Ejemplo n.º 1
def main():
    global boiled_clues
    args = get_args('create clue index')
    outf = open_output()

    boiled_clues = load_clues()

    biggest_clues = "<li>%d total clues, which boil down to %d distinct clues" % (len(clues()), len(boiled_clues))

    bcs = [ (len(v), bc, answers_from(v)) for bc, v in boiled_clues.items() ]

    nreused = len([bc for n, bc, _ in bcs if n > 1])
    biggest_clues += "<li>%d (%d%%) of these clues are used in more than one puzzle" % (nreused, nreused*100/len(boiled_clues))

    cluepages_to_make = set()

    # add all boiled clues from all input .xd files
    for fn, contents in find_files(*args.inputs, ext='.xd'):
        xd = xdfile.xdfile(contents.decode('utf-8'), fn)
        for pos, mainclue, mainanswer in xd.iterclues():

    # add top 100 most used boiled clues from corpus
    biggest_clues += '<h2>Most used clues</h2>'

    biggest_clues += '<table class="clues most-used-clues">'
    biggest_clues += th("clue", "# uses", "answers used with this clue")
    for n, bc, ans in sorted(bcs, reverse=True)[:100]:
        biggest_clues += td(mkhref(unboil(bc), bc), n, html_select_options(ans))

    biggest_clues += '</table>'

    most_ambig = "<h2>Most ambiguous clues</h2>"
    most_ambig += '(clues with the largest number of different answers)'
    most_ambig += '<table class="clues most-different-answers">'
    most_ambig += th("Clue", "answers")

    for n, bc, ans in sorted(bcs, reverse=True, key=lambda x: len(set(x[2])))[:100]:
        clue = mkhref(unboil(bc), bc)
        if 'quip' in bc or 'quote' in bc or 'theme' in bc or 'riddle' in bc:
            most_ambig += td(clue, html_select_options(ans), rowclass="theme")
            most_ambig += td(clue, html_select_options(ans))

    most_ambig += '</table>'

    for bc in cluepages_to_make:
        contents = mkwww_cluepage(bc)
        if contents:
            outf.write_html('pub/clue/%s/index.html' % bc, contents, title=bc)

    outf.write_html('pub/clue/index.html', biggest_clues + most_ambig, title="Clues")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    global all_uses
    args = get_args('create word pages and index')
    outf = open_output()

    all_uses = {}

    for ca in clues():
        if ca.answer not in all_uses:
            all_uses[ca.answer] = []

    h = '<li>%d different words</li>' % len(all_uses)

    h += '<h2>Most used words</h2>'
    h += '<table class="clues most-used-words">'
    h += th("word", "# uses", "clues used with this answer")

    wordpages_to_make = set(args.inputs)

    for answer, uses in sorted(all_uses.items(), reverse=True, key=lambda x: len(x[1]))[:100]:
        h += td(mkhref(answer.upper(), answer.upper()),
                html_select_options(uses, strmaker=lambda ca: ca.clue))

    h += '</table>'

    for word in wordpages_to_make:
        outf.write_html('word/%s/index.html' % word.upper(), mkwww_wordpage(word), title=word)

    outf.write_html('word/index.html', h, title="Words")
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    global boiled_clues
    args = get_args('create clue index')
    outf = open_output()

    boiled_clues = load_clues()

    biggest_clues = "<li>%d total clues, which boil down to %d distinct clues" % (len(clues()), len(boiled_clues))

    bcs = [ (len(v), bc, answers_from(v)) for bc, v in boiled_clues.items() ]

    nreused = len([bc for n, bc, _ in bcs if n > 1])
    biggest_clues += "<li>%d (%d%%) of these clues are used in more than one puzzle" % (nreused, nreused*100/len(boiled_clues))

    cluepages_to_make = set()

    biggest_clues += '<h2>Most used clues</h2>'

    biggest_clues += '<table class="clues most-used-clues">'
    biggest_clues += th("clue", "# uses", "answers used with this clue")
    for n, bc, ans in sorted(bcs, reverse=True)[:100]:
        biggest_clues += td(mkhref(unboil(bc), bc), n, html_select_options(ans))

    biggest_clues += '</table>'

    most_ambig = "<h2>Most ambiguous clues</h2>"
    most_ambig += '(clues with the largest number of different answers)'
    most_ambig += '<table class="clues most-different-answers">'
    most_ambig += th("Clue", "answers")

