def __init__(self,Wctrl_fpath,Wmod_fpath,vrbl,utc,lv=False, accum_hr=False,radar_datadir=False,thresh=False, footprint=500): self.utc = utc self.C = {} self.M = {} self.thresh = thresh self.footprint = footprint self.M['WRFOut'] = WRFOut(Wmod_fpath) self.dx = self.M['WRFOut'].dx self.compute_d(self.M['WRFOut']) if Wctrl_fpath is False and (vrbl=='REFL_comp' or vrbl=='cref'): use_radar_obs = True self.C['data'] = self.get_radar_verif(utc,radar_datadir) else: use_radar_obs = False Wctrl = WRFOut(Wctrl_fpath) # Get 2D grids for ctrl and model if vrbl == 'accum_precip': if not accum_hr: raise Exception("Need to set accumulation hours.") self.C['data'] = Wctrl.compute_accum_rain(utc,accum_hr)[0,0,:,:] self.M['data'] = self.M['WRFOut'].compute_accum_rain(utc,accum_hr)[0,0,:,:] else: self.M['data'] = self.M['WRFOut'].get(vrbl,level=lv,utc=utc)[0,0,:,:] if not use_radar_obs: self.C['data'] = Wctrl.get(vrbl,level=lv,utc=utc)[0,0,:,:] # Set negative values to 0 # if vrbl == 'REFL_comp': self.C['data'][self.C['data']<0] = 0 self.M['data'][self.M['data']<0] = 0 self.vrbl = vrbl """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.pcolor(self.C['data']) fig.savefig('/home/jrlawson/public_html/bowecho/SALtests/obs_pcolor.png') plt.close(fig) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.pcolor(self.M['data']) fig.savefig('/home/jrlawson/public_html/bowecho/SALtests/mod_pcolor.png') plt.close(fig) import pdb; pdb.set_trace() """ self.identify_objects() self.compute_amplitude() self.compute_location() self.compute_structure() print("S = {0} A = {1} L = {2}".format(self.S,self.A,self.L))
def spaghetti(self, t, lv, va, contour, wrfouts, outpath, da=0, dom=0): """ wrfouts : list of wrfout files Only change dom if there are multiple domains. """ m, x, y = self.basemap_setup() time_idx = self.W.get_time_idx(t) colours = utils.generate_colours(M, len(wrfouts)) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if lv == 2000: lv_idx = None else: print("Only support surface right now") raise Exception lat_sl, lon_sl = self.get_limited_domain(da) slices = {'t': time_idx, 'lv': lv_idx, 'la': lat_sl, 'lo': lon_sl} # ctlist = [] for n, wrfout in enumerate(wrfouts): self.W = WRFOut(wrfout) data = self.W.get(va, slices)[0, ...] # m.contour(x,y,data,levels=[contour,]) ct = m.contour(x, y, data, colors=[ colours[n], ], levels=[ contour, ], label=wrfout.split('/')[-2]) print("Plotting contour level {0} for {1} from file \n {2}".format( contour, va, wrfout)) # ctlist.append(ct) # # labels = [w.split('/')[-2] for w in wrfouts] # print labels # self.fig.legend(handles=ctlist) # plt.legend(handles=ctlist,labels=labels) #labels,ncol=3, loc=3, # bbox_to_anchor=[0.5,1.5]) datestr = utils.string_from_time('output', t, tupleformat=0) lv_na = utils.get_level_naming(va, lv) naming = ['spaghetti', va, lv_na, datestr] if dom: naming.append(dom) fname = self.create_fname(*naming), fname)
def get_wrfout(self, wrf_sd=0, wrf_nc=0, dom=0, path_only=0): """Returns the WRFOut instance, given arguments: Optional inputs: wrf_sd : subdirectory for wrf file wrf_nc : filename for wrf file dom : domain for wrf file path_only : only return absolute path """ # Check configuration to see if wrfout files should be # sought inside subdirectories. descend = getattr(self.C, 'wrf_folders_descend', 1) if wrf_sd and wrf_nc: wrfpath = os.path.join(self.C.wrfout_root, wrf_sd, wrf_nc) elif wrf_sd: wrfdir = os.path.join(self.C.wrfout_root, wrf_sd) # print wrfdir wrfpath = utils.wrfout_files_in(wrfdir, dom=dom, unambiguous=1, descend=descend) else: wrfdir = os.path.join(self.C.wrfout_root) wrfpath = utils.wrfout_files_in(wrfdir, dom=dom, unambiguous=1, descend=descend) if path_only: return wrfpath else: return WRFOut(wrfpath)
def plot_domains(wrfouts, labels, latlons, outpath, colour=0): """ wrfouts : list of wrfout file paths latlons : dictionary of Nlim,Elim,Slim,Wlim for plot """ fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) # Create basemap first of all #basemap_res = getattr(self.C,'basemap_res',self.D.basemap_res) basemap_res = 'h' m = Basemap(projection='merc', llcrnrlon=latlons['Wlim'], llcrnrlat=latlons['Slim'], urcrnrlon=latlons['Elim'], urcrnrlat=latlons['Nlim'], lat_0=latlons['lat0'], lon_0=latlons['lon0'], resolution=basemap_res, area_thresh=500, ax=ax) m.drawcoastlines() m.drawstates() m.drawcountries() if not isinstance(colour, collections.Sequence): colours = [ 'k', ] * len(wrfouts) else: colours = colour # Get corners of each domain for gridlabel, fpath, colour in zip(labels, wrfouts, colours): W = WRFOut(fpath) print("Plotting domain {0} for {1}".format(gridlabel, fpath)) #Nlim, Elim, Slim, Wlim = W.get_limits() x, y = m(W.lons, W.lats) xl = len(x[0, :]) midpt = len(y[0, :]) / 2 ax.annotate(gridlabel, color=colour, fontsize=10, xy=(x[0, -(0.12 * xl)], y[0, midpt]), bbox=dict(fc='white'), alpha=1, va='center', ha='left') m.plot(x[0, :], y[0, :], colour, lw=2) ax.plot(x[:, 0], y[:, 0], colour, lw=2) ax.plot(x[len(y) - 1, :], y[len(y) - 1, :], colour, lw=2) ax.plot(x[:, len(x) - 1], y[:, len(x) - 1], colour, lw=2) # fpath = os.path.join(self.C.output_root,'domains.png') fname = 'domains.png' fpath = os.path.join(outpath, fname) fig.savefig(fpath) print("Saved to " + fpath)
def std(ncfiles,va,tidx,lvidx): """ Find standard deviation in along axis of ensemble members. Returns matrix x-y for plotting """ for n, nc in enumerate(ncfiles): W = WRFOut(nc) slices = {'lv':lvidx, 't':tidx} va_array = W.get(va,slices) dims = va_array.shape if n==0: all_members = N.zeros([len(ncfiles),1,1,dims[-2],dims[-1]]) all_members[n,0,0,:,:] = va_array[...] std = N.std(all_members,axis=0).reshape([dims[-2],dims[-1]]) # pdb.set_trace() return std
