def test(self): from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDF timeidx = 0 in_wrfnc = NetCDF(wrf_in) if (varname == "interplevel"): ref_ht_850 = _get_refvals(referent, "interplevel", repeat, multi) hts = getvar(in_wrfnc, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) hts_850 = interplevel(hts, p, 850) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_850), ref_ht_850) elif (varname == "vertcross"): ref_ht_cross = _get_refvals(referent, "vertcross", repeat, multi) hts = getvar(in_wrfnc, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(hts.shape[-1] // 2, hts.shape[-2] // 2) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), ref_ht_cross, rtol=.01) elif (varname == "interpline"): ref_t2_line = _get_refvals(referent, "interpline", repeat, multi) t2 = getvar(in_wrfnc, "T2", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(t2.shape[-1] // 2, t2.shape[-2] // 2) t2_line1 = interpline(t2, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), ref_t2_line) elif (varname == "vinterp"): # Tk to theta fld_tk_theta = _get_refvals(referent, "vinterp", repeat, multi) fld_tk_theta = np.squeeze(fld_tk_theta) tk = getvar(in_wrfnc, "temp", timeidx=timeidx, units="k") interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) tol = 5 / 100. atol = 0.0001 field = np.squeeze(field) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_theta, tol, atol)
def variables(ff, t): """ air density & qc for lwp""" z = getvar(ff, "z", timeidx=t, units="m") p = getvar(ff, "pressure", timeidx=t) #[hPa] tk = getvar(ff, "tk", timeidx=t) #[K] rho = p * 100.0 / (tk * 287.0) del tk, p #[kg m-3] qc = getvar(ff, "QCLOUD", timeidx=t) qc *= 1.e3 #[g kg-1] rhoxqc = rho * qc del rho, qc """ for CTT, Max.dBZ, 500 m W, 500 m Wind vel. """ dbz = getvar(ff, "REFL_10CM", timeidx=t) #radar reflectivity ctt = getvar(ff, "ctt", timeidx=t, units="degC") #Cloud top T rh = getvar(ff, "rh", timeidx=t) #relative humidity % wa = getvar(ff, "wa", timeidx=t, units="m s-1") ua = getvar(ff, "ua", timeidx=t, units="m s-1") va = getvar(ff, "va", timeidx=t, units="m s-1") w500 = interplevel(wa, z, 500.0) del wa #500 m height u500 = interplevel(ua, z, 500.0) del ua v500 = interplevel(va, z, 500.0) del va vel_500 = (u500**2 + v500**2)**0.5 del u500, v500 """ 0:MCAPE, 1:MCIN, 2:LCL, 3:LFC """ thermo = g_cape.get_2dcape(ff, timeidx=t) lcl = thermo[2, :, :] del thermo #m #td = getvar(ff, "td", timeidx=t, units="K") #Dew point T #print("Get all variables!") return rhoxqc, z, dbz, ctt, rh, lcl, w500, vel_500
def plot_interact(tindex, level): ua_interp = interplevel(ua, z, level) va_interp = interplevel(va, z, level) wa_interp = interplevel(wa, z, level) fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10)) cb = ax1.contourf(z['west_east'].values, z['south_north'].values, wa_interp.isel(Time=tindex).values,levels=np.arange(-30,30,0.5),cmap='Spectral_r') Q = ax1.quiver(z['west_east'].values, z['south_north'].values, ua_interp.isel(Time=tindex).values, va_interp.isel(Time=tindex).values,pivot='middle',color='black', units='width',width=0.0007,headwidth=10) qk = ax1.quiverkey(Q, 0.92, .95, 5, r'$5 \frac{m}{s}$', labelpos='E', coordinates='figure') cb = plt.colorbar(cb, shrink=0.5, title='Vertical wind (m/s)') ax1.set_title('Vertical motion (m/s) and winds (m/s) at time='+str(tindex)+' and level='+str(level)) plt.tight_layout()
def chi_from_wrf(file, time_index): ncfile = Dataset(file, mode='r') td = getvar(ncfile, "td", timeidx=time_index) tc = getvar(ncfile, "tc", timeidx=time_index) p = getvar(ncfile, "pressure", timeidx=time_index) t850, t700 = [interplevel(tc, p, level).data for level in [850, 700]] td850 = interplevel(td, p, 850).data chaines = chi(t850, td850, t700) return chaines
def calculate_icing_wrf(ncfile, lwc, lwc_threshold): # levels(hPa): 0=100 1=150 2=200 3=250 4=300 5=350 6=400 7=450 8=500 9=550 # 10=600 11=650 12=700 13=750 14=800 15=850 16=900 17=950 18=1000 levels_list = [ 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000 ] total_levels = np.size(levels_list, 0) ################################################ # get temperature and relative humidity ################################################ temperature_var = getvar(ncfile, "tc") rh_var = getvar(ncfile, "rh") # Get the pressure for interpolating the variables to the correct pressure level p = getvar(ncfile, "pressure") ################################################ # calculate icing probabilities values ################################################ grid_lats = rh_var.shape[1] grid_lons = rh_var.shape[2] probability_grid = np.ones([total_levels, grid_lats, grid_lons]) for current_level in range(total_levels): # Interpolate the variables for the current pressure level current_pressure = levels_list[current_level] temperature_level = np.array( interplevel(temperature_var, p, current_pressure)) rh_level = np.array(interplevel(rh_var, p, current_pressure)) # Make the lwc values binary: 0 for less than the threshold and 1 for above it lwc_level = np.squeeze(lwc[current_level, :, :]) lwc_level = np.ceil(lwc_level - lwc_threshold) for lats_idx in range(grid_lats): for lons_idx in range(grid_lons): RH_index = (np.abs(RH_probabilities[:, 0] - rh_level[lats_idx, lons_idx])).argmin() RH_value = RH_probabilities[RH_index, 1] temperature_index = ( np.abs(temperature_probabilities[:, 0] - temperature_level[lats_idx, lons_idx])).argmin() temperature_value = temperature_probabilities[ temperature_index, 1] probability_grid[current_level, lats_idx, lons_idx] = lwc_level[ lats_idx, lons_idx] * temperature_value * RH_value return probability_grid
def calculate_lwc_wrf(ncfile): # levels(hPa): 0=100 1=150 2=200 3=250 4=300 5=350 6=400 7=450 8=500 9=550 # 10=600 11=650 12=700 13=750 14=800 15=850 16=900 17=950 18=1000 levels_list = [ 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850, 900, 950, 1000 ] total_levels = np.size(levels_list, 0) ################################################ # get Virtual temperature, and CLWC. # In the ecmwf version we needed specific humidity and temperature to # calculate the virtual temperature. in WRF it is already calculated! ################################################ virtual_temperature_var = getvar(ncfile, "tv") clwc_var = getvar(ncfile, "QCLOUD") # Get the pressure for interpolating the variables to the correct pressure level p = getvar(ncfile, "pressure") ################################################ # calculate liquid water content in g/m3 values ################################################ lwc_grid = np.ones([total_levels, clwc_var.shape[1], clwc_var.shape[2]]) Rd = 2.87 / 1000 # m3*mb/Kg*K -> m3*mb/g*K for current_level in range(total_levels): current_pressure = levels_list[current_level] # Interpolate the variables for the current pressure level virtual_temperature_grid = np.array( interplevel(virtual_temperature_var, p, current_pressure)) clwc_grid = np.array(interplevel(clwc_var, p, current_pressure)) # Calculate LWC air_density_grid = current_pressure / (Rd * virtual_temperature_grid) lwc_grid[current_level] = clwc_grid * air_density_grid ################################################ # Debug messages # print("Current Level: " + str(current_level)) # print("Max Air Density: " + str(air_density_grid[current_level].max())) # print("Max CLWC: " + str(clwc_grid.max())) # print("Max LWC: " + str(lwc_grid[current_level].max())) # print"=========================================" ################################################ return lwc_grid
def interp_z(ff, time, varname, speedup=1, cores=7): ''' speedup 1: thread, It's may be faster. ''' # global variables zz = getvar(ff, "z", timeidx=time) var = getvar(ff, str(varname), timeidx=time) def wrf_interp(level): result = interplevel(var, zz, level) return result (lev, nk) = delta_z() # dz for interpolation ny = np.int32(len(var[0, :, 0])) nx = np.int32(len(var[0, 0, :])) var_m = np.zeros(shape=(nk, ny, nx), dtype=np.float32) print("Time index: {}, Variable: {}".format(time, str(varname))) print("After Interpolation (nk,nj,ni): \033[93m{}\033[0m".format( var_m.shape)) if speedup == 1: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=cores) as executor: for k in range(nk): #var_m[k,:,:] = executor.submit(interplevel,var,zz,lev[k]).result() var_m[k, :, :] = executor.submit(wrf_interp, lev[k]).result() else: for k in range(nk): var_m[k, :, :] = interplevel(var, zz, lev[k]) var_m = np.where(np.isnan(var_m), fill_value, var_m) return var_m
def interp_data(fieldname, field, Z_AGL): interp_levels = [ 0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000 ] #interp_levels = [2000] vars = {} for level in interp_levels: varname = fieldname + "_" + str(level) + "m_AGL" if level == 0: vars[varname] = field[:, 0, :, :] else: # # interpolate to the requested level # vars[varname] = wrf.interplevel(field[:, :, :, :], Z_AGL[:, :, :, :], level, meta=False) return vars
def interp_data_concat(field, Z_AGL): interp_levels = [ 0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, 5000, 5500, 6000, 6500, 7000 ] count = 0 for level in interp_levels: count = count + 1 if level == 0: interp_field = field[:, 0, :, :] interp_field = interp_field[:, np.newaxis, :, :] else: # # interpolate to the requested level # interp_field = wrf.interplevel(field[:, :, :, :], Z_AGL[:, :, :, :], level, meta=False) interp_field = interp_field[:, np.newaxis, :, :] if count == 1: interp_3d = interp_field print(interp_3d.shape) else: interp_3d = np.concatenate((interp_3d, interp_field), axis=1) print(interp_3d.shape) return interp_3d
def regrid_and_sum(flx_ds, _boo=True): ds_rl = flx_ds['CONC'].where(_boo).sum(co.RL).load() # %% import wrf topo_ = (ds_rl[co.ZM] - ds_rl[co.TOPO]) ds_g = (topo_ / 500).round() * 500 # %% res = wrf.interplevel(ds_rl.reset_coords(drop=True), ds_g, ds_g[co.ZM]) res = res.rename({'level': co.ZM}) = 'CONC' # %% res_sum = res.sum([co.R_CENTER, co.TH_CENTER]) return res_sum