    for n, bc, ans in sorted(bcs, reverse=True, key=lambda x: len(set(x[2])))[:100]:
        clue = mkhref(unboil(bc), bc)
        if 'quip' in bc or 'quote' in bc or 'theme' in bc or 'riddle' in bc:
            most_ambig += td(clue, html_select_options(ans), rowclass="theme")
            most_ambig += td(clue, html_select_options(ans))

    most_ambig += '</table>'

    for bc in cluepages_to_make:
        outf.write_html('pub/clue/%s/index.html' % bc, mkwww_cluepage(bc), title=bc)

    outf.write_html('pub/clue/index.html', biggest_clues + most_ambig, title="Clues")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def grid_diff_html(xd, compare_with=None):
    if compare_with:
        r = mktag('div', tagclass='fullgrid')
        r = mktag('div', tagclass='fullgrid main')

    similarity_pct = ''
    if compare_with:
        real_pct = grid_similarity(xd, compare_with)
        if real_pct < 25:
            return ''

        similarity_pct = " (%d%%)" % real_pct

    xdlink = mktag('div', tagclass='xdid', inner=mkhref("%s %s" % (xd.xdid(), similarity_pct), '/pub/' + xd.xdid()))
    if compare_with is not None:
        r += xdlink
        r += mktag('b', inner=xdlink)
    r += headers_to_html(xd)
    r += grid_to_html(xd, compare_with)

    r += '</div>' # solution
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 5
def grid_diff_html(xd, compare_with=None):
    if compare_with:
        r = mktag("div", tagclass="fullgrid")
        r = mktag("div", tagclass="fullgrid main")

    similarity_pct = ""
    if compare_with:
        real_pct = grid_similarity(xd, compare_with)
        if real_pct < 25:
            return ""

        similarity_pct = " (%d%%)" % real_pct

    xdlink = mktag("div", tagclass="xdid", inner=mkhref("%s %s" % (xd.xdid(), similarity_pct), "/pub/" + xd.xdid()))
    if compare_with is not None:
        r += xdlink
        r += mktag("b", inner=xdlink)
    r += headers_to_html(xd)
    r += grid_to_html(xd, compare_with)

    r += "</div>"  # solution
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 6
def pubyear_svg(rows, height=svg_h, width=svg_w, pubid='', year=''):
    bgclass = 'notexists'

    rects = ''
    pubid CHAR(6),   -- "nyt"
    year CHAR(4),    -- "2006"
    weekday CHAR(3), -- "Mon"
    Size TEXT, -- most common entry
    Editor TEXT, -- most common entry
    Copyright TEXT, -- most common, after removing Date/Author
    NumExisting INTEGER, -- known or assumed to be in existence (0 means unknown)
    NumXd INTEGER,       -- total number in xd
    NumPublic INTEGER,   -- available for public download
    -- duplicate grids, same author
    NumReprints INTEGER, -- 100% grid match
    NumTouchups INTEGER, -- 75-99% grid match
    NumRedone INTEGER,   -- 20-75% grid match
    -- duplicate grids, different author
    NumSuspicious INTEGER, -- >50% similar grid
    NumThemeCopies INTEGER -- >50% similar grid
    row = utils.AttrDict(rows[0])
    svgtitle = '{} {}\n'.format(row.pubid, row.year)
    svgtitle += 'Copyright: {}\n'.format(
        row.Copyright) if row.Copyright else ''
    svgtitle += 'Editor: {}'.format(row.Editor) if row.Editor else ''

    for i, wd in enumerate(utils.WEEKDAYS):  #range(0, 7):
        row = utils.AttrDict(rows[i])
        y = i * 2 + 2
        num_existing = 52 if 's' not in year else 520  # (eventually number of this weekday in that year, *10 for decades)

        num_xd = int(row.NumXd)
        if num_xd > 0:
            bgclass = 'exists'

        #dup_length is length of dup/orange line
        num_dup = int(row.NumReprints) + int(row.NumTouchups) + int(

