def __init__(self, template_path): self.notformatbook = open_workbook(template_path) self.sheetslen = len(self.notformatbook.sheets()) self.rbook = open_workbook(template_path, formatting_info=True) self.styles = Styles(self.rbook) self.conf = {}
def test_multiple_names_for_xfi_bad_1(self): self.wb.style_name_map = { 'A': (0, 0), 'B': (0, 0), } with ShouldRaise(AssertionError()): Styles(self.wb)
def createSkeleton(ps, filename): newfilename = filename.split('.')[0] + '_oferta_claro.xls' originwb = xlrd.open_workbook(ps, formatting_info=True) styles = Styles(originwb) rs = originwb.sheet_by_index(0) destinationwb = xlutils.copy.copy(originwb) xl_sheet = destinationwb.get_sheet(0) return newfilename
def test_multiple_names_for_xfi_okay(self): # setup our mock workbooks self.wb.style_name_map = { '': (0, 0), 'Normal': (1, 0), } # process it into styles s = Styles(self.wb) # now lookup a "cell" with xfi 0 cell = Mock() cell.xf_index = 1 self.assertEqual(s[cell].name, 'Normal')
def __init__(self, config, xlsFileName): self.log = logging.getLogger("Mess") # Save a pointer to the configuration self.config = config # Load the workbook self.log.debug('Loading Excel file {0}'.format(xlsFileName)) self.workbook = open_workbook(xlsFileName, formatting_info=True, on_demand=True) self.styles = Styles(self.workbook) print self.workbook.style_name_map print self.workbook.xf_list
def read_excel(): wb = xlrd.open_workbook(filename="test.xls", formatting_info=True) #打开文件 style = Styles(wb) sheet = wb.sheet_by_index(0) cell = sheet.cell(0, 0) print("cell.xf_index is %d" % cell.xf_index) fmt = wb.xf_list[cell.xf_index] print("type(fmt) is %s" % type(fmt)) print("fmt.dump():") fmt.dump() # print(style[sheet.cell(0, 0)]) print(style[sheet.cell(0, 0)].xf)
def writeCaseInfoList(self, sheet_name, CCell_list = []): # (值, 行, 列) '''写入check结果。本这方法的缺点是: 不能保存Formulae, Names, anything ignored by xlrd''' from xlrd import open_workbook, XLRDError from xlutils.copy import copy from xlwt import easyxf, XFStyle, Font from mmap import mmap, ACCESS_READ if CCell_list == []: return #from mmap import mmap, ACCESS_READ with open(self.__path,'rb') as f: rb = open_workbook(file_contents=mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=ACCESS_READ), \ formatting_info = True) # 取得sheet index try: #print rb.sheet_names() #print sheet_name sheetx = rb.sheet_names().index(sheet_name) except ValueError: common.Logger.CLogger.instance().\ logger('CExcel').warning("No sheet named <%s>.", sheet_name) #raise XLRDError('No sheet named <%r>' % sheet_name) # 通过xlutils.copy转换为可以写的格式 wb = copy(rb) from xlutils.styles import Styles styles = Styles(rb) #print sheet_name, sheetx # 通过序号获取的sheet ws = wb.get_sheet(sheetx) rs = rb.sheet_by_index(sheetx) for objCCell in CCell_list: row, col, value = objCCell.getCellValue() org_style = styles[rs.cell(row, col)] org_font = rb.font_list[org_style.xf.font_index] style = self._getStyle(org_style, org_font) ws.write(row, col, value, style) print dir(ws) #print row, col, value return 0
def down_report_excel(self, cr, uid, params, context=None): report_name = params['report_name'] report_title = params['report_title'] #the data will update to excel: {'code':{'fieldname1':fieldvalue1,'fieldname2':fieldvalue2}} report_data = params['report_data'] #template file dara or file name tmpl_file_data = params.get('tmpl_file_data', False) tmpl_file_name = params.get('tmpl_file_name', False) #dc_prefix: data cell prefix, data cell format: dc_prefix:fieldname@code dc_prefix = params['dc_prefix'] #1.get excel template data if tmpl_file_data: tmpl_file_data = base64.decodestring(tmpl_file_data) elif tmpl_file_name: cur_path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] tmpl_file_path = os.path.join(cur_path, tmpl_file_name) tmpl_file_data = open(tmpl_file_path, 'rb').read() if not tmpl_file_data: raise osv.except_osv( _('Error'), _('No file data found for down_report_excel()!')) template data, and write the data cell wb_rd = xlrd.open_workbook(file_contents=tmpl_file_data, formatting_info=True, on_demand=True) sheet_rd = wb_rd.sheets()[0] #for write wb_wt = copy(wb_rd) sheet_wt = wb_wt.get_sheet(0) row_cnt = sheet_rd.nrows styles = Styles(wb_rd) #loop to check rows one by one lang = self.pool.get('res.users').browse(cr, uid, uid, context=context).lang lang_obj = self.pool.get('res.lang') lang_id =, uid, [('code', '=', lang)])[0] for i in range(0, row_cnt): col_cnt = sheet_rd.row_len(i) for j in range(0, col_cnt): field_val = sheet_rd.cell(i, j).value #cell data format: "rpt:balance@bscn_1_2" if isinstance(field_val, type(u' ')) and field_val.startswith( dc_prefix) and field_val.find('@') > 0: #find the report code and field name rpt_flag = field_val[field_val.index(dc_prefix) + len(dc_prefix):] field_name, rpt_code = rpt_flag.split('@') #write data to the writable sheet rpt_fld_val = 0.0 if rpt_code and report_data.get(rpt_code, False): rpt_fld_val = report_data[rpt_code].get( field_name, 0.0) # print sheet_rd.cell(i,j) # print sheet_rd.cell(i,j).xf_index # print styles[sheet_rd.cell(i,j)] # print styles.cell_styles[sheet_rd.cell(i,j).xf_index] style_wt = self.style_rd2wt(wb_rd, styles[sheet_rd.cell(i, j)].xf) if rpt_fld_val != 0.0: rpt_fld_val = lang_obj.format(cr, uid, [lang_id], '%.2f', rpt_fld_val, grouping=True, context=context) sheet_wt.write(i, j, rpt_fld_val, style_wt) else: sheet_wt.write(i, j, '', style_wt) #output the file buf = cStringIO.StringIO() filedata = base64.encodestring(buf.getvalue()) buf.close() #goto file download page file_ext = tmpl_file_name.split('.') file_ext = file_ext[len(file_ext) - 1] return self.pool.get('file.down').download_data( cr, uid, "%s.%s" % (report_title, file_ext), filedata, context)
headerStyle = xlwt.easyxf( 'alignment: horiz centre, wrap on; font: name Calibri, bold on, height 220; borders: left thin, top thin, bottom thin, right thin' ) generalStyle = xlwt.easyxf( 'alignment: horiz left; font: name Calibri, height 220; borders: left thin, top thin, bottom thin, right thin' ) # i/o va_file = open(va_path, "r") va_reader = csv.reader(va_file, delimiter="\t") xls_reader = xlrd.open_workbook(xls_path, formatting_info=True) xls_sheet = xls_reader.sheet_by_index(0) s = Styles(xls_reader) final_xls = copy(xls_reader) final_sheet = final_xls.get_sheet(0) temoin_xls_workbook = xlwt.Workbook() temoin_xls_sheet = temoin_xls_workbook.add_sheet('variants') # header 1 header1 = xls_sheet.row(0) final_sheet.row(0).write(len(header1), run_name, headerStyle) temoin_xls_sheet.row(0).write(0, header1[0].value, headerStyle) temoin_xls_sheet.row(0).write(1, header1[1].value, headerStyle) temoin_xls_sheet.row(0).write(2, header1[2].value, headerStyle) temoin_xls_sheet.row(0).write(3, header1[3].value, headerStyle)
nonerownumber = 0 for m, everyitem in list(enumerate(col_values_0)): if "INT TIC" in everyitem: nonerownumber = m break else: nonerownumber = collength RTID = col_values_RT[RTIDcolnumber + 1:nonerownumber] #print(nonerownumber,RTIDcolnumber) #print(RTID) #创建对应的模板表格 workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(".\空白配方转化表FECHII_TEST.xls", formatting_info=True) table = workbook.sheet_by_index(0) styles = Styles(workbook) sheets_object = workbook.sheets() sheet1_object = workbook.sheet_by_index(0) col_values = sheet1_object.col_values(colx=9) #print(col_values) #collength = len(CAS_REAL) new_excel = copy(workbook) new_sheet = new_excel.get_sheet(0) for index, everycas in list(enumerate(CAS_REAL)): if everycas == '' or everycas.endswith("-00-0"): if Cis_3_hexenyl_acetate_flag == 0: new_sheet.write(index + 2, 8, LibID[index], style=styleOK) new_sheet.write(index + 2, 0, index + 2, style=styleOK) new_sheet.write(index + 2, 1, '', style=styleOK) new_sheet.write(index + 2, 7, '', style=styleOK) new_sheet.write(index + 2, 1, RTID[index], style=styleOK)
self.ignore_row = False rdrowx, wtrowx = self.pending_row, wtrowx + self.wtrowxi) elif not self.ignore_row:, rdcolx, wtrowx + self.wtrowxi, wtcolx - 1) process(Reader(), Filter(), Writer()) ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = styles from xlrd import open_workbook from xlutils.styles import Styles book = open_workbook('source.xls', formatting_info=True) styles = Styles(book) sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0) print styles[sheet.cell(1, 1)].name print styles[sheet.cell(1, 2)].name A1_style = styles[sheet.cell(0, 0)] A1_font = book.font_list[A1_style.xf.font_index] print book.colour_map[A1_font.colour_index] ########NEW FILE######## __FILENAME__ = borders from xlwt import Workbook, easyxf tl = easyxf('border: left thick, top thick') t = easyxf('border: top thick') tr = easyxf('border: right thick, top thick')
