def valid_json_file(vjf_file): """validate if a json file is a valid json file""" MY_LOGGER.debug('valid_json_file for %s', vjf_file) try: vjf_json = wxcutils.load_file(CONFIG_PATH, vjf_file) # MY_LOGGER.debug('json = %s', vjf_json) json.loads(vjf_json) except ValueError: MY_LOGGER.debug('valid_json_file exception handler: %s %s %s', sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[2]) return False return True
def validate_server(vs_si): """validate server space used""" MY_LOGGER.debug('vs_si = %s', vs_si) vs_status = 'good' vs_text = '' vs_html = '' vs_data = '' # get the space used info from the file vs_space_used = wxcutils.load_file(vs_si['Location'], vs_si['File']) MY_LOGGER.debug('Space used = %s', vs_space_used) # see if too much used if int(vs_space_used) >= int(vs_si['Max Used']): MY_LOGGER.debug('Too much! %s >= %s', vs_space_used, vs_si['Max Used']) vs_text = 'ERROR ' + vs_si['Display Name'] + \ ' has exceeded the max percent used threshold (' + \ vs_si['Max Used'] + ' percent) with ' + vs_space_used + ' percent used' vs_html = '<td style=\"background-color:#FF0000\" align=\"center\">ERROR</td>' vs_status = 'bad' else: MY_LOGGER.debug('Not too much %s < %s', vs_space_used, vs_si['Max Used']) vs_text = 'OK ' + vs_si['Display Name'] + \ ' is within the max percent used threshold (' + \ vs_si['Max Used'] + ' percent) with ' + vs_space_used + ' percent used' vs_html = '<td style=\"background-color:#00FF00\" align=\"center\">OK</td>' if vs_status != vs_si['Last Status']: vs_change = 'Y' else: vs_change = 'N' vs_margin = str(int(vs_si['Max Used']) - int(vs_space_used)) vs_html = '<tr>' + vs_html + \ '<td align=\"center\">' + vs_change + '</td>' + \ '<td>' + vs_si['Display Name'] + '</td>' + \ '<td align=\"center\">' + vs_si['Max Used'] + '</td>' + \ '<td align=\"center\">' + vs_space_used + '</td>' + \ '<td align=\"center\">' + vs_margin + '</td></tr>' + NEWLINE vs_data = vs_si['Display Name'] + ',' + str(CURRENT_TIME) + ',' + ALERT_INFO + ',' + \ vs_si['Max Used'] + ',' + vs_space_used + ',' + vs_margin + ',' + \ vs_change + ',' + vs_status + '\r\n' return vs_status, vs_text, vs_html, vs_data
def build_month_page(bpm_passes, bpm_file_path, bpm_file_name, bpm_month, bpm_month_name, bpm_year, bpm_historic_links): """build captures page for the month / year""" def write_month(tmp_file_path, tmp_dir, tmp_title, tmp_passes, tmp_year, tmp_month): """write out the detail for the month""" # only do this if the directory exists if os.path.isdir(tmp_file_path + tmp_dir): MY_LOGGER.debug('Directory %s%s exists', tmp_file_path, tmp_dir) MY_LOGGER.debug('write_month %s %s %s', tmp_file_path, tmp_dir, tmp_title) filename_list = [] for tmp_row in tmp_passes: if tmp_row['local year'] == tmp_year and tmp_row[ 'local month'] == tmp_month: filename_list.append({ 'filename': tmp_row['path'] + '.html', 'day': tmp_row['local day'], 'time': tmp_row['local time'] }) MY_LOGGER.debug('sorting list') filename_list = sorted(filename_list, key=lambda k: k['filename'], reverse=True) day = '' cp_html.write('<ul>') for filename_row in filename_list: MY_LOGGER.debug('filename = %s', filename_row['filename']) new_day = filename_row['day'] if day != new_day: if day != '': cp_html.write('</ul>') day = new_day cp_html.write('<li>') cp_html.write( datetime.strptime( tmp_year + '-' + tmp_month + '-' + day, '%Y-%m-%d').strftime('%a')) cp_html.write(' ' + ordinal(int(filename_row['day']))) cp_html.write('</li><ul>') satellite = '???' # MY_LOGGER.debug('finding satellite name for %s', filename_row['filename']) for sat_test in SAT_DATA: if sat_test['code'] in filename_row['filename']: satellite = sat_test['name'] cp_html.write('<li><a href="' + CONFIG_INFO['Link Base'] + filename_row['filename'] + '" rel=\"modal:open\">' + filename_row['time'].replace('-', ':') + ' - ' + satellite + '</a></li>') cp_html.write('</ul>') MY_LOGGER.debug('build_month_page for %s %s %s %s %s', bpm_file_path, bpm_file_name, bpm_month, bpm_month_name, bpm_year) # now create captures page with open(bpm_file_path + bpm_file_name, 'w') as cp_html: # html header cp_label = bpm_month_name + ' ' + bpm_year cp_html.write('<!DOCTYPE html>') cp_html.write( '<html lang=\"en\"><head>' '<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">' '<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">' '<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Monthly satellites passes page for ' + cp_label + '\">' '<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"' + CONFIG_INFO['webpage keywords'] + '\">' '<meta name=\"author\" content=\"WxCapture\">' '<title>Captures ' + cp_label + '</title>' '<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../../css/styles.css\">' '<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"' + CONFIG_INFO['Link Base'] + 'favicon.png\"/>' '<script src=\"\"></script>' '<script src=\"../../js/jquery.modal.min.js\"></script>' '<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../../css/jquery.modal.min.css\" />' ) cp_html.write('</head>') cp_html.write('<body onload=\"defaulthide()\">') if CONFIG_INFO['skip header and footer'] == 'no': cp_html.write(wxcutils.load_file(CONFIG_PATH, 'main-header-2up.txt').replace('PAGE-TITLE', \ 'Satellite Captures')) cp_html.write('<section class=\"content-section container\">') cp_html.write( '<button onclick=\"hideshowinstructions()\" id=\"showhideinstructions\" class=\"showhidebutton\">Show instructions</button>' ) cp_html.write(' ') cp_html.write( '<button onclick=\"hideshowlinks()\" id=\"showhidelinks\" class=\"showhidebutton\">Show previous months / years</button>' ) cp_html.write('<div id=\"instructionsDiv\">') cp_html.write('<h2 class=\"section-header\">Instructions</h2>') cp_html.write('<ul>') cp_html.write( '<li>Times and dates are in the local time zone for the receiver, which is ' + LOCAL_TIME_ZONE + '</li>') cp_html.write( '<li>Click on any pass to see the full pass information including the images</li>' ) cp_html.write( '<li>If you click outside the pop up or on the X and you\'ll return to the pass list</li>' ) cp_html.write( '<li>Or click on an image and you\'ll see the image in full detail</li>' ) cp_html.write( '<li>If you click outside the pop up window or on the X and you\'ll return to the pass information</li>' ) cp_html.write('</ul>') cp_html.write('</div>') cp_html.write('<div id=\"linksDiv\">') cp_html.write( '<h2 class=\"section-header\">All Captures by Year and Month</h2>') cp_html.write(bpm_historic_links) cp_html.write('</div>') cp_html.write('</section>') cp_html.write('<section class=\"content-section container\">') cp_html.write('<h2 class=\"section-header\">' + cp_label + '</h2>') write_month( TARGET, CONFIG_INFO['Link Base'] + bpm_year + '/' + bpm_month + '/', bpm_month_name + ' ' + bpm_year, bpm_passes, bpm_year, bpm_month) cp_html.write('</ul></section>') if CONFIG_INFO['skip header and footer'] == 'no': cp_html.write('<footer class=\"main-footer\">') cp_html.write( '<p id=\"footer-text\">Captures last updated at <span class=\"time\">' + time.strftime( '%H:%M (' + subprocess.check_output("date").decode( 'utf-8').split(' ')[-2] + ')</span> on <span class=\"time\">%d/%m/%Y</span>') + '.</p>') cp_html.write('</footer>') cp_html.write('<script>') cp_html.write('function hideshowlinks() {') cp_html.write(' var x = document.getElementById(\"linksDiv\");') cp_html.write(' if ( === \"none\") {') cp_html.write(' = \"block\";') cp_html.write( ' showhidelinks.innerHTML = \"Hide previous months / years\";') cp_html.write(' } else {') cp_html.write(' = \"none\";') cp_html.write( ' showhidelinks.innerHTML = \"Show previous months / years\";') cp_html.write(' }') cp_html.write('}') cp_html.write('function hideshowinstructions() {') cp_html.write( ' var x = document.getElementById(\"instructionsDiv\");') cp_html.write(' if ( === \"none\") {') cp_html.write(' = \"block\";') cp_html.write( ' showhideinstructions.innerHTML = \"Hide instructions\";') cp_html.write(' } else {') cp_html.write(' = \"none\";') cp_html.write( ' showhideinstructions.innerHTML = \"Show instructions\";') cp_html.write(' }') cp_html.write('}') cp_html.write('function defaulthide() {') cp_html.write(' var x = document.getElementById(\"linksDiv\");') cp_html.write(' = \"none\";') cp_html.write( ' showhidelinks.innerHTML = \"Show previous months / years\";') cp_html.write( ' var y = document.getElementById(\"instructionsDiv\");') cp_html.write(' = \"none\";') cp_html.write( ' showhideinstructions.innerHTML = \"Show instructions\";') cp_html.write('}') cp_html.write('</script>') cp_html.write('</body></html>')
html.write( '<html lang=\"en\"><head>' '<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">' '<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">' '<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Satellite transmission status for Meteor-M and NOAA weather satellites, International Space Station (ISS) SSTV and WxCapture Twitter Feed\">' '<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"' + CONFIG_INFO['webpage keywords'] + '\">' '<meta name=\"author\" content=\"WxCapture\">' '<title>Satellite Status</title>' '<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/styles.css\">' '<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"' + CONFIG_INFO['Link Base'] + 'favicon.png\"/>') html.write('</head>') html.write('<body>') html.write( wxcutils.load_file(CONFIG_PATH, 'main-header.txt').replace( 'PAGE-TITLE', 'Satellite Status')) html.write('<section class=\"content-section container\">') html.write('<h2 class=\"section-header\">Meteor-M Series Status</h2>') html.write('<table>') html.write('<tr><th>Meteor-M N2</th><th>Meteor-M N2-2</th></tr>') html.write('<tr><td>' + get_meteor_status('Meteor-M N2') + '</td>') html.write('<td>' + get_meteor_status('Meteor-M N2-2') + '</td></tr>') html.write('</table>') html.write( '<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">Data source</a></p>' ) html.write('</section>') html.write('<section class=\"content-section container\">') html.write('<h2 class=\"section-header\">NOAA Series Status</h2>')
MY_LOGGER.debug('Starting decode') # sox -t wav morse_sample.wav -esigned-integer -b16 -r 22050 -t raw morse_sample.raw # may not need! MY_LOGGER.debug('Convert .wav to .raw') wxcutils.run_cmd('sox -t wav ' + AUDIO_PATH + FILENAME_BASE + '.wav -esigned-integer -b16 -r 22050 -t raw ' + AUDIO_PATH + FILENAME_BASE + '.raw') # multimon-ng -t raw -a MORSE_CW morse_sample.raw /dev/stdin >> op.txt MY_LOGGER.debug('Parse text with multimon-ng') wxcutils.run_cmd('multimon-ng -t raw -a MORSE_CW ' + AUDIO_PATH + FILENAME_BASE + '.raw > ' + OUTPUT_PATH + FILENAME_BASE + '-decode.txt') # read in the file DECODE_TEXT = wxcutils.load_file(OUTPUT_PATH, FILENAME_BASE + '-decode.txt') MY_LOGGER.debug('Completed decode') MY_LOGGER.debug('-' * 30) # build web page for pass with open(OUTPUT_PATH + FILENAME_BASE + '.html', 'w') as html: html.write('<!DOCTYPE html>') html.write('<html lang=\"en\"><head>') html.write( '<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">' '<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">' '<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Satellite pass capture page for NOAA / Meteor / International Space Station (ISS) SSTV / Amsat (Amateur Satellites)\">' '<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"' + CONFIG_INFO['webpage keywords'] + '\">'