def std(ncfiles,vrbl,utc=False,level=False,other=False,axis=0): """ Find standard deviation in along axis of ensemble members. Returns matrix x-y for plotting """ for n, nc in enumerate(ncfiles): # print("Ensemble member {0} loaded.".format(n)) W = WRFOut(nc) vrbl_array = W.get(vrbl,utc=utc,level=level,other=other) if vrbl=='cref': vrbl_array[vrbl_array<0] = 0 if n==0: dims = [len(ncfiles),] + list(vrbl_array.shape) all_members = N.zeros(dims) all_members[n,...] = vrbl_array[...] # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() std = N.std(all_members,axis=axis) return std
def colocate_WRF_map(self,wrfdir): searchfor = os.path.join(wrfdir,'wrfout*') # pdb.set_trace() files = glob.glob(searchfor) W = WRFOut(files[0]) limits = {} limits['Nlim'] = W.lats.max() limits['Slim'] = W.lats.min() limits['Wlim'] = W.lons.min() limits['Elim'] = W.lons.max() return limits
def std_ttest(ncfiles1,ncfiles2,vrbl,utc=False,level=False,other=False): """ Find standard deviation in along axis of ensemble members. Returns matrix x-y for plotting. Returns sig test """ std = [] std_ave = [] for ncfiles in (ncfiles1, ncfiles2): for n, nc in enumerate(ncfiles): # print("Ensemble member {0} loaded.".format(n)) W = WRFOut(nc) vrbl_array = W.get(vrbl,utc=utc,level=level,other=other) if vrbl=='cref': vrbl_array[vrbl_array<0] = 0 if n==0: dims = [len(ncfiles),] + list(vrbl_array.shape) all_members = N.zeros(dims) all_members[n,...] = vrbl_array[...] # sample[n,...] = vrbl_array[ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() sample=all_members std.append(N.std(sample,axis=0)[0,0,:,:]) std_ave.append(N.std(all_members, axis=None)) # N.random.shuffle(std[0]) # N.random.shuffle(std[1]) choice0 = N.random.choice(std[0].flatten(),size=1000) choice1 = N.random.choice(std[1].flatten(),size=1000) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # tstat, pvalue = scipy.stats.ttest_rel(std[0],std[1],axis=None) tstat, pvalue = scipy.stats.ttest_rel(choice0,choice1,axis=None) return std_ave[0], std_ave[1], tstat, pvalue
def spaghetti(self,t,lv,va,contour,wrfouts,outpath,da=0,dom=0): """ wrfouts : list of wrfout files Only change dom if there are multiple domains. """ m,x,y = self.basemap_setup() time_idx = self.W.get_time_idx(t) colours = utils.generate_colours(M,len(wrfouts)) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if lv==2000: lv_idx = None else: print("Only support surface right now") raise Exception lat_sl, lon_sl = self.get_limited_domain(da) slices = {'t': time_idx, 'lv': lv_idx, 'la': lat_sl, 'lo': lon_sl} # ctlist = [] for n,wrfout in enumerate(wrfouts): self.W = WRFOut(wrfout) data = self.W.get(va,slices)[0,...] # m.contour(x,y,data,levels=[contour,]) ct = m.contour(x,y,data,colors=[colours[n],],levels=[contour,],label=wrfout.split('/')[-2]) print("Plotting contour level {0} for {1} from file \n {2}".format( contour,va,wrfout)) # ctlist.append(ct) # # labels = [w.split('/')[-2] for w in wrfouts] # print labels # self.fig.legend(handles=ctlist) # plt.legend(handles=ctlist,labels=labels) #labels,ncol=3, loc=3, # bbox_to_anchor=[0.5,1.5]) datestr = utils.string_from_time('output',t,tupleformat=0) lv_na = utils.get_level_naming(va,lv) naming = ['spaghetti',va,lv_na,datestr] if dom: naming.append(dom) fname = self.create_fname(*naming),fname)
def plot_skewT(self, plot_time, plot_latlon, dom=1, save_output=0, composite=0): wrfouts = self.wrfout_files_in(self.C.wrfout_root) for wrfout in wrfouts: if not composite: W = WRFOut(wrfout) ST = SkewT(self.C, W) ST.plot_skewT(plot_time, plot_latlon, dom, save_output) nice_time = utils.string_from_time('title', plot_time) print("Plotted Skew-T for time {0} at {1}".format( nice_time, plot_latlon)) else: #ST = SkewT(self.C) pass
def plot_variable2D(self,va,pt,en,lv,p2p,na=0,da=0): """Plot a longitude--latitude cross-section (bird's-eye-view). Use Basemap to create geographical data ======== REQUIRED ======== va = variable(s) pt = plot time(s) nc = ensemble member(s) lv = level(s) p2p = path to plots ======== OPTIONAL ======== da = smaller domain area(s), needs dictionary || DEFAULT = 0 na = naming scheme for plot files || DEFAULT = get what you're given """ va = self.get_sequence(va) pt = self.get_sequence(pt,SoS=1) en = self.get_sequence(en) lv = self.get_sequence(lv) da = self.get_sequence(da) perms = self.make_iterator(va,pt,en,lv,da) # Find some way of looping over wrfout files first, avoiding need # to create new W instances # print("Beginning plotting of {0} figures.".format(len(list(perms)))) #pdb.set_trace() for x in perms: va,pt,en,lv,da = x W = WRFOut(en) # wrfout file class using path F = BirdsEye(self.C,W,p2p) # 2D figure class F.plot2D(va,pt,en,lv,da,na) # Plot/save figure pt_s = utils.string_from_time('title',pt) print("Plotting from file {0}: \n variable = {1}" " time = {2}, level = {3}, area = {4}.".format(en,va,pt_s,lv,da))