def writePriceSheet(bom, siteList, ps, filename): content_normal = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold off, color black;\ borders: top_color black, bottom_color black, right_color black, left_color black,\ left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin;\ pattern: pattern solid, fore_color white;\ align: horiz center;') header_normal = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold True, color black;\ borders: top_color black, bottom_color black, right_color black, left_color black,\ left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin;\ pattern: pattern solid, fore_color white;\ align: horiz center;') content_strong = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold True, color black;\ borders: top_color black, bottom_color black, right_color black, left_color black,\ left thick, right thick, top thick, bottom thick;\ pattern: pattern solid, fore_color white;\ align: horiz center;') subTotal_stong = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold True, color black;\ borders: top_color black, top thin;\ pattern: pattern solid, fore_color white;') granTotal_strong = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold True, color black;\ pattern: pattern solid, fore_color yellow;') sites_red = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold off, color white, height 280;\ pattern: pattern solid, fore_color red;\ align: horiz center, vert centre') gray_background = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold off, color white;\ pattern: pattern solid, fore_color gray40;\ align: horiz center') title_strong = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold on, color black, height 280;\ borders: top_color black, bottom_color black, right_color black, left_color black,\ left thick, right thick, top thick, bottom thick;\ pattern: pattern solid, fore_color ice_blue;') fix_border = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold True, color black;\ pattern: pattern solid, fore_color white;\ borders: top_color black, bottom_color black, right_color black, left_color black,\ left thick, right thick, top thick, bottom thick;\ align: horiz center, vert centre;') # Intial values site_id = [] granTotal = 0.0 subTotals = [] linesPerSite = [] # Create skeleton newfilename = filename.split('.')[0] + '_oferta_claro.xls' originwb = xlrd.open_workbook(ps, formatting_info=True) styles = Styles(originwb) rs = originwb.sheet_by_index(0) destinationwb = xlutils.copy.copy(originwb) xl_sheet = destinationwb.get_sheet(0) # Get original BOM start and end Ids = getIds(filename) start_of_bom_id = Ids[0] end_of_bom_id = Ids[1] total_price_id = Ids[2] xl_sheet.write_merge(1, 3, 4, 9, "Country (Project)", fix_border) xl_sheet.write_merge(10, 10, 2, 4, "Cisco Systems", fix_border) xl_sheet.row(1).height_mismatch = True xl_sheet.row(1).height = 15 * 20 xl_sheet.row(2).height_mismatch = True xl_sheet.row(2).height = 15 * 20 xl_sheet.row(3).height_mismatch = True xl_sheet.row(3).height = 15 * 20 xl_sheet.row(10).height_mismatch = True xl_sheet.row(10).height = 33 * 20 # Get each site ID for i in range(start_of_bom_id, end_of_bom_id): for site in siteList: if site in bom[i]: site_id.append(i) # Get variables with site, siteID and endID for i in range(len(siteList)): site = siteList[i] siteID = site_id[i] try: endID = site_id[i + 1] except IndexError: endID = end_of_bom_id # Define offset for first Site is static if i == 0: offset = 13 # linesPerSite.append(offset) # For others sites just increase the value leaving two spaces else: offset += 2 # Write the site name xl_sheet.row(offset).height_mismatch = True xl_sheet.row(offset).height = 19 * 19 xl_sheet.write_merge(offset, offset, 4, 8, site, sites_red) offset += 1 xl_sheet.write_merge(offset, offset, 4, 8, '', gray_background) # Add 5 spaces to offset the template offset += 2 # Write part