Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, title, number_of_columns, number_of_rows, column_titles,
     :param title: str; tables title, dsipalyed on top of the table
     :param number_of_columns: int; number of columns in the table
     :param number_of_rows: int; number of rows in the table
     :param column_titles: list[str, ...]; list containg all columns' titles
     :param field_size: float; size of a virtual field
      that is determined by the size of the window that inhabits the GUI
     self.title = title
     font = SysFont(None, int(field_size * 3 / 2))  # sets font
     self.writing = Writing(
         title, font, DARKGREEN,
         (field_size, field_size / 5))  # initializes title as writing
     self.fake_size = [number_of_columns,
                       number_of_rows]  # sets size in rows and colums
     column_list = [
     ]  # creates a lsit later containg every column inhabiting the table
     for i in range(number_of_columns):
             Column(number_of_rows, column_titles[i], i,
                    title))  # creates a column
     self.columns = column_list
     self.refresh_loc(field_size)  # initializes coordiantes and locations
Ejemplo n.º 2
def babbinProduceSpeech():
    global tookFuel
    if tookFuel:
        return Writing('playername', 'male').babbin4()
    elif metBabbinFirstTime:
        return Writing('playername', 'male').babbin2()
        return Writing('playername', 'male').babbin1()
Ejemplo n.º 3
def stephenProduceSpeech():
    global stepheni
    stepheni += 1
    if stepheni == 5: stepheni = 0
    if stepheni == 0: return Writing('playername', 'male').stephen()
    if stepheni == 1: return Writing('playername', 'male').stephen1()
    if stepheni == 2: return Writing('playername', 'male').stephen2()
    if stepheni == 3: return Writing('playername', 'male').stephen3()
    if stepheni == 4: return Writing('playername', 'male').stephen4()
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Column:
    one column with a title as Writing containing several TableSpot objects
    def __init__(self, number_of_rows, title, column_number, table_title):
        :param number_of_rows: int; number of rows column contains
        :param title: str; title of column, displayed bigger than TableSpot writings on top of column
        :param column_number: int; x coord in the table the column is in
        self.title = title
        self.number = column_number
        self.writing = Writing(title, None, DARKGREEN,
                               None)  # initializes its writing
        spot_list = [
        ]  # creates a list later containing all spots in this column
        for i in range(number_of_rows):
            spot_list.append(TableSpot("test", column_number, i,
                                       table_title))  # adds TableSpot
        self.spots = spot_list
        self.table_title = table_title

    def refresh_loc(self, field_size):
        refreshes column's coordiantes on the table surface
        :param field_size: float; size of a virtual field
         that is determined by the size of the window that inhabits the GUI
        self.writing.font = SysFont(None, int(field_size))  # resizes font
        # calculates titles's center
        column_width = 3 if self.table_title == "Remaining Ships" else 4
        self.writing.top_left_corner = [
            field_size * 3 / 2 + field_size * self.number * column_width,
            field_size * 3 / 2
        for spot in self.spots:  # goes through every spot in this column
            spot.refresh_loc(field_size)  # refreshes its coordiantes

    def draw(self, language, table_surf, ships):
        displays its title and all spots in this column on the table surface
        :param language: str; language the program's texts are currently displayed in
        :param table_surf: Surface; surface the table is shown on
        :param ships: list[list[Ship, ..], list]; list containing all ships that are on the board
        self.writing.content = translate_title(
            language, self.title)  # transaltes title if neccessary
        self.writing.draw(table_surf, True)  # dsipalys the title as writing
        for spot in self.spots:  # goes through every spot in this column
            spot.draw(table_surf, language,
                      ships)  # displays its content as writing
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, content, column_number, row_number, title):
     :param content: str; cells content displayed as text
     :param column_number: int; x coord in the table this spot is in
     :param row_number: int; y coord in the table this spot is in
     self.column = column_number
     self.row = row_number
     if not column_number:  # gets content for first column that does not change
         content = get_content_left_column(row_number, title)
         self.title = content
     self.writing = Writing(content, None, LIGHTGREEN,
                            None)  # initializes its writing
     self.table_title = title
Ejemplo n.º 6
class Line:
    one line of Chat using writing.Writing to display itself
    def __init__(self, field_size, line_number, orientation):
        creates Line and its writing
        :param field_size: float; size of a virtual field
         that is determined by the size of the window that inhabits the GUI
        :param line_number: int; 0 - 5, number to sort line
        :param orientation: str; width/height, what is bigger
        # sets size
        self.width = field_size * 6
        self.height = field_size * 4 / 6
        # sets location
        x_coord = 24 if orientation == "width" else 12
        location = [field_size * x_coord, field_size * 0.5 + field_size * 4 / 6 * line_number]
        self.number = line_number
        # creates writing with default values
        content = None
        color = (125, 125, 125)
        font = SysFont(None, int(field_size * 4 / 6))
        self.writing = Writing(content, font, color, location)

    def refresh_loc(self, field_size, orientation):
        refreshes line's size and writing's coordinates