class BirdsEye(Figure): def __init__(self,config,wrfout,ax=0,fig=0): super(BirdsEye,self).__init__(config,wrfout,ax=ax,fig=fig) def get_contouring(self,vrbl='user',lv='user',**kwargs): """ Returns colourmap and contouring levels Options keyword arguments: V : manually override contour levels """ data =,self.lo_n)) # List of args and dictionary of kwargs plotargs = [self.x,self.y,data] plotkwargs = kwargs # cmap = getattr(kwargs,'cmap', if vrbl=='user': pass else: S = Scales(vrbl,lv) if plotkwargs['cmap'] = if isinstance(S.clvs,N.ndarray): plotkwargs['levels'] = S.clvs # if self.mplcommand == 'contour': # multiplier = S.get_multiplier(vrbl,lv) if 'clvs' in kwargs: if isinstance(kwargs['clvs'],N.ndarray): plotkwargs['levels'] = kwargs['clvs'] kwargs.pop('clvs') # pdb.set_trace() return plotargs, plotkwargs def plot_data(self,data,mplcommand,p2p,fname,pt,no_title=1,save=1,**kwargs): """ Generic method that plots any matrix of data on a map Inputs: data : lat/lon matrix of data vrbl : variable type for contouring convention m : basemap instance mplcommand : contour or contourf etc p2p : path to plots fname : filename for plot V : scale for contours no_title : switch to turn off title save : whether to save to file """ # INITIALISE # self.fig = plt.figure() # self.fig = self.figsize(8,8,self.fig) # Create a default figure size if not set by user # self.fig.set_size_inches(5,5) self.bmap,self.x,self.y = self.basemap_setup() self.mplcommand = mplcommand = data self.la_n =[-2] self.lo_n =[-1] # if plottype == 'contourf': # f1 = self.bmap.contourf(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) # elif plottype == 'contour': # plotkwargs['colors'] = 'k' # f1 = self.bmap.contour(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) # scaling_func = M.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos:'{0:d}'.format(int(x*multiplier))) # plt.clabel(f1, inline=1, fmt=scaling_func, fontsize=9, colors='k') plotargs, plotkwargs = self.get_contouring(**kwargs) # pdb.set_trace() if self.mplcommand == 'contour': f1 = self.bmap.contour(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) elif self.mplcommand == 'contourf': f1 = self.bmap.contourf(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) elif self.mplcommand == 'pcolor': f1 = self.bmap.pcolor(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) elif self.mplcommand == 'pcolormesh': f1 = self.bmap.pcolormesh(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) elif self.mplcommand == 'scatter': f1 = self.bmap.scatter(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) else: print("Specify plot type.") raise Exception # LABELS, TITLES etc """ Change these to hasattr! """ #if self.C.plot_titles: if not no_title: title = utils.string_from_time('title',pt,tupleformat=0) plt.title(title) plot_colorbar = 1 if plot_colorbar: self.fig.colorbar(f1,orientation='horizontal') # # div0 = make_axes_locatable( # cax0 = div0.append_axes("bottom", size="20%", pad=0.05) # cb0 = self.fig.colorbar(f1, cax=cax0) # SAVE FIGURE datestr = utils.string_from_time('output',pt,tupleformat=0) # self.fname = self.create_fname(fpath) # No da variable here if save:,fname) plt.close(self.fig) return f1 # print("Plot saved to {0}.".format(os.path.join(p2p,fname))) #def plot2D(self,va,**kwargs): def plot2D(self,vrbl,t,lv,dom,outpath,bounding=0,smooth=1, plottype='contourf',save=1,return_data=0): """ Inputs: vrbl : variable string t : date/time in (YYYY,MM,DD,HH,MM,SS) or datenum format If tuple of two dates, it's start time and end time, e.g. for finding max/average. lv : level dom : domain outpath : absolute path to output bounding : list of four floats (Nlim, Elim, Slim, Wlim): Nlim : northern limit Elim : eastern limit Slim : southern limit Wlim : western limit smooth : smoothing. 1 is off. integer greater than one is the degree of smoothing, to be specified. save : whether to save to file """ # INITIALISE self.fig.set_size_inches(8,8) self.bmap,self.x,self.y = self.basemap_setup(smooth=smooth) self.mplcommand = plottype # Make sure smooth=0 is corrected to 1 # They are both essentially 'off'. if smooth==0: smooth = 1 # Get indices for time, level, lats, lons if isinstance(t,collections.Sequence) and len(t)!=6: # List of two dates, start and end # pdb.set_trace() it_idx = self.W.get_time_idx(t[0]) ft_idx = self.W.get_time_idx(t[1]) assert ft_idx > it_idx tidx = slice(it_idx,ft_idx,None) title = "range" datestr = "range" else: tidx = self.W.get_time_idx(t) title = utils.string_from_time('title',t) datestr = utils.string_from_time('output',t) # Until pressure coordinates are fixed TODO lvidx = 0 latidx, lonidx = self.get_limited_domain(bounding,smooth=smooth) # if vc == 'surface': # lv_idx = 0 # elif lv == 'all': # lv_idx = 'all' # else: # print("Need to sort other levels") # raise Exception # FETCH DATA ncidx = {'t': tidx, 'lv': lvidx, 'la': latidx, 'lo': lonidx} = self.W.get(vrbl,ncidx)#,**vardict) self.la_n =[-2] self.lo_n =[-1] # COLORBAR, CONTOURING plotargs, plotkwargs = self.get_contouring(vrbl,lv) # S = Scales(vrbl,lv) # multiplier = S.get_multiplier(vrbl,lv) # if # plotargs = (self.x,self.y,data.reshape((la_n,lo_n)),S.clvs) # cmap = # elif isinstance(S.clvs,N.ndarray): # if plottype == 'contourf': # plotargs = (self.x,self.y,data.reshape((la_n,lo_n)),S.clvs) # cmap = # else: # plotargs = (self.x,self.y,data.reshape((la_n,lo_n)),S.clvs) # else: # plotargs = (self.x,self.y,data.reshape((la_n,lo_n))) # cmap = # pdb.set_trace() if self.mplcommand == 'contourf': # f1 = self.bmap.contourf(*plotargs,cmap=cmap) f1 = self.bmap.contourf(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) elif self.mplcommand == 'contour': plotkwargs['colors'] = 'k' f1 = self.bmap.contour(*plotargs,**kwargs) scaling_func = M.