of the template xl_sheet.row(offset).height_mismatch = True xl_sheet.row(offset).height = 20 * 20 xl_sheet.write_merge(offset, offset, 1, 4, 'Hardware y/o Garantias', title_strong) offset += 2 # Write the headers headers = [ 'Item', '# de Parte del Fabricante', 'Codigo Sinergia', 'Descripcion Corta', 'Cantidad', 'Precio Unitario', 'Descuento', 'Precio Unitario con descuento', 'Total' ] for i in range(len(headers)): xl_sheet.write(offset, i + 1, headers[i], header_normal) offset += 1 # Clear subTotal and Item index subTotal = 0.0 item = 1 # Iterate within the range of items of each site for i in range(siteID + 1, endID): # print bom[i] # Write each item if bom[i][5] == 0: continue xl_sheet.write(offset, 1, item, content_normal) xl_sheet.write(offset, 2, bom[i][1], content_normal) xl_sheet.write(offset, 3, bom[i][10], content_normal) xl_sheet.write(offset, 4, bom[i][11], content_normal) xl_sheet.write(offset, 5, bom[i][6], content_normal) xl_sheet.write(offset, 6, bom[i][5], content_normal) xl_sheet.write(offset, 7, bom[i][8], content_normal) xl_sheet.write(offset, 8, bom[i][7], content_normal) xl_sheet.write(offset, 9, bom[i][9], content_normal) offset += 1 item += 1 try: subTotal += bom[i][9] except: pass # Write Total for each site xl_sheet.write(offset, 8, 'Total: ' + site, subTotal_stong) xl_sheet.write(offset, 9, subTotal, subTotal_stong) # Add the total to a tuple for resumen later subTotals.append((site, subTotal)) # print "Sub Total:" + site +" "+ str(subTotal) # Add the Total to the grand total for resumen later granTotal += subTotal # Write Resumen Table offset = 6 for site in subTotals: xl_sheet.write(offset, 13, 'Total: ' + site[0], content_strong) xl_sheet.write(offset, 14, site[1], content_strong) offset += 1 # Write Grand Total offset += 1 xl_sheet.write(offset, 13, 'Total de la solucion', granTotal_strong) xl_sheet.write(offset, 14, granTotal, granTotal_strong) # print "Grand Total:" + str(granTotal) # Save the pricesheet to the newfile return newfilename
def xlswritter(bom, filename): Ids = getIds(filename) start_of_bom_id = Ids[0] end_of_bom_id = Ids[1] total_price_id = Ids[2] # Copy the workbook to create a new one passing the formatting newfilename = filename.split('.')[0] + '_oferta_cisco.xls' originwb = xlrd.open_workbook(filename, formatting_info=True) styles = Styles(originwb) rs = originwb.sheet_by_index(0) destinationwb = xlutils.copy.copy(originwb) xl_sheet = destinationwb.get_sheet(0) # Write the # for i,cell in enumerate(rs.col(8)): # if not i: # continue # print i # # xl_sheet.write(row,column,value) # xl_sheet.write(i,7,22) # header_style = styles[rs.cell(start_of_bom_id,1)] # content_style = styles[rs.cell(start_of_bom_id+1,1)] # style = xlwt.XFStyle() # # bold # font = xlwt.Font() # font.bold = True # style.font = font # # # background color # pattern = xlwt.Pattern() # pattern.pattern = xlwt.Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN # pattern.pattern_fore_colour = xlwt.Style.colour_map['pale_blue'] # style.pattern = pattern header_style = xlwt.easyxf('pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour gray40;' 'font: colour black, bold True;') # content_style = xlwt.easyxf('pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour light_blue;' # 'font: colour black, bold ff;') content_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: bold off, color black;\ borders: top_color gray25, bottom_color gray25, right_color gray25, left_color gray25,\ left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin;\ pattern: pattern solid, fore_color white;') for i in range(start_of_bom_id, end_of_bom_id - 2): xl_sheet.write(i, 7, bom[i][7], content_style) for i in range(start_of_bom_id, end_of_bom_id - 2): xl_sheet.write(i, 9, bom[i][9], content_style) xl_sheet.write(end_of_bom_id, 9, bom[end_of_bom_id][9]) xl_sheet.write(start_of_bom_id - 1, 10, 'Codigo SAP', header_style) xl_sheet.write(start_of_bom_id - 1, 11, 'Descrip Corta', header_style) for i in range(start_of_bom_id, end_of_bom_id - 2): xl_sheet.write(i, 10, bom[i][10], content_style) for i in range(start_of_bom_id, end_of_bom_id - 2): xl_sheet.write(i, 11, bom[i][11], content_style) return newfilename