Ejemplo n.º 1
    def depGraph(self, rpmChooser, alreadyInstalled):
        rv = Graph()
        # create a graph node for each RPM
        for rpm in self.rpms:
            gn = GraphNode(rpm, [])

        # populate adjacency lists:
        def findGraphNode(graph, rpm):
            for x in graph:
                if x.name == rpm:
                    return x

        for node in rv:
            for p in node.name.depends:
                if p in alreadyInstalled:
                # not interested in rpmlib(...) style deps.
                if p[0][:7] != "rpmlib(":
                    rpmd = self.whoProvides(p)
                    if len(rpmd) > 0:
                        rpmProvider = rpmChooser(p, rpmd)
                        if len(filter(lambda x: x.name.rpmname == rpmProvider.rpmname, node.adj)) == 0:
                            node.adj.append(findGraphNode(rv, rpmProvider))
                        _log(3, "Warning: dependency not satisfied: %s requires %s" % (node.name.rpmname, [p]))

        return rv
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def solveDeps(self, repoList, rpmChooser, alreadyInstalled=[]):
        # first make sure we have all the RPMs in this RPMSet that
        # we need in order to install each RPM in the set
        changed = False
        loop = True
        while loop:
            for rpm in self.rpms:
                # check each package's deps are satisfied:
                for p in rpm.depends:
                    if p[0][:7] != "rpmlib(" and p[0] not in alreadyInstalled:
                        if len(self.whoProvides(p)) == 0:
                            # we need to get another package from
                            # the repo set:
                            possibles = []
                            for repo in repoList:
                                possibles += repo.whoProvides(p)
                            if len(possibles) == 0:
                                    2, "dep %s in %s not resolved." %
                                    (p, rpm.rpmname))
                                # do we already have any of the providers:
                                install = True
                                for x in possibles:
                                    if x.packagename in alreadyInstalled:
                                        install = False
                                if install:
                                    actual = rpmChooser(p, possibles)
                                    if actual not in self.rpms:
                                            "Including %s to provide %s for %s"
                                            % (actual.rpmname, p, rpm.rpmname))
                                        changed = True

            if not changed:
                loop = False
                changed = False

        self._deps_solved = True
Ejemplo n.º 3
def graph(installdef, repos):
    packagelist = getPackageList(installdef, repos)
    installation_set = xgi.rpmtools.RPMSet()
    for p in packagelist:
        rpm = selectRPM(p, repos)
        if not rpm:
            _log(3, "Warning: No RPM provides %s; package ignored." % p)

    # pull in dependencies:
    installation_set.solveDeps([rpmset for (_, rpmset) in repos], rpmChooser)

    # produce dependency graph:
    graph = installation_set.depGraph(rpmChooser, [])
    print "digraph {"
    for node in graph:
        print '   "' + node.name.packagename  + '"'
        for adj in node.adj:
            print '   "%s" -> "%s"' % (node.name.packagename, adj.name.packagename)
    print "}"
Ejemplo n.º 4
def graph(installdef, repos):
    packagelist = getPackageList(installdef, repos)
    installation_set = xgi.rpmtools.RPMSet()
    for p in packagelist:
        rpm = selectRPM(p, repos)
        if not rpm:
            _log(3, "Warning: No RPM provides %s; package ignored." % p)

