Ejemplo n.º 1
 def setSettings(self):
     SETTINGS = {
         "custom_bg": "",
         "bg_ingame": 0,
         "custom_bg_ingame": "",
         "mouse_zone": False
         settings = xbmc.Settings(CWD)
         SETTINGS["custom_bg"] = settings.getSetting("custom_bg")
         SETTINGS["bg_ingame"] = int(settings.getSetting("bg_ingame"))
         SETTINGS["custom_bg_ingame"] = settings.getSetting(
         SETTINGS["mouse_zone"] = (
             settings.getSetting("mouse_zone") == "true")
                      ("", SETTINGS["custom_bg"])[os.path.exists(
     cbg_exists = os.path.exists(SETTINGS["custom_bg_ingame"])
                      ("0", str(SETTINGS["bg_ingame"]))[cbg_exists])
                      ("", SETTINGS["custom_bg_ingame"])[cbg_exists])
     self.setProperty("mouse_zone", ("", "true")[SETTINGS["mouse_zone"]])
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def _get_methods( self, cwd ):
     # language module
     self._language_ = xbmc.Language( cwd ).getLocalizedString
     # settings module, try catch necessary as not all scripts have settings
         self._settings_ = xbmc.Settings( cwd )
         self._settings_ = None
def notif( msg="" ):
        msg = msg or str( sys.exc_info()[ 1 ] )
        if xbmc is not None:
            if ( xbmc.Settings( os.getcwd() ).getSetting( "notif_error" ) == "true" ) and not xbmc.getCondVisibility( "Window.IsVisible(infodialog)" ):
                notif = "%s!,%s,4000,DefaultIconError.png" % ( xbmc.getLocalizedString( 257 ), msg )
                xbmc.executebuiltin( "XBMC.Notification(%s)" % notif )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def getUserSkin():
    default_skin = "Classic"
        skin_setting = xbmc.Settings(CWD).getSetting("skin")
        if skin_setting != default_skin and not os.path.exists(
                os.path.join(CWD, "resources", "skins", skin_setting)):
            skin_setting = None
        skin_setting = None
    if not skin_setting: current_skin = xbmc.getSkinDir()
    else: current_skin = skin_setting
    force_fallback = os.path.exists(
        os.path.join(CWD, "resources", "skins", current_skin))
    if not force_fallback: current_skin = default_skin
    return current_skin, not force_fallback
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__( self, id=None ):
        self.cwd = os.getcwd()
        self.id = id or os.path.basename( self.cwd )

        makeLegalFileSettings( os.path.join( self.cwd, "resources", "settings.xml" ) )
        makeDefaultIcon( self.cwd )

        try: self.addon_xml = file( os.path.join( self.cwd, "addon.xml" ) ).read()
        except Exception, e: self.addon_xml = "%s\n %s" % ( str( e ), os.path.join( self.cwd, "addon.xml" ) )

        # set type based on extension point or install path
        tp = re.search( 'point="xbmc\.python\.(pluginsource|script|weather|subtitles|lyrics|library)"', self.addon_xml )
        if tp:
            if tp.group( 1 ) == "pluginsource":
                self.type = "plugin"
                self.type = "script"
            if "scripts" in self.cwd.lower().replace( "\\", "/" ).split( "/" ):
                self.type = "script"
            elif "plugins" in self.cwd.lower().replace( "\\", "/" ).split( "/" ):
                self.type = "plugin"

        # set plugin type based on install path and set settings builtin
        self.pluginType = None
        self.Settings = None
        if self.type == "plugin":
            spath = self.cwd.lower().replace( "\\", "/" ).split( "/" )
            if "music" in spath:
                self.pluginType = "music"
            elif "pictures" in spath:
                self.pluginType = "plugin_data"
            elif "programs" in spath:
                self.pluginType = "programs"
            elif "video" in spath:
                self.pluginType = "video"
            elif "weather" in spath:
                self.pluginType = "weather"

