Ejemplo n.º 1
    def export_to_excel(self, **kwargs):
        work_book = Workbook(encoding="ascii")
        center_alignment = Alignment()
        center_alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        center_alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER

        border = Borders()
        border.top = Borders.THIN
        border.left = Borders.THIN
        border.bottom = Borders.THIN
        border.right = Borders.THIN

        head_style = XFStyle()

        head_pattern = Pattern()
        head_pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        head_pattern.pattern_fore_colour = Style.colour_map['gray25']

        head_style.pattern = head_pattern

        head_font = Font()
        head_font.bold = True
        head_style.font = head_font

        head_style.alignment = center_alignment
        head_style.borders = border

        data_style = XFStyle()
        data_style.alignment = center_alignment
        data_style.borders = border
        work_sheet = work_book.add_sheet("Sheet")
        limit = 10000
        count = self.get_data_scale(**kwargs)['count']
        times = (count + limit - 1) // limit
        add_header = False
        for i in range(1):
            kwargs["startIndex"] = i * limit + 1
            kwargs['endIndex'] = (i + 1) * limit + 1

            records = self.get_data(**kwargs)

            column_names = []
            y = 0
            for data in records:
                if not add_header:
                    x = 0
                    for column_name in data.keys():
                        work_sheet.write(y, x, column_name, head_style)
                        x += 1
                    add_header = True
                    y += 1
                x = 0
                for column_name in column_names:
                    work_sheet.write(y, x, data[column_name], data_style)
                    x += 1
                y += 1
                x = 0

        work_book.save(BASE_WIN_OUTPUT_PATH + "result.xls")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def RUNN():
     # ghi file excel
     fnt = Font()
     fnt.name = "Times New Roman"
     fnt.height = 280
     borders = Borders()
     borders.left = Borders.THIN
     borders.right = Borders.THIN
     borders.top = Borders.THIN
     borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
     style = XFStyle()
     style.font = fnt
     style.borders = borders
     wb = Workbook()
     sheet1 = wb.add_sheet("Điểm")
     col = 0
     row = 0
     sheet1.write(row, col, "STT", style)
     sheet1.write(row, col + 1, "TÊN BÀI LÀM", style)
     sheet1.write(row, col + 2, "ĐIỂM", style)
     row += 1
     diem = []
     st = 1
     for i in t:
         if i == name_form: continue
                 t1 = docx.Document(i)
                 sheet1.write(row, col, st, style)
                 sheet1.write(row, col + 1, i[:-5], style)
                 sheet1.write(row, col + 2, round(10 * so_sanh(t1), 2), style)
                 row += 1
                 st += 1
             except Exception: pass
Ejemplo n.º 3
def getDefualtStyle():
	fnt = Font()
	fnt.name = 'Arial'
	borders = Borders()
	borders.left = Borders.THIN
	borders.right = Borders.THIN
	borders.top = Borders.THIN
	borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
	#pattern = Pattern()
	#pattern.pattern = Style.pattern_map['solid']
	###pattern.pattern_back_colour = 0xBFBFBF
	#pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x37
	alignment = Alignment()
	#alignment.horizontal = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT 
	alignment.horizontal = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
	style = XFStyle()
	#~ style.num_format_str='0.000%'
	#~ style.num_format_str='0+'
	#~ style.font = fnt
	style.align = alignment
	#style.borders = borders
	#~ style.pattern = pattern
	return style
Ejemplo n.º 4
def css2excel(css):
    #custom_css = 'font: name "%s", %s on'%(current_value['font-family'].split(",")[0], current_value['font-weight'].split(",")[0])
    #export_sheet.write(row_idx, col_idx, current_value['data'], xlwt.easyxf('font: italic on; pattern: pattern solid, fore-colour grey25'))
    xf_list = []
    fnt = Font()
    borders = Borders()
    pattern = Pattern()
    align = Alignment()

    process_css = {
        'font-family' : [fnt, "name" , lambda x : x.split(",")[0]],
        'color' : [fnt, "colour_index", lambda x : excel_color_map.get(x,0)+8],
        'font-weight' : [fnt, "bold", lambda x : x.upper() == 'BOLD'],
        #'font-weight' : [fnt, "bold", lambda x : x == '700'],
        'text-align' : [align, "horz", lambda x : {'left':align.HORZ_LEFT, 'right':align.HORZ_RIGHT, 'center':align.HORZ_CENTER, 'justified': align.HORZ_JUSTIFIED}[x]],
        'background-color' : [pattern,"pattern_fore_colour", lambda x: excel_color_map.get(x,16)+8],
    #TODO process_css -> css
    for i in process_css.keys():
        #print process_css[i][0] ,".",process_css[i][1], " => " , css[i] ,"  |  ", process_css[i][2](css[i]) 
        setattr(process_css[i][0], process_css[i][1], process_css[i][2](css[i]))

    style = XFStyle()
    style.font = fnt
    borders.left = Borders.THIN
    borders.right = Borders.THIN
    borders.top = Borders.THIN
    borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
    style.borders = borders
    style.pattern = pattern
    style.pattern.pattern = 1
    style.alignment = align

    return style
Ejemplo n.º 5
def excel_style():
    borders_amount = Borders()
    borders_amount.right = Borders.THIN
    borders_amount.top = Borders.THIN
    borders_amount.bottom = Borders.THIN

    borders_name = Borders()
    borders_name.left = Borders.THIN
    borders_name.right = Borders.THIN
    borders_name.top = Borders.THIN
    borders_name.bottom = Borders.THIN

    style_amount = XFStyle()
    style_amount.borders = borders_amount

    style_name = XFStyle()
    style_name.borders = borders_name
    return style_amount, style_name
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self, ws, headers, header_line_no=0, use_borders=False, styleHeaders=None, styleDict={}, widths={}):
        self.headers = headers
        self.header_line_no = header_line_no
        self._currentRowIndex = self.header_line_no + 1
        self.ws = ws
        self.rows = []

        # columnn widths
        if isinstance(widths, dict):
            self._explicit_widths = True
            self.__colwidths = widths
            self._explicit_widths = False
            self.__colwidths = {i:len(h) for i,h in enumerate(self.headers)}

        borders = Borders()
        if use_borders is True:
            borders.left = Borders.THIN
            borders.right = Borders.THIN
            borders.top = Borders.THIN
            borders.bottom = Borders.THIN

        self.normStyle = XFStyle()
        self.normStyle.font = normFont
        if use_borders:
            self.normStyle.borders = borders

        # headers
        if not isinstance(styleHeaders, XFStyle):
            self.styleHeaders = XFStyle()
            self.styleHeaders.font = fntHeaders
            self.styleHeaders.borders = borders

            self.styleHeaders = styleHeaders

        # for date fields if no styleDict
        self.styleDate = XFStyle()
        self.styleDate.borders = borders
        self.styleDate.num_format_str = 'MM/DD/YYYY'
        self.styleDate.font = normFont
        # instance styles defined by user or defaults
        if all(map(lambda s: isinstance(s, XFStyle), styleDict.values())):
            self.styleDict = styleDict
            if DEFAULT_STYLE in styleDict:
                self._defaultStyle = self.styleDict[DEFAULT_STYLE]
            self.styleDict = {}
            self._defaultStyle = self.normStyle

Ejemplo n.º 7
    def setupFormat(self):
        headFont = Font()
        headFont.bold = True
        alignmentSetup = Alignment()
        alignmentSetup.wrap = True
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 1
        borders.right = 1
        borders.top = 1
        borders.bottom = 1

        self.header_style = XFStyle()
        self.header_style.font = headFont

        self.table_style = XFStyle()
        self.table_style.borders = borders
        self.table_style.alignment = alignmentSetup
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _getStyle(self, org_style, org_font):
        from xlwt import XFStyle, Font, Borders, Pattern
        # font
        font      = Font()
        font.name = org_font.name
        font.height = org_font.height
        font.italic = org_font.italic
        font.struck_out = org_font.struck_out
        font.outline = org_font.outline
        font.shadow = org_font.shadow
        font.colour_index = org_font.colour_index
        font.bold    = org_font.bold
        font._weight = org_font.weight
        font.escapement = org_font.escapement_type
        font.underline = org_font.underline_type
        font.family = org_font.family
        font.charset = org_font.character_set
        # border 
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left   = Borders.THIN #org_style.xf.border.left_line_style
        borders.right  = Borders.THIN #org_style.xf.border.right_line_style
        borders.top    = Borders.THIN #org_style.xf.border.top_line_style
        borders.bottom = Borders.THIN #org_style.xf.border.bottom_line_style
        #borders.diag   = self.NO_LINE

        borders.left_colour   = org_style.xf.border.left_colour_index
        borders.right_colour  = org_style.xf.border.right_colour_index
        borders.top_colour    = org_style.xf.border.top_colour_index
        borders.bottom_colour = org_style.xf.border.bottom_colour_index
        #borders.diag_colour   = org_style.xf.border.left_colour_index

        #borders.need_diag1 = self.NO_NEED_DIAG1
        #borders.need_diag2 = self.NO_NEED_DIAG2
        # Pattern
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern             = org_style.xf.background.fill_pattern
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = org_style.xf.background.pattern_colour_index
        pattern.pattern_back_colour = org_style.xf.background.background_colour_index
        style         = XFStyle()
        style.borders = borders
        style.font    = font
        style.pattern = pattern
        return style
    def setupFormat(self):
        headFont = Font()
        headFont.bold = True
        alignmentSetup = Alignment()
        alignmentSetup.wrap = True
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 1
        borders.right = 1
        borders.top = 1
        borders.bottom = 1

        self.header_style = XFStyle()
        self.header_style.font = headFont

        self.table_style = XFStyle()
        self.table_style.borders = borders
        self.table_style.alignment = alignmentSetup
Ejemplo n.º 10
def estiloCeldasSeparadas():
    fnt = Font()
    borders = Borders()
    borders.left = Borders.MEDIUM
    borders.right = Borders.MEDIUM
    borders.top = Borders.MEDIUM
    borders.bottom = Borders.MEDIUM
    pattern = Pattern()
    pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
    pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x18#0x99
    style = XFStyle()   
    style.font = fnt
    style.borders = borders
    style.pattern = pattern
    return style
Ejemplo n.º 11
def build_certificate_excel(queryset):
    workbook = xlwt.Workbook()
    sheet = workbook.add_sheet("Сертификаты")

    title_style = XFStyle()
    borders = Borders()
    borders.bottom = Borders.MEDIUM
    borders.right = Borders.MEDIUM
    borders.left = Borders.MEDIUM
    title_style.borders = borders
    title_style.font = easyfont(f"bold on, height {12*20};")

    font_style = XFStyle()
    font_style.font = easyfont(f"height {12*20};")

    sheet.write(0, 1, "ФИО", title_style)
    sheet.write(0, 2, "№ Договора", title_style)
    sheet.write(0, 3, "ИНН", title_style)
    sheet.write(0, 4, "День", title_style)
    sheet.write(0, 5, "Месяц", title_style)
    sheet.write(0, 6, "Год", title_style)
    sheet.write(0, 7, "Сертификат №", title_style)

    for r, obj in enumerate(queryset):
        n = r + 1
        sheet.write(n, 0, str(n), font_style)
        sheet.write(n, 1, str(obj.full_name), font_style)
        sheet.write(n, 2, str(obj.contract_n), font_style)
        sheet.write(n, 3, str(obj.inn), font_style)
        sheet.write(n, 4, str(obj.date_received.year), font_style)
        sheet.write(n, 5, str(obj.date_received.month), font_style)
        sheet.write(n, 6, str(obj.date_received.day), font_style)
        sheet.write(n, 7, str(obj.certificate_n), font_style)

    sheet.col(0).width = 1400
    sheet.col(1).width = 14000
    sheet.col(2).width = 4500
    sheet.col(3).width = 4000
    sheet.col(7).width = 5500

    file = BytesIO()
    return file
Ejemplo n.º 12
def transCellData_summary(pos, val):
    tmp = []
    style = getDefualtStyle()
    style.font.colour_index = 0x17
    style.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
    #style.borders.right = Borders.NO_LINE
    style.font.bold = True
    borders = Borders()
    borders.left = Borders.THIN
    borders.right = Borders.THIN
    borders.top = Borders.THIN
    borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
    style.borders = borders
    return tmp, style
Ejemplo n.º 13
def transCellData_summary(pos,val):
	style = getDefualtStyle()
	style.font.colour_index =0x17
	style.alignment.horz  = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
	#style.borders.right = Borders.NO_LINE
	style.font.bold =True
	borders = Borders()
	borders.left = Borders.THIN
	borders.right = Borders.THIN
	borders.top = Borders.THIN
	borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
	style.borders = borders
	return tmp,style
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self):
     self.style = XFStyle()
     base_font = Font()  # 设置基本字体
     base_font.height = FONT_SIZE_UNIT * 12
     self.style.font = base_font
     alignment = Alignment()  # 设置对齐
     alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
     alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
     self.style.alignment = alignment
     borders = Borders()  # 设置边框
     borders.left = Borders.THIN
     borders.right = Borders.THIN
     borders.top = Borders.THIN
     borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
     borders.left_colour = COLOUR_BLACK
     borders.right_colour = COLOUR_BLACK
     borders.top_colour = COLOUR_BLACK
     borders.bottom_colour = COLOUR_BLACK
     self.style.borders = borders
     self.style.num_format_str = '#,##0'  # 设置数字格式
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self):
     self.style = XFStyle()
     base_font = Font()  # 设置基本字体
     base_font.height = FONT_SIZE_UNIT * 12
     self.style.font = base_font
     alignment = Alignment()  # 设置对齐
     alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
     alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
     self.style.alignment = alignment
     borders = Borders()  # 设置边框
     borders.left = Borders.THIN
     borders.right = Borders.THIN
     borders.top = Borders.THIN
     borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
     borders.left_colour = COLOUR_BLACK
     borders.right_colour = COLOUR_BLACK
     borders.top_colour = COLOUR_BLACK
     borders.bottom_colour = COLOUR_BLACK
     self.style.borders = borders
     self.style.num_format_str = '#,##0'  # 设置数字格式
Ejemplo n.º 16
def get_sheet_title_style(bg_color=0x39,
    fnt = Font()
    fnt.name = 'Arial'
    fnt.colour_index = font_color
    fnt.bold = True
    fnt.height = font_size

    borders = Borders()
    borders.left = 1
    borders.right = 1
    borders.top = 1
    borders.bottom = 1

    al = Alignment()
    if horz_center:
        al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
    al.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER

    pattern = None
    if has_pattern:
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = 1
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = bg_color
        pattern.pattern_back_colour = bg_color

    style = XFStyle()
    style.font = fnt
    style.borders = borders
    style.alignment = al
    if pattern:
        style.pattern = pattern
    return style
Ejemplo n.º 17
def css2excel(css):
    fnt = Font()
    borders = Borders()
    pattern = Pattern()
    align = Alignment()

    process_css = {
        'font-family': [fnt, "name", lambda x: x.split(",")[0]],
        'font-size': [fnt, "height", lambda x: get_font_height(x.upper())],
        'color': [fnt, "colour_index", lambda x: match_color_index(x.upper())],
        'font-weight': [fnt, "bold", lambda x: x == 'bold'],
        'font-style': [fnt, "italic", lambda x: x == 'italic'],
        [align, "horz", lambda x: get_horizontal_align(x, align)],
        [align, "vert", lambda x: get_vertical_align(x, align)],
        'background-color': [
            pattern, "pattern_fore_colour",
            lambda x: match_color_index(x.upper())
    for i in css.keys():
        if i in process_css.keys():
            setattr(process_css[i][0], process_css[i][1],

    style = XFStyle()
    style.font = fnt
    borders.left = Borders.THIN
    borders.right = Borders.THIN
    borders.top = Borders.THIN
    borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
    style.borders = borders
    style.pattern = pattern
    style.pattern.pattern = 1
    style.alignment = align
    style.num_format_str = '#,##0.00'
    return style
Ejemplo n.º 18
def creaHojaDeTraduccion(excel, nombreHoja="traduccion"):
    fnt = Font()
    borders = Borders()
    borders.left = Borders.MEDIUM
    borders.right = Borders.MEDIUM
    borders.top = Borders.MEDIUM
    borders.bottom = Borders.MEDIUM
    pattern = Pattern()
    pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
    pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x18#0x99
    style = XFStyle()   
    style.font = fnt
    style.borders = borders
    style.pattern = pattern
    hoja.write(0,0,"Original Text",style)
    return hoja
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def in_ket_qua():
     # tao file ketqua.xls de ghi ket qua
     fnt = Font()
     fnt.name = "Times New Roman"
     fnt.height = 280
     borders = Borders()
     borders.left = Borders.THIN
     borders.right = Borders.THIN
     borders.top = Borders.THIN
     borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
     style = XFStyle()
     style.font = fnt
     style.borders = borders
     wb = Workbook()
     sheet1 = wb.add_sheet("Điểm")
     col = 0
     row = 0
     sheet1.write(row, col, "STT", style)
     sheet1.write(row, col + 1, "TÊN BÀI LÀM", style)
     sheet1.write(row, col + 2, "ĐIỂM", style)
     row += 1
     st = 1
     # Tinh ket qua cua tat ca cac file bai lam va in ket qua ra file KetQua.xls
     for name in list_file_word:
         sheet1.write(row, col, st, style)
         sheet1.write(row, col + 1, name[:-5], style)
         sheet1.write(row, col + 2, tinhKetQua(name), style)
         row += 1
         st += 1
         print(name, "___ĐÃ CHẤM XONG___")
     # Xoa bo cac file anh sau khi da xu li xong
     for name in glob.glob("*.png"):os.remove(name)
     # Luu ket qua ra file
     # shutil.rmtree('Temp')
Ejemplo n.º 20
def write_cursor_to_excel(curs, filename, sheetTitle):

    curs: a cursor for an open connection to an oracle database

    filename: name of the XLS file to create

    sheetTitle: name of the sheet to create


    # create style for header row - bold font, thin border below

    fnt = Font()

    fnt.bold = True

    borders = Borders()

    borders.bottom = Borders.THIN

    hdrstyle = XFStyle()

    hdrstyle.font = fnt

    hdrstyle.borders = borders

    # create a date format style for any date columns, if any

    datestyle = XFStyle()

    datestyle.num_format_str = 'DD/MM/YYYY'

    # create the workbook. (compression: try to reduce the number of repeated styles)

    wb = Workbook(style_compression=2)

    # the workbook will have just one sheet

    sh = wb.add_sheet(sheetTitle)

    # write the header line, based on the cursor description

    c = 0

    colWidth = []

    for col in curs.description:

        #col[0] is the column name

        #col[1] is the column data type

        sh.write(0, c, col[0], hdrstyle)

        colWidth.append(1)  # arbitrary min cell width

        if col[1] == cx_Oracle.DATETIME:

            colWidth[-1] = len(datestyle.num_format_str)

        if colWidth[-1] < len(col[0]):

            colWidth[-1] = len(col[0])

        c += 1

    # write the songs, one to each row

    r = 1

    for song in curs:

        row = sh.row(r)

        for c in range(len(song)):

            if song[c]:

                if curs.description[c][1] == cx_Oracle.DATETIME:

                    row.write(c, song[c], datestyle)


                    if colWidth[c] < len(str(song[c])):

                        colWidth[c] = len(str(song[c]))

                    row.write(c, song[c])

        r += 1

    for c in range(len(colWidth)):

        sh.col(c).width = colWidth[c] * 350

    # freeze the header row

    sh.panes_frozen = True

    sh.vert_split_pos = 0

    sh.horz_split_pos = 1

Ejemplo n.º 21
    def account_budget(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None):
        year = this.year_id.name
        year_id = this.year_id.id
        month = this.month
        if int(month) in [1,3,5,7,8,10,12]:
            join_date=year +'-'+month+'-'+'31'
        if int(month) in [4,6,9,11]:
            join_date=year +'-'+month+'-'+'30'
        if int(month) in [2]:
            if int(year) % 4 == 0:
                join_date=year +'-'+month+'-'+'29'
                join_date=year +'-'+month+'-'+'28'
        if month == '1':
            month_name = 'January'
        elif month == '2':
            month_name = 'February'
        elif month == '3':
            month_name = 'March'
        elif month == '4':
            month_name = 'April'
        elif month == '5':
            month_name = 'May'
        elif month == '6':
            month_name = 'June'
        elif month == '7':
            month_name = 'July'
        elif month == '8':
            month_name = 'August'
        elif month == '9':
            month_name = 'September'
        elif month == '10':
            month_name = 'October'
        elif month == '11':
            month_name = 'November'
        elif month == '12':
            month_name = 'December'
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'),_("Specify month correctly. "))
        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height= 275
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name ='Arial'
        content_fnt.height =220
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz= Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour =  0x1F

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header= XFStyle()
        style_header.font= fnt
        style_header.pattern= pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height= 275
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt1 = Font()
        content_fnt1.name ='Arial'
        content_fnt1.height =220
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz= Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x02
        borders1.right = 0x02
        borders1.top = 0x02
        borders1.bottom = 0x02
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern_fore_colour =  0x32

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header1= XFStyle()
        style_header1.font= fnt1
        style_header1.pattern= pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt2 = Font()
        fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        fnt2.height= 275
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt2 = Font()
        content_fnt2.name ='Arial'
        content_fnt2.height =220
        align_content2 = Alignment()
        align_content2.horz= Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders2 = Borders()
        borders2.left = 0x02
        borders2.right = 0x02
        borders2.top = 0x02
        borders2.bottom = 0x02
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern_fore_colour =  0x0A