    # pull in dependencies:
    installation_set.solveDeps([rpmset for (_, rpmset) in repos], rpmChooser)

    # produce dependency graph:
    graph = installation_set.depGraph(rpmChooser, [])
    print "digraph {"
    for node in graph:
        print '   "' + node.name.packagename + '"'
        for adj in node.adj:
            print '   "%s" -> "%s"' % (node.name.packagename,
    print "}"
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def solveDeps(self, repoList, rpmChooser, alreadyInstalled = []):
        # first make sure we have all the RPMs in this RPMSet that
        # we need in order to install each RPM in the set
        changed = False
        loop = True
        while loop:
            for rpm in self.rpms:
                # check each package's deps are satisfied:
                for p in rpm.depends:
                    if p[0][:7] != "rpmlib(" and p[0] not in alreadyInstalled:
                        if len(self.whoProvides(p)) == 0:
                            # we need to get another package from
                            # the repo set:
                            possibles = []
                            for repo in repoList:
                                possibles += repo.whoProvides(p)
                            if len(possibles) == 0:
                                _log(2, "dep %s in %s not resolved." % (p, rpm.rpmname))
                                # do we already have any of the providers:
                                install = True
                                for x in possibles:
                                    if x.packagename in alreadyInstalled:
                                        install = False
                                if install:
                                    actual = rpmChooser(p, possibles)
                                    if actual not in self.rpms:
                                        _log(2, "Including %s to provide %s for %s" % (actual.rpmname, p, rpm.rpmname))
                                        changed = True
            if not changed:
                loop = False
                changed = False

        self._deps_solved = True
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def depGraph(self, rpmChooser, alreadyInstalled):
        rv = Graph()

        # create a graph node for each RPM
        for rpm in self.rpms:
            gn = GraphNode(rpm, [])

        # populate adjacency lists:
        def findGraphNode(graph, rpm):
            for x in graph:
                if x.name == rpm:
                    return x

        for node in rv:
            for p in node.name.depends:
                if p in alreadyInstalled:

                # not interested in rpmlib(...) style deps.
                if p[0][:7] != "rpmlib(":
                    rpmd = self.whoProvides(p)
                    if len(rpmd) > 0:
                        rpmProvider = rpmChooser(p, rpmd)
                        if len(
                                    lambda x: x.name.rpmname == rpmProvider.
                                    rpmname, node.adj)) == 0:
                            node.adj.append(findGraphNode(rv, rpmProvider))
                            "Warning: dependency not satisfied: %s requires %s"
                            % (node.name.rpmname, [p]))

        return rv
Ejemplo n.º 7
            # it's a file, check capabilities then files:
            # (some 'files' are listed in the packages section
            #  because they are symlinks created by pre/post
            #  install script).
            return (p2, None) in self.provides or p2 in self.files
            # it's a package, check packages:
            return (p2, v2) in self.provides

    # is (p1,v1) compatible with (p2,v2)?
    def package_compatible((p1, v1), (p2, v2)):
        # this is grim - we should check the version really:
            rv = (p1 == p2)
        except UnicodeDecodeError, u:
            _log(1, "Unicode error: %s" % u)
            _log(1, "p1: %s" % p1)
            _log(1, "p2: %s" % p2)
            return False

        return rv

    package_compatible = staticmethod(package_compatible)

# Represents a set of RPMs, e.g. a repository or an installation
# set.
class RPMSet:
    def __init__(self):
        self.rpms = []  # RPMs in db
        self.rpmmap = {}  # pkg-id => rpm
Ejemplo n.º 8
def doInstall(installdef,

    _log(1, "Preparing installation directory...")
    if bootstrapping:
        _log(1, "********* BOOTSTRAPPING STAGE ********")
        _log(1, "********* MAIN INSTALL STAGE ********")

    # set up 'action' to run commands - maybe we actually need
    # to implement a function for this at some point?
    if test:
        action = lambda x: _log(1, "run: %s" % x)
        action = lambda x: os.system(x)

    # make sure destination exists:
    updating = os.path.isdir(root) and not clean
    if not updating:
        _log(1, "(Initialising a chroot.)")
        if not os.path.isdir(root):
        _log(1, "(Updating a chroot.)")

    def makedirs_p(d):
        if not os.path.exists(d):

    if not test and not updating:
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "dev"))
        os.system("%s mknod --mode=0666 %s/dev/null c 1 3" % \
                  (sudotoolpath, root))
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "proc"))
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "etc"))
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "sys"))
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "var", "tmp"))
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "var", "lock", "rpm"))
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "var", "lib", "rpm"))
        for d in ['dev', os.path.join("dev", "null"), 'proc', 'etc', 'sys']:
            os.system("%s chown root:root '%s/%s'" % \
                      (sudotoolpath, root, d))
        _log(1, "Make /dev /proc /etc /sys /var/lib/rpm")