def WRF3D(WindArray, Pos_LLH): # Interpolates spatially # Assign the lat/lon/hei and find height variation in the model [[lat], [lon], [hei]] = [np.rad2deg(Pos_LLH[0]), np.rad2deg(Pos_LLH[1]), Pos_LLH[2]] # Find xy positions of the lat/lon ang_dist2 = (WindArray[0, 0] - lat)**2 + (WindArray[1, 0] - lon)**2 min_index = np.argmin(ang_dist2) ncol = WindArray.shape[3] xid = min_index % ncol yid = min_index // ncol lat_var = WindArray[0, 0, yid - 1:yid + 2, xid - 1:xid + 2] #[3,3] lon_var = WindArray[1, 0, yid - 1:yid + 2, xid - 1:xid + 2] #[3,3] hei_var = WindArray[2, :, yid - 1:yid + 2, xid - 1:xid + 2] #[z,3,3] # Find the variable at a certain altitude as a 2D array [3,3] #linear interpolation! interp_horiz = lambda entry_no: interplevel( field3d=WindArray[entry_no, :, yid - 1:yid + 2, xid - 1:xid + 2], vert=hei_var, desiredlev=hei, missing=np.nan).data #<---RuntimeWarning originates from here # 2D interpolate [1,] latlon = np.vstack((lat_var.flatten(), lon_var.flatten())).T interp2pt = lambda entry_no: griddata(latlon, interp_horiz(entry_no).flatten(), np.array([lat, lon])) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") we = interp2pt(3) # Wind east [m/s] wn = interp2pt(4) # Wind north [m/s] wu = interp2pt(5) # Wind up [m/s] tk = interp2pt(6) # Temperature [K] pr = interp2pt(7) # Pressure [Pa] rh = interp2pt(8) # Relative humidity [] # Compare: rho_a = density_from_pressure(tk, pr, rh) if np.isnan(rho_a): [hei, we, wn, wu, rho_a, tk] = WRF_history[-1] Wind_ENU = np.vstack((we, wn, wu)) # Save the variables WRF_history.append(np.vstack((hei, Wind_ENU, rho_a, tk))) return Wind_ENU, rho_a, tk
def interpolate_vert(ncfile, start_lat, end_lat, start_lon, end_lon, var, time, start_p, end_p, interval_p): startpoint = CoordPair(lat=start_lat, lon=start_lon) endpoint = CoordPair(lat=end_lat, lon=end_lon) height = getvar(ncfile, 'height') hgt = getvar(ncfile, 'HGT') p = getvar(ncfile, 'pressure', timeidx=time) f = getvar(ncfile, var, timeidx=time) p_height = p[:, 0, 0] bool, start_layer, end_layer = get_pressure_layer(p_height, start_p, end_p) p_level = np.mgrid[p_height[start_layer].values:p_height[end_layer]. values:complex(str(end_layer - start_layer + 1) + 'j')] f_vert = vertcross(f, p, wrfin=ncfile, levels=p_level, start_point=startpoint, end_point=endpoint, latlon=True) if var == 'wa': f_vert = f_vert * 200 print(f_vert) #处理插值数据的维度 p_vert_list = f_vert.coords['vertical'].values print("插值的压力为:", end='') print(p_vert_list) lon_vert_list, lat_vert_list = [], [] for i in range(len(f_vert.coords['xy_loc'])): s = str(f_vert.coords['xy_loc'][i].values) lon_vert_list.append(float(s[s.find('lon=') + 4:s.find('lon=') + 16])) lat_vert_list.append(float(s[s.find('lat=') + 4:s.find('lat=') + 16])) lon_vert_list = np.array(lon_vert_list) lat_vert_list = np.array(lat_vert_list) lon_vert_list = np.around(lon_vert_list, decimals=2) lat_vert_list = np.around(lat_vert_list, decimals=2) h_vert_list = [] h2h = height - hgt for i in range(end_p, start_p - interval_p, -interval_p): h_vert_list.append(float(np.max(interplevel(h2h, p, i)).values)) print("对应的高度为:", end='') print(h_vert_list) lat_vert_list = np.mgrid[lat_vert_list[0]:lat_vert_list[-1]:complex( str(len(lat_vert_list)) + 'j')] lon_vert_list = np.mgrid[lon_vert_list[0]:lon_vert_list[-1]:complex( str(len(lon_vert_list)) + 'j')] return f_vert, lat_vert_list, lon_vert_list, p_vert_list, h_vert_list
def interp_4d(ipvar, wrf_hgts, out_hgts): """ Interpolates vertically to heights specified by out_hgts using the interplevel function from wrf-python ----------------------------------------------------- In: 4D field of variable to interpolate (ipvar) Heights of the WRF simulation (wrf_hgts) Heights to interpolate to (out_hgts) ----------------------------------------------------- Out: Interpolated 4D field (out) -------------------------------------- """ shape = list(ipvar.shape) shape[1] = len(out_hgts) out = np.empty(shape, ipvar.dtype) for k, out_hgt in enumerate(out_hgts): out[:, k, :, :] = wrf.interplevel(ipvar, wrf_hgts, out_hgt) return (out)
def wrf_interp(data_AGL, data_var): """Function to compute interpolation using wrf-python. Args: data_AGL (Xarray dask array): Data of heights above ground level. data_var (Xarray dask array): Data of variable for interpolation. Returns: Data interpolated onto four fixed heights (1, 3, 5, and 7 km). """ import os os.environ[ "PROJ_LIB"] = "/glade/work/molina/miniconda3/envs/python-tutorial/share/proj/" import wrf return (wrf.interplevel(data_var.squeeze(), data_AGL.squeeze(), [1000, 3000, 5000, 7000]).expand_dims("Time"))
def from_agl_to_asl( ds, ds_var='conc_norm', delta_z=500, z_top=15000, ds_var_name_out=None ): log.ger.warning( f'this will only work if ds z levels are constant') import wrf t_list = [co.ZM, co.R_CENTER, co.TH_CENTER] d3d = ds[ds_var] # .sum( [ co.RL ] ) d3d_attrs = d3d.attrs d3d = d3d.transpose( co.RL, *t_list, transpose_coords=True ) dz = d3d[co.TOPO] + np.round(d3d[co.ZM] / delta_z) * delta_z d3d = d3d.reset_coords(drop=True) dz = dz.transpose(*t_list, transpose_coords=True) dz = dz.reset_coords(drop=True) # %% # print( d3d.shape ) # print( dz.shape ) # %% z_lev = np.arange(delta_z / 2, z_top, delta_z) da_interp = wrf.interplevel(d3d, dz, z_lev) da_reinterp = da_interp.rename(level=co.ZM) # %% ds_chop = ds.isel({co.ZM: slice(0, len(da_reinterp[co.ZM]))}) for coord in list(ds.coords): da_reinterp = da_reinterp.assign_coords( **{coord: ds_chop[coord]}) if ds_var_name_out is not None: = ds_var_name_out # we do this in order to avoid the problem of setting attributes # to none that cannot be saved using to netcdf. da_reinterp.attrs = d3d_attrs ds_reinterp = da_reinterp.to_dataset() # todo: check that concentrations are the same after resampling return ds_reinterp
def interp_to_isosurface_worker(ds: xr.Dataset, *, isovalues, space_dims, **kwargs) -> xr.DataArray: ''' Return an xr.DataArray with a block of data interpolated to an isosurface. Input must be xr.Dataset object that is not lazy and not chunked. Input dataset will have two variables with names "variable" and "level_variable" the two arrays needed are passed as a dataset as xr.map_blocks cannot take a datarray as kwarg Lazy/Dasky xr.DataArray objects do not support data assignment with .loc like xr.DataArrays with numpy data. ''' # make final data structure to populate with data final = interp_to_isosurface_meta_template(ds, isovalues) # record initial axis order; for reshaping back to initial before return final_dims = final.variable.dims ordered_dims = list(final_dims) z = ordered_dims.remove(z) ordered_dims.insert( 0, z ) # ordered dims now has z as left-most axis for use with wrf interplevel # go to working space shape ds = ds.transpose(*ordered_dims) # input final = final.transpose(*ordered_dims) # output # order dims for work with interplevel other_dims = [dim for dim in ds.dims if dim not in space_dims] other_dim_arrays = [ds[dim].data for dim in other_dims] # iterate over all the space sections applying interplevel for dim_values in product(*other_dim_arrays): loc = {k: v for k, v in zip(other_dims, dim_values)} final.loc[loc] = interplevel(ds.variable.loc[loc], ds.level_variable.loc[loc], isovalues, meta=False, **kwargs) # go back to initial shape and axis order final = final.transpose(*final_dims) return final
def main(folder, wrffolder, append, sourceid, plotmap, plotcurves, plotcontour, plotcontourf, plotbarbs, resol): #z_unit = 'km' z_unit = 'dm' z_unitStr = 'dam' #u_unit = 'm s-1' u_unit = 'kt' w_unit = u_unit w_unitStr = 'm/s' w_unitStr = 'kt' p_unit = 'hPa' df_obs = pd.read_csv(folder + sourceid + '_json.txt', delimiter='\t') df_obs['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df_obs['CurrentTime'], unit='s') df_obs['air_temperature'] = df_obs['Temperature'] df_obs['pressure'] = df_obs['Barometric Pressure'] df_obs['wind_speed'] = df_obs[ 'Wind Speed'] * 1.852 / 3.6 # Convert from knots to m/s if z_unit == "km": feetScale = 0.3048 / 1000 elif z_unit == "m": feetScale = 0.3048 elif z_unit == "dm": feetScale = 0.3048 / 10 df_obs['z'] = df_obs['Alt'].to_numpy( ) * feetScale # Convert from feet to decameters (dam) # Get data from WRF file i_domain = 10 isOutside = True while isOutside: if i_domain < 0: print('Parts of the flightpath for ' + str(sourceid) + ' is not inside the solution domain') break i_domain -= 1 try: ncfile = Dataset(wrffolder + '/wrfout_d0' + str(i_domain) + '.nc') except: continue fields = ['T', 'wind_speed', 'wind_from_direction'] lat_e = df_obs['Latitude'].to_numpy() lon_e = df_obs['Longitude'].to_numpy() z_e = df_obs['z'].to_numpy() time_e = df_obs['time'].to_numpy() dummy = pd.DataFrame( {'time': wrf.getvar(ncfile, 'Times', wrf.ALL_TIMES)}) time = dummy['time'].to_numpy() indices = (time[0] <= time_e) & (time_e <= time[-1]) if not np.any(indices): raise OutOfRange('The mode-S data is out of range') lat_e = lat_e[indices] lon_e = lon_e[indices] z_e = z_e[indices] time_e = time_e[indices] x = np.zeros((lat_e.shape[0], 4)) xy = wrf.ll_to_xy(ncfile, lat_e, lon_e, as_int=False, meta=False) if ncfile.MAP_PROJ_CHAR == 'Cylindrical Equidistant' and i_domain == 1: xy[0] += 360 / 0.25 x[:, 0] = xy[0] x[:, 1] = xy[1] e_we = ncfile.dimensions['west_east'].size e_sn = ncfile.dimensions['south_north'].size if np.any(xy < 0) or np.any(xy[0] > e_we - 1) or np.any( xy[1] > e_sn - 1): print('Flight path is outside domain d0' + str(i_domain)) continue else: print('Extracting WRF-data from domain d0' + str(i_domain)) if plotcurves: xy2 = np.zeros(xy.T.shape) xy2[:, :] = xy[:, :].T #zgrid = wrf.interp2dxy(wrf.getvar(ncfile,'z',units=z_unit),xy2,meta=False) zgrid = wrf.interp2dxy(wrf.g_geoht.get_height(ncfile, units=z_unit), xy2, meta=False) # Get geopotential height for i in range(0, len(z_e)): f_time = interp1d(zgrid[:, i], range(0, zgrid.shape[0]), kind='linear') x[i, 2] = f_time(z_e[i]) f_time = interp1d(time.astype('int'), range(0, len(time)), kind='linear') x[:, 3] = f_time(time_e.astype('int')) df_wrf = pd.DataFrame() df_wrf['time'] = time_e df_wrf['air_temperature'] = linInterp( wrf.getvar(ncfile, 'tc', wrf.ALL_TIMES, meta=False), x) df_wrf['pressure'] = linInterp( wrf.g_pressure.get_pressure(ncfile, wrf.ALL_TIMES, meta=False, units=p_unit), x) df_wrf['wind_speed'] = linInterp( wrf.g_wind.get_destag_wspd(ncfile, wrf.ALL_TIMES, meta=False), x) df_wrf['wind_from_direction'] = linInterp( wrf.g_wind.get_destag_wdir(ncfile, wrf.ALL_TIMES, meta=False), x) if df_wrf.isnull().values.any(): print('Some points are outside the domain ' + str(i_domain)) continue else: isOutside = False else: isOutside = False if plotcurves: # Plot data sharex = True #fields = np.array([['air_temperature','wind_speed','pressure'], # ['windDirX', 'windDirY','z']]) #ylabels = np.array([['Temperature [°C]', 'Wind speed [m/s]', 'Pressure ['+p_unit+']'], # ['Wind direction - X','Wind direction - Y', 'Altitude ['+z_unitStr+']']]) fields = np.array([['air_temperature', 'wind_speed'], ['windDirX', 'windDirY']]) ylabels = np.array([['Temperature [°C]', 'Wind speed [m/s]'], ['Wind direction - X', 'Wind direction - Y']]) df_obs['windDirX'] = np.cos(np.radians(df_obs['Wind Direction'])) df_obs['windDirY'] = np.sin(np.radians(df_obs['Wind