Ejemplo n.º 1
    def return_article(self, name):
        titles = return_multval(self.json_data['f'], '12')
        authors = return_multval(self.json_data['f'], '10')
        first_page = ''
        last_page = ''
        page = return_singleval(self.json_data['f'], '14')
        if type(page) == type({}):
            if 'f' in page:
                first_page =  page['f']
            if 'l' in page:
                last_page =  page['l']
        if first_page == '' or last_page == '':
            self.article_report.write('\n'+ ' ! ERROR: Missing first and last pages', True, True, False)
        data4id = name

        article = Article(data4id, first_page, last_page)
        article.titles = self.format_titles(titles)
        article.authors = self.format_author_names(authors)
        article.section = self.section
        article.json_data = self.json_data

        return article
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def validate_affiliations(self, errors, warnings):
        xml_affs    = return_multval(self.json_data['f'], '170')
        affiliations = return_multval(self.json_data['f'], '70')
        e, w = self.aff_handler.validate_affiliations(xml_affs, affiliations)

        return (errors + e, warnings + w)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def validate_href(self, img_files):

        missing_files = []
        missing_href = []
        href_list = []

        img_files = [ name[0:name.rfind('.')] for name in img_files ]

        if 'body' in self.json_data:
            href_list = list(set(return_multval(self.json_data['body'], 'file')))

        for href in href_list:
            if not href in img_files:

        if len(missing_files) > 0:
            self.article_report.write('\n'+ ' ! ERROR: Expected image files: '  +  '\n'+ '\n'.join(missing_files), False, True, False)
        for file in img_files:
            if not file in href_list:

        if len(missing_href) > 0:
            self.article_report.write('\n'+ ' ! ERROR: Expected graphic/@xlink:href: '  +  '\n' + '\n'.join(missing_href), False, True, False)
        return len(missing_files) + len(missing_href)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def normalize_citation_authors(self, citation):
        # if '30' then is a journal, delete 18
        if '30' in citation.keys():
            del citation['18']

        # roles
        roles = return_multval(citation, 'roles')
        roles = [ self.json_normalizer.normalize_role(r)  for r in roles ]
        if len(roles) > 0:
            del citation['roles']

        authors_monog = return_multval(citation, '16')
        if len(roles) > 0:
            for a in authors_monog:
                a['r'] = roles[len(roles)-1]
            if len(authors_monog) > 0:
                citation['16'] = authors_monog

        authors_analyt = return_multval(citation, '10')
        if len(roles) > 0:
            for a in authors_analyt:
                a['r'] = roles[0]
            if len(authors_analyt) > 0:
                citation['10'] = authors_analyt
        analytic_title = return_multval(citation, '12')
        if len(analytic_title) == 0:
            # monographic
            if len(authors_analyt) > 0:
                citation['16'] = citation['10']
                del citation['10']
            if '11' in citation.keys():
                citation['17'] = citation['11']
                del citation['11']

        return citation
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def normalize_affiliations(self):
        affiliations = return_multval(self.json_data['f'], '70')

        new_affiliations = [ self.aff_handler.complete_affiliation(aff)  for aff in affiliations ]
        new_affiliations = self.aff_handler.complete_affiliations(new_affiliations)
        id = ''
        if len(new_affiliations) > 0:
            self.json_data['f']['70'] = new_affiliations
            if 'i' in new_affiliations[0].keys():
                id = new_affiliations[0]['i']
        if id != '':
            authors = return_multval(self.json_data['f'], '10')
            new_authors = []
            for author in authors:
                if author != None:
                    if not '1' in author:
                        author['1'] = id
            if len(new_authors) > 1:
                self.json_data['f']['10'] = new_authors
            elif len(new_authors) > 0:
                self.json_data['f']['10'] = author
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def normalize_metadata_authors(self):
     authors = return_multval(self.json_data['f'], '10')
     changed = False
     new_authors = []
     for author in authors:
         if 'z' in author.keys():
             author['s'] += ' ' + author['z']
         if '1' in author.keys():
             if type(author['1']) == type([]):
                 author['1'] = ' '.join(author['1'])
                 changed = True
         if 'r' in author.keys():
             author['r'] = self.json_normalizer.normalize_role(author['r'])
     if changed:
         if len(new_authors) == 1:
             self.json_data['f']['10'] = new_authors[0]
             self.json_data['f']['10'] = new_authors
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def normalize_keywords(self):
        keyword_groups = return_multval(self.json_data['f'], '85')
        new = []
        for keyword_group in keyword_groups:
            lang = 'en'
            if type(keyword_group) == type({}):

                if 'l' in keyword_group.keys():
                    lang = keyword_group['l']

                for kw in keyword_group['k']:
                    new.append({'k': kw, 'l': lang})

            elif type(keyword_group) == type([]):
                for kw in keyword_group:
                    new.append({'k': kw, 'l': lang})

            elif type(keyword_group) == type(''):
                new.append({'k' : keyword_group, 'l': 'en'})
        if len(new) > 0:
            self.json_data['f']['85'] = new   
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def return_issue(self, journal):
        suppl = ''
        order = ''
        vol = ''
        num = ''
        date = ''
        if 'f' in self.json_data.keys():
            data = self.json_data['f']
            data = self.json_data
        suppl = return_singleval(data, '131')
        suppl = return_singleval(data, '132')
        vol = return_singleval(data, '31')
        num = return_singleval(data, '32')
        date = return_singleval(data, '65')
        order = return_singleval(data, '36')
        compl = return_singleval(data, '41')
        if 'suppl' in num.lower():
            if ' ' in num:
                if '(' in num:
                    suppl = num[num.find('(')+1:]
                    suppl = suppl[0:suppl.find(')')]
                    suppl = num[num.rfind(' ')+1:]
                num = num[0:num.find(' ')]

        issue = JournalIssue(journal, vol, num, date, suppl, compl, order) 

        i_record = {}
        keep_list = [30, 31, 32, 132, 35, 42, 65, 100, 480, ]
        for key, item in data.items():
            if int(key) in keep_list:
                i_record[key] = item

        i_record['706'] = 'i'
        i_record['700'] = '0'
        i_record['701'] = '1' 
        i_record['48'] = []
        i_record['48'].append({'l': 'en', 'h': 'Table of Contents'})
        i_record['48'].append({'l': 'pt', 'h': 'Sumário'})
        i_record['48'].append({'l': 'es', 'h': 'Sumario'})
        i_record['36'] = issue.order
        i_record['35'] = issue.journal.issn_id
        i_record['2'] = 'br1.1'        
        i_record['930'] = issue.journal.acron.upper()
        if issue.number != num:
            if '31' in i_record.keys():
                del i_record['31'] 
            i_record['32'] = issue.number

        toc = return_multval(data, '49')
        for item in toc:
            lang = 'en'
            title = ''
            if 't' in item:
                title = item['t']
            if 'l' in item:
                lang = item['l']
            if 'c' in item:
                code = item['c']

            section = Section(title, code, lang)
            issue.toc.insert(section, False)

        issue.json_data = i_record
        return  issue