Ejemplo n.º 1
    def do(cls, ws, args):
        '''Executes the build subcmd.'''
        ws_config = get_ws_config(get_ws_dir(args.root, ws))
        d = parse_manifest(args.root)

        # Validate.
        for project in args.projects:
            if project not in d:
                raise WSError('unknown project %s' % project)

        if len(args.projects) == 0:
            projects = d.keys()
            projects = args.projects

        # Build in reverse-dependency order.
        order = dependency_closure(d, projects)

        # Get all checksums; since this is a nop build bottle-neck, do it in
        # parallel. On my machine, this produces a ~20% speedup on a nop
        # "build-all".
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count())
        src_dirs = [get_source_dir(args.root, d, proj) for proj in order]
        checksums = pool.map(calculate_checksum, src_dirs)

        for i, proj in enumerate(order):
            log('building %s' % proj)
            checksum = checksums[i]
            success = _build(args.root, ws, proj, d, checksum, ws_config,
            if not success:
                raise WSError('%s build failed' % proj)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: remove.py Proyecto: rfrowe/ws
    def do(cls, _, args):
        '''Executes the remove command.'''
        ws_dir = get_ws_dir(args.root, args.remove_ws)
        if not os.path.exists(ws_dir):
            raise WSError('workspace %s does not exist' % args.remove_ws)

        if args.default is not None:
            default_ws_dir = get_ws_dir(args.root, args.default)
            if not os.path.exists(default_ws_dir):
                raise WSError('workspace %s does not exist' % args.default)

        default_link = get_default_ws_link(args.root)
        is_default = (os.readlink(default_link) == args.remove_ws)
        if is_default:
            # If the deleted workspace is the default, force the user to choose
            # a new one.
            if args.default is None:
                raise WSError('trying to remove the default workspace; must '
                              'specify a new default via -d/--default')
        elif args.default:
            raise WSError('-d/--default is not applicable unless you are '
                          'removing the default workspace')

        # We are good to go.
        if is_default:
            symlink(args.default, default_link)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def do(cls, ws, args):
        '''Executes the test subcmd.'''
        d = parse_manifest(args.root)

        # Validate.
        for project in args.projects:
            if project not in d:
                raise WSError('unknown project %s' % project)

        if len(args.projects) == 0:
            projects = d.keys()
            projects = args.projects

        for proj in projects:
            build_dir = get_build_dir(ws, proj)
            if not os.path.isdir(build_dir):
                raise WSError('build directory for %s doesn\'t exist; have '
                              'you built it yet?' % proj)

            if 'tests' not in d[proj]:
                raise WSError('no test configured for %s' % proj)

        for proj in projects:
            log('testing %s' % proj)
            build_env = get_build_env(ws, d, proj)
            cmds = d[proj]['tests']
            _test(args.root, ws, proj, cmds, build_env)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def do(cls, ws, args):
        '''Executes the rename command.'''
        if args.old_ws == 'default':
            raise WSError('cannot rename the default workspace; please use ws '
                          'default if you want to change it')

        old_ws_dir = get_ws_dir(args.root, args.old_ws)
        if not os.path.exists(old_ws_dir):
            raise WSError('workspace %s does not exist' % args.old_ws)

        d = parse_manifest(args.root)
        for proj in d:
            build_dir = get_build_dir(old_ws_dir, proj)
            if os.path.exists(build_dir):
                raise WSError('cannot rename a workspace that contains build '
                              'artifacts, as some builds contain absolute '
                              'paths and are thus not relocatable. Please '
                              'force-clean this workspace first and then '
                              'rename it.')