            import xbmcplugin
            self.Settings = xbmcplugin
            try: self.Settings = xbmc.Settings( self.cwd )
            except Exception, e: print self.id + ": " + str( e )
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __LoadSettings():
     # the settings object
     Logger.Info("Loading Settings into static object")
         import xbmcaddon  # @Reimport
             # first try the version without the ID
             AddonSettings.__settings = xbmcaddon.Addon()
                 "Settings :: Cannot use xbmcaddon.Addon() as settings. Falling back to  xbmcaddon.Addon(id)"
             AddonSettings.__settings = xbmcaddon.Addon(id=Config.addonId)
             "Settings :: Cannot use xbmcaddon.Addon() as settings. Falling back to xbmc.Settings(path)",
         import xbmc  # @Reimport
         AddonSettings.__settings = xbmc.Settings(path=Config.rootDir)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def showMain():
    #xbmc.enableNavSounds( 0 )
    w = None
        w = Main("arkanoid.xml", CWD, CURRENT_SKIN, FORCE_FALLBACK)
    except Exception, e:
        if CURRENT_SKIN == "Classic":
            # fatal error popup user for contact me
            xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("Fatal Error!!!",
                                "Contact Frost to passion-xbmc.org")
            raise "Fatal Error: contact Frost to passion-xbmc.org"
        if str(e) == "XML File for Window is missing":
            #reset skin setting and reload script
                "XML File for Window is missing in Skin: %s" % CURRENT_SKIN,
                "", "Default skin will be loaded...")
            print "Error on load xml in skin: %s" % CURRENT_SKIN
            xbmc.Settings(CWD).setSetting("skin", "Classic")
            xbmc.executescript(os.path.join(CWD, 'default.py'))
Ejemplo n.º 8
# Modules general
import os
import sys
from collections import deque
from traceback import print_exc

# Modules XBMC
import xbmc
import xbmcgui

# Modules custom
from utilities import *

# set our xbmc.settings path for xbmc get '/resources/settings.xml'
XBMC_SETTINGS = xbmc.Settings(os.getcwd())

_ = sys.modules["__main__"].__language__

current_skin, force_fallback = getUserSkin()
XBMCGUI_WINDOW_XML = ("xbmcgui.WindowXMLDialog",
                      "xbmcgui.WindowXML")[current_skin == "Default.HD"]

class ScriptSettings(eval(XBMCGUI_WINDOW_XML)):
    SERVERS = ["Passion XBMC", "Passion XBMC FTP", "XBMC Zone"]
    TOPIC_LIMIT = ["5", "10", "15", "20", "25", "50", "100"]
    TSIZE_LIMIT = ["192", "256", "384", "512", "1024"]

    # control id's
Ejemplo n.º 9
# Script constants 
__scriptname__ = "CU Lyrics"
__author__ = "Amet"
__url__ = "http://xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?p=449687"
__svn_url__ = ""
__credits__ = "EnderW,Nuka1195"
__version__ = "0.7.6"
__XBMC_Revision__ = "22240"
__svn_revision__ = 0

# Shared resources 
BASE_RESOURCE_PATH = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'resources', 'lib' ) )

sys.path.append (BASE_RESOURCE_PATH)
__language__ = xbmc.Language( os.getcwd() ).getLocalizedString
__settings__ = xbmc.Settings( path=os.getcwd() )

# Start the main gui or settings gui 
if ( __name__ == "__main__" ):
    if ( xbmc.Player().isPlayingAudio() ):
        import gui as gui
        window = "main"
        ui = gui.GUI( "script-XBMC_Lyrics-main.xml" , os.getcwd(), "Default" )
        del ui
Ejemplo n.º 10
import sys
import os
import urllib

import xbmc
import xbmcgui

# get the language and settings objects
_ = xbmc.Language( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.getcwd() ) ) ).getLocalizedString
Settings = xbmc.Settings( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.getcwd() ) ) )

__plugin__ = "weather.com plus"
__pluginname__ = "weather.com+"
__author__ = "nuka1195"

class Main:
    def __init__( self, package=None ):
        # class wide progress dialog, maybe smoother
        self.pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
        # set initial message to successful
        self.message = 32220
        # select correct url for package
        if ( package == "mappack" ):
            package_url = self._get_package_version()
            # this is used to add extra info to settings
            include_package_name = True
        # check for previous package download
        self._check_previous_download_info( package=package )
        # now get the path to download to
        installation_path = self._get_installation_path()
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def onClick(self, controlID):
            if self.GAME and self.GAME.GameOver:
                del self.GAME
                self.GAME = None

            if self.GAME and controlID == 500:
                if not self.GAME.threadLevel and not self.GAME.ballRunning:
                elif self.GAME.vaus_statut == "LASER":

            elif not self.GAME and controlID == 201:
                mode = (controlID - 200)
                self.launchGame(0, mode)