        # susp_length is length of suspicious/red line
        num_susp = int(row.NumSuspicious)
        num_theme = int(row.NumThemeCopies)
        # TODO: base color on suspicious vs theme (darker when only suspicious)

        num_pub = int(row.NumPublic)

        num_priv = num_xd - num_pub

        pixel_prexd = 0
        pixel_postxd = 0
        if num_xd < num_existing:
            # for now; eventually should use earliest/latest date and puzzle to determine which side has gap
            # npre = weekdays_between(date(year_from(firstxd.Date), 1, 1), firstxd.Date, i)
            # npost = weekdays_between(lastxd.Date, date(year_from(lastxd.Date), 12, 31), i)
            pixel_prexd = 1
            pixel_postxd = 1

        if not num_xd or not num_existing:

        pixel_total = width - pixel_prexd - pixel_postxd

        if num_xd <= num_existing:
            pixel_xd = pixel_total * num_xd / num_existing
            pixel_xd = pixel_total

        # then convert num_* to pixel_*, num_existing to pixel_total
        pixel_susp = num_susp * pixel_xd / num_xd
        pixel_theme = num_theme * pixel_xd / num_xd
        pixel_dup = num_dup * pixel_xd / num_xd
        pixel_pub = num_pub * pixel_xd / num_xd
        pixel_priv = num_priv * pixel_xd / num_xd

        if pixel_theme > 0 and pixel_theme < 1:
            pixel_theme = 1
        if pixel_susp > 0 and pixel_susp < 1:
            pixel_susp = 1
        if pixel_dup > 0 and pixel_dup < 1:
            pixel_dup = 1

        m = re.match(r'(\d+?)x(\d+?).*', row.Size)
        if m:
            sz = int(m.group(1)) * int(m.group(2))
            if sz > 17 * 17:
                h = 4
                h = 3
            h = 3

        x = 0
        w = 6
        rects += '''<g id="{}" transform="translate(0,{y})">'''.format(
            utils.WEEKDAYS[i], y=int(y))

        w = pixel_prexd
        #        rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'prexd')
        x += w

        w = pixel_susp
        rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'suspxd')
        x += w

        w = pixel_theme
        rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'themexd')
        x += w

        w = pixel_dup
        rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'dupxd')
        x += w

        if x <= pixel_total:
            w = min(pixel_total - x, max(0, pixel_priv))
            rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'privxd')
            x += w

        if x <= pixel_total:
            w = min(pixel_total - x, max(0, pixel_pub))
            rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'pubxd')
            x += w

#        w = pixel_postxd
#        rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'postxd')
        rects += '</g>'
    href = "/pub/%s%s/index.html" % (pubid, year)
    ret = html.mkhref(
        pys.format(w=width, h=height, classes=bgclass, body=rects), href,
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 7
def main():
    p = utils.args_parser(desc="generate pubyear svg and pubyear pages")
                   help='only output root map')
    args = utils.get_args(parser=p)
    outf = utils.open_output()

    pubyears = defaultdict(list)
    pubyears_idx = defaultdict(list)
    # years_idx = []
    for r in metadb.read_rows('pub/stats'):
        y = r.year or '0000'
        pubyear = r.pubid + str(y)
        if y not in pubyears_idx[r.pubid]:
        # if r.year not in years_idx:
        #    years_idx.append(r.year)

    # Making collapsed decades depends on args
    allyears = []
    for i in range(DECADE_SKIP_START // 10, DECADE_SKIP_END // 10 + 1):
        allyears.append("%s0s" % i)
        [str(y) for y in range(DECADE_SKIP_END + 10,
                               date.today().year + 1)])

    html_out = []
        '<p>Grouped by publication-year and broken out by day-of-week (Monday at top, Sunday at bottom).</p>'
    html_out.append(legend)  # See definition above
    html_out.append('<table id="pubyearmap" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">')

    # Table header with years \ decades
    year_header = gen_year_header(allyears)

    pubs_total = {}
    for pubid in pubyears_idx:
        pubs_total[pubid] = len(metadb.xd_puzzles(pubid))

    # sort rows by number of puzzles
    sorted_pubs = sorted(pubs_total.keys(),
                         key=lambda pubid: pubs_total[pubid],
    for pub in args.inputs or sorted_pubs:
        if pubs_total[pub] < 20:

