Ejemplo n.º 1
def css2excel(css):
    #custom_css = 'font: name "%s", %s on'%(current_value['font-family'].split(",")[0], current_value['font-weight'].split(",")[0])
    #export_sheet.write(row_idx, col_idx, current_value['data'], xlwt.easyxf('font: italic on; pattern: pattern solid, fore-colour grey25'))
    xf_list = []
    fnt = Font()
    borders = Borders()
    pattern = Pattern()
    align = Alignment()

    process_css = {
        'font-family' : [fnt, "name" , lambda x : x.split(",")[0]],
        'color' : [fnt, "colour_index", lambda x : excel_color_map.get(x,0)+8],
        'font-weight' : [fnt, "bold", lambda x : x.upper() == 'BOLD'],
        #'font-weight' : [fnt, "bold", lambda x : x == '700'],
        'text-align' : [align, "horz", lambda x : {'left':align.HORZ_LEFT, 'right':align.HORZ_RIGHT, 'center':align.HORZ_CENTER, 'justified': align.HORZ_JUSTIFIED}[x]],
        'background-color' : [pattern,"pattern_fore_colour", lambda x: excel_color_map.get(x,16)+8],
    #TODO process_css -> css
    for i in process_css.keys():
        #print process_css[i][0] ,".",process_css[i][1], " => " , css[i] ,"  |  ", process_css[i][2](css[i]) 
        setattr(process_css[i][0], process_css[i][1], process_css[i][2](css[i]))

    style = XFStyle()
    style.font = fnt
    borders.left = Borders.THIN
    borders.right = Borders.THIN
    borders.top = Borders.THIN
    borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
    style.borders = borders
    style.pattern = pattern
    style.pattern.pattern = 1
    style.alignment = align

    return style
Ejemplo n.º 2
def set_style(name, height, bg_Color=0, bold=False):
    # 设置字体
    style = xlwt.XFStyle()
    font = xlwt.Font()
    font.name = name
    font.bold = bold
    font.color_index = 4
    font.height = height
    style.font = font
    # 设置边框
    borders = xlwt.Borders()
    # 细实线:1,小粗实线:2,细虚线:3,中细虚线:4,大粗实线:5,双线:6,细点虚线:7
    # 大粗虚线:8,细点划线:9,粗点划线:10,细双点划线:11,粗双点划线:12,斜点划线:13
    borders.left = 1
    borders.right = 1
    borders.top = 1
    borders.bottom = 1
    style.borders = borders

    if bg_Color != 0:
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = bg_Color  # 设置单元格背景色为黄色
        style.pattern = pattern

    return style
Ejemplo n.º 3
def setStyle(n):
    pattern = Pattern()
    pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN 
    pattern.pattern_fore_colour = n 
    style = XFStyle()
    style.pattern = pattern 
    return style
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def export_to_excel(self, **kwargs):
        work_book = Workbook(encoding="ascii")
        center_alignment = Alignment()
        center_alignment.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        center_alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER

        border = Borders()
        border.top = Borders.THIN
        border.left = Borders.THIN
        border.bottom = Borders.THIN
        border.right = Borders.THIN

        head_style = XFStyle()

        head_pattern = Pattern()
        head_pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        head_pattern.pattern_fore_colour = Style.colour_map['gray25']

        head_style.pattern = head_pattern

        head_font = Font()
        head_font.bold = True
        head_style.font = head_font

        head_style.alignment = center_alignment
        head_style.borders = border

        data_style = XFStyle()
        data_style.alignment = center_alignment
        data_style.borders = border
        work_sheet = work_book.add_sheet("Sheet")
        limit = 10000
        count = self.get_data_scale(**kwargs)['count']
        times = (count + limit - 1) // limit
        add_header = False
        for i in range(1):
            kwargs["startIndex"] = i * limit + 1
            kwargs['endIndex'] = (i + 1) * limit + 1

            records = self.get_data(**kwargs)

            column_names = []
            y = 0
            for data in records:
                if not add_header:
                    x = 0
                    for column_name in data.keys():
                        work_sheet.write(y, x, column_name, head_style)
                        x += 1
                    add_header = True
                    y += 1
                x = 0
                for column_name in column_names:
                    work_sheet.write(y, x, data[column_name], data_style)
                    x += 1
                y += 1
                x = 0

        work_book.save(BASE_WIN_OUTPUT_PATH + "result.xls")
Ejemplo n.º 5
class Column(Cell):
    title_fnt = Font()
    title_fnt.name = 'Calibri'
    title_fnt.bold = True
    title_fnt.height = 12 * 20  # font size 12

    obj_fnt = Font()
    obj_fnt.name = 'Calibri'
    obj_fnt.height = 12 * 20  # font size 12

    title_aln = Alignment()
    title_aln.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
    title_aln.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
    title_aln.wrap = Alignment.WRAP_AT_RIGHT

    title_ptn = Pattern()
    title_ptn.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
    title_ptn.pattern_fore_colour = 0x2C

    def __init__(self,
                 func=lambda obj: ""):
        super(Column, self).__init__(text,
        self.obj_style = XFStyle()
        self.obj_style.alignment = self.title_aln

        self.obj_style.borders = Borders()
        self.obj_style.borders.left = Borders.HAIR
        self.obj_style.borders.right = Borders.HAIR
        self.obj_style.borders.top = Borders.HAIR
        self.obj_style.borders.bottom = Borders.HAIR
        self.border.left = Borders.HAIR
        self.border.right = Borders.HAIR
        self.border.top = Borders.THICK
        self.border.bottom = Borders.THICK

        if left_border:
            self.obj_style.borders.left = Borders.THICK
            self.border.left = Borders.THICK
        if right_border:
            self.obj_style.borders.right = Borders.THICK
            self.border.right = Borders.THICK

        self.obj_style.font = self.obj_fnt

        if use_pattern:
            self.obj_style.pattern = self.pattern

        self.func = func
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def writeXls(self, file_name):  #写入Excel表格
        movie_list = [
            '上映年份', '片名', '导演', '编剧', '主演', '类型', '制片国家地区', '语言', '又名', '上映日期',
            '片长', 'IMDB链接/影片地址', '评分', '评价人数', '页面网址', '短评', '话题'
        xls = ExcelWrite.Workbook()
        sheet = xls.add_sheet("Sheet1")  #写入表1
        style = XFStyle()
        pattern = Pattern()  # 创建一个模式
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN  # 设置其模式为实型
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16  #设置其模式单元格背景色
        # 设置单元格背景颜色 0 = Black, 1 = White, 2 = Red, 3 = Green, 4 = Blue, 5 = Yellow, 6 = Magenta,  the list goes on...
        style.pattern = pattern
        for i in range(len(movie_list)):  #写入首行信息,为表头,表示列名
            sheet.write(0, i, movie_list[i], style)
            sheet.col(i).width = 5240

        actors_list = ['姓名', '性别', '星座', '年龄', '出生地', '职业', '简介']
        sheet2 = xls.add_sheet("Sheet2")
        style2 = XFStyle()
        style2.pattern = pattern
        for i in range(len(actors_list)):  # 写入首行信息,为表头,表示列名
            sheet2.write(0, i, actors_list[i], style2)
            sheet2.col(i).width = 5140
            conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost',
            cur = conn.cursor()
            sql = 'select * from movies'
            row = 0
            for movie_info in cur.fetchall():  #遍历数据库中每行信息,一行表示一部电影的所有信息
                row = row + 1  #第0行为表头,不添加数据,因此从第一列开始写入
                for i in range(len(movie_info) - 1):  #对于一行信息进行遍历,分别存入每列
                    sheet.write(row, i, movie_info[i + 1])

            sql = "select id,name,sex,star,date_format(from_days(to_days(now())-to_days(birthday)),'%Y')+0,place,job,message from actors"
            row = 0
            for actor_info in cur.fetchall():  # 遍历数据库中每行信息,一行表示一部电影的所有信息
                row = row + 1  # 第0行为表头,不添加数据,因此从第一列开始写入
                for i in range(len(actor_info) - 1):  # 对于一行信息进行遍历,分别存入每列
                    sheet2.write(row, i, actor_info[i + 1])

            xls.save(file_name)  #写入完成,存储

            wx.MessageBox('数据已导出到桌面!!!', caption="导出成功")
            wx.MessageBox('数据导出失败!!!', caption="导出失败")
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def writeCycleInfo2File(self):
     workbook = xlwt.Workbook()
     # set header style
     headerStyle = xlwt.XFStyle()
     headerFont = xlwt.Font()
     headerFont.bold = True
     headerStyle.font = headerFont
     headerPattern = Pattern()
     headerPattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
     headerPattern.pattern_fore_colour = 50  # green
     headerStyle.pattern = headerPattern
     # write run result to excel file
     for threadKey in self.cycleInfo.keys():
         sheet = workbook.add_sheet(threadKey, True)
         headerText = ["cycleNumber", "liveIndividuals", "deadIndividuals", "newBorn", "newDeath", "newDeathFromFight", "newDeathFromNatural", "newDeathFromStarve", "breedTimes", "fightTimes", "fightSuccessTimes", "fightPeaceTimes", "fightFailureTimes", "FleeSuccessTimes", "defendTimes", "defendSuccessTimes", "defendPeaceTimes", "defendFailureTimes", "popAvgHungryLevel", "popAvgAge", "popAvgLifespan", "popAvgFightCapability", "popAvgAttackPossibility", "popAvgDefendPossibility", "popAvgTotalBreedingTimes"]
         for i in range(0, len(headerText)):
             sheet.write(0, i, headerText[i], headerStyle)
         rowNum = 1
         threadValue = self.cycleInfo[threadKey]
         for cycleNumber in threadValue.keys():
             cycleInfo = threadValue[cycleNumber]
             sheet.write(rowNum, 0, cycleNumber)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 1, cycleInfo.liveIndividuals)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 2, cycleInfo.deadIndividuals)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 3, cycleInfo.newBorn)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 4, cycleInfo.newDeath)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 5, cycleInfo.newDeathFromFight)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 6, cycleInfo.newDeathFromNatural)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 7, cycleInfo.newDeathFromStarve)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 8, cycleInfo.breedTimes)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 9, cycleInfo.fightTimes)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 10, cycleInfo.fightSuccessTimes)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 11, cycleInfo.fightPeaceTimes)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 12, cycleInfo.fightFailureTimes)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 13, cycleInfo.FleeSuccessTimes)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 14, cycleInfo.defendTimes)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 15, cycleInfo.defendSuccessTimes)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 16, cycleInfo.defendPeaceTimes)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 17, cycleInfo.defendFailureTimes)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 18, cycleInfo.popAvgHungryLevel)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 19, cycleInfo.popAvgAge)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 20, cycleInfo.popAvgLifespan)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 21, cycleInfo.popAvgFightCapability)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 22, cycleInfo.popAvgAttackPossibility)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 23, cycleInfo.popAvgDefendPossibility)
             sheet.write(rowNum, 24, cycleInfo.popAvgTotalBreedingTimes)
             rowNum += 1
     workbook.save("EvolutionSimulationResult_" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime()) + ".xls")
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def _getStyle(self, org_style, org_font):
        from xlwt import XFStyle, Font, Borders, Pattern
        # font
        font      = Font()
        font.name = org_font.name
        font.height = org_font.height
        font.italic = org_font.italic
        font.struck_out = org_font.struck_out
        font.outline = org_font.outline
        font.shadow = org_font.shadow
        font.colour_index = org_font.colour_index
        font.bold    = org_font.bold
        font._weight = org_font.weight
        font.escapement = org_font.escapement_type
        font.underline = org_font.underline_type
        font.family = org_font.family
        font.charset = org_font.character_set
        # border 
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left   = Borders.THIN #org_style.xf.border.left_line_style
        borders.right  = Borders.THIN #org_style.xf.border.right_line_style
        borders.top    = Borders.THIN #org_style.xf.border.top_line_style
        borders.bottom = Borders.THIN #org_style.xf.border.bottom_line_style
        #borders.diag   = self.NO_LINE

        borders.left_colour   = org_style.xf.border.left_colour_index
        borders.right_colour  = org_style.xf.border.right_colour_index
        borders.top_colour    = org_style.xf.border.top_colour_index
        borders.bottom_colour = org_style.xf.border.bottom_colour_index
        #borders.diag_colour   = org_style.xf.border.left_colour_index

        #borders.need_diag1 = self.NO_NEED_DIAG1
        #borders.need_diag2 = self.NO_NEED_DIAG2
        # Pattern
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern             = org_style.xf.background.fill_pattern
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = org_style.xf.background.pattern_colour_index
        pattern.pattern_back_colour = org_style.xf.background.background_colour_index
        style         = XFStyle()
        style.borders = borders
        style.font    = font
        style.pattern = pattern
        return style
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def export_to_excel(self):
        if not os.path.isdir('./export_excel'):  # 导出结果存储目录
        save_path = os.path.join('./export_excel', self.select_table + '.xls')
        head_list = ['学号', '姓名', '是否出勤', '出勤时间']
        xls = ExcelWrite.Workbook()  # 创建Excel控制对象
        sheet = xls.add_sheet("Sheet1")  # 创建被写入的表格sheet1
        style = XFStyle()
        pattern = Pattern()  # 创建一个模式
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN  # 设置其模式为实型
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16  # 设置其模式单元格背景色
        # 设置单元格背景颜色 0 = Black, 1 = White, 2 = Red, 3 = Green, 4 = Blue, 5 = Yellow, 6 = Magenta,  the list goes on...
        style.pattern = pattern
        for col in range(len(head_list)):  # 写入首行信息,为表头,表示列名
            sheet.write(0, col, head_list[col], style)
            sheet.col(col).width = 4240