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos:'{0:d}'.format(int(x*multiplier))) plt.clabel(f1, inline=1, fmt=scaling_func, fontsize=9, colors='k') # LABELS, TITLES etc if self.C.plot_titles: plt.title(title) if self.mplcommand == 'contourf' and self.C.colorbar: plt.colorbar(f1,orientation='horizontal') # SAVE FIGURE # pdb.set_trace() lv_na = utils.get_level_naming(vrbl,lv) naming = [vrbl,lv_na,datestr] if dom: naming.append(dom) self.fname = self.create_fname(*naming) if save:,self.fname) plt.close() if isinstance(,N.ndarray): return,self.lo_n)) def plot_streamlines(self,lv,pt,outpath,da=0): m,x,y = self.basemap_setup() time_idx = self.W.get_time_idx(pt) if lv==2000: lv_idx = None else: print("Only support surface right now") raise Exception lat_sl, lon_sl = self.get_limited_domain(da) slices = {'t': time_idx, 'lv': lv_idx, 'la': lat_sl, 'lo': lon_sl} if lv == 2000: u = self.W.get('U10',slices)[0,:,:] v = self.W.get('V10',slices)[0,:,:] else: u = self.W.get('U',slices)[0,0,:,:] v = self.W.get('V',slices)[0,0,:,:] # pdb.set_trace() #div = N.sum(N.dstack((N.gradient(u)[0],N.gradient(v)[1])),axis=2)*10**4 #vort = (N.gradient(v)[0] - N.gradient(u)[1])*10**4 #pdb.set_trace() lv_na = utils.get_level_naming('wind',lv=2000) m.streamplot(x[self.W.x_dim/2,:],y[:,self.W.y_dim/2],u,v, density=2.5,linewidth=0.75,color='k') #div_Cs = N.arange(-30,31,1) #divp = m.contourf(x,y,vort,alpha=0.6) #divp = m.contour(x,y,vort) #plt.colorbar(divp,orientation='horizontal') if self.C.plot_titles: title = utils.string_from_time('title',pt) m.title(title) datestr = utils.string_from_time('output',pt) na = ('streamlines',lv_na,datestr) fname = self.create_fname(*na),fname) def spaghetti(self,t,lv,va,contour,wrfouts,outpath,da=0,dom=0): """ wrfouts : list of wrfout files Only change dom if there are multiple domains. """ m,x,y = self.basemap_setup() time_idx = self.W.get_time_idx(t) colours = utils.generate_colours(M,len(wrfouts)) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if lv==2000: lv_idx = None else: print("Only support surface right now") raise Exception lat_sl, lon_sl = self.get_limited_domain(da) slices = {'t': time_idx, 'lv': lv_idx, 'la': lat_sl, 'lo': lon_sl} # ctlist = [] for n,wrfout in enumerate(wrfouts): self.W = WRFOut(wrfout) data = self.W.get(va,slices)[0,...] # m.contour(x,y,data,levels=[contour,]) ct = m.contour(x,y,data,colors=[colours[n],],levels=[contour,],label=wrfout.split('/')[-2]) print("Plotting contour level {0} for {1} from file \n {2}".format( contour,va,wrfout)) # ctlist.append(ct) # # labels = [w.split('/')[-2] for w in wrfouts] # print labels # self.fig.legend(handles=ctlist) # plt.legend(handles=ctlist,labels=labels) #labels,ncol=3, loc=3, # bbox_to_anchor=[0.5,1.5]) datestr = utils.string_from_time('output',t,tupleformat=0) lv_na = utils.get_level_naming(va,lv) naming = ['spaghetti',va,lv_na,datestr] if dom: naming.append(dom) fname = self.create_fname(*naming),fname)
class BirdsEye(Figure): def __init__(self, wrfout, ax=0, fig=0): super(BirdsEye, self).__init__(wrfout, ax=ax, fig=fig) def get_plot_arguments(self, cmap=False, clvs=False): """ Returns colourmap and contouring levels Options keyword arguments: clvs : manually override contour levels """ data =, self.lo_n)) # List of args and dictionary of kwargs plotargs = [self.x, self.y, data] plotkwargs = {} # if self.mplcommand == 'contour': # multiplier = S.get_multiplier(vrbl,lv) if clvs is not False: plotkwargs['levels'] = clvs if cmap is not False: # cmap = eval('{0}'.format(cmap)) plotkwargs['cmap'] = cmap # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return plotargs, plotkwargs # Old plot_data def plot2D(self, data, fname, outdir, plottype='contourf', save=1, smooth=1, lats=False, lons=False, clvs=False, cmap=False, title=False, colorbar=True): """ Generic method that plots any matrix of data on a map Inputs: data : 2D matrix of data outdir : path to plots outf : filename for output (with or without .png) Optional: plottype : matplotlib function for plotting smooth : Gaussian smooth by this many grid spaces clvs : scale for contours title : title on plot save : whether to save to file """ # INITIALISE = data self.bmap, self.x, self.y = self.basemap_setup( smooth=smooth, lats=lats, lons=lons, ) self.la_n =[-2] self.lo_n =[-1] plotargs, plotkwargs = self.get_plot_arguments(clvs=clvs, cmap=cmap) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if plottype == 'contour': f1 = self.bmap.contour(*plotargs, **plotkwargs) elif plottype == 'contourf': f1 = self.bmap.contourf(*plotargs, **plotkwargs) elif plottype == 'pcolor': f1 = self.bmap.pcolor(*plotargs, **plotkwargs) elif plottype == 'pcolormesh': f1 = self.bmap.pcolormesh(*plotargs, **plotkwargs) elif plottype == 'scatter': f1 = self.bmap.scatter(*plotargs, **plotkwargs) else: print("Specify correct plot type.") raise Exception if isinstance(title, basestring): plt.title(title) if colorbar: self.fig.colorbar(f1, orientation='vertical') if save:, fname) plt.close(self.fig) def plot_streamlines(self, U, V, outdir, fname, lats=False, lons=False, smooth=1, title=False, lw_speed=False): """ Plot streamlines. U : U-component of wind (nx x ny) V : V-component of wind (same dimensions) lw_speed : linewidth is proportional to wind speed """ m, x, y = self.basemap_setup() if lw_speed: wind = N.sqrt(U**2 + V**2) lw = 5 * wind / wind.max() else: lw = 1 if smooth > 1: U = stats.gauss_smooth(U, smooth) V = stats.gauss_smooth(V, smooth) m.streamplot(x[self.W.x_dim / 2, :], y[:, self.W.y_dim / 2], U, V, density=1.8, linewidth=lw, color='k', arrowsize=3) if isinstance(title, basestring):, fname) def spaghetti(self, t, lv, va, contour, wrfouts, outpath, da=0, dom=0): """ wrfouts : list of wrfout files Only change dom if there are multiple domains. """ m, x, y = self.basemap_setup() time_idx = self.W.get_time_idx(t) colours = utils.generate_colours(M, len(wrfouts)) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if lv == 2000: lv_idx = None else: print("Only support surface right now") raise Exception lat_sl, lon_sl = self.get_limited_domain(da) slices = {'t': time_idx, 'lv': lv_idx, 'la': lat_sl, 'lo': lon_sl} # ctlist = [] for n, wrfout in enumerate(wrfouts): self.W = WRFOut(wrfout) data = self.W.get(va, slices)[0, ...] # m.contour(x,y,data,levels=[contour,]) ct = m.contour(x, y, data, colors=[ colours[n], ], levels=[ contour, ], label=wrfout.split('/')[-2]) print("Plotting contour level {0} for {1} from file \n {2}".format( contour, va, wrfout)) # ctlist.append(ct) # # labels = [w.split('/')[-2] for w in wrfouts] # print labels # self.fig.legend(handles=ctlist) # plt.legend(handles=ctlist,labels=labels) #labels,ncol=3, loc=3, # bbox_to_anchor=[0.5,1.5]) datestr = utils.string_from_time('output', t, tupleformat=0) lv_na = utils.get_level_naming(va, lv) naming = ['spaghetti', va, lv_na, datestr] if dom: naming.append(dom) fname = self.create_fname(*naming), fname)