html.write( '<html lang=\"en\"><head>' '<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">' '<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">' '<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Satellite transmission status for Meteor-M and NOAA weather satellites, International Space Station (ISS) SSTV and WxCapture Twitter Feed\">' '<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"' + CONFIG_INFO['webpage keywords'] + '\">' '<meta name=\"author\" content=\"WxCapture\">' '<title>configuration Status</title>' '<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/styles.css\">' '<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"' + CONFIG_INFO['Link Base'] + 'favicon.png\"/>') html.write('</head>') html.write('<body>') html.write( wxcutils.load_file(CONFIG_PATH, 'main-header.txt').replace( 'PAGE-TITLE', 'Configuration Status')) html.write('<section class=\"content-section container\">') # config validation results html.write('<section class=\"content-section container\">') html.write( '<h2 class=\"section-header\">WxCapture Configuration Validation</h2>' ) if DRIVE_ERRORS: html.write('<h1>Storage Space Issue Detected!</h1>') if CONFIG_ERRORS: html.write( '<h1>Configuration Error(s) Detected - Validate Config!</h1>') html.write('<div id=\"configurationDiv\">') html.write(DRIVE_HTML)
'<meta charset=\"UTF-8\">' '<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">' '<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Monthly captures page for NOAA satellites\">' '<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"wxcapture, weather, satellite, NOAA, Meteor, images, ISS, Zarya, SSTV, Amsat, orbit, APT, LRPT, SDR, Mike, KiwiinNZ, Predictions, Auckland, New Zealand, storm, cyclone, hurricane, front, rain, wind, cloud\">' '<meta name=\"author\" content=\"WxCapture\">' '<title>' + cp_label + '</title>' '<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"../../css/styles.css\">' '<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"' + CONFIG_INFO['Link Base'] + 'favicon.png\"/>' '<script src=\"\"></script>' ) cp_html.write('</head>') cp_html.write('<body>') cp_html.write( wxcutils.load_file(CONFIG_PATH, 'main-header-2up.txt').replace( 'PAGE-TITLE', cp_label)) cp_html.write('<section class=\"content-section container\">') cp_html.write('<h2 class=\"section-header\">' + cp_label + '</h2>') for filename_row in fix_pass_pages_lib.find_files( TARGET + year + '/' + month + '/', '*-norm-tn.jpg'): if os.path.getsize(filename_row) > 3000: images_found += 1 web_filename = filename_row.split(TARGET)[1] path_part, file_part = os.path.split(web_filename) MY_LOGGER.debug( 'row = %sFilename = %s, path = %s, file = %s',
'<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">' '<meta name=\"description\" content=\"Predicted satellite pass times / dates for NOAA and Meteor weather satellite plus the International Space Station (ISS) and Amsat (Amateur Satellites)\">' '<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"' + CONFIG_INFO['webpage keywords'] + '\">' '<meta name=\"author\" content=\"WxCapture\">' '<title>Satellite Pass Predictions' '</title>' '<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"css/styles.css\">' '<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"lightbox/css/lightbox.min.css\">' '<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image/png\" href=\"' + CONFIG_INFO['Link Base'] + 'favicon.png\"/>') html.write('</head>') html.write('<body onload=\"defaulthide()\">') if CONFIG_INFO['skip header and footer'] == 'no': html.write( wxcutils.load_file(CONFIG_PATH, 'main-header.txt').replace( 'PAGE-TITLE', 'Satellite Pass Predictions')) html.write('<section class=\"content-section container\">') MY_LOGGER.debug('Table for today') NOW_DAY = str('%A')) NOW_DAY_NUM = str('%d'))) NOW_DAY_ORD = wxcutils.ordinal(int(NOW_DAY_NUM)) NOW_MONTH ='%B')) NOW_YEAR = str('%Y'))) NOW = NOW_DAY + ' ' + NOW_DAY_ORD + ' ' + NOW_MONTH + ' ' + NOW_YEAR html.write('<h2 class=\"section-header\">Today Over ' + CONFIG_INFO['Location'] + ' - ' + NOW + '</h2>') html.write( '<button onclick=\"hideshow()\" id=\"showhide\" class=\"showhidebutton\">Show instructions</button>' )