            elif not self.GAME and controlID == 202:
                mode = (controlID - 200)
                self.launchGame(0, mode)

            elif not self.GAME and controlID == 203:
                mode = (controlID - 200)
                #browse custom stage
                stg = utilities.getBrowseDialog(
                    os.path.join(BASE_RESOURCE_PATH, "custom_levels") + os.sep,
                    heading="Select Your Stage",
                if stg and os.path.isfile(stg):
                    f = open(stg, "r")
                    bg, stage = eval(f.read())
                    #test valide stage and background
                    error_info = "Bad file! %s" % stg
                    if not len(stage) == 260: raise error_info
                    for colrow in stage:
                        if not (0 <= colrow <= 10): raise error_info
                    if os.path.exists(bg): bg = bg
                    elif bg and not os.path.exists(bg):
                        bg = os.path.join(MEDIAS_PATH, bg)
                    stageName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(stg))[0]
                    customlevel = bg, stage, stageName
                    self.launchGame(0, mode, customlevel)

            elif not self.GAME and controlID == 204:
                mode = (controlID - 200)
                stage_path = utilities.getBrowseDialog(
                    os.path.join(BASE_RESOURCE_PATH, "media", "stages") +
                    heading="Select Practice Stage",
                level_id = os.path.splitext(
                if level_id.isdigit():
                    mode = (mode, 5)["tournament" in os.path.basename(
                    self.launchGame(int(level_id), mode)

            elif controlID == 122:
                import editor
                w = editor.levelEditor("levelEditor.xml", CWD, CURRENT_SKIN,
                del w, editor

            elif controlID == 125:
                w = HighScores("highScores.xml", CWD, CURRENT_SKIN,
                del w

            elif controlID == 320:

            elif controlID == 123:

            elif controlID == 126:
                settings = xbmc.Settings(CWD)
                skin_setting = settings.getSetting("skin")
                if skin_setting != xbmc.Settings(CWD).getSetting("skin"):
                    xbmc.executescript(os.path.join(CWD, 'default.py'))

            elif controlID == 127:
                import infos
                w = infos.Info("infos.xml", CWD, CURRENT_SKIN, FORCE_FALLBACK)
                del w, infos
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def exit_script(self):
     if (self.getControl(CONTROL_DONTSHOW_BUTTON).isSelected()):
         __settings__ = xbmc.Settings(path=os.getcwd())
         __settings__.setSetting("showwhatsnew", 'false')
     self.terminate = True
Ejemplo n.º 13
class Main:
    _ = xbmc.Language( os.getcwd() ).getLocalizedString
    Settings = xbmc.Settings( os.getcwd() )

    def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs ):
        # get current window
        # get our new WeatherClient
        # if user selected a new map, only need to fetch it
        if ( sys.argv[ 1 ].startswith( "map=" ) ):
            # parse sys.argv for params
            params = dict( arg.split( "=" ) for arg in sys.argv[ 1 ].split( "&" ) )
            # fetch map (map=%s&title=%s&location=
            self._fetch_map( params[ "map" ], params[ "title" ], params[ "location" ] )
            # set plugin name property
            # clear key properties if new location
            if ( self.new_location ):
            # initialize our thread list
            thread_list = []
            # get our 36 hour forecast
            current = FetchInfo( self._fetch_36_forecast )
            thread_list += [ current ]
            # get our hour by hour forecast
            current = FetchInfo( self._fetch_hourly_forecast )
            thread_list += [ current ]
            # get our weekend forecast
            current = FetchInfo( self._fetch_weekend_forecast )
            thread_list += [ current ]
            # get our 10 day forecast
            current = FetchInfo( self._fetch_10day_forecast )
            thread_list += [ current ]
            # get our map list and default map
            current = FetchInfo( self._fetch_map_list )
            thread_list += [ current ]
            # join our threads with the main thread
            for thread in thread_list:
        # we're finished, exit

    def _get_weather_window( self ):
        # grab the weather window
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window( 12600 )

    def _set_plugin_name( self ):
        # set plugin name
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "PluginName", sys.modules[ "__main__" ].__pluginname__ )