def plot_diff_energy(self, ptype, energy, time, folder, fname, p2p, plotname, V, no_title=0, ax=0): """ folder : directory holding computed data fname : naming scheme of required files p2p : root directory for plots V : constant values to contour at """ sw = 0 DATA = self.load_data(folder, fname, format='pickle') if isinstance(time, collections.Sequence): time = calendar.timegm(time) #for n,t in enumerate(times): for pn, perm in enumerate(DATA): f1 = DATA[perm]['file1'] f2 = DATA[perm]['file2'] if sw == 0: # Get times and info about nc files # First time to save power W1 = WRFOut(f1) permtimes = DATA[perm]['times'] sw = 1 # Find array for required time x = N.where(N.array(permtimes) == time)[0][0] data = DATA[perm]['values'][x][0] if not pn: stack = data else: stack = N.dstack((data, stack)) stack_average = N.average(stack, axis=2) if ax: kwargs1 = {'ax': ax} kwargs2 = {'save': 0} #birdseye plot with basemap of DKE/DTE F = BirdsEye(self.C, W1, **kwargs1) # 2D figure class #F.plot2D(va,t,en,lv,da,na) # Plot/save figure tstr = utils.string_from_time('output', time) fname_t = ''.join((plotname, '_{0}'.format(tstr))) # fpath = os.path.join(p2p,fname_t) fig_obj = F.plot_data(stack_average, 'contourf', p2p, fname_t, time, V, no_title=no_title, **kwargs2) if ax: return fig_obj
class BirdsEye(Figure): def __init__(self,nc=False,ax=0,fig=0): super(BirdsEye,self).__init__(nc=nc,ax=ax,fig=fig) def get_plot_arguments(self,cmap=False,clvs=False,color=False): """ Returns colourmap and contouring levels Options keyword arguments: clvs : manually override contour levels """ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # data =,self.lo_n)) data = # List of args and dictionary of kwargs plotargs = [self.x,self.y,data] plotkwargs = {} # if self.mplcommand == 'contour': # multiplier = S.get_multiplier(vrbl,lv) if clvs is not False: plotkwargs['levels'] = clvs if cmap is not False: # cmap = eval('{0}'.format(cmap)) plotkwargs['cmap'] = cmap return plotargs, plotkwargs def axes_of_dilatation(self,xdata,ydata,fname,outdir, lats=False,lons=False,smooth=False, locations=False, x=False,y=False,m=False, Nlim=False,Elim=False,Slim=False,Wlim=False): if x is False and y is False and m is False: if not Nlim: self.bmap,self.x,self.y = self.basemap_setup(smooth=smooth,lats=lats, lons=lons,) else: self.bmap,self.x,self.y = self.basemap_setup(smooth=smooth,lats=lats, lons=lons,Nlim=Nlim,Elim=Elim, Slim=Slim,Wlim=Wlim) else: self.bmap = m self.x = x self.y = y # self.la_n =[-2] # self.lo_n =[-1] # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # b = 10 # self.bmap.quiver(self.x[::b],self.y[::b],xdata[::b,::b],ydata[::b,::b],headwidth=0, units='xy',scale=10) self.bmap.streamplot(self.x,self.y,xdata,ydata) # m.streamplot(x[self.W.x_dim/2,:],y[:,self.W.y_dim/2],U,V, # density=1.8,linewidth=lw,color='k',arrowsize=3),fname) plt.close(self.fig) # Old plot_data def plot2D(self,data,fname,outdir,plottype='contourf', save=True,smooth=1,lats=False,lons=False, clvs=False,cmap=False,title=False,cb=True, locations=False,m=False,x=False,y=False, Nlim=False,Elim=False,Slim=False,Wlim=False, color='k',inline=False,lw=False,extend=False, cblabel=False): """ Generic method that plots any matrix of data on a map Inputs: data : 2D matrix of data outdir : path to plots outf : filename for output (with or without .png) Optional: plottype : matplotlib function for plotting smooth : Gaussian smooth by this many grid spaces clvs : scale for contours title : title on plot save : whether to save to file :param locations: Locations to plot on the basemap. Format: locations = {'label':(lat,lon),etc} :type locations: dict """ # INITIALISE = data if x is False and y is False and m is False: if not Nlim: self.bmap,self.x,self.y = self.basemap_setup(smooth=smooth,lats=lats, lons=lons,) else: self.bmap,self.x,self.y = self.basemap_setup(smooth=smooth,lats=lats, lons=lons,Nlim=Nlim,Elim=Elim, Slim=Slim,Wlim=Wlim) else: self.bmap = m self.x = x self.y = y # self.la_n =[-2] # self.lo_n =[-1] plotargs, plotkwargs = self.get_plot_arguments(clvs=clvs,cmap=cmap,color=color) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if plottype == 'contour': plotkwargs['colors'] = color plotkwargs['inline'] = inline if lw: plotkwargs['lw'] = lw f1 = self.bmap.contour(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) if inline: plt.clabel(f1,inline=True,fmt='%d',color='black',fontsize=9) elif plottype == 'contourf': if isinstance(extend,str): plotkwargs['extend'] = extend f1 = self.bmap.contourf(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) elif plottype == 'pcolor': f1 = self.bmap.pcolor(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) elif plottype == 'pcolormesh': f1 = self.bmap.pcolormesh(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) elif plottype == 'scatter': f1 = self.bmap.scatter(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) # elif plottype == 'quiver': # f1 = self.bmap.quiver(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) else: print("Specify correct plot type.") raise Exception if isinstance(locations,dict): for k,v in locations.iteritems(): if isinstance(v,tuple) and len(v) == 2: xpt, ypt = self.bmap(v[1],v[0]) # bbox_style = {'boxstyle':'square','fc':'white','alpha':0.5} self.bmap.plot(xpt,ypt,'ko',markersize=3,zorder=100),ypt,k,ha='left',fontsize=7) #,ypt,k,bbox=bbox_style,ha='left',fontsize=7) else: print("Not a valid location argument.") raise Exception if isinstance(title,basestring): plt.title(title) if cb != False: if cb==True: cb1 = plt.colorbar(f1,orientation='vertical', elif cb=='horizontal': cb1 = plt.colorbar(f1,orientation='horizontal', elif cb == 'only': save = False self.fig, = plt.subplots(figsize=(4,0.8)) cb1 = plt.colorbar(f1,,orientation='horizontal') if isinstance(cblabel,str): cb1.set_label(cblabel),fname+'_cb') else: cb1 = plt.colorbar(f1,orientation='vertical',cax=cb) if cb and isinstance(cblabel,str): cb1.set_label(cblabel) if save:,fname) plt.close(self.fig) else: return f1 def plot_streamlines(self,U,V,outdir,fname,lats=False,lons=False,smooth=1, title=False,lw_speed=False,density=1.8): """ Plot streamlines. U : U-component of wind (nx x ny) V : V-component of wind (same dimensions) lw_speed : linewidth is proportional to wind speed """ m,x,y = self.basemap_setup(lats=lats,lons=lons) if lw_speed: wind = N.sqrt(U**2 + V**2) lw = 5*wind/wind.max() else: lw = 1 if smooth>1: U = stats.gauss_smooth(U,smooth) V = stats.gauss_smooth(V,smooth) # m.streamplot(x[self.W.x_dim/2,:],y[:,self.W.y_dim/2],U,V, # density=density,linewidth=lw,color='k',arrowsize=3) m.streamplot(x,y,U,V, density=density,linewidth=lw,color='k',arrowsize=3) if isinstance(title,basestring):,fname) def spaghetti(self,t,lv,va,contour,wrfouts,outpath,da=0,dom=0): """ wrfouts : list of wrfout files Only change dom if there are multiple domains. """ m,x,y = self.basemap_setup() time_idx = self.W.get_time_idx(t) colours = utils.generate_colours(M,len(wrfouts)) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if lv==2000: lv_idx = None else: print("Only support surface right now") raise Exception lat_sl, lon_sl = self.get_limited_domain(da) slices = {'t': time_idx, 'lv': lv_idx, 'la': lat_sl, 'lo': lon_sl} # ctlist = [] for n,wrfout in enumerate(wrfouts): self.W = WRFOut(wrfout) data = self.W.get(va,slices)[0,...] # m.contour(x,y,data,levels=[contour,]) ct = m.contour(x,y,data,colors=[colours[n],],levels=[contour,],label=wrfout.split('/')[-2]) print("Plotting contour level {0} for {1} from file \n {2}".format( contour,va,wrfout)) # ctlist.append(ct) # # labels = [w.split('/')[-2] for w in wrfouts] # print labels # self.fig.legend(handles=ctlist) # plt.legend(handles=ctlist,labels=labels) #labels,ncol=3, loc=3, # bbox_to_anchor=[0.5,1.5]) datestr = utils.string_from_time('output',t,tupleformat=0) lv_na = utils.get_level_naming(va,lv) naming = ['spaghetti',va,lv_na,datestr] if dom: naming.append(dom) fname = self.create_fname(*naming),fname) def make_subplot_label(ax,label): ax.text(0.05,0.85,label,transform=ax.transAxes, bbox={'facecolor':'white'},fontsize=15,zorder=1000) return
def composite_profile(self,va,plot_time,plot_latlon,wrfouts,outpath, dom=1,mean=1,std=1,xlim=0,ylim=0,fig=0,ax=0, locname=0,ml=-2): """ Loop over wrfout files. Get profile of variable Plot all members Optional standard deviation Optional mean If ax, save image to that axis ml : member level. negative number that corresponds to the folder in absolute string for naming purposes. """ # Set up figure if isinstance(fig,M.figure.Figure): self.fig = fig = ax else: self.fig, = plt.subplots() # Plot settings if xlim: xmin, xmax, xint = xlim if ylim: if ylim[1] > ylim[0]: # top to bottom P_top, P_bot, dp = [y*100.0 for y in ylim] else: P_bot, P_top, dp = [y*100.0 for y in ylim] else: P_bot = 100000.0 P_top = 20000.0 dp = 10000.0 # plevs = N.arange(P_bot,P_top,dp) # Get wrfout prototype for information W = WRFOut(wrfouts[0]) lat, lon = plot_latlon datestr = utils.string_from_time('output',plot_time) t_idx = W.get_time_idx(plot_time,) y, x, exact_lat, exact_lon = utils.getXY(W.lats1D,W.lons1D,lat,lon) slices = {'t': t_idx, 'la': y, 'lo': x} #var_slices = {'t': t_idx, 'lv':0, 'la':y, 'lo':x} # Initialise array # Number of levels and ensembles: nPlevs = W.z_dim data = W.get(va,slices) nvarlevs = data.shape[1] nens = len(wrfouts) # 2D: (profile,member) profile_arr = N.zeros((nvarlevs,nens)) composite_P = N.zeros((nPlevs,nens)) # Set up legend labels = [] colourlist = utils.generate_colours(M,nens) # M.rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] = colourlist # Collect profiles for n,wrfout in enumerate(wrfouts): W = WRFOut(wrfout) # Get pressure levels composite_P[:,n] = W.get('pressure',slices)[0,:,0,0] #elev = self.W.get('HGT',H_slices) #pdb.set_trace() # Grab variable profile_arr[:,n] = W.get(va,slices)[0,:,0,0] # Plot variable on graph[:,n],composite_P[:,n],color=colourlist[n]) member = wrfout.split('/')[ml] labels.append(member) # if locname=='KOAX': pdb.set_trace() # Compute mean, std etc if mean: profile_mean = N.mean(profile_arr,axis=1) profile_mean_P = N.mean(composite_P,axis=1),profile_mean_P,color='black') if std: # Assume mean P across ensemble is correct level # to plot standard deviation profile_std = N.std(profile_arr,axis=1) std_upper = profile_mean + profile_std std_lower = profile_mean - profile_std,profile_mean_P,'k--'),profile_mean_P,'k--') if not locname: fname = '_'.join(('profile_comp',va,datestr,'{0:03d}'.format(x),'{0:03d}'.format(y))) + '.png' else: fname = '_'.join(('profile_comp',va,datestr,locname)) + '.png' # Set semi-log graph'log') # Plot limits, ticks yticks = N.arange(P_bot,P_top+dp*100.0,-100*100.0) # yticks = N.arange(P_bot,P_top+dp,-dp*100) # ylabels = ["%4u" %(p/100.0) for p in yticks] # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # #plt.axis([-20,50,105000.0,20000.0]) #plt.xlabel(r'Temperature ($^{\circ}$C) at 1000 hPa') #plt.xticks(xticks,['' if tick%10!=0 else str(tick) for tick in xticks])'Pressure (hPa)') #yticks = N.arange(self.P_bot,P_t-1,-10**4) #plt.yticks(yticks,yticks/100) if xlim:[xmin,xmax]) xticks = N.arange(xmin,xmax+xint,xint) # Flip y axis # Limits are already set[P_bot,P_top]) # plt.tight_layout(self.fig) #plt.autoscale(enable=1,axis='x') #ax = plt.gca() #ax.relim() #ax.autoscale_view() #plt.draw(),loc=2,fontsize=6),fname) plt.close(self.fig)