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header2= XFStyle()
        style_header2.font= fnt2
        style_header2.pattern= pattern2
        style_header2.borders = borders2
        style_content= XFStyle()
        style_content.alignment = align_content 
        style_content.font = content_fnt
        month_name = 'Payment ('+str(month_name)+')'
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Budget')
        ws.write(0,0,'Department Name',style_header)
        ws.col(0).width = 8000
        ws.write(0,1,'Department HoD',style_header)
        ws.col(1).width = 8000
        ws.write(0,2,'RO of HOD',style_header)
        ws.col(2).width = 8000
        ws.write(0,3,'Allocated Budget',style_header)
        ws.col(3).width = 8000
        ws.write(0,4,'Salary Amount',style_header)
        ws.col(4).width = 5000
        ws.col(5).width = 8000
        ws.col(6).width = 8000
        ws.write(0,7,'No Of Emp',style_header)
        ws.col(7).width = 8000
#        ws.write(0,5,'O.T. Amount',style_header)
#        ws.col(5).width = 4400
#        ws.write(0,6,'Total Amount',style_header)
#        ws.col(6).width = 4400
#        ws.write(0,7,'Insentive Amount',style_header)
#        ws.col(7).width = 4400
#        ws.write(0,8,'Deduction Amount',style_header)
#        ws.col(8).width = 5000
#        ws.write(0,9,'Percentage',style_header)
#        ws.col(9).width = 4400
        emp_ids = []
        if this.dept_id:
            cr.execute("select emp.id from hr_employee as emp left join resource_resource " \
             "as res on (emp.resource_id=res.id) left join hr_department as dept on " \
             "(emp.department_id=dept.id) where emp.department_id = '"+str(this.dept_id.id)+"' and " \
             "emp.department_id is not null and res.active=True and emp.joining_date <'"+str(join_date)+"' order by dept.dept_code, " \
             "(substring(emp.sinid, '^[0-9]+'))::int ,substring(emp.sinid, '[^0-9_].*$')")
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            for data in temp:
                if len(data)>0 and data[0] != None:
            cr.execute("select emp.id from hr_employee as emp left join resource_resource " \
             "as res on (emp.resource_id=res.id) left join hr_department as dept on (emp.department_id=dept.id) " \
             "where res.active=True and emp.joining_date <'"+str(join_date)+"' order by dept.dept_code,(substring(emp.sinid, '^[0-9]+'))::int ,substring(emp.sinid, '[^0-9_].*$')")
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            for data in temp:
                if len(data)>0 and data[0] != None:
        holiday_obj = self.pool.get('holiday.list')
        if int(month) in [1,3,5,7,8,10,12]:
            month = 31
        if int(month) in [4,6,9,11]:
            month = 30
        if int(month) in [2]:
            if int(year) % 4 == 0:
                month = 29
                month = 28
        off_day = working_day = 0
        holiday_ids = holiday_obj.search(cr, uid, [('month','=',this.month),('year_id','=',year_id)])
        for line in holiday_obj.browse(cr, uid, holiday_ids):
            off_day = line.holiday
        working_day = month - off_day
        dept_dict = {}
        grand = total = pay_total = pay_grand = budget = total_budget = 0.0
        pay_data = False
        flag = True
        for each in emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, emp_ids):
            pay_ids = pay_obj.search(cr, uid, [('employee_id','=',each.id),('month','=',this.month),('year_id','=',this.year_id.id),('salary_type','=','Salary')])
            if pay_ids:
                pay_data = pay_obj.browse(cr, uid, pay_ids[0])
            if dept_dict.has_key(str(each.department_id.id)):
                if each.department_id:
                    salary = 0.0
                    if pay_data.employee_id.daily:
                        salary = pay_data.basic * working_day
                        salary = pay_data.basic
                    total += salary
                    grand +=  salary
#                    if pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
#                        print"ssssssssssssssssssss minssssssssss",count1
#                        count1=count1+1
                    if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                        pay_total += pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                        pay_grand +=  pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                        pay_total += 0.0
                        pay_grand += 0.0
            elif not each.department_id:
                if flag:
                    i -= 1
                    ws.write(i,3, total)
                    ws.write(i,4, pay_total)
                    if budget:
                        diff = float(budget) - pay_total 
                        diff = pay_total
                    if budget and diff > 0:
                        ws.write(i,5, diff,style_header1)
                    elif budget and diff < 0:
                        ws.write(i,5, diff,style_header2)
                        ws.write(i,5, diff,style_header2)
                    ws.write(i,6, count1)
                    flag = False
                    i += 1
#                 salary = 0.0
#                 name = '[' + str(each.sinid) +'] '+ str(each.name)
#                 ws.write(i,0, 'X Department')                
#                 ws.write(i,1,'X Reporting Officer')
#                 ws.write(i,2, name)
#                 if each.daily:
#                     salary = each.salary * working_day
#                 else:
#                     salary = each.salary
#                 ws.write(i,3, salary)
#                 if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
#                     ws.write(i,4,pay_data.total_amount or 0.0)
#                 else:
#                     ws.write(i,4, 0.0)
                dept_dict[str(each.department_id.id)] = ''
                if i != 1:
                    i -= 1
                    ws.write(i,4, total)
                    ws.write(i,5, pay_total)
                    if budget:
                        diff = float(budget) - pay_total 
                        diff = pay_total
                    if budget and diff > 0:
                        ws.write(i,6, diff,style_header1)
                    elif budget and diff < 0:
                        ws.write(i,6, diff,style_header2)
                        ws.write(i,6, diff,style_header2)
                    ws.write(i,7, count1)
                    i += 1
                if each.department_id:
                    total = pay_total = budget = 0.0
                    salary = 0.0
                    budget = each.department_id.dept_budget
                    dept = '[' + str(each.department_id.dept_code) +'] '+ str(each.department_id.name)
                    ws.write(i,0, dept)
                    ws.write(i,1, each.department_id.manager_id and each.department_id.manager_id.name or '')
                    ws.write(i,2, each.department_id.manager_id.parent_id and each.department_id.manager_id.parent_id.name or '')
                    ws.write(i,3, budget)
                    total_budget += budget
                    if pay_data.employee_id.daily:
                        salary = pay_data.basic * working_day
                        salary = pay_data.basic
                    total += salary
                    grand +=  salary
#                    if pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
#                        print"saaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllll",count1
#                        count1=count1+1
                    if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                        pay_total += pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                        pay_grand +=  pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                        pay_total += 0.0
                        pay_grand += 0.0
                i += 1
        ws.write(i+3,1, 'Grand Total',style_header)
        ws.write(i+3,3, total_budget,style_header)
        ws.write(i+3,4, grand,style_header)
        ws.write(i+3,5, pay_grand,style_header)
        diff_grand = total_budget - pay_grand
        ws.write(i+3,6, diff_grand,style_header1)
        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'export_data':out, 'filename':'export.xls'}, context=context)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def exportReport5ToExcel(self,objectProject):
     book = Workbook();
     sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Sheet 1');
     sheet1.col(1).width = 256*80;
     sheet1.col(2).width = 256*10;
     sheet1.col(3).width = 256*20;
     borders = Borders()
     borders.left = Borders.THIN
     borders.right = Borders.THIN
     borders.top = Borders.THIN
     borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
     pattern = Pattern();
     pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
     pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 23
     wrap = Alignment();
     wrap.wrap = 1;
     wrap.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
     alignHeader =  Alignment();
     alignHeader.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER;
     alignTop =  Alignment();
     alignTop.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP    
     fnt = Font()
     fnt.name = 'Arial'
     fnt.colour_index = 4
     fnt.bold = True
     styleWrap = XFStyle();
     styleWrap.alignment = wrap;
     styleHead = XFStyle();
     styleHead.font = fnt;
     styleHead.borders = borders;
     styleHead.pattern = pattern;
     styleHead.alignment = alignHeader;
     styleRowDetail = XFStyle();
     styleRowDetail.borders = borders;
     styleRowDetail.alignment = alignTop;
     styleDate = XFStyle()
     styleDate.num_format_str = 'DD-MM-YYYY'   ;   #'D-MMM-YY';
     styleDate.borders = borders;
     styleDate.alignment = alignTop;
     StyleRowDetailWrap = styleRowDetail ;
     StyleRowDetailWrap.alignment = wrap;
     if( objectProject):
         row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
         row1.write(0, ('risk id').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
         #sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 1, 2,  ('รายละเอียด').decode('UTF8')    );
         row1.write(1, ('รายละเอียด').decode('UTF8'),styleHead);
         row1.write(2, ('วันที่รายงาน').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
         row1.write(3, ('หน่วยที่รายงาน').decode('UTF8') ,styleHead);
         for value in  objectProject:
             row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
             row1.write(0, value.get('risk_management_id') ,styleRowDetail );
             row1.write(1, value.get('risk_detail').decode('UTF8'),StyleRowDetailWrap );
             #sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 1, 2,   value.get('risk_detail').decode('UTF8') , StyleRowDetailWrap    ); 
             row1.write(2, value.get('report_date') ,styleDate );
             row1.write(3, value.get('report').decode('UTF8')  ,styleRowDetail );
             for sub in value.get('response') :
                 row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
                 row1.write(0," "  );
                 text = "(" +  sub.get('risk_team').decode('UTF8') + " )   "   +  sub.get('result').decode('UTF8');
                 row1.write(1, text ,StyleRowDetailWrap );
     dirTempFile = gettempdir() + _os.sep + str('simpleReport5.xls');
     return dirTempFile;
    def performance_register_report(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context=None):
        obj = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)
        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')
        f_name = ''
        d_name = ''
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Contractor Payment Bonus')
        total_salary = apr_salary = may_salary = june_salary = july_salary = aug_salary = sep_salary = oct_salary = nov_salary = dec_salary = jan_salary = feb_salary = mar_salary = 0

        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height = 300
        fnt1.bold = True
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x00
        borders1.right = 0x00
        borders1.top = 0x00
        borders1.bottom = 0x00
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern1_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        fnt2 = Font()
        fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        fnt2.height = 300
        fnt2.bold = True
        align_content2 = Alignment()
        align_content2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders2 = Borders()
        borders2.left = 0x00
        borders2.right = 0x00
        borders2.top = 0x00
        borders2.bottom = 0x00
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern2 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern2_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header2 = XFStyle()
        style_header2.font = fnt2
        style_header2.pattern = pattern2
        style_header2.borders = borders2
        style_header2.alignment = align2

        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.height = 300
        fnt3.bold = True
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x00
        borders3.right = 0x00
        borders3.top = 0x00
        borders3.bottom = 0x00
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        pattern3.pattern3 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern3.pattern3_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height = 275
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt.height = 150
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        fnt5 = Font()
        fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        fnt5.height = 200
        content_fnt5 = Font()
        content_fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt5.height = 150
        align_content5 = Alignment()
        align_content5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders5 = Borders()
        borders5.left = 0x02
        borders5.right = 0x02
        borders5.top = 0x02
        borders5.bottom = 0x02
        align5 = Alignment()
        align5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align5.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern5 = Pattern()
        #        pattern5.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        #        pattern5.pattern_fore_colour =  0x1F
        style_header5 = XFStyle()
        style_header5.font = fnt5
        style_header5.pattern = pattern5
        style_header5.borders = borders5
        style_header5.alignment = align5

        if obj.partner_id:
            get_name = obj.partner_id.name
        elif obj.company_id:
            get_name = obj.company_id.name + ' ' + obj.company_id.street + ' ' + ',' + obj.company_id.city + ' ' + '-' + obj.company_id.zip
            get_name = obj.employee_id.partner_id.name

        ws.row(0).height = 500
        ws.write_merge(0, 0, 0, 19, get_name, style_header1)

        date1 = datetime.strptime(obj.from_date,
        date2 = datetime.strptime(obj.till_date,
        if date1 == date2:
            d_name = 'BONUS' + ' - ' + str(date1)
            d_name = 'BONUS' + '  ' + str(date1) + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + str(date2)

        ws.row(1).height = 500
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 0, 19, d_name, style_header2)

        ws.col(0).width = 5000
        ws.col(1).width = 7500
        ws.col(2).width = 5000
        ws.col(3).width = 3000
        ws.col(4).width = 3000
        ws.col(5).width = 3000
        ws.col(6).width = 3000
        ws.col(7).width = 3000
        ws.col(8).width = 3000
        ws.col(9).width = 3000
        ws.col(10).width = 3000
        ws.col(11).width = 3000
        ws.col(12).width = 3000
        ws.col(13).width = 3000
        ws.col(14).width = 3000
        ws.col(15).width = 3000
        ws.col(16).width = 3000
        ws.col(17).width = 3000
        ws.col(18).width = 3000
        ws.col(19).width = 3000
        ws.col(20).width = 3000
        ws.col(21).width = 3000
        ws.col(22).width = 3000
        ws.col(23).width = 3000
        ws.col(24).width = 3000
        ws.col(25).width = 3000
        ws.col(26).width = 3000
        ws.col(27).width = 3000
        ws.col(28).width = 3000
        ws.col(29).width = 4000

        ws.row(2).height = 400
        ws.write(2, 0, 'EMP. CODE', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 1, 'NAME', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 2, 'JOINING DATE', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 3, 4, 'APRIL', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 5, 6, 'MAY', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 7, 8, 'JUNE', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 9, 10, 'JULY', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 11, 12, 'AUGUST', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 13, 14, 'SEPTEMBER', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 15, 16, 'OCTOBER', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 17, 18, 'NOVEMBER', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 19, 20, 'DECEMBER', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 21, 22, 'JANUARY', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 23, 24, 'FEBRUARY', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 25, 26, 'MARCH', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 27, 28, 'TOTAL', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 29, 'BONUS', style_header)

        ws.row(3).height = 400
        ws.write(3, 0, '', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 1, '', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 2, '', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 3, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 4, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 5, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 6, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 7, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 8, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 9, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 10, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 11, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 12, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 13, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 14, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 15, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 16, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 17, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 18, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 19, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 20, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 21, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 22, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 23, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 24, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 25, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 26, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 27, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 28, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 29, '', style_header)

        if obj.partner_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('partner_id', '=', obj.partner_id.id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
            list_ids1 = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('partner_id', '=', obj.partner_id.id),
                                        ('active', '=', False),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
            list_ids = list_ids + list_ids1
        elif obj.employee_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('id', '=', obj.employee_id.id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
        elif obj.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('company_id', '=', obj.company_id.id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
            list_ids1 = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('company_id', '=', obj.company_id.id),
                                        ('active', '=', False),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
            list_ids = list_ids + list_ids1

            raise osv.except_osv(
                _('Warning !'),
                _("Please Select Atleast Company Or Employee."))

        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query ="select hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj,sum(pmbl.apr),sum(pmbl.may),sum(pmbl.june),sum(pmbl.july),sum(pmbl.aug),sum(pmbl.sep),sum(pmbl.oct),"\
                   "from payment_management_bonus_line as pmbl left join hr_employee as hr on pmbl.employee_id = hr.id left join resource_resource as rr on hr.resource_id = rr.id "\
                    "where pmbl.employee_id = '"+str(list_ids[0])+"' and pmbl.bonus_from >= '"+str(obj.from_date)+"' and pmbl.bonus_till <= '"+str(obj.till_date)+"' group by hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj order by hr.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query ="select hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj,sum(pmbl.apr),sum(pmbl.may),sum(pmbl.june),sum(pmbl.july),sum(pmbl.aug),sum(pmbl.sep),sum(pmbl.oct),"\
                   "from payment_management_bonus_line as pmbl left join hr_employee as hr on pmbl.employee_id = hr.id left join resource_resource as rr on hr.resource_id = rr.id "\
                    "where pmbl.employee_id  in "+str(tuple(list_ids))+" and pmbl.bonus_from >= '"+str(obj.from_date)+"' and pmbl.bonus_till <= '"+str(obj.till_date)+"' group by hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj order by hr.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()
        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        columnno = 4
        for val in temp:
            doj = datetime.strptime(val[2], "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
            ws.write(columnno, 0, val[0], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 1, val[1], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 2, doj, style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 3, val[3], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 4, val[17], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 5, val[4], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 6, val[18], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 7, val[5], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 8, val[19], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 9, val[6], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 10, val[20], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 11, val[7], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 12, val[21], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 13, val[8], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 14, val[22], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 15, val[9], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 16, val[23], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 17, val[10], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 18, val[24], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 19, val[11], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 20, val[25], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 21, val[12], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 22, val[26], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 23, val[13], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 24, val[27], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 25, val[14], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 26, val[28], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 27, val[15], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 28, val[29], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 29, val[16], style_header5)

            columnno += 1

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())

        return self.write(cr,
                          ids, {
                              'export_data': out,
                              'filename': 'Contractor Payment Bonus.xls'
Ejemplo n.º 24
def write_cursor_to_excel(curs, filename, sheetTitle):


    curs: a cursor for an open connection to an oracle database

    filename: name of the XLS file to create

    sheetTitle: name of the sheet to create


    # create style for header row - bold font, thin border below

    fnt = Font()

    fnt.bold = True

    borders = Borders()

    borders.bottom = Borders.THIN

    hdrstyle = XFStyle()

    hdrstyle.font = fnt

    hdrstyle.borders = borders

    # create a date format style for any date columns, if any

    datestyle = XFStyle()

    datestyle.num_format_str = 'DD/MM/YYYY'

    # create the workbook. (compression: try to reduce the number of repeated styles)

    wb = Workbook(style_compression=2)

    # the workbook will have just one sheet

    sh = wb.add_sheet(sheetTitle)

    # write the header line, based on the cursor description

    c = 0

    colWidth = []

    for col in curs.description:

        #col[0] is the column name

        #col[1] is the column data type

        sh.write(0, c, col[0], hdrstyle)

        colWidth.append(1) # arbitrary min cell width

        if col[1] == cx_Oracle.DATETIME:

            colWidth[-1] = len(datestyle.num_format_str)

        if colWidth[-1] < len(col[0]):

            colWidth[-1] = len(col[0])

        c += 1

    # write the songs, one to each row

    r = 1

    for song in curs:

        row = sh.row(r)

        for c in range(len(song)):

            if song[c]:

                if curs.description[c][1] == cx_Oracle.DATETIME:

                    row.write(c, song[c], datestyle)


                    if colWidth[c] < len(str(song[c])):

                        colWidth[c] = len(str(song[c]))

                    row.write(c, song[c])

        r += 1

    for c in range(len(colWidth)):

        sh.col(c).width = colWidth[c] * 350

    # freeze the header row

    sh.panes_frozen = True

    sh.vert_split_pos = 0

    sh.horz_split_pos = 1

    def generar_xsl(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):

	header_style = XFStyle()
	borders = Borders()
	borders.left = 1
	borders.right = 1
	borders.top = 1
	borders.bottom = 1
	header_style.borders = borders
	first_book = Workbook()

				# Estrutura principal del xsl (Encabezado)
	style0 = xlwt.easyxf('font: name Arial, colour black, bold on') #Estilo de fuente negrita
	style1 = xlwt.easyxf('align: horiz center') #Estilo alinear al centro centrado
	ws1 = first_book.add_sheet('first_sheet', cell_overwrite_ok=True)
	ws1.write_merge(0, 0, 0, 8,) #Numero de columnas que se expandera el encabezado
	ws1.row(0).height = 300 #Grosor de la fila del encabezado
	#Declaramos los encabezados de las columnas asi:
	#"FilaN, ColumnaN, 'Nombre de la columna', estilo_columna"
	ws1.write(0, 0, 'LISTADO DE SOLICITUDES', style0)
	ws1.write(1, 0, 'Codigo de Solicitud', style0)
	ws1.write(1, 1, 'Modelo', style0)
	ws1.write(1, 2, 'Serial', style0)
	ws1.write(1, 3, 'Fecha de Solicitud', style0)
	ws1.write(1, 4, 'Cedula', style0)
	ws1.write(1, 5, 'Nombre', style0)
	ws1.write(1, 6, 'Apellido', style0)
	ws1.write(1, 7, 'Status', style0)
	ws1.write(1, 8, 'Registrado', style0)

	get_gc = self.pool.get('solicitud.soporte') # Objeto 
	search_repar = get_gc.search(cr, uid, [], context=None) # Se busca Todo
	r_canaimas = get_gc.read(cr,uid,search_repar,context=context) # Se refleja el resultado
	i = 0
	for x in r_canaimas: # Bloque para la iteracion del objeto
		user_r = x['user_register'] #Como son camos many2one trae informacion que no necesitamos
		usuario = user_r[1]   #por eso declaramos una variable que muestre el dato en la posicion que necesitamos.
		mod = x['modelo'] 
		modelo = mod[1]
		nom = x['nombre_r'].upper()
		nombre = self.elimina_tildes(nom)
		ape = x['apellido_r'].upper()
		apellido = self.elimina_tildes(ape)
		#Asociamos cada columna a un campo de la base de datos				
		ws1.write(i+2, 0, str(x['c_solicitud'])) 
		ws1.write(i+2, 1, modelo)
		ws1.write(i+2, 2, str(x['serial']))
		ws1.write(i+2, 3, str(x['f_solicitud']))
		ws1.write(i+2, 4, str(x['cedula']))
		ws1.write(i+2, 5, nombre)
		ws1.write(i+2, 6, apellido)
		ws1.write(i+2, 7, str(x['status']))
		ws1.write(i+2, 8, usuario)

		i = i + 1 # Acumulador de la data

	# Variables de tiempo (dia, mes, año) para que cada vez que 
	# se genere un reporte, al nombre se le adiera la fecha del día.
	dia = time.strftime('%d')
	mes = time.strftime('%m')
	year = time.strftime('%Y')
	fecha = dia+"-"+mes+"-"+year #Variable que concatena el dia la fecha y el año
	nom = 'Solicitudes Atendidas '+fecha+'.xls' #C
	f = open('/home/administrador/openerp70/modules/gestion_canaimas/reporte/'+nom)
	r_archivo = self.pool.get('reportes.canaimas').create(cr, uid, {
	    'name' : nom,
	    'res_name' : nom,
	    'datas' : base64.encodestring(f.read()),
	    'datas_fname' : nom,
	    'res_model' : 'solicitud.soporte',
	    'gerencia' : 'Desarrollo Social',
	return r_archivo
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def pf_upload_report(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        #         req = urllib2.Request('http://www.voidspace.org.uk')
        #         response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        #         the_page = response.read()
        #         print " html===========================",the_page
        f_name = ''
        d_name = ''
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('PF UPLOAD')
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height = 300
        fnt1.bold = True
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x02
        borders1.right = 0x02
        borders1.top = 0x02
        borders1.bottom = 0x02
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern1_fore_colour = 0x17
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        fnt2 = Font()
        fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        fnt2.height = 250
        fnt2.bold = False
        align_content2 = Alignment()
        align_content2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders2 = Borders()
        borders2.left = 0x02
        borders2.right = 0x02
        borders2.top = 0x02
        borders2.bottom = 0x02
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern2 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern2_fore_colour = 0x09
        style_header2 = XFStyle()
        style_header2.font = fnt2
        style_header2.pattern = pattern2
        style_header2.borders = borders2
        style_header2.alignment = align2