        # Process each pub in index
        pubobj = metadb.xd_publications().get(pub)
        if pubobj:
            pubname = pubobj.PublicationName or pubobj.PublisherName
            pubname = pub
        html_out.append('<tr><td class="header">{}</td>'.format(
            html.mkhref(pubname, 'pub/' + pub)))

        for year in sorted(allyears):
            html_out.append('<td class="year_widget">')
            py_td = td_for_pubyear(pubyears, pub, year)
            if py_td:
                if not args.pubonly:
                        pubyear_html(pub, year),
                        "{pubname}, {year}".format(**locals()))
                # otherwise
                width = svg_w if 's' not in year else svg_w * decade_scale


        # Add totals + publishers
        html_out.append('<td class="header">{}</td>'.format(pubs_total[pub]))
        html_out.append('<td class="header">{}</td>'.format(
            html.mkhref(pubname, 'pub/' + pub)))

    total_xd = len(metadb.xd_puzzles())
    outf.write_html('index.html', "".join(html_out),
                    "Comparison of %s published crossword grids" % total_xd)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def mkcell(text, href="", title=""):
    r = '<div>'
    r += mkhref(text, href, title=title)
    r += '</div>'
    return r
Ejemplo n.º 9
def pubyear_svg(rows, height=svg_h, width=svg_w, pubid='', year=''):
    bgclass = 'notexists'

    rects = ''
    pubid CHAR(6),   -- "nyt"
    year CHAR(4),    -- "2006"
    weekday CHAR(3), -- "Mon"
    Size TEXT, -- most common entry
    Editor TEXT, -- most common entry
    Copyright TEXT, -- most common, after removing Date/Author
    NumExisting INTEGER, -- known or assumed to be in existence (0 means unknown)
    NumXd INTEGER,       -- total number in xd
    NumPublic INTEGER,   -- available for public download
    -- duplicate grids, same author
    NumReprints INTEGER, -- 100% grid match
    NumTouchups INTEGER, -- 75-99% grid match
    NumRedone INTEGER,   -- 20-75% grid match
    -- duplicate grids, different author
    NumSuspicious INTEGER, -- >50% similar grid
    NumThemeCopies INTEGER -- >50% similar grid
    row = utils.AttrDict(rows[0])
    svgtitle = '{} {}\n'.format(row.pubid, row.year)
    svgtitle += 'Copyright: {}\n'.format(row.Copyright) if row.Copyright else ''
    svgtitle += 'Editor: {}'.format(row.Editor) if row.Editor else ''

    for i, wd in enumerate(utils.WEEKDAYS): #range(0, 7):
        row = utils.AttrDict(rows[i])
        y = i*2 + 2
        num_existing = 52 if 's' not in year else 520 # (eventually number of this weekday in that year, *10 for decades)

        num_xd = int(row.NumXd)
        if num_xd > 0:
            bgclass = 'exists'

        #dup_length is length of dup/orange line
        num_dup = int(row.NumReprints) + int(row.NumTouchups) + int(row.NumRedone)

        # susp_length is length of suspicious/red line
        num_susp = int(row.NumSuspicious)
        num_theme = int(row.NumThemeCopies)
        # TODO: base color on suspicious vs theme (darker when only suspicious)

        num_pub = int(row.NumPublic)

        num_priv = num_xd - num_pub

        pixel_prexd = 0
        pixel_postxd = 0
        if num_xd < num_existing:
            # for now; eventually should use earliest/latest date and puzzle to determine which side has gap
            # npre = weekdays_between(date(year_from(firstxd.Date), 1, 1), firstxd.Date, i)
            # npost = weekdays_between(lastxd.Date, date(year_from(lastxd.Date), 12, 31), i)
            pixel_prexd = 1
            pixel_postxd = 1

        if not num_xd or not num_existing:

        pixel_total = width - pixel_prexd - pixel_postxd

        if num_xd <= num_existing:
            pixel_xd = pixel_total * num_xd / num_existing
            pixel_xd = pixel_total