def fix_file(ff_path, ff_filename): """fix file for upgrade""" def update_page(up_page, up_search, up_replace): """update text file with search / replace""" MY_LOGGER.debug('%s %s', up_search, up_replace) if up_search in up_page: MY_LOGGER.debug('%s found', up_search) ff_location = up_page.find(up_search) if ff_location > 0: MY_LOGGER.debug('string found at %d', ff_location) # up_page.replace(up_search, up_replace, 1) left = up_page[0:ff_location] skip = ff_location + len(up_search) right = up_page[skip:] up_page = left + up_replace + right else: MY_LOGGER.debug('string NOT found') else: MY_LOGGER.debug('%s NOT found', up_search) # MY_LOGGER.debug('%s', up_page) return up_page def fix_img(fi_page, fi_path, fi_filename): """fix up the img tags for lightbox""" MY_LOGGER.debug('starting fix_img %s %s', fi_path, fi_filename) start_tag = '<a href=\"images/' mid_tag = '\"><img src=\"images/' end_tag = '\"></a>' parse_pos = 0 new_page = '' img_pos = fi_path.find('/wxcapture/') img_path = fi_path[img_pos:] + 'images/' MY_LOGGER.debug('img_path = %s', img_path) while parse_pos >= 0: if fi_page.find(start_tag, parse_pos) > 0: first_pos_left = fi_page.find(start_tag, parse_pos) + len(start_tag) first_pos_right = fi_page.find(mid_tag, first_pos_left) second_pos_left = first_pos_right + len(mid_tag) second_pos_right = fi_page.find(end_tag, second_pos_left) main_img = fi_page[first_pos_left:first_pos_right] thumb_img = fi_page[second_pos_left:(second_pos_right)] bits = main_img[:10].split('-') img_path = CONFIG_INFO['Link Base'] + bits[0] + '/' + bits[ 1] + '/' + bits[2] + '/images/' MY_LOGGER.debug('%d %s %s %s', parse_pos, main_img, thumb_img, img_path) new_bit_1 = fi_page[parse_pos:(first_pos_left - len(start_tag))] new_bit_2 = '<a class=\"example-image-link\" href=\"' + img_path + \ main_img+ \ '\" data-lightbox=\"' + img_path + main_img + \ '\"><img class=\"example-image\" src=\"' + img_path + \ thumb_img + '"></a>' MY_LOGGER.debug('-start-----------------') MY_LOGGER.debug(new_page) MY_LOGGER.debug('-new_bit_1-------------') MY_LOGGER.debug(new_bit_1) MY_LOGGER.debug('-new_bit_2-------------') MY_LOGGER.debug(new_bit_2) MY_LOGGER.debug('-end-------------------') new_page += new_bit_1 + new_bit_2 parse_pos = second_pos_right + len(end_tag) else: # get the rest of the page new_page += fi_page[parse_pos:] parse_pos = -1 MY_LOGGER.debug('completed fix_img') # fix plot reference MY_LOGGER.debug('fix plot reference') new_page = update_page(new_page, '<img src=\"images/', '<img src=\"' + img_path) return new_page def fix_img_iss(fi_page, fi_path, fi_filename): """fix up the img tags only, no lightbox required""" MY_LOGGER.debug('starting fix_img %s %s', fi_path, fi_filename) start_tag = '<img src=\"images/' end_tag = '\">' parse_pos = 0 new_page = '' img_pos = fi_path.find('/wxcapture/') img_path = fi_path[img_pos:] + 'images/' MY_LOGGER.debug('img_path = %s', img_path) while parse_pos >= 0: if fi_page.find(start_tag, parse_pos) > 0: MY_LOGGER.debug('img tag found') pos_left = fi_page.find(start_tag, parse_pos) + len(start_tag) pos_right = fi_page.find(end_tag, pos_left) main_img = fi_page[pos_left:pos_right] bits = main_img[:10].split('-') img_path = CONFIG_INFO['Link Base'] + bits[0] + '/' + bits[ 1] + '/' + bits[2] + '/images/' MY_LOGGER.debug('%d %s %s', parse_pos, main_img, img_path) new_bit_1 = fi_page[parse_pos:(pos_left - len(start_tag))] new_bit_2 = '<img src=\"' + img_path + main_img + '\">' MY_LOGGER.debug('-start-----------------') MY_LOGGER.debug(new_page) MY_LOGGER.debug('-new_bit_1-------------') MY_LOGGER.debug(new_bit_1) MY_LOGGER.debug('-new_bit_2-------------') MY_LOGGER.debug(new_bit_2) MY_LOGGER.debug('-end-------------------') new_page += new_bit_1 + new_bit_2 parse_pos = pos_right + len(end_tag) else: # get the rest of the page new_page += fi_page[parse_pos:] parse_pos = -1 MY_LOGGER.debug('completed fix_img') # # fix plot reference # MY_LOGGER.debug('fix plot reference') # new_page = update_page(new_page, '<img src=\"images/', '<img