Ejemplo n.º 1
ws0.password = "******"

ws1.protect = True
ws1.wnd_protect = True
ws1.obj_protect = True
ws1.scen_protect = True
ws1.password = "******"

ws2.protect = True
ws2.wnd_protect = True
ws2.obj_protect = True
ws2.scen_protect = True
ws2.password = "******"

wb.protect = True
wb.wnd_protect = True
wb.obj_protect = True
from xlwt import Workbook
from xlwt.BIFFRecords import PanesRecord
w = Workbook()

# do each of the 4 scenarios with each of the 4 possible
# active pane settings

for px,py in (
    (0,0),   # no split
    (0,10),  # horizontal split
    (10,0),  # vertical split
    (10,10), # both split