    # helper function to find an rpm binary inside a chroot:
    def rpm_in_chroot(root):
        paths = ['usr/bin/rpm', 'bin/rpm']
        return True in [
            os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (root, path)) for path in paths

    def rpm(root, cmdline):
        if rpm_in_chroot(root):
            return action("%s chroot %s rpm %s" %
                          (sudotoolpath, root, cmdline))
            return action("%s %s root='%s' %s" %
                          (sudotoolpath, rpmtoolpath, root, cmdline))

    # create an empty fstab and mtab, and initial device nodes:
    if not updating:
        action("%s touch %s" % (sudotoolpath, os.path.join(root, "etc/fstab")))
        action("%s touch %s" % (sudotoolpath, os.path.join(root, "etc/mtab")))
        if not bootstrapping:
            rpm(root, "--initdb")

    alreadyInstalled = []
    if updating:
        _log(2, "Checking which packages are already installed...")
        if rpm_in_chroot(root):
            pipe = popen2.Popen3("%s chroot %s rpm -qa --qf '%%{NAME}\n'" %
                                 (sudotoolpath, root))
            pipe = popen2.Popen3("%s --root %s -qa --qf '%%{NAME}\n'" %
                                 (rpmtoolpath, root))
        alreadyInstalled = [x.rstrip() for x in pipe.fromchild.readlines()]
        if pipe.wait() != 0:
            alreadyInstalled = []
            _log(2, "Check for currently installed packages failed")
    _log(1, "Determining packages to install...")
    packagelist = getPackageList(installdef, repos)
    packagelist = filter(lambda x: x not in alreadyInstalled, packagelist)

    # create an installation RPM set:
    installation_set = xgi.rpmtools.RPMSet()
    for p in packagelist:
        rpmfile = selectRPM(p, repos)
        if not rpmfile:
            _log(2, "Warning: No RPM provides %s: package ignored." % p)
                "Installing %s to provide %s which was on the command-line" %
                (rpmfile.rpmname, p))

    _log(1, "Solving dependencies...")
    installation_set.solveDeps([rpmset for (_, rpmset) in repos],

    _log(1, "Computing installation order...")
    installation_order = installation_set.getInstallOrder(
        rpmChooser, alreadyInstalled=alreadyInstalled)

    _log(1, "Performing installation...")
    _log(2, "Installing RPM Packages...")

    # create the RPM database if we're initialising:
    if not updating and not bootstrapping:
        rpm(root, '--initdb')

    for x in installation_order:
        if bootstrapping:
            for p in [y.rpmname for y in x]:
                _log(2, "Processing %s: " % os.path.basename(p))
                rc = action("cd %s && (rpm2cpio %s | %s cpio -idu)" %
                            (root, p, sudotoolpath))
                if rc != 0:
                    raise RuntimeError, "Error extracting %s during bootstrapping." % p
                    2, "Removing configuration files for %s" %
                pipe = os.popen("rpm -qcp %s" % p)
                for line in pipe:
                    line = line.lstrip('/').strip()
                    if line != "" and line != "(contains no files)":
                        path = os.path.join(root, line)
                        action("%s rm -f %s" % (sudotoolpath, path))
            if rpm_in_chroot(root):
                # copy in the files, then install them from within:
                rpmfiles = [y.rpmname for y in x]
                for rpmfile in rpmfiles:
                    if action("%s cp %s %s" %
                              (sudotoolpath, rpmfile, os.path.join(
                                  root, 'tmp'))) != 0:
                        raise RuntimeError, "Error copying %s to the chroot for extraction using inner RPM." % rpmfile

                packages = [
                    '/tmp/%s' % os.path.basename(rpmfile)
                    for rpmfile in rpmfiles
                pkg_string = " ".join(packages)
                _log(2, "Installing %s using rpm inside chroot." % pkg_string)

                rc = rpm(root, '--force -ivh %s' % pkg_string)
                for rpmfile in rpmfiles:
                    pkgpath = os.path.join(root, 'tmp',
                    action("%s rm %s" % (sudotoolpath, pkgpath))
                # install from outside:
                packages = " ".join(map(lambda x: x.rpmname, x))
                _log(2, "Installing %s from outside the chroot." % packages)
                rc = rpm(root, '--force -ivh %s' % packages)

        if manifest_file:
            for p in [y.rpmname for y in x]:
                manifest_file.write("%s %d\n" % (p, rc))

    _log(2, "Package installation complete.")

