Ejemplo n.º 1
 def deploy(self, patch=False):
     if not exists(self.deploy_root):
         run("mkdir -p %s" % self.deploy_root)
     with cd(self.deploy_root):
         u_domain = self.domain.replace('.','_')
         filename = "%s.wsgi"% u_domain
         context = {"user": env.user,
                    "project_name": env.project_name,
         wsgi_exists = exists(filename)
         if wsgi_exists and not patch: 
             print env.host,"%s already exists on the host %s. Skipping..."% (self.deploy_type,filename)
             return False
         elif not wsgi_exists and patch:
             print env.host,"Error: Cannot patch %s %s. This version does not exist"% (project_fullname(), self.deploy_type)
             return False
         current_version = active_version()
         if current_version == env.project_fullname and not patch:
             print env.host,"Warning: Cannot deploy %s, version %s already active. Increase the version and re-deploy. Skipping.."% (self.deploy_type,env.project_fullname)
             return False
         else: #not exists
             #finally set the ownership/permissions
             #We'll use the group to allow www-data execute
             if self.deploy_type == 'wsgi':
                 sudo("chown %s:www-data %s"% (env.user,filename))
                 run("chmod ug+xr %s"% filename)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def deploy(self,patch=False):
        Deploy your project
        if not self.local_path:
            if env.verbosity:
                print "Warning: No %s set in project settings. Skipping %s..."% (self.setting,self.deploy_type)
                return False
        if self.installed and not patch and self.versioned:
            if env.verbosity:
                print env.host,"Warning: %s version %s already deployed. Skipping..."% (self.deploy_type,self.fullname)
            return False
        elif not self.installed and not patch:
            run('mkdir -p '+self.deploy_root)
            #Webserver must be able to write into the public directory in the case of fileuploads
            #TODO - Make this optional??
            if self.deploy_type == 'public':
                sudo("chown -R www-data:sudo %s" % self.deploy_root[:-1]) #strip trailing /
                sudo("chmod -R ug+w %s"% self.deploy_root[:-1])
        elif not self.installed and patch and self.versioned:
            if env.verbosity:
                print env.host,"Warning: Cannot patch %s. This version %s does not exist. Skipping.."% (self.deploy_type,self.fullname)
            return False
        l = local('ls '+self.local_path).rstrip()
        if not l:
            if env.verbosity:
                print "Warning: Theres are no files to deploy for %s. Skipping.."% self.deploy_type
            return False
        #bug in fabric 0.9 on rsync on alternate port fixed in 1.0
        fab_vers = int(get_version(form='short')[0])
        if fab_vers < 1:
            extra_opts = '--rsh="ssh -p%s"'% env.port

        #to save a bit of network usage if there is an existing version we will copy that first
        if self.versioned:
            av = active_version()
            if av and not patch:
                av_root = self.deploy_root.replace(self.fullname,av)
                dest_root = self.deploy_root.replace(self.deploy_type+'/','')
                run('cp -R %s %s'% (av_root,dest_root))
            elif patch:
        else: delete = False
        if self.dest_path_postfix:
            self.last_postfix = self.dest_path_postfix.split('/')[-2] #since -1 will be trailing slash and thus empty
            postfix = self.dest_path_postfix.replace(self.last_postfix+'/','')
            remote_dir = self.deploy_root[:-1]+postfix
            run('mkdir -p '+remote_dir)

            self.last_postfix = self.deploy_type
            remote_dir = env.deployment_root+'/'.join(['env',self.fullname])
        staging_dir = self.stage_local_files()


        #delete orphaned .pyc - specific to projects & remove 'woven' from installed apps
        if self.deploy_type == 'project':
            run("find %s -name '*.pyc' -delete"% self.deploy_root)

        if env.verbosity:
            if patch: print env.host,"PATCHED %s "% (self.deploy_type)
            else: print env.host,"DEPLOYED %s "% (self.deploy_type)