    def _get_client( self ):
        self.settings = { "translate": None }
        if ( self.Settings.getSetting( "translate" ) == "true" ):
            self.settings[ "translate" ] = {
                                        "Chinese (Simple)": "en_zh",
                                        "Chinese (Traditional)": "en_zt",
                                        "Dutch": "en_nl",
                                        "French": "en_fr",
                                        "German": "en_de",
                                        "German (Austria)": "en_de",
                                        "Greek": "en_el",
                                        "Italian": "en_it",
                                        "Japanese": "en_ja",
                                        "Korean": "en_ko",
                                        "Portuguese": "en_pt",
                                        "Portuguese (Brazil)": "en_pt",
                                        "Russian": "en_ru",
                                        "Spanish": "en_es",
                                        "Spanish (Mexico)": "en_es",
                                    }.get( xbmc.getLanguage(), None )
        if ( sys.argv[ 1 ].startswith( "map=" ) ):
            self.areacode = xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Window(Weather).Property(AreaCode)" )
            self.areacode = sys.argv[ 1 ]
        # set if new location
        self.new_location = ( xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Window(Weather).Property(Weather.AreaCode)" ) != self.areacode )
        # if new set it
        if ( self.new_location ):
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weather.AreaCode", self.areacode )
        # setup our radar client
        self.WeatherClient = WeatherClient.WeatherClient( self.areacode, self.settings[ "translate" ] )

    def _set_maps_path( self, path=0, maps_path="", legend_path="" ):
        # we have three possibilities. loading, default (error) or the actual map path
        if ( path == 0 ):
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "MapStatus", "loading" )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "MapPath", "weather.com plus/loading" )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "LegendPath", "" )
        elif ( path == 1 ):
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "MapStatus", "loaded" )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "MapPath", maps_path )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "LegendPath", legend_path )
        elif ( path == 2 ):
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "MapStatus", "error" )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "MapPath", "weather.com plus/error" )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "LegendPath", "" )

    def _clear_properties( self ):
        # clear properties used for visibilty
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "Alerts" )
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Alerts.Color", "default" )
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "Video" )
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "36Hour.IsFetched" )
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "Weekend.IsFetched" )
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "Daily.IsFetched" )
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "Hourly.IsFetched" )

    def _clear_map_list( self, list_id ):
        # enumerate thru and clear all map list labels, icons and onclicks
        for count in range( 1, 31 ):
            # these are what the user sees and the action the button performs
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "MapList.%d.MapLabel.%d" % ( list_id, count, ) )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "MapList.%d.MapLabel2.%d" % ( list_id, count, ) )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "MapList.%d.MapIcon.%d" % ( list_id, count, ) )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "MapList.%d.MapOnclick.%d" % ( list_id, count, ) )
        # set the default titles
        self._set_map_list_titles( list_id )

    def _set_map_list_titles( self, list_id, title=None, long_title=None ):
        # set map list titles for skinners buttons
        if ( title is None ):
            # non user defined list
            title = ( "", self._( 32800 + int( self.Settings.getSetting( "maplist%d" % ( list_id, ) ) ) ), )[ int( self.Settings.getSetting( "maplist%d" % ( list_id, ) ) ) > 0 ]
            long_title = self._( 32600 + int( self.Settings.getSetting( "maplist%d" % ( list_id, ) ) ) )
        # now set the titles
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "MapList.%d.ShortTitle" % ( list_id, ), title )
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "MapList.%d.LongTitle" % ( list_id, ), long_title )