        new_ws_dir = get_ws_dir(args.root, args.new_ws)
        if os.path.exists(new_ws_dir):
            raise WSError('workspace %s already exists; please delete it '
                          'first if you want to do this rename' % args.new_ws)

        rename(old_ws_dir, new_ws_dir)
        default_link = get_default_ws_link(args.root)
        if os.readlink(default_link) == args.old_ws:
            symlink(args.new_ws, default_link)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def process(project):
     for dep in d[project]['deps']:
         if dep not in order:
             if dep in processed:
                 raise WSError('Projects %s and %s circularly depend on '
                               'each other' % (project, dep))
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: conf.py Proyecto: rfrowe/ws
def get_builder(d, proj):
    '''Returns the build properties for a given project. This function should
    be used instead of directly referencing _BUILD_TOOLS.'''
    build = d[proj]['build']
        builder = _BUILD_TOOLS[build]
    except KeyError:
        raise WSError('unknown build tool %s for project %s' % (build, proj))

    return builder
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: conf.py Proyecto: rfrowe/ws
def include_paths(d, manifest):
    '''Return the manifest absolute paths included from the given parsed
        includes = d['include']
    except KeyError:
        return ()

    # The manifest's own directory is the default search path if none are
    # specified.
    search_paths = [os.path.realpath(os.path.join(manifest, os.pardir))]
        extra_search_paths = d['search-path']
    except KeyError:
        for path in extra_search_paths:
            path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(manifest, os.pardir, path))

    tweaked_includes = []
    for i, path in enumerate(includes):
        if path[0] == '/':
            # This is an absolute path, so no tweaking is necessary.

        # Relative path, so try to match it using the search paths.
        found_match = False
        for search_path in search_paths:
            full_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(search_path, path))
            if os.path.exists(full_path):
                found_match = True
        if not found_match:
            raise WSError('cannot find manifest %s included by %s\n'
                          'search paths: %s' % (path, manifest, search_paths))

        # For directories, we include every file in the directory.
        if os.path.isdir(full_path):
            for filename in os.listdir(full_path):
                if not (filename.endswith('.yaml')
                        or filename.endswith('.yml')):  # noqa: E501
                filepath = os.path.join(full_path, filename)
                if not os.path.isfile(filepath):

    return tweaked_includes
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def build(cls, proj, prefix, source_dir, build_dir, env, targets, args):
     '''Calls build using setuptools.'''
     if targets is not None and targets != DEFAULT_TARGETS:
         raise WSError('pip3 does not support alternate build targets but '
                       '"%s" was specified for targets' % targets)
     cmd = [
         'pip3', 'install',
         '--prefix=%s' % prefix,
         '--build=%s' % build_dir
     return call_build(cmd, cwd=source_dir, env=env)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _test(root, ws, proj, cmds, env):
    '''Tests a given project.'''
    for props in cmds:
        cwd = expand_vars(props['cwd'], ws, proj, env)
        cmds = props['cmds']
        for cmd in cmds:
            cmd = expand_vars(cmd, ws, proj, env)
            success = call_test(cmd.split(), cwd=cwd, env=env)
            if not success:
                repro_cmd = '(cd %s && ws env %s %s)' % (cwd, proj, cmd)
                raise WSError('''
%s tests failed. You can reproduce this failure by running:
%s''' % (proj, repro_cmd))
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def do(cls, ws, args):
        '''Executes the clean command.'''
        # Validate.
        d = parse_manifest(args.root)
        for project in args.projects:
            if project not in d:
                raise WSError('unknown project %s' % project)

        if len(args.projects) == 0:
            projects = d.keys()
            projects = args.projects

        for project in projects:
            clean(args.root, ws, project, d, args.force)
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: default.py Proyecto: rfrowe/ws
    def do(cls, _, args):
        '''Executes the default command.'''
        link = get_default_ws_link(args.root)
        if args.default_ws is None:
            # Just report what the default currently is.
            dest = os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(link))

        ws_dir = get_ws_dir(args.root, args.default_ws)

        if not os.path.exists(ws_dir):
            raise WSError('Cannot make non-existent workspace %s the default' %

        symlink(args.default_ws, link)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def merge_manifest(parent, parent_path, child, child_path):
    '''Merges the keys from the child dictionary into the parent dictionary. If
    there are conflicts, bail out with an error.'''
        parent_projects = parent['projects']
    except KeyError:
        parent_projects = {}
        parent['projects'] = parent_projects
        child_projects = child['projects']
    except KeyError:
        child_projects = {}
        child['projects'] = child_projects