        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.height = 275
        fnt3.bold = False
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x02
        borders3.right = 0x02
        borders3.top = 0x02
        borders3.bottom = 0x02
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        pattern3.pattern3 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern3.pattern3_fore_colour = 0x09
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height = 275
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt.height = 150
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        fnt5 = Font()
        fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        fnt5.height = 275
        content_fnt5 = Font()
        content_fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt5.height = 150
        align_content5 = Alignment()
        #         align_content5.horz= Alignment.HORZ_JUSTIFIED
        borders5 = Borders()
        borders5.left = 0x02
        borders5.right = 0x02
        borders5.top = 0x02

        borders5.bottom = 0x02
        align5 = Alignment()
        #         align5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_JUSTIFIED
        align5.vert = Alignment.VERT_JUSTIFIED
        pattern5 = Pattern()
        pattern5.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern5.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header5 = XFStyle()
        style_header5.font = fnt5
        style_header5.pattern = pattern5
        style_header5.borders = borders5
        style_header5.alignment = align5

        ws.row(0).height = 1500
        ws.col(0).width = 6500
        ws.col(1).width = 5000
        ws.col(2).width = 10000
        ws.col(3).width = 4000
        ws.col(4).width = 4000
        ws.col(5).width = 4500
        ws.col(6).width = 4000
        ws.col(7).width = 5500
        ws.col(8).width = 4000
        ws.col(9).width = 4500
        ws.col(10).width = 4000
        ws.col(11).width = 4000
        #        ws.col(12).width = 6500
        #        ws.col(13).width = 6500
        #        ws.col(14).width = 6500
        #        ws.col(15).width = 6500
        #        ws.col(16).width = 4500
        #        ws.col(17).width = 7500
        #        ws.col(18).width = 3000
        #        ws.col(19).width = 4000
        #        ws.col(20).width = 3000
        #        ws.col(21).width = 6500
        #        ws.col(22).width = 6500
        #        ws.col(23).width = 7500
        #        ws.col(24).width = 7500
        #        ws.col(25).width = 2500
        #        ws.col(26).width = 5000
        #        ws.col(27).width = 4000

        ws.write(0, 0, 'Employee Pay Code', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 1, 'UAN Number', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 2, 'Member Name', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 3, 'Gross Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 4, 'EPF Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 5, 'EPS Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 6, 'EDLI Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 7, 'EE Share', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 8, 'EPS Contribution', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 9, 'ER Share', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 10, 'NCP Days', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 11, 'Refund', style_header)

        #        ws.write(0,1,'Member ID',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,6,'EPF Contribution (EE Share) being remitted',style_header5)
        #        ws.write(0,8,'EPS Contribution being remitted',style_header5)
        #        ws.write(0,10,'Diff EPF and EPS Contribution (ER Share) being remitted',style_header5)
        #        ws.write(0,15,'Arrear EPF Wages',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,16,'Arrear EPF EE Share',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,17,'Arrear EPF ER Share',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,18,'Arrear EPS',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,19,'Father / Husband Name',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,20,'Relationship with the Member',style_header5)
        #        ws.write(0,21,'Date of Birth',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,22,'Gender',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,23,'Date of Joining EPF',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,24,'Date of Joining EPS',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,25,'Date of Exit From EPF',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,26,'Date of Exit From EPS',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,27,'Reason for Leaving',style_header5)

        this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
        month = this.month.month
        company_id = this.company_id.id
        year = this.month.year_id.id
        year_name = this.month.year_id.name
        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')
        #        pf_no=' '
        emp_name = ' '
        epf_cont = 0
        eps_cont = 0
        calc_eps_epf = 0
        diff_eps_epf = 0
        full_date_month = []
        total_epf_wages = 0
        total_epf_cont = 0
        total_eps_cont = 0
        total_diff_calc = 0
        total_diff_diff = 0
        total_gross = 0
        holiday_list = []
        inact_list = []
        inact_list1 = []
        hr_list = []
        i = 1
        val_zero = 0
        #        epf_date_start=''

        if len(str(month)) == 1:
            start_date = str(year_name) + '-' + '0' + str(month) + '-' + '01'
            month_val = '0' + str(month)
            start_date = str(year_name) + '-' + str(month) + '-' + '01'
            month_val = str(month)

        if int(this.month.month) in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
            month_tup = 31
        if int(this.month.month) in [4, 6, 9, 11]:
            month_tup = 30
        if int(this.month.month) in [2]:
            if int(this.month.year_id.name) % 4 == 0:
                month_tup = 29
                month_tup = 28

        month_val = int(month_val)
        #        month_tup = calendar.monthrange(year,month_val)
        end_date = str(year_name) + '-' + str(month_val) + '-' + str(month_tup)

        for month_date in rrule.rrule(
                dtstart=datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d'),
                until=datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')):
            month_date = datetime.strftime(month_date, "%Y-%m-%d")

        if this.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('active', '=', True),
                                       ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                       ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
            inact_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('active', '=', False),
                                        ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                        ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                        ('epf_end_date', '>=', start_date),
                                        ('epf_end_date', '<=', end_date),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
        if len(list_ids) == 0:
            raise osv.except_osv(('Warning !'), ("Record Not Found !!!"))
        if inact_ids:
            for val in inact_ids:
                inact_emp_browse = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, val)
                if inact_emp_browse:
                    inact_id = val
                    inact_emp_name = inact_emp_browse.name
                    inact_emp_sinid = inact_emp_browse.sinid
                    inact_days_amount = 0
                    tup = (inact_id, inact_emp_name, inact_days_amount,
        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query = "select spl.employee_id,spl.employee_name,spl.gross,spl.sinid,spl.epf,spl.epf1,spl.epf2,spl.days_amount,spl.other_salary_amount from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id = '" + str(
                list_ids[0]) + "' and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query1 = "select spl.employee_id from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id = '" + str(
                list_ids[0]) + "' and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp1 = cr.fetchall()
            query = "select spl.employee_id,spl.employee_name,spl.gross,spl.sinid,spl.epf,spl.epf1,spl.epf2,spl.days_amount,spl.other_salary_amount from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id in " + str(
                tuple(list_ids)) + " and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query1 = "select spl.employee_id from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id in " + str(
                tuple(list_ids)) + " and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp1 = cr.fetchall()

        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        temp_add_value1 = temp1 + inact_list1
        emp_list = emp_obj.search(cr, uid, [('id', 'not in', temp_add_value1),
                                            ('active', '=', True),
                                            ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                            ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                            ('doj', '<=', end_date),
                                            ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
        if emp_list:
            for valll in emp_list:
                emp_list_ids = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, valll)
                hr_id = valll
                hr_name = emp_list_ids.name
                hr_sinid = emp_list_ids.sinid
                hr_days_amount = 0
                tup = (hr_id, hr_name, hr_days_amount, hr_sinid)

        if temp:
            temp_add_value = temp + inact_list + hr_list
            temp_add_value = sorted(temp_add_value, key=lambda x: x[3])
            for val in temp_add_value:
                epf_cont = 0
                eps_cont = 0
                calc_eps_epf = 0
                epf_gross_wages = 0
                ws.row(i).height = 500
                emp_browse = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, val[0])
                #                emp_pf=emp_browse.pf_number
                uan_number = emp_browse.uan
                if val[2]:
                    gross = val[7] + val[8]
                    gross = 0

#                if '/' in emp_pf :
#                    emp_pf=emp_pf.upper().split('/')
#                    emp_pf_len=len(emp_pf)-1
#                    if emp_pf :
#                        pf_no=emp_pf[emp_pf_len]
                if len(val) > 5:
                    epf_cont = val[4]
                    eps_cont = val[5]
                    calc_eps_epf = val[6]
                    epf_gross_wages = round(val[2], 0)
                diff_eps_epf = (epf_cont - eps_cont)
                date_of_join_epf = emp_browse.epf_start_date
                date_of_exit_epf = emp_browse.epf_end_date
                #                f_name=''
                #                relation_member = ''
                #                date_of_birth=''
                #                gender= ''
                #                epf_date_start=''
                #                leave_reason=' '
                #                epf_end_date=' '
                #                if  date_of_join_epf :
                #                    if date_of_join_epf in full_date_month :
                #                        epf_date_start=datetime.strptime(date_of_join_epf,'%Y-%m-%d')
                #                        epf_date_start=epf_date_start.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
                #                        query1 = cr.execute("select name from family where employee_id='"+str(val[0])+"' and relation='Father'  ")
                #                        temp1  = cr.fetchall()
                #                        if temp1 :
                #                            f_name = temp1[0][0]
                #                        relation_member='F'
                #                        date_of_birth=emp_browse.birthday
                #                        date_of_birth=datetime.strptime(date_of_birth,'%Y-%m-%d')
                #                        date_of_birth=date_of_birth.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
                #                        gender=emp_browse.gender
                #                        gender=gender.upper()[0]

                #                if date_of_exit_epf  :
                #                    leave_reason=emp_browse.leaving_reason[0]
                #                    epf_end_date=datetime.strptime(date_of_exit_epf,'%Y-%m-%d')
                #                    epf_end_date=epf_end_date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')

                #                if  date_of_join_epf and not  date_of_exit_epf :
                #                    leave_reason='&'
                #                    epf_end_date='&'

                #                if not  date_of_join_epf and  date_of_exit_epf :
                #                    epf_date_start='&'

                total_epf_wages += val[2]
                total_epf_cont += epf_cont
                total_eps_cont += eps_cont
                total_diff_calc += calc_eps_epf
                total_diff_diff += diff_eps_epf
                total_gross += gross

                ws.write(i, 0, (val[3]), style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 1, uan_number, style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,1,pf_no,style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 2, (val[1]), style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 3, gross, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 4, epf_gross_wages, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 5, epf_gross_wages, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 6, epf_gross_wages, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 7, epf_cont, style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,6,epf_cont,style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 8, eps_cont, style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,8,eps_cont,style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 9, calc_eps_epf, style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,10,diff_eps_epf,style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 10, val_zero, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 11, val_zero, style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,15,val_zero,style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,16,val_zero,style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,17,val_zero,style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,18,val_zero,style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,19,f_name and  f_name or '&',style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,20,relation_member and relation_member or '&',style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,21,date_of_birth and date_of_birth or '&',style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,22,gender and gender or '&',style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,23,epf_date_start and epf_date_start or '&',style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,24,epf_date_start and epf_date_start or '&',style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,25,epf_end_date,style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,26,epf_end_date,style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,27,leave_reason,style_header2)
                i = i + 1

        ws.row(i + 1).height = 500
        ws.write(i + 1, 2, 'TOTAL', style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 3, total_gross, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 4, total_epf_wages, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 5, total_epf_wages, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 6, total_epf_wages, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 7, total_epf_cont, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 8, total_eps_cont, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 9, total_diff_calc, style_header1)

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())
        pf_upload_report = self.write(cr,
                                      ids, {
                                          'export_data': out,
                                          'filename': 'employee_pf_upload.xls'
        return pf_upload_report
    sheet.write_merge(i, i, 0, 2, Line_data, style) #以合并单元格形式写入数据,即将数据写入以第1/2/3列合并德单元格内

for i in range(0x00,0xff):              # 设置单元格内字体样式
    fnt = Font()                        # 创建一个文本格式,包括字体、字号和颜色样式特性
    fnt.name = '微软雅黑'                # 设置其字体为微软雅黑, 'SimSun'    # 指定“宋体”
    fnt.colour_index = i                # 设置其字体颜色
    fnt.bold = True
    style.font = fnt                    #将赋值好的模式参数导入Style
    sheet.write_merge(i,i,3,5,Line_data,style)  #以合并单元格形式写入数据,即将数据写入以第4/5/6列合并德单元格内

for i in range(0, 0x53):                # 设置单元格下框线样式
    borders = Borders()
    borders.left = i
    borders.right = i
    borders.top = i
    borders.bottom = i
    style.borders = borders         #将赋值好的模式参数导入Style
    sheet.write_merge(i,i,6,8,Line_data,style)  #以合并单元格形式写入数据,即将数据写入以第4/5/6列合并德单元格内

for i in range(6, 80):                  # 设置单元格下列宽样式
    sheet.col(i).width = 0x0d00 + i*50

path_py = "/home/gswewf/jian1.bmp"         #读取插入图片以.py运行时路径,images和.py在同一目录下

sheet.insert_bitmap(path_py, 2, 9)         #插入一个图片

wbk.save('TestData2.xls')               #保存TestData2.xls文件,保存到脚本或exe文件运行的目录下

import xlwt
def set_font(colour_index=2):
    def print_report(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Earn Leave Report')
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height = 300
        fnt1.bold = True
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x02
        borders1.right = 0x02
        borders1.top = 0x02
        borders1.bottom = 0x02
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern1_fore_colour = 0x17
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        fnt2 = Font()
        fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        fnt2.height = 250
        fnt2.bold = False
        align_content2 = Alignment()
        align_content2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders2 = Borders()
        borders2.left = 0x02
        borders2.right = 0x02
        borders2.top = 0x02
        borders2.bottom = 0x02
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern2 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern2_fore_colour = 0x09
        style_header2 = XFStyle()
        style_header2.font = fnt2
        style_header2.pattern = pattern2
        style_header2.borders = borders2
        style_header2.alignment = align2

        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.height = 275
        fnt3.bold = False
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x02
        borders3.right = 0x02
        borders3.top = 0x02
        borders3.bottom = 0x02
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        pattern3.pattern3 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern3.pattern3_fore_colour = 0x09
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height = 275
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt.height = 150
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        fnt5 = Font()
        fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        fnt5.height = 275
        content_fnt5 = Font()
        content_fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt5.height = 150
        align_content5 = Alignment()
        borders5 = Borders()
        borders5.left = 0x02
        borders5.right = 0x02
        borders5.top = 0x02

        borders5.bottom = 0x02
        align5 = Alignment()
        align5.vert = Alignment.VERT_JUSTIFIED
        pattern5 = Pattern()
        pattern5.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern5.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header5 = XFStyle()
        style_header5.font = fnt5
        style_header5.pattern = pattern5
        style_header5.borders = borders5
        style_header5.alignment = align5

        ws.row(0).height = 1000
        ws.col(0).width = 4000
        ws.col(1).width = 5000
        ws.col(2).width = 4000
        ws.col(3).width = 5000
        ws.col(4).width = 5000
        ws.col(5).width = 6500
        ws.col(6).width = 4000
        ws.col(7).width = 4000
        ws.col(8).width = 4000

        ws.write(0, 0, 'Employee ID', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 1, 'Employee Code', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 2, 'Earn Date', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 3, 'Total Work Day', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 4, 'Allocation EL', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 5, 'Opening Earn Leave', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 6, 'Total EL Paid', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 7, 'Balance EL', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 8, 'Import EL', style_header)

        this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
        company_id = this.company_id.id
        employee_id = this.employee_id.id
        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')
        year = this.month.year_id.id
        balance1 = 0
        balance = 0
        import_el = 0
        i = 1

        if this.company_id and this.employee_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                       ('id', '=', employee_id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
        elif this.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])

        if len(list_ids) == 0:
            raise osv.except_osv(('Warning !'), ("Record Not Found !!!"))

        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query = "select spl.sinid,sum(spl.work_day),hr.earn_date,sum(spl.earned_leave),hr.earn_open,hr.id from salary_payment_line as spl left join hr_employee as hr on spl.employee_id = hr.id left join resource_resource as rr on hr.resource_id = rr.id where spl.employee_id = '" + str(
            ) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
            ) + "' and rr.active = 'True' group by spl.sinid,hr.earn_date,hr.earn_open,hr.id order by spl.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query = "select spl.sinid,sum(spl.work_day),hr.earn_date,sum(spl.earned_leave),hr.earn_open,hr.id from salary_payment_line as spl left join hr_employee as hr on spl.employee_id = hr.id left join resource_resource as rr on hr.resource_id = rr.id where spl.employee_id in " + str(
            ) + " and spl.year_id='" + str(
            ) + "' and rr.active = 'True' group by spl.sinid,hr.earn_date,hr.earn_open,hr.id order by spl.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()

        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        for val in temp:
            day = format((val[1] / 20), '.2f')
            b = str(day)
            c = b.split('.')
            d = c[0]
            e = c[1][0:2]
            if int(e) < 50:
                s = d + '.' + str(0)
                work_day = float(s)
                s = d + '.' + e
                t = float(s)
                work_day = math.ceil(t)

            if val[4] != None:
                balance1 = (work_day + val[4] - val[3])
                import_el = work_day + val[4]
                balance1 = (work_day - val[3])
                import_el = work_day

            if balance1 >= 30:
                balance = 30
                balance = balance1

            ws.row(i).height = 500
            ws.write(i, 0, val[5], style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 1, val[0], style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 2, val[2], style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 3, val[1], style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 4, work_day, style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 5, val[4], style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 6, val[3], style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 7, balance, style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 8, import_el, style_header2)

            i = i + 1

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())
        pf_upload_report = self.write(cr,
                                      ids, {
                                          'export_data': out,
                                          'filename': 'Earn Leave Report.xls'

        return pf_upload_report
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def ot_register_report(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        fnt.size = 16
        fnt.style = 'Regular'
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        content_fnt.size = 16
        content_fnt.style = 'Regular'
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x01
        borders.right = 0x01
        borders.top = 0x01
        borders.bottom = 0x01
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x1F
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        fnt1.size = 10
        fnt1.style = 'Regular'
        content_fnt1 = Font()
        content_fnt1.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        content_fnt1.style = 'Regular'
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x1
        borders1.right = 0x1
        borders1.top = 0x1
        borders1.bottom = 0x1

        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern1_fore_colour = 0x1F
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        #Define the font attributes for Content
        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.size = '10'
        fnt3.style = 'Regular'

        content_fnt3 = Font()
        content_fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt3.style = 'Regular'
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT

        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x0
        borders3.right = 0x0
        borders3.top = 0x0
        borders3.bottom = 0x0

        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern3 = Pattern()

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('OT Register Report')

        this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
        year = this.month.year_id.id
        month = this.month.month
        emp_id = this.employee_id.id
        company_id = this.company_id.id

        ws.row(0).height = 300
        ws.row(1).height = 300
        ws.row(2).height = 300
        ws.col(20).width = 6000

            0, 0, 4, 10, 'COMPANY :  ' + this.company_id.name + '  ' +
            this.company_id.street, style_header)
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 4, 10,
                       ('SALARY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF : ', this.month.name),

        ws.write(2, 0, 'PCard', style_header)
        ws.col(0).width = 4000
        ws.write(2, 1, 'Employee Name', style_header)
        ws.col(1).width = 8000
        ws.write(2, 2, 'Department Name', style_header)
        ws.col(2).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 3, 'Designation Name', style_header)
        ws.col(3).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 4, 'Total Working Day', style_header)
        ws.col(4).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 5, 'CL + EL', style_header)
        ws.col(5).width = 3000
        ws.write(2, 6, 'Compensatory Leave', style_header)
        ws.col(6).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 7, 'Sick Leave', style_header)
        ws.col(7).width = 4000
        ws.write(2, 8, 'Absent', style_header)
        ws.col(8).width = 4000
        ws.write(2, 9, 'Shift Hours Worked', style_header)
        ws.col(9).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 10, 'Overtime Hours', style_header)
        ws.col(10).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 11, 'Total Working Hours', style_header)
        ws.col(11).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 12, 'Avg Weekly Working Hour', style_header)
        ws.col(12).width = 6000
        ws.write(2, 13, 'Avg Daily Working Hour', style_header)
        ws.col(13).width = 6000
        ws.write(2, 14, 'Total Monthly Gross', style_header)
        ws.col(14).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 15, 'Gross Salary Paid', style_header)
        ws.col(15).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 16, 'OT Salary', style_header)
        ws.col(16).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 17, 'Total Gross Salary', style_header)
        ws.col(17).width = 5000

        i = 3
        total_days = 0.0
        total_cl_el = 0.0
        total_compensatory = 0.0
        total_sick = 0.0
        total_absent = 0.0
        total_shift_hours = 0.0
        total_ot_hours = 0.0
        total_working_hours = 0.0
        total_weekly_working_hour = 0.0
        total_daily_working_hour = 0.0
        total_monthly_gross = 0.0
        total_gross_salary_paid = 0.0
        total_ot_salary = 0.0
        total_gross_salary = 0.0
        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')

        if this.employee_id and this.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('id', '=', emp_id),
                                       ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee'),
                                       ('active', '=', True)])
        elif this.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee'),
                                       ('active', '=', True)])
            list_ids1 = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Employee'),
                                        ('active', '=', False)])
            list_ids = list_ids + list_ids1
        elif this.employee_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid, [('id', '=', emp_id),
                                                ('type', '=', 'Employee'),
                                                ('active', '=', True)])

        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query ="select spl.sinid,spl.employee_name,spl.department_name,spl.job_name,(spl.work_day+spl.factory_work),(spl.casual_leave+spl.earned_leave),spl.compensatory_leave,spl.sick_leave,(spl.month_days-(spl.work_day+spl.factory_work+spl.casual_leave+spl.earned_leave+spl.compensatory_leave+spl.sick_leave+spl.holiday_leave+spl.week_leave)),"\
                    "((spl.work_day+spl.factory_work) * 8),(spl.over_time + spl.sun_over_time),(((spl.work_day+spl.factory_work) * 8)+(spl.over_time + spl.sun_over_time)),"\
                    "round(((((spl.work_day+spl.factory_work) * 8)+(spl.over_time + spl.sun_over_time))/(spl.work_day+spl.factory_work)),2) ,(spl.basic + spl.other_salary),(spl.days_amount+spl.other_salary_amount),spl.total_overtime_amount,"\
                    "(spl.days_amount+spl.other_salary_amount+spl.total_overtime_amount) from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id = '"+str(list_ids[0])+"' and spl.month='"+str(month)+"' and spl.year_id='"+str(year)+"' order by spl.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query ="select spl.sinid,spl.employee_name,spl.department_name,spl.job_name,(spl.work_day+spl.factory_work),(spl.casual_leave+spl.earned_leave),spl.compensatory_leave,spl.sick_leave,(spl.month_days-(spl.work_day+spl.factory_work+spl.casual_leave+spl.earned_leave+spl.compensatory_leave+spl.sick_leave+spl.holiday_leave+spl.week_leave)),"\
                    "((spl.work_day+spl.factory_work) * 8),(spl.over_time + spl.sun_over_time),(((spl.work_day+spl.factory_work) * 8)+(spl.over_time + spl.sun_over_time)),"\
                    "round(((((spl.work_day+spl.factory_work) * 8)+(spl.over_time + spl.sun_over_time))/(spl.work_day+spl.factory_work)),2) ,(spl.basic + spl.other_salary),(spl.days_amount+spl.other_salary_amount),spl.total_overtime_amount,"\
                    "(spl.days_amount+spl.other_salary_amount+spl.total_overtime_amount) from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id in "+str(tuple(list_ids))+" and spl.month='"+str(month)+"' and spl.year_id='"+str(year)+"' order by spl.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()

        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        for val in temp:
            if val[4] >= 7:
                working_hour = round((val[11] / (val[12] - val[8])) * 7, 2)
                working_hour = 0.00

            total_days += val[4]
            total_cl_el += val[5]
            total_compensatory += val[6]
            total_sick += val[7]
            total_absent += val[8]
            total_shift_hours += val[9]
            total_ot_hours += val[10]
            total_working_hours += val[11]
            total_daily_working_hour += val[13]
            total_monthly_gross += val[14]
            total_gross_salary_paid += val[15]
            total_ot_salary += val[16]
            total_gross_salary += val[17]
            total_weekly_working_hour += working_hour

            ws.write(i, 0, val[0], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 1, val[1], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 2, val[2], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 3, val[3], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 4, val[4], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 5, val[5], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 6, val[6], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 7, val[7], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 8, val[8], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 9, val[9], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 10, val[10], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 11, val[11], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 12, working_hour, style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 13, val[13], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 14, val[14], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 15, val[15], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 16, val[16], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 17, val[17], style_header3)
            i = i + 1

        ws.write(i, 0, '', style_header3)
        ws.write(i, 1, '', style_header3)
        ws.write(i, 2, '', style_header3)
        ws.write(i, 3, 'TOTAL', style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 4, total_days, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 5, total_cl_el, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 6, total_compensatory, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 7, total_sick, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 8, total_absent, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 9, total_shift_hours, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 10, total_ot_hours, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 11, total_working_hours, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 12, total_weekly_working_hour, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 13, total_daily_working_hour, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 14, total_monthly_gross, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 15, total_gross_salary_paid, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 16, total_ot_salary, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 17, total_gross_salary, style_header1)