    def _fetch_map_list( self ):
        # exit script if user changed locations
        if ( self.areacode != xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Window(Weather).Property(AreaCode)" ) ):
        # intialize our download variable, we use this so we don't re-download same info
        map_download = []
        # enumerate thru and clear our properties if map is different (if user changed setiings), local and user defined list should be downloaded if location changed
        for count in range( 1, 4 ):
            # do we need to download this list?
            map_download += [ ( self.new_location and int( self.Settings.getSetting( "maplist%d" % ( count, ) ) ) == 1 ) or 
                                            ( self.new_location and int( self.Settings.getSetting( "maplist%d" % ( count, ) ) ) == len( self.WeatherClient.BASE_MAPS ) - 1 ) or 
                                            ( self.WEATHER_WINDOW.getProperty( "MapList.%d.LongTitle" % ( count, ) ) != self._( 32600 + int( self.Settings.getSetting( "maplist%d" % ( count, ) ) ) ) ) ]
            # do we need to clear the info?
            if ( map_download[ count - 1 ] ):
                self._clear_map_list( count )
        # we set this here in case we do not need to download new lists
        current_map = self.WEATHER_WINDOW.getProperty( "Weather.CurrentMapUrl" )
        current_map_title = self.WEATHER_WINDOW.getProperty( "Weather.CurrentMap" )
        # only run if any new map lists
        if ( True in map_download ):
            # we set our maps path property to loading images while downloading
            # set default map, we allow skinners to have users set this with a skin string
            # TODO: look at this, seems wrong, when changing locations maps can fail to load.
            default = ( self.WEATHER_WINDOW.getProperty( "Weather.CurrentMap" ), xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Skin.String(TWC.DefaultMap)" ), )[ xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Skin.String(TWC.DefaultMap)" ) != "" and self.WEATHER_WINDOW.getProperty( "Weather.CurrentMap" ) == "" ]
            # enumurate thru map lists and fetch map list
            for maplist_count in range( 1, 4 ):
                # only fetch new list if required
                if ( not map_download[ maplist_count - 1 ] ):
                # get the correct category
                map_category = int( self.Settings.getSetting( "maplist%d" % ( maplist_count, ) ) )
                # fetch map list
                category_title, maps = self.WeatherClient.fetch_map_list( map_category, self.Settings.getSetting( "maplist_user_file" ), xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Window(Weather).Property(LocationIndex)" ) )
                # only run if maps were found
                if ( maps is None ):
                # set a current_map in case one isn't set
                if ( current_map == "" ):
                    current_map = maps[ 0 ][ 0 ]
                    current_map_title = maps[ 0 ][ 1 ]
                # if user defined map list set the new titles
                if ( category_title is not None ):
                    self._set_map_list_titles( maplist_count, category_title, category_title )
                # enumerate thru our map list and add map and title and check for default
                for count, map in enumerate( maps ):
                    # create our label, icon and onclick event
                    self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "MapList.%d.MapLabel.%d" % ( maplist_count, count + 1, ), map[ 1 ] )
                    self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "MapList.%d.MapLabel2.%d" % ( maplist_count, count + 1, ), map[ 0 ] )
                    self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "MapList.%d.MapIcon.%d" % ( maplist_count, count + 1, ), map[ 1 ].replace( ":", " -" ).replace( "/", " - " ) + ".jpg" )
                    self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "MapList.%d.MapOnclick.%d" % ( maplist_count, count + 1, ), "XBMC.RunScript(%s,map=%s&title=%s&location=%s)" % ( sys.argv[ 0 ], map[ 0 ], map[ 1 ], str( map[ 2 ] ) ) )
                    # if we have a match, set our class variable
                    if ( map[ 1 ] == default ):
                        current_map = map[ 0 ]
                        current_map_title = map[ 1 ]
        # fetch the current map
        self._fetch_map( current_map, current_map_title, xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Window(Weather).Property(LocationIndex)" ) )

    def _fetch_map( self, map, title, locationindex=None ):
        # exit script if user changed locations
        if ( self.areacode != xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Window(Weather).Property(AreaCode)" ) ):
        # we set our maps path property to loading images while downloading
        # we set Weather.CurrentMap and Weather.CurrentMapUrl, the skin can handle it when the user selects a new map for immediate update
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weather.CurrentMap", title )
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weather.CurrentMapUrl", map )
        # fetch the available map urls
        maps = self.WeatherClient.fetch_map_urls( map, self.Settings.getSetting( "maplist_user_file" ), locationindex )
        # fetch the images
        maps_path, legend_path = self.WeatherClient.fetch_images( maps )
        # hack incase the weather in motion link was bogus
        if ( maps_path == "" and len( maps[ 1 ] ) ):
            maps_path, legend_path = self.WeatherClient.fetch_images( ( maps[ 0 ], [], maps[ 2 ], ) )
        # now set our window properties so multi image will display images 1==success, 2==failure
        self._set_maps_path( ( maps_path == "" ) + 1, maps_path, legend_path )