            # 连接数据库读取数据
            conn, cursor = DataManageUI.connect_to_sql()
            sql = 'select * from `%s`' % self.select_table
            row = 0
            stu_data = cursor.fetchall()
            for stu_info in stu_data:  # 遍历数据库中每行信息,一行表示一部电影的所有信息
                stu_info = list(stu_info)
                if stu_info[3]:
                    stu_info[3] = stu_info[3].strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
                row = row + 1  # 第0行为表头,不添加数据,因此从第一列开始写入
                for col in range(len(stu_info)):  # 对于一行信息进行遍历,分别存入每列
                    sheet.write(row, col, stu_info[col])

            xls.save(save_path)  # 写入完成,存储
            text = 'Success!'
            informativeText = '<b>课程{}签到表 导出成功! 目标路径:./export_excel</b>'.format(
            DataRecordUI.callDialog(QMessageBox.Information, text,
                                    informativeText, QMessageBox.Ok)
        except Exception as e:
            text = 'Error!'
            informativeText = '<b>导出失败!</b>'
            DataRecordUI.callDialog(QMessageBox.Critical, text,
                                    informativeText, QMessageBox.Ok)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def init_sheet_catalog(sheet):
    global config_inner_items
    global config_multimedia_items
    global config_glass_items

    style = xlwt.XFStyle()  # 创建一个样式对象,初始化样式
    al = xlwt.Alignment()
    al.horz = 0x02  # 设置水平居中
    al.vert = 0x01  # 设置垂直居中
    style.alignment = al

    font = xlwt.Font()  # 为样式创建字体
    font.name = 'Times New Roman'
    font.bold = True  # 黑体
    # font.underline = True  # 下划线
    # font.italic = True  # 斜体字
    style.font = font  # 设定样式

    pattern = Pattern()  # 创建一个模式
    pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN  # 设置其模式为实型
    pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 3
    # 设置单元格背景颜色 0 = Black, 1 = White, 2 = Red, 3 = Green, 4 = Blue, 5 = Yellow, 6 = Magenta,  the list goes on...
    style.pattern = pattern

    row_index = 2
    # config_inner = config_data['内部配置']
    # config_inner_items = list(config_inner.keys())
    sheet.write_merge(row_index,  row_index + len(config_inner_items) -1 , 0, 0+0, "内部配置", style)
    for index in range(len(config_inner_items)):
        sheet.write(row_index + index , 1, config_inner_items[index])
    row_index = row_index + len(config_inner_items)

    # config_multimedia = config_data['多媒体配置']
    # config_multimedia_items = list(config_multimedia.keys())
    sheet.write_merge(row_index, row_index + len(config_multimedia_items)-1 , 0, 0+0, "多媒体配置", style)
    for index in range(len(config_multimedia_items)):
        sheet.write(row_index + index , 1, config_multimedia_items[index])
    row_index = row_index + len(config_multimedia_items)

    # config_glass = config_data['玻璃/后视镜']
    # config_glass_items = list(config_glass.keys())
    sheet.write_merge(row_index ,row_index + len(config_glass_items)-1, 0, 0+0, "玻璃/后视镜", style)
    for index in range(len(config_glass_items)):
        sheet.write(row_index + index , 1, config_glass_items[index])
    row_index = row_index + len(config_glass_items)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __cell_colouration__(style, current_activity):
     if current_activity is Activity.CONSULTATION:
         style.pattern = pattern_pale_blue
     elif current_activity is Activity.DIALYSIS:
         style.pattern = pattern_ice_blue
     elif current_activity is Activity.NEPHROLOGY:
         style.pattern = pattern_light_green
     elif current_activity is Activity.OTHERS:
         style.pattern = pattern_tan
     elif current_activity is Activity.OBLIGATION:
         style.pattern = pattern_ivory
     elif current_activity is Activity.OBLIGATION_WEEKEND:
         style.pattern = pattern_light_yellow
     elif current_activity is Activity.OBLIGATION_HOLIDAY:
         style.pattern = pattern_gold
         style.pattern = Pattern()
     return style
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self, timesheets, year=datetime.date.today().year):
        self.timesheets = timesheets.order_by('activity__person', 'project',
                                              'year', 'month')
        self.book = Workbook()
        self.year = int(year)
        font_header = Font()
        font_header.bold = True

        font_title = Font()
        font_title.bold = True

        grey_pattern = Pattern()
        grey_pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        grey_pattern.pattern_fore_colour = Style.colour_map['gray25']

        self.header_style = XFStyle()
        self.header_style.pattern = grey_pattern
        self.header_style.font = font_header

        self.header_title = XFStyle()
        self.header_title.font = font_title

        self.date_style = XFStyle()
        self.date_style.num_format_str = 'M/D/YY'

        self.title_style = XFStyle()
        self.title_style.pattern = grey_pattern
        self.title_style.font = font_title
        self.title_style.alignment.horz = self.title_style.alignment.HORZ_CENTER

        self.txt_centered_al = Alignment()
        self.txt_centered_al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER

        self.txt_centered = XFStyle()
        self.txt_centered.alignment = self.txt_centered_al

        self.header_date_style = XFStyle()
        self.header_date_style.pattern = grey_pattern
        self.header_date_style.font = font_header
        self.header_date_style.alignment = self.txt_centered_al
Ejemplo n.º 13
def css2excel(css):
    fnt = Font()
    borders = Borders()
    pattern = Pattern()
    align = Alignment()

    process_css = {
        'font-family': [fnt, "name", lambda x: x.split(",")[0]],
        'font-size': [fnt, "height", lambda x: get_font_height(x.upper())],
        'color': [fnt, "colour_index", lambda x: match_color_index(x.upper())],
        'font-weight': [fnt, "bold", lambda x: x == 'bold'],
        'font-style': [fnt, "italic", lambda x: x == 'italic'],
        [align, "horz", lambda x: get_horizontal_align(x, align)],
        [align, "vert", lambda x: get_vertical_align(x, align)],
        'background-color': [
            pattern, "pattern_fore_colour",
            lambda x: match_color_index(x.upper())
    for i in css.keys():
        if i in process_css.keys():
            setattr(process_css[i][0], process_css[i][1],

    style = XFStyle()
    style.font = fnt
    borders.left = Borders.THIN
    borders.right = Borders.THIN
    borders.top = Borders.THIN
    borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
    style.borders = borders
    style.pattern = pattern
    style.pattern.pattern = 1
    style.alignment = align
    style.num_format_str = '#,##0.00'
    return style
Ejemplo n.º 14
def get_sheet_title_style(bg_color=0x39,
    fnt = Font()
    fnt.name = 'Arial'
    fnt.colour_index = font_color
    fnt.bold = True
    fnt.height = font_size

    borders = Borders()
    borders.left = 1
    borders.right = 1
    borders.top = 1
    borders.bottom = 1

    al = Alignment()
    if horz_center:
        al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        al.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
    al.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER

    pattern = None
    if has_pattern:
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = 1
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = bg_color
        pattern.pattern_back_colour = bg_color

    style = XFStyle()
    style.font = fnt
    style.borders = borders
    style.alignment = al
    if pattern:
        style.pattern = pattern
    return style
Ejemplo n.º 15
def transData(res,pars):

	#排查3 判断
	if  imp_ip_all==imp_cookie_all and clk_ip_all==clk_cookie_all:
	##ts[1].borders.right = Borders.THICK ?
	ts[1].alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER


	data.append(transCellData_ext('D19',clk_cookie_all,imp_cookie_all,1 ))#cookie重合数1
	data.append(transCellData_ext('F19',clk_cookie_all,imp_join_clk_cookie_clk,1))	#无显示cookie
	data.append(ts)	#无显示cookie占比
	data.append(ts)	#点击数占总体
	for tt in tb_imp_f_list:	 
		if tt[0]<0:
			ts[0][2]= len(tb_imp_f_list)-1		
	pattern = Pattern()
	pattern.pattern = Style.pattern_map['solid']
	###pattern.pattern_back_colour = 0xBFBFBF
	pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x37
	for tt in tb_clk_f_list:
		if tt[0]<0:
			ts[0][2]= len(tb_imp_f_list)-1		
	for tt in tb_referer_list:
	ts[1].borders.right = Borders.NO_LINE
	ts[1].borders.bottom  = Borders.NO_LINE
	ts[1].alignment.wrap = 1
	ts[1].borders.right = Borders.NO_LINE
	ts[1].borders.top  = Borders.NO_LINE
	ts[1].alignment.wrap = 1
	if (float(clk_cookie_dis)==0):
		if clk_cookie_dis!=0:
		if clk_cookie_all!=0:
	##ts[1].borders.right = Borders.THICK ?
	ts[1].alignment.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER

	val1_=100*sumPercent([one_cookie_3_ip_dis ,one_cookie_4_ip_dis ,one_cookie_b_4_ip_dis ],imp_cookie_dis)
	val2_=100*sumPercent([one_cookie_3_ip_all,  one_cookie_4_ip_all,  one_cookie_b_4_ip_all],  imp_cookie_all)
	ts[1].alignment.wrap = 1
	return data
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def report_get(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):

        this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)

        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height = 275

        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt.height = 220
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT

        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02

        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
        align.wrap = Alignment.WRAP_AT_RIGHT

        #The text should be right aligned
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
        align1.wrap = Alignment.WRAP_AT_RIGHT

        #The content should be left aligned
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
        align2.wrap = Alignment.WRAP_AT_RIGHT

        #The content should be right aligned
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_RIGHT
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
        align3.wrap = Alignment.WRAP_AT_RIGHT

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x1F

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern_fore_colour = 0x17

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern_fore_colour = 0xFF

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        pattern3.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern3.pattern_fore_colour = 0xFF

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        #apply the above settings to the row(1) header
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        #apply the above settings to the content
        style_content_left = XFStyle()
        style_content_left.font = fnt
        style_content_left.pattern = pattern2
        style_content_left.borders = borders
        style_content_left.alignment = align2

        style_content_right = XFStyle()
        style_content_right.font = fnt
        style_content_right.pattern = pattern3
        style_content_right.borders = borders
        style_content_right.alignment = align3

        style_content = XFStyle()
        style_content.alignment = align_content
        style_content.font = content_fnt

        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet("Sheet 1")
        ws.row(0).height = 3500
        ws.write(0, 0, "(CO1)", style_header)
        ws.col(0).width = 2000
        ws.write(0, 1, "Month & Year (CO2)", style_header)
        ws.col(1).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 2, "Buyer's TIN (CO3)", style_header)
        ws.col(2).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 3, "Buyer's Name (CO4)", style_header)
        ws.col(3).width = 10000
        ws.write(0, 4, "Interstate Branch/Consignment Transfer (CO5)",
        ws.col(4).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 5, "Export Out Of India (CO6)", style_header)
        ws.col(5).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 6, "High Sea Sales (CO7)", style_header)
        ws.col(6).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 7, "ISS - Goods Type (CO8)", style_header)
        ws.col(7).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 8, "ISS - Form Type (I) (CO9)", style_header)
        ws.col(8).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 9, "ISS - Rate Of Tax (C1O)", style_header)
        ws.col(9).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 10, "ISS - Sales Price (Excluding CST) (C11)",
        ws.col(10).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 11, "ISS - Central Sales Tax (C12)", style_header)
        ws.col(11).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 12, "ISS - Total (C13)", style_header)
        ws.col(12).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 13, "Local Sale - Type Of Sale (C14)", style_header)
        ws.col(13).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 14, "Local Sale - Rate Of Tax (C15)", style_header)
        ws.col(14).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 15, "Local Sale - Sale Price (Excluding VAT) (C16)",
        ws.col(15).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 16, "Local Sale - OutPut Tax (C17)", style_header)
        ws.col(16).width = 4500
        ws.write(0, 17, "Local Sale - Total (Including VAT) (C18)",
        ws.col(17).width = 4500

        ws.row(1).height = 400
        ws.write(1, 0, "0", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 1, "0", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 2, "0", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 3, "", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 4, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 5, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 6, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 7, "", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 8, "", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 9, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 10, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 11, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 12, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 13, "", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 14, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 15, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 16, "0.00", style_header1)
        ws.write(1, 17, "0.00", style_header1)

        inv_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice')
        line_obj = self.pool.get('account.invoice.line')

        row = 2
        count = 1
        value = 0.0
        sum1 = sum2 = sum3 = sum4 = sum5 = sum6 = 0.0
        period = []
        for each in this:
            if each.start_period_id.name > each.end_period_id.name:
                raise osv.except_osv(
                    _('Warning !'),
                    _("Start period must be less than end period !"))
            cr.execute("select id from account_period where name between '" +
                       str(each.start_period_id.name) + "' and '" +
                       str(each.end_period_id.name) + "'")
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            for val in temp:
                if val:
            inv_ids = inv_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                     [('type', '=', 'out_invoice'),
                                      ('state', 'not in', ['draft', 'cancel']),
                                      ('period_id', 'in', period)])
            line_ids = line_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('invoice_id', 'in', inv_ids)])
            for line in line_obj.browse(cr, uid, line_ids):
                ws.row(row).height = 400
                ws.write(row, 0, count, style_content_right)
                    row, 1, line.invoice_id.period_id
                    and line.invoice_id.period_id.name or False,
                ws.write(row, 2, line.partner_id.tin_no or '',
                ws.write(row, 3, line.partner_id.name, style_content_left)

