Ejemplo n.º 1
    def _get_roll_nonmissing(self, x: xr.Dataset, mode: str, roll_dim: str, roll_size: int) -> xr.DataArray:
        """Generate a mask f missing values in a moving window.

        x: xr.Dataset
            The dataset.
        mode: str
            Whether all variables must be present or any.
        roll_dim : str)
            The dimension to apply moving window on.
        roll_size : int
            The moving window size.

            xr.DataArray: The mask with 1 for valid, 0 for invalid.
        if mode == 'any':
            fn = lambda x: x.any('variable')
        elif mode == 'all':
            fn = lambda x: x.all('variable')
            raise ValueError(
                f'arg `mode` must be one of `all` | `any`, is `{mode}`.'
        return fn(x.to_array('variable').notnull()).astype(int).rolling({roll_dim: roll_size}).sum() == roll_size