    intersection = set(parent_projects).intersection(set(child_projects))
    if len(intersection) != 0:
        raise WSError('cannot include %s from %s, as the two share projects %s'
                      % (child_path, parent_path, intersection))
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: config.py Proyecto: rfrowe/ws
def parse_bool_val(val):
    '''Parses a value meant to be interpreted as a bool. Accepts 0, 1, false,
       and true (with any casing). Raises an exception if none match.'''
    if val is None:
        return True

    if val == '0':
        return False

    if val == '1':
        return True

    val = val.lower()
    if val == 'false':
        return False
    elif val == 'true':
        return True

    raise WSError('value "%s" is not a valid boolean' % val)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def build(cls, proj, prefix, source_dir, build_dir, env, targets,
              builder_args, args):
        '''Calls build using setuptools.'''
        if targets is not None and targets != DEFAULT_TARGETS:
            raise WSError('pip3 does not support alternate build targets but '
                          '"%s" was specified for targets' % targets)

        python_exe = get_python_exe(builder_args)
        cmd = [
            python_exe, '-m', 'pip', 'install',
            '--prefix=%s' % prefix,
            '--build=%s' % build_dir

        path = '.'
        path += get_package_extras(builder_args)

        return call_build(cmd, cwd=source_dir, env=env)
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: env.py Proyecto: pinklite34/ws
    def do(cls, ws, args):
        '''Executes the env command.'''
        build_dir = get_build_dir(ws, args.project)
        if not os.path.isdir(build_dir):
            raise WSError('build directory for %s doesn\'t exist; have you '
                          'built it yet?' % args.project)

        d = parse_manifest(args.root)
        build_env = get_build_env(ws, d, args.project, True)

        # Add the build directory to the path for convenience of running
        # non-installed binaries, such as unit tests.
        merge_var(build_env, 'PATH', [build_dir])

        if len(args.command) > 0:
            cmd = args.command
            cmd = [get_shell()]

        exe = os.path.basename(cmd[0])
        if exe == 'bash':
            # Tweak the prompt to make it obvious we're in a special env.
            prompt = (
                '\\[\033[1;32m\\][ws:%s env]\\[\033[m\\] \\u@\\h:\\w\\$ '  # noqa: E501
                % args.project)
            build_env['PS1'] = prompt
            cmd.insert(1, '--norc')

        # Set an env var so the user can easily cd $WSBUILD and run tests or
        # similar inside the build directory.
        build_env['WSBUILD'] = build_dir

        log('execing with %s build environment: %s' % (args.project, cmd))

        if args.build_dir:
            args.current_dir = build_dir

        if args.current_dir is not None:

        os.execvpe(cmd[0], cmd, build_env)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def parse_manifest_file(root, manifest):
    '''Parses the given ws manifest file, returning a dictionary of the
    manifest data.'''
    d = parse_yaml(root, manifest)
    merge_includes(root, d, manifest)

    # Compute reverse-dependency list.
    projects = d['projects']
    for proj, props in projects.items():
        props['downstream'] = []
    for proj, props in projects.items():
        deps = props['deps']
        for dep in deps:
                dep_props = projects[dep]
            except KeyError:
                raise WSError('project %s dependency %s not found in the '
                              'manifest' % (proj, dep))
                # Reverse-dependency list of downstream projects.

    return projects
Ejemplo n.º 17
def parse_yaml(root, manifest):  # noqa: E302
    '''Parses the given manifest for YAML and syntax correctness, or bails if
    something went wrong.'''
        with open(manifest, 'r') as f:
            d = yaml.safe_load(f)
    except IOError:
        raise WSError('ws manifest %s not found' % manifest)

        includes = d['include']
    except KeyError:
        includes = ()
        d['include'] = includes
        if not isinstance(includes, list):
            raise WSError('"include" key %s in %s is not a list'
                          % (includes, manifest))
        if len(includes) == 0:
            raise WSError('"include" key in %s is an empty list!' % manifest)