    _log(1, "Cleaning up")
    action("%s umount -l %s" % (sudotoolpath, os.path.join(root, "proc")))

    _log(1, "Guest installation complete!")
Ejemplo n.º 9
def rpmChooser(package, rpms):
    if len(rpms) > 1:
            2, "Choices for %s: %s - choosing %s" %
            (package, [x.packagename for x in rpms], rpms[0].packagename))
    return rpms[0]
Ejemplo n.º 10
            # it's a file, check capabilities then files:
            # (some 'files' are listed in the packages section
            #  because they are symlinks created by pre/post
            #  install script).
            return (p2, None) in self.provides or p2 in self.files
            # it's a package, check packages:
            return (p2, v2) in self.provides

    # is (p1,v1) compatible with (p2,v2)?
    def package_compatible((p1,v1), (p2,v2)):
        # this is grim - we should check the version really:
            rv = (p1 == p2)
        except UnicodeDecodeError, u:
            _log(1, "Unicode error: %s" % u)
            _log(1, "p1: %s" % p1)
            _log(1, "p2: %s" % p2)
	    return False
        return rv

    package_compatible = staticmethod(package_compatible)

# Represents a set of RPMs, e.g. a repository or an installation
# set.
class RPMSet:
    def __init__(self):
        self.rpms = [] # RPMs in db
        self.rpmmap = {} # pkg-id => rpm
Ejemplo n.º 11
def doInstall(installdef, root, repos,
              test = False,
              clean = False,
              rpmtoolpath = "rpm",
              sudotoolpath = "sudo",
              manifest_file = None,
              bootstrapping = False):
    _log(1, "Preparing installation directory...")
    if bootstrapping:
        _log(1, "********* BOOTSTRAPPING STAGE ********")
        _log(1, "********* MAIN INSTALL STAGE ********")

    # set up 'action' to run commands - maybe we actually need
    # to implement a function for this at some point?
    if test:
        action = lambda x: _log(1, "run: %s" % x)
        action = lambda x: os.system(x)

    # make sure destination exists:
    updating = os.path.isdir(root) and not clean
    if not updating:
        _log(1, "(Initialising a chroot.)")
        if not os.path.isdir(root):
        _log(1, "(Updating a chroot.)")

    def makedirs_p(d):
        if not os.path.exists(d):

    if not test and not updating:
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "dev"))
        os.system("%s mknod --mode=0666 %s/dev/null c 1 3" % \
                  (sudotoolpath, root))
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "proc"))
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "etc"))
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "sys"))
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "var", "tmp"))
        makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "var", "lock", "rpm"))
	makedirs_p(os.path.join(root, "var", "lib", "rpm"))
        for d in ['dev', os.path.join("dev", "null"), 'proc', 'etc', 'sys']:
            os.system("%s chown root:root '%s/%s'" % \
                      (sudotoolpath, root, d))
        _log(1, "Make /dev /proc /etc /sys /var/lib/rpm")

    # helper function to find an rpm binary inside a chroot:
    def rpm_in_chroot(root):
        paths = [ 'usr/bin/rpm', 'bin/rpm' ]
        return True in [ os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (root, path)) for path in paths ]

    def rpm(root, cmdline):
        if rpm_in_chroot(root):
            return action("%s chroot %s rpm %s" % (sudotoolpath, root, cmdline))
            return action("%s %s root='%s' %s" % (sudotoolpath, rpmtoolpath, root, cmdline))