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())

        ot_report = self.write(cr,
                               ids, {
                                   'export_data': out,
                                   'filename': 'OT Register Report.xls'
        return ot_report
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def output(self):
        # from xlrd import open_workbook
        from xlwt import Workbook, XFStyle, Borders, Alignment, Font, Pattern, Style, easyxf

        # from xlutils.copy import copy

        rb = open_workbook(r"Templates\template.xls")
        wb = copy(rb)

        s = wb.get_sheet(0)
        s.write(0, 0, 'A1')

        book = Workbook(encoding="utf-8")
        sheet = book.add_sheet(r"Feuille1")

        style_title = XFStyle()
        font_title = Font()
        font_title.name = "Comic Sans MS"
        font_title.height = 280
        style_title.font = font_title
        style_title.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        style_title.alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER

        style_cell_bottom = XFStyle()
        borders_cell_bottom = Borders()
        borders_cell_bottom.bottom = Borders.MEDIUM
        style_cell_bottom.borders = borders_cell_bottom

        style_header = XFStyle()
        font_header = Font()
        font_header.bold = 1
        font_header.name = "Arial Narrow"
        font_header.height = 240
        style_header.font = font_header
        style_header.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        style_header.alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        borders_header = Borders()
        borders_header.top = Borders.MEDIUM
        borders_header.left = Borders.MEDIUM
        borders_header.bottom = Borders.MEDIUM
        borders_header.right = Borders.MEDIUM
        style_header.borders = borders_header

        style_sub_header = XFStyle()
        font_sub_header = Font()
        font_sub_header.name = "Arial Narrow"
        font_sub_header.height = 240
        style_sub_header.font = font_sub_header
        style_sub_header.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        style_sub_header.alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        borders_sub_header = Borders()
        borders_sub_header.top = Borders.MEDIUM
        borders_sub_header.left = Borders.MEDIUM
        borders_sub_header.bottom = Borders.MEDIUM
        borders_sub_header.right = Borders.MEDIUM
        style_sub_header.borders = borders_sub_header

        style_date = XFStyle()
        font_date = Font()
        font_date.name = "Arial Narrow"
        font_date.height = 240
        style_date.font = font_date
        style_date.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        style_date.alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        borders_date = Borders()
        borders_date.left = Borders.MEDIUM
        style_date.borders = borders_date

        style_date_status = XFStyle()
        font_date_status = Font()
        font_date_status.name = "Arial Narrow"
        font_date_status.height = 240
        style_date_status.font = font_date_status
        style_date_status.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
        style_date_status.alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        borders_date_status = Borders()
        borders_date_status.right = Borders.MEDIUM
        style_date_status.borders = borders_date_status

        style_cell_normal = XFStyle()
        font_cell_normal = Font()
        font_cell_normal.name = "Arial Narrow"
        font_cell_normal.height = 220
        style_cell_normal.font = font_cell_normal
        style_cell_normal.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        style_cell_normal.alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER

        style_cell_right = XFStyle()
        font_cell_right = Font()
        font_cell_right.name = "Arial Narrow"
        font_cell_right.height = 220
        style_cell_right.font = font_cell_right
        style_cell_right.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        style_cell_right.alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        borders_cell_right = Borders()
        borders_cell_right.right = Borders.MEDIUM
        style_cell_right.borders = borders_cell_right

        style_cell_top = XFStyle()
        borders_cell_top = Borders()
        borders_cell_top.top = Borders.MEDIUM
        style_cell_top.borders = borders_cell_top

        column_offset = 1
        date_column_offset = 2
        row_offset = 1
        table_width = 1 + 3 * len(Database.team())

        # build titles
        sheet.write_merge(row_offset, row_offset, column_offset, table_width + 1, "POLE MEDECINE INTERNE", style_title)
            row_offset + 1,
            row_offset + 1,
            table_width + 1,
            "Service NEPHROLOGIE – HEMODIALYSE",
            row_offset + 2,
            row_offset + 2,
            table_width + 1,
            "Planning de {0} {1}".format(self.human_readable_months[self.month - 1], self.year),

        # patch date columns top borders
        sheet.write(row_offset + 5, column_offset, "", style_cell_bottom)
        sheet.write(row_offset + 5, column_offset + 1, "", style_cell_bottom)

        # build header and sub header
        for x in Database.team():
                row_offset + 4,
                row_offset + 4,
                column_offset + date_column_offset + 3 * (x.id - 1),
                column_offset + date_column_offset + 3 * x.id - 1,
            sheet.write(row_offset + 5, column_offset + date_column_offset + 3 * (x.id - 1), "M", style_sub_header)
            sheet.write(row_offset + 5, column_offset + date_column_offset + 3 * (x.id - 1) + 1, "AM", style_sub_header)
            sheet.write(row_offset + 5, column_offset + date_column_offset + 3 * (x.id - 1) + 2, "N", style_sub_header)

        i = 40
        for x in sorted(Style.colour_map):
            style = XFStyle()
            pattern = Pattern()
            pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
            pattern.pattern_fore_colour = Style.colour_map[x]
            style.pattern = pattern
            sheet.write(i, 1, x, style)
            i += 1

        pattern_pale_blue = Pattern()
        pattern_pale_blue.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern_pale_blue.pattern_fore_colour = Style.colour_map["pale_blue"]

        pattern_light_yellow = Pattern()
        pattern_light_yellow.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern_light_yellow.pattern_fore_colour = Style.colour_map["light_yellow"]

        pattern_ice_blue = Pattern()
        pattern_ice_blue.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern_ice_blue.pattern_fore_colour = Style.colour_map["ice_blue"]

        pattern_light_green = Pattern()
        pattern_light_green.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern_light_green.pattern_fore_colour = Style.colour_map["light_green"]

        pattern_ivory = Pattern()
        pattern_ivory.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern_ivory.pattern_fore_colour = Style.colour_map["ivory"]

        pattern_tan = Pattern()
        pattern_tan.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern_tan.pattern_fore_colour = Style.colour_map["tan"]

        pattern_gold = Pattern()
        pattern_gold.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern_gold.pattern_fore_colour = Style.colour_map["gold"]

        def __cell_colouration__(style, current_activity):
            if current_activity is Activity.CONSULTATION:
                style.pattern = pattern_pale_blue
            elif current_activity is Activity.DIALYSIS:
                style.pattern = pattern_ice_blue
            elif current_activity is Activity.NEPHROLOGY:
                style.pattern = pattern_light_green
            elif current_activity is Activity.OTHERS:
                style.pattern = pattern_tan
            elif current_activity is Activity.OBLIGATION:
                style.pattern = pattern_ivory
            elif current_activity is Activity.OBLIGATION_WEEKEND:
                style.pattern = pattern_light_yellow
            elif current_activity is Activity.OBLIGATION_HOLIDAY:
                style.pattern = pattern_gold
                style.pattern = Pattern()
            return style

        last_day = calendar.monthrange(self.year, self.month)[1]
        for x in range(1, last_day + 1):
            current_date = date(self.year, self.month, x)
            current_daily_planning = self.daily_plannings[current_date]

            # build date and date status columns
                row_offset + 5 + x,
                "{0}. {1}".format(self.human_readable_days[current_daily_planning.weekday][0:3].lower(), x),
            if current_daily_planning.weekday in [5, 6]:
                sheet.write(row_offset + 5 + x, column_offset + 1, "WK", style_date_status)
            elif not current_daily_planning.is_working_day:
                sheet.write(row_offset + 5 + x, column_offset + 1, "Férié", style_date_status)
                sheet.write(row_offset + 5 + x, column_offset + 1, "", style_date_status)

                 'font: bold 1, name Tahoma, height 160;'
                 'align: vertical center, horizontal center, wrap on;'
                 'borders: left thin, right thin, top thin, bottom thin;'
                 'pattern: pattern solid, pattern_fore_colour green, pattern_back_colour green'

            # fill in month planning
            for y in Database.team():
                current_activity = current_daily_planning.__get_activity__(TimeSlot.FIRST_SHIFT, y)
                    row_offset + 5 + x,
                    column_offset + date_column_offset + 3 * (y.id - 1),
                    self.human_readable_activities[current_activity] if current_activity else "",
                    __cell_colouration__(style_cell_normal, current_activity),
                current_activity = current_daily_planning.__get_activity__(TimeSlot.SECOND_SHIFT, y)
                    row_offset + 5 + x,
                    column_offset + date_column_offset + 1 + 3 * (y.id - 1),
                    self.human_readable_activities[current_activity] if current_activity else "",
                    __cell_colouration__(style_cell_normal, current_activity),
                current_activity = current_daily_planning.__get_activity__(TimeSlot.THIRD_SHIFT, y)
                    row_offset + 5 + x,
                    column_offset + date_column_offset + 2 + 3 * (y.id - 1),
                    self.human_readable_activities[current_activity] if current_activity else "",
                    __cell_colouration__(style_cell_right, current_activity),

        # patch table bottom border
        for x in range(0, table_width + 1):
            sheet.write(row_offset + 5 + (last_day + 1), column_offset + x, "", style_cell_top)

    def salary_payment_report(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None):
        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.style= 'Regular'
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name ='Arial'
        content_fnt.style= 'Regular'
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz= Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x01
        borders.right = 0x01
        borders.top = 0x01
        borders.bottom = 0x01
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour =  0x1F
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header= XFStyle()
        style_header.font= fnt
        style_header.pattern= pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.style= 'Regular'
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt3 = Font()
        content_fnt3.name ='Arial'
        content_fnt3.style= 'Regular'
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz= Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x01
        borders3.right = 0x01
        borders3.top = 0x01
        borders3.bottom = 0x01
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header3= XFStyle()
        style_header3.font= fnt3
        style_header3.pattern= pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt4 = Font()
        fnt4.name = 'Arial'
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt4 = Font()
        content_fnt4.name ='Arial'
        align_content4 = Alignment()
        align_content4.horz= Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
        borders4 = Borders()
        borders4.left = 0x01
        borders4.right = 0x01
        borders4.top = 0x01
        borders4.bottom = 0x01
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align4 = Alignment()
        align4.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
        align4.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern4 = Pattern()
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header4= XFStyle()
        style_header4.font= fnt4
        style_header4.pattern= pattern4
        style_header4.borders = borders4
        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.Style= 'Regular'
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt1 = Font()
        content_fnt1.name ='Arial'
        content_fnt1.Style= 'Regular'
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz= Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x01
        borders1.right = 0x01
        borders1.top = 0x01
        borders1.bottom = 0x01
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header1= XFStyle()
        style_header1.font= fnt1
        style_header1.pattern= pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt2 = Font()
        fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        fnt2.Style= 'Regular'
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt2 = Font()
        content_fnt2.name ='Arial'
        content_fnt2.Style= 'Regular'
        align_content2 = Alignment()
        align_content2.horz= Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        borders2 = Borders()
        borders2.left = 0x01
        borders2.right = 0x01
        borders2.top = 0x01
        borders2.bottom = 0x01
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header2= XFStyle()
        style_header2.font= fnt2
        style_header2.pattern= pattern
        style_header2.borders = borders2

        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Salary Report')

#        ws.col(0).width = 5000
#        ws.col(0).width = 5000
#        ws.col(0).width = 5000
#        ws.col(0).width = 5000
        ws.write_merge(0,0,0,5, 'SALARY REPORT',style_header)
        ws.write_merge(1,1,0,5, ('DEPARTMENT : ',this.department_id.name),style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2,2,0,1, 'Month',style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2,2,2,3, 'Salary Amount',style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2,2,4,5, 'Remark',style_header)
        for val in this.month_ids:
            i = 3
            query="""select  hy.name,spl.month, sum(spl.total_amount) from salary_payment_line as spl left join holiday_year as hy on spl.year_id = hy.id where month = '"""+str(val.month)+"""'
            and year_id = '"""+str(val.year_id.id)+"""' and curr_department = '"""+str(this.department_id.id)+"""' and salary_type='Salary' 
            group by spl.month, hy.name"""
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            for year,month, total_amount in temp:
                mon = int(month)
                t = (year,mon, total_amount)
        total = 0.0
        for  year,month, total_amount in lst:
            if month == 1:
                month1 = 'January'
            elif month == 2:
                month1 = 'February'
            elif month == 3:
                month1 = 'March'
            elif month == 4:
                month1 = 'April'
            elif month == 5:
                month1 = 'May'
            elif month == 6:
                month1 = 'June'
            elif month == 7:
                month1 = 'July'
            elif month == 8:
                month1 = 'August'
            elif month == 9:
                month1 = 'September'
            elif month == 10:
                month1 = 'October'
            elif month == 11:
                month1 = 'November'
                month1 = 'December'
            total += total_amount
            ws.write_merge(i,i,0,1, (month1,' ',year),style_header4)
            ws.write_merge(i,i,2,3, round(total_amount,2),style_header1)
            ws.write_merge(i,i,4,5, ' ',style_header3)
            i += 1
        ws.write_merge(i,i,0,1, 'Total Amount',style_header2)
        ws.write_merge(i,i,2,3, round(total,2),style_header2)
        ws.write_merge(i,i,4,5, ' ',style_header)
        if len(lst) < 1:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning!'),_('No Record found!'))
        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        sal_report = self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'export_data':out, 'filename':'Salary Report.xls'}, context=context)
        return sal_report
Ejemplo n.º 32
    fontsize = settings.EXPORT_EXCEL_FONT_SIZE
titleFont.height = titlesize          
headerFont.height = fontsize         
cellFont.height = fontsize

brdLeft = Borders()                # Defining border which is around header
brdLeft.left = 0x01

brdRight = Borders()                # Defining border which is around header
brdRight.right = 0x01

brdTop = Borders()                # Defining border which is around header
brdTop.top = 0x01

brdBottom = Borders()                # Defining border which is around header
brdBottom.bottom = 0x01

brdTopLeft = Borders()
brdTopLeft.top = 0x01
brdTopLeft.left = 0x01

brdBottomLeft = Borders()
brdBottomLeft.bottom = 0x01
brdBottomLeft.left = 0x01

brdBottomRight = Borders()
brdBottomRight.bottom = 0x01
brdBottomRight.right = 0x01

brdTopRight = Borders()
brdTopRight.top = 0x01
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def pf_upload_report(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        f_name = ''
        d_name = ''
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('CONTRACTOR PF UPLOAD')
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height = 300
        fnt1.bold = True
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x02
        borders1.right = 0x02
        borders1.top = 0x02
        borders1.bottom = 0x02
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern1_fore_colour = 0x17
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        fnt2 = Font()
        fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        fnt2.height = 250
        fnt2.bold = False
        align_content2 = Alignment()
        align_content2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders2 = Borders()
        borders2.left = 0x02
        borders2.right = 0x02
        borders2.top = 0x02
        borders2.bottom = 0x02
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern2 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern2_fore_colour = 0x09
        style_header2 = XFStyle()
        style_header2.font = fnt2
        style_header2.pattern = pattern2
        style_header2.borders = borders2
        style_header2.alignment = align2

        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.height = 275
        fnt3.bold = False
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x02
        borders3.right = 0x02
        borders3.top = 0x02
        borders3.bottom = 0x02
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        pattern3.pattern3 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern3.pattern3_fore_colour = 0x09
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height = 275
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt.height = 150
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        fnt5 = Font()
        fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        fnt5.height = 275
        content_fnt5 = Font()
        content_fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt5.height = 150
        align_content5 = Alignment()
        #         align_content5.horz= Alignment.HORZ_JUSTIFIED
        borders5 = Borders()
        borders5.left = 0x02
        borders5.right = 0x02
        borders5.top = 0x02

        borders5.bottom = 0x02
        align5 = Alignment()
        #         align5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_JUSTIFIED
        align5.vert = Alignment.VERT_JUSTIFIED
        pattern5 = Pattern()
        pattern5.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern5.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header5 = XFStyle()
        style_header5.font = fnt5
        style_header5.pattern = pattern5
        style_header5.borders = borders5
        style_header5.alignment = align5

        ws.row(0).height = 1500
        ws.col(0).width = 6500
        ws.col(1).width = 5000
        ws.col(2).width = 10000
        ws.col(3).width = 4000
        ws.col(4).width = 4000
        ws.col(5).width = 4500
        ws.col(6).width = 4000
        ws.col(7).width = 5500
        ws.col(8).width = 4000
        ws.col(9).width = 4500
        ws.col(10).width = 4000
        ws.col(11).width = 4000

        ws.write(0, 0, 'Employee Pay Code', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 1, 'UAN Number', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 2, 'Member Name', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 3, 'Gross Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 4, 'EPF Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 5, 'EPS Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 6, 'EDLI Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 7, 'EE Share', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 8, 'EPS Contribution', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 9, 'ER Share', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 10, 'NCP Days', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 11, 'Refund', style_header)

        this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
        month = this.month.month
        company_id = this.company_id.id
        year = this.month.year_id.id
        year_name = this.month.year_id.name
        partner_id = this.partner_id.id
        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')
        #        pf_no=' '
        emp_name = ' '
        epf_cont = 0
        eps_cont = 0
        calc_eps_epf = 0
        diff_eps_epf = 0
        full_date_month = []
        total_epf_wages = 0
        total_epf_cont = 0
        total_eps_cont = 0
        total_diff_calc = 0
        total_diff_diff = 0
        total_gross = 0
        holiday_list = []
        inact_list = []
        inact_list1 = []
        hr_list = []
        i = 1
        val_zero = 0
        #        epf_date_start=''

        if len(str(month)) == 1:
            start_date = str(year_name) + '-' + '0' + str(month) + '-' + '01'
            month_val = '0' + str(month)
            start_date = str(year_name) + '-' + str(month) + '-' + '01'
            month_val = str(month)

        if int(this.month.month) in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
            month_tup = 31
        if int(this.month.month) in [4, 6, 9, 11]:
            month_tup = 30
        if int(this.month.month) in [2]:
            if int(this.month.year_id.name) % 4 == 0:
                month_tup = 29
                month_tup = 28

        month_val = int(month_val)
        #        month_tup = calendar.monthrange(year,month_val)
        end_date = str(year_name) + '-' + str(month_val) + '-' + str(month_tup)

        #        month_val=int(month_val)
        #        month_tup = calendar.monthrange(year,month_val)
        #        end_date = str(year_name) + '-' + str(month_val) + '-' + str(month_tup[1])

        for month_date in rrule.rrule(
                dtstart=datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d'),
                until=datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')):
            month_date = datetime.strftime(month_date, "%Y-%m-%d")

        if this.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('active', '=', True),
                                       ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                       ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
            inact_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('active', '=', False),
                                        ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                        ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                        ('epf_end_date', '>=', start_date),
                                        ('epf_end_date', '<=', end_date),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
        elif this.partner_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('active', '=', True),
                                       ('partner_id', '=', partner_id),
                                       ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
            inact_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('active', '=', False),
                                        ('partner_id', '=', partner_id),
                                        ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                        ('epf_end_date', '>=', start_date),
                                        ('epf_end_date', '<=', end_date),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])

        if len(list_ids) == 0:
            raise osv.except_osv(('Warning !'), ("Record Not Found !!!"))
        if inact_ids:
            for val in inact_ids:
                inact_emp_browse = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, val)
                if inact_emp_browse:
                    inact_id = val
                    inact_emp_name = inact_emp_browse.name
                    inact_emp_sinid = inact_emp_browse.sinid
                    inact_days_amount = 0
                    tup = (inact_id, inact_emp_name, inact_days_amount,
        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query = "select spl.employee_id,spl.employee_name,spl.gross,spl.sinid,spl.epf,spl.epf1,spl.epf2,spl.days_amount,spl.other_salary_amount from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id = '" + str(
                list_ids[0]) + "' and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query1 = "select spl.employee_id from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id = '" + str(
                list_ids[0]) + "' and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp1 = cr.fetchall()
            query = "select spl.employee_id,spl.employee_name,spl.gross,spl.sinid,spl.epf,spl.epf1,spl.epf2,spl.days_amount,spl.other_salary_amount from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id in " + str(
                tuple(list_ids)) + " and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query1 = "select spl.employee_id from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id in " + str(
                tuple(list_ids)) + " and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp1 = cr.fetchall()

        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        temp_add_value1 = temp1 + inact_list1
        emp_list = emp_obj.search(cr, uid, [('id', 'not in', temp_add_value1),
                                            ('active', '=', True),
                                            ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                            ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                            ('doj', '<=', end_date),
                                            ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
        if emp_list:
            for valll in emp_list:
                emp_list_ids = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, valll)
                hr_id = valll
                hr_name = emp_list_ids.name
                hr_sinid = emp_list_ids.sinid
                hr_days_amount = 0
                tup = (hr_id, hr_name, hr_days_amount, hr_sinid)

        if temp:
            temp_add_value = temp + inact_list + hr_list
            temp_add_value = sorted(temp_add_value, key=lambda x: x[3])
            for val in temp_add_value:
                epf_cont = 0
                eps_cont = 0
                calc_eps_epf = 0
                epf_gross_wages = 0
                ws.row(i).height = 500
                emp_browse = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, val[0])
                uan_number = emp_browse.uan
                if val[2]:
                    gross = val[7] + val[8]
                    gross = 0

                if len(val) > 5:
                    epf_cont = val[4]
                    eps_cont = val[5]
                    calc_eps_epf = val[6]
                    epf_gross_wages = round(val[2], 0)
                diff_eps_epf = (epf_cont - eps_cont)
                date_of_join_epf = emp_browse.epf_start_date
                date_of_exit_epf = emp_browse.epf_end_date

                total_epf_wages += val[2]
                total_epf_cont += epf_cont
                total_eps_cont += eps_cont
                total_diff_calc += calc_eps_epf
                total_diff_diff += diff_eps_epf
                total_gross += gross

                ws.write(i, 0, (val[3]), style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 1, uan_number, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 2, (val[1]), style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 3, gross, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 4, epf_gross_wages, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 5, epf_gross_wages, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 6, epf_gross_wages, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 7, epf_cont, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 8, eps_cont, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 9, calc_eps_epf, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 10, val_zero, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 11, val_zero, style_header2)
                i = i + 1

        ws.row(i + 1).height = 500
        ws.write(i + 1, 2, 'TOTAL', style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 3, total_gross, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 4, total_epf_wages, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 5, total_epf_wages, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 6, total_epf_wages, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 7, total_epf_cont, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 8, total_eps_cont, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 9, total_diff_calc, style_header1)