        search_paths = d['search-path']
    except KeyError:
        search_paths = ()
        d['search-path'] = search_paths
        if not isinstance(search_paths, list):
            raise WSError('"search-path" key %s in %s is not a list'
                          % (search_paths, manifest))
        if len(search_paths) == 0:
            raise WSError('include in %s is an empty list!' % manifest)

        projects = d['projects']
    except KeyError:
        if len(includes) == 0:
            raise WSError('"projects" key missing in manifest %s' % manifest)
            return d

    for proj, props in projects.items():
        for prop in _REQUIRED_KEYS:
            if prop not in props:
                raise WSError('"%s" key missing from project %s in manifest'
                              % (prop, proj))

        for prop in props:
            if prop not in _ALL_KEYS:
                raise WSError('unknown key "%s" for project %s specified in '
                              'manifest' % (prop, proj))

    # Add computed keys.
    parent = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, os.pardir))
    for proj, props in projects.items():
            deps = props['deps']
        except KeyError:
            props['deps'] = ()
            if not isinstance(deps, list):
                raise WSError('"deps" key in project %s must be a list' % proj)
            if len(set(deps)) != len(deps):
                raise WSError('project %s has duplicate dependency' % proj)

            env = props['env']
        except KeyError:
            props['env'] = {}
            if not isinstance(env, dict):
                raise WSError('"env" key in project %s must be a dictionary'
                              % proj)
            for k, v in env.items():
                if not isinstance(k, str):
                    raise WSError('env key %s in project %s must be a string' %
                                  (k, proj))
                if not isinstance(v, str):
                    raise WSError('env value "%s" (key "%s") in project %s '
                                  'must be a string' % (v, k, proj))

            args = props['args']
        except KeyError:
            props['args'] = []
            if not isinstance(args, list):
                raise WSError('"args" key in project %s must be a list' % proj)
            for opt in args:
                if not isinstance(opt, str):
                    raise WSError('option "%s" in project %s must be a string'
                                  % (opt, proj))
            args = []
            for opt in props['args']:
            props['args'] = args

            args = props['targets']
        except KeyError:
            props['targets'] = DEFAULT_TARGETS
            if props['targets'] is None:
                props['targets'] = ()
                if not isinstance(props['targets'], list):
                    raise WSError('"targets" key in project %s must be a list'
                                  % proj)
                for target in props['targets']:
                    if not isinstance(target, str):
                        raise WSError('target "%s" in project %s must be a '
                                      'string' % (opt, proj))

            builder_args = props['builder-args']
        except KeyError:
            props['builder-args'] = {}
            builder_args = props['builder-args']
            if not isinstance(builder_args, dict):
                raise WSError('"builder-args" key in project %s must be a '
                              'list' % proj)
            for builder_arg in builder_args:
                if not isinstance(builder_arg, str):
                    raise WSError('builder arg "%s" in project %s must be '
                                  'a string' % (builder_arg, proj))

            tests = props['tests']
        except KeyError:
            props['tests'] = []
            tests = props['tests']
            if not isinstance(tests, list):
                raise WSError('"tests" key in project %s must be a list'
                              % proj)
            for i, test in enumerate(tests):
                if isinstance(test, str):
                    cwd = '${BUILDDIR}'
                    cmds = [test]
                elif isinstance(test, dict):
                        cwd = test['cwd']
                    except KeyError:
                        raise WSError('test "%s" in project %s is missing the '
                                      '"cwd" key' % (test, proj))
                        cmds = test['cmds']
                    except KeyError:
                        raise WSError('test "%s" in project %s is missing the '
                                      '"cmds" key' % (test, proj))
                    if not isinstance(cmds, list):
                        raise WSError('test "cmds" key "%s" in project %s is '
                                      'not a list' % (cmds, proj))
                    for cmd in cmds:
                        if not isinstance(cmd, str):
                            raise WSError('test command "%s" in project %s is '
                                          'not a string' % (cmd, proj))
                    raise WSError('test "%s" in project %s must be '
                                  'a string or dictionary' % (test, proj))
                tests[i] = {'cwd': cwd, 'cmds': cmds}

        props['path'] = os.path.join(parent, proj)

