk=workspace_id).order_by('position')

        # Get tab, if it does not exist, an http 404 error is returned
        tab = get_object_or_404(Tab, workspace__pk=workspace_id, pk=tab_id)

        #decrease the position of the following tabs
        for t in range(tab.position, tabs.count()):
            tabs[t].position = tabs[t].position - 1

        tabs = tabs.exclude(pk=tab_id)

        if tabs.count() == 0:
            msg = _("tab cannot be deleted")
            log(msg, request)
            return HttpResponseServerError(get_xml_error(msg), mimetype='application/xml; charset=UTF-8')

        #Delete WorkSpace variables too!
        deleteTab(tab, user)

        #set a new visible tab (first tab by default)
        activeTab = tabs[0]
        setVisibleTab(user, workspace_id, activeTab)

        return HttpResponse('ok')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def update(self, request, workspace_id, tab_id):
        user = get_user_authentication(request)

        received_json = PUT_parameter(request, 'tab')

        if not received_json:
            return HttpResponseBadRequest(get_xml_error(_("tab JSON expected")), mimetype='application/xml; charset=UTF-8')

            t = simplejson.loads(received_json)
            tab = Tab.objects.get(workspace__users__id=user.id, workspace__pk=workspace_id, pk=tab_id)

            if 'visible' in t:
                visible = t['visible']
                if (visible == 'true'):
                    #Only one visible tab
                    setVisibleTab(user, workspace_id, tab)
                    tab.visible = False

            if 'name' in t:
                tab.name = t['name']


            return HttpResponse('ok')
        except Exception, e:
            msg = _("tab cannot be updated: ") + unicode(e)

            raise TracedServerError(e, received_json, request, msg)