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())
        pf_upload_report = self.write(
            ids, {
                'export_data': out,
                'filename': 'contractor_pf_upload.xls'
        return pf_upload_report
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def write_sheet(self, data, sheet_name, print_to_screen=False):
        '''Write a very simple table to a new sheet in a spreadsheet,
           Optionally, print the table to the screen'''

        # most cells
        al = Alignment()
        al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        al.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        font = Font()
        font.name = 'Arial'
        font.height = 9 * 20  # 9 pt
        style = XFStyle()
        style.font = font
        style.alignment = al

        # tops cells
        al = Alignment()
        al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        al.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        font = Font()
        font.name = 'Arial'
        font.bold = True
        font.height = 9 * 20  # 9 pt
        style_top = XFStyle()
        style_top.font = font
        style_top.alignment = al

        # left cells
        al = Alignment()
        al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
        al.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        font = Font()
        font.name = 'Arial'
        font.bold = True
        font.italic = True
        font.height = 9 * 20  # 9 pt
        style_left = XFStyle()
        style_left.font = font
        style_left.alignment = al

        ws = self.add_sheet(sheet_name)

        for i, row in enumerate(data):
            for j, cell in enumerate(row):

                borders = Borders()

                if i == 0:
                    borders.top = 1
                    borders.bottom = 2

                if i == len(row) - 1:
                    borders.bottom = 1

                if j == 0:
                    borders.left = 1
                    borders.right = 1

                if j == len(row) - 1:
                    borders.right = 1

                if j == 0:
                    _style = style_left
                elif i == 0:
                    _style = style_top
                    _style = style

                _style.borders = borders
                ws.write(i + 1, j + 1, cell, _style)

        if print_to_screen:
            print print_table(data, sheet_name, bold=True)
def CreateExcelSpreadsheet(table, output_excel, use_alias=True):
    """Exports table to excel

        table -- input table
        output_excel -- output excel table (.xlsx, .xls)

        use_alias -- use field alias name for column headers. Default is True
    # build field dict
    fieldNames = [(f.name, f.aliasName) for f in arcpy.ListFields(table) if f.type != 'Geometry']
    fields = [f[1] if use_alias in ('true', True) else f[0] for f in fieldNames]
    widths = {i: arial10.fitwidth(f) + 1024 for i,f in enumerate(fields)}

    # get field values  *Changed from type dict to list
    with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(table, [f[0] for f in fieldNames]) as rows:
        values = [r for r in rows]

    # Create spreadsheet
    wb = Workbook()
    ws = wb.add_sheet('Sheet 1')
    cols = len(fields)
    rows = len(values) + 1

    # set styles
    borders = Borders()
    borders.left = Borders.THIN
    borders.right = Borders.THIN
    borders.top = Borders.THIN
    borders.bottom = Borders.THIN

    style = XFStyle()
    style.borders = borders

    # headers
    fntHeaders = Font()
    fntHeaders.bold = True
    fntHeaders.height = 220

    styleHeaders = XFStyle()
    styleHeaders.font = fntHeaders
    styleHeaders.borders = borders

    # for date fields
    styleDate = XFStyle()
    styleDate.borders = borders
    styleDate.num_format_str = 'MM/DD/YYYY'

    # write headers and freeze panes
    for ci,field in enumerate(fields):
        ws.write(0, ci, field, styleHeaders)

    # freeze headers

    # fill in values
    start = 1
    for vals in values:
        for i, value in enumerate(vals):
            ws.write(start, i, value, styleDate if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime) else style)
            v_width = arial10.fitwidth(str(value).strip())
            if v_width > widths[i]:
                widths[i] = v_width
        start += 1

        if not start % 1000:

    # autofit column widths
    for ci,width in widths.iteritems():
        ws.col(ci).width = int(width + 256) # just a little more padding

    # save workbook
    del wb
    out_url = '/'.join([PATH_URL, os.path.basename(out_file)])
    arcpy.SetParameter(2, out_url)
    return out_url
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def exportToXls(self):
        # opening file dialog
        fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,
            'Save as', RES, 'Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (*.xls)')

        if fileName.count() > 0:
                COLUMN_WIDTH = 3000

                alignment = Alignment()
                alignment.horizontal = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
                alignment.vertical = Alignment.VERT_CENTER

                borders = Borders()
                borders.left = Borders.THIN
                borders.right = Borders.THIN
                borders.top = Borders.THIN
                borders.bottom = Borders.THIN

                style = XFStyle()
                style.alignment = alignment
                style.borders = borders

                font = Font()
                font.bold = True
                headerStyle = XFStyle()
                headerStyle.font = font

                separate = Borders()
                separate.left = Borders.THIN
                separate.right = Borders.DOUBLE
                separate.top = Borders.THIN
                separate.bottom = Borders.THIN
                separateStyle = XFStyle()
                separateStyle.borders = separate

                book = Workbook(encoding='utf-8')

                # modelling data
                dec_sheet = book.add_sheet('Data decomposition')

                # decomposition data
                # initial data
                column = 0
                row = 0
                dec_sheet.write(row, column, 'Time series', headerStyle)
                dec_sheet.col(column).width = COLUMN_WIDTH
                row += 1
                for item in self.data[0]:
                    dec_sheet.write(row, column, item, separateStyle)
                    row += 1

                # decomposition
                for lvl in self.wCoefficients:
                    row = 0
                    column += 1
                    dec_sheet.write(row, column, 'Level' + str(column - 1), headerStyle)
                    dec_sheet.col(column).width = COLUMN_WIDTH
                    row += 1
                    for item in lvl:
                        dec_sheet.write(row, column, item, style)
                        row += 1

                # decomposition graphs

                levels_sheet = book.add_sheet('Multiscale forecast')

                # levels data
                column = 0
                for lvl in self.forecast:
                    row = 0
                    levels_sheet.write(row, column, 'Level' + str(column), headerStyle)
                    levels_sheet.col(column).width = COLUMN_WIDTH
                    row += 1
                    for item in lvl[1]:
                        levels_sheet.write(row, column, float(item), style)
                        row += 1
                    column += 1

                result_sheet = book.add_sheet('Results')

                # initial
                column = 0
                row = 0
                result_sheet.write(row, column, 'Initial data', headerStyle)
                result_sheet.col(column).width = COLUMN_WIDTH
                row += 1
                for item in self.data[0]:
                    result_sheet.write(row, column, item, separateStyle)
                    row += 1

                # forecast
                row = 0
                column += 1
                result_sheet.write(row, column, 'Forecast', headerStyle)
                result_sheet.col(column).width = COLUMN_WIDTH
                row += 1
                for item in self.inverseWT():
                    result_sheet.write(row, column, item, style)
                    row += 1

                row = 0
                column = 2
                self.plotResult.saveFigure('forecast', format='bmp')

                result_sheet.insert_bitmap(RES + TEMP + 'forecast.bmp', row, column)

                # saving xls
                except Exception:

            except Exception, e:
Ejemplo n.º 37
def generate_report(root, filename, attend_staff, absent_staff, meeting_direct, record_staff, reports, issues):
    book = Workbook(encoding='utf-8')
    sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Fota Security Knox Week Report')
    line_counter = 0

    today = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
    # header
    head_str = [
        'Meeting Name', 'SW 3 Group Part 5 Fota/ Security/Knox/Encription TG WeekReport',
        '', '',
        'Meeting Date', today,
        'Meeting Address', '8F Meeting Room',
        '', '',
        'Attend Staff', attend_staff,
        'Absent Staff', absent_staff,
        '', '',
        'Meeting Direct', meeting_direct,
        'Record Staff', record_staff,

    for i in range(len(head_str) / 2):
        sheet1.row(i).write(0, head_str[2 * i])
        sheet1.row(i).write(1, head_str[2 * i + 1])
    line_counter = len(head_str) / 2 + 1

    # font bold
    font = Font()
    font.bold = True
    # pattern yellow
    pattern_yellow = Pattern()
    pattern_yellow.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
    pattern_yellow.pattern_fore_colour = 0x0D  # yellow
    # pattern gray
    pattern_gray = Pattern()
    pattern_gray.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
    pattern_gray.pattern_fore_colour = 0x17  # gray
    # borders thin
    borders = Borders()
    borders.left = Borders.THIN
    borders.right = Borders.THIN
    borders.top = Borders.THIN
    borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
    # alignment horizontal center
    alig_hc = Alignment()
    # alig.horizontal = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER #no effect, why? f**k!!!
    alig_hc.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER

    # title style
    style_title = XFStyle()
    style_title.font = font
    style_title.pattern = pattern_yellow
    style_title.alignment = alig_hc
        line_counter, line_counter, 0, 3, 'summary', style_title)

    line_counter += 1

    # table header style
    sytle_tb_header = XFStyle()
    sytle_tb_header.font = font
    sytle_tb_header.pattern = pattern_gray
    sytle_tb_header.borders = borders
    sytle_tb_header.alignment = alig_hc

    sheet1.row(line_counter).write(0, 'Member', sytle_tb_header)
    sheet1.row(line_counter).write(1, 'Week Jobs', sytle_tb_header)
    sheet1.row(line_counter).write(2, 'Risk', sytle_tb_header)
    sheet1.row(line_counter).write(3, 'Next Week Plan', sytle_tb_header)
    line_counter += 1

    # content

    # for i in range(line_counter,11+line_counter):
    i = line_counter
    for report in reports:
        # alignment
        alig = Alignment()
        alig.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        alig.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        alig.wrap = 1

        # alignment2
        alig2 = Alignment()
        alig2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        alig2.wrap = 1

        # borders
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = Borders.THIN
        borders.right = Borders.THIN
        borders.top = Borders.THIN
        borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
        # colors
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x2F

        style_content = XFStyle()
        style_content.alignment = alig
        style_content.borders = borders

        style_content2 = XFStyle()
        style_content2.alignment = alig2
        style_content2.borders = borders
        style_content2.pattern = pattern

        style_content3 = XFStyle()
        style_content3.alignment = alig2
        style_content3.borders = borders

        sheet1.row(i).write(0, report.who, style_content)
        sheet1.row(i).write(1, report.job, style_content2)
        sheet1.row(i).write(2, report.risk, style_content2)
        sheet1.row(i).write(3, report.plan, style_content3)

        sheet1.row(i).height_mismatch = True
        sheet1.row(i).height = 1500
        i += 1

    line_counter += len(reports)
    line_counter += 1

        line_counter, line_counter, 0, 3, 'Main Issues List', style_title)
    line_counter += 1

    sheet1.row(line_counter).write(0, 'Items', sytle_tb_header)
        line_counter, line_counter, 1, 2, 'Deatail', sytle_tb_header)
    sheet1.row(line_counter).write(3, 'Status', sytle_tb_header)
    line_counter += 1

    sheet1.col(0).width = 256 * 16
    sheet1.col(1).width = 256 * 50
    sheet1.col(2).width = 256 * 31
    sheet1.col(3).width = 256 * 46

    book.save(root + '/' + filename)
    def performance_register_report(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context=None):
        obj = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)
        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')
        f_name = ''
        d_name = ''
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Payment Bonus')
        total_salary = apr_salary = may_salary = june_salary = july_salary = aug_salary = sep_salary = oct_salary = nov_salary = dec_salary = jan_salary = feb_salary = mar_salary = 0

        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height = 300
        fnt1.bold = True
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x00
        borders1.right = 0x00
        borders1.top = 0x00
        borders1.bottom = 0x00
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern1_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height = 275
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt.height = 150
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x00
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        fnt7 = Font()
        fnt7.name = 'Arial'
        fnt7.height = 275
        content_fnt7 = Font()
        content_fnt7.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt7.height = 150
        align_content7 = Alignment()
        align_content7.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders7 = Borders()
        borders7.left = 0x02
        borders7.right = 0x02
        borders7.top = 0x02
        borders7.bottom = 0x02
        align7 = Alignment()
        align7.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align7.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern7 = Pattern()
        pattern7.pattern7 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern7.pattern7_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header7 = XFStyle()
        style_header7.font = fnt
        style_header7.pattern = pattern
        style_header7.borders = borders
        style_header7.alignment = align

        fnt2 = Font()
        fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        fnt2.height = 275
        content_fnt2 = Font()
        content_fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt2.height = 150
        fnt2.bold = True
        align_content2 = Alignment()
        align_content2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders2 = Borders()
        borders2.left = 0x00
        borders2.right = 0x02
        borders2.top = 0x02
        borders2.bottom = 0x02
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern2 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern2_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header2 = XFStyle()
        style_header2.font = fnt2
        style_header2.pattern = pattern2
        style_header2.borders = borders2
        style_header2.alignment = align2

        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.height = 300
        fnt3.bold = True
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x00
        borders3.right = 0x02
        borders3.top = 0x02
        borders3.bottom = 0x02
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        pattern3.pattern3 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern3.pattern3_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        fnt6 = Font()
        fnt6.name = 'Arial'
        fnt6.height = 275
        content_fnt6 = Font()
        content_fnt6.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt6.height = 150
        align_content6 = Alignment()
        align_content6.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders6 = Borders()
        borders6.left = 0x02
        borders6.right = 0x02
        #         borders6.top = 0x00
        #         borders6.bottom = 0x00
        align6 = Alignment()
        align6.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align6.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern6 = Pattern()
        pattern6.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern6.pattern_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header6 = XFStyle()
        style_header6.font = fnt
        style_header6.pattern = pattern
        style_header6.borders = borders6

        style_header6.alignment = align

        fnt5 = Font()
        fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        fnt5.height = 200
        content_fnt5 = Font()
        content_fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt5.height = 150
        align_content5 = Alignment()
        align_content5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders5 = Borders()
        borders5.left = 0x02
        borders5.right = 0x02
        borders5.top = 0x02
        borders5.bottom = 0x02
        align5 = Alignment()
        align5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align5.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern5 = Pattern()
        #        pattern5.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        #        pattern5.pattern_fore_colour =  0x1F
        style_header5 = XFStyle()
        style_header5.font = fnt5
        style_header5.pattern = pattern5
        style_header5.borders = borders5
        style_header5.alignment = align5

        if obj.company_id:
            get_name = obj.company_id.name + ' ' + obj.company_id.street + ' ' + ',' + obj.company_id.city + ' ' + '-' + obj.company_id.zip
            get_name = obj.employee_id.resource_id.company_id.name + ' ' + obj.employee_id.resource_id.company_id.street + ' ' + ',' + obj.employee_id.resource_id.company_id.city + ' ' + '-' + obj.employee_id.resource_id.company_id.zip

        date1 = datetime.strptime(obj.from_date,
        date2 = datetime.strptime(obj.till_date,
        if date1 == date2:
            d_name = 'BONUS PAID TO EMPLOYEES FOR THE ACCOUNTING YEAR ON THE' + ' - ' + str(
                date1) + ' ' + '[See Rule 4(b)]'
            d_name = 'BONUS PAID TO EMPLOYEES FOR THE ACCOUNTING YEAR ON THE' + '  ' + str(
                date1) + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + str(date2) + ' ' + '[See Rule 4(b)]'

        ws.row(0).height = 500
        ws.row(1).height = 500
        ws.write_merge(0, 0, 0, 2, 'FORM C', style_header1)
        ws.write_merge(0, 0, 3, 10, d_name, style_header1)
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 0, 2, 'Name of the Establishment', style_header1)
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 3, 10, get_name, style_header1)
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 11, 19, 'No. of Working days in the Year',

        ws.col(0).width = 5000
        ws.col(1).width = 7500
        ws.col(2).width = 5000
        ws.col(3).width = 7000
        ws.col(4).width = 5000
        ws.col(5).width = 8000
        ws.col(6).width = 6000
        ws.col(7).width = 8000
        ws.col(8).width = 8000
        ws.col(9).width = 9000
        ws.col(10).width = 8000
        ws.col(11).width = 9000
        ws.col(12).width = 7000
        ws.col(13).width = 7000
        ws.col(14).width = 5000
        ws.col(15).width = 5000
        ws.col(16).width = 7000
        ws.col(17).width = 3000
        ws.col(18).width = 3000
        ws.col(19).width = 3000
        ws.col(20).width = 3000
        ws.col(21).width = 3000
        ws.col(22).width = 3000
        ws.col(23).width = 3000
        ws.col(24).width = 3000
        ws.col(25).width = 3000
        ws.col(26).width = 3000
        ws.col(27).width = 3000
        ws.col(28).width = 3000
        ws.col(29).width = 4000

        ws.row(2).height = 400
        ws.write(2, 0, 'EMP. CODE', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 1, 'NAME', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 2, 'JOINING DATE', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 3, 'Father Name', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 4, 'Designation', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 5, 'Whether he has ', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 6, 'No.of days', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 7, 'Total Salary or wages', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 8, 'Account of bonus payable', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 9, 12, 'Deduction', style_header7)
        ws.write(2, 13, 'Net amount payable', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 14, 'Amount actualy', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 15, 'Date on which ', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 16, 'Signature/ Thumb ', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 17, 'Remarks', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 18, 19, 'APRIL', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 20, 21, 'MAY', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 22, 23, 'JUNE', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 24, 25, 'JULY', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 26, 27, 'AUGUST', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 28, 29, 'SEPTEMBER', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 30, 31, 'OCTOBER', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 32, 33, 'NOVEMBER', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 34, 35, 'DECEMBER', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 36, 37, 'JANUARY', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 38, 39, 'FEBRUARY', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 40, 41, 'MARCH', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 42, 43, 'TOTAL', style_header7)
        ws.write(2, 44, 'BONUS', style_header)

        ws.row(3).height = 400
        ws.write(3, 0, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 1, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 2, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 3, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 4, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 5, 'completed 15 year of', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 6, 'worked in the', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 7, 'in respect of', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 8, 'under section 10', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 9, 'Puja bonus or other customary', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 10, 'Interim bonus', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 11, 'Deduction on account of financial', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 12, 'Total sum deducted', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 13, '(Col.8 minus Col.12)', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 14, 'paid', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 15, 'paid', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 16, 'impression', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 17, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 18, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 19, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 20, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 21, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 22, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 23, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 24, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 25, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 26, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 27, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 28, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 29, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 30, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 31, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 32, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 33, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 34, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 35, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 36, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 37, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 38, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 39, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 40, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 41, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 42, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 43, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 44, '', style_header7)

        ws.row(4).height = 400
        ws.write(4, 0, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 1, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 2, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 3, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 4, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 5, 'age at the beginning', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 6, 'Establishment', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 7, 'the accounting year', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 8, 'or section 11', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 9, 'bonus paid during', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 10, 'or bonus paid in ', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 11, 'loss if any caused by', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 12, '(Col.9,10 and 11)', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 13, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 14, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 15, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 16, 'of the employee', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 17, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 18, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 19, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 20, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 21, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 22, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 23, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 24, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 25, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 26, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 27, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 28, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 29, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 30, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 31, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 32, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 33, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 34, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 35, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 36, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 37, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 38, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 39, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 40, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 41, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 42, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 43, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 44, '', style_header6)

        ws.row(5).height = 400
        ws.write(5, 0, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 1, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 2, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 3, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 4, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 5, 'of the accounting year', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 6, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 7, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 8, 'as the case may be', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 9, 'the accounting year', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 10, 'advance', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 11, 'misconduct of the employee', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 12, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 13, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 14, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 15, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 16, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 17, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 18, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 19, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 20, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 21, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 22, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 23, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 24, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 25, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 26, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 27, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 28, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 29, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 30, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 31, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 32, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 33, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 34, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 35, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 36, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 37, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 38, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 39, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 40, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 41, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 42, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 43, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 44, '', style_header6)

        if obj.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('company_id', '=', obj.company_id.id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
            list_ids1 = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('company_id', '=', obj.company_id.id),
                                        ('active', '=', False),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
            list_ids = list_ids + list_ids1
        elif obj.employee_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('id', '=', obj.employee_id.id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])

            raise osv.except_osv(
                _('Warning !'),
                _("Please Select Atleast Company Or Employee."))