        # then convert num_* to pixel_*, num_existing to pixel_total
        pixel_susp = num_susp*pixel_xd/num_xd
        pixel_theme = num_theme*pixel_xd/num_xd
        pixel_dup = num_dup*pixel_xd/num_xd
        pixel_pub = num_pub*pixel_xd/num_xd
        pixel_priv = num_priv*pixel_xd/num_xd

        if pixel_theme > 0 and pixel_theme < 1:
            pixel_theme = 1
        if pixel_susp > 0 and pixel_susp < 1:
            pixel_susp = 1
        if pixel_dup > 0 and pixel_dup < 1:
            pixel_dup = 1

        m = re.match(r'(\d+?)x(\d+?).*', row.Size)
        if m:
            sz = int(m.group(1)) * int(m.group(2))
            if sz > 17*17:
                h = 4
                h = 3
            h = 3

        x = 0
        w = 6
        rects += '''<g id="{}" transform="translate(0,{y})">'''.format(utils.WEEKDAYS[i],y=int(y))

        w = pixel_prexd
#        rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'prexd')
        x += w

        w = pixel_susp
        rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'suspxd')
        x += w

        w = pixel_theme
        rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'themexd')
        x += w

        w = pixel_dup
        rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'dupxd')
        x += w

        if x <= pixel_total:
            w = min(pixel_total - x, max(0, pixel_priv))
            rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'privxd')
            x += w

        if x <= pixel_total:
            w = min(pixel_total - x, max(0, pixel_pub))
            rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'pubxd')
            x += w

#        w = pixel_postxd
#        rects += rect(x, y, w, h, 'postxd')
        rects += '</g>'
    href = "/pub/%s%s/index.html" % (pubid, year)
    ret = html.mkhref(pys.format(w=width,h=height,classes=bgclass,body=rects), href, svgtitle)
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main():
    p = utils.args_parser(desc="generate pubyear svg and pubyear pages")
    p.add_argument('-p', '--pubonly', action="store_true", default=False, help='only output root map')
    args = utils.get_args(parser=p)
    outf = utils.open_output()

    pubyears = defaultdict(list)
    pubyears_idx = defaultdict(list)
    # years_idx = []
    for r in metadb.read_rows('pub/stats'):
        y = r.year or '0000'
        pubyear = r.pubid + str(y)
        if y not in pubyears_idx[r.pubid]:
        # if r.year not in years_idx:
        #    years_idx.append(r.year)

    # Making collapsed decades depends on args
    allyears = []
    for i in range(DECADE_SKIP_START//10, DECADE_SKIP_END//10 + 1):
        allyears.append("%s0s" % i)
    allyears.extend([ str(y) for y in range(DECADE_SKIP_END + 10, date.today().year + 1) ])

    html_out = []
    html_out.append('<p>Grouped by publication-year and broken out by day-of-week (Monday at top, Sunday at bottom).</p>')
    html_out.append(legend) # See definition above
    html_out.append('<table id="pubyearmap" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">')

    # Table header with years \ decades
    year_header = gen_year_header(allyears)

    pubs_total = {}
    for pubid in pubyears_idx:
        pubs_total[pubid] = len(metadb.xd_puzzles(pubid))

    # sort rows by number of puzzles
    sorted_pubs = sorted(pubs_total.keys(), key=lambda pubid: pubs_total[pubid], reverse=True)
    for pub in args.inputs or sorted_pubs:
        if pubs_total[pub] < 20:

        # Process each pub in index
        pubobj = metadb.xd_publications().get(pub)
        if pubobj:
            pubname = pubobj.PublicationName or pubobj.PublisherName
            pubname = pub
        html_out.append('<tr><td class="header">{}</td>'.format(html.mkhref(pubname, pub)))

        for year in sorted(allyears):
            html_out.append('<td class="year_widget">')
            py_td = td_for_pubyear(pubyears, pub, year)
            if py_td:
                if not args.pubonly:
                    outf.write_html('pub/{pub}{year}/index.html'.format(**locals()), pubyear_html(pub, year),
                                    "{pubname}, {year}".format(**locals()))
                # otherwise
                width = svg_w if 's' not in year else svg_w*decade_scale
                html_out.append(pys.format(w=width, h=svg_h, title='', classes='notexists', body=''))


        # Add totals + publishers
        html_out.append('<td class="header">{}</td>'.format(pubs_total[pub]))
        html_out.append('<td class="header">{}</td>'.format(html.mkhref(pubname, pub)))

    total_xd = len(metadb.xd_puzzles())
    outf.write_html('index.html', "".join(html_out), "Comparison of %s published crossword grids" % total_xd)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def mkcell(text, href="", title=""):
    r = '<div>'
    r += mkhref(text, href, title=title)
    r += '</div>'
    return r