    def _set_alerts( self, alerts, alertsrss, alertsnotify, alertscolor, alertscount ):
        # send notification if user preference and there are alerts
        if ( alerts != "" and ( int( self.Settings.getSetting( "alert_notify_type" ) ) == 1 or 
            ( alertscolor == "red" and int( self.Settings.getSetting( "alert_notify_type" ) ) > 1 ) or 
            ( alertscolor == "orange" and int( self.Settings.getSetting( "alert_notify_type" ) ) == 3 ) ) and
            ( self.Settings.getSetting( "alert_notify_once" ) == "false" or self.WEATHER_WINDOW.getProperty( "Alerts.RSS" ) != alertsrss )
            xbmc.executebuiltin( "XBMC.Notification(%s,\"%s\",%d,weather.com plus/alert-%s.png)" % ( self._( 32100 ), alertsnotify, ( 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 120, 300, 600, )[ int( self.Settings.getSetting( "alert_notify_time" ) ) ] * 1000, alertscolor, ) )
        # set any alerts
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Alerts", alerts )
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Alerts.RSS", alertsrss )
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Alerts.Color", ( "default", alertscolor, )[ alerts != "" ] )
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Alerts.Count", ( "", str( alertscount ), )[ alertscount > 1 ] )
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Alerts.Label", xbmc.getLocalizedString( 33049 + ( alertscount > 1 ) ) )

    def _set_video( self, video_url ):
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Video", video_url )

    def _set_extra_current_info( self, extras ):
        if ( extras ):
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Current.Pressure", extras[ 0 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Current.Visibility", "%s %s" % ( extras[ 1 ].split( " " )[ 0 ], { "mile": self._( 32300 ), "miles": self._( 32301 ), "kilometer": self._( 32302 ), "kilometers": self._( 32303 ) }[ extras[ 1 ].split( " " )[ 1 ] ], ) )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Current.Sunrise", extras[ 2 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Current.Sunset", extras[ 3 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "Current.Pressure" )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "Current.Visibility" )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "Current.Sunrise" )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "Current.Sunset" )

    def _fetch_36_forecast( self, showView=True ):
        # exit script if user changed locations
        if ( self.areacode != xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Window(Weather).Property(AreaCode)" ) ):
        # fetch 36 hour forecast
        alerts, alertsrss, alertsnotify, alertscolor, alertscount, forecasts, extras, video = self.WeatherClient.fetch_36_forecast( self.WEATHER_WINDOW.getProperty( "Video" ) )
        # set any alerts
        self._set_alerts( alerts, alertsrss, alertsnotify, alertscolor, alertscount )
        # set video
        self._set_video( video )
        # set extra info
        self._set_extra_current_info( extras )
        # enumerate thru and set the info
        for day, forecast in enumerate( forecasts ):
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.%d.OutlookIcon" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 1 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.%d.FanartCode" % ( day + 1, ), os.path.splitext( os.path.basename( forecast[ 1 ] ) )[ 0 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.%d.Outlook" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 2 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.%d.TemperatureColor" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 3 ].lower() )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.%d.TemperatureHeading" % ( day + 1, ), ( xbmc.getLocalizedString( 393 ), xbmc.getLocalizedString( 391 ), )[ forecast[ 3 ] == "Low" ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.%d.Temperature" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 4 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.%d.Precipitation" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 6 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.%d.Forecast" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 7 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.%d.DaylightTitle" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 8 ].replace( "Sunrise", xbmc.getLocalizedString( 33027 ) ).replace( "Sunset", xbmc.getLocalizedString( 33028 ) ) )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.%d.DaylightTime" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 9 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.%d.DaylightType" % ( day + 1, ), ( "sunrise", "sunset", )[ forecast[ 8 ] == "Sunset" ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.%d.Heading" % ( day + 1, ), { "Today": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 33006 ), "Tonight": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 33018 ), "Tomorrow": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 33007 ), "Tomorrow Night": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 33019 ) }[ forecast[ 0 ] ] )
        # use this to hide info until fully fetched
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "36Hour.IsFetched", "true" )