Direction'])) df_wrf['windDirX'] = np.cos(np.radians(df_wrf['wind_from_direction'])) df_wrf['windDirY'] = np.sin(np.radians(df_wrf['wind_from_direction'])) df_wrf['z'] = z_e fig, axs = plt.subplots(fields.shape[0], fields.shape[1], sharex=sharex) mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() #mng.resize(*mng.window.maxsize()) #mng.frame.Maximize(True) mng.window.showMaximized() title = 'Comparison between Mode-S data and WRF simulations for flight ' + sourceid if plotcurves: title += '. WRF data from domain d0' + str( i_domain) + ' with grid resolution {:.1f} km'.format( max(ncfile.DX, ncfile.DY) / 1000) fig.suptitle(title) for i in range(0, fields.shape[0]): for j in range(0, fields.shape[1]): axs[i, j].plot(df_wrf.time.to_numpy(), df_wrf[fields[i, j]].to_numpy(), 'b', label='WRF forecast') axs[i, j].plot(df_obs.time.to_numpy(), df_obs[fields[i, j]].to_numpy(), 'r', label='Observation data') axs[i, j].legend() axs[i, j].set(xlabel='Time', ylabel=ylabels[i, j]) axs[i, j].set_xlim(time_e[0], time_e[-1]) axs[1, 0].set_ylim(-1, 1) axs[1, 1].set_ylim(-1, 1) fig.savefig(folder + '/' + sourceid + '_curves.png', dpi=400) if plotmap: # Extract the pressure, geopotential height, and wind variables ncfile = Dataset(wrffolder + '/') p = wrf.g_pressure.get_pressure(ncfile, units=p_unit) #p = getvar(ncfile, "pressure",units=p_unit) z = getvar(ncfile, "z", units=z_unit) ua = getvar(ncfile, "ua", units=u_unit) va = getvar(ncfile, "va", units=u_unit) wspd = getvar(ncfile, "wspd_wdir", units=w_unit)[0, :] # Interpolate geopotential height, u, and v winds to 500 hPa ht_500 = interplevel(z, p, 500) u_500 = interplevel(ua, p, 500) v_500 = interplevel(va, p, 500) wspd_500 = interplevel(wspd, p, 500) # Get the lat/lon coordinates lats, lons = latlon_coords(ht_500) # Get the map projection information cart_proj = get_cartopy(ht_500) # Create the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) # Download and add the states and coastlines name = 'admin_0_boundary_lines_land' #name = 'admin_1_states_provinces_lines' #name = "admin_1_states_provinces_shp" bodr = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='cultural', name=name, scale=resol, facecolor='none') land = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'land', \ scale=resol, edgecolor='k', facecolor=cfeature.COLORS['land']) ocean = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'ocean', \ scale=resol, edgecolor='none', facecolor=cfeature.COLORS['water']) lakes = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'lakes', \ scale=resol, edgecolor='b', facecolor=cfeature.COLORS['water']) rivers = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'rivers_lake_centerlines', \ scale=resol, edgecolor='b', facecolor='none') ax.add_feature(land, facecolor='beige', zorder=0) ax.add_feature(ocean, linewidth=0.2, zorder=0) ax.add_feature(lakes, linewidth=0.2, zorder=1) ax.add_feature(bodr, edgecolor='k', zorder=1, linewidth=0.5) #ax.add_feature(rivers, linewidth=0.5,zorder=1) if plotcontour: # Add the 500 hPa geopotential height contour levels = np.arange(100., 2000., 10.) contours = plt.contour(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(ht_500), levels=levels, colors="forestgreen", linewidths=1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=3) plt.clabel(contours, inline=1, fontsize=10, fmt="%i") if plotcontourf: try: with open(home + '/kode/colormaps/SINTEF1.json') as f: json_data = json.load(f) SINTEF1 = np.reshape(json_data[0]['RGBPoints'], (-1, 4)) cmap = ListedColormap(fill_colormap(SINTEF1)) except: print( 'SINTEF1 colormap not found (can be found at' ) cmap = get_cmap("rainbow") # Add the wind speed contours levels = np.linspace(20, 120, 101) wspd_contours = plt.contourf(to_np(lons), to_np(lats), to_np(wspd_500), levels=levels, cmap=cmap, alpha=0.7, antialiased=True, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=2) cbar_wspd = plt.colorbar(wspd_contours, ax=ax, orientation="horizontal", pad=.05, shrink=0.5, aspect=30, ticks=range(10, 110, 10))'Wind speeds [' + w_unitStr + '] at 500 mbar height') # Add the 500 hPa wind barbs, only plotting every nthb data point. nthb = 10 if plotbarbs: plt.barbs(to_np(lons[::nthb, ::nthb]), to_np(lats[::nthb, ::nthb]), to_np(u_500[::nthb, ::nthb]), to_np(v_500[::nthb, ::nthb]), transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), length=6, zorder=3) track = sgeom.LineString( zip(df_obs['Longitude'].to_numpy(), df_obs['Latitude'].to_numpy())) fullFlightPath = ax.add_geometries([track], ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='none', zorder=4, edgecolor='red', linewidth=2, label='Flight path') track = sgeom.LineString(zip(lon_e, lat_e)) flightPath = ax.add_geometries([track], ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='none', zorder=4, linestyle=':', edgecolor='green', linewidth=2, label='Extracted flight path') #plt.legend(handles=[fullFlightPath]) #blue_line = mlines.Line2D([], [], color='red',linestyle='--', label='Flight path',linewidth=2) #plt.legend(handles=[blue_line]) # Set the map bounds ax.set_xlim(cartopy_xlim(ht_500)) ax.set_ylim(cartopy_ylim(ht_500)) #ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True) ax.gridlines() startdate = pd.to_datetime(str( time_e[0])).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") plt.title('Flight ' + sourceid + ', with visualization of WRF simulation (' + startdate + ') at 500 mbar Height (' + z_unitStr + '), Wind Speed (' + w_unitStr + '), Barbs (' + w_unitStr + ')') # Plot domain boundaries infile_d01 = wrffolder + '/' cart_proj, xlim_d01, ylim_d01 = get_plot_element(infile_d01) infile_d02 = wrffolder + '/' _, xlim_d02, ylim_d02 = get_plot_element(infile_d02) infile_d03 = wrffolder + '/' _, xlim_d03, ylim_d03 = get_plot_element(infile_d03) infile_d04 = wrffolder + '/' _, xlim_d04, ylim_d04 = get_plot_element(infile_d04) # d01 ax.set_xlim([ xlim_d01[0] - (xlim_d01[1] - xlim_d01[0]) / 15, xlim_d01[1] + (xlim_d01[1] - xlim_d01[0]) / 15 ]) ax.set_ylim([ ylim_d01[0] - (ylim_d01[1] - ylim_d01[0]) / 15, ylim_d01[1] + (ylim_d01[1] - ylim_d01[0]) / 15 ]) # d01 box textSize = 10 colors = ['blue', 'orange', 'brown', 'deepskyblue'] linewidth = 1 txtscale = 0.003 ax.add_patch( mpl.patches.Rectangle((xlim_d01[0], ylim_d01[0]), xlim_d01[1] - xlim_d01[0], ylim_d01[1] - ylim_d01[0], fill=None, lw=linewidth, edgecolor=colors[0], zorder=10)) ax.text(xlim_d01[0], ylim_d01[0] + (ylim_d01[1] - ylim_d01[0]) * (1 + txtscale), 'd01', size=textSize, color=colors[0], zorder=10) # d02 box ax.add_patch( mpl.patches.Rectangle((xlim_d02[0], ylim_d02[0]), xlim_d02[1] - xlim_d02[0], ylim_d02[1] - ylim_d02[0], fill=None, lw=linewidth, edgecolor=colors[1], zorder=10)) ax.text(xlim_d02[0], ylim_d02[0] + (ylim_d02[1] - ylim_d02[0]) * (1 + txtscale * 3), 'd02', size=textSize, color=colors[1], zorder=10) # d03 box ax.add_patch( mpl.patches.Rectangle((xlim_d03[0], ylim_d03[0]), xlim_d03[1] - xlim_d03[0], ylim_d03[1] - ylim_d03[0], fill=None, lw=linewidth, edgecolor=colors[2], zorder=10)) ax.text(xlim_d03[0], ylim_d03[0] + (ylim_d03[1] - ylim_d03[0]) * (1 + txtscale * 3**2), 'd03', size=textSize, color=colors[2], zorder=10) # d04 box ax.add_patch( mpl.patches.Rectangle((xlim_d04[0], ylim_d04[0]), xlim_d04[1] - xlim_d04[0], ylim_d04[1] - ylim_d04[0], fill=None, lw=linewidth, edgecolor=colors[3], zorder=10)) ax.text(xlim_d04[0], ylim_d04[0] + (ylim_d04[1] - ylim_d04[0]) * (1 + txtscale * 3**3), 'd04', size=textSize, color=colors[3], zorder=10) fig.savefig(folder + '/' + sourceid + '_map.png', dpi=400)
def process_wrfout_manual(DIR_WRFOUT, wrfout_file, start=None, end=None, save_file=True): """ Processes the wrfout file -- calculates GHI and wind power denity (WPD) and writes these variables to data file to be used by the regridding script (wrf2era_error.ncl) in wrf_era5_diff(). This method makes use of two different packages that are not endogeneous to optwrf. The first is pvlib.wrfcast, which is a module for processing WRF output data that I have customized based on the pvlib.forecast model. The purpose of this is to eventually be able to use this method to calculate PV output from systems installed at any arbitrary location within your WRF model domain (this is not yet implemented). I have use this wrfcast module to calculate the GHI from WRF output data The second package is the wrf module maintained by NCAR, which reproduces some of the funcionality of NCL in Python. I use this to interpolate the wind speed to 100m. With the help of these two packages, the remaineder of the methods claculates the WPD, formats the data to be easily compatible with other methods, and writes the data to a NetCDF file. """ # Absolute path to wrfout data file datapath = DIR_WRFOUT + wrfout_file # Read in the wrfout file using the netCDF4.Dataset method (I think you can also do this with an xarray method) netcdf_data = netCDF4.Dataset(datapath) # Create an xarray.Dataset from the wrf qurery_variables. query_variables = [ 'T2', 'CLDFRA', 'COSZEN', 'SWDDNI', 'SWDDIF', 'height_agl', 'wspd', 'wdir', ] met_data = _wrf2xarray(netcdf_data, query_variables) variables = { 'XLAT': 'XLAT', 'XLONG': 'XLONG', 'T2': 'temp_air', 'CLDFRA': 'cloud_fraction', 'COSZEN': 'cos_zenith', 'SWDDNI': 'dni', 'SWDDIF': 'dhi', 'height_agl': 'height_agl', 'wspd': 'wspd', 'wdir': 'wdir', } # Rename the variables met_data = xr.Dataset.rename(met_data, variables) # Convert air temp from kelvin to celsius and calculate global horizontal irradiance # using the WRF forecast model methods from pvlib package fm = WRF() met_data['temp_air'] = fm.kelvin_to_celsius(met_data['temp_air']) met_data['ghi'] = fm.dni_and_dhi_to_ghi(met_data['dni'], met_data['dhi'], met_data['cos_zenith']) # Interpolate wind speeds to 100m height met_data['wind_speed100'] = wrf.interplevel(met_data['wspd'], met_data['height_agl'], 100) # Calculate the wind power density met_data['wpd'] = calc_wpd(met_data['wind_speed100']) # Drop unnecessary coordinates met_data = xr.Dataset.reset_coords(met_data, ['XTIME', 'level'], drop=True) # Slice the wrfout data if start and end times ares specified if start and end is not None: met_data = met_data.sel(Time=slice(start, end)) # Save the output file if specified. if save_file: # Write the processed data to a wrfout NetCDF file new_filename = DIR_WRFOUT + 'processed_' + wrfout_file met_data.to_netcdf(path=new_filename) else: return met_data
def wrf_interp(level): result = interplevel(var, zz, level) return result