    return d
Ejemplo n.º 18
Archivo: config.py Proyecto: rfrowe/ws
    def do(cls, ws, args):
        '''Executes the config command.'''
        config = get_ws_config(ws)
        if args.list:
            print(yaml.dump(config, default_flow_style=False), end='')

        for arg in args.options:
            split = arg.split('=')
            split_len = len(split)
            key = split[0]
            if split_len == 1:
                val = None
            elif split_len == 2:
                val = split[1]
                val = '='.join(split[1:])

            project = args.project
            if project is not None:
                # Project-specific option.
                d = parse_manifest(args.root)
                if project not in d:
                    raise WSError('project "%s" not found' % project)

                can_taint = False
                if key == 'enable':
                    val = parse_bool_val(val)
                    can_taint = True
                elif key == 'args':
                    val = parse_build_args(val)
                    if val is None:
                        raise WSError('build args are not in the right format '
                    can_taint = True
                    raise WSError('project key "%s" not found' % key)

                    proj_config = config['projects'][project]
                except KeyError:
                    proj_config = {}
                    config['projects'][project] = proj_config

                if can_taint and proj_config[key] != val:
                    log('tainting project %s' % project)
                    proj_config['taint'] = True

                proj_config[key] = val

                # Global option.
                if key == 'type':
                    if val is None or val not in BUILD_TYPES:
                        raise WSError('"type" key must be one of %s' %
                    if config[key] != val:
                        for proj_config in config['projects'].values():
                            proj_config['taint'] = True

                config[key] = val
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def do(cls, _, args):
        '''Executes the init command.'''
        if args.root is None:
            root = '.ws'
            root = args.root

        if args.init_ws is None:
            ws = 'ws'
            reserved = (get_default_ws_name(), get_manifest_link_name())
            for name in reserved:
                if args.init_ws == name:
                    raise WSError('%s is a reserved name; please choose a '
                                  'different name' % name)
            ws = args.init_ws
            if '.' in ws or '/' in ws:
                raise WSError('Workspace name "%s" contains an illegal '
                              'character (. or /). Please use a different '
                              'name.' % ws)
        ws_dir = get_ws_dir(root, ws)

        if os.path.exists(ws_dir):
            raise WSError('Cannot initialize already existing workspace %s' %

        if args.manifest_source == 'repo':
            parent = os.path.join(root, os.pardir)
            repo_manifest = os.path.realpath(
                os.path.join(parent, '.repo', 'manifest.xml'))
            base = os.path.dirname(repo_manifest)
        elif args.manifest_source == 'fs':
            base = '.'
            raise NotImplementedError('Manifest source %s should be '
                                      'implemented' % args.manifest_source)
        manifest = os.path.join(base, args.manifest)
        if os.path.isdir(manifest):
            # If -m points to a directory instead of a file, assume there is a
            # file with the default manifest name inside.
            manifest = os.path.join(manifest, get_default_manifest_name())

        # Use a relative path for anything inside the parent of .ws and an
        # absolute path for anything outside. This is to maximize
        # relocatability for groups of git repos (e.g. using submodules,
        # repo-tool, etc.).
        manifest = os.path.abspath(manifest)
        parent = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(root, os.pardir))
        if _is_subdir(manifest, parent):
            manifest = os.path.relpath(manifest, root)
            manifest = os.path.abspath(manifest)

        # Make sure the given manifest is sane.
        if os.path.isabs(manifest):
            abs_manifest = manifest
            abs_manifest = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, manifest))
        d = parse_manifest_file(root, abs_manifest)

            new_root = True
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
            new_root = False

            new_ws = True
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
            new_ws = False

        if new_ws:
            # This is a brand-new workspace, so populate the initial workspace
            # directories.

            proj_map = dict((proj, {}) for proj in d)
            for proj in proj_map:
                proj_map[proj] = get_new_config(proj)

            config = {'type': args.type, 'projects': proj_map}

            write_config(ws_dir, config)

        if new_root:
            # This is a brand new root .ws directory, so populate the initial
            # symlink defaults.
            symlink(ws, get_default_ws_link(root))
            symlink(manifest, get_manifest_link(root))