        :param field_size: float; size of a virtual field
         that is determined by the size of the window that inhabits the GUI
        :param orientation: str; width/height, what is bigger
        # updates size
        self.width = field_size * 6
        self.height = field_size * 4 / 6
        # updates writing's coordiantes
        x_coord = 24 if orientation == "width" else 12
        self.writing.top_left_corner = [field_size * x_coord, field_size * 0.5 + field_size * 4 / 6 * self.number]
        self.writing.font = SysFont(None, int(field_size * 4 / 6))

    def draw(self, screen):
        displays line on the game window
        :param screen: Surf; surface that covers the whole window
        if self.writing.content:  # line has a dsipalying meesage
            self.writing.draw(screen)  # line's writing is displayed
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, number_of_rows, title, column_number, table_title):
     :param number_of_rows: int; number of rows column contains
     :param title: str; title of column, displayed bigger than TableSpot writings on top of column
     :param column_number: int; x coord in the table the column is in
     self.title = title
     self.number = column_number
     self.writing = Writing(title, None, DARKGREEN,
                            None)  # initializes its writing
     spot_list = [
     ]  # creates a list later containing all spots in this column
     for i in range(number_of_rows):
         spot_list.append(TableSpot("test", column_number, i,
                                    table_title))  # adds TableSpot
     self.spots = spot_list
     self.table_title = table_title
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, field_size, line_number, orientation):
     creates Line and its writing
     :param field_size: float; size of a virtual field
      that is determined by the size of the window that inhabits the GUI
     :param line_number: int; 0 - 5, number to sort line
     :param orientation: str; width/height, what is bigger
     # sets size
     self.width = field_size * 6
     self.height = field_size * 4 / 6
     # sets location
     x_coord = 24 if orientation == "width" else 12
     location = [field_size * x_coord, field_size * 0.5 + field_size * 4 / 6 * line_number]
     self.number = line_number
     # creates writing with default values
     content = None
     color = (125, 125, 125)
     font = SysFont(None, int(field_size * 4 / 6))
     self.writing = Writing(content, font, color, location)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def frostingEffect(thisFrosting, thisMsBabbin, clickx, clicky):
    global tookFuel
    if thisMsBabbin.click(clickx, clicky, False):
        tookFuel = True
        info = Dialogue(canvas,
                        Writing("playername", "male").babbin4(), 'Mrs. Babbin',
                        sprites.babbinface, chemRoom, msBabbin, player,
        return True
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 10
def mullarkeyProduceSpeech():
    return Writing('playername', 'male').mullarkey()
Ejemplo n.º 11
def hanasDialogue():
    if stairwellEnter:
        return Writing('playername', 'male').chanas3()
        return Writing('playername', 'male').chanas2()
Ejemplo n.º 12
from room import Room
from door import Door
from infobox import Infobox
import sprites
from random import choice

#   Create canvas
root = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(root, width=1024, height=1024, bg='white')

#   Player
inventory = Inventory(canvas)
player = Player(canvas, 64, 96, 475, 510, 1, sprites.boyAvatars, 8, inventory)
writeObject = Writing('playerName', 'male')

#   Rooms
nexus = Room([], [player], sprites.rooms[0], canvas, inventory)
freshmanHallway = Room([], [player], sprites.rooms[1], canvas, inventory)
freshmanSophomoreHallway = Room([], [player], sprites.rooms[2], canvas,
sophomoreJuniorHallway = Room([], [player], sprites.rooms[3], canvas,
juniorHallway = Room([], [player], sprites.rooms[4], canvas, inventory)
juniorNexus = Room([], [player], sprites.rooms[5], canvas, inventory)
boysBathroom = Room([], [player], sprites.rooms[6], canvas, inventory)
courtyard = Room([], [player], sprites.rooms[7], canvas, inventory)
mathRoom = Room([], [player], sprites.rooms[8], canvas, inventory)
chemRoom = Room([], [player], sprites.rooms[9], canvas, inventory)
stairwellEnter = False
Ejemplo n.º 13
class TableSpot:
    one single table cell dispalying itself as its writing
    def __init__(self, content, column_number, row_number, title):
        :param content: str; cells content displayed as text
        :param column_number: int; x coord in the table this spot is in
        :param row_number: int; y coord in the table this spot is in
        self.column = column_number
        self.row = row_number
        if not column_number:  # gets content for first column that does not change
            content = get_content_left_column(row_number, title)
            self.title = content
        self.writing = Writing(content, None, LIGHTGREEN,
                               None)  # initializes its writing
        self.table_title = title