def get_data_vslice(data_path, slice_width=1, slice_index=0, slice_z=None, zres=None, slice_type='vy', t_start=0, t_end=0, force=False): if slice_type == 'vy' or slice_type == 'vx': file_name = data_path + '/wrfout_' + slice_type + '_slice_index_' + str( slice_index) + '_t_start_' + str(t_start) + '_t_end_' + str( t_end) + '.pkl' if slice_type == 'h': file_name = data_path + '/wrfout_' + slice_type + '_slice_z_' + str( slice_z) + '_t_start_' + str(t_start) + '_t_end_' + str( t_end) + '.pkl' if slice_type == 'h' and (slice_z is None or zres is None): print( 'Error: Si se hace un corte horizontal hay que especificar slice_z y zres' ) return #Vamos a guardar una cross section a x o y constantes. Si fijamos un x o un y, tomamos width puntos alrededor de ese x o y para poder calcular #derivadas espaciales centradas en el corte. La idea es tener todos los datos necesarios para poder hacer calculos sobre ese corte en particular (derivadas temporales y espaciales). if os.path.exists(file_name) & (not force): with open(file_name, 'rb') as handle: my_data = pickle.load(handle) else: my_data = dict() my_data['file_name'] = file_name my_data['times'] = [] my_data['file_list'] = glob.glob( data_path + '/wrfout_d01_*') #Busco todos los wrfout en la carpeta indicada. my_data['file_list'].sort() #Leo el primer archivo de la lista de donde voy a tomar el perfil de referencia. ncfile = Dataset(my_data['file_list'][0]) tmp = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "P")) nx = tmp.shape[2] #Order is Z=0 , Y=1 , X=0 ny = tmp.shape[1] nz = tmp.shape[0] nt = len(my_data['file_list']) if (t_start != 0 or t_end != 0) and (t_end > t_start): ts = t_start te = t_end else: ts = 0 te = nt if slice_type == 'vy' or slice_type == 'vx': #Vertical slice if slice_type == 'vy': ys = slice_index - slice_width ye = slice_index + slice_width + 1 xs = 0 xe = nx if slice_type == 'vx': xs = slice_index - slice_width xe = slice_index + slice_width + 1 ys = 0 ye = ny zs = 0 ze = nz snz = ze - zs if slice_type == 'h': #Horizontal slice ys = 0 ye = ny xs = 0 xe = nx snz = 2 * slice_width + 1 snx = xe - xs sny = ye - ys snt = te - ts my_data['nx'] = snx my_data['ny'] = sny my_data['nz'] = snz my_data['nt'] = snt #Allocate memory my_data['p'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['u'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['v'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['w'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['ref'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['t'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['qv'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['qc'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['qr'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['qi'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['qs'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['qg'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['z'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['thetae'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['theta'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['rh'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['h_diabatic'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['qv_diabatic'] = np.zeros((snz, sny, snx, snt)) my_data['file_list'] = my_data['file_list'][ts:te] #Leo los datos y los guardo en el diccionario del corte. for itime in range(ts, te): ctime = itime - ts print('Reading file ' + my_data['file_list'][ctime]) ncfile = Dataset(my_data['file_list'][ctime]) if slice_type == 'vy' or slice_type == 'vx': #Vertical slice my_data['p'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "pres", units='Pa'))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['u'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "ua", units='ms-1'))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['v'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "va", units='ms-1'))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['w'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "wa", units='ms-1'))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['ref'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "dbz"))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['t'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "temp", units='K'))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['qv'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "QVAPOR"))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['qc'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "QCLOUD"))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['qr'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "QRAIN"))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['qi'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "QICE"))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['qs'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "QSNOW"))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['qg'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "QGRAUP"))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['z'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "height", units='m'))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['thetae'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np( getvar(ncfile, "theta_e", units='K'))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['theta'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np( getvar(ncfile, "theta", units='K'))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['rh'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np(getvar(ncfile, "rh"))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] try: my_data['h_diabatic'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np( getvar(ncfile, "H_DIABATIC"))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] my_data['qv_diabatic'][:, :, :, ctime] = to_np( getvar(ncfile, "QV_DIABATIC"))[zs:ze, ys:ye, xs:xe] except: print('Warning no diabatic data found') my_data['times'].append( dt.datetime.strptime( os.path.basename(my_data['file_list'][ctime])[11:], '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')) if slice_type == 'h': #Horizontal slice at constant height z_levels = np.arange(slice_z - slice_width * zres, slice_z + 2.0 * slice_width * zres, zres) z_ = getvar(ncfile, "height", units='m') p_ = getvar(ncfile, "pres", units='Pa') u_ = getvar(ncfile, "ua", units='ms-1') v_ = getvar(ncfile, "va", units='ms-1') w_ = getvar(ncfile, "wa", units='ms-1') ref_ = getvar(ncfile, "dbz") t_ = getvar(ncfile, "temp", units='K') qv_ = getvar(ncfile, "QVAPOR") qc_ = getvar(ncfile, "QCLOUD") qr_ = getvar(ncfile, "QRAIN") qi_ = getvar(ncfile, "QICE") qs_ = getvar(ncfile, "QSNOW") qg_ = getvar(ncfile, "QGRAUP") thetae_ = getvar(ncfile, "theta_e", units='K') theta_ = getvar(ncfile, "theta", units='K') rh_ = getvar(ncfile, "rh") try: h_diabatic_ = getvar(ncfile, "H_DIABATIC") qv_diabatic_ = getvar(ncfile, "QV_DIABATIC") my_data['h_diabatic'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel( h_diabatic_, z_, z_levels) my_data['qv_diabatic'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel( qv_diabatic_, z_, z_levels) except: print('Warning no diabatic data found') my_data['p'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(p_, z_, z_levels) my_data['u'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(u_, z_, z_levels) my_data['v'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(v_, z_, z_levels) my_data['w'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(w_, z_, z_levels) my_data['ref'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(ref_, z_, z_levels) my_data['t'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(t_, z_, z_levels) my_data['qv'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(qv_, z_, z_levels) my_data['qc'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(qc_, z_, z_levels) my_data['qr'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(qr_, z_, z_levels) my_data['qi'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(qi_, z_, z_levels) my_data['qs'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(qs_, z_, z_levels) my_data['qg'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(qg_, z_, z_levels) my_data['thetae'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(thetae_, z_, z_levels) my_data['theta'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(theta_, z_, z_levels) my_data['rh'][:, :, :, ctime] = interplevel(rh_, z_, z_levels) my_data['times'].append( dt.datetime.strptime( os.path.basename(my_data['file_list'][ctime])[11:], '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S')) if slice_type == 'h': for iz, my_z in enumerate(z_levels): my_data['z'][iz, :, :, :] = my_z if nt == 1: my_data['dt'] = 1.0 else: my_data['dt'] = (my_data['times'][1] - my_data['times'][0]).seconds my_data['dx'] = ncfile.DX my_data['dy'] = ncfile.DY my_data['file_name'] = file_name my_data['slice_type'] = slice_type my_data['slice_index'] = slice_index my_data['slice_width'] = slice_width my_data['slice_z'] = slice_z my_data['zres'] = zres my_data['ts'] = ts my_data['te'] = te my_data['p'] = np.float32(my_data['p']) my_data['u'] = np.float32(my_data['u']) my_data['v'] = np.float32(my_data['v']) my_data['w'] = np.float32(my_data['w']) my_data['ref'] = np.float32(my_data['ref']) my_data['t'] = np.float32(my_data['t']) my_data['qv'] = np.float32(my_data['qv']) my_data['qc'] = np.float32(my_data['qc']) my_data['qr'] = np.float32(my_data['qr']) my_data['qi'] = np.float32(my_data['qi']) my_data['qs'] = np.float32(my_data['qs']) my_data['qg'] = np.float32(my_data['qg']) my_data['z'] = np.float32(my_data['z']) my_data['thetae'] = np.float32(my_data['thetae']) my_data['theta'] = np.float32(my_data['theta']) my_data['rh'] = np.float32(my_data['rh']) my_data['h_diabatic'] = np.float32(my_data['h_diabatic']) my_data['qv_diabatic'] = np.float32(my_data['qv_diabatic']) with open(file_name, 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(my_data, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return my_data
############# ESPECIFICAR EL CAMPO DE PRESION QUE SE QUIERA ############# nivel = 700 # SE EXTRAEN LAS VARIABLES A UTILIZAR # SE HACE UN CICLO PARA TODOS LOS TIEMPOS DEL WRF_FILE for tidx in range(0, tpos) : # len(tpos) p = getvar(wrf_file, "pressure", tidx) # presion z = getvar(wrf_file, "z", tidx, units = 'm') # geopotencial w = getvar(wrf_file, "wa", tidx, units="m s-1") # vel vertical ter = getvar(wrf_file, "ter", tidx) # terreno alturas # Se interpolan las variables al campo de presion correspondiente para podee graficarlas w = interplevel(w, p, nivel) # Se extraen lat-lon lats, lons = latlon_coords(p) # Se extrae info de la proyeccion cart_proj = get_cartopy(p) ############################################## GRAFICADO ############################################## fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9)) ax = plt.axes(projection=cart_proj) # Aniadiendo los sombreados #levels = [25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120] levels = np.arange(-1.5, 1.5, 0.25)