                for tax in line.invoice_line_tax_id:
                    value = tax.amount * 100
                if line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.city and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.city.lower(
                ) == 'new delhi' or line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.city and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.city.lower(
                ) == 'delhi' or line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.state_id and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.state_id.name.lower(
                ) == 'new delhi' or line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.state_id and line.invoice_id.address_invoice_id.state_id.name.lower(
                ) == 'delhi':
                    ws.write(row, 14, round(value, 2), style_content_right)
                    ws.write(row, 15, round(line.price_subtotal, 2),
                    sum1 += round(line.price_subtotal, 2)
                    ws.write(row, 16, round(line.price_subtotal * tax.amount,
                                            2), style_content_right)
                    sum2 += round(line.price_subtotal * tax.amount, 2)
                        row, 17,
                            line.price_subtotal +
                            (line.price_subtotal * tax.amount), 2),
                    sum3 += round(
                        line.price_subtotal +
                        (line.price_subtotal * tax.amount), 2)
                    ws.write(row, 9, round(value, 2), style_content_right)
                    ws.write(row, 10, round(line.price_subtotal, 2),
                    sum4 += round(line.price_subtotal, 2)
                    ws.write(row, 11, round(line.price_subtotal * tax.amount,
                                            2), style_content_right)
                    sum5 += round(line.price_subtotal * tax.amount, 2)
                        row, 12,
                            line.price_subtotal +
                            (line.price_subtotal * tax.amount), 2),
                    sum6 += round(
                        line.price_subtotal +
                        (line.price_subtotal * tax.amount), 2)

                row += 1
                count += 1
            row += 2
            ws.row(row).height = 400
            ws.write(row, 0, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 1, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 2, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 3, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 4, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 5, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 6, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 7, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 8, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 9, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 10, sum4, style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 11, sum5, style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 12, sum6, style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 13, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 14, "", style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 15, sum1, style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 16, sum2, style_header1)
            ws.write(row, 17, sum3, style_header1)

            f = cStringIO.StringIO()
            out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())

        return self.write(cr,
                          ids, {
                              'data': out,
                              'name': 'MARAnnexure2B.xls'
    def print_report(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Earn Leave Report')
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height = 300
        fnt1.bold = True
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x02
        borders1.right = 0x02
        borders1.top = 0x02
        borders1.bottom = 0x02
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern1_fore_colour = 0x17
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        fnt2 = Font()
        fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        fnt2.height = 250
        fnt2.bold = False
        align_content2 = Alignment()
        align_content2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders2 = Borders()
        borders2.left = 0x02
        borders2.right = 0x02
        borders2.top = 0x02
        borders2.bottom = 0x02
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern2 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern2_fore_colour = 0x09
        style_header2 = XFStyle()
        style_header2.font = fnt2
        style_header2.pattern = pattern2
        style_header2.borders = borders2
        style_header2.alignment = align2

        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.height = 275
        fnt3.bold = False
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x02
        borders3.right = 0x02
        borders3.top = 0x02
        borders3.bottom = 0x02
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        pattern3.pattern3 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern3.pattern3_fore_colour = 0x09
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height = 275
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt.height = 150
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        fnt5 = Font()
        fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        fnt5.height = 275
        content_fnt5 = Font()
        content_fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt5.height = 150
        align_content5 = Alignment()
        borders5 = Borders()
        borders5.left = 0x02
        borders5.right = 0x02
        borders5.top = 0x02

        borders5.bottom = 0x02
        align5 = Alignment()
        align5.vert = Alignment.VERT_JUSTIFIED
        pattern5 = Pattern()
        pattern5.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern5.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header5 = XFStyle()
        style_header5.font = fnt5
        style_header5.pattern = pattern5
        style_header5.borders = borders5
        style_header5.alignment = align5

        ws.row(0).height = 1000
        ws.col(0).width = 4000
        ws.col(1).width = 5000
        ws.col(2).width = 4000
        ws.col(3).width = 5000
        ws.col(4).width = 5000
        ws.col(5).width = 6500
        ws.col(6).width = 4000
        ws.col(7).width = 4000
        ws.col(8).width = 4000

        ws.write(0, 0, 'Employee ID', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 1, 'Employee Code', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 2, 'Earn Date', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 3, 'Total Work Day', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 4, 'Allocation EL', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 5, 'Opening Earn Leave', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 6, 'Total EL Paid', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 7, 'Balance EL', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 8, 'Import EL', style_header)

        this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
        company_id = this.company_id.id
        employee_id = this.employee_id.id
        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')
        year = this.month.year_id.id
        balance1 = 0
        balance = 0
        import_el = 0
        i = 1

        if this.company_id and this.employee_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                       ('id', '=', employee_id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
        elif this.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])

        if len(list_ids) == 0:
            raise osv.except_osv(('Warning !'), ("Record Not Found !!!"))

        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query = "select spl.sinid,sum(spl.work_day),hr.earn_date,sum(spl.earned_leave),hr.earn_open,hr.id from salary_payment_line as spl left join hr_employee as hr on spl.employee_id = hr.id left join resource_resource as rr on hr.resource_id = rr.id where spl.employee_id = '" + str(
            ) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
            ) + "' and rr.active = 'True' group by spl.sinid,hr.earn_date,hr.earn_open,hr.id order by spl.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query = "select spl.sinid,sum(spl.work_day),hr.earn_date,sum(spl.earned_leave),hr.earn_open,hr.id from salary_payment_line as spl left join hr_employee as hr on spl.employee_id = hr.id left join resource_resource as rr on hr.resource_id = rr.id where spl.employee_id in " + str(
            ) + " and spl.year_id='" + str(
            ) + "' and rr.active = 'True' group by spl.sinid,hr.earn_date,hr.earn_open,hr.id order by spl.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()

        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        for val in temp:
            day = format((val[1] / 20), '.2f')
            b = str(day)
            c = b.split('.')
            d = c[0]
            e = c[1][0:2]
            if int(e) < 50:
                s = d + '.' + str(0)
                work_day = float(s)
                s = d + '.' + e
                t = float(s)
                work_day = math.ceil(t)

            if val[4] != None:
                balance1 = (work_day + val[4] - val[3])
                import_el = work_day + val[4]
                balance1 = (work_day - val[3])
                import_el = work_day

            if balance1 >= 30:
                balance = 30
                balance = balance1

            ws.row(i).height = 500
            ws.write(i, 0, val[5], style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 1, val[0], style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 2, val[2], style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 3, val[1], style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 4, work_day, style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 5, val[4], style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 6, val[3], style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 7, balance, style_header2)
            ws.write(i, 8, import_el, style_header2)

            i = i + 1

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())
        pf_upload_report = self.write(cr,
                                      ids, {
                                          'export_data': out,
                                          'filename': 'Earn Leave Report.xls'

        return pf_upload_report
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def ot_register_report(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        fnt.size = 16
        fnt.style = 'Regular'
        #Define the font attributes for header
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        content_fnt.size = 16
        content_fnt.style = 'Regular'
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x01
        borders.right = 0x01
        borders.top = 0x01
        borders.bottom = 0x01
        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x1F
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        #Define the font attributes for header
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        fnt1.size = 10
        fnt1.style = 'Regular'
        content_fnt1 = Font()
        content_fnt1.name = 'Ubuntu Medium'
        content_fnt1.style = 'Regular'
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x1
        borders1.right = 0x1
        borders1.top = 0x1
        borders1.bottom = 0x1

        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern1_fore_colour = 0x1F
        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        #Define the font attributes for Content
        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.size = '10'
        fnt3.style = 'Regular'

        content_fnt3 = Font()
        content_fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt3.style = 'Regular'
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_LEFT

        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x0
        borders3.right = 0x0
        borders3.top = 0x0
        borders3.bottom = 0x0

        #The text should be centrally aligned
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP

        #We set the backgroundcolour here
        pattern3 = Pattern()

        #apply the above settings to the row(0) header
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('OT Register Report')

        this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
        year = this.month.year_id.id
        month = this.month.month
        emp_id = this.employee_id.id
        company_id = this.company_id.id

        ws.row(0).height = 300
        ws.row(1).height = 300
        ws.row(2).height = 300
        ws.col(20).width = 6000

            0, 0, 4, 10, 'COMPANY :  ' + this.company_id.name + '  ' +
            this.company_id.street, style_header)
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 4, 10,
                       ('SALARY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF : ', this.month.name),

        ws.write(2, 0, 'PCard', style_header)
        ws.col(0).width = 4000
        ws.write(2, 1, 'Employee Name', style_header)
        ws.col(1).width = 8000
        ws.write(2, 2, 'Department Name', style_header)
        ws.col(2).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 3, 'Designation Name', style_header)
        ws.col(3).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 4, 'Total Working Day', style_header)
        ws.col(4).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 5, 'CL + EL', style_header)
        ws.col(5).width = 3000
        ws.write(2, 6, 'Compensatory Leave', style_header)
        ws.col(6).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 7, 'Sick Leave', style_header)
        ws.col(7).width = 4000
        ws.write(2, 8, 'Absent', style_header)
        ws.col(8).width = 4000
        ws.write(2, 9, 'Shift Hours Worked', style_header)
        ws.col(9).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 10, 'Overtime Hours', style_header)
        ws.col(10).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 11, 'Total Working Hours', style_header)
        ws.col(11).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 12, 'Avg Weekly Working Hour', style_header)
        ws.col(12).width = 6000
        ws.write(2, 13, 'Avg Daily Working Hour', style_header)
        ws.col(13).width = 6000
        ws.write(2, 14, 'Total Monthly Gross', style_header)
        ws.col(14).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 15, 'Gross Salary Paid', style_header)
        ws.col(15).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 16, 'OT Salary', style_header)
        ws.col(16).width = 5000
        ws.write(2, 17, 'Total Gross Salary', style_header)
        ws.col(17).width = 5000

        i = 3
        total_days = 0.0
        total_cl_el = 0.0
        total_compensatory = 0.0
        total_sick = 0.0
        total_absent = 0.0
        total_shift_hours = 0.0
        total_ot_hours = 0.0
        total_working_hours = 0.0
        total_weekly_working_hour = 0.0
        total_daily_working_hour = 0.0
        total_monthly_gross = 0.0
        total_gross_salary_paid = 0.0
        total_ot_salary = 0.0
        total_gross_salary = 0.0
        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')

        if this.employee_id and this.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('id', '=', emp_id),
                                       ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee'),
                                       ('active', '=', True)])
        elif this.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee'),
                                       ('active', '=', True)])
            list_ids1 = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Employee'),
                                        ('active', '=', False)])
            list_ids = list_ids + list_ids1
        elif this.employee_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid, [('id', '=', emp_id),
                                                ('type', '=', 'Employee'),
                                                ('active', '=', True)])

        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query ="select spl.sinid,spl.employee_name,spl.department_name,spl.job_name,(spl.work_day+spl.factory_work),(spl.casual_leave+spl.earned_leave),spl.compensatory_leave,spl.sick_leave,(spl.month_days-(spl.work_day+spl.factory_work+spl.casual_leave+spl.earned_leave+spl.compensatory_leave+spl.sick_leave+spl.holiday_leave+spl.week_leave)),"\
                    "((spl.work_day+spl.factory_work) * 8),(spl.over_time + spl.sun_over_time),(((spl.work_day+spl.factory_work) * 8)+(spl.over_time + spl.sun_over_time)),"\
                    "round(((((spl.work_day+spl.factory_work) * 8)+(spl.over_time + spl.sun_over_time))/(spl.work_day+spl.factory_work)),2) ,(spl.basic + spl.other_salary),(spl.days_amount+spl.other_salary_amount),spl.total_overtime_amount,"\
                    "(spl.days_amount+spl.other_salary_amount+spl.total_overtime_amount) from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id = '"+str(list_ids[0])+"' and spl.month='"+str(month)+"' and spl.year_id='"+str(year)+"' order by spl.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query ="select spl.sinid,spl.employee_name,spl.department_name,spl.job_name,(spl.work_day+spl.factory_work),(spl.casual_leave+spl.earned_leave),spl.compensatory_leave,spl.sick_leave,(spl.month_days-(spl.work_day+spl.factory_work+spl.casual_leave+spl.earned_leave+spl.compensatory_leave+spl.sick_leave+spl.holiday_leave+spl.week_leave)),"\
                    "((spl.work_day+spl.factory_work) * 8),(spl.over_time + spl.sun_over_time),(((spl.work_day+spl.factory_work) * 8)+(spl.over_time + spl.sun_over_time)),"\
                    "round(((((spl.work_day+spl.factory_work) * 8)+(spl.over_time + spl.sun_over_time))/(spl.work_day+spl.factory_work)),2) ,(spl.basic + spl.other_salary),(spl.days_amount+spl.other_salary_amount),spl.total_overtime_amount,"\
                    "(spl.days_amount+spl.other_salary_amount+spl.total_overtime_amount) from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id in "+str(tuple(list_ids))+" and spl.month='"+str(month)+"' and spl.year_id='"+str(year)+"' order by spl.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()