src=\"' + img_path) return new_page def fix_audio(fi_page, fi_path, fi_filename): """fix up the audio tags only""" MY_LOGGER.debug('starting fix_audio %s %s', fi_path, fi_filename) start_tag = '<a href=\"audio/' end_tag = '\">' parse_pos = 0 new_page = '' audio_pos = fi_path.find('/wxcapture/') audio_path = fi_path[audio_pos:] + 'audio/' MY_LOGGER.debug('audio_path = %s', audio_path) while parse_pos >= 0: if fi_page.find(start_tag, parse_pos) > 0: MY_LOGGER.debug('audio tag found') pos_left = fi_page.find(start_tag, parse_pos) + len(start_tag) pos_right = fi_page.find(end_tag, pos_left) main_audio = fi_page[pos_left:pos_right] bits = main_audio[:10].split('-') audio_path = CONFIG_INFO['Link Base'] + bits[0] + '/' + bits[ 1] + '/' + bits[2] + '/audio/' MY_LOGGER.debug('%d %s %s', parse_pos, main_audio, audio_path) new_bit_1 = fi_page[parse_pos:(pos_left - len(start_tag))] new_bit_2 = '<a href=\"' + audio_path + main_audio + '\">' MY_LOGGER.debug('-start-----------------') MY_LOGGER.debug(new_page) MY_LOGGER.debug('-new_bit_1-------------') MY_LOGGER.debug(new_bit_1) MY_LOGGER.debug('-new_bit_2-------------') MY_LOGGER.debug(new_bit_2) MY_LOGGER.debug('-end-------------------') new_page += new_bit_1 + new_bit_2 parse_pos = pos_right + len(end_tag) else: # get the rest of the page new_page += fi_page[parse_pos:] parse_pos = -1 MY_LOGGER.debug('completed fix_audio') return new_page MY_LOGGER.debug('fix_file %s %s', ff_path, ff_filename) # load config CONFIG_INFO = wxcutils.load_json(CONFIG_PATH, 'config.json') # create page backup file # only if there isn't an existing .backup file (i.e. our backup of the original) if not os.path.isfile(ff_path + ff_filename + '.backup'): MY_LOGGER.debug('no existing backup, so creating page backup file') wxcutils.copy_file(ff_path + ff_filename, ff_path + ff_filename + '.backup') else: MY_LOGGER.debug('File backup exists, so retaining original backup') # restore the backup and re-fix it wxcutils.copy_file(ff_path + ff_filename + '.backup', ff_path + ff_filename) # load file MY_LOGGER.debug('load file') ff_page = wxcutils.load_file(ff_path, ff_filename) # add stylesheets MY_LOGGER.debug('add stylesheets') ff_page = update_page( ff_page, '</head>', '<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\"><meta name=\"description\" content=\"Satellite pass capture page for NOAA / Meteor / International Space Station (ISS) SSTV / Amsat (Amateur Satellites)\"><meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"wxcapture, weather, satellite, NOAA, Meteor, images, ISS, Zarya, SSTV, Amsat, orbit, APT, LRPT, SDR, Mike, KiwiinNZ, Predictions, Auckland, New Zealand, storm, cyclone, hurricane, front, rain, wind, cloud\"><meta name=\"author\" content=\"WxCapture\"><link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/css/styles.css\"><link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/lightbox/css/lightbox.min.css\"></head>' ) # add script code MY_LOGGER.debug('add script code') ff_page = update_page( ff_page, '</body>', '<script src=\"/lightbox/js/lightbox-plus-jquery.min.js\"></script></body>' ) # remove table start MY_LOGGER.debug('remove table start') ff_page = update_page(ff_page, '</h2><table><tr><td>', '</h2>') # remove table end MY_LOGGER.debug('remove table end') ff_page = update_page(ff_page, '</td><td></table>', '<br>') # remove table border MY_LOGGER.debug('remove table border') ff_page = update_page(ff_page, '<table border = 1>', '<table>') # fix audio link - amsat only if 'ISS' in ff_filename or 'SSTV' in ff_filename or 'SAUDISAT' in ff_filename or 'FOX' in ff_filename: ff_page = fix_audio(ff_page, ff_path, ff_filename) # update img tags to use lightbox if 'ISS' in ff_filename or 'SSTV' in ff_filename: ff_page = fix_img_iss(ff_page, ff_path, ff_filename) else: ff_page = fix_img(ff_page, ff_path, ff_filename) # MY_LOGGER.debug('%s', ff_page) # save file wxcutils.save_file(ff_path, ff_filename, ff_page)