Ejemplo n.º 1
 def field_from_value(self, window, value, field):
     item = None
     if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
         item = TextCtrl(window, value=value)
         field.text_type = STRING_SETTING
     elif isinstance(value, list):
         if isinstance(value[0], six.string_types):
             item = TextCtrl(window, value=", ".join(value))
             field.text_type = STRING_LIST_SETTING
         elif isinstance(value[0], numbers.Real):
             item = TextCtrl(window,
                             value=", ".join((str(x) for x in value)))
             field.text_type = NUMBER_LIST_SETTING
     elif isinstance(value, bool):
         item = CheckBox(window, -1, '', (120, 75))
     elif isinstance(value, numbers.Real):
         item = TextCtrl(window, value=str(value))
         field.text_type = NUMBER_SETTING
     elif isinstance(value, dict):
         subpage = Panel(window)
         vbox = BoxSizer(VERTICAL)
         for lbl in sorted(value.keys()):
             hbox = BoxSizer(HORIZONTAL)
             value2 = value[lbl]
             label = StaticText(subpage, label=lbl)
             hbox.Add(label, flag=RIGHT, border=8)
             subfield = Field(None, lbl)
             item = self.field_from_value(subpage, value2, subfield)
             if item is not None:
                 hbox.Add(item, proportion=1)
             vbox.Add(hbox, flag=EXPAND | LEFT | RIGHT | TOP, border=5)
             vbox.Add((-1, 5))
         item = subpage
         # This is left for bug reporting purposes.
         printer.out(("{} from the field {} was not assigned to " +
                      "{} because type {} wasn't properly handled.").format(
                          value, field, window, type(value)))
     field.widget = item
     return item
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def field_from_value(self, window, value, field):
     item = None
     if isinstance(value, basestring):
         item = TextCtrl(window, value=value)
         field.text_type = STRING_SETTING
     elif isinstance(value, list):
         if isinstance(value[0], basestring):
             item = TextCtrl(window, value=", ".join(value))
             field.text_type = STRINGLIST_SETTING
         elif isinstance(value[0], int):
             item = TextCtrl(window,
                             value=", ".join((str(x) for x in value)))
             field.text_type = INTEGERLIST_SETTING
     elif isinstance(value, bool):
         item = CheckBox(window, -1, '', (120, 75))
     elif isinstance(value, int):
         item = TextCtrl(window, value=str(value))
         field.text_type = INTEGER_SETTING
     elif isinstance(value, dict):
         subpage = Panel(window)
         vbox = BoxSizer(VERTICAL)
         alpha = value.keys()
         for lbl in alpha:
             hbox = BoxSizer(HORIZONTAL)
             value2 = value[lbl]
             label = StaticText(subpage, label=lbl)
             hbox.Add(label, flag=RIGHT, border=8)
             subfield = Field(None, lbl)
             item = self.field_from_value(subpage, value2, subfield)
             if item is not None:
                 hbox.Add(item, proportion=1)
             vbox.Add(hbox, flag=EXPAND | LEFT | RIGHT | TOP, border=5)
             vbox.Add((-1, 5))
         item = subpage
     field.wx_field = item
     return item