        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query ="select hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj,job.name,hr.id,sum(pmbl.apr),sum(pmbl.may),sum(pmbl.june),sum(pmbl.july),sum(pmbl.aug),sum(pmbl.sep),sum(pmbl.oct),"\
                   "from payment_management_bonus_line as pmbl left join hr_employee as hr on pmbl.employee_id = hr.id left join resource_resource as rr on hr.resource_id = rr.id left join hr_job as job on hr.job_id=job.id "\
                    "where pmbl.employee_id = '"+str(list_ids[0])+"' and pmbl.bonus_from >= '"+str(obj.from_date)+"' and pmbl.bonus_till <= '"+str(obj.till_date)+"' group by hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj,job.name,hr.id order by hr.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query ="select hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj,job.name,hr.id,sum(pmbl.apr),sum(pmbl.may),sum(pmbl.june),sum(pmbl.july),sum(pmbl.aug),sum(pmbl.sep),sum(pmbl.oct),"\
                   "from payment_management_bonus_line as pmbl left join hr_employee as hr on pmbl.employee_id = hr.id left join resource_resource as rr on hr.resource_id = rr.id left join hr_job as job on hr.job_id=job.id "\
                    "where pmbl.employee_id  in "+str(tuple(list_ids))+" and pmbl.bonus_from >= '"+str(obj.from_date)+"' and pmbl.bonus_till <= '"+str(obj.till_date)+"' group by hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj,job.name,hr.id order by hr.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()
        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        columnno = 6
        no = 6
        for val in temp:
            father_name = ''
            if val[4]:
                father_qry = "select name from family where relation='Father' and employee_id='" + str(
                    val[4]) + "'  "
                father_temp = cr.fetchall()
                if father_temp:
                    father_name = father_temp[0][0]
                    father_name = ' '

            ws.row(no).height = 500
            doj = datetime.strptime(val[2], "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
            ws.write(columnno, 0, val[0], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 1, val[1], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 2, doj, style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 3, father_name, style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 4, val[3], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 5, 'Yes', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 6, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 7, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 8, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 9, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 10, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 11, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 12, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 13, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 14, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 15, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 16, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 17, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 18, val[5], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 19, val[19], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 20, val[6], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 21, val[20], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 22, val[7], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 23, val[21], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 24, val[8], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 25, val[22], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 26, val[9], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 27, val[23], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 28, val[10], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 29, val[24], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 30, val[11], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 31, val[25], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 32, val[12], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 33, val[26], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 34, val[13], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 35, val[27], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 36, val[14], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 37, val[28], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 38, val[15], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 39, val[29], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 40, val[16], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 41, val[30], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 42, val[17], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 43, val[31], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 44, val[18], style_header5)
            columnno += 1
            no += 1

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())

        return self.write(cr,
                          ids, {
                              'export_data': out,
                              'filename': 'Payment Bonus.xls'
Ejemplo n.º 39
def salvar(trelica_objeto):
    borders = Borders()
    bord = 2
    borders.left = bord
    borders.right = bord
    borders.top = bord
    borders.bottom = bord

    bord_lateral = Borders()
    bord = 2
    bord_lateral.left = bord
    bord_lateral.right = bord
    ## FONTES
    fonte_titulo = Font()
    fonte_titulo.name = 'Times New Roman'
    fonte_titulo.bold = True
    fonte_titulo.height = 240
    fonte_titulo.borders = bord_lateral

    fonte_normal = Font()
    fonte_normal.name = 'Times New Roman'
    fonte_normal.borders = bord_lateral

    fonte_normal_problema = Font()
    fonte_normal_problema.name = 'Times New Roman'
    fonte_normal_problema.borders = bord_lateral
    fonte_normal_problema.colour_index = 2  #5=amarelo | 4=azul | 3=verde | 2=vermelho

    fonte_destaque = Font()
    fonte_destaque.name = 'Arial'
    fonte_destaque.colour_index = 4  # azul
    ## ESTILOS
    estilo_titulo = XFStyle()
    estilo_titulo.borders = borders
    estilo_titulo.font = fonte_titulo
    estilo_titulo.alignment.horz = 2

    estilo_sub_titulo = XFStyle()
    estilo_sub_titulo.borders = borders
    estilo_sub_titulo.alignment.horz = 2
    estilo_sub_titulo.font = fonte_destaque

    estilo_normal = XFStyle()
    estilo_normal.font = fonte_normal
    estilo_normal.num_format_str = "#,##0.00"
    estilo_normal.alignment.horz = 2

    estilo_normal_esquerda = XFStyle()
    estilo_normal_esquerda.font = fonte_normal

    estilo_normal_tabela = XFStyle()
    estilo_normal_tabela.font = fonte_normal
    estilo_normal_tabela.borders = borders
    estilo_normal_tabela.alignment.horz = 2
    estilo_normal_tabela.num_format_str = "#,##0.00"

    estilo_normal_tabela_red = XFStyle()
    estilo_normal_tabela_red.font = fonte_normal_problema
    estilo_normal_tabela_red.borders = borders
    estilo_normal_tabela_red.alignment.horz = 2
    estilo_normal_tabela_red.num_format_str = "#,##0.00"

    estilo_destaque = XFStyle()
    estilo_destaque.font = fonte_destaque
    # estilo_destaque.alignment.horz = 2
    estilo_destaque.alignment.vertical = 2

    estilo_destaque_tabela = XFStyle()
    estilo_destaque_tabela.font = fonte_destaque
    estilo_destaque_tabela.borders = borders
    estilo_destaque_tabela.alignment.horz = 2

    estilo_id_tabela = estilo_normal_tabela
    estilo_id_tabela.alignment.num_format_str = "#0"

    text_file = filedialog.asksaveasfile(mode='w',
                                         filetypes=[('excel files', '.xls')])
    wb = Workbook()
    sheet = wb.add_sheet('Treliceca')
    sheet.col(2).width = 0x0d00 + 22
    sheet.col(4).width = 0x0d00 + 40
    sheet.col(7).width = 0x0d00 + 15
    sheet.col(8).width = 0x0d00 + 15

    vt = trelica_objeto.vt
    banzo_reto = trelica_objeto.banzo_reto
    # padrão de viga treliçada
    viga = 'Viga de Cobertura Treliçada com banzos paralelos'

    if vt == 1:
        viga = 'Viga de Transição Treliçada'
    if banzo_reto == 1:
        viga = 'Viga de Cobertura Treliçada com banzo inferior reto'

    # combinações de carregamentos atuando na treliça
    carregamento_grav = trelica_objeto.carregamentos[0]
    carregamento_cv = trelica_objeto.carregamentos[1]
    vaos = ''
    for ponto in trelica_objeto.pontos_vao:
        vaos += ' ' + str(ponto[0]) + ','

    # pesos calculados da treliça
    peso = trelica_objeto.peso
    peso_dobrado = trelica_objeto.peso_dobrado
    peso_soldado = trelica_objeto.peso_soldado
    peso_linear = trelica_objeto.peso_linear
    peso_miscelanias = trelica_objeto.peso_miscelanias
    # pecas = trelica_objeto.pecas
    h_viga = trelica_objeto.h_viga

    # lista com as barras da treliça, separadas por tipo
    banzos_inferiores = []
    banzos_superiores = []
    diagonais = []
    montantes = []

    for barra in trelica_objeto.barras_objetos:
        if barra.tipo == 'diagonal':
        elif barra.tipo == 'montante':
        elif barra.tipo == 'banzo-superior':
        elif barra.tipo == 'banzo-inferior':

    lista_barras = [banzos_inferiores, banzos_superiores, montantes, diagonais]

    linha = 0

    # inserindo o titulo = viga
    sheet.write_merge(linha, linha, 1, 11, viga, estilo_titulo)
    linha += 1

    sheet.write_merge(linha, linha, 1, 11, 'Dados da Viga Treliçada',
    linha += 1

    sheet.write_merge(linha, linha, 8, 11, 'Combinações [kg/m]',
    sheet.write(linha, 1, 'Vãos[m]=', estilo_destaque)
    sheet.write_merge(linha, linha, 2, 4, vaos, estilo_normal)
    linha += 1

    sheet.write(linha, 1, 'Altura [m]', estilo_destaque)
    sheet.write(linha, 2, h_viga, estilo_normal)

    sheet.write(linha, 4, 'Soldado [kg]', estilo_destaque)
    sheet.write(linha, 5, peso_soldado, estilo_normal)

    sheet.write_merge(linha, linha, 8, 9, 'Grav. ', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write_merge(linha, linha, 10, 11, 'Vento', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    linha += 1

    sheet.write(linha, 1, 'Peso [kg]', estilo_destaque)
    sheet.write(linha, 2, peso, estilo_normal)

    sheet.write(linha, 4, 'Dobrado [kg]', estilo_destaque)
    sheet.write(linha, 5, peso_dobrado, estilo_normal)

    sheet.write_merge(linha, linha, 8, 9, '1.25xCP + 1.5xSC + 1.4xSU',
    sheet.write_merge(linha, linha, 10, 11, '1.0xCP + 1.4xCV',
    linha += 1

    sheet.write(linha, 1, 'Y [kg/m]', estilo_destaque)
    sheet.write(linha, 2, peso_linear, estilo_normal)

    sheet.write(linha, 4, 'Miscelanias [kg]', estilo_destaque)
    sheet.write(linha, 5, peso_miscelanias, estilo_normal)

    sheet.write_merge(linha, linha, 8, 9, carregamento_grav,
    sheet.write_merge(linha, linha, 10, 11, carregamento_cv,
    linha += 2

    # Barras da treliça
    sheet.write_merge(linha, linha, 1, 11, 'Barras da Treliça',
    linha += 1
    sheet.write(linha, 1, 'id', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 2, ' ', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 3, 'tipo ', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 4, 'seção ', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 5, 'Peso [kg]', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 6, 'l [m]', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 7, 'Comp [kgf]', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 8, 'Tração [kgf]', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 9, 'Ratio ', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 10, 'compr.', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 11, 'tração', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    linha += 1

    for lista in lista_barras:
        for barra in lista:
            estilo = estilo_normal_tabela
            if barra.ratio > 1:
                estilo = estilo_normal_tabela_red
                estilo = estilo_normal_tabela
            sheet.write(linha, 1, barra.id, estilo)
            sheet.write(linha, 2, barra.tipo, estilo)
            sheet.write(linha, 3, barra.section.tipo, estilo)
            sheet.write(linha, 4, stringSecaoBarra(barra), estilo)
            sheet.write(linha, 5, barra.peso, estilo)
            sheet.write(linha, 6, barra.comprimento(), estilo)
            sheet.write(linha, 7, barra.compressao, estilo)
            sheet.write(linha, 8, barra.tracao, estilo)
            sheet.write(linha, 9, barra.ratio, estilo)
            sheet.write(linha, 10, barra.ratio_compressao, estilo)
            sheet.write(linha, 11, barra.ratio_tracao, estilo)
            linha += 1

    linha = 1
    sheet.write(linha, 15, 'Reações nos Apoios = [h1, v1, v2, v3, ..., vn] ',
    linha += 1

    sheet.write(linha, 15, 'Apoios numerados conforme desenho do canvas',
    linha += 1
    sheet.write(linha, 15, 'Numeração da esquerda, para direita',
    linha += 1

    sheet.write(linha, 15, 'F', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write_merge(linha, linha, 16, 17, 'kgf', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    linha += 1

    sheet.write(linha, 15, ' ', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 16, 'grav', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 17, 'vento', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    linha += 1

    reacoes_grav = trelica_objeto.reacoes_grav
    reacoes_cv = trelica_objeto.reacoes_cv
    qtd_reacoes = len(reacoes_grav)

    sheet.write(linha, 15, 'Fx 1', estilo_destaque_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 16, reacoes_grav[0], estilo_normal_tabela)
    sheet.write(linha, 17, reacoes_cv[0], estilo_normal_tabela)
    linha += 1

    for i in range(1, qtd_reacoes):
        sheet.write(linha, 15, 'Fy {:.0f}'.format(i), estilo_destaque_tabela)
        sheet.write(linha, 16, reacoes_grav[i], estilo_normal_tabela)
        sheet.write(linha, 17, reacoes_cv[i], estilo_normal_tabela)
        linha += 1

Ejemplo n.º 40
 def exportReport1ToExcel(self,objectProject):
     book = Workbook();
     sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Sheet 1');
     sheet1.col(1).width = 256*20;
     sheet1.col(2).width = 256*80;
     sheet1.col(3).width = 256*10;
     sheet1.col(4).width = 256*10;
     sheet1.col(5).width = 256*20;
     sheet1.col(6).width = 256*20;
     borders = Borders()
     borders.left = Borders.THIN
     borders.right = Borders.THIN
     borders.top = Borders.THIN
     borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
     pattern = Pattern();
     pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
     pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 23
     wrap = Alignment();
     wrap.wrap = 1;
     wrap.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
     alignHeader =  Alignment();
     alignHeader.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER;
     alignTop =  Alignment();
     alignTop.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP    
     fnt = Font()
     fnt.name = 'Arial'
     fnt.colour_index = 4
     fnt.bold = True
     styleWrap = XFStyle();
     styleWrap.alignment = wrap;
     styleHead = XFStyle();
     styleHead.font = fnt;
     styleHead.borders = borders;
     styleHead.pattern = pattern;
     styleHead.alignment = alignHeader;
     styleRowDetail = XFStyle();
     styleRowDetail.borders = borders;
     styleRowDetail.alignment = alignTop;
     styleDate = XFStyle()
     styleDate.num_format_str = 'DD-MM-YYYY'   ;   #'D-MMM-YY';
     styleDate.borders = borders;
     styleDate.alignment = alignTop;
     StyleRowDetailWrap = styleRowDetail ;
     StyleRowDetailWrap.alignment = wrap;
     if( objectProject):
         row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
         row1.write(0, ('ลำดับที่').decode('UTF8') ,styleHead);
         #sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 1, 2,  ('รายละเอียด').decode('UTF8')    );
         row1.write(1, ('เลขความเสี่ยง').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
         row1.write(2, ('อุบัติการณ์/ภาวะไม่พึงประสงค์').decode('UTF8'),styleHead);  
         row1.write(3, ('วันที่รายงาน').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
         row1.write(4, ('ความรุนแรง').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
         row1.write(5, ('ด้าน/โปรแกรม').decode('UTF8') ,styleHead);
         row1.write(6, ('หน่วยที่รายงาน').decode('UTF8') ,styleHead);
         for value in  objectProject:
             row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
             row1.write(0, value.get('row')  ,styleRowDetail );
             row1.write(1, str(value.get('risk_id')).decode('UTF8'),styleRowDetail );
             row1.write(2, value.get('detail').decode('UTF8'),StyleRowDetailWrap );
             row1.write(3, value.get('report_date') ,styleDate );
             row1.write(4, value.get('level').decode('UTF8')  ,styleRowDetail   );
             row1.write(5, value.get('pro').decode('UTF8')  ,styleRowDetail   );                
             row1.write(6, value.get('reporter').decode('UTF8')  ,styleRowDetail   );
             row2 = sheet1.row(i) ;
             row2.write(2, ('รายละเอียด').decode('UTF8'),styleHead);       
             row2.write(3, ('หน่วยที่ตอบ').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
             row2.write(4, ('ระยะเวลาตอบ').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
             for resp in value.get('responsible'):
                 row2 = sheet1.row(i) ;
                 row2.write(2, str(resp.get('detail')).decode('UTF8'),StyleRowDetailWrap);       
                 row2.write(3, str(resp.get('service_name')).decode('UTF8'),styleRowDetail );
                 row2.write(4, str(resp.get('report_date')).decode('UTF8'),styleRowDetail );
     dirTempFile = gettempdir() + _os.sep + str('simpleReport1.xls');        
     return dirTempFile;
Ejemplo n.º 41
align_hc_vc.wrap = True

align_hl_vt = Alignment()
align_hl_vt.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
align_hl_vt.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
align_hl_vt.wrap = True

align_hc_vb = Alignment()
align_hc_vb.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
align_hc_vb.vert = Alignment.VERT_BOTTOM
align_hc_vb.wrap = True

borders_thin = Borders()
borders_thin.left = Borders.THIN
borders_thin.right = Borders.THIN
borders_thin.bottom = Borders.THIN
borders_thin.top = Borders.THIN

borders_thick = Borders()
borders_thick.left = Borders.THICK
borders_thick.right = Borders.THICK
borders_thick.bottom = Borders.THICK
borders_thick.top = Borders.THICK

title_style = easyxf('font: name 黑体, bold on, height 360;')
title_style.alignment = align_hc_vc

header_style = easyxf('font: name 黑体, bold off, height 220;')
header_style.alignment = align_hc_vc
header_style.borders = borders_thin
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def exportToExcel(self,objectProject):
     book = Workbook();
     sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Sheet 1')
     sheet1.col(1).width = 256*20;
     sheet1.col(2).width = 256*80;
     sheet1.col(3).width = 256*10;
     sheet1.col(4).width = 256*20;
     default_book_style = book.default_style
     default_book_style.font.height = 20 * 36    # 36pt
     fnt = Font()
     fnt.name = 'Arial'
     fnt.colour_index = 4
     fnt.bold = True
     borders = Borders()
     borders.left = Borders.THIN
     borders.right = Borders.THIN
     borders.top = Borders.THIN
     borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
     pattern = Pattern();
     pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
     pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 23
     algn1 = Alignment();
     algn1.wrap = 1;
     #algn1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
     #algn1.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
     alignHeader =  Alignment();
     alignHeader.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER;
     alignTop =  Alignment();
     alignTop.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP    
     print "export";
     if( objectProject):
         print "start" ;
         styleHead = XFStyle();
         styleHead.font = fnt;
         styleHead.borders = borders;
         styleHead.pattern = pattern;
         styleHead.alignment = alignHeader;
         row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
         row1.write(0, ('risk id').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
         sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 1, 2,  ('รายละเอียด').decode('UTF8')  ,styleHead  );
       #  row1.write(1, ('รายละเอียด').decode('UTF8'));
         row1.write(3, ('วันที่รายงาน').decode('UTF8'), styleHead );
         row1.write(4, ('หน่วยที่รายงาน').decode('UTF8'), styleHead );
         style1 = XFStyle();
         style1.alignment = algn1;
         #style0 = xlwt.easyxf('font: name Times New Roman size 20, color-index black, bold on')
         for value in  objectProject:
             row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
             styleRowDetail = XFStyle();
             styleRowDetail.borders = borders;
             styleRowDetail.alignment = alignTop;
             StyleRowDetailWrap = styleRowDetail ;
             StyleRowDetailWrap.alignment = algn1;
             styleDate = XFStyle()
             styleDate.num_format_str = 'DD-MM-YYYY'   ;   #'D-MMM-YY';
             styleDate.borders = borders;
             row1.write(0, value.get('risk_management_id'),styleRowDetail  );
             #row1.write(1, value.get('risk_detail').decode('UTF8') , style1);
             sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 1, 2,   value.get('risk_detail').decode('UTF8') , StyleRowDetailWrap    ); 
             row1.write(3, value.get('report_date') ,styleDate);
             row1.write(4, value.get('report').decode('UTF8') ,styleRowDetail );
             row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
             row1.write(0," "  );
             row1.write(1,('หน่วยที่เกี่ยวข้อง').decode('UTF8') ,styleHead      );
             sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 2, 3,('รายละเอียดการตอบ').decode('UTF8') , styleHead );
             for sub in value.get('response') :
                 row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
                 row1.write(0," "  );
                 row1.write(1,sub.get('risk_team').decode('UTF8') , styleRowDetail   );
                 sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 2, 3,sub.get('result').decode('UTF8') , StyleRowDetailWrap );
     dirTempFile = gettempdir() + _os.sep + str('simple.xls');
     print   dirTempFile;      
Ejemplo n.º 43
    def crear_xls(self):
        # item=self.tree.selection()[0]
        # var=self.tree.item(item, option="text")
        # print(var)
        # Workbook asing

        self.filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(
            title="Guardar venta",
            filetypes=(("Archivo xls", "*.xls"), ("all files", "*.*")))
        if len(self.filename) > 0:
            first_book = Workbook()

            # Sheets definition
            ws1 = first_book.add_sheet('venta')

            header_font = Font()
            body_font = Font()
            # Header font preferences
            header_font.name = 'Times New Roman'
            header_font.height = 20 * 10
            header_font.bold = True
            # Body font preferences
            body_font.name = 'Arial'
            body_font.italic = True
            # Header Cells style definition
            header_style = XFStyle()
            header_style.font = header_font
            borders = Borders()
            borders.left = 1
            borders.right = 1
            borders.top = 1
            borders.bottom = 1
            header_style.borders = borders
            # body cell name style definition
            body_style = XFStyle()
            body_style.font = body_font

            ws1.write(0, 0, '##', header_style)
            ws1.write(0, 1, 'DESCRIPCION', header_style)
            ws1.write(0, 2, 'PRECIO', header_style)
            ws1.write(0, 3, 'CANTIDAD', header_style)
            ws1.write(0, 4, 'SUBTOTAL', header_style)
            ws1.col(0).width = 2962 * 2
            ws1.col(1).width = 2962 * 4
            ws1.col(2).width = 2962 * 1
            ws1.col(3).width = 2962 * 1
            ws1.col(4).width = 2962 * 1

            tabla_venta = self.tree2.get_children()
            for item, conteo in zip(tabla_venta, range(len(tabla_venta))):
                ws1.write(conteo + 1, 0, self.tree2.item(item)['text'])

                ws1.write(conteo + 1, 1,
                          self.tree2.item(item)['values'][0], body_style)
                ws1.write(conteo + 1, 2,
                          self.tree2.item(item)['values'][1], body_style)
                ws1.write(conteo + 1, 3,
                          self.tree2.item(item)['values'][2], body_style)
                ws1.write(conteo + 1, 4,
                          self.tree2.item(item)['values'][3], body_style)

                # print(self.tree2.item(item)["values"])
                # print(self.tree2.item(item)['text'])

            # Saving file
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def detail_budget(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None):
        year = this.year_id.name
        year_id = this.year_id.id
        month = this.month
        if month == '1':
            month_name = 'January'
        elif month == '2':
            month_name = 'February'
        elif month == '3':
            month_name = 'March'
        elif month == '4':
            month_name = 'April'
        elif month == '5':
            month_name = 'May'
        elif month == '6':
            month_name = 'June'
        elif month == '7':
            month_name = 'July'
        elif month == '8':
            month_name = 'August'
        elif month == '9':
            month_name = 'September'
        elif month == '10':
            month_name = 'October'
        elif month == '11':
            month_name = 'November'
        elif month == '12':
            month_name = 'December'
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'),_("Specify month correctly. "))
        if int(month) in [1,3,5,7,8,10,12]:
            join_date=year +'-'+month+'-'+'31'
        if int(month) in [4,6,9,11]:
            join_date=year +'-'+month+'-'+'30'
        if int(month) in [2]:
            if int(year) % 4 == 0:
                join_date=year +'-'+month+'-'+'29'
                join_date=year +'-'+month+'-'+'28'
        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height= 275
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name ='Arial'
        content_fnt.height =220
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz= Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour =  0x1F

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header= XFStyle()
        style_header.font= fnt
        style_header.pattern= pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height= 275
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt1 = Font()
        content_fnt1.name ='Arial'
        content_fnt1.height =220
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz= Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x02
        borders1.right = 0x02
        borders1.top = 0x02
        borders1.bottom = 0x02
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern_fore_colour =  0x32