    def _fetch_hourly_forecast( self ):
        # exit script if user changed locations
        if ( self.areacode != xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Window(Weather).Property(AreaCode)" ) ):
        # fetch hourly forecast
        forecasts = self.WeatherClient.fetch_hourly_forecast()
        # localized long and short date dictionary
        longdate_dict = { "January": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 21 ), "February": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 22 ), "March": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 23 ), "April": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 24 ), "May": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 25 ), "June": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 26 ), "July": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 27 ), "August": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 28 ), "September": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 29 ), "October": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 30 ), "November": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 31 ), "December": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 32 ) }
        shortdate_dict = { "January": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 51 ), "February": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 52 ), "March": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 53 ), "April": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 54 ), "May": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 55 ), "June": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 56 ), "July": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 57 ), "August": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 58 ), "September": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 59 ), "October": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 60 ), "November": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 61 ), "December": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 62 ) }
        # enumerate thru and set the info
        for count, forecast in enumerate( forecasts ):
            # set properties
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.Time" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 0 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.LongDate" % ( count + 1, ), "%s %s" % ( longdate_dict.get( forecast[ 1 ].split( " " )[ 0 ], "" ), forecast[ 1 ].split( " " )[ -1 ], ) )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.ShortDate" % ( count + 1, ), "%s %s" % ( shortdate_dict.get( forecast[ 1 ].split( " " )[ 0 ], "" ), forecast[ 1 ].split( " " )[ -1 ], ) )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.OutlookIcon" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 2 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.FanartCode" % ( count + 1, ), os.path.splitext( os.path.basename( forecast[ 2 ] ) )[ 0 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.Temperature" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 3 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.Outlook" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 4 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.FeelsLike" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 5 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.Precipitation" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 6 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.Humidity" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 7 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.WindDirection" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 8 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.WindSpeed" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 9 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.ShortWindDirection" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 10 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.Sunrise" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 11 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.%d.Sunset" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 12 ] )
        # enumerate thru and clear all hourly times
        for count in range( len( forecasts ), 12 ):
            # clear any remaining hourly times as some locals do not have all of them
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "Hourly.%d.Time" % ( count + 1, ) )
        # use this to hide info until fully fetched
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Hourly.IsFetched", "true" )

    def _fetch_weekend_forecast( self ):
        # exit script if user changed locations
        if ( self.areacode != xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Window(Weather).Property(AreaCode)" ) ):
        # fetch weekend forecast
        forecasts = self.WeatherClient.fetch_weekend_forecast()
        # enumerate thru and set the info
        for day, forecast in enumerate( forecasts ):
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.OutlookIcon" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 2 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.FanartCode" % ( day + 1, ), os.path.splitext( os.path.basename( forecast[ 2 ] ) )[ 0 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.Outlook" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 3 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.HighTemperature" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 5 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.LowTemperature" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 7 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.Precipitation" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 9 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.Wind" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 11 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.UV" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 13 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.Humidity" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 15 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.Sunrise" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 17 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.Sunset" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 19 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.Forecast" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 20 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.Observed" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 21 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.ObservedPrecipitation" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 23 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.ObservedAvgHighTemperature" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 25 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.ObservedAvgLowTemperature" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 27 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.ObservedRecordHighTemperature" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 29 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.ObservedRecordLowTemperature" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 31 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.DepartureHigh" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 33 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.DepartureHighColor" % ( day + 1, ), ( "low", "high", "default", )[ ( len( forecast[ 33 ] ) and forecast[ 33 ][ 0 ] == "+" ) + ( forecast[ 33 ] == "+0" ) ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.DepartureLow" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 34 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.DepartureLowColor" % ( day + 1, ), ( "low", "high", "default", )[ ( len( forecast[ 34 ] ) and forecast[ 34 ][ 0 ] == "+" ) + ( forecast[ 34 ] == "+0" ) ] )
            # do this last so skin's visibilty works better
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.%d.Date" % ( day + 1, ), forecast[ 1 ] )
        # use this to hide info until fully fetched
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Weekend.IsFetched", "true" )