        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        for val in temp:
            if val[4] >= 7:
                working_hour = round((val[11] / (val[12] - val[8])) * 7, 2)
                working_hour = 0.00

            total_days += val[4]
            total_cl_el += val[5]
            total_compensatory += val[6]
            total_sick += val[7]
            total_absent += val[8]
            total_shift_hours += val[9]
            total_ot_hours += val[10]
            total_working_hours += val[11]
            total_daily_working_hour += val[13]
            total_monthly_gross += val[14]
            total_gross_salary_paid += val[15]
            total_ot_salary += val[16]
            total_gross_salary += val[17]
            total_weekly_working_hour += working_hour

            ws.write(i, 0, val[0], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 1, val[1], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 2, val[2], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 3, val[3], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 4, val[4], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 5, val[5], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 6, val[6], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 7, val[7], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 8, val[8], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 9, val[9], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 10, val[10], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 11, val[11], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 12, working_hour, style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 13, val[13], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 14, val[14], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 15, val[15], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 16, val[16], style_header3)
            ws.write(i, 17, val[17], style_header3)
            i = i + 1

        ws.write(i, 0, '', style_header3)
        ws.write(i, 1, '', style_header3)
        ws.write(i, 2, '', style_header3)
        ws.write(i, 3, 'TOTAL', style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 4, total_days, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 5, total_cl_el, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 6, total_compensatory, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 7, total_sick, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 8, total_absent, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 9, total_shift_hours, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 10, total_ot_hours, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 11, total_working_hours, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 12, total_weekly_working_hour, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 13, total_daily_working_hour, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 14, total_monthly_gross, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 15, total_gross_salary_paid, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 16, total_ot_salary, style_header1)
        ws.write(i, 17, total_gross_salary, style_header1)

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())

        ot_report = self.write(cr,
                               ids, {
                                   'export_data': out,
                                   'filename': 'OT Register Report.xls'
        return ot_report
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def model_run(self, model_context):
        from decimal import Decimal
        from xlwt import Font, Borders, XFStyle, Pattern, Workbook
        from camelot.view.import_utils import (RowData, ColumnMapping,
        from camelot.view.utils import (local_date_format,
        from camelot.view import action_steps
        # Select the columns that need to be exported
        admin = model_context.admin
        all_fields = admin.get_all_fields_and_attributes()
        field_choices = [(f, entity_fa['name'])
                         for f, entity_fa in all_fields.items()]
        row_data = RowData(1, [None] * len(all_fields))
        mapping = ColumnMapping(len(all_fields), [row_data], admin,
                                [field for field, _fa in admin.get_columns()])
        mapping_admin = ColumnSelectionAdmin(len(all_fields), admin,
        yield action_steps.ChangeObject(mapping, mapping_admin)
        columns = []
        for i in range(len(all_fields)):
            field = getattr(mapping, 'column_%i_field' % i)
            if field != None:
                columns.append((field, all_fields[field]))
        # setup worksheet
        yield action_steps.UpdateProgress(text=_('Create worksheet'))
        workbook = Workbook()
        worksheet = workbook.add_sheet('Sheet1')
        # keep a global cache of styles, since the number of styles that
        # can be used is limited.
        styles = dict()
        freeze = lambda d: tuple(sorted(d.iteritems()))

        def get_style(

            style_key = (freeze(font_specs), freeze(border_specs), pattern,

                return styles[style_key]
            except KeyError:
                style = XFStyle()
                style.font = Font()
                for key, value in font_specs.items():
                    setattr(style.font, key, value)
                style.borders = Borders()
                for key, value in border_specs.items():
                    setattr(style.borders, key, value)
                if pattern:
                    style.pattern = pattern
                if num_format_str:
                    style.num_format_str = num_format_str
                styles[style_key] = style
                return style

        # write style
        title_style = get_style(
            dict(font_name=self.font_name, bold=True, height=240))
        worksheet.write(0, 0, admin.get_verbose_name_plural(), title_style)
        # create some patterns and formats
        date_format = local_date_format()
        datetime_format = local_datetime_format()
        time_format = local_time_format()
        header_pattern = Pattern()
        header_pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        header_pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        # write headers
        field_names = []
        for i, (name, field_attributes) in enumerate(columns):
            verbose_name = unicode(field_attributes.get('name', name))
            font_specs = dict(font_name=self.font_name, bold=True, height=200)
            border_specs = dict(top=0x01)
            name = unicode(name)
            if i == 0:
                border_specs['left'] = 0x01
            elif i == len(columns) - 1:
                border_specs['right'] = 0x01
            header_style = get_style(font_specs, border_specs, header_pattern)
            worksheet.write(2, i, verbose_name, header_style)

            if len(name) < 8:
                worksheet.col(i).width = 8 * 375
                worksheet.col(i).width = len(verbose_name) * 375
        # write data
        offset = 3
        for j, obj in enumerate(model_context.get_collection(yield_per=100)):
            dynamic_attributes = admin.get_dynamic_field_attributes(
                obj, field_names)
            row = offset + j
            if j % 100 == 0:
                yield action_steps.UpdateProgress(
                    j, model_context.collection_count)
            for i, ((_name, attributes), delta_attributes) in enumerate(
                    zip(columns, dynamic_attributes)):
                value = attributes['getter'](obj)
                format_string = '0'
                if value != None:
                    if isinstance(value, Decimal):
                        value = float(str(value))
                    if isinstance(value, (unicode, str)):
                        if attributes.get('translate_content', False) == True:
                            value = ugettext(value)
                    # handle fields of type code
                    elif isinstance(value, list):
                        value = u'.'.join(value)
                    elif isinstance(value, float):
                        precision = attributes.get('precision', 2)
                        format_string = '0.' + '0' * precision
                    elif isinstance(value, int):
                        format_string = '0'
                    elif isinstance(value, datetime.date):
                        format_string = date_format
                    elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
                        format_string = datetime_format
                    elif isinstance(value, datetime.time):
                        format_string = time_format
                        value = unicode(value)
                    # empty cells should be filled as well, to get the
                    # borders right
                    value = ''

                font_specs = dict(font_name=self.font_name, height=200)
                border_specs = dict()
                if i == 0:
                    border_specs['left'] = 0x01
                elif i == len(columns) - 1:
                    border_specs['right'] = 0x01
                if (row - offset + 1) == model_context.collection_count:
                    border_specs['bottom'] = 0x01
                style = get_style(font_specs, border_specs, None,
                worksheet.write(row, i, value, style)
                min_width = len(unicode(value)) * 300
                worksheet.col(i).width = max(min_width, worksheet.col(i).width)

        yield action_steps.UpdateProgress(text=_('Saving file'))
        filename = action_steps.OpenFile.create_temporary_file('.xls')
        yield action_steps.UpdateProgress(text=_('Opening file'))
        yield action_steps.OpenFile(filename)
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def writePopulationInfo2File(self):
        workbook = xlwt.Workbook()
        # set header style
        headerStyle = xlwt.XFStyle()
        headerFont = xlwt.Font()
        headerFont.bold = True
        headerStyle.font = headerFont
        headerPattern = Pattern()
        headerPattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        headerPattern.pattern_fore_colour = 50  # green
        headerStyle.pattern = headerPattern
        # write run result to excel file

        for thread in self.dreamland.populationThreadPlayers:
            sheet = workbook.add_sheet(thread.THREAD_NAME, True)
            headerText = ["name", "gender", "generation", "gene", "parents", "age", "birthTime", "deathTime", "deathCause", "populationThreat", "hungryLevel", "lifeStatus", "coordinateX", "coordinateY", "slotCode", "isBusy", "fightTimes", "fleeSuccessTimes", "fleeFailureTimes",  "breedTimes", "moveHistory", "lifespan", "fightCapability", "attackPossibility", "defendPossibility", "totalBreedingTimes"]
            for i in range(0, len(headerText)):
                sheet.write(0, i, headerText[i], headerStyle)
            rowNum = 1
            if thread.THREAD_TYPE == "Animal":
                for ind in (thread.group + thread.dead):
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 0, ind.name)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 1, ind.gender)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 2, ind.generation)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 3, Recorder.list2String(ind.gene.geneDigits))
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 4, ind.parents)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 5, ind.age)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 6, ind.birthTime)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 7, ind.deathTime)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 8, ind.deathCause)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 9, ind.populationThreat)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 10, ind.hungryLevel)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 11, ind.lifeStatus)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 12, ind.coordinateX)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 13, ind.coordinateY)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 14, ind.slotCode)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 15, ind.isBusy)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 16, ind.fightTimes)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 17, ind.fleeSuccessTimes)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 18, ind.fleeFailureTimes)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 19, ind.breedTimes)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 20, Recorder.dict2String(ind.moveHistory))
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 21, ind.lifespan)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 22, ind.fightCapability)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 23, ind.attackPossibility)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 24, ind.defendPossibility)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 25, ind.totalBreedingTimes)
                    rowNum += 1
            elif thread.THREAD_TYPE == "Plant":
                for ind in (thread.group + thread.dead):
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 0, ind.name)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 5, ind.age)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 6, ind.birthTime)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 7, ind.deathTime)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 8, ind.deathCause)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 9, ind.populationThreat)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 11, ind.lifeStatus)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 12, ind.coordinateX)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 13, ind.coordinateY)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 14, ind.slotCode)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 15, ind.isBusy)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 16, ind.fightTimes)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 21, ind.lifespan)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 22, ind.fightCapability)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 23, ind.attackPossibility)
                    sheet.write(rowNum, 24, ind.defendPossibility)
                    rowNum += 1
        workbook.save("EvolutionSimulationIndividuals_" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime()) + ".xls")
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def pf_upload_report(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        #         req = urllib2.Request('http://www.voidspace.org.uk')
        #         response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
        #         the_page = response.read()
        #         print " html===========================",the_page
        f_name = ''
        d_name = ''
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('PF UPLOAD')
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height = 300
        fnt1.bold = True
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x02
        borders1.right = 0x02
        borders1.top = 0x02
        borders1.bottom = 0x02
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern1_fore_colour = 0x17
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        fnt2 = Font()
        fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        fnt2.height = 250
        fnt2.bold = False
        align_content2 = Alignment()
        align_content2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders2 = Borders()
        borders2.left = 0x02
        borders2.right = 0x02
        borders2.top = 0x02
        borders2.bottom = 0x02
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern2 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern2_fore_colour = 0x09
        style_header2 = XFStyle()
        style_header2.font = fnt2
        style_header2.pattern = pattern2
        style_header2.borders = borders2
        style_header2.alignment = align2

        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.height = 275
        fnt3.bold = False
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x02
        borders3.right = 0x02
        borders3.top = 0x02
        borders3.bottom = 0x02
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        pattern3.pattern3 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern3.pattern3_fore_colour = 0x09
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height = 275
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt.height = 150
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        fnt5 = Font()
        fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        fnt5.height = 275
        content_fnt5 = Font()
        content_fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt5.height = 150
        align_content5 = Alignment()
        #         align_content5.horz= Alignment.HORZ_JUSTIFIED
        borders5 = Borders()
        borders5.left = 0x02
        borders5.right = 0x02
        borders5.top = 0x02

        borders5.bottom = 0x02
        align5 = Alignment()
        #         align5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_JUSTIFIED
        align5.vert = Alignment.VERT_JUSTIFIED
        pattern5 = Pattern()
        pattern5.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern5.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header5 = XFStyle()
        style_header5.font = fnt5
        style_header5.pattern = pattern5
        style_header5.borders = borders5
        style_header5.alignment = align5

        ws.row(0).height = 1500
        ws.col(0).width = 6500
        ws.col(1).width = 5000
        ws.col(2).width = 10000
        ws.col(3).width = 4000
        ws.col(4).width = 4000
        ws.col(5).width = 4500
        ws.col(6).width = 4000
        ws.col(7).width = 5500
        ws.col(8).width = 4000
        ws.col(9).width = 4500
        ws.col(10).width = 4000
        ws.col(11).width = 4000
        #        ws.col(12).width = 6500
        #        ws.col(13).width = 6500
        #        ws.col(14).width = 6500
        #        ws.col(15).width = 6500
        #        ws.col(16).width = 4500
        #        ws.col(17).width = 7500
        #        ws.col(18).width = 3000
        #        ws.col(19).width = 4000
        #        ws.col(20).width = 3000
        #        ws.col(21).width = 6500
        #        ws.col(22).width = 6500
        #        ws.col(23).width = 7500
        #        ws.col(24).width = 7500
        #        ws.col(25).width = 2500
        #        ws.col(26).width = 5000
        #        ws.col(27).width = 4000

        ws.write(0, 0, 'Employee Pay Code', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 1, 'UAN Number', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 2, 'Member Name', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 3, 'Gross Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 4, 'EPF Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 5, 'EPS Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 6, 'EDLI Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 7, 'EE Share', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 8, 'EPS Contribution', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 9, 'ER Share', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 10, 'NCP Days', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 11, 'Refund', style_header)