def set_height(self, h=1000, update=True): """ h (float) :: height in metres. """ if np.any(self.Xsmooth == None): print( "Field has not been smoothed. Turbulence cannot be calculated." ) if h == None: h = 1000 if self.isvertical == False: print( "Variable not defined on vertical layers. Not interpolating.") self.Xinterp = self.X if not np.any(self.Xsmooth == None): self.Xsmoothinterp = self.Xsmooth else: zmin = np.array(wrf.to_np(np.min(np.max(self.z, axis=(2, 3))))) zmax = np.array(wrf.to_np(np.max(np.min(self.z, axis=(2, 3))))) if (h < zmin) or (h > zmax): print("Height = " + str(h) + \ "\nMay produce missing values if not between " + str(zmin) + " and " + str(zmax)) print("Interpolating " + self.str_id + " onto height " + str(h) + "...") self.Xinterp = wrf.interplevel(self.X, self.z, h) if not np.any(self.Xsmooth == None): self.Xsmoothinterp = wrf.interplevel(self.Xsmooth, self.z, h) print("Done.") nans = np.sum(np.isnan(np.array(wrf.to_np(self.Xinterp)))) if nans > 0: print("Warning: Field contains " + str(nans) + " NaNs.") elif nans == np.size(self.Xinterp): print("Warning: Field only contains NaNs.") else: print("Field contains no NaNs.") self.h = h if not (np.any(self.Xsmoothinterp == None) or np.any(self.Xinterp == None)): self.dX = np.array(wrf.to_np(self.Xinterp)) - np.array( wrf.to_np(self.Xsmoothinterp)) self.turb_ratiointerp = self.dX / self.Xsmoothinterp if self.derived: self.U.set_height(h, update=False) self.V.set_height(h, update=False) if update: self.update(2) self.update(3) if self.autoplot: plot_field(self) return
# Open the NetCDF file filename = files_path + '/' + req_year + req_month + req_day + dir_hour\ + '/wrfout_d01_' + req_year + '-' + req_month + '-' + req_day + '_' + req_hour + '_00_00' ncfile = Dataset(filename) ###################################################################################################### # pressure levels interpolation ###################################################################################################### # Extract the pressure, geopotential height, and wind variables # p = getvar(ncfile, "pressure") p = getvar(ncfile, "pressure") LWC = getvar(ncfile, "QCLOUD") #, meta=False) # Interpolate geopotential height LWC_750 = interplevel(LWC, p, 750) # Get the lat/lon coordinates lats, lons = latlon_coords(LWC_750) # Get the basemap object bm = get_basemap(LWC_750) # Create the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) ax = plt.axes() # Convert the lat/lon coordinates to x/y coordinates in the projection space x, y = bm(to_np(lons), to_np(lats)) # Add the 500 hPa geopotential height contours
def test(self): try: from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDF except: pass try: from PyNIO import Nio except: pass if not multi: timeidx = 0 if not pynio: in_wrfnc = NetCDF(wrf_in) else: # Note: Python doesn't like it if you reassign an outer scoped # variable (wrf_in in this case) if not wrf_in.endswith(".nc"): wrf_file = wrf_in + ".nc" else: wrf_file = wrf_in in_wrfnc = Nio.open_file(wrf_file) else: timeidx = None if not pynio: nc = NetCDF(wrf_in) in_wrfnc = [nc for i in xrange(repeat)] else: if not wrf_in.endswith(".nc"): wrf_file = wrf_in + ".nc" else: wrf_file = wrf_in nc = Nio.open_file(wrf_file) in_wrfnc = [nc for i in xrange(repeat)] if (varname == "interplevel"): ref_ht_500 = _get_refvals(referent, "z_500", repeat, multi) hts = getvar(in_wrfnc, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) hts_500 = interplevel(hts, p, 500) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_500), ref_ht_500) elif (varname == "vertcross"): ref_ht_cross = _get_refvals(referent, "ht_cross", repeat, multi) ref_p_cross = _get_refvals(referent, "p_cross", repeat, multi) hts = getvar(in_wrfnc, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(hts.shape[-1] / 2, hts.shape[-2] / 2) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), ref_ht_cross, rtol=.01) # Test opposite p_cross1 = vertcross(p, hts, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_cross1), ref_p_cross, rtol=.01) # Test point to point start_point = CoordPair(0, hts.shape[-2] / 2) end_point = CoordPair(-1, hts.shape[-2] / 2) p_cross2 = vertcross(p, hts, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_cross1), to_np(p_cross2)) elif (varname == "interpline"): ref_t2_line = _get_refvals(referent, "t2_line", repeat, multi) t2 = getvar(in_wrfnc, "T2", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(t2.shape[-1] / 2, t2.shape[-2] / 2) t2_line1 = interpline(t2, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), ref_t2_line) # Test point to point start_point = CoordPair(0, t2.shape[-2] / 2) end_point = CoordPair(-1, t2.shape[-2] / 2) t2_line2 = interpline(t2, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), to_np(t2_line2)) elif (varname == "vinterp"): # Tk to theta fld_tk_theta = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_theta", repeat, multi) fld_tk_theta = np.squeeze(fld_tk_theta) tk = getvar(in_wrfnc, "temp", timeidx=timeidx, units="k") interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) tol = 5 / 100. atol = 0.0001 field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_theta))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_theta, tol, atol) # Tk to theta-e fld_tk_theta_e = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_theta_e", repeat, multi) fld_tk_theta_e = np.squeeze(fld_tk_theta_e) interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="theta-e", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) tol = 3 / 100. atol = 50.0001 field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_theta_e)/fld_tk_theta_e)*100) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_theta_e, tol, atol) # Tk to pressure fld_tk_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_pres", repeat, multi) fld_tk_pres = np.squeeze(fld_tk_pres) interp_levels = [850, 500] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_pres))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_pres, tol, atol) # Tk to geoht_msl fld_tk_ght_msl = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_ght_msl", repeat, multi) fld_tk_ght_msl = np.squeeze(fld_tk_ght_msl) interp_levels = [1, 2] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="ght_msl", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_ght_msl))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_ght_msl, tol, atol) # Tk to geoht_agl fld_tk_ght_agl = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_ght_agl", repeat, multi) fld_tk_ght_agl = np.squeeze(fld_tk_ght_agl) interp_levels = [1, 2] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=tk, vert_coord="ght_agl", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_ght_agl))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_ght_agl, tol, atol) # Hgt to pressure fld_ht_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_ht_pres", repeat, multi) fld_ht_pres = np.squeeze(fld_ht_pres) z = getvar(in_wrfnc, "height", timeidx=timeidx, units="m") interp_levels = [500, 50] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=z, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="ght", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_ht_pres))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_ht_pres, tol, atol) # Pressure to theta fld_pres_theta = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_pres_theta", repeat, multi) fld_pres_theta = np.squeeze(fld_pres_theta) p = getvar(in_wrfnc, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=p, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="pressure", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_pres_theta))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_pres_theta, tol, atol) # Theta-e to pres fld_thetae_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_thetae_pres", repeat, multi) fld_thetae_pres = np.squeeze(fld_thetae_pres) eth = getvar(in_wrfnc, "eth", timeidx=timeidx) interp_levels = [850, 500, 5] field = vinterp(in_wrfnc, field=eth, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="theta-e", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) #print (np.amax(np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_thetae_pres))) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_thetae_pres, tol, atol)
def main(args): fname = args.file save_file = args.save_file # List of variables that are already included in the WRF output and that we want to compute using the wrf-python variables = dict(primary=[ 'XLAT', 'XLONG', 'T2', 'SWDOWN', 'LWUPB', 'GLW', 'PSFC', 'RAINC', 'RAINNC', 'RAINSH', 'SNOWNC', 'SST', 'DIFFUSE_FRAC', 'LANDMASK', 'LAKEMASK', 'PBLH', 'TSK', 'UST' ], computed=['rh2', 'slp', 'mdbz']) # Generate height table for interpolation of U and V components gen_heights = [ 20, 320, 20 ] # minimum height, maximum height, distance between heights # Output time units time_units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00' os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_file), exist_ok=True) # create_dir(os.path.dirname(save_file)) # Create list of heights between min and max height separated by a stride value defined above heights = list(np.arange(gen_heights[0], gen_heights[1], gen_heights[2])) heights.append(gen_heights[1]) # Open using netCDF toolbox ncfile = xr.open_dataset(fname) original_global_attributes = ncfile.attrs ncfile = ncfile._file_obj.ds # Load primary variables and append to list primary_vars = {} for var in variables['primary']: primary_vars[var] = cf.delete_attr(getvar(ncfile, var)) # Calculate diagnostic variables defined above and add to dictionary diagnostic_vars = {} for dvar in variables['computed']: diagnostic_vars[dvar.upper()] = cf.delete_attr(getvar(ncfile, dvar)) # Subtract terrain height from height above sea level new_z = getvar(ncfile, 'z') - getvar(ncfile, 'ter') # Calculate u and v components of wind rotated to Earth coordinates uvm = getvar(ncfile, 'uvmet') # interpolate u and v components of wind to 0-200m by 10m uvtemp = interplevel(uvm, new_z, heights, default_fill(np.float32)) uvtemp = uvtemp.rename({'level': 'height'}) utemp, vtemp = cf.split_uvm(uvtemp) # Calculate 10m u and v components of wind rotated to Earth coordinates and split into separate variables primary_vars['U10'], primary_vars['V10'] = cf.split_uvm( getvar(ncfile, 