    def _fetch_10day_forecast( self ):
        # exit script if user changed locations
        if ( self.areacode != xbmc.getInfoLabel( "Window(Weather).Property(AreaCode)" ) ):
        # fetch daily forecast
        forecasts = self.WeatherClient.fetch_10day_forecast()
        # localized long and short day dictionary
        longday_dict = { "Mon": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 11 ), "Tue": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 12 ), "Wed": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 13 ), "Thu": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 14 ), "Fri": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 15 ), "Sat": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 16 ), "Sun": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 17 ), "Today": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 33006 ), "Tonight": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 33018 ) }
        shortday_dict = { "Mon": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 41 ), "Tue": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 42 ), "Wed": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 43 ), "Thu": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 44 ), "Fri": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 45 ), "Sat": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 46 ), "Sun": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 47 ), "Today": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 33006 ), "Tonight": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 33018 ) }
        # localized long and short date dictionary
        longdate_dict = { "Jan": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 21 ), "Feb": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 22 ), "Mar": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 23 ), "Apr": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 24 ), "May": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 25 ), "Jun": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 26 ), "Jul": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 27 ), "Aug": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 28 ), "Sep": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 29 ), "Oct": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 30 ), "Nov": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 31 ), "Dec": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 32 ) }
        shortdate_dict = { "Jan": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 51 ), "Feb": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 52 ), "Mar": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 53 ), "Apr": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 54 ), "May": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 55 ), "Jun": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 56 ), "Jul": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 57 ), "Aug": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 58 ), "Sep": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 59 ), "Oct": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 60 ), "Nov": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 61 ), "Dec": xbmc.getLocalizedString( 62 ) }
        # enumerate thru and set the info
        for count, forecast in enumerate( forecasts ):
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.LongDay" % ( count + 1, ), longday_dict[ forecast[ 0 ] ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.ShortDay" % ( count + 1, ), shortday_dict[ forecast[ 0 ] ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.LongDate" % ( count + 1, ), "%s %s" % ( longdate_dict[ forecast[ 1 ].split( " " )[ 0 ] ], forecast[ 1 ].split( " " )[ 1 ], ) )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.ShortDate" % ( count + 1, ), "%s %s" % ( shortdate_dict[ forecast[ 1 ].split( " " )[ 0 ] ], forecast[ 1 ].split( " " )[ 1 ], ) )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.OutlookIcon" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 2 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.FanartCode" % ( count + 1, ), os.path.splitext( os.path.basename( forecast[ 2 ] ) )[ 0 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.Outlook" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 3 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.HighTemperature" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 4 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.LowTemperature" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 5 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.Precipitation" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 6 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.WindDirection" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 7 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.WindSpeed" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 8 ] )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.%d.ShortWindDirection" % ( count + 1, ), forecast[ 9 ] )
        # just in case day 10 is missing
        for count in range( len( forecasts ), 10 ):
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "Daily.%d.ShortDay" % ( count + 1, ) )
            self.WEATHER_WINDOW.clearProperty( "Daily.%d.LongDay" % ( count + 1, ) )
        # use this to hide info until fully fetched
        self.WEATHER_WINDOW.setProperty( "Daily.IsFetched", "true" )

    def _exit_script( self ):
        # end script
Ejemplo n.º 14
  by Frost

import os
import xbmc


root = os.getcwd()
settings = xbmc.Settings(root)

ok = settings.openSettings()

if ok:
    import re
    ok = False
    with open(root+"\\xflamefx.xml") as x:
        xml = re.sub("<FireEffect>(\d+)</FireEffect>", "<FireEffect>%s</FireEffect>" % settings.getSetting('FireEffect'), x.read())
        xml = re.sub("<Divisor>(\d+)</Divisor>", "<Divisor>%s</Divisor>" % settings.getSetting('Divisor'), xml)
        palette = settings.getSetting('Palette')
        xml = re.sub("<Palette>(\d+)</Palette>", "<Palette>%s</Palette>" % palette, xml)
        custompalette = "FFD100"
        if palette == "5":
            custompalette = settings.getSetting('CustomPalette')[9:15].upper() or "FFD100"
        xml = re.sub("<CustomPalette>(.*?)</CustomPalette>", "<CustomPalette>0x00%s</CustomPalette>" % custompalette, xml)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    - plays optional trivia slide show w/ optional music, intro/outro videos/still images
    - plays # of optional random trailers w/ optional intro/outro videos
    - plays highlighted video w/ optional intro/outro videos, rating video and dolby/dts video
    - plays # optional Movie Theater outro videos
# main imports
import sys
import os
import xbmcgui
import xbmc

# language method
_L_ = xbmc.Language(scriptPath=os.getcwd()).getLocalizedString
# settings method
_S_ = xbmc.Settings(path=os.getcwd()).getSetting

# set proper message
    message = (
    )[sys.argv[1] == "ClearWatchedTrailers"]
    message = 32520

pDialog = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
pDialog.create(sys.modules["__main__"].__script__, _L_(message))

from urllib import quote_plus
Ejemplo n.º 16
import calendar

from traceback import print_exc

ROOTDIR = os.getcwd().replace(";", "")

    from xbmcaddon import Addon

    __settings__ = Addon(id="script.calendar")
    __language__ = __settings__.getLocalizedString
    print "Mode AddOn ON"

    __settings__ = xbmc.Settings(ROOTDIR)
    __language__ = xbmc.getLocalizedString
    print "Mode plugin ON"

firstWeekDay = __settings__.getSetting("fwday")
print firstWeekDay

if firstWeekDay == "true":

class Agenda:
    def __init__(self):