def compute_diff_energy(ptype, energy, files, times, upper=None, lower=None, d_save=True, d_return=True, d_fname='diff_energy_data'): """ This method computes difference kinetic energy (DKE) or different total energy (DTE, including temp) between WRFout files for a given depth of the atmosphere, at given time intervals :param ptype: 'sum_z' or 'sum_xyz'. 'sum_z' integrates vertically between lower and upper hPa and creates a time series. 'sum_xyz' integrates over the 3D space (again between the upper and lower bounds) and creates 2D arrays. :param energy: 'kinetic' or 'total' :param upper: upper limit of vertical integration :param lower: lower limit of vertical integration :param files: abs paths to all wrfout files :param times: times for computations - tuple format :param d_save: save dictionary to folder (path to folder) :param d_return: return dictionary (True or False) :param d_fname: custom filename :returns: N.ndarray -- time series or list of 2D arrays """ if d_save and not isinstance(d_save, basestring): d_save = os.environ['HOME'] # First, save or output? Can't be neither! if not d_save and not d_return: print("Pick save or output, otherwise it's a waste of computer" "power") raise Exception print("Saving pickle file to {0}".format(d_save)) # Look up the method to use depending on type of plot PLOTS = {'sum_z': self.DE_z, 'sum_xyz': self.DE_xyz} print('Get sequence of time') # Creates sequence of times ts = utils.get_sequence(times) # Dictionary of data DATA = {} print('Get permutations') # Get all permutations of files nperm = len(list(itertools.combinations(files, 2))) print('Start loop') # pdb.set_trace() for n, perm in enumerate(itertools.combinations(files, 2)): print("No. {0} from {1} permutations".format(n, nperm)) perm_start = time.time() DATA[str(n)] = {} f1, f2 = perm W1 = WRFOut(f1) W2 = WRFOut(f2) print('WRFOuts loaded.') #pdb.set_trace() # Make sure times are the same in both files if not N.all(N.array(W1.wrf_times) == N.array(W2.wrf_times)): print("Times are not identical between input files.") raise Exception else: print( "Passed check for identical timestamps between " "NetCDF files") # Find indices of each time print('Finding time indices') t_idx = [] for t in ts: t_idx.append(W1.get_time_idx(t)) print("Calculating values now...") DATA[str(n)]['times'] = ts DATA[str(n)]['values'] = [] for t in t_idx: DATA[str(n)]['values'].append(PLOTS[ptype](,, t, energy, lower, upper)) DATA[str(n)]['file1'] = f1 DATA[str(n)]['file2'] = f2 print "Calculation #{0} took {1:2.2f} seconds.".format( n, time.time() - perm_start) if d_return and not d_save: return DATA elif d_save and not d_return: #self.save_data(DATA,d_save,d_fname) self.save_data(DATA, d_save, d_fname) #self.json_data(DATA,d_save,d_fname) return elif d_return and d_save: #self.save_data(DATA,d_save,d_fname) self.save_data(DATA, d_save, d_fname) #self.json_data(DATA,d_save,d_fname) return DATA
def compute_diff_energy(ptype,energy,files,times,upper=None,lower=None, d_save=True,d_return=True,d_fname='diff_energy_data'): """ This method computes difference kinetic energy (DKE) or different total energy (DTE, including temp) between WRFout files for a given depth of the atmosphere, at given time intervals :param ptype: '2D' or '3D'. '2D' integrates vertically between lower and upper hPa and creates a time series. '3D' integrates over the 3D space (again between the upper and lower bounds) and creates 2D arrays. :param energy: 'DKE' or 'DTE' :param upper: upper limit of vertical integration :param lower: lower limit of vertical integration :param files: abs paths to all wrfout files :param times: times for computations - tuple format :param d_save: save dictionary to folder (path to folder) :param d_return: return dictionary (True or False) :param d_fname: custom filename :returns: N.ndarray -- time series or list of 2D arrays """ if d_save and not isinstance(d_save,basestring): d_save = os.environ['HOME'] # First, save or output? Can't be neither! if not d_save and not d_return: print("Pick save or output, otherwise it's a waste of computer" "power") raise Exception print("Saving pickle file to {0}".format(d_save)) # Look up the method to use depending on type of plot PLOTS = {'1D':DE_z, '3D':DE_xyz} print('Get sequence of time') # Creates sequence of times ts = utils.get_sequence(times) # Dictionary of data DATA = {} print('Get permutations') # Get all permutations of files nperm = len(list(itertools.combinations(files,2))) print('Start loop') # pdb.set_trace() for n, perm in enumerate(itertools.combinations(files,2)): print("No. {0} from {1} permutations".format(n,nperm)) perm_start = time.time() DATA[str(n)] = {} f1, f2 = perm W1 = WRFOut(f1) W2 = WRFOut(f2) print('WRFOuts loaded.') #pdb.set_trace() # Make sure times are the same in both files if not N.all(N.array(W1.wrf_times) == N.array(W2.wrf_times)): print("Times