Ejemplo n.º 1
def internal_directed_cites_matrix( w ) :
    returns a directed citations graph; this only involves papers listed in the data, and is a DIRECTED graph adgacency matrix
    such that cell (row,col) means "node row points to node col"
    row_dois = w.dois()
    result = zeros( (len(row_dois), len(row_dois)), dtype=int8 )
    for paper in w.reader() :
        if paper['DI'] != '' :
            for doi in cited_dois(paper) :
                if row_dois.count( doi ) :
                    result[ row_dois.index(paper['DI']), row_dois.index(doi)] = 1
    return (result, row_dois, row_dois )
Ejemplo n.º 2
def cites_matrix( w ) :
    Returns an occurrence matrix; the rows represent the papers in the corpus; the columns the cited papers.
    The entries are the intersections where a corpus paper cites a column paper
    column_dois = w.set_cited_dois()
    row_dois = w.dois()
    result = zeros( (len(row_dois), len(column_dois)), dtype = int8 )
    for paper in w.reader() :
        if paper['DI'] != '' :
            for doi in cited_dois( paper ) :
                result[row_dois.index( paper['DI'] )][column_dois.index( doi )] = 1

    return ( result, row_dois, column_dois )
Ejemplo n.º 3
def internal_directed_authorcite_matrix( w ) :
    returns a directed citations graph; this only involves authors
    such that cell (row,col) means "node row cites node col"
    authordict = authors_by_doi( w )
    authors = list(w.set_authors())
    result = zeros( (len(authors), len(authors)), dtype=int32 )
    for paper in w.reader() :
        for node_author in authorlist_from_authorfield( paper['AU'] ) :
            for doi in cited_dois(paper) :
                if authordict.has_key(doi) :
                    for cited_author in authordict[doi] :
                        result[ authors.index( node_author ), authors.index( cited_author )] += 1
    return (result, authors, authors)