    # create an empty fstab and mtab, and initial device nodes:
    if not updating:
        action("%s touch %s" % (sudotoolpath, os.path.join(root, "etc/fstab")))
        action("%s touch %s" % (sudotoolpath, os.path.join(root, "etc/mtab")))
        if not bootstrapping:
            rpm(root, "--initdb")

    alreadyInstalled = []
    if updating:
        _log(2, "Checking which packages are already installed...")
        if rpm_in_chroot(root):
            pipe = popen2.Popen3("%s chroot %s rpm -qa --qf '%%{NAME}\n'" % (sudotoolpath, root))
            pipe = popen2.Popen3("%s --root %s -qa --qf '%%{NAME}\n'" % (rpmtoolpath, root))
        alreadyInstalled = [x.rstrip() for x in pipe.fromchild.readlines()]
        if pipe.wait() != 0:
            alreadyInstalled = []
            _log(2, "Check for currently installed packages failed")
    _log(1, "Determining packages to install...")
    packagelist = getPackageList(installdef, repos)
    packagelist = filter(lambda x: x not in alreadyInstalled, packagelist)

    # create an installation RPM set:
    installation_set = xgi.rpmtools.RPMSet()
    for p in packagelist:
        rpmfile = selectRPM(p, repos)
        if not rpmfile:
            _log(2, "Warning: No RPM provides %s: package ignored." % p)
            _log(2, "Installing %s to provide %s which was on the command-line" % (rpmfile.rpmname, p))

    _log(1, "Solving dependencies...")
    installation_set.solveDeps([rpmset for (_, rpmset) in repos], rpmChooser, alreadyInstalled = alreadyInstalled)

    _log(1, "Computing installation order...")
    installation_order = installation_set.getInstallOrder(rpmChooser, alreadyInstalled = alreadyInstalled)

    _log(1, "Performing installation...")
    _log(2, "Installing RPM Packages...")
    # create the RPM database if we're initialising:
    if not updating and not bootstrapping:
        rpm(root, '--initdb')

    for x in installation_order:
        if bootstrapping:
            for p in [y.rpmname for y in x]:
                _log(2, "Processing %s: " % os.path.basename(p))
                rc = action("cd %s && (rpm2cpio %s | %s cpio -idu)" % (root, p, sudotoolpath))
                if rc != 0:
                    raise RuntimeError, "Error extracting %s during bootstrapping." % p
                _log(2, "Removing configuration files for %s" % os.path.basename(p))
                pipe = os.popen("rpm -qcp %s" % p)
                for line in pipe:
                    line = line.lstrip('/').strip()
                    if line != "" and line != "(contains no files)":
                        path = os.path.join(root, line)
                        action("%s rm -f %s" % (sudotoolpath, path))
            if rpm_in_chroot(root):
                # copy in the files, then install them from within:
                rpmfiles = [y.rpmname for y in x]
                for rpmfile in rpmfiles:
                    if action("%s cp %s %s" % (sudotoolpath, rpmfile, os.path.join(root, 'tmp'))) != 0:
                        raise RuntimeError, "Error copying %s to the chroot for extraction using inner RPM." % rpmfile
                packages = ['/tmp/%s' % os.path.basename(rpmfile) for rpmfile in rpmfiles]
                pkg_string = " ".join(packages)
                _log(2, "Installing %s using rpm inside chroot." % pkg_string)

                rc = rpm(root, '--force -ivh %s' % pkg_string)
                for rpmfile in rpmfiles:
                    pkgpath = os.path.join(root, 'tmp', os.path.basename(rpmfile))
                    action("%s rm %s" % (sudotoolpath, pkgpath))
                # install from outside:
                packages = " ".join(map(lambda x: x.rpmname, x))
                _log(2, "Installing %s from outside the chroot." % packages)
                rc = rpm(root, '--force -ivh %s' % packages)

        if manifest_file:
            for p in [y.rpmname for y in x]:
                manifest_file.write("%s %d\n" % (p, rc))

    _log(2, "Package installation complete.")

    _log(1, "Cleaning up")
    action("%s umount -l %s" % (sudotoolpath, os.path.join(root, "proc")))

    _log(1, "Guest installation complete!")
Ejemplo n.º 12
def rpmChooser(package, rpms):
    if len(rpms) > 1:
        _log(2, "Choices for %s: %s - choosing %s" % (package, [x.packagename for x in rpms], rpms[0].packagename))
    return rpms[0]