        #        ws.write(0,1,'Member ID',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,6,'EPF Contribution (EE Share) being remitted',style_header5)
        #        ws.write(0,8,'EPS Contribution being remitted',style_header5)
        #        ws.write(0,10,'Diff EPF and EPS Contribution (ER Share) being remitted',style_header5)
        #        ws.write(0,15,'Arrear EPF Wages',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,16,'Arrear EPF EE Share',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,17,'Arrear EPF ER Share',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,18,'Arrear EPS',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,19,'Father / Husband Name',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,20,'Relationship with the Member',style_header5)
        #        ws.write(0,21,'Date of Birth',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,22,'Gender',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,23,'Date of Joining EPF',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,24,'Date of Joining EPS',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,25,'Date of Exit From EPF',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,26,'Date of Exit From EPS',style_header)
        #        ws.write(0,27,'Reason for Leaving',style_header5)

        this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
        month = this.month.month
        company_id = this.company_id.id
        year = this.month.year_id.id
        year_name = this.month.year_id.name
        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')
        #        pf_no=' '
        emp_name = ' '
        epf_cont = 0
        eps_cont = 0
        calc_eps_epf = 0
        diff_eps_epf = 0
        full_date_month = []
        total_epf_wages = 0
        total_epf_cont = 0
        total_eps_cont = 0
        total_diff_calc = 0
        total_diff_diff = 0
        total_gross = 0
        holiday_list = []
        inact_list = []
        inact_list1 = []
        hr_list = []
        i = 1
        val_zero = 0
        #        epf_date_start=''

        if len(str(month)) == 1:
            start_date = str(year_name) + '-' + '0' + str(month) + '-' + '01'
            month_val = '0' + str(month)
            start_date = str(year_name) + '-' + str(month) + '-' + '01'
            month_val = str(month)

        if int(this.month.month) in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
            month_tup = 31
        if int(this.month.month) in [4, 6, 9, 11]:
            month_tup = 30
        if int(this.month.month) in [2]:
            if int(this.month.year_id.name) % 4 == 0:
                month_tup = 29
                month_tup = 28

        month_val = int(month_val)
        #        month_tup = calendar.monthrange(year,month_val)
        end_date = str(year_name) + '-' + str(month_val) + '-' + str(month_tup)

        for month_date in rrule.rrule(
                dtstart=datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d'),
                until=datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')):
            month_date = datetime.strftime(month_date, "%Y-%m-%d")

        if this.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('active', '=', True),
                                       ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                       ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
            inact_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('active', '=', False),
                                        ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                        ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                        ('epf_end_date', '>=', start_date),
                                        ('epf_end_date', '<=', end_date),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
        if len(list_ids) == 0:
            raise osv.except_osv(('Warning !'), ("Record Not Found !!!"))
        if inact_ids:
            for val in inact_ids:
                inact_emp_browse = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, val)
                if inact_emp_browse:
                    inact_id = val
                    inact_emp_name = inact_emp_browse.name
                    inact_emp_sinid = inact_emp_browse.sinid
                    inact_days_amount = 0
                    tup = (inact_id, inact_emp_name, inact_days_amount,
        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query = "select spl.employee_id,spl.employee_name,spl.gross,spl.sinid,spl.epf,spl.epf1,spl.epf2,spl.days_amount,spl.other_salary_amount from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id = '" + str(
                list_ids[0]) + "' and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query1 = "select spl.employee_id from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id = '" + str(
                list_ids[0]) + "' and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp1 = cr.fetchall()
            query = "select spl.employee_id,spl.employee_name,spl.gross,spl.sinid,spl.epf,spl.epf1,spl.epf2,spl.days_amount,spl.other_salary_amount from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id in " + str(
                tuple(list_ids)) + " and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query1 = "select spl.employee_id from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id in " + str(
                tuple(list_ids)) + " and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp1 = cr.fetchall()

        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        temp_add_value1 = temp1 + inact_list1
        emp_list = emp_obj.search(cr, uid, [('id', 'not in', temp_add_value1),
                                            ('active', '=', True),
                                            ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                            ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                            ('doj', '<=', end_date),
                                            ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
        if emp_list:
            for valll in emp_list:
                emp_list_ids = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, valll)
                hr_id = valll
                hr_name = emp_list_ids.name
                hr_sinid = emp_list_ids.sinid
                hr_days_amount = 0
                tup = (hr_id, hr_name, hr_days_amount, hr_sinid)

        if temp:
            temp_add_value = temp + inact_list + hr_list
            temp_add_value = sorted(temp_add_value, key=lambda x: x[3])
            for val in temp_add_value:
                epf_cont = 0
                eps_cont = 0
                calc_eps_epf = 0
                epf_gross_wages = 0
                ws.row(i).height = 500
                emp_browse = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, val[0])
                #                emp_pf=emp_browse.pf_number
                uan_number = emp_browse.uan
                if val[2]:
                    gross = val[7] + val[8]
                    gross = 0

#                if '/' in emp_pf :
#                    emp_pf=emp_pf.upper().split('/')
#                    emp_pf_len=len(emp_pf)-1
#                    if emp_pf :
#                        pf_no=emp_pf[emp_pf_len]
                if len(val) > 5:
                    epf_cont = val[4]
                    eps_cont = val[5]
                    calc_eps_epf = val[6]
                    epf_gross_wages = round(val[2], 0)
                diff_eps_epf = (epf_cont - eps_cont)
                date_of_join_epf = emp_browse.epf_start_date
                date_of_exit_epf = emp_browse.epf_end_date
                #                f_name=''
                #                relation_member = ''
                #                date_of_birth=''
                #                gender= ''
                #                epf_date_start=''
                #                leave_reason=' '
                #                epf_end_date=' '
                #                if  date_of_join_epf :
                #                    if date_of_join_epf in full_date_month :
                #                        epf_date_start=datetime.strptime(date_of_join_epf,'%Y-%m-%d')
                #                        epf_date_start=epf_date_start.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
                #                        query1 = cr.execute("select name from family where employee_id='"+str(val[0])+"' and relation='Father'  ")
                #                        temp1  = cr.fetchall()
                #                        if temp1 :
                #                            f_name = temp1[0][0]
                #                        relation_member='F'
                #                        date_of_birth=emp_browse.birthday
                #                        date_of_birth=datetime.strptime(date_of_birth,'%Y-%m-%d')
                #                        date_of_birth=date_of_birth.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')
                #                        gender=emp_browse.gender
                #                        gender=gender.upper()[0]

                #                if date_of_exit_epf  :
                #                    leave_reason=emp_browse.leaving_reason[0]
                #                    epf_end_date=datetime.strptime(date_of_exit_epf,'%Y-%m-%d')
                #                    epf_end_date=epf_end_date.strftime('%d-%m-%Y')

                #                if  date_of_join_epf and not  date_of_exit_epf :
                #                    leave_reason='&'
                #                    epf_end_date='&'

                #                if not  date_of_join_epf and  date_of_exit_epf :
                #                    epf_date_start='&'

                total_epf_wages += val[2]
                total_epf_cont += epf_cont
                total_eps_cont += eps_cont
                total_diff_calc += calc_eps_epf
                total_diff_diff += diff_eps_epf
                total_gross += gross

                ws.write(i, 0, (val[3]), style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 1, uan_number, style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,1,pf_no,style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 2, (val[1]), style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 3, gross, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 4, epf_gross_wages, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 5, epf_gross_wages, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 6, epf_gross_wages, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 7, epf_cont, style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,6,epf_cont,style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 8, eps_cont, style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,8,eps_cont,style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 9, calc_eps_epf, style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,10,diff_eps_epf,style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 10, val_zero, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 11, val_zero, style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,15,val_zero,style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,16,val_zero,style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,17,val_zero,style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,18,val_zero,style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,19,f_name and  f_name or '&',style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,20,relation_member and relation_member or '&',style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,21,date_of_birth and date_of_birth or '&',style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,22,gender and gender or '&',style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,23,epf_date_start and epf_date_start or '&',style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,24,epf_date_start and epf_date_start or '&',style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,25,epf_end_date,style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,26,epf_end_date,style_header2)
                #                ws.write(i,27,leave_reason,style_header2)
                i = i + 1

        ws.row(i + 1).height = 500
        ws.write(i + 1, 2, 'TOTAL', style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 3, total_gross, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 4, total_epf_wages, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 5, total_epf_wages, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 6, total_epf_wages, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 7, total_epf_cont, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 8, total_eps_cont, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 9, total_diff_calc, style_header1)

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())
        pf_upload_report = self.write(cr,
                                      ids, {
                                          'export_data': out,
                                          'filename': 'employee_pf_upload.xls'
        return pf_upload_report
Ejemplo n.º 22
from datetime import date
from xlwt import Workbook, XFStyle, Borders, Pattern, Font

fnt = Font()
fnt.name = 'Arial'

borders = Borders()
borders.left = Borders.THICK
borders.right = Borders.THICK
borders.top = Borders.THICK
borders.bottom = Borders.THICK

pattern = Pattern()
pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x0A

style = XFStyle()
style.font = fnt
style.borders = borders
style.pattern = pattern

book = Workbook()
sheet = book.add_sheet('A Date')

Ejemplo n.º 23
    def pf_upload_report(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        f_name = ''
        d_name = ''
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('CONTRACTOR PF UPLOAD')
        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height = 300
        fnt1.bold = True
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x02
        borders1.right = 0x02
        borders1.top = 0x02
        borders1.bottom = 0x02
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern1_fore_colour = 0x17
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        fnt2 = Font()
        fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        fnt2.height = 250
        fnt2.bold = False
        align_content2 = Alignment()
        align_content2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders2 = Borders()
        borders2.left = 0x02
        borders2.right = 0x02
        borders2.top = 0x02
        borders2.bottom = 0x02
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern2 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern2_fore_colour = 0x09
        style_header2 = XFStyle()
        style_header2.font = fnt2
        style_header2.pattern = pattern2
        style_header2.borders = borders2
        style_header2.alignment = align2

        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.height = 275
        fnt3.bold = False
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x02
        borders3.right = 0x02
        borders3.top = 0x02
        borders3.bottom = 0x02
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        pattern3.pattern3 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern3.pattern3_fore_colour = 0x09
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height = 275
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt.height = 150
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        fnt5 = Font()
        fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        fnt5.height = 275
        content_fnt5 = Font()
        content_fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt5.height = 150
        align_content5 = Alignment()
        #         align_content5.horz= Alignment.HORZ_JUSTIFIED
        borders5 = Borders()
        borders5.left = 0x02
        borders5.right = 0x02
        borders5.top = 0x02

        borders5.bottom = 0x02
        align5 = Alignment()
        #         align5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_JUSTIFIED
        align5.vert = Alignment.VERT_JUSTIFIED
        pattern5 = Pattern()
        pattern5.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern5.pattern_fore_colour = 0x16
        style_header5 = XFStyle()
        style_header5.font = fnt5
        style_header5.pattern = pattern5
        style_header5.borders = borders5
        style_header5.alignment = align5

        ws.row(0).height = 1500
        ws.col(0).width = 6500
        ws.col(1).width = 5000
        ws.col(2).width = 10000
        ws.col(3).width = 4000
        ws.col(4).width = 4000
        ws.col(5).width = 4500
        ws.col(6).width = 4000
        ws.col(7).width = 5500
        ws.col(8).width = 4000
        ws.col(9).width = 4500
        ws.col(10).width = 4000
        ws.col(11).width = 4000

        ws.write(0, 0, 'Employee Pay Code', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 1, 'UAN Number', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 2, 'Member Name', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 3, 'Gross Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 4, 'EPF Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 5, 'EPS Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 6, 'EDLI Wages', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 7, 'EE Share', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 8, 'EPS Contribution', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 9, 'ER Share', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 10, 'NCP Days', style_header)
        ws.write(0, 11, 'Refund', style_header)

        this = self.browse(cr, uid, ids[0], context=context)
        month = this.month.month
        company_id = this.company_id.id
        year = this.month.year_id.id
        year_name = this.month.year_id.name
        partner_id = this.partner_id.id
        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')
        #        pf_no=' '
        emp_name = ' '
        epf_cont = 0
        eps_cont = 0
        calc_eps_epf = 0
        diff_eps_epf = 0
        full_date_month = []
        total_epf_wages = 0
        total_epf_cont = 0
        total_eps_cont = 0
        total_diff_calc = 0
        total_diff_diff = 0
        total_gross = 0
        holiday_list = []
        inact_list = []
        inact_list1 = []
        hr_list = []
        i = 1
        val_zero = 0
        #        epf_date_start=''

        if len(str(month)) == 1:
            start_date = str(year_name) + '-' + '0' + str(month) + '-' + '01'
            month_val = '0' + str(month)
            start_date = str(year_name) + '-' + str(month) + '-' + '01'
            month_val = str(month)

        if int(this.month.month) in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:
            month_tup = 31
        if int(this.month.month) in [4, 6, 9, 11]:
            month_tup = 30
        if int(this.month.month) in [2]:
            if int(this.month.year_id.name) % 4 == 0:
                month_tup = 29
                month_tup = 28

        month_val = int(month_val)
        #        month_tup = calendar.monthrange(year,month_val)
        end_date = str(year_name) + '-' + str(month_val) + '-' + str(month_tup)

