Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(lsysargv, sysargv):
    xfl.fl_initialize(lsysargv, sysargv, "FormDemo", None, 0)
    xfl.fl_set_resource(xfl.FLOKLabel, "Go")
    if xfl.fl_show_question("Do you want bold font ?", 1):
        xfl.fl_set_goodies_font(xfl.FL_BOLD_STYLE, xfl.FL_NORMAL_SIZE)
    xfl.fl_show_messages("This is a test program for the goodies of the "
            "xforms library")
    xfl.fl_add_timeout(5000, timeout_remove_alert, 0)
    xfl.fl_show_alert("Alert", "Alert form can be used to inform", \
            " about recoverable errors", 0)
    if xfl.fl_show_question("Do you want to quit?", 0):
    s = xfl.fl_show_input("Enter a string:", "")
    if not s:
        s = ""
    str1 = s
    xfl.fl_show_message("You typed:", "", str1)
    choice = xfl.fl_show_choices("Pick a choice", 3, "One", "Two", \
            "Three", 2)
    if choice == 1:
        xfl.fl_show_message("You typed: One", "", "")
    elif choice == 2:
        xfl.fl_show_message("You typed: Two", "", "")
    elif choice == 3:
        xfl.fl_show_message("You typed: Three", "", "")
        xfl.fl_show_message("An error occured!", "", "")
    s = xfl.fl_show_input("Enter another string:", str1)
    if not s:
        s = "<Cancel>"
    str2 = s
    xfl.fl_show_message("You typed:", "", str2)
    xfl.fl_show_messages("Good Bye")
    return 0
 def start_timer(self, pobj, data):
     if self.fd_form.timer_id:
     self.fd_form.ldata += 200
     buf = "Timer accuracy testing %.3f sec ..." % \
             float(self.fd_form.ldata * 0.001)
     xfl.fl_set_object_label(self.fd_form.report, buf)
     self.start_sec, self.start_usec = xfl.fl_gettime()
     self.fd_form.timer_id = xfl.fl_add_timeout(self.fd_form.ldata, \
             self.timer_cb, 0)
 def post_handler(self, pobj, event, mx, my, key, xev):
     if not pobj.contents.u_cdata:
         return 0
     if event == xfl.FL_ENTER:
         self.timeoutID = xfl.fl_add_timeout(self.INTERVAL, \
                 self.do_tips, pobj)
     elif event == xfl.FL_LEAVE or event == xfl.FL_PUSH:
         if self.timeoutID:
             self.timeoutID = 0
     return 0
 def do_tips(self, id_, pobj):
     onetext = ""
     #if xfl.fl_is_same_object(pobj, self.fd_form0.done):
     #    onetext = "Want to quit ?\nPress me"
     #elif xfl.fl_is_same_object(pobj, self.fd_form0.peek):
     #    onetext = "Turn preempting off"
     #elif xfl.fl_is_same_object(pobj, self.fd_form0.override):
     #    onetext = "Turn preempting on"
     xfl.fl_show_oneliner(onetext, pobj.contents.form.x + \
             pobj.contents.x, pobj.contents.form.y + \
             pobj.contents.y + pobj.contents.h + 1)
     self.timeoutID = xfl.fl_add_timeout(self.INTERVAL, self.do_tips, pobj)
def pressedCB(pobj, data):
    tid = xfl.fl_add_timeout(300, timeoutCB, None)
    print("tid=%d\n" % tid)