'uvmet10')) # Concatenate the list of calculated u and v values into data array. Append to diagnostic_vars list diagnostic_vars['U'] = xr.concat(utemp, dim='height') diagnostic_vars['V'] = xr.concat(vtemp, dim='height') # Interpolate u and v components of wind to Boundary Layer Heights for wind gust calculation uvpblh = interplevel(uvm, new_z, primary_vars['PBLH']) uvpblh = cf.delete_attr(uvpblh).drop(['u_v' ]) # drop unnecessary attributes upblh = uvpblh[0].rename('upblh') vpblh = uvpblh[1].rename('vpblh') # Calculate wind gust sfcwind = np.sqrt(primary_vars['U10']**2 + primary_vars['V10']**2) pblwind = np.sqrt(upblh**2 + vpblh**2) delwind = pblwind - sfcwind pblval = primary_vars['PBLH'] / 2000 pblval = pblval.where( pblval < 0.5, other=0.5 ) # if the value is less than 0.5, keep it. otherwise, change to 0.5 delwind = delwind * (1 - pblval) gust = sfcwind + delwind gust = gust.drop('level') # drop the 'level' coordinate gust = gust.astype(np.float32) # Create xarray dataset of primary and diagnostic variables ds = xr.Dataset({**primary_vars, **diagnostic_vars}) ds['U'] = ds.U.astype(np.float32) ds['V'] = ds.V.astype(np.float32) ds['height'] = ds.height.astype(np.int32) try: del ds.U.attrs['vert_units'] del ds.V.attrs['vert_units'] except KeyError: pass ds['Times'] = np.array([ pd.Timestamp('%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S') ]).astype('<S19') ds = ds.expand_dims('Time', axis=0) # Add description and units for lon, lat dimensions for georeferencing ds['XLAT'].attrs['description'] = 'latitude' ds['XLAT'].attrs['units'] = 'degree_north' ds['XLONG'].attrs['description'] = 'longitude' ds['XLONG'].attrs['units'] = 'degree_east' # Set XTIME attribute ds['XTIME'].attrs['units'] = 'minutes' # Set lon attributes ds['XLONG'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Longitude' ds['XLONG'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'longitude' ds['XLONG'].attrs['short_name'] = 'lon' ds['XLONG'].attrs['units'] = 'degrees_east' ds['XLONG'].attrs['axis'] = 'X' ds['XLONG'].attrs['valid_min'] = np.float32(-180.0) ds['XLONG'].attrs['valid_max'] = np.float32(180.0) # Set lat attributes ds['XLAT'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Latitude' ds['XLAT'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'latitude' ds['XLAT'].attrs['short_name'] = 'lat' ds['XLAT'].attrs['units'] = 'degrees_north' ds['XLAT'].attrs['axis'] = 'Y' ds['XLAT'].attrs['valid_min'] = np.float32(-90.0) ds['XLAT'].attrs['valid_max'] = np.float32(90.0) # Set depth attributes ds['height'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Height Above Ground Level' ds['height'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'height' ds['height'].attrs[ 'comment'] = 'Derived from subtracting terrain height from height above sea level' ds['height'].attrs['units'] = 'm' ds['height'].attrs['axis'] = 'Z' ds['height'].attrs['positive'] = 'up' # Set u attributes ds['U'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Eastward Wind Component' ds['U'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'eastward_wind' ds['U'].attrs['short_name'] = 'u' ds['U'].attrs['units'] = 'm s-1' ds['U'].attrs['description'] = 'earth rotated u' ds['U'].attrs['valid_min'] = np.float32(-300) ds['U'].attrs['valid_max'] = np.float32(300) # Set v attributes ds['V'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Northward Wind Component' ds['V'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'northward_wind' ds['V'].attrs['short_name'] = 'v' ds['V'].attrs['units'] = 'm s-1' ds['V'].attrs['description'] = 'earth rotated v' ds['V'].attrs['valid_min'] = np.float32(-300) ds['V'].attrs['valid_max'] = np.float32(300) # Set u10 attributes ds['U10'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Eastward Wind Component - 10m' ds['U10'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'eastward_wind' ds['U10'].attrs['short_name'] = 'u' ds['U10'].attrs['units'] = 'm s-1' ds['U10'].attrs['description'] = '10m earth rotated u' ds['U10'].attrs['valid_min'] = np.float32(-300) ds['U10'].attrs['valid_max'] = np.float32(300) # Set v10 attributes ds['V10'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Northward Wind Component - 10m' ds['V10'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'northward_wind' ds['V10'].attrs['short_name'] = 'v' ds['V10'].attrs['units'] = 'm s-1' ds['V10'].attrs['description'] = '10m earth rotated v' ds['V10'].attrs['valid_min'] = np.float32(-300) ds['V10'].attrs['valid_max'] = np.float32(300) # set primary attributes ds['GLW'].attrs[ 'standard_name'] = 'surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air' ds['GLW'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Surface Downwelling Longwave Flux' ds['LWUPB'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'surface_upwelling_longwave_flux' ds['LWUPB'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Surface Upwelling Longwave Flux' ds['PSFC'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'surface_air_pressure' ds['PSFC'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Air Pressure at Surface' ds['RH2'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'relative_humidity' ds['RH2'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Relative Humidity' ds['SLP'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'air_pressure_at_sea_level' ds['SLP'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Air Pressure at Sea Level' ds['SWDOWN'].attrs[ 'standard_name'] = 'surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air' ds['SWDOWN'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Surface Downwelling Shortwave Flux' ds['T2'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'air_temperature' ds['T2'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Air Temperature at 2m' ds['RAINC'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Accumulated Total Cumulus Precipitation' ds['RAINNC'].attrs[ 'long_name'] = 'Accumulated Total Grid Scale Precipitation' ds['RAINSH'].attrs[ 'long_name'] = 'Accumulated Shallow Cumulus Precipitation' ds['SNOWNC'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'surface_snow_thickness' ds['SNOWNC'].attrs[ 'long_name'] = 'Accumulated Total Grid Scale Snow and Ice' ds['SNOWNC'].attrs['description'] = '{}; water equivalent'.format( ds['SNOWNC'].description) ds['SST'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'sea_surface_temperature' ds['SST'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Sea Surface Temperature' ds['DIFFUSE_FRAC'].attrs[ 'long_name'] = 'Diffuse Fraction of Surface Shortwave Irradiance' ds['MDBZ'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Maximum Radar Reflectivity' ds['TSK'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Surface Skin Temperature' ds['LANDMASK'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'land_binary_mask' ds['LANDMASK'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Land Mask' ds['LAKEMASK'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Lake Mask' ds['PBLH'].attrs[ 'long_name'] = 'Height of the Top of the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL)' ds['UST'].attrs['long_name'] = 'Friction Velocity' ds['XTIME'].attrs['long_name'] = 'minutes since simulation start' # add the calculated wind gust to the dataset windgust_attrs = dict( long_name='Near Surface Wind Gust', description= 'Calculated wind gust, computed by mixing down momentum from the level at the ' 'top of the planetary boundary layer', units='m s-1') ds['WINDGUST'] = xr.Variable(gust.dims, gust.values, attrs=windgust_attrs) ds['WINDGUST'] = ds['WINDGUST'].expand_dims('Time', axis=0) # Set time attribute ds['Time'].attrs['standard_name'] = 'time' datetime_format = '%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ' created = pd.Timestamp(pd.datetime.utcnow()).strftime( datetime_format) # creation time Timestamp time_start = pd.Timestamp(pd.Timestamp([0])).strftime(datetime_format) time_end = pd.Timestamp(pd.Timestamp([0])).strftime(datetime_format) global_attributes = OrderedDict([ ('title', 'Rutgers Weather Research and Forecasting Model'), ('summary', 'Processed netCDF containing subset of RUWRF output'), ('keywords', 'Weather Advisories > Marine Weather/Forecast'), ('Conventions', 'CF-1.7'), ('naming_authority', 'edu.rutgers.marine.rucool'), ('history', 'Hourly WRF raw output processed into new hourly file with selected variables.' ), ('processing_level', 'Level 2'), ('comment', 'WRF Model operated by RUCOOL'), ('acknowledgement', 'This data is provided by the Rutgers Center for Ocean Observing Leadership. Funding is provided by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities).' ), ('standard_name_vocabulary', 'CF Standard Name Table v41'), ('date_created', created), ('creator_name', 'Joseph Brodie'), ('creator_email', '*****@*****.**'), ('creator_url', ''), ('institution', 'Center for Ocean Observing and Leadership, Department of Marine & Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University' ), ('project', 'New Jersey Board of Public Utilities - Offshore Wind Energy - RUWRF Model' ), ('geospatial_lat_min', -90), ('geospatial_lat_max', 90), ('geospatial_lon_min', -180), ('geospatial_lon_max', 180), ('geospatial_vertical_min', 0.0), ('geospatial_vertical_max', 0.0), ('geospatial_vertical_positive', 'down'), ('time_coverage_start', time_start), ('time_coverage_end', time_end), ('creator_type', 'person'), ('creator_institution', 'Rutgers University'), ('contributor_name', 'Joseph Brodie'), ('contributor_role', 'Director of Atmospheric Research'), ('geospatial_lat_units', 'degrees_north'), ('geospatial_lon_units', 'degrees_east'), ('date_modified', created), ('date_issued', created), ('date_metadata_modified', created), ('keywords_vocabulary', 'GCMD Science Keywords'), ('platform', 'WRF Model Run'), ('cdm_data_type', 'Grid'), ('references', '' ) ]) global_attributes.update(original_global_attributes) ds = ds.assign_attrs(global_attributes) # Add compression to all variables encoding = {} for k in ds.data_vars: encoding[k] = {'zlib': True, 'complevel': 1} # add the encoding for time so xarray exports the proper time. # Also remove compression from dimensions. They should never have fill values encoding['Time'] = dict(units=time_units, calendar='gregorian', zlib=False, _FillValue=False, dtype=np.double) encoding['XLONG'] = dict(zlib=False, _FillValue=False) encoding['XLAT'] = dict(zlib=False, _FillValue=False) encoding['height'] = dict(zlib=False, _FillValue=False, dtype=np.int32) ds.to_netcdf(save_file, encoding=encoding, format='netCDF4', engine='netcdf4', unlimited_dims='Time')