    def refresh_loc(self, field_size):
        refreshes spot's coordiantes on the table surface
        :param field_size: float; size of a virtual field
         that is determined by the size of the window that inhabits the GUI
        self.writing.font = SysFont(None,
                                    int(field_size * 4 / 7))  # resizes font
        # calculates writing's center
        column_width = 3 if self.table_title == "Remaining Ships" else 4
        self.writing.top_left_corner = [
            field_size * (3 / 2 + self.column * column_width),
            field_size * (5 / 2 + self.row)
        # calcualtes writing's size, currently not used further
        self.size = [field_size * 3, field_size * 3]

    def draw(self, table_surf, language, ships):
        displays its writing on the table surface and thus on the game window
        :param table_surf: Surface; surface the table is shown on
        :param language: str; language the program's texts are currently displayed in
        :param ships: list[list[Ship, ..], list]; list containing all ships that are on the board
        if self.column:  # content is dynamic
            self.get_content(language, ships)  # updates content
        elif self.table_title == "Stats":
            self.writing.content = translate_title(language, self.title)
        self.writing.draw(table_surf, True)  # displays itself as writing

    def get_content(self, language, ships):
        updates content depending on language and remaining ships
        :param language: str; language the program's texts are currently displayed in
        :param ships: list[list[Ship, ..], list]; list containing all ships that are on the board
        if self.table_title == "Remaining Ships":
            self.writing.content = get_content_spot_ships(
                self.column, self.row, ships, language)
            self.writing.content = get_content_spot_stats(
                self.column, self.row, language)
Ejemplo n.º 14
class Table:
    table with a title containing several columns and rows, only columns as objects
    def __init__(self, title, number_of_columns, number_of_rows, column_titles,
        :param title: str; tables title, dsipalyed on top of the table
        :param number_of_columns: int; number of columns in the table
        :param number_of_rows: int; number of rows in the table
        :param column_titles: list[str, ...]; list containg all columns' titles
        :param field_size: float; size of a virtual field
         that is determined by the size of the window that inhabits the GUI
        self.title = title
        font = SysFont(None, int(field_size * 3 / 2))  # sets font
        self.writing = Writing(
            title, font, DARKGREEN,
            (field_size, field_size / 5))  # initializes title as writing
        self.fake_size = [number_of_columns,
                          number_of_rows]  # sets size in rows and colums
        column_list = [
        ]  # creates a lsit later containg every column inhabiting the table
        for i in range(number_of_columns):
                Column(number_of_rows, column_titles[i], i,
                       title))  # creates a column
        self.columns = column_list
        self.refresh_loc(field_size)  # initializes coordiantes and locations

    def refresh_loc(self, field_size):
        updates coordinates on teh table surface
        :param field_size: float; size of a virtual field
         that is determined by the size of the window that inhabits the GUI
        # gets surface with fitting size

        if self.title == "Remaining Ships":
            self.location = [field_size * 25, field_size * 5
                             ]  # updates location on the game window
            column_width = 3
            self.location = [field_size * 10, field_size * 5.5]
            column_width = 3.75
        self.surf = Surface((self.fake_size[0] * 4 * field_size,
                             self.fake_size[1] * 3 * field_size))
        self.writing.font = SysFont(None, int(field_size * 3 /
                                              2))  # resizes title's font
        # calculates title's center
        self.writing.top_left_corner = [
            field_size * self.columns.__len__() * column_width / 2,
            field_size * 3 / 4
        for column in self.columns:  # goes through every column
            column.refresh_loc(field_size)  # updates its locations

    def draw_outline(self, table_surf):
        does nothing, use to draw outline?
        :param table_surf: Surface; surface the table is shown on

    def draw(self, language, screen, ships=[[[0]]]):
        dsiplays table on table surface and table surface on the game window
        :param language: str; language the program's texts are currently displayed in
        :param screen: Surface; surface that covers the whole window
        :param ships: list[list[Ship, ..], list]; list containing all ships that are on the board
        table_surf = self.surf.copy(
        )  # gets a new surface to prevent overlaying writings
        )  # sets a colorkey to make table surface transparent apart from its content
        self.writing.content = translate_title(
            language, self.title)  # translates title if neccessary
        self.writing.draw(table_surf, True)  # displays its title
            table_surf)  # does nothing, potentially display an outline here?
        for column in self.columns:  # goes through every column
            column.draw(language, table_surf, ships)  # displays it
                    self.location)  # displays table surface on game window