        #        month_val=int(month_val)
        #        month_tup = calendar.monthrange(year,month_val)
        #        end_date = str(year_name) + '-' + str(month_val) + '-' + str(month_tup[1])

        for month_date in rrule.rrule(
                dtstart=datetime.strptime(start_date, '%Y-%m-%d'),
                until=datetime.strptime(end_date, '%Y-%m-%d')):
            month_date = datetime.strftime(month_date, "%Y-%m-%d")

        if this.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('active', '=', True),
                                       ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                       ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
            inact_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('active', '=', False),
                                        ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                        ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                        ('epf_end_date', '>=', start_date),
                                        ('epf_end_date', '<=', end_date),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
        elif this.partner_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('active', '=', True),
                                       ('partner_id', '=', partner_id),
                                       ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
            inact_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('active', '=', False),
                                        ('partner_id', '=', partner_id),
                                        ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                        ('epf_end_date', '>=', start_date),
                                        ('epf_end_date', '<=', end_date),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])

        if len(list_ids) == 0:
            raise osv.except_osv(('Warning !'), ("Record Not Found !!!"))
        if inact_ids:
            for val in inact_ids:
                inact_emp_browse = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, val)
                if inact_emp_browse:
                    inact_id = val
                    inact_emp_name = inact_emp_browse.name
                    inact_emp_sinid = inact_emp_browse.sinid
                    inact_days_amount = 0
                    tup = (inact_id, inact_emp_name, inact_days_amount,
        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query = "select spl.employee_id,spl.employee_name,spl.gross,spl.sinid,spl.epf,spl.epf1,spl.epf2,spl.days_amount,spl.other_salary_amount from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id = '" + str(
                list_ids[0]) + "' and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query1 = "select spl.employee_id from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id = '" + str(
                list_ids[0]) + "' and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp1 = cr.fetchall()
            query = "select spl.employee_id,spl.employee_name,spl.gross,spl.sinid,spl.epf,spl.epf1,spl.epf2,spl.days_amount,spl.other_salary_amount from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id in " + str(
                tuple(list_ids)) + " and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query1 = "select spl.employee_id from salary_payment_line as spl  where spl.employee_id in " + str(
                tuple(list_ids)) + " and spl.month='" + str(
                    month) + "' and spl.year_id='" + str(
                        year) + "' and spl.epf <> 0.00 order by spl.sinid "
            temp1 = cr.fetchall()

        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        temp_add_value1 = temp1 + inact_list1
        emp_list = emp_obj.search(cr, uid, [('id', 'not in', temp_add_value1),
                                            ('active', '=', True),
                                            ('company_id', '=', company_id),
                                            ('epf_tick', '=', True),
                                            ('doj', '<=', end_date),
                                            ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
        if emp_list:
            for valll in emp_list:
                emp_list_ids = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, valll)
                hr_id = valll
                hr_name = emp_list_ids.name
                hr_sinid = emp_list_ids.sinid
                hr_days_amount = 0
                tup = (hr_id, hr_name, hr_days_amount, hr_sinid)

        if temp:
            temp_add_value = temp + inact_list + hr_list
            temp_add_value = sorted(temp_add_value, key=lambda x: x[3])
            for val in temp_add_value:
                epf_cont = 0
                eps_cont = 0
                calc_eps_epf = 0
                epf_gross_wages = 0
                ws.row(i).height = 500
                emp_browse = emp_obj.browse(cr, uid, val[0])
                uan_number = emp_browse.uan
                if val[2]:
                    gross = val[7] + val[8]
                    gross = 0

                if len(val) > 5:
                    epf_cont = val[4]
                    eps_cont = val[5]
                    calc_eps_epf = val[6]
                    epf_gross_wages = round(val[2], 0)
                diff_eps_epf = (epf_cont - eps_cont)
                date_of_join_epf = emp_browse.epf_start_date
                date_of_exit_epf = emp_browse.epf_end_date

                total_epf_wages += val[2]
                total_epf_cont += epf_cont
                total_eps_cont += eps_cont
                total_diff_calc += calc_eps_epf
                total_diff_diff += diff_eps_epf
                total_gross += gross

                ws.write(i, 0, (val[3]), style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 1, uan_number, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 2, (val[1]), style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 3, gross, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 4, epf_gross_wages, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 5, epf_gross_wages, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 6, epf_gross_wages, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 7, epf_cont, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 8, eps_cont, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 9, calc_eps_epf, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 10, val_zero, style_header2)
                ws.write(i, 11, val_zero, style_header2)
                i = i + 1

        ws.row(i + 1).height = 500
        ws.write(i + 1, 2, 'TOTAL', style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 3, total_gross, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 4, total_epf_wages, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 5, total_epf_wages, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 6, total_epf_wages, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 7, total_epf_cont, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 8, total_eps_cont, style_header1)
        ws.write(i + 1, 9, total_diff_calc, style_header1)

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())
        pf_upload_report = self.write(
            ids, {
                'export_data': out,
                'filename': 'contractor_pf_upload.xls'
        return pf_upload_report
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def exportReport5ToExcel(self,objectProject):
     book = Workbook();
     sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Sheet 1');
     sheet1.col(1).width = 256*80;
     sheet1.col(2).width = 256*10;
     sheet1.col(3).width = 256*20;
     borders = Borders()
     borders.left = Borders.THIN
     borders.right = Borders.THIN
     borders.top = Borders.THIN
     borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
     pattern = Pattern();
     pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
     pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 23
     wrap = Alignment();
     wrap.wrap = 1;
     wrap.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
     alignHeader =  Alignment();
     alignHeader.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER;
     alignTop =  Alignment();
     alignTop.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP    
     fnt = Font()
     fnt.name = 'Arial'
     fnt.colour_index = 4
     fnt.bold = True
     styleWrap = XFStyle();
     styleWrap.alignment = wrap;
     styleHead = XFStyle();
     styleHead.font = fnt;
     styleHead.borders = borders;
     styleHead.pattern = pattern;
     styleHead.alignment = alignHeader;
     styleRowDetail = XFStyle();
     styleRowDetail.borders = borders;
     styleRowDetail.alignment = alignTop;
     styleDate = XFStyle()
     styleDate.num_format_str = 'DD-MM-YYYY'   ;   #'D-MMM-YY';
     styleDate.borders = borders;
     styleDate.alignment = alignTop;
     StyleRowDetailWrap = styleRowDetail ;
     StyleRowDetailWrap.alignment = wrap;
     if( objectProject):
         row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
         row1.write(0, ('risk id').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
         #sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 1, 2,  ('รายละเอียด').decode('UTF8')    );
         row1.write(1, ('รายละเอียด').decode('UTF8'),styleHead);
         row1.write(2, ('วันที่รายงาน').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
         row1.write(3, ('หน่วยที่รายงาน').decode('UTF8') ,styleHead);
         for value in  objectProject:
             row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
             row1.write(0, value.get('risk_management_id') ,styleRowDetail );
             row1.write(1, value.get('risk_detail').decode('UTF8'),StyleRowDetailWrap );
             #sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 1, 2,   value.get('risk_detail').decode('UTF8') , StyleRowDetailWrap    ); 
             row1.write(2, value.get('report_date') ,styleDate );
             row1.write(3, value.get('report').decode('UTF8')  ,styleRowDetail );
             for sub in value.get('response') :
                 row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
                 row1.write(0," "  );
                 text = "(" +  sub.get('risk_team').decode('UTF8') + " )   "   +  sub.get('result').decode('UTF8');
                 row1.write(1, text ,StyleRowDetailWrap );
     dirTempFile = gettempdir() + _os.sep + str('simpleReport5.xls');
     return dirTempFile;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def exportToExcel(self,objectProject):
     book = Workbook();
     sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Sheet 1')
     sheet1.col(1).width = 256*20;
     sheet1.col(2).width = 256*80;
     sheet1.col(3).width = 256*10;
     sheet1.col(4).width = 256*20;
     default_book_style = book.default_style
     default_book_style.font.height = 20 * 36    # 36pt
     fnt = Font()
     fnt.name = 'Arial'
     fnt.colour_index = 4
     fnt.bold = True
     borders = Borders()
     borders.left = Borders.THIN
     borders.right = Borders.THIN
     borders.top = Borders.THIN
     borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
     pattern = Pattern();
     pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
     pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 23
     algn1 = Alignment();
     algn1.wrap = 1;
     #algn1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
     #algn1.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
     alignHeader =  Alignment();
     alignHeader.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER;
     alignTop =  Alignment();
     alignTop.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP    
     print "export";
     if( objectProject):
         print "start" ;
         styleHead = XFStyle();
         styleHead.font = fnt;
         styleHead.borders = borders;
         styleHead.pattern = pattern;
         styleHead.alignment = alignHeader;
         row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
         row1.write(0, ('risk id').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
         sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 1, 2,  ('รายละเอียด').decode('UTF8')  ,styleHead  );
       #  row1.write(1, ('รายละเอียด').decode('UTF8'));
         row1.write(3, ('วันที่รายงาน').decode('UTF8'), styleHead );
         row1.write(4, ('หน่วยที่รายงาน').decode('UTF8'), styleHead );
         style1 = XFStyle();
         style1.alignment = algn1;
         #style0 = xlwt.easyxf('font: name Times New Roman size 20, color-index black, bold on')
         for value in  objectProject:
             row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
             styleRowDetail = XFStyle();
             styleRowDetail.borders = borders;
             styleRowDetail.alignment = alignTop;
             StyleRowDetailWrap = styleRowDetail ;
             StyleRowDetailWrap.alignment = algn1;
             styleDate = XFStyle()
             styleDate.num_format_str = 'DD-MM-YYYY'   ;   #'D-MMM-YY';
             styleDate.borders = borders;
             row1.write(0, value.get('risk_management_id'),styleRowDetail  );
             #row1.write(1, value.get('risk_detail').decode('UTF8') , style1);
             sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 1, 2,   value.get('risk_detail').decode('UTF8') , StyleRowDetailWrap    ); 
             row1.write(3, value.get('report_date') ,styleDate);
             row1.write(4, value.get('report').decode('UTF8') ,styleRowDetail );
             row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
             row1.write(0," "  );
             row1.write(1,('หน่วยที่เกี่ยวข้อง').decode('UTF8') ,styleHead      );
             sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 2, 3,('รายละเอียดการตอบ').decode('UTF8') , styleHead );
             for sub in value.get('response') :
                 row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
                 row1.write(0," "  );
                 row1.write(1,sub.get('risk_team').decode('UTF8') , styleRowDetail   );
                 sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 2, 3,sub.get('result').decode('UTF8') , StyleRowDetailWrap );
     dirTempFile = gettempdir() + _os.sep + str('simple.xls');
     print   dirTempFile;      
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def exportReport1ToExcel(self,objectProject):
     book = Workbook();
     sheet1 = book.add_sheet('Sheet 1');
     sheet1.col(1).width = 256*20;
     sheet1.col(2).width = 256*80;
     sheet1.col(3).width = 256*10;
     sheet1.col(4).width = 256*10;
     sheet1.col(5).width = 256*20;
     sheet1.col(6).width = 256*20;
     borders = Borders()
     borders.left = Borders.THIN
     borders.right = Borders.THIN
     borders.top = Borders.THIN
     borders.bottom = Borders.THIN
     pattern = Pattern();
     pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
     pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 23
     wrap = Alignment();
     wrap.wrap = 1;
     wrap.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP
     alignHeader =  Alignment();
     alignHeader.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER;
     alignTop =  Alignment();
     alignTop.vert = Alignment.VERT_TOP    
     fnt = Font()
     fnt.name = 'Arial'
     fnt.colour_index = 4
     fnt.bold = True
     styleWrap = XFStyle();
     styleWrap.alignment = wrap;
     styleHead = XFStyle();
     styleHead.font = fnt;
     styleHead.borders = borders;
     styleHead.pattern = pattern;
     styleHead.alignment = alignHeader;
     styleRowDetail = XFStyle();
     styleRowDetail.borders = borders;
     styleRowDetail.alignment = alignTop;
     styleDate = XFStyle()
     styleDate.num_format_str = 'DD-MM-YYYY'   ;   #'D-MMM-YY';
     styleDate.borders = borders;
     styleDate.alignment = alignTop;
     StyleRowDetailWrap = styleRowDetail ;
     StyleRowDetailWrap.alignment = wrap;
     if( objectProject):
         row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
         row1.write(0, ('ลำดับที่').decode('UTF8') ,styleHead);
         #sheet1.write_merge(i, i, 1, 2,  ('รายละเอียด').decode('UTF8')    );
         row1.write(1, ('เลขความเสี่ยง').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
         row1.write(2, ('อุบัติการณ์/ภาวะไม่พึงประสงค์').decode('UTF8'),styleHead);  
         row1.write(3, ('วันที่รายงาน').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
         row1.write(4, ('ความรุนแรง').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
         row1.write(5, ('ด้าน/โปรแกรม').decode('UTF8') ,styleHead);
         row1.write(6, ('หน่วยที่รายงาน').decode('UTF8') ,styleHead);
         for value in  objectProject:
             row1 = sheet1.row(i) ;
             row1.write(0, value.get('row')  ,styleRowDetail );
             row1.write(1, str(value.get('risk_id')).decode('UTF8'),styleRowDetail );
             row1.write(2, value.get('detail').decode('UTF8'),StyleRowDetailWrap );
             row1.write(3, value.get('report_date') ,styleDate );
             row1.write(4, value.get('level').decode('UTF8')  ,styleRowDetail   );
             row1.write(5, value.get('pro').decode('UTF8')  ,styleRowDetail   );                
             row1.write(6, value.get('reporter').decode('UTF8')  ,styleRowDetail   );
             row2 = sheet1.row(i) ;
             row2.write(2, ('รายละเอียด').decode('UTF8'),styleHead);       
             row2.write(3, ('หน่วยที่ตอบ').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
             row2.write(4, ('ระยะเวลาตอบ').decode('UTF8'),styleHead );
             for resp in value.get('responsible'):
                 row2 = sheet1.row(i) ;
                 row2.write(2, str(resp.get('detail')).decode('UTF8'),StyleRowDetailWrap);       
                 row2.write(3, str(resp.get('service_name')).decode('UTF8'),styleRowDetail );
                 row2.write(4, str(resp.get('report_date')).decode('UTF8'),styleRowDetail );
     dirTempFile = gettempdir() + _os.sep + str('simpleReport1.xls');        
     return dirTempFile;
    def performance_register_report(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context=None):
        obj = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)
        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')
        f_name = ''
        d_name = ''
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Contractor Payment Bonus')
        total_salary = apr_salary = may_salary = june_salary = july_salary = aug_salary = sep_salary = oct_salary = nov_salary = dec_salary = jan_salary = feb_salary = mar_salary = 0

