Ejemplo n.º 1
def visualize_image_with_pts_bbox(input_image, input_pts, window_size, linewidth=0.5, edge_color_index=20, 
	pts_color_index=0, pts_size=20, vis_threshold=0.3, label=False, label_list=None, label_size=20,
	bgr2rgb=False, save_path=None, vis=False, warning=True, debug=True, closefig=True):
	plot a set of points on top of an image with bbox around all points

		input_image:		a pil or numpy image
		input_pts:			2(3) x num_pts numpy array or a dictionary of 2(3) x num_pts array
							when there are 3 channels in pts, the third one denotes the occlusion/confidence flag		
							occlusion: 0 -> invisible and not annotated, 1 -> visible and annotated, -1 -> visible but not annotated
		window_size:		the height and width of the bbox
		linewidth:			width of the edges of bounding boxes
		egde_color_index:	a scalar or a list of color indexes for the edges of bounding boxes
		pts_color_index:	a scalar or a list of color indexes for points
		pts_size:			size of points
		label_size:			font of labels
		vis_threshold:		the points with confidence above the threshold will be drawn
		label:				determine to add text label for each point, if label list is None, then an automatic list is created
		label_list:			label string for all points, if label list is not None, the label is True automatically
							if the input points is a dictionary, then every point array in the dict follow the same label list
		bgr2rgb:			true if the image needs to be converted from bgr to rgb

		fig, ax:			figure handle for future use
	try: safe_pts = safe_2dptsarray(input_pts, homogeneous=True, warning=warning, debug=debug)
	except AssertionError: safe_pts = safe_2dptsarray(input_pts, homogeneous=False, warning=warning, debug=debug)
	pts_visible_index = np.where(safe_pts[2, :] > vis_threshold)[0].tolist()
	safe_pts = safe_pts[0:2, pts_visible_index].transpose()				# N x 2, N is the number of valid points to draw
	fig, ax = visualize_image_with_pts(input_image, input_pts, pts_size=pts_size, label=label, label_list=label_list, color_index=pts_color_index, 
		bgr2rgb=bgr2rgb, debug=debug, vis=False, save_path=None, warning=warning, closefig=False)
	# construct the center bbox by input pts and window size
	center_bbox = np.zeros((safe_pts.shape[0], 4), dtype='float32')
	center_bbox[:, 0:2] = safe_pts
	center_bbox[:, 2:] = window_size
	input_bbox = get_center_crop_bbox(center_bbox, window_size, window_size, warning=warning, debug=debug)
	good_bbox = bbox_TLWH2TLBR(input_bbox, warning=warning, debug=debug)
	fig, ax = visualize_bbox(good_bbox, linewidth=linewidth, edge_color_index=edge_color_index, 
		fig=fig, ax=ax, debug=debug, vis=False, save_path=None, warning=warning, closefig=False)
	return save_vis_close_helper(fig=fig, ax=ax, vis=vis, save_path=save_path, debug=debug, warning=warning, closefig=closefig)
def image_crop_center(input_image, center_rect, pad_value=0, warning=True, debug=True):
	crop the image around a specific center with padded value around the empty area
	when the crop width/height are even, the cropped image has 1 additional pixel towards left/up

		center_rect:	a list contains [center_x, center_y, (crop_width, crop_height)]
		pad_value:		scalar within [0, 255]

		img_cropped:			an uint8 numpy image
		crop_bbox:				numpy array with shape of (1, 4), user-attempted cropping bbox, might out of boundary
		crop_bbox_clipped:		numpy array with shape of (1, 4), clipped bbox within the boundary
	np_image, _ = safe_image(input_image, warning=warning, debug=debug)
	if isfloatimage(np_image): np_image = (np_image * 255.).astype('uint8')
	if len(np_image.shape) == 2: np_image = np.expand_dims(np_image, axis=2)		# extend the third channel if the image is grayscale

	# center_rect and pad_value are checked in get_crop_bbox and pad_around functions
	if debug: assert isuintimage(np_image), 'the input image is not an uint8 image'
	im_height, im_width = np_image.shape[0], np_image.shape[1]
	# calculate crop rectangles
	crop_bbox = get_center_crop_bbox(center_rect, im_width, im_height, debug=debug)
	crop_bbox_clipped = clip_bboxes_TLWH(crop_bbox, im_width, im_height, debug=debug)
	x1, y1, x2, y2 = crop_bbox_clipped[0, 0], crop_bbox_clipped[0, 1], crop_bbox_clipped[0, 0] + crop_bbox_clipped[0, 2], crop_bbox_clipped[0, 1] + crop_bbox_clipped[0, 3]
	img_cropped = np_image[y1 : y2, x1 : x2, :]

	# if original image is not enough to cover the crop area, we pad value around outside after cropping
	xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = crop_bbox[0, 0], crop_bbox[0, 1], crop_bbox[0, 0] + crop_bbox[0, 2], crop_bbox[0, 1] + crop_bbox[0, 3]
	if (xmin < 0 or ymin < 0 or xmax > im_width or ymax > im_height):
		pad_left    = max(0 - xmin, 0)
		pad_top     = max(0 - ymin, 0)
		pad_right   = max(xmax - im_width, 0)
		pad_bottom  = max(ymax - im_height, 0)
		pad_rect 	= [pad_left, pad_top, pad_right, pad_bottom]
		img_cropped = image_pad_around(img_cropped, pad_rect=pad_rect, pad_value=pad_value, debug=debug)
	if len(img_cropped.shape) == 3 and img_cropped.shape[2] == 1: img_cropped = img_cropped[:, :, 0]

	return img_cropped, crop_bbox, crop_bbox_clipped