are not identical between input files.") raise Exception else: print("Passed check for identical timestamps between " "NetCDF files") # Find indices of each time print('Finding time indices') t_idx = [] for t in ts: t_idx.append(W1.get_time_idx(t)) print("Calculating values now...") DATA[str(n)]['times'] = ts DATA[str(n)]['values'] = [] for t in t_idx: DATA[str(n)]['values'].append(PLOTS[ptype](,,t, energy,lower,upper)) DATA[str(n)]['file1'] = f1 DATA[str(n)]['file2'] = f2 # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() print "Calculation #{0} took {1:2.1f} seconds.".format(n,time.time()-perm_start) if d_return and not d_save: return DATA elif d_save and not d_return: #self.save_data(DATA,d_save,d_fname) utils.save_data(DATA,d_save,d_fname) #self.json_data(DATA,d_save,d_fname) return elif d_return and d_save: #self.save_data(DATA,d_save,d_fname) utils.save_data(DATA,d_save,d_fname) #self.json_data(DATA,d_save,d_fname) return DATA
raise Exception # Look up the method to use depending on type of plot PLOTS = {'sum_z':self.DE_z, 'sum_xyz':self.DE_xyz} # Creates sequence of times ts = self.get_sequence(times) # Dictionary of data DATA = {} # Get all permutations of files for perm in itertools.combinations(files,2): DATA[perm] = {} f1, f2 = perm W1 = WRFOut(f1) W2 = WRFOut(f2) # Make sure times are the same in both files if not W1.wrf_times == W2.wrf_times: print("Times are not identical between input files.") raise Exception # Find indices of each time t_idx = [] for t in ts: t_idx.append(W1.get_time_idx(t)) DATA[perm]['times'] = ts DATA[perm]['values'] = PLOTS[ptype](nc0,nc1,t_idx, energy,lower,upper)
class BirdsEye(Figure): def __init__(self,wrfout,ax=0,fig=0): super(BirdsEye,self).__init__(wrfout,ax=ax,fig=fig) def get_plot_arguments(self,cmap=False,clvs=False): """ Returns colourmap and contouring levels Options keyword arguments: clvs : manually override contour levels """ data =,self.lo_n)) # List of args and dictionary of kwargs plotargs = [self.x,self.y,data] plotkwargs = {} # if self.mplcommand == 'contour': # multiplier = S.get_multiplier(vrbl,lv) if clvs is not False: plotkwargs['levels'] = clvs if cmap is not False: # cmap = eval('{0}'.format(cmap)) plotkwargs['cmap'] = cmap # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return plotargs, plotkwargs # Old plot_data def plot2D(self,data,fname,outdir,plottype='contourf', save=1,smooth=1,lats=False,lons=False, clvs=False,cmap=False,title=False,colorbar=True): """ Generic method that plots any matrix of data on a map Inputs: data : 2D matrix of data outdir : path to plots outf : filename for output (with or without .png) Optional: plottype : matplotlib function for plotting smooth : Gaussian smooth by this many grid spaces clvs : scale for contours title : title on plot save : whether to save to file """ # INITIALISE = data self.bmap,self.x,self.y = self.basemap_setup(smooth=smooth,lats=lats, lons=lons,) self.la_n =[-2] self.lo_n =[-1] plotargs, plotkwargs = self.get_plot_arguments(clvs=clvs,cmap=cmap) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if plottype == 'contour': f1 = self.bmap.contour(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) elif plottype == 'contourf': f1 = self.bmap.contourf(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) elif plottype == 'pcolor': f1 = self.bmap.pcolor(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) elif plottype == 'pcolormesh': f1 = self.bmap.pcolormesh(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) elif plottype == 'scatter': f1 = self.bmap.scatter(*plotargs,**plotkwargs) else: print("Specify correct plot type.") raise Exception if isinstance(title,basestring): plt.title(title) if colorbar: self.fig.colorbar(f1,orientation='vertical') if save:,fname) plt.close(self.fig) def plot_streamlines(self,U,V,outdir,fname,lats=False,lons=False,smooth=1, title=False,lw_speed=False): """ Plot streamlines. U : U-component of wind (nx x ny) V : V-component of wind (same dimensions) lw_speed : linewidth is proportional to wind speed """ m,x,y = self.basemap_setup() if lw_speed: wind = N.sqrt(U**2 + V**2) lw = 5*wind/wind.max() else: lw = 1 if smooth>1: U = stats.gauss_smooth(U,smooth) V = stats.gauss_smooth(V,smooth) m.streamplot(x[self.W.x_dim/2,:],y[:,self.W.y_dim/2],U,V, density=1.8,linewidth=lw,color='k',arrowsize=3) if isinstance(title,basestring):,fname) def spaghetti(self,t,lv,va,contour,wrfouts,outpath,da=0,dom=0): """ wrfouts : list of wrfout files Only change dom if there are multiple domains. """ m,x,y = self.basemap_setup() time_idx = self.W.get_time_idx(t) colours = utils.generate_colours(M,len(wrfouts)) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if lv==2000: lv_idx = None else: print("Only support surface right now") raise Exception lat_sl, lon_sl = self.get_limited_domain(da) slices = {'t': time_idx, 'lv': lv_idx, 'la': lat_sl, 'lo': lon_sl} # ctlist = [] for n,wrfout in enumerate(wrfouts): self.W = WRFOut(wrfout) data = self.W.get(va,slices)[0,...] # m.contour(x,y,data,levels=[contour,]) ct = m.contour(x,y,data,colors=[colours[n],],levels=[contour,],label=wrfout.split('/')[-2]) print("Plotting contour level {0} for {1} from file \n {2}".format( contour,va,wrfout)) # ctlist.append(ct) # # labels = [w.split('/')[-2] for w in wrfouts] # print labels # self.fig.legend(handles=ctlist) # plt.legend(handles=ctlist,labels=labels) #labels,ncol=3, loc=3, # bbox_to_anchor=[0.5,1.5]) datestr = utils.string_from_time('output',t,tupleformat=0) lv_na = utils.get_level_naming(va,lv) naming = ['spaghetti',va,lv_na,datestr] if dom: naming.append(dom) fname = self.create_fname(*naming),fname)