        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height = 300
        fnt1.bold = True
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x00
        borders1.right = 0x00
        borders1.top = 0x00
        borders1.bottom = 0x00
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern1_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        fnt2 = Font()
        fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        fnt2.height = 300
        fnt2.bold = True
        align_content2 = Alignment()
        align_content2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders2 = Borders()
        borders2.left = 0x00
        borders2.right = 0x00
        borders2.top = 0x00
        borders2.bottom = 0x00
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern2 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern2_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header2 = XFStyle()
        style_header2.font = fnt2
        style_header2.pattern = pattern2
        style_header2.borders = borders2
        style_header2.alignment = align2

        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.height = 300
        fnt3.bold = True
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x00
        borders3.right = 0x00
        borders3.top = 0x00
        borders3.bottom = 0x00
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        pattern3.pattern3 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern3.pattern3_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height = 275
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt.height = 150
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x02
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        fnt5 = Font()
        fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        fnt5.height = 200
        content_fnt5 = Font()
        content_fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt5.height = 150
        align_content5 = Alignment()
        align_content5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders5 = Borders()
        borders5.left = 0x02
        borders5.right = 0x02
        borders5.top = 0x02
        borders5.bottom = 0x02
        align5 = Alignment()
        align5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align5.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern5 = Pattern()
        #        pattern5.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        #        pattern5.pattern_fore_colour =  0x1F
        style_header5 = XFStyle()
        style_header5.font = fnt5
        style_header5.pattern = pattern5
        style_header5.borders = borders5
        style_header5.alignment = align5

        if obj.partner_id:
            get_name = obj.partner_id.name
        elif obj.company_id:
            get_name = obj.company_id.name + ' ' + obj.company_id.street + ' ' + ',' + obj.company_id.city + ' ' + '-' + obj.company_id.zip
            get_name = obj.employee_id.partner_id.name

        ws.row(0).height = 500
        ws.write_merge(0, 0, 0, 19, get_name, style_header1)

        date1 = datetime.strptime(obj.from_date,
        date2 = datetime.strptime(obj.till_date,
        if date1 == date2:
            d_name = 'BONUS' + ' - ' + str(date1)
            d_name = 'BONUS' + '  ' + str(date1) + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + str(date2)

        ws.row(1).height = 500
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 0, 19, d_name, style_header2)

        ws.col(0).width = 5000
        ws.col(1).width = 7500
        ws.col(2).width = 5000
        ws.col(3).width = 3000
        ws.col(4).width = 3000
        ws.col(5).width = 3000
        ws.col(6).width = 3000
        ws.col(7).width = 3000
        ws.col(8).width = 3000
        ws.col(9).width = 3000
        ws.col(10).width = 3000
        ws.col(11).width = 3000
        ws.col(12).width = 3000
        ws.col(13).width = 3000
        ws.col(14).width = 3000
        ws.col(15).width = 3000
        ws.col(16).width = 3000
        ws.col(17).width = 3000
        ws.col(18).width = 3000
        ws.col(19).width = 3000
        ws.col(20).width = 3000
        ws.col(21).width = 3000
        ws.col(22).width = 3000
        ws.col(23).width = 3000
        ws.col(24).width = 3000
        ws.col(25).width = 3000
        ws.col(26).width = 3000
        ws.col(27).width = 3000
        ws.col(28).width = 3000
        ws.col(29).width = 4000

        ws.row(2).height = 400
        ws.write(2, 0, 'EMP. CODE', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 1, 'NAME', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 2, 'JOINING DATE', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 3, 4, 'APRIL', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 5, 6, 'MAY', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 7, 8, 'JUNE', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 9, 10, 'JULY', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 11, 12, 'AUGUST', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 13, 14, 'SEPTEMBER', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 15, 16, 'OCTOBER', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 17, 18, 'NOVEMBER', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 19, 20, 'DECEMBER', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 21, 22, 'JANUARY', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 23, 24, 'FEBRUARY', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 25, 26, 'MARCH', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 27, 28, 'TOTAL', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 29, 'BONUS', style_header)

        ws.row(3).height = 400
        ws.write(3, 0, '', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 1, '', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 2, '', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 3, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 4, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 5, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 6, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 7, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 8, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 9, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 10, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 11, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 12, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 13, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 14, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 15, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 16, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 17, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 18, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 19, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 20, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 21, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 22, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 23, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 24, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 25, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 26, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 27, 'DAYS', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 28, 'SALARY', style_header)
        ws.write(3, 29, '', style_header)

        if obj.partner_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('partner_id', '=', obj.partner_id.id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
            list_ids1 = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('partner_id', '=', obj.partner_id.id),
                                        ('active', '=', False),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
            list_ids = list_ids + list_ids1
        elif obj.employee_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('id', '=', obj.employee_id.id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
        elif obj.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('company_id', '=', obj.company_id.id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
            list_ids1 = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('company_id', '=', obj.company_id.id),
                                        ('active', '=', False),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Contractor')])
            list_ids = list_ids + list_ids1

            raise osv.except_osv(
                _('Warning !'),
                _("Please Select Atleast Company Or Employee."))

        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query ="select hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj,sum(pmbl.apr),sum(pmbl.may),sum(pmbl.june),sum(pmbl.july),sum(pmbl.aug),sum(pmbl.sep),sum(pmbl.oct),"\
                   "from payment_management_bonus_line as pmbl left join hr_employee as hr on pmbl.employee_id = hr.id left join resource_resource as rr on hr.resource_id = rr.id "\
                    "where pmbl.employee_id = '"+str(list_ids[0])+"' and pmbl.bonus_from >= '"+str(obj.from_date)+"' and pmbl.bonus_till <= '"+str(obj.till_date)+"' group by hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj order by hr.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query ="select hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj,sum(pmbl.apr),sum(pmbl.may),sum(pmbl.june),sum(pmbl.july),sum(pmbl.aug),sum(pmbl.sep),sum(pmbl.oct),"\
                   "from payment_management_bonus_line as pmbl left join hr_employee as hr on pmbl.employee_id = hr.id left join resource_resource as rr on hr.resource_id = rr.id "\
                    "where pmbl.employee_id  in "+str(tuple(list_ids))+" and pmbl.bonus_from >= '"+str(obj.from_date)+"' and pmbl.bonus_till <= '"+str(obj.till_date)+"' group by hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj order by hr.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()
        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        columnno = 4
        for val in temp:
            doj = datetime.strptime(val[2], "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
            ws.write(columnno, 0, val[0], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 1, val[1], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 2, doj, style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 3, val[3], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 4, val[17], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 5, val[4], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 6, val[18], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 7, val[5], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 8, val[19], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 9, val[6], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 10, val[20], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 11, val[7], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 12, val[21], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 13, val[8], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 14, val[22], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 15, val[9], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 16, val[23], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 17, val[10], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 18, val[24], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 19, val[11], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 20, val[25], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 21, val[12], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 22, val[26], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 23, val[13], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 24, val[27], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 25, val[14], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 26, val[28], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 27, val[15], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 28, val[29], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 29, val[16], style_header5)

            columnno += 1

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())

        return self.write(cr,
                          ids, {
                              'export_data': out,
                              'filename': 'Contractor Payment Bonus.xls'
    def performance_register_report(self, cr, uid, ids, data, context=None):
        obj = self.browse(cr, uid, ids)
        emp_obj = self.pool.get('hr.employee')
        f_name = ''
        d_name = ''
        wb = Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet('Payment Bonus')
        total_salary = apr_salary = may_salary = june_salary = july_salary = aug_salary = sep_salary = oct_salary = nov_salary = dec_salary = jan_salary = feb_salary = mar_salary = 0

        fnt1 = Font()
        fnt1.name = 'Arial'
        fnt1.height = 300
        fnt1.bold = True
        align_content1 = Alignment()
        align_content1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders1 = Borders()
        borders1.left = 0x00
        borders1.right = 0x00
        borders1.top = 0x00
        borders1.bottom = 0x00
        align1 = Alignment()
        align1.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align1.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern1 = Pattern()
        pattern1.pattern1 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern1.pattern1_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header1 = XFStyle()
        style_header1.font = fnt1
        style_header1.pattern = pattern1
        style_header1.borders = borders1
        style_header1.alignment = align1

        fnt = Font()
        fnt.name = 'Arial'
        fnt.height = 275
        content_fnt = Font()
        content_fnt.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt.height = 150
        align_content = Alignment()
        align_content.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders = Borders()
        borders.left = 0x02
        borders.right = 0x02
        borders.top = 0x02
        borders.bottom = 0x00
        align = Alignment()
        align.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header = XFStyle()
        style_header.font = fnt
        style_header.pattern = pattern
        style_header.borders = borders
        style_header.alignment = align

        fnt7 = Font()
        fnt7.name = 'Arial'
        fnt7.height = 275
        content_fnt7 = Font()
        content_fnt7.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt7.height = 150
        align_content7 = Alignment()
        align_content7.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders7 = Borders()
        borders7.left = 0x02
        borders7.right = 0x02
        borders7.top = 0x02
        borders7.bottom = 0x02
        align7 = Alignment()
        align7.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align7.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern7 = Pattern()
        pattern7.pattern7 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern7.pattern7_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header7 = XFStyle()
        style_header7.font = fnt
        style_header7.pattern = pattern
        style_header7.borders = borders
        style_header7.alignment = align

        fnt2 = Font()
        fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        fnt2.height = 275
        content_fnt2 = Font()
        content_fnt2.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt2.height = 150
        fnt2.bold = True
        align_content2 = Alignment()
        align_content2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders2 = Borders()
        borders2.left = 0x00
        borders2.right = 0x02
        borders2.top = 0x02
        borders2.bottom = 0x02
        align2 = Alignment()
        align2.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align2.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern2 = Pattern()
        pattern2.pattern2 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern2.pattern2_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header2 = XFStyle()
        style_header2.font = fnt2
        style_header2.pattern = pattern2
        style_header2.borders = borders2
        style_header2.alignment = align2

        fnt3 = Font()
        fnt3.name = 'Arial'
        fnt3.height = 300
        fnt3.bold = True
        align_content3 = Alignment()
        align_content3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders3 = Borders()
        borders3.left = 0x00
        borders3.right = 0x02
        borders3.top = 0x02
        borders3.bottom = 0x02
        align3 = Alignment()
        align3.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align3.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern3 = Pattern()
        pattern3.pattern3 = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern3.pattern3_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header3 = XFStyle()
        style_header3.font = fnt3
        style_header3.pattern = pattern3
        style_header3.borders = borders3
        style_header3.alignment = align3

        fnt6 = Font()
        fnt6.name = 'Arial'
        fnt6.height = 275
        content_fnt6 = Font()
        content_fnt6.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt6.height = 150
        align_content6 = Alignment()
        align_content6.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders6 = Borders()
        borders6.left = 0x02
        borders6.right = 0x02
        #         borders6.top = 0x00
        #         borders6.bottom = 0x00
        align6 = Alignment()
        align6.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align6.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern6 = Pattern()
        pattern6.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern6.pattern_fore_colour = 0x1F
        style_header6 = XFStyle()
        style_header6.font = fnt
        style_header6.pattern = pattern
        style_header6.borders = borders6

        style_header6.alignment = align

        fnt5 = Font()
        fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        fnt5.height = 200
        content_fnt5 = Font()
        content_fnt5.name = 'Arial'
        content_fnt5.height = 150
        align_content5 = Alignment()
        align_content5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        borders5 = Borders()
        borders5.left = 0x02
        borders5.right = 0x02
        borders5.top = 0x02
        borders5.bottom = 0x02
        align5 = Alignment()
        align5.horz = Alignment.HORZ_CENTER
        align5.vert = Alignment.VERT_CENTER
        pattern5 = Pattern()
        #        pattern5.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        #        pattern5.pattern_fore_colour =  0x1F
        style_header5 = XFStyle()
        style_header5.font = fnt5
        style_header5.pattern = pattern5
        style_header5.borders = borders5
        style_header5.alignment = align5

        if obj.company_id:
            get_name = obj.company_id.name + ' ' + obj.company_id.street + ' ' + ',' + obj.company_id.city + ' ' + '-' + obj.company_id.zip
            get_name = obj.employee_id.resource_id.company_id.name + ' ' + obj.employee_id.resource_id.company_id.street + ' ' + ',' + obj.employee_id.resource_id.company_id.city + ' ' + '-' + obj.employee_id.resource_id.company_id.zip