def test(self): try: from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDF except ImportError: pass try: import Nio except ImportError: pass timeidx = 0 if not multi else None pat = os.path.join(dir, pattern) wrf_files = glob.glob(pat) wrf_files.sort() wrfin = [] for fname in wrf_files: if not pynio: f = NetCDF(fname) try: f.set_always_mask(False) except AttributeError: pass wrfin.append(f) else: if not fname.endswith(".nc"): _fname = fname + ".nc" else: _fname = fname f = Nio.open_file(_fname) wrfin.append(f) if (varname == "interplevel"): ref_ht_500 = _get_refvals(referent, "z_500", multi) ref_p_5000 = _get_refvals(referent, "p_5000", multi) ref_ht_multi = _get_refvals(referent, "z_multi", multi) ref_p_multi = _get_refvals(referent, "p_multi", multi) ref_ht2_500 = _get_refvals(referent, "z2_500", multi) ref_p2_5000 = _get_refvals(referent, "p2_5000", multi) ref_ht2_multi = _get_refvals(referent, "z2_multi", multi) ref_p2_multi = _get_refvals(referent, "p2_multi", multi) ref_p_lev2d = _get_refvals(referent, "p_lev2d", multi) hts = getvar(wrfin, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(wrfin, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) wspd_wdir = getvar(wrfin, "wspd_wdir", timeidx=timeidx) # Make sure the numpy versions work first hts_500 = interplevel(to_np(hts), to_np(p), 500) hts_500 = interplevel(hts, p, 500) # Note: the '*2*' versions in the reference are testing # against the new version of interplevel in NCL nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_500), ref_ht_500) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_500), ref_ht2_500) # Make sure the numpy versions work first p_5000 = interplevel(to_np(p), to_np(hts), 5000) p_5000 = interplevel(p, hts, 5000) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_5000), ref_p_5000) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_5000), ref_p2_5000) hts_multi = interplevel(to_np(hts), to_np(p), [1000., 850., 500., 250.]) hts_multi = interplevel(hts, p, [1000., 850., 500., 250.]) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_multi), ref_ht_multi) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(hts_multi), ref_ht2_multi) p_multi = interplevel(to_np(p), to_np(hts), [500., 2500., 5000., 10000.]) p_multi = interplevel(p, hts, [500., 2500., 5000., 10000.]) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_multi), ref_p_multi) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_multi), ref_p2_multi) pblh = getvar(wrfin, "PBLH", timeidx=timeidx) p_lev2d = interplevel(to_np(p), to_np(hts), to_np(pblh)) p_lev2d = interplevel(p, hts, pblh) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_lev2d), ref_p_lev2d) # Just make sure these run below wspd_wdir_500 = interplevel(to_np(wspd_wdir), to_np(p), 500) wspd_wdir_500 = interplevel(wspd_wdir, p, 500) wspd_wdir_multi = interplevel(to_np(wspd_wdir), to_np(p), [1000, 500, 250]) wdpd_wdir_multi = interplevel(wspd_wdir, p, [1000, 500, 250]) wspd_wdir_pblh = interplevel(to_np(wspd_wdir), to_np(hts), pblh) wspd_wdir_pblh = interplevel(wspd_wdir, hts, pblh) if multi: wspd_wdir_pblh_2 = interplevel(to_np(wspd_wdir), to_np(hts), pblh[0, :]) wspd_wdir_pblh_2 = interplevel(wspd_wdir, hts, pblh[0, :]) # Since PBLH doesn't change in this case, it should match # the 0 time from previous computation. Note that this # only works when the data has 1 time step that is repeated. # If you use a different case with multiple times, # this will probably fail. nt.assert_allclose(to_np(wspd_wdir_pblh_2[:, 0, :]), to_np(wspd_wdir_pblh[:, 0, :])) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(wspd_wdir_pblh_2[:, -1, :]), to_np(wspd_wdir_pblh[:, 0, :])) elif (varname == "vertcross"): ref_ht_cross = _get_refvals(referent, "ht_cross", multi) ref_p_cross = _get_refvals(referent, "p_cross", multi) ref_ht_vertcross1 = _get_refvals(referent, "ht_vertcross1", multi) ref_ht_vertcross2 = _get_refvals(referent, "ht_vertcross2", multi) ref_ht_vertcross3 = _get_refvals(referent, "ht_vertcross3", multi) hts = getvar(wrfin, "z", timeidx=timeidx) p = getvar(wrfin, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(hts.shape[-1] / 2, hts.shape[-2] / 2) # Beginning in wrf-python 1.3, users can select number of levels. # Originally, for pressure, dz was 10, so let's back calculate # the number of levels. p_max = np.floor(np.amax(p) / 10) * 10 # bottom value p_min = np.ceil(np.amin(p) / 10) * 10 # top value p_autolevels = int((p_max - p_min) / 10) # Make sure the numpy versions work first ht_cross = vertcross(to_np(hts), to_np(p), pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90., autolevels=p_autolevels) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90., autolevels=p_autolevels) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), ref_ht_cross, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(ht_cross) - ref_ht_cross) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise lats = hts.coords["XLAT"] lons = hts.coords["XLONG"] # Test the manual projection method with lat/lon # Only do this for the non-multi case, since the domain # might be moving if not multi: if lats.ndim > 2: # moving nest lats = lats[0, :] lons = lons[0, :] ll_point = ll_points(lats, lons) pivot = CoordPair(lat=lats[int(lats.shape[-2] / 2), int(lats.shape[-1] / 2)], lon=lons[int(lons.shape[-2] / 2), int(lons.shape[-1] / 2)]) v1 = vertcross(hts, p, wrfin=wrfin, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) v2 = vertcross(hts, p, projection=hts.attrs["projection"], ll_point=ll_point, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(v1), to_np(v2), atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(v1) - to_np(v2)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Test opposite p_cross1 = vertcross(p, hts, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_cross1), ref_p_cross, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(p_cross1) - ref_p_cross) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Test point to point start_point = CoordPair(0, hts.shape[-2] / 2) end_point = CoordPair(-1, hts.shape[-2] / 2) p_cross2 = vertcross(p, hts, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(p_cross1), to_np(p_cross2), atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(p_cross1) - to_np(p_cross2)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Check the new vertcross routine pivot_point = CoordPair(hts.shape[-1] / 2, hts.shape[-2] / 2) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90., latlon=True) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), to_np(ref_ht_vertcross1), atol=.005) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(ht_cross) - to_np(ref_ht_vertcross1)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise levels = [1000., 850., 700., 500., 250.] ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90., levels=levels, latlon=True) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), to_np(ref_ht_vertcross2), atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(ht_cross) - to_np(ref_ht_vertcross2)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise idxs = (0, slice(None)) if lats.ndim > 2 else (slice(None), ) start_lat = np.amin( lats[idxs]) + .25 * (np.amax(lats[idxs]) - np.amin(lats[idxs])) end_lat = np.amin( lats[idxs]) + .65 * (np.amax(lats[idxs]) - np.amin(lats[idxs])) start_lon = np.amin( lons[idxs]) + .25 * (np.amax(lons[idxs]) - np.amin(lons[idxs])) end_lon = np.amin( lons[idxs]) + .65 * (np.amax(lons[idxs]) - np.amin(lons[idxs])) start_point = CoordPair(lat=start_lat, lon=start_lon) end_point = CoordPair(lat=end_lat, lon=end_lon) ll_point = ll_points(lats[idxs], lons[idxs]) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, projection=hts.attrs["projection"], ll_point=ll_point, latlon=True, autolevels=1000) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), to_np(ref_ht_vertcross3), atol=.01) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(ht_cross) - to_np(ref_ht_vertcross3)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise if multi: ntimes = hts.shape[0] for t in range(ntimes): hts = getvar(wrfin, "z", timeidx=t) p = getvar(wrfin, "pressure", timeidx=t) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, wrfin=wrfin, timeidx=t, latlon=True, autolevels=1000) refname = "ht_vertcross_t{}".format(t) ref_ht_vertcross = _get_refvals(referent, refname, False) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(ht_cross), to_np(ref_ht_vertcross), atol=.01) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs( to_np(ht_cross) - to_np(ref_ht_vertcross)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise elif (varname == "interpline"): ref_t2_line = _get_refvals(referent, "t2_line", multi) ref_t2_line2 = _get_refvals(referent, "t2_line2", multi) ref_t2_line3 = _get_refvals(referent, "t2_line3", multi) t2 = getvar(wrfin, "T2", timeidx=timeidx) pivot_point = CoordPair(t2.shape[-1] / 2, t2.shape[-2] / 2) # Make sure the numpy version works t2_line1 = interpline(to_np(t2), pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) t2_line1 = interpline(t2, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), ref_t2_line) # Test the new NCL wrf_user_interplevel result try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), ref_t2_line2) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(t2_line1) - ref_t2_line2) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Test the manual projection method with lat/lon lats = t2.coords["XLAT"] lons = t2.coords["XLONG"] if multi: if lats.ndim > 2: # moving nest lats = lats[0, :] lons = lons[0, :] ll_point = ll_points(lats, lons) pivot = CoordPair(lat=lats[int(lats.shape[-2] / 2), int(lats.shape[-1] / 2)], lon=lons[int(lons.shape[-2] / 2), int(lons.shape[-1] / 2)]) l1 = interpline(t2, wrfin=wrfin, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) l2 = interpline(t2, projection=t2.attrs["projection"], ll_point=ll_point, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(l1), to_np(l2)) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(l1) - to_np(l2)) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Test point to point start_point = CoordPair(0, t2.shape[-2] / 2) end_point = CoordPair(-1, t2.shape[-2] / 2) t2_line2 = interpline(t2, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line1), to_np(t2_line2)) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(t2_line1) - t2_line2) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Now test the start/end with lat/lon points start_lat = float( np.amin(lats) + .25 * (np.amax(lats) - np.amin(lats))) end_lat = float( np.amin(lats) + .65 * (np.amax(lats) - np.amin(lats))) start_lon = float( np.amin(lons) + .25 * (np.amax(lons) - np.amin(lons))) end_lon = float( np.amin(lons) + .65 * (np.amax(lons) - np.amin(lons))) start_point = CoordPair(lat=start_lat, lon=start_lon) end_point = CoordPair(lat=end_lat, lon=end_lon) t2_line3 = interpline(t2, wrfin=wrfin, timeidx=0, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(t2_line3), ref_t2_line3, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(t2_line3) - ref_t2_line3) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Test all time steps if multi: refnc = NetCDF(referent) ntimes = t2.shape[0] for t in range(ntimes): t2 = getvar(wrfin, "T2", timeidx=t) line = interpline(t2, wrfin=wrfin, timeidx=t, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True) refname = "t2_line_t{}".format(t) refline = refnc.variables[refname][:] try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(line), to_np(refline), atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(line) - refline) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise refnc.close() # Test NCLs single time case if not multi: refnc = NetCDF(referent) ref_t2_line4 = refnc.variables["t2_line4"][:] t2 = getvar(wrfin, "T2", timeidx=0) line = interpline(t2, wrfin=wrfin, timeidx=0, start_point=start_point, end_point=end_point, latlon=True) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(line), to_np(ref_t2_line4), atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(line) - ref_t2_line4) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise finally: refnc.close() elif (varname == "vinterp"): # Tk to theta fld_tk_theta = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_theta", multi) fld_tk_theta = np.squeeze(fld_tk_theta) tk = getvar(wrfin, "temp", timeidx=timeidx, units="k") interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] # Make sure the numpy version works field = vinterp(wrfin, field=to_np(tk), vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = vinterp(wrfin, field=tk, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) tol = 0 / 100. atol = 0.0001 field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_theta) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_theta) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Tk to theta-e fld_tk_theta_e = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_theta_e", multi) fld_tk_theta_e = np.squeeze(fld_tk_theta_e) interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=tk, vert_coord="theta-e", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_theta_e, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_theta_e) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Tk to pressure fld_tk_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_pres", multi) fld_tk_pres = np.squeeze(fld_tk_pres) interp_levels = [850, 500] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=tk, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_pres, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_pres) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Tk to geoht_msl fld_tk_ght_msl = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_ght_msl", multi) fld_tk_ght_msl = np.squeeze(fld_tk_ght_msl) interp_levels = [1, 2] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=tk, vert_coord="ght_msl", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_ght_msl, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_ght_msl) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Tk to geoht_agl fld_tk_ght_agl = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_tk_ght_agl", multi) fld_tk_ght_agl = np.squeeze(fld_tk_ght_agl) interp_levels = [1, 2] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=tk, vert_coord="ght_agl", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_tk_ght_agl, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_tk_ght_agl) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Hgt to pressure fld_ht_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_ht_pres", multi) fld_ht_pres = np.squeeze(fld_ht_pres) z = getvar(wrfin, "height", timeidx=timeidx, units="m") interp_levels = [500, 50] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=z, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="ght", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_ht_pres, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_ht_pres) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Pressure to theta fld_pres_theta = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_pres_theta", multi) fld_pres_theta = np.squeeze(fld_pres_theta) p = getvar(wrfin, "pressure", timeidx=timeidx) interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=p, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="pressure", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_pres_theta, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_pres_theta) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise # Theta-e to pres fld_thetae_pres = _get_refvals(referent, "fld_thetae_pres", multi) fld_thetae_pres = np.squeeze(fld_thetae_pres) eth = getvar(wrfin, "eth", timeidx=timeidx) interp_levels = [850, 500, 5] field = vinterp(wrfin, field=eth, vert_coord="pressure", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="theta-e", timeidx=timeidx, log_p=True) field = np.squeeze(field) try: nt.assert_allclose(to_np(field), fld_thetae_pres, atol=.0001) except AssertionError: absdiff = np.abs(to_np(field) - fld_thetae_pres) maxdiff = np.amax(absdiff) print(maxdiff) print(np.argwhere(absdiff == maxdiff)) raise
def make_result_file(opts): infilename = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join(opts.outdir, "")) outfilename = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join(opts.outdir, "")) with Dataset(infilename) as infile, Dataset(outfilename, "w") as outfile: for varname in WRF_DIAGS: var = getvar(infile, varname) add_to_ncfile(outfile, var, varname) for interptype in INTERP_METHS: if interptype == "interpline": hts = getvar(infile, "z") p = getvar(infile, "pressure") hts_850 = interplevel(hts, p, 850.) add_to_ncfile(outfile, hts_850, "interplevel") if interptype == "vertcross": hts = getvar(infile, "z") p = getvar(infile, "pressure") pivot_point = CoordPair(hts.shape[-1] // 2, hts.shape[-2] // 2) ht_cross = vertcross(hts, p, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.) add_to_ncfile(outfile, ht_cross, "vertcross") if interptype == "interpline": t2 = getvar(infile, "T2") pivot_point = CoordPair(t2.shape[-1] // 2, t2.shape[-2] // 2) t2_line = interpline(t2, pivot_point=pivot_point, angle=90.0) add_to_ncfile(outfile, t2_line, "interpline") if interptype == "vinterp": tk = getvar(infile, "temp", units="k") interp_levels = [200, 300, 500, 1000] field = vinterp(infile, field=tk, vert_coord="theta", interp_levels=interp_levels, extrapolate=True, field_type="tk", log_p=True) add_to_ncfile(outfile, field, "vinterp") for latlonmeth in LATLON_METHS: if latlonmeth == "xy": # Hardcoded values from other unit tests lats = [-55, -60, -65] lons = [25, 30, 35] xy = ll_to_xy(infile, lats[0], lons[0]) add_to_ncfile(outfile, xy, "xy") else: # Hardcoded from other unit tests i_s = np.asarray([10, 100, 150], int) - 1 j_s = np.asarray([10, 100, 150], int) - 1 ll = xy_to_ll(infile, i_s[0], j_s[0]) add_to_ncfile(outfile, ll, "ll")
v_tmp = np.empty((times.shape[0], z.shape[0], v_int.shape[2], v_int.shape[3])) w_tmp = np.empty((times.shape[0], zw.shape[0], y.shape[0], x.shape[0])) qv_tmp = np.empty( (times.shape[0], z.shape[0], qv_int.shape[2], qv_int.shape[3])) pt_tmp = np.empty( (times.shape[0], z.shape[0], pt_int.shape[2], pt_int.shape[3])) pres_tmp = np.empty( (times.shape[0], z.shape[0], pres_int.shape[2], pres_int.shape[3])) tk_tmp = np.empty( (times.shape[0], z.shape[0], tk_int.shape[2], tk_int.shape[3])) for l_idx, l in tqdm(enumerate(z), desc="Interpolating unstaggered vertical levels"): for t in range(0, times.shape[0]): qv_tmp[t, int(l_idx), :, :] = interplevel(qv_int[t, :, :, :], z_wrf_int[t, :, :, :], l).data pt_tmp[t, int(l_idx), :, :] = interplevel(pt_int[t, :, :, :], z_wrf_int[t, :, :, :], l).data u_tmp[t, int(l_idx), :, :] = interplevel(u_int[t, :, :, :], z_wrf_int_u[t, :, :, :], l).data v_tmp[t, int(l_idx), :, :] = interplevel(v_int[t, :, :, :], z_wrf_int_v[t, :, :, :], l).data pres_tmp[t, int(l_idx), :, :] = interplevel(pres_int[t, :, :, :], z_wrf_int[t, :, :, :], l).data tk_tmp[t, int(l_idx), :, :] = interplevel(tk_int[t, :, :, :], z_wrf_int[t, :, :, :], l).data
timeneed = datelist(timeperiod1[tp], timeperiod2[tp]) os.chdir("/scratch/zhaohuiw/PWRF_non_staticseaice_ib/WRFV3/test/em_real") x = np.zeros((264, 699, 699)) i = 0 for date in timeneed: filename = 'wrfout_d01_' + date + '_00:00:00' ncfile = Dataset(filename) # Extract the Geopotential Height and Pressure (hPa) fields z = getvar(ncfile, "z", units='dm', timeidx=ALL_TIMES) #change the variable to what we need p = getvar(ncfile, "pressure", timeidx=ALL_TIMES) #change the variable to what we need # Compute the 500 MB Geopotential Height ht_500mb = interplevel(z, p, 500.) x[24 * i:24 * (i + 1), :, :] = ht_500mb i = i + 1 del i os.chdir("/scratch/zhaohuiw/wrf_variable") sio.savemat('ht_500mb_non_staticseaice_' + filename[11:21] + '.mat', {'ht_500mb': x}) # give x the variable name ################################### os.chdir("/scratch/zhaohuiw/PWRF_staticseaice_ib/WRFV3/test/em_real") x = np.zeros((264, 699, 699)) i = 0 for date in timeneed: filename = 'wrfout_d01_' + date + '_00:00:00' ncfile = Dataset(filename)
start_point=startpoint, end_point=endpoint, latlon=True) lonlist, latlist = [], [] plist = ua_vert.coords['vertical'] print(plist) for i in range(len(ua_vert.coords['xy_loc'])): s = str(ua_vert.coords['xy_loc'][i].values) lonlist.append(float(s[s.find('lon=') + 4:s.find('lon=') + 12])) latlist.append(float(s[s.find('lat=') + 4:s.find('lat=') + 12])) print(lonlist) print(latlist) hlist = [] for i in range(1000, 700, -30): hlist.append(float(np.max(interplevel(height2earth, p, i)).values)) hlist = np.array([int(i) for i in hlist]) print(hlist) plist = to_np(plist) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8), dpi=150) axe_1 = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) #这里可以设置多个子图,第一个参数表示多少行,第二个表示多少列,第三个表示第几个子图 axe_1.set_title(str(Readtime.get_ncfile_time(ncfile, timezone=8)[time]), fontsize=12) start_x, end_x = start_lon, end_lon small_p, big_p = 700, 1000 big_interval_x, small_interval_x, big_interval_p, small_interval_p = 0.1, 0.1, 30, 30 #axe_1.set_xlim(start_x, end_x) axe_1.set_ylim(65, 100) # 设置图的范围 axe_1.grid(color='gray', linestyle=':', linewidth=0.7)