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header1= XFStyle()
        style_header1.font= fnt1
        style_header1.pattern= pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_content= XFStyle()
        style_content.alignment = align_content 
        style_content.font = content_fnt
        month_name = 'Payment ('+str(month_name)+')'
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Budget')
        ws.write(0,0,'Department Name',style_header)
        ws.col(0).width = 8000
        ws.write(0,1,'Department HoD',style_header)
        ws.col(1).width = 8000
        ws.write(0,2,'RO of HOD',style_header)
        ws.col(2).width = 8000
        ws.write(0,3,'Employee Name',style_header)
        ws.col(3).width = 9000
        ws.col(4).width = 8000
        ws.write(0,5,'Working Days',style_header)
        ws.col(5).width = 5000
        ws.write(0,6,'Working Hours',style_header)
        ws.col(6).width = 5000
        ws.write(0,7,'Working Month',style_header)
        ws.col(7).width = 5000
        ws.write(0,8,'Salary Amount',style_header)
        ws.col(8).width = 5000
        ws.col(9).width = 8000
#        ws.write(0,5,'O.T. Amount',style_header)
#        ws.col(5).width = 4400
#        ws.write(0,6,'Total Amount',style_header)
#        ws.col(6).width = 4400
#        ws.write(0,7,'Insentive Amount',style_header)
#        ws.col(7).width = 4400
#        ws.write(0,8,'Deduction Amount',style_header)
#        ws.col(8).width = 5000
#        ws.write(0,9,'Percentage',style_header)
#        ws.col(9).width = 4400
        emp_ids = []
        if this.dept_id:
            cr.execute("select emp.id from hr_employee as emp left join resource_resource "\
             "as res on (emp.resource_id=res.id) where emp.department_id = "\
             "'"+str(this.dept_id.id)+"' and emp.department_id is not null and "\
             "res.active=True and emp.joining_date <'"+str(join_date)+"' order by emp.department_id, (substring(emp.sinid, '^[0-9]+'))::int ,substring(emp.sinid, '[^0-9_].*$')")
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            for data in temp:
                if len(data)>0 and data[0] != None:
            cr.execute("select emp.id from hr_employee as emp left join resource_resource "\
             "as res on (emp.resource_id=res.id) where res.active=True and emp.joining_date < '"+str(join_date)+"' order by emp.department_id, "\
             "(substring(emp.sinid, '^[0-9]+'))::int ,substring(emp.sinid, '[^0-9_].*$')")
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            for data in temp:
                if len(data)>0 and data[0] != None:
        holiday_obj = self.pool.get('holiday.list')
        if int(month) in [1,3,5,7,8,10,12]:
            month = 31
        if int(month) in [4,6,9,11]:
            month = 30
        if int(month) in [2]:
            if int(year) % 4 == 0:
                month = 29
                month = 28
        off_day = working_day = 0
        holiday_ids = holiday_obj.search(cr, uid, [('month','=',this.month),('year_id','=',year_id)])
        for line in holiday_obj.browse(cr, uid, holiday_ids):
            off_day = line.holiday
        working_day = month - off_day
        dept_dict = {}
        grand = total = pay_total = pay_grand = budget = 0.0
        pay_data = False
        flag = True
        for each in emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, emp_ids):
            tolal_months = 0
            if not each.joining_date:
            dt1 = datetime.strptime(each.joining_date,'%Y-%m-%d')
            dt2 = datetime.strptime(time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT),'%Y-%m-%d')
            end_months=(dt2.year-dt1.year)*12 + dt2.month+1
            dates=[datetime(year=yr, month=mn, day=1) for (yr, mn) in (
                      ((m - 1) / 12 + dt1.year, (m - 1) % 12 + 1) for m in range(start_month, end_months)
            for val in dates:
                tolal_months += 1
            pay_ids = pay_obj.search(cr, uid, [('employee_id','=',each.id),('month','=',this.month),('year_id','=',this.year_id.id),('salary_type','=','Salary')])
            if pay_ids:
                pay_data = pay_obj.browse(cr, uid, pay_ids[0])
                if dept_dict.has_key(str(each.department_id.id)):
                    if each.department_id:
                        salary = 0.0
                        dept = '[' + str(each.department_id.dept_code) +'] '+ str(each.department_id.name)
                        ws.write(i,0, dept)
                        ws.write(i,1, each.department_id.manager_id and each.department_id.manager_id.name or '')
                        ws.write(i,2, each.department_id.manager_id.parent_id and each.department_id.manager_id.parent_id.name or '')
                        name = '[' + str(each.sinid) +'] '+ str(each.name)
                        ws.write(i,3, name)
                        ws.write(i,4, each.designation_id and each.designation_id.name or '')
                        ws.write(i,5, pay_data.days or '0.0')
                        ws.write(i,6, pay_data.over_time)
                        ws.write(i,7, str(tolal_months) + ' Month')
                        if pay_data.employee_id.daily:
                            salary = pay_data.basic * working_day
                            salary = pay_data.basic
                        ws.write(i,8, salary)
                        if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                            ws.write(i,9,pay_data.total_amount or 0.0)
                            ws.write(i,9, 0.0)
                        total += salary
                        grand +=  salary
                        if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                            pay_total += pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                            pay_grand +=  pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                            pay_total += 0.0
                            pay_grand += 0.0
                elif not each.department_id:
                    salary = 0.0
                    if flag:
                        ws.write(i,0, 'Allocated Budget',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,1, 0.0,style_header)
                        ws.write(i,2, 'Total',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,3, '',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,4, '',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,5, '',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,6, '',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,7, '',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,8, total,style_header)
                        if pay_total:
                            ws.write(i,9, 0.0,style_header)
                        if budget:
                            diff = pay_total - float(budget)
                            diff = pay_total
                        ws.write(i,10, diff,style_header1)
                        flag = False
                        i += 2
                        total = pay_total = budget = 0.0
                    name = '[' + str(each.sinid) +'] '+ str(each.name)
                    ws.write(i,0, 'X Department')                
                    ws.write(i,1,'X Reporting Officer')
                    ws.write(i,2,'X Reporting Officer')
                    ws.write(i,3, name)
                    ws.write(i,4, each.designation_id and each.designation_id.name or '')
                    ws.write(i,5, pay_data.days or '0.0')
                    ws.write(i,6, pay_data.over_time)
                    ws.write(i,7, str(tolal_months) + ' Month')
                    if pay_data.employee_id.daily:
                            salary = pay_data.basic * working_day
                            salary = pay_data.basic
                    ws.write(i,8, salary)
                    if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                        ws.write(i,9,pay_data.total_amount or 0.0)
                        ws.write(i,9, 0.0)
                    total += salary
                    grand +=  salary
                    if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                        pay_total += pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                        pay_grand +=  pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                        pay_total += 0.0
                        pay_grand += 0.0
                    dept_dict[str(each.department_id.id)] = ''
                    if i != 1:
                        ws.write(i,0, 'Allocated Budget',style_header)
                        if budget:
                            ws.write(i,1, budget,style_header)
                            budget = 0.0
                        ws.write(i,2, 'Total',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,3, '',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,4, '',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,5, '',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,6, '',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,7, '',style_header)
                        ws.write(i,8, total,style_header)
                        if pay_total:
                            ws.write(i,9, 0.0,style_header)
                        if budget:
                            diff = pay_total - float(budget)
                            diff = pay_total
                        ws.write(i,10, diff,style_header1)
                        i += 2
                    total = pay_total = budget = 0.0
                    if each.department_id:
                        salary = 0.0
                        budget = each.department_id.dept_budget
                        dept = '[' + str(each.department_id.dept_code) +'] '+ str(each.department_id.name)
                        ws.write(i,0, dept)
                        ws.write(i,1, each.department_id.manager_id and each.department_id.manager_id.name or '')
                        ws.write(i,2, each.department_id.manager_id.parent_id and each.department_id.manager_id.parent_id.name or '')
                        name = '[' + str(each.sinid) +'] '+ str(each.name)
                        ws.write(i,3, name)
                        ws.write(i,4, each.designation_id and each.designation_id.name or '')
                        ws.write(i,5, pay_data.days)
                        ws.write(i,6, pay_data.over_time)
                        ws.write(i,7, str(tolal_months) + ' Month')
                        if pay_data.employee_id.daily:
                            salary = pay_data.basic * working_day
                            salary = pay_data.basic
                        ws.write(i,8, salary)
                        if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                            ws.write(i,9,pay_data.total_amount or 0.0)
                            ws.write(i,9, 0.0)
                        total += salary
                        grand +=  salary
                        if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                            pay_total += pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                            pay_grand +=  pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                            pay_total += 0.0
                            pay_grand += 0.0
        i += 1
        ws.write(i+1,7, 'Total',style_header)
        ws.write(i+1,8, total,style_header)
        ws.write(i+3,7, 'Grand Total',style_header)
        ws.write(i+3,8, grand,style_header)
        ws.write(i+1,9, pay_total,style_header)
        ws.write(i+3,9, pay_grand,style_header)
        diff_pay = pay_total - total
        diff_grand = pay_grand - grand
        ws.write(i+1,10, diff_pay,style_header1)
        ws.write(i+3,10, diff_grand,style_header1)
        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'export_data':out, 'filename':'export.xls'}, context=context)
Ejemplo n.º 45
# 操作Excel2003 或者更低
from xlwt import Workbook, Alignment, Borders, XFStyle, Formula
import xlrd

book = Workbook()
sheet1 = book.add_sheet('first sheet')
a1 = Alignment()
a1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
a1.vert = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
borders = Borders()
borders.bottom = Borders.THICK
style = XFStyle()
style.alignment = a1
style.borders = borders
row = sheet1.row(0)
row.write(0, 'test', style=style)
row = sheet1.row(1)
for i in range(5):
    row.write(i, i, style=style)
row.write(5, Formula('SUM(A2:E2)'), style=style)

book = xlrd.open_workbook('./test2003.xls')
sheet1 = book.sheet_by_name('first sheet')
row = sheet1.row(0)
# 读不到公式,无解
# print(sheet1.cell(1, 5).value)
    def report_get(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None):
        year = this.year_id.name
        year_id = this.year_id.id
        month = this.month
        if month == '1':
            month_name = 'January'
        elif month == '2':
            month_name = 'February'
        elif month == '3':
            month_name = 'March'
        elif month == '4':
            month_name = 'April'
        elif month == '5':
            month_name = 'May'
        elif month == '6':
            month_name = 'June'
        elif month == '7':
            month_name = 'July'
        elif month == '8':
            month_name = 'August'
        elif month == '9':
            month_name = 'September'
        elif month == '10':
            month_name = 'October'
        elif month == '11':
            month_name = 'November'
        elif month == '12':
            month_name = 'December'
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'),_("Specify month correctly. "))
        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height= 275
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name ='Arial'
        content_fnt.height =220
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz= Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour =  0x1F

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header= XFStyle()
        style_header.font= fnt
        style_header.pattern= pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height= 275
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt1 = Font()
        content_fnt1.name ='Arial'
        content_fnt1.height =220
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz= Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x02
        borders1.right = 0x02
        borders1.top = 0x02
        borders1.bottom = 0x02
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern_fore_colour =  0x32

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header1= XFStyle()
        style_header1.font= fnt1
        style_header1.pattern= pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_content= XFStyle()
        style_content.alignment = align_content 
        style_content.font = content_fnt
        month_name = 'Payment ('+str(month_name)+')'
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Budget')
        ws.write(0,0,'Department Name',style_header)
        ws.col(0).width = 8000
        ws.write(0,1,'Department HoD',style_header)
        ws.col(1).width = 8000
        ws.write(0,2,'Employee Name',style_header)
        ws.col(2).width = 8000
        ws.write(0,3,'Salary Amount',style_header)
        ws.col(3).width = 5000
        ws.col(4).width = 8000
#        ws.write(0,5,'O.T. Amount',style_header)
#        ws.col(5).width = 4400
#        ws.write(0,6,'Total Amount',style_header)
#        ws.col(6).width = 4400
#        ws.write(0,7,'Insentive Amount',style_header)
#        ws.col(7).width = 4400
#        ws.write(0,8,'Deduction Amount',style_header)
#        ws.col(8).width = 5000
#        ws.write(0,9,'Percentage',style_header)
#        ws.col(9).width = 4400
        emp_ids = []
        if this.dept_id:
            cr.execute("select emp.id from hr_employee as emp left join resource_resource\
             as res on (emp.resource_id=res.id) where emp.department_id = \
             '"+str(this.dept_id.id)+"' and emp.department_id is not null and \
             res.active=True order by emp.department_id")
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            for data in temp:
                if len(data)>0 and data[0] != None:
            cr.execute("select emp.id from hr_employee as emp left join resource_resource \
             as res on (emp.resource_id=res.id) where res.active=True order by emp.department_id")
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            for data in temp:
                if len(data)>0 and data[0] != None:
        holiday_obj = self.pool.get('holiday.list')
        if int(month) in [1,3,5,7,8,10,12]:
            month = 31
        if int(month) in [4,6,9,11]:
            month = 30
        if int(month) in [2]:
            if int(year) % 4 == 0:
                month = 29
                month = 28
        off_day = working_day = 0
        holiday_ids = holiday_obj.search(cr, uid, [('month','=',this.month),('year_id','=',year_id)])
        for line in holiday_obj.browse(cr, uid, holiday_ids):
            off_day = line.holiday
        working_day = month - off_day
        dept_dict = {}
        grand = total = pay_total = pay_grand = budget = 0.0
        pay_data = False
        flag = True
        for each in emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, emp_ids):
            pay_ids = pay_obj.search(cr, uid, [('employee_id','=',each.id),('month','=',this.month),('year_id','=',this.year_id.id)])
            if pay_ids:
                pay_data = pay_obj.browse(cr, uid, pay_ids[0])
            if dept_dict.has_key(str(each.department_id.id)):
                if each.department_id:
                    salary = 0.0
                    dept = '[' + str(each.department_id.dept_code) +'] '+ str(each.department_id.name)
                    ws.write(i,0, dept)
                    ws.write(i,1, each.department_id.manager_id and each.department_id.manager_id.name or '')
                    name = '[' + str(each.sinid) +'] '+ str(each.name)
                    ws.write(i,2, name)
                    if each.daily:
                        salary = each.salary * working_day
                        salary = each.salary
                    ws.write(i,3, salary)
                    if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                        ws.write(i,4,pay_data.total_amount or 0.0)
                        ws.write(i,4, 0.0)
                    total += salary
                    grand +=  salary
                    if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                        pay_total += pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                        pay_grand +=  pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                        pay_total += 0.0
                        pay_grand += 0.0
            elif not each.department_id:
                salary = 0.0
                if flag:
                    ws.write(i,0, 'Allocated Budget',style_header)
                    ws.write(i,1, 0.0,style_header)
                    ws.write(i,2, 'Total',style_header)
                    ws.write(i,3, total,style_header)
                    if pay_total:
                        ws.write(i,4, 0.0,style_header)
                    if budget:
                        diff = pay_total - float(budget)
                        diff = pay_total
                    ws.write(i,5, diff,style_header1)
                    flag = False
                    i += 2
                    total = pay_total = budget = 0.0
                name = '[' + str(each.sinid) +'] '+ str(each.name)
                ws.write(i,0, 'X Department')                
                ws.write(i,1,'X Reporting Officer')
                ws.write(i,2, name)
                if each.daily:
                    salary = each.salary * working_day
                    salary = each.salary
                ws.write(i,3, salary)
                if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                    ws.write(i,4,pay_data.total_amount or 0.0)
                    ws.write(i,4, 0.0)
                total += salary
                grand +=  salary
                if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                    pay_total += pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                    pay_grand +=  pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                    pay_total += 0.0
                    pay_grand += 0.0
                dept_dict[str(each.department_id.id)] = ''
                if i != 1:
                    ws.write(i,0, 'Allocated Budget',style_header)
                    if budget:
                        ws.write(i,1, budget,style_header)
                        budget = 0.0
                    ws.write(i,2, 'Total',style_header)
                    ws.write(i,3, total,style_header)
                    if pay_total:
                        ws.write(i,4, 0.0,style_header)
                    if budget:
                        diff = pay_total - float(budget)
                        diff = pay_total
                    ws.write(i,5, diff,style_header1)
                    i += 2
                total = pay_total = budget = 0.0
                if each.department_id:
                    salary = 0.0
                    budget = each.department_id.dept_budget
                    dept = '[' + str(each.department_id.dept_code) +'] '+ str(each.department_id.name)
                    ws.write(i,0, dept)
                    ws.write(i,1, each.department_id.manager_id and each.department_id.manager_id.name or '')
                    name = '[' + str(each.sinid) +'] '+ str(each.name)
                    ws.write(i,2, name)
                    if each.daily:
                        salary = each.salary * working_day
                        salary = each.salary
                    ws.write(i,3, salary)
                    if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                        ws.write(i,4,pay_data.total_amount or 0.0)
                        ws.write(i,4, 0.0)
                    total += salary
                    grand +=  salary
                    if pay_data and pay_data.employee_id.id == each.id:
                        pay_total += pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                        pay_grand +=  pay_data.total_amount or 0.0
                        pay_total += 0.0
                        pay_grand += 0.0
        i += 1
        ws.write(i+1,2, 'Total',style_header)
        ws.write(i+1,3, total,style_header)
        ws.write(i+3,2, 'Grand Total',style_header)
        ws.write(i+3,3, grand,style_header)
        ws.write(i+1,4, pay_total,style_header)
        ws.write(i+3,4, pay_grand,style_header)
        diff_pay = pay_total - total
        diff_grand = pay_grand - grand
        ws.write(i+1,5, diff_pay,style_header1)
        ws.write(i+3,5, diff_grand,style_header1)
        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'export_data':out, 'filename':'export.xls'}, context=context)
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def exportToXls(self):
        # opening file dialog
        fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Save as", RES, "Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (*.xls)")

        if fileName.count() > 0:
                COLUMN_WIDTH = 3000

                alignment = Alignment()
                alignment.horizontal = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
                alignment.vertical = Alignment.VERT_CENTER

                borders = Borders()
                borders.left = Borders.THIN
                borders.right = Borders.THIN
                borders.top = Borders.THIN
                borders.bottom = Borders.THIN

                style = XFStyle()
                style.alignment = alignment
                style.borders = borders

                font = Font()
                font.bold = True
                headerStyle = XFStyle()
                headerStyle.font = font

                separate = Borders()
                separate.left = Borders.THIN
                separate.right = Borders.DOUBLE
                separate.top = Borders.THIN
                separate.bottom = Borders.THIN
                separateStyle = XFStyle()
                separateStyle.borders = separate

                book = Workbook(encoding="utf-8")

                # modelling data
                if self.exportStepByStep.isChecked():
                    dec_sheet = book.add_sheet("Data decomposition")

                    # decomposition data
                    if self.exportData.isChecked():
                        # initial data
                        column = 0
                        row = 0
                        dec_sheet.write(row, column, "Time series", headerStyle)
                        dec_sheet.col(column).width = COLUMN_WIDTH
                        row += 1
                        for item in self.parentWidget().currentDataSet[0]:
                            dec_sheet.write(row, column, item, separateStyle)
                            row += 1

                        # decomposition
                        for lvl in self.parentWidget().wCoefficients:
                            row = 0
                            column += 1
                            dec_sheet.write(row, column, "Level" + str(column - 1), headerStyle)
                            dec_sheet.col(column).width = COLUMN_WIDTH
                            row += 1
                            for item in lvl:
                                dec_sheet.write(row, column, item, style)
                                row += 1

                    # decomposition graphs
                    if self.exportGraph.isChecked():

                    levels_sheet = book.add_sheet("Multiscale forecast")

                    # levels data
                    if self.exportData.isChecked():
                        column = 0
                        for lvl in self.parentWidget().processedWCoeffs:
                            row = 0
                            levels_sheet.write(row, column, "Level" + str(column), headerStyle)
                            levels_sheet.col(column).width = COLUMN_WIDTH
                            row += 1
                            for item in lvl:
                                levels_sheet.write(row, column, float(item), style)
                                row += 1
                            column += 1

                if self.exportForecast.isChecked():
                    result_sheet = book.add_sheet("Results")

                    if self.exportData.isChecked():
                        # initial
                        column = 0
                        row = 0
                        result_sheet.write(row, column, "Initial data", headerStyle)
                        result_sheet.col(column).width = COLUMN_WIDTH
                        row += 1
                        for item in self.parentWidget().currentDataSet[0]:
                            result_sheet.write(row, column, item, separateStyle)
                            row += 1

                        # forecast
                        row = 0
                        column += 1
                        result_sheet.write(row, column, "Forecast", headerStyle)
                        result_sheet.col(column).width = COLUMN_WIDTH
                        row += 1
                        for item in self.parentWidget().resultingForecast:
                            result_sheet.write(row, column, item, style)
                            row += 1

                    if self.exportGraph.isChecked():
                        row = 0
                        column = 2
                        self.parentWidget().resultingGraph.saveFigure("forecast", format="bmp")

                        result_sheet.insert_bitmap(RES + TEMP + "forecast.bmp", row, column)

                # saving xls
                    self.parentWidget().messageInfo.showInfo("Saved as " + unicode(fileName))
                except Exception:
                    self.parentWidget().messageInfo.showInfo("Could not save as " + unicode(fileName), True)

            except Exception, e:
                self.parentWidget().messageInfo.showInfo("Not enough data.", True)
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def write_sheet(self, data, sheet_name, print_to_screen=False):
        '''Write a very simple table to a new sheet in a spreadsheet,
           Optionally, print the table to the screen'''

        # most cells
        al = Alignment()
        al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        al.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        font = Font()
        font.name = 'Arial'
        font.height = 9 * 20  # 9 pt
        style = XFStyle()
        style.font = font
        style.alignment = al

        # tops cells
        al = Alignment()
        al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        al.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        font = Font()
        font.name = 'Arial'
        font.bold = True
        font.height = 9 * 20  # 9 pt
        style_top = XFStyle()
        style_top.font = font
        style_top.alignment = al

        # left cells
        al = Alignment()
        al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
        al.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        font = Font()
        font.name = 'Arial'
        font.bold = True
        font.italic = True
        font.height = 9 * 20  # 9 pt
        style_left = XFStyle()
        style_left.font = font
        style_left.alignment = al

        ws = self.add_sheet(sheet_name)

        for i, row in enumerate(data):
            for j, cell in enumerate(row):

                borders = Borders()

                if i == 0:
                    borders.top = 1
                    borders.bottom = 2

                if i == len(row) - 1:
                    borders.bottom = 1

                if j == 0:
                    borders.left = 1
                    borders.right = 1

                if j == len(row) - 1:
                    borders.right = 1

                if j == 0:
                    _style = style_left
                elif i == 0:
                    _style = style_top
                    _style = style

                _style.borders = borders

                # one of the libraries can get confused with plain strings
                if isinstance(cell, str):
                    cell = unicode(cell, 'utf-8')

                ws.write(i + 1, j + 1, cell, _style)

        if print_to_screen:
            print print_table(data, sheet_name, bold=True)
Ejemplo n.º 49
for i in range(0x00, 0xff):  # 设置单元格内字体样式
    fnt = Font()  # 创建一个文本格式,包括字体、字号和颜色样式特性
    fnt.name = '微软雅黑'  # 设置其字体为微软雅黑, 'SimSun'    # 指定“宋体”
    fnt.colour_index = i  # 设置其字体颜色
    fnt.bold = True
    style.font = fnt  #将赋值好的模式参数导入Style
    sheet.write_merge(i, i, 3, 5, Line_data,
                      style)  #以合并单元格形式写入数据,即将数据写入以第4/5/6列合并德单元格内

for i in range(0, 0x53):  # 设置单元格下框线样式
    borders = Borders()
    borders.left = i
    borders.right = i
    borders.top = i
    borders.bottom = i
    style.borders = borders  #将赋值好的模式参数导入Style
    sheet.write_merge(i, i, 6, 8, Line_data,
                      style)  #以合并单元格形式写入数据,即将数据写入以第4/5/6列合并德单元格内

for i in range(6, 80):  # 设置单元格下列宽样式
    sheet.write(0, i, Line_data, style)
    sheet.col(i).width = 0x0d00 + i * 50

path_py = "/home/gswyhq/jian1.bmp"  #读取插入图片以.py运行时路径,images和.py在同一目录下

sheet.insert_bitmap(path_py, 2, 9)  #插入一个图片

wbk.save('TestData2.xls')  #保存TestData2.xls文件,保存到脚本或exe文件运行的目录下

import xlwt
Ejemplo n.º 50
def archivo_excel(titulo, archivo_logo = 'unprg.bmp', label_resumen = [], datos_resumen = [], heads = [], color = 0x9ACD32, registros = [], nombre_archivo = 'descargar.xls'):

    book = Workbook()
    sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Hoja 01')