        date1 = datetime.strptime(obj.from_date,
        date2 = datetime.strptime(obj.till_date,
        if date1 == date2:
            d_name = 'BONUS PAID TO EMPLOYEES FOR THE ACCOUNTING YEAR ON THE' + ' - ' + str(
                date1) + ' ' + '[See Rule 4(b)]'
            d_name = 'BONUS PAID TO EMPLOYEES FOR THE ACCOUNTING YEAR ON THE' + '  ' + str(
                date1) + ' ' + '-' + ' ' + str(date2) + ' ' + '[See Rule 4(b)]'

        ws.row(0).height = 500
        ws.row(1).height = 500
        ws.write_merge(0, 0, 0, 2, 'FORM C', style_header1)
        ws.write_merge(0, 0, 3, 10, d_name, style_header1)
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 0, 2, 'Name of the Establishment', style_header1)
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 3, 10, get_name, style_header1)
        ws.write_merge(1, 1, 11, 19, 'No. of Working days in the Year',

        ws.col(0).width = 5000
        ws.col(1).width = 7500
        ws.col(2).width = 5000
        ws.col(3).width = 7000
        ws.col(4).width = 5000
        ws.col(5).width = 8000
        ws.col(6).width = 6000
        ws.col(7).width = 8000
        ws.col(8).width = 8000
        ws.col(9).width = 9000
        ws.col(10).width = 8000
        ws.col(11).width = 9000
        ws.col(12).width = 7000
        ws.col(13).width = 7000
        ws.col(14).width = 5000
        ws.col(15).width = 5000
        ws.col(16).width = 7000
        ws.col(17).width = 3000
        ws.col(18).width = 3000
        ws.col(19).width = 3000
        ws.col(20).width = 3000
        ws.col(21).width = 3000
        ws.col(22).width = 3000
        ws.col(23).width = 3000
        ws.col(24).width = 3000
        ws.col(25).width = 3000
        ws.col(26).width = 3000
        ws.col(27).width = 3000
        ws.col(28).width = 3000
        ws.col(29).width = 4000

        ws.row(2).height = 400
        ws.write(2, 0, 'EMP. CODE', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 1, 'NAME', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 2, 'JOINING DATE', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 3, 'Father Name', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 4, 'Designation', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 5, 'Whether he has ', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 6, 'No.of days', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 7, 'Total Salary or wages', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 8, 'Account of bonus payable', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 9, 12, 'Deduction', style_header7)
        ws.write(2, 13, 'Net amount payable', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 14, 'Amount actualy', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 15, 'Date on which ', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 16, 'Signature/ Thumb ', style_header)
        ws.write(2, 17, 'Remarks', style_header)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 18, 19, 'APRIL', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 20, 21, 'MAY', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 22, 23, 'JUNE', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 24, 25, 'JULY', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 26, 27, 'AUGUST', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 28, 29, 'SEPTEMBER', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 30, 31, 'OCTOBER', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 32, 33, 'NOVEMBER', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 34, 35, 'DECEMBER', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 36, 37, 'JANUARY', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 38, 39, 'FEBRUARY', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 40, 41, 'MARCH', style_header7)
        ws.write_merge(2, 2, 42, 43, 'TOTAL', style_header7)
        ws.write(2, 44, 'BONUS', style_header)

        ws.row(3).height = 400
        ws.write(3, 0, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 1, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 2, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 3, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 4, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 5, 'completed 15 year of', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 6, 'worked in the', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 7, 'in respect of', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 8, 'under section 10', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 9, 'Puja bonus or other customary', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 10, 'Interim bonus', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 11, 'Deduction on account of financial', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 12, 'Total sum deducted', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 13, '(Col.8 minus Col.12)', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 14, 'paid', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 15, 'paid', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 16, 'impression', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 17, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(3, 18, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 19, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 20, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 21, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 22, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 23, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 24, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 25, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 26, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 27, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 28, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 29, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 30, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 31, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 32, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 33, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 34, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 35, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 36, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 37, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 38, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 39, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 40, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 41, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 42, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 43, '', style_header7)
        ws.write(3, 44, '', style_header7)

        ws.row(4).height = 400
        ws.write(4, 0, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 1, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 2, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 3, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 4, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 5, 'age at the beginning', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 6, 'Establishment', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 7, 'the accounting year', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 8, 'or section 11', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 9, 'bonus paid during', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 10, 'or bonus paid in ', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 11, 'loss if any caused by', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 12, '(Col.9,10 and 11)', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 13, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 14, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 15, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 16, 'of the employee', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 17, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 18, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 19, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 20, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 21, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 22, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 23, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 24, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 25, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 26, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 27, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 28, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 29, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 30, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 31, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 32, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 33, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 34, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 35, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 36, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 37, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 38, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 39, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 40, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 41, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 42, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 43, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(4, 44, '', style_header6)

        ws.row(5).height = 400
        ws.write(5, 0, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 1, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 2, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 3, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 4, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 5, 'of the accounting year', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 6, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 7, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 8, 'as the case may be', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 9, 'the accounting year', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 10, 'advance', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 11, 'misconduct of the employee', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 12, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 13, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 14, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 15, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 16, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 17, '', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 18, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 19, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 20, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 21, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 22, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 23, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 24, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 25, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 26, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 27, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 28, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 29, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 30, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 31, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 32, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 33, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 34, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 35, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 36, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 37, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 38, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 39, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 40, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 41, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 42, 'DAYS', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 43, 'SALARY', style_header6)
        ws.write(5, 44, '', style_header6)

        if obj.company_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('company_id', '=', obj.company_id.id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
            list_ids1 = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                       [('company_id', '=', obj.company_id.id),
                                        ('active', '=', False),
                                        ('type', '=', 'Employee')])
            list_ids = list_ids + list_ids1
        elif obj.employee_id:
            list_ids = emp_obj.search(cr, uid,
                                      [('id', '=', obj.employee_id.id),
                                       ('active', '=', True),
                                       ('type', '=', 'Employee')])

            raise osv.except_osv(
                _('Warning !'),
                _("Please Select Atleast Company Or Employee."))

        if len(list_ids) == 1:
            query ="select hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj,job.name,hr.id,sum(pmbl.apr),sum(pmbl.may),sum(pmbl.june),sum(pmbl.july),sum(pmbl.aug),sum(pmbl.sep),sum(pmbl.oct),"\
                   "from payment_management_bonus_line as pmbl left join hr_employee as hr on pmbl.employee_id = hr.id left join resource_resource as rr on hr.resource_id = rr.id left join hr_job as job on hr.job_id=job.id "\
                    "where pmbl.employee_id = '"+str(list_ids[0])+"' and pmbl.bonus_from >= '"+str(obj.from_date)+"' and pmbl.bonus_till <= '"+str(obj.till_date)+"' group by hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj,job.name,hr.id order by hr.sinid "
            temp = cr.fetchall()
            query ="select hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj,job.name,hr.id,sum(pmbl.apr),sum(pmbl.may),sum(pmbl.june),sum(pmbl.july),sum(pmbl.aug),sum(pmbl.sep),sum(pmbl.oct),"\
                   "from payment_management_bonus_line as pmbl left join hr_employee as hr on pmbl.employee_id = hr.id left join resource_resource as rr on hr.resource_id = rr.id left join hr_job as job on hr.job_id=job.id "\
                    "where pmbl.employee_id  in "+str(tuple(list_ids))+" and pmbl.bonus_from >= '"+str(obj.from_date)+"' and pmbl.bonus_till <= '"+str(obj.till_date)+"' group by hr.sinid,rr.name,hr.doj,job.name,hr.id order by hr.sinid"
            temp = cr.fetchall()
        if not temp:
            raise osv.except_osv(_('Warning !'), _("Record Not Found !!!"))

        columnno = 6
        no = 6
        for val in temp:
            father_name = ''
            if val[4]:
                father_qry = "select name from family where relation='Father' and employee_id='" + str(
                    val[4]) + "'  "
                father_temp = cr.fetchall()
                if father_temp:
                    father_name = father_temp[0][0]
                    father_name = ' '

            ws.row(no).height = 500
            doj = datetime.strptime(val[2], "%Y-%m-%d").strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
            ws.write(columnno, 0, val[0], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 1, val[1], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 2, doj, style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 3, father_name, style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 4, val[3], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 5, 'Yes', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 6, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 7, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 8, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 9, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 10, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 11, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 12, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 13, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 14, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 15, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 16, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 17, '', style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 18, val[5], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 19, val[19], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 20, val[6], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 21, val[20], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 22, val[7], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 23, val[21], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 24, val[8], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 25, val[22], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 26, val[9], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 27, val[23], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 28, val[10], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 29, val[24], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 30, val[11], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 31, val[25], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 32, val[12], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 33, val[26], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 34, val[13], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 35, val[27], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 36, val[14], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 37, val[28], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 38, val[15], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 39, val[29], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 40, val[16], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 41, val[30], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 42, val[17], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 43, val[31], style_header5)
            ws.write(columnno, 44, val[18], style_header5)
            columnno += 1
            no += 1

        f = cStringIO.StringIO()
        out = base64.encodestring(f.getvalue())

        return self.write(cr,
                          ids, {
                              'export_data': out,
                              'filename': 'Payment Bonus.xls'
def crawl_one_simple(sheet, rule, idx, url, new_rows, brand_id):
        # 样式
        style = XFStyle()
        pattern = Pattern()
        pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN
        pattern.pattern_fore_colour = xlwt.Style.colour_map[
            'yellow']  # 设置单元格背景色为黄色
        style.pattern = pattern

        # 首先检查数据库,提取出url中的id
        parts = url.split('?', 1)
        prefix = parts[0]
        found_one = ""
        if len(parts) > 1:
            parts = parts[1].split('&')
            for one in parts:
                if one.startswith('id='):
                    found_one = one
        if len(found_one) > 0:
            rows = list(
                    | Q(tmall_id__iexact=found_one)))
            if len(rows) > 0:
                # 已有商品
                row = rows[0]
                sheet.write(idx, 0, url)
                sheet.write(idx, 1, row.sku)
                sheet.write(idx, 2, row.title)
                sheet.write(idx, 3, row.subtitle)
                sheet.write(idx, 4, row.colors)

        # 新商品
        r = requests.get(url)
        sheet.write(idx, 0, url)
        if int(r.status_code) == 200:
            content = etree.HTML(r.text)

            # 标题
            nodes = content.xpath(rule[0])
            h1 = ""
            for one in nodes:
                one = one.strip()
                if len(one) > 0:
                    h1 = h1 + one
            sheet.write(idx, 2, h1)

            # 副标题
            nodes = content.xpath(rule[1])
            h2 = ""
            for one in nodes:
                one = one.strip()
                if len(one) > 0:
                    h2 = h2 + one
            sheet.write(idx, 3, h2)

            # 款号
            nodes = content.xpath(rule[2])
            sku = ''
            for one in nodes:
                one = one.strip()
                if len(one) > 0:
                    for key in keywords:
                        one = one.replace(key, "")
                    sku = sku + one.strip()
            sheet.write(idx, 1, sku, style=style)

            # 颜色
            # colors=content.xpath("//div[@class='tb-sku']//ul[contains(@data-property,'颜色')]/li/@title")
            colors = content.xpath(rule[3])
            _color = ""
            if colors:
                _color = ",".join(colors)
            sheet.write(idx, 4, _color)

            # 尺码
            # sizes


            print("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (url, sku, h1, h2, _color))
            sts_code = int(r.status_code)
            if sts_code >= 300:

    # except RequestException as e:
    except Exception as e:
        # 当时爬取失败
Ejemplo n.º 30
filename = 'TestData2.xls'  #检测当前目录下是否有TestData2.xls文件,如果有则清除以前保存文件
if os.path.exists(filename):

print(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.localtime(time.time())))  #打印读取到当前系统时间

wbk = Workbook(encoding='utf-8')
sheet = wbk.add_sheet('new sheet 1',
                      cell_overwrite_ok=True)  #第二参数用于确认同一个cell单元是否可以重设值。
style = XFStyle()  #赋值style为XFStyle(),初始化样式

Line_data = ('测试表')  #创建一个Line_data列表,并将其值赋为测试表

for i in range(0x00, 0xff):  # 设置单元格背景颜色
    pattern = Pattern()  # 创建一个模式
    pattern.pattern = Pattern.SOLID_PATTERN  # 设置其模式为实型
    pattern.pattern_fore_colour = i
    # 设置单元格背景颜色 0 = Black, 1 = White, 2 = Red, 3 = Green, 4 = Blue, 5 = Yellow, 6 = Magenta,  the list goes on...
    style.pattern = pattern  # 将赋值好的模式参数导入Style
    sheet.write_merge(i, i, 0, 2, Line_data,
                      style)  #以合并单元格形式写入数据,即将数据写入以第1/2/3列合并德单元格内

for i in range(0x00, 0xff):  # 设置单元格内字体样式
    fnt = Font()  # 创建一个文本格式,包括字体、字号和颜色样式特性
    fnt.name = '微软雅黑'  # 设置其字体为微软雅黑, 'SimSun'    # 指定“宋体”
    fnt.colour_index = i  # 设置其字体颜色
    fnt.bold = True
    style.font = fnt  #将赋值好的模式参数导入Style
    sheet.write_merge(i, i, 3, 5, Line_data,
                      style)  #以合并单元格形式写入数据,即将数据写入以第4/5/6列合并德单元格内