    #estilos de celda titulo
    fnt_titulo = Font()
    fnt_titulo.name = 'Arial'
    fnt_titulo.bold = True

    style_titulo = XFStyle()
    style_titulo.font = fnt_titulo

    #estilos de celda etiqueta resumen
    fnt_etiqueta_resumen = Font()
    fnt_etiqueta_resumen.name = 'Arial'
    fnt_etiqueta_resumen.bold = True

    style_etiqueta_resumen = XFStyle()
    style_etiqueta_resumen.font = fnt_etiqueta_resumen

    #estilos de celda datos resumen
    fnt_dato_resumen = Font()
    fnt_dato_resumen.name = 'Arial'

    style_dato_resumen = XFStyle()
    style_dato_resumen.font = fnt_dato_resumen

    #estilos de celda heads
    fnt_heads = Font()
    fnt_heads.name = 'Arial'
    fnt_heads.bold = True
    borders_heads = Borders()
    borders_heads.left = Borders.THIN
    borders_heads.right = Borders.THIN
    borders_heads.top = Borders.THIN
    borders_heads.bottom = Borders.THIN
    pattern_heads = Pattern()
    pattern_heads.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
    pattern_heads.pattern_fore_colour = color

    style_heads = XFStyle()
    style_heads.font = fnt_heads
    style_heads.borders = borders_heads
    style_heads.pattern = pattern_heads

    #estilos de celda registros
    fnt_registros = Font()
    fnt_registros.name = 'Arial'
    borders_registros = Borders()
    borders_registros.left = Borders.THIN
    borders_registros.right = Borders.THIN
    borders_registros.top = Borders.THIN
    borders_registros.bottom = Borders.THIN

    style_registros = XFStyle()
    style_registros.font = fnt_registros
    style_registros.borders = borders_registros
    sheet1.insert_bitmap(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'archivos_excel/%s' % archivo_logo, 1, 0)

    #escribir el titulo
    sheet1.write(10,0,titulo, style_titulo)

    row = 12
    col = 0
    #escribir las etiquetas del resumen
    for etiqueta in label_resumen:
        sheet1.write(row, col, etiqueta, style_etiqueta_resumen)

    row = 12
    col = 1
    #escribir los datos del resumen
    for dato in datos_resumen:
        sheet1.write(row, col, dato, style_dato_resumen)

    col = 0
    #escribimos los encabezados
    for head in heads:

    n = 1
    #recorremos la lista y escribimos los datos
    for fila in registros:
        for dato in fila:

    #book.save(settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'archivos_excel/%s' % nombre_archivo)
Ejemplo n.º 51
    def salary_deduction_category(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        #============ ========= =============== =========================#
        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        fnt.size = 16
        fnt.style = 'Regular'
        #============ ======== ============= ============================#
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        content_fnt.size = 16
        content_fnt.style = 'Regular'
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x01
        borders.right = 0x01
        borders.top = 0x01
        borders.bottom = 0x01
        #The text should be centrally aligned

        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x1F
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        fnt1.size = 10
        fnt1.style = 'Regular'

        content_fnt1 = Font()
        content_fnt1.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        content_fnt1.style = 'Regular'
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT

        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x1
        borders1.right = 0x1
        borders1.top = 0x1
        borders1.bottom = 0x1

        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        #Define the font attributes for Content
        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.size = '10'
        fnt3.style = 'Regular'

        content_fnt3 = Font()
        content_fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt3.style = 'Regular'
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT

        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x0
        borders3.right = 0x0
        borders3.top = 0x0
        borders3.bottom = 0x0

        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern3 = Pattern()

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        fnt5 = Font()
        fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.size = 10
        content_fnt5 = Font()
        content_fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        align_content5 = Alignment()
        #         align_content5.horz= Alignment.HORZ_JUSTIFIED
        borders5 = Borders()
        borders5.left = 0x02
        borders5.right = 0x02
        borders5.top = 0x02

        borders5.bottom = 0x02
        align5 = Alignment()
        #         align5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_JUSTIFIED
        align5.vert = Alignment.VERT_JUSTIFIED
        pattern5 = Pattern()
        pattern5.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern5.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header5 = XFStyle()
        style_header5.font = fnt5
        style_header5.pattern = pattern5
        style_header5.borders = borders5
        style_header5.alignment = align5

        fnt6 = Font()
        fnt6.name = 'Arial'
        fnt6.height = 300
        fnt6.bold = True
        align_content6 = Alignment()
        align_content6.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders6 = Borders()
        borders6.left = 0x02
        borders6.right = 0x02
        borders6.top = 0x02
        borders6.bottom = 0x02
        align6 = Alignment()
        align6.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align6.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern6 = Pattern()
        pattern6.pattern6 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern6.pattern6_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header6 = XFStyle()
        style_header6.font = fnt6
        style_header6.pattern = pattern6
        style_header6.borders = borders6
        style_header6.alignment = align6
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Category Wise Deduction')
        this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
        year = this.month.year_id.id
        month = this.month.month
        emp_id = this.employee_id.id
        company_id = this.company_id.id
        employee_type = this.employee_type
        employment_type = this.employment_type

        ws.row(0).height = 300
        ws.row(1).height = 300
        ws.row(2).height = 300
        ws.col(1).width = 8000
        ws.col(2).width = 6000
        ws.col(3).width = 6000
        ws.col(5).width = 4000
        ws.col(6).width = 4000
        ws.col(7).width = 4000
        ws.col(8).width = 4000
        ws.col(9).width = 5000
        ws.col(10).width = 5000

            0, 0, 0, 11, 'COMPANY :  ' + this.company_id.name + '  ' +
            this.company_id.street, style_header)
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 0, 11,
                       ('SALARY CHART FOR THE MONTH OF :', this.month.name),
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 4, 5, 'Income', style_header1)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 6, 10, 'Deductions', style_header1)
        ws.write(2, 11, 'Net Amount', style_header1)
        ws.write(3, 0, 'PCard', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 1, 'Employee Name', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 2, 'Department Name', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 3, 'Designation Name', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 4, 'Total Salary', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 5, 'OT Amount', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 6, 'PF Deducted', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 7, 'TDS Deducted', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 8, 'ESI Deducted', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 9, 'Professional Tax', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 10, 'ADVANCE Deducted', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 11, 'Net Amount', style_header)

        i = 4
        total_epf = 0.0
        total_tds = 0.0
        total_esi = 0.0
        total_kharcha = 0.0
        total_ot_salary = 0.0
        total_a_gross = 0.0
        total_grand_payment = 0.0
        total_professional_tax = 0.0
        list_val = []
        list_ids = []

        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')

        if this.employee_id and this.employee_type:
            ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 2,
                           ('Employee Type : ', this.employee_type),
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('id', '=', emp_id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('employee_type', '=', employee_type),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
        elif this.employee_id and this.employment_type:
            ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 2,
                           ('Employment Type : ', this.employment_type),
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(
                cr, uid, [('id', '=', emp_id), ('active', '=', True),
                          ('employment_type', '=', employment_type),
                          ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
        elif this.company_ids and this.employee_type:
            ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 2,
                           ('Employee Type : ', this.employee_type),
            for val in this.company_ids:
                list_val = emp_obj.search(
                    cr, uid, [('active', '=', True),
                              ('company_id', '=', val.id),
                              ('employee_type', '=', employee_type),
                              ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
                list_ids = list_val + list_ids
        elif this.company_ids and this.employment_type:
            ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 2,
                           ('Employment Type : ', this.employment_type),
            for val in this.company_ids:
                list_val = emp_obj.search(
                    cr, uid, [('active', '=', True),
                              ('company_id', '=', val.id),
                              ('employment_type', '=', employment_type),
                              ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
                list_ids = list_val + list_ids
        elif not this.employee_type and not this.employment_type:
            raise osv.except_osv(
                ('Warning !'),
                ("Please Select Employee or Employment Type !!!"))
        elif this.employee_type:
            ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 2,
                           ('Employee Type : ', this.employee_type),
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('active', '=', True),
                                       ('employee_type', '=', employee_type),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
        elif this.employment_type:
            ws.write_merge(2, 2, 1, 2,
                           ('Employment Type : ', this.employment_type),
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(
                cr, uid, [('active', '=', True),
                          ('employment_type', '=', employment_type),
                          ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid, [('active', '=', True),
                                                ('type', '=', 'Employee')])

        if len(list_ids) == 0:
            raise osv.except_osv(('Warning !'), ("Record Not Found !!!"))
        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query ="select spl.employee_name,spl.sinid,spl.department_name,spl.job_name,spl.epf,spl.tds,spl.esi,spl.kharcha,sum(spl.overtime_amount+spl.sun_overtime_amount),sum(spl.days_amount+spl.other_salary_amount),spl.grand_total,spl.pro_tax_amt"\
                   " from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id = '"+str(list_ids[0])+"' and spl.month='"+str(month)+"' and spl.year_id='"+str(year)+"'  group by "\
                   " spl.employee_name,spl.sinid,spl.department_name,spl.job_name,spl.epf,spl.tds,spl.esi,spl.kharcha,spl.grand_total,spl.pro_tax_amt order by spl.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query ="select spl.employee_name,spl.sinid,spl.department_name,spl.job_name,spl.epf,spl.tds,spl.esi,spl.kharcha,sum(spl.overtime_amount+spl.sun_overtime_amount),sum(spl.days_amount+spl.other_salary_amount),spl.grand_total,spl.pro_tax_amt"\
                   " from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id in "+str(tuple(list_ids))+" and spl.month='"+str(month)+"' and spl.year_id='"+str(year)+"'  group by " \
                   " spl.employee_name,spl.sinid,spl.department_name,spl.job_name,spl.epf,spl.tds,spl.esi,spl.kharcha,spl.grand_total,spl.pro_tax_amt  order by spl.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()
        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        for val in temp:
            total_epf += val[4]
            total_tds += val[5]
            total_esi += val[6]
            total_kharcha += val[7]
            total_ot_salary += val[8]
            total_a_gross += val[9]
            total_grand_payment += val[10]
            total_professional_tax += val[11]

            ws.write(i, 0, (val[1]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 1, (val[0]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 2, (val[2]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 3, (val[3]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 4, (val[9]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 5, (val[8]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 6, (val[4]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 7, (val[5]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 8, (val[6]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 9, (val[11]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 10, (val[7]), style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 11, (val[10]), style_header3)

            i = i + 1

        ws.write(i, 3, 'TOTAL', style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 4, total_a_gross, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 5, total_ot_salary, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 6, total_epf, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 7, total_tds, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 8, total_esi, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 9, total_professional_tax, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 10, total_kharcha, style_header5)
        ws.write(i, 11, total_grand_payment, style_header5)

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())

        ot_report = self.write(cr,
                               ids, {
                                   'export_data': out,
                                   'filename': 'Salary CHART.xls'
        return ot_report
from datetime import date
from xlwt import Workbook, XFStyle, Borders, Pattern, Font

fnt = Font()
fnt.name = 'Arial'

borders = Borders()
borders.left = Borders.THICK
borders.right = Borders.THICK
borders.top = Borders.THICK
borders.bottom = Borders.THICK

pattern = Pattern()
pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x0A

style = XFStyle()
style.font = fnt
style.borders = borders
style.pattern = pattern

book = Workbook()
sheet = book.add_sheet('A Date')

Ejemplo n.º 53
    import erp.model as m
    import erp.model.testing as tst
except ImportError:
    import portal.model as m
    import portal.model.testing as tst

fnt = Font()
fnt.name = 'Arial'
fnt.bold = True

style_bold = XFStyle()
style_bold.font = fnt

border_bottom = Borders()
border_bottom.bottom =  Borders.THIN

style_bold_border_bottom = XFStyle()
style_bold_border_bottom.font = fnt
style_bold_border_bottom.borders = border_bottom

border_right = Borders()
border_right.right =  Borders.THIN

style_bold_border_right = XFStyle()
style_bold_border_right.font = fnt
style_bold_border_right.borders = border_right

def version_items(version):
    Return dictionary with item answer,
Ejemplo n.º 54
def create_excel(work_excel, withdraw_info=[]):
    title_fnt = Font()
    title_fnt.height = 0x0140
    title_fnt.name = u'宋体'
    title_fnt.bold = True

    brd = Borders()
    brd.bottom = 1
    brd.top = 1
    brd.left = 1
    brd.right = 1

    title_location = Alignment()
    title_location.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
    title_location.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER

    title_style = XFStyle()
    title_style.font = title_fnt
    title_style.alignment = title_location

    style = XFStyle()
    style.font.height = 0x00E0
    style.font.name = u'宋体'
    style.font.bold = False
    style.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
    style.alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER

    content_title_style = deepcopy(style)
    content_title_style.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
    content_title_style.font.height = 0x00E0

    content_style = deepcopy(style)
    content_style.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT

    center_content_style = deepcopy(style)
    center_content_style.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
    center_content_style.borders = brd

    style.borders = brd
    content_style.borders = brd

    merge_up_style = deepcopy(style)
    merge_up_style.borders.bottom = 0

    content_up_style = deepcopy(merge_up_style)
    content_up_style.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
    merge_down_style = deepcopy(style)
    merge_down_style.borders.top = 0
    content_down_style = deepcopy(merge_down_style)
    content_down_style.alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
    content_down_style.font.height = 0x00CA

    for i, info in enumerate(withdraw_info):
        width = i * 25
        work_excel.write_merge(2 + width, 2 + width, 0, 16, u'商户提现付款申请单', title_style)

        work_excel.write_merge(3 + width, 3 + width, 1, 5, info['supplier_type'], content_title_style)
        work_excel.write_merge(3 + width, 3 + width, 6, 16, info['supplier'], content_title_style)

        work_excel.write(4 + width, 0, u'收款单位名称', style)
        work_excel.write_merge(4 + width, 4 + width, 1, 5, info['company'], content_style)
        work_excel.write(4 + width, 6, u'申请提现帐号', style)
        work_excel.write_merge(4 + width, 4 + width, 7, 16, info['applier'], center_content_style)

        work_excel.write(5 + width, 0, u'开户银行', style)
        work_excel.write_merge(5 + width, 5 + width, 1, 5, info['bank'], content_style)
        work_excel.write(5 + width, 6, u'申请提现日期', style)
        work_excel.write_merge(5 + width, 5 + width, 7, 16, info['apply_time'], center_content_style)

        work_excel.write(6 + width, 0, u'银行帐号', style)
        work_excel.write_merge(6 + width, 6 + width, 1, 5, info['account'], content_style)
        work_excel.write(6 + width, 6, u'合同账期', style)
        work_excel.write_merge(6 + width, 6 + width, 7, 16, info['payment_day_type'], center_content_style)

        work_excel.write(7 + width, 0, u'付款用途', style)
        work_excel.write_merge(7 + width, 7 + width, 1, 5, u'商户提现', content_style)
        work_excel.write(7 + width, 6, u'付款日期', style)
        work_excel.write_merge(7 + width, 7 + width, 7, 16, info['date'], center_content_style)

        units = [u'千', u'百', u'十', u'万', u'千', u'百', u'十', u'元', u'角', u'分']
        digit = list(str(info['money']))
        for j, unit in enumerate(units):
            work_excel.write(8 + width, 7 + j, unit, content_style)
        for index, value in enumerate(digit):
            work_excel.write(9 + width, 16 - index, value, content_style)
        work_excel.write(9 + width, 16 - index - 1, '¥', content_style)

        work_excel.write_merge(10 + width, 11 + width, 0, 0, u'备注事项', style)
        work_excel.write_merge(10 + width, 10 + width, 1, 6, '', content_style)
        work_excel.write_merge(10 + width, 10 + width, 7, 16, '', style)
        work_excel.write_merge(11 + width, 11 + width, 1, 16, info['print_info'], content_down_style)

        work_excel.write(8 + width, 0, u'付款金额', merge_up_style)
        work_excel.write(9 + width, 0, u'人民币(大写)', merge_down_style)
        work_excel.write_merge(8 + width, 9 + width, 1, 6, info['china_money'], content_style)

        work_excel.write_merge(13 + width, 13 + width, 0, 2, u'部门主管:', content_title_style)
        work_excel.write_merge(13 + width, 13 + width, 3, 5, u'财务经理:', content_title_style)
        work_excel.write_merge(13 + width, 13 + width, 6, 16, u'公司总经理:', content_title_style)
        for row in range(2, 12):
            work_excel.row(row + width).height_mismatch = 1
            work_excel.row(row + width).height = 478
        work_excel.row(2 + width).height_mismatch = 1
        work_excel.row(2 + width).height = 1000

    work_excel.col(0).width = 3871
    work_excel.col(1).width = 1771
    work_excel.col(2).width = 1509
    work_excel.col(3).width = 2348
    work_excel.col(4).width = 840
    work_excel.col(5).width = 3241
    work_excel.col(6).width = 3441
    for col in range(7, 17):
        work_excel.col(col).width = 709
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def report_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):

        this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)

        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height = 275

        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt.height = 220
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT

        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02

        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
        align.wrap = Alignment.WRAP_AT_RIGHT

        #The text should be right aligned
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
        align1.wrap = Alignment.WRAP_AT_RIGHT

        #The content should be left aligned
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
        align2.wrap = Alignment.WRAP_AT_RIGHT

        #The content should be right aligned
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
        align3.wrap = Alignment.WRAP_AT_RIGHT

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x1F

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern_fore_colour = 0x17

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern_fore_colour = 0xFF

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        pattern3.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern3.pattern_fore_colour = 0xFF

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        #apply the above settings to the row(1) header
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        #apply the above settings to the content
        style_content_left = XFStyle()
        style_content_left.font = fnt
        style_content_left.pattern = pattern2
        style_content_left.borders = borders
        style_content_left.alignment = align2

        style_content_right = XFStyle()
        style_content_right.font = fnt
        style_content_right.pattern = pattern3
        style_content_right.borders = borders
        style_content_right.alignment = align3

        style_content = XFStyle()
        style_content.alignment = align_content
        style_content.font = content_fnt

        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet("Sheet 1")
        ws.row(0).height = 3500
        ws.write(0, 0, "(CO1)", style_header)
        ws.col(0).width = 2000
        ws.write(0, 1, "Month & Year (CO2)", style_header)
        ws.col(1).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 2, "Buyer's TIN (CO3)", style_header)
        ws.col(2).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 3, "Buyer's Name (CO4)", style_header)
        ws.col(3).width = 10000
        ws.write(0, 4, "Interstate Branch/Consignment Transfer (CO5)",
        ws.col(4).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 5, "Export Out Of India (CO6)", style_header)
        ws.col(5).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 6, "High Sea Sales (CO7)", style_header)
        ws.col(6).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 7, "ISS - Goods Type (CO8)", style_header)
        ws.col(7).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 8, "ISS - Form Type (I) (CO9)", style_header)
        ws.col(8).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 9, "ISS - Rate Of Tax (C1O)", style_header)
        ws.col(9).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 10, "ISS - Sales Price (Excluding CST) (C11)",
        ws.col(10).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 11, "ISS - Central Sales Tax (C12)", style_header)
        ws.col(11).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 12, "ISS - Total (C13)", style_header)
        ws.col(12).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 13, "Local Sale - Type Of Sale (C14)", style_header)
        ws.col(13).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 14, "Local Sale - Rate Of Tax (C15)", style_header)
        ws.col(14).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 15, "Local Sale - Sale Price (Excluding VAT) (C16)",
        ws.col(15).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 16, "Local Sale - OutPut Tax (C17)", style_header)
        ws.col(16).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 17, "Local Sale - Total (Including VAT) (C18)",
        ws.col(17).width = 4500

        ws.row(1).height = 400
        ws.write(1, 0, "0", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 1, "0", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 2, "0", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 3, "", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 4, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 5, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 6, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 7, "", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 8, "", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 9, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 10, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 11, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 12, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 13, "", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 14, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 15, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 16, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 17, "0.00", style_header1)

        inv_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice')
        line_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.line')

        row = 2
        count = 1
        value = 0.0
        sum1 = sum2 = sum3 = sum4 = sum5 = sum6 = 0.0
        period = []
        for each in this:
            if each.start_period_id.name > each.end_period_id.name:
                raise osv.except_osv(
                    _('Warning !'),
                    _("Start period must be less than end period !"))
            cr.execute("select id from account_period where name between '" +
                       str(each.start_period_id.name) + "' and '" +
                       str(each.end_period_id.name) + "'")
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            for val in temp:
                if val:
            inv_ids = inv_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                     [('type', '=', 'out_invoice'),
                                      ('state', 'not in', ['draft', 'cancel']),
                                      ('period_id', 'in', period)])
            line_ids = line_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('invoice_id', 'in', inv_ids)])
            for line in line_obj.browse(cr, uid, line_ids):
                ws.row(row).height = 400
                ws.write(row, 0, count, style_content_right)
                    row, 1, line.invoice_id.period_id
                    and line.invoice_id.period_id.name or False,
                ws.write(row, 2, line.partner_id.tin_no or '',
                ws.write(row, 3, line.partner_id.name, style_content_left)

                for tax in line.invoice_line_tax_id:
                    value = tax.amount * 100
                if line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.city and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.city.lower(
                ) == 'new delhi' or line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.city and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.city.lower(
                ) == 'delhi' or line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.state_id and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.state_id.name.lower(
                ) == 'new delhi' or line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.state_id and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.state_id.name.lower(
                ) == 'delhi':
                    ws.write(row, 14, round(value, 2), style_content_right)
                    ws.write(row, 15, round(line.price_subtotal, 2),
                    sum1 += round(line.price_subtotal, 2)
                    ws.write(row, 16, round(line.price_subtotal * tax.amount,
                                            2), style_content_right)
                    sum2 += round(line.price_subtotal * tax.amount, 2)
                        row, 17,
                            line.price_subtotal +
                            (line.price_subtotal * tax.amount), 2),
                    sum3 += round(
                        line.price_subtotal +
                        (line.price_subtotal * tax.amount), 2)
                    ws.write(row, 9, round(value, 2), style_content_right)
                    ws.write(row, 10, round(line.price_subtotal, 2),
                    sum4 += round(line.price_subtotal, 2)
                    ws.write(row, 11, round(line.price_subtotal * tax.amount,
                                            2), style_content_right)
                    sum5 += round(line.price_subtotal * tax.amount, 2)
                        row, 12,
                            line.price_subtotal +
                            (line.price_subtotal * tax.amount), 2),
                    sum6 += round(
                        line.price_subtotal +
                        (line.price_subtotal * tax.amount), 2)

                row += 1
                count += 1
            row += 2
            ws.row(row).height = 400
            ws.write(row, 0, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 1, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 2, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 3, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 4, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 5, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 6, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 7, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 8, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 9, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 10, sum4, style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 11, sum5, style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 12, sum6, style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 13, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 14, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 15, sum1, style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 16, sum2, style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 17, sum3, style_header1)

            f = cStringIO.StringIO()
            out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())

        return self.write(cr,
                          ids, {
                              'data': out,
                              